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Animal inc poultry farming
Fishing & fish farming
Hop growing & processing
Horticulture, nursery & market gardening
Marine algae harvesting & processing, inc kelp
Plantation management, palm oil
Plantation management, cocoa
Plantation management, coffee
Plantation management, groundnuts
Plantation management, raw cotton
Plantation management, rubber
Plantation management, sisal
Plantation management, sugar
Plantation management, tea
Seed growing & breeding
Timber production & forestry management
Tobacco growing
Whaling & whale products
Woad growing & processing
Business & industry, exc national & general studies for England or UK
Business & industry, national & general studies for England or UK
Aluminium production
Basic metals production, general
Copper & brass smelting
Iron, steel & related alloys production
Lead smelting
Nickel smelting
Non ferrous metals smelting industry, general
Silver, gold & other precious metals smelting
Tin smelting
Tinplate production
Wire drawing
Zinc smelting
Beverage production, general
Cider production
Distilling & blending
Ice production & trading
Malting & malt products manufacture
Port, sherry & other alcoholic drinks production
Soft drinks production inc mineral water
Tea & coffee processing
Biotechnology activities
Building cleaning & maintenance services
Business general outsourced services
Business information services
Business promotion services
Business sales promotion services
Commercial sex services
Contract catering
Dating agency services
Education materials supply services
Employment agency services
Engineering services, eg welding, machining, etc
Exhibition organisation services
Extermination services
Film & theatre industry services
Floral decoration services
Footwear repair & cleaning services
Funeral & other undertaking services
Hairdressing, skincare, etc, services
Laundry, dry cleaning, etc, services
Mechanical & electrical equipment repairs exc transport
Military advising & assistance services
Office supply services
Personal care services
Photographic services
Plant & vehicle hire & associated contracting services
Security services
Taxidermy services
Television & radio rental services
Agro & veterinary chemicals production
Alum production
Basic chemicals production
Candle production
Chemicals production, general
Cleaning preparations production
Copperas production
Dyes & pigments production
Essential oils, flavourings, food additives, etc, production
Explosives & fuses production
Fertiliser production inc guano
Ink production inc carbon paper, ribbons, etc
Man made & artificial fibre production
Match production
Paint, varnish, mastic, glue, resin, white lead, etc, production
Perfumes, cosmetics & toilet goods production
Pharmaceutical production & research
Photographic chemicals & film production
Plastic production
Potash production
Pyrotechnics production inc flares, fireworks, rockets, etc
Soap & detergent production
Speciality chemicals production inc for petrol, electroplating, etc
Timber preservatives production
industrial & medical gases production
Building completion services inc fitting out, shopfitting, plastering, decorating, etc
Building maintenance services
Building services installation inc electricity, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, etc
Building site preparation
Cable laying inc at sea
General construction & civil engineering
Inland navigations construction & civil engineering
Other construction & civil engineering exc railways, roads & inland navigations
Railways construction & civil engineering
Roads construction & civil engineering
Steeplejack activities
Commodity market trading
Local wholesale & retail markets, fairs, etc, trading
Academic & other regalia retailing
Animal retailing inc pets
Art, antiques, antiquarian books, etc, auctioneering, dealing & retailing
Artists' materials retailing
Bazaar retailing
Bicycle & motorcycle retailing & repairing
Book, map & other publications retailing
Building products, do-it-yourself, etc, retailing
Business machine retailing
Clock & watch retailing
Co-operative society retailing
Department store retailing
Domestic ceramic & glass products retailing
Electrical & non electrical appliances, similar consumer products, etc, retailing
Eyewear retailing
Florist retailing
Food retailing
Fuel retailing inc coal, wood, petrol, oil products, etc
Furniture, carpets, household furnishings, etc, retailing
Gardening products, etc, retailing
General retailing
Ironmongery, tools, holloware, hardware, etc, retailing
Jewellery, silverware & similar luxury goods retailing
Mail order & catalogue retailing
Mobile & itinerant retailing inc pedlars, chapmen, hawkers, etc
Motor vehicle & accessories retailing & repairing
Musical instruments, music, etc, retailing
