Browse Publications by Periodical

DCL Gazette
Daily Record, The
Daily Telegraph, The
Dairy Engineering
Dawlish Gazette
De Gulden Passer
Delaware History
Derby Porcelain International Society Journal
Derbyshire Archaeological Journal [from 1961]
Derbyshire Miscellany. Local History Bulletin of the Derbyshire Archaeological Society
Desarrollo Economico
Developing Economies
Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries
Devon Buildings Group Research Papers
Devon Historian
Dickensian, The
Diplomacy & Statecraft
District Bank Review
Dix Septieme Siecle
Douro. Estudos & Documentos
Draper, The
Dublin Historical Record
Dunstable Borough Gazette
Durham Archaeological Journal
Durham County Local History Society Bulletin
Durham Research Review
Durham University Journal
Dyer, The