Browse Publications by Periodical

Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association
AEC Gazette
Abacus. A journal of accounting, finance and business studies
Aberdeen University Review
Accountants' Magazine
Accounting & Business Research
Accounting Forum
Accounting Historians' Journal
Accounting History
Accounting History Review
Accounting Research
Accounting Review
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Accounting, Business & Financial History
Accounting, Organizations & Society
Accrington Observer
Acta Asiatica
Actes du GERPISA
Advancement of Science
Advances in Applied Microbiology
Advertising Review
Advertising World
African Affairs
African Economic History
Age of Sail
Agricultural History
Agricultural History Review
Ainsworth's Magazine
Air International
Aircraft Illustrated
Alkali News
Allen's Activities [House Magazine of John Allen & Sons (Oxford) Ltd]
Alton Papers
Amateur Gardening
Amateur Historian
Ambix. Journal of Society for History of Alchemy & Chemistry
American Dyestuff Reporter
American Economic Review
American Historical Review
American Neptune
American Slavic & East European Review
Americas, The
Analyse de Systemes
Anglia Maltings Group Review
Anglo American Law Review
Anglo Japanese Economic Journal
Annales de l'Est
Annales du Midi
Annali di Storia Dell'Impresa
Annals of Actuarial Service
Annals of American Academy of Political & Social Sciences
Annals of Collective Economy
Annals of Occupational Hygiene
Annals of Science
Annals of Tourism Research
Annual Bulletin of Société Jersiaise
Annual Journal of the Whitehaven Scientific Association
Annual Report of American Historical Association
Antiquarian Horology
Antiquaries Journal
Antiquary, The
Antique Collector
Antique Dealer & Collector
Antiquities of Sunderland
Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos
Applied Economics
Archaeologia Aeliana
Archaeologia Cambrensis
Archaeologia Cantiana
Archaeological Journal
Archaeology in Wales
Architect's Journal
Architectural Association Journal
Architectural Design
Architectural Heritage
Architectural History
Architectural Research & Teaching
Architectural Review
Archivaria. The Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists
Archive. Quarterly Journal of British Industrial & Transport History
Archives of Medical Hydrology
Archives of Natural History
Archives. Journal of the British Records Association
Arena, The
Arms & Armour
Arms Collecting
Ars Ceramica
Art & Industry
Art History
Art Journal
Arts & Science
Arup Journal
Asia Pacific Economic History Review
Aspects of Motoring History
Associated Architectural Societies' Reports & Papers
Assurance Magazine
Atlantic Studies
Australasian Victorian Studies Annual
Australian Economic History Review
Australian Economic Papers
Australian Journal of Politics & History
Author, The
Automobile Engineer
Automobile, The
Automotive History Review
Autoworld. The Renault Magazine
Aylsham Local History Society Journal
Ayrshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Collections
BIOS Journal [British Institute of Organ Studies]
BOC Technology Magazine
BSA Group News
Back Track
Banco Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin
Bank of England Quarterly Review
Banker, The
Bankers' Magazine
Bankers', Insurance Managers' & Agents' Magazine
Bankhistorisches Archiv
Bath History
Bedfordshire Magazine
Belfast News Letter
Bengal Past & Present
Berkshire Archaeological Journal
Berkshire Miscellany
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences of Southeast Asia]
Billiards & Snooker
Birmingham Daily Post, The
Birmingham Post & Mail, The
Birmingham Post, The
Bishop's Stortford Civic Society Newsletter
Blackpool Gazette & Herald
Blackwood's Magazine
Board of Trade Journal
Bodleian Library Record
Book Collector
Book Collectors' Quarterly
Book History
Book Trade History Newsletter
Book of Old Edinburgh Club
Bournemouth Evening Echo
Bournville Works Magazine
Bradford & Halifax Chamber of Commerce Journal
Bradford Antiquary. Journal of the Bradford Historical & Antiquarian Society
Bradford Libraries
Bradshaw's Journal. A miscellany of literature, science and art
Brass Bulletin
Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society Journal
Brewer, The
Brewers' Journal
Brewery History
Bristol & Avon Archaeology
Bristol Evening World
Bristol Industrial Archaeology Society Journal
Bristol Templar
British & Colonial Printer
British Accounting Review
British Architect
British Boot & Shoe Institution Journal
British Brick Society [BBS] Information
British Electrical Power Convention Proceedings
British Engineering & Transport
British Food Journal
British Foundryman
British Ink Maker
British Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies
British Journal for the History of Science
British Journal of Addiction
British Journal of Criminology
British Journal of Industrial Medicine
British Journal of Industrial Relations
British Journal of Management
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
British Journal of Political Science
British Journal of Sociology
British Journal of Sports History
British Machine Tool Engineering
British Medical Journal
British Mining Memoirs
British Numismatic Journal
British Paper
British Printer
British Quarterly Review
British Steelmaker
British Water Supply
Bromley Local History
Brussels Economic Review
Brycheiniog [Journal of Brecknock Society]
Builders' Merchant
Building Engineer, The
Building Societies Gazette
Bulletin [of Richard Costain