Pharmaceutical, cosmetic & toilet goods & medical equipment retailing
Photographic equipment retailing
Scientific instrument retailing
Second hand goods retailing
Sex products retailing
Ship chandlery services
Shopping arcade, etc, retailing
Sound & video recordings retailing & distribution
Sports goods retailing
Stationery retailing
Tea & coffee retailing
Tobacco products retailing
Toys & games retailing
Vending machine retailing
Wearing apparel, footwear, haberdashery, mercery, etc, retailing
Wine, spirit, beer, etc, retailing
Agricultural goods distribution inc agricultural merchants & seedsmen
Agricultural machinery distribution inc repairs
Animal feed distribution
Bicycle & components distribution
Book, map & other publications distribution
Building products distribution inc builders' merchants
Carpets, home furnishings, wallpaper, etc, distribution
Chemicals distribution inc drysalting
Clock, watch & chronometer distribution
Co-operative society wholesaling & related production
Commercial travellers & salesmen
Dairy products distribution
Distribution, general
Domestic ceramic & glass products distribution
Eggs distribution
Electrical & electronic equipment & components distribution
Fish & whale inc products distribution
Food distribution, general
Fruit & vegetables distribution
Fuel distribution inc coal, wood, petrol, oil products, etc, products
Furniture distribution
General merchandise export & import
Grain, flour, malt, etc, distribution inc corn merchants
Hop distribution
Horse distribution & auctioneering
Ironmongery, tools, holloware, hardware, stoves, grates, etc, distribution
Ivory, horn, etc, distribution
Jewellery, silverware & similar luxury goods distribution
Leather, fur & other skins distribution
Livestock distribution inc droving & auctioneering
Meat distribution
Mechanical equipment & components distribution
Metal ores, iron, distribution
Metal ores, non ferrous, distribution
Metal, iron & steel, distribution inc metal stockholders
Metal, non ferrous, distribution
Motor vehicle & components distribution
Musical instruments distribution
Optical equipment distribution
Other food distribution
Paper & stationery distribution
Pharmaceutical, medical equipment, cosmetic & toilet goods distribution
Photograpic equipment distribution
Precious stones distribution inc diamonds
Printing & typefounding equipment distribution
Raw textiles distribution
Recycled goods & waste distribution
Rubber distribution
Salt distribution
Second hand goods distribution
Sugar & molasses distribution
Tea & coffee distribution
Textile yarn, cloth, lace, etc, distribution
Timber & timber products distribution inc timber merchants
Tobacco products distribution
Toys & games distribution
Wearing apparel, footwear, haberdashery, mercery, etc, distribution
Wine, spirit, beer, etc, distribution
Yeast distribution
Accumulator production
Electrical & electronic engineering, general
Electrical & non electrical appliances inc sewing machines, etc, production
Electrical & non electrical lighting & heating equipment production
Electrical generators, motors, transformers, etc, production
Electrical wire & cable production
Electricity control, distribution, etc, equipment production
Electronic equipment & components production
Radar equipment production
Sound & video recording & reproduction equipment production
Telephone & telegraph equipment production
Television & radio transmitting & receiving equipment production
Arsenic extraction
Asbestos extraction
Asphalt extraction
Baryte & calcite extraction
Basalt extraction
Bauxite extraction
Borax extraction
Chalk, limestone & sandstone extraction
Chemical inc fertiliser minerals extraction
Chrome extraction
Clay extraction
Coal extraction
Copper extraction
General extraction
General stone extraction
Gold extraction
Granite extraction
Gypsum extraction
Iron ore extraction
Jet extraction
Lead extraction
Magnesia extraction
Manganese extraction
Marble extraction
Nickel extraction
Nitrate Extraction
Ochre extraction
Oil & gas extraction
Oil & gas extraction services
Ore dressing
Peat & lignite extraction
Precious stones extraction inc diamonds
Pyrites extraction
Radium & uranium extraction
Salt extraction
Sand & gravel extraction inc dredging
Silver extraction
Slate extraction
Sulphur extraction
Tin extraction
Wolfram extraction
Zinc extraction
Anchor production
Architectural metal products manufacture inc windows, gates, rainwater goods, etc
Armour plate production industry
Bearings production
Bell founding
Blacksmith production
Body armour production
Boiler & steam generator production
Cannon, gun & shot founding inc cannon balls
Chain production
Chemical making, oil refining, etc, plant production
Coin engraving & minting
Copper & brass products manufacture inc plumbing fittings
