Browse Publications by Periodical

BIOS Journal [British Institute of Organ Studies]
BOC Technology Magazine
BSA Group News
Back Track
Banco Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin
Bank of England Quarterly Review
Banker, The
Bankers' Magazine
Bankers', Insurance Managers' & Agents' Magazine
Bankhistorisches Archiv
Bath History
Bedfordshire Magazine
Belfast News Letter
Bengal Past & Present
Berkshire Archaeological Journal
Berkshire Miscellany
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences of Southeast Asia]
Billiards & Snooker
Birmingham Daily Post, The
Birmingham Post & Mail, The
Birmingham Post, The
Bishop's Stortford Civic Society Newsletter
Blackpool Gazette & Herald
Blackwood's Magazine
Board of Trade Journal
Bodleian Library Record
Book Collector
Book Collectors' Quarterly
Book History
Book Trade History Newsletter
Book of Old Edinburgh Club
Bournemouth Evening Echo
Bournville Works Magazine
Bradford & Halifax Chamber of Commerce Journal
Bradford Antiquary. Journal of the Bradford Historical & Antiquarian Society
Bradford Libraries
Bradshaw's Journal. A miscellany of literature, science and art
Brass Bulletin
Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society Journal
Brewer, The
Brewers' Journal
Brewery History
Bristol & Avon Archaeology
Bristol Evening World
Bristol Industrial Archaeology Society Journal
Bristol Templar
British & Colonial Printer
British Accounting Review
British Architect
British Boot & Shoe Institution Journal
British Brick Society [BBS] Information
British Electrical Power Convention Proceedings
British Engineering & Transport
British Food Journal
British Foundryman
British Ink Maker
British Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies
British Journal for the History of Science
British Journal of Addiction
British Journal of Criminology
British Journal of Industrial Medicine
British Journal of Industrial Relations
British Journal of Management
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
British Journal of Political Science
British Journal of Sociology
British Journal of Sports History
British Machine Tool Engineering
British Medical Journal
British Mining Memoirs
British Numismatic Journal
British Paper
British Printer
British Quarterly Review
British Steelmaker
British Water Supply
Bromley Local History
Brussels Economic Review
Brycheiniog [Journal of Brecknock Society]
Builders' Merchant
Building Engineer, The
Building Societies Gazette
Bulletin [of Richard Costain Ltd]
Bulletin [of the Credit Insurance Association Ltd]
Bulletin de la Société des Etude du Département du Lot
Bulletin du Centre d'Historie des Espace Atlantique
Bulletin for the Study of Labour
Bulletin of Board of Celtic Studies
Bulletin of British Sundial Society
Bulletin of British Vintage Wireless Society
Bulletin of Business Historical Society
Bulletin of Cleveland & Teesside Local History Society
Bulletin of Computer Conservation Society
Bulletin of Durham County Local History Society
Bulletin of Economic Research
Bulletin of Historical Metallurgy Group
Bulletin of History of Medicine
Bulletin of Institute of Historical Research
Bulletin of International Railway Congress Association
Bulletin of John Rylands Library
Bulletin of National Library of Wales
Bulletin of North East Industrial Archaeology Society
Bulletin of Oxford University Institute of Economics & Statistics
Bulletin of Peak District Mines Historical Society
Bulletin of School of Oriental & African Studies
Bulletin of Scientific Instrument Society
Bulletin of Smithsonian Institute
Bulletin of Society for Labour History
Bulletin of Wealden Iron Research Group
Bulletin of the Historical Metallurgical Group
Burberrys Illustrated
Burlington Magazine
Burnley Express & Burnley News
Burnley Express & News Supplement
Bury Free Press
Bury Times
Bus Fayre
Business & Economic History
Business & Economic History Online
Business Archives
Business Archives & History
Business History
Business History Review
Business History Society Bulletin
Bygone Kent