Cutlery, razors, scissors, etc, production
Fastener production
Gas making plant production exc gasholders
General fabricated metal product manufacture
Grates, stoves, fenders, fireplaces, etc, production
Hand gun & cartridge, etc, production
Hand inc edge tool production
Hardware & hollowware production
Heating, cooling, refrigerating & ventilating equipment inc central heating boiler & radiator production
Ironmongery production
Japanned ware production
Lead products manufacture
Magnet production
Medals, badges, tallies, tokens, etc, engraving & production
Metal casting
Metal forging, pressing, stamping, rolling, slitting, etc
Metal furniture production
Metal packaging inc cans production
Metal pipe & tube making
Metal tanks, transport containers, reservoirs, baths, sanitary goods, etc, production
Metal treatment, coating, galvanising, etc
Nail making
Needle, pin & fish hook production
Offshore structures production
Ovens, furnaces, etc, production
Safe, lock & key production
Ship ballast production
Ship metal sheath production
Sign making
Spring production
Structural metal products manufacture inc prefabricated buildings, bridges, gasholders, etc
Sword, pikes, etc, making
Tinplate domestic products manufacture
Transmission machinery production inc millwright work
Water supply & treatment equipment production
Wire products inc rope manufacture
Zinc products manufacture
Building & freehold land society services
Business promotion, projection, etc, activities
Central banking services
Commercial banking services, general
Commercial joint stock & clearing banking services
Commercial private banking services
Credit union services
Credit, hire purchase, leasing, etc, services
Discount banking services
Financial analysis services
Friendly & other mutual society services exc savings banks, building societies & credit unions
Gold broking services
Goldsmith banking services
Insurance broking & agency services
Insurance services exc insurance broking & agency
International banking services
Investment companies
Investment management services inc investment trusts, unit trust, pension funds, etc
Land finance & investment
Lottery, public & private, tontine, etc, management
Merchant & investment banking services
Money market services exc discount banking
Navy & army agent services
Pawnbroking services
Private equity / venture capital financing
Private loan financing inc individuals & businesses
Safe deposit services
Savings banking services
Stock exchange & other securities trading services
Stockbroking & jobbing services
Animal feed production
Baking inc baking of cakes
Biscuit & snacks production
Breakfast cereals production
Chocolate & confectionery production
Condiments, sauces & soups production
Convenience & other prepared foods production
Dairy products production
Edible oils & fats production inc margarine
Fish processing
Food canning & bottling
Food processing, general
Frozen food processing
Fruit & vegetables processing & preserving
Grain milling inc flour, starch & glucose products
Infant food production
Meat processing
Seed crushing
Spice processing
Sugar refining & sugar products manufacture
Tobacco products manufacture
Vinegar production
Yeast production
Government & other agency support & promotion services for business
Government business related research & development activities
Government procurement services
Government regulation services
Catering services inc restaurants, public houses, alehouses, etc
Holiday camp, etc, services
Hotel, lodgings, etc, services
Business machine production
Computer hardware equipment production
Computer software writing & publishing & other computer services inc data processing
Leather & other skins processing
Leather industrial products eg belting, hose, bellows, etc, manufacture
Luggage, bags, accessories, etc, production
Saddlery, harness, etc, production
Academic & other regalia production
Art & studio ceramic production
Artists' materials production
Camping equipment production
Clock, watch & chronometer making
Devotional articles production
Domestic ceramic products manufacture
Gold & silver thread, wire, leaf, foil, etc, production
Goldsmithing & silversmithing
Ivory, horn, etc, working
Jewellery, toys & other decorative objects production
Luxury goods production general
Metal sculpture & statuary production
Musical instruments production inc keyboard
Pearl shell working
Picture frame production
Silverplated & electroplated products manufacture
Sports equipment production
Tapestry production
Toys, games, hobby, decoration, etc, products manufacture
Vestments production
Wooden furniture production inc upholstery, mattress, mirror, etc
Writing equipment production inc pencils
Agricultural, forestry & garden machinery, implements, etc, production
Armaments & ammunition production exc warships, aircraft, cannon, hand guns and cartridges, swords, etc
Bottling equipment production
Braiding, ropemaking, etc, machinery production
Brewing, malting & distilling plant production
Brick & tile making machinery
Clayworking machinery production
Coin minting machinery production
Compressor & pneumatic tools production
Construction equipment production inc steam rollers
Engine & turbine production exc transport
Extraction machinery & other equipment production
Fairground, etc, equipment production
Filtration equipment production
Fluids dispensing equipment production inc drinks and petrol
Food processing machinery production
Footwear making machinery production
Grain milling machinery production
Laundry machinery production
Leather processing machinery production
Lift, escalator, etc, manufacture & installation
Lifting & handling equipment production
Machine tool production
Marking & counting equipment production
Mechanical engineering, general
Mechanical models production
Metal processing machinery production
Oil extraction inc seed crushing machinery production
Paper production & paper packaging machinery production
Printing machinery production
Pump & hydraulic machinery production
Quarrying & stone cutting machinery production
Rubber & plastic making machinery production inc moulds
Sanitary equipment production
Shot blasting, etc, equipment production
Sugar processing machinery production
Testing equipment production
Textile & wearing apparel making machinery production
Ticketing machinery & related equipment production
Tobacco processing machinery production
Valve & tap production inc boiler mountings
Vending machine production
Weighing machine production
Welding equipment production
Woodworking machinery production
Agricultural society services
Business interest association services
Chamber of commerce services
Livery company & trade guild services
Other membership organisation services
Professional institution services
Clay trading & trade
Cocoa trading & trade
Cotton textiles trading & trade
Domestic ceramic & glass products trading & trade
Feather trading & trade
Fish trading & trade
Fruit & vegetables trading & trade
Fuel trading & trade inc coal
Furniture trading & trade
General trading & trade
General trading co & agency house activities
Gold trading & trade
Government contracting re naval & military supplies
Grain trading & trade
Indigo trading & trade
International trading inc chartered companies activities
Ivory, horn, etc, trading & trade
Jute trading & trade
Lace trading & trade
Leather, fur & other skins trading & trade
Linen cloth trading & trade
Luxury goods trading & trade
Metal trading & trade
Nitrate trading & trade
Opium, etc, trading & trade
Palm oil trading & trade
Potash trading & trade
Precious stones trading & trade, inc diamonds
Raw cotton trading & trade
Raw flax & hemp trading & trade
Raw wool trading & trade
Salt trading & trade
Silk, velvet & other luxury fabrics trading & trade inc mercery & tapestry
Smuggling / illicit trading
Spice trading & trade
Sugar trading & trade
Tea & coffee trading & trade
Timber trading & trade
Tobacco trading & trade
Wine trading & trade, inc port & sherry
Woollen textiles trading & trade
Abrasive products manufacture
Asbestos products manufacture
Brick & roof & floor tile production inc associated clay products
Building materials production industry, general
Cement, concrete, plaster & lime manufacture
Cement, concrete, plaster, alabaster & artificial stone products manufacture
Chert & bone grinding
Glass products manufacture
Industrial ceramic products manufacturing inc architectural, decorative, sanitary products
Sheet inc window glass manufacture
Stained, enamelled & painted glass products manufacture
Stone cutting, shaping & engraving
Tobacco pipe production
Whetstone & honestone shaping
Charcoal burning
Coal & coke products manufacture
Nuclear fuel processing
Oil products refining
Shale processing & mining
Cleaning equipment production exc brushes
Diving equipment production
Fire fighting & safety equipment production
Healthcare products manufacture inc dressings, hygiene products, sutures, etc
Office, shop & educational supplies production
Industrial paper products manufacture
Paper containers & other packaging production
Paper production inc wood pulp
Papier mâché products manufacture
Wallpaper & wallhangings production
Industrial control equipment production
Measuring inc navigational equipment production
Medical equipment production inc orthopaedic, surgical, testing, etc, products
Optical equipment inc eyewear production
Photographic, cinematographic, etc, equipment production
Sundial making
Accountancy services
Actuarial services
Advertising & public relations services
Architecture, interior design, & landscape & garden design services
Chemical science consultancy services
Company registration services
Engineering consultancy services - civil
Engineering consultancy services - electrical
Engineering consultancy services - mechanical
Engineering consultancy services - mining
Engineering consultancy services - processing inc gas
Fashion design services inc couture
Geological services
Graphic design services inc corporate identity
Industrial & domestic goods design services exc fashion
Intellectual property agency services inc patents, trademarks & designs
Intellectual property licensing
Legal advice services
Literary agent services
Loss adjusting services
Management consultancy services
Market research services
Medical & related care services
Naval architecture services
Professional general outsourced services
Quantity surveying services
Research & development services
Sea bed surveying
Taxation advice services
Technical services inc testing & analysis
Training & other education services
Veterinary services
Cemetery development & management
Commercial property development & management exc industrial estates
Garden city development
Housing association activities
Industrial estate development & management
Landed estate management
Landed estate management services inc land stewardship, land surveying, etc
Property development & management, general
Property management services inc building & land surveying, estate agency & auctioneering
Residential property development & management
Book trade activities
Map & chart engraving, printing & publishing
Music engraving, printing & publishing
News agency services
Newspaper & periodical publishing
Other printing
Other publishing
Postcards & greeting cards printing & publishing
Print engraving, making & publishing
Security printing
Sound & video production & publishing
Stationery production
Circus, menagerie, zoo, etc, management
Dance recreation services
Dancehall, ice rink, etc, management
Fairs, amusement parks, pleasure gardens, etc, management
Film production, distribution & exhibition
Flying club, joy riding, etc, management
Gambling, bookmaking, etc
General recreation activities inc general tourism
Health, gym, etc, club management
Holiday resort, inc seaside, services
Horse & dog racing management
Library management services
Motor racing & rallying management
Museum & gallery management
Pier management
Pleasure boat management
Religious event management
Spa, hydropathy, etc, management
Sports management
Television & radio broadcasting
Theatre, concert hall, music hall, music festival, etc, management
Travel agency, excursions, package holidays, etc, services
Demolition & associated salvage
Metal recycling
Paper, textiles & other materials recycling exc metal
Recycling & waste management, general
Refuse collection & disposal
Salvaging of ships, cargoes, etc
Waste collection & disposal exc refuse, metal, etc
Plastic products manufacture
Rubber products inc tyre manufacture
Slave trading & trade
Mail & courier services inc packet services
Telecommunication services
Blankets, towels, household furnishings, etc, production
Book cloth production
Canvas, etc, production inc ship sails, tents, sacks, etc
Carpet, rugs, etc, production
Cotton textiles production inc spinning & weaving
Elastic fabric production
Embroidered products manufacture inc badges, labels, etc
Felt production
Horse hair materials production
Industrial textiles production inc insulation, lagging & tyre cord
Jute textiles production inc spinning & weaving
Lace production
Linen/flax textiles production inc spinning & weaving
Linoleum & floorcloth production
Narrow fabrics, trimmings, etc, production inc ribbons, laces, braids, tapes, labels, etc
Plush production
Rope, twine & net production
Silk textiles production inc throwing & weaving
Textile finishing
Textile production, general
Thread production, esp for sewing
Woollen & worsted textiles production inc spinning & weaving
Aeroengines & components production
Aerostat production inc balloons & airships
Airframe production & repair
Bicycle & components production
Electric road vehicle production & repair exc trams & trolley buses
Horse drawn & hand pulled vehicle & components production
Hovercraft & other ground effect vehicle production
Marine engines & other marine equipment production
Motor vehicle bodies production inc trailers, caravans, etc
Motor vehicle engines & components production
Motor vehicle production
Motorcycle & components production
Racing & rallying car production
Railway locomotive, rolling stock & components production & repair
Railway signalling & other equipment production exc locomotives & track
Railway track, fittings, etc, production
Road tram, trolley bus & components production & repair, exc horse trams
Ropeway engineering
Shipbuilding & repairing exc small craft
Small craft building & repairing exc ships
Steam road vehicle production & repair
Air transport services
Airport services
Ferry services, rivers & harbours
Freight forwarding, broking, packing, etc, services
Furniture removal & storage services
General transport services
Inland navigations carrier services
Inland navigations services
Maritime industries, general
Port & harbour services
Private inc industrial railways
Railway carrier services
Railway transport services exc private & industrial railways
Road haulage, carrier & carting services
Road management services inc turnpikes & road bridges & tunnels
Road passenger transport services inc bus, street tram, coach & horse drawn
Ship & aircraft broking, chartering, etc, services
Ship towage, lighterage, stevedoring, etc, services
Shipping agency, etc, services
Shipping services - long distance, inc ship ownership & management
Shipping services - short distance, inc ownership & management
Taxi, cab, sedan chair, etc, services
Warehousing & storage services
Electricity generation & supply
Gas production & supply
General utility services
Hydraulic power services
Land drainage & flood defence
Water supply & wastewater services
Accessories inc umbrella, walking stick, etc, production
Bespoke tailoring & dressmaking
Button & other clothing fasteners & accessories production
Dressmaking pattern production
Footwear & footwear components production
Fur products manufacture
General wearing apparel production
Glove making
Hat making
Hosiery & knitwear production
Leather wearing apparel production exc gloves, etc
Outerwear & underwear production
Basket making
Brush making
Carpentry products inc hand turning, planing, preserving, sawing, etc
Ecclesiastical furnishings production
General wood, straw, etc, products manufacture
Other wood products manufacture
Straw plaiting exc hats
Wood carvings production
Wood sawing inc sawyers
Wood, wax, etc, models production
Wooden containers production inc coffins & cooperage
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Local Authority
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Please Select
Argyll & Bute
Bath & North East Somerset
Blackburn with Darwen
Blaenau Gwent
Bracknell Forest
Brighton & Hove
Central Bedfordshire
Cheshire East
Cheshire West & Chester
City of Aberdeen
City of Bradford
City of Bristol
City of Derby
City of Dundee
City of Edinburgh
City of Glasgow
City of Kingston upon Hull
City of Leicester
City of Nottingham
City of Peterborough
City of Plymouth
City of Portsmouth
City of Southampton
City of Stoke on Trent
City of York
Dumfries & Galloway
Dungannon & South Tyrone
East Ayrshire
East Dunbartonshire
East Lothian
East Renfrewshire
East Riding of Yorkshire
East Sussex
Greater London
Isle of Anglesey
Isle of Wight
Merthyr Tydfil
Milton Keynes
Neath Port Talbot
Newcastle upon Tyne
Newry & Mourne
North Ayrshire
North Down
North East Lincolnshire
North Lanarkshire
North Lincolnshire
North Northamptonshire
North Somerset
North Tyneside
North Yorkshire
Not available
Orkney Islands
Perth & Kinross
Redcar & Cleveland
Rhondda Cynon Taff
Scottish Borders
Shetland Islands
South Ayrshire
South Gloucestershire
South Lanarkshire
South Tyneside
Southend on Sea
St Helens
Stockton on Tees
Telford & Wrekin
Vale of Glamorgan
West Berkshire
West Dunbartonshire
West Lothian
West Sussex
Western Isles
Windsor & Maidenhead
County [1972]
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Business Group
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Please Select
Business & industry studies for whole UK or England
Business profiles & biographies
Document transcriptions, etc
Economic history texts
Employment literature
Genealogical tables
Geographical gazetteers
Product literature
Published Creditors Papers
Published texts collections
Source guides - businesses & industries
Source guides - geographical areas
Source guides - topics
Source guides - types
Travellers' accounts of business & industry
Wadsworth Prize Winner Publications
Source guides - businesses & industries
Source guides - types
Publication Title
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Accounting: external issues inc audit, disclosure, etc
Accounting: internal issues inc costing, pricing, etc
Acquisition, takeover, merger, etc, activity exc competition issues
Advertising media
Big business
Brand history & illustration
Buildings: building types
Buildings: commercial & transport
Buildings: industrial
Buildings: structural & design issues
Business & industrial history general studies
Business & politics inc lobbying
Business & related networks, exc mercantile networks
Business administration inc procedures, processes, premises, etc
Business biography exc collected biographies
Business interest representation & co-operation
Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: collapse of businesses
Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of businesses
Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of industries
Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: legal aspects inc bankruptcy, indebtedness, etc
Buy outs
Capital and money markets, etc
Co-operation & co-operative movement
Community enterprise
Comparative international studies
Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation
Competitive advantage
Consumption, consumerism & associated ethics
Corporate culture issues
Corporate governance
Crime & misdemeanour inc fraud, theft & sharp practice
Cultural assets collection & patronage
Cultural representations of business
Demography [lifecycle] of firms inc 'birth & death'
Design issues
Diplomatic issues inc imperialism
Diversification strategies
Education - general issues
Education - management skills
Education - occupational skills & training
Entrepreneurs & business elites
Entrepreneurship inc cultural influences, opportunity, etc
Environmental issues
Faith & ethnicity
Family & personal capitalism
Finance of production & trade
Free standing cos
General trading cos
Geopolitical event, natural disaster, etc, impact on business inc end of empire, war, disease, catastrophe, etc, exc industrial conflict
Globalisation issues
Government & business & industry policy
Government & business general studies
Government intervention exc legislation & regulation
Government procurement
Health & safety at work inc legislation & regulation
Historiography & methodology
Holding company structures
Industrial exhibitions
Industrial films
Industrial rationalisation
Information: creation, collection & processing
Information: distribution & use
Innovation, diffusion & invention, inc technology & products
Intellectual property inc patents, trade marks, designs & copyright inc management
Internal trade
International investment
International trade
Investors & investor behaviour
Joint stock company & limited liability structures
Joint ventures & other co-operative modes
Knowledge inc transmission/networks
Labour & labour market
Legal issues
Legislation & regulation exc h&s & competition policy
Licensing, etc
Management practices
Management structures
Management techniques
Managerial capitalism
Marketing inc brand & product development, distribution, etc
Micro-scale businesses
Multinational cos exc free standing & general trading cos
Oral history
Partnership structures
Path dependency
Performance of businesses
Power & fuel history
Production by disabled people
Production of goods & services - methods & organisation
Professions, professionalism & professionalisation
Public ownership & control inc nationalisation, municipalisation & privatisation
Regional & locational issues
Research & development inc operational research
Risk taking, risk management & other issues [currently subject to editing]
Securities investment practice & process
Service industries issues
Size & ranking of business
Small businesses
Social responsibility, social control & philanthropy
Taxation agencies
Taxation inc customs, excise, stamp duties, etc: imposition & impact
Trade protection inc non tariff
Transfer of technology, processes, management techniques, etc
Trust & reputation issues [currently subject to editing]
Vertical integration [currently subject to editing]
Wealth of business leaders
Women in business
Worker / employee & industrial relations inc conflict, negotiation, demarcation, perogative, etc
Worker / employee & work, women alone
Worker / employee housing & communities
Worker / employee management inc control
Worker / employee memorials
Worker / employee ownership, co-partnership, profit sharing, etc
Worker / employee wages & remuneration
Worker / employee welfare inc working conditions, compensation, etc
Workers / employee & work, women & men
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Publication Type
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Year Published
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Country of topic / publication
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Publication Group
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Please Select
Business & industry studies for whole UK or England
Business profiles & biographies
Document transcriptions, etc
Economic history texts
Employment literature
Genealogical tables
Geographical gazetteers
Product literature
Published Creditors Papers
Published texts collections
Source guides - businesses & industries
Source guides - geographical areas
Source guides - topics
Source guides - types
Travellers' accounts of business & industry
Wadsworth Prize Winner Publications
Source guides - businesses & industries
Source guides - types
Source Guide
Source Guide Name
Business & Industry Name
Business & Industry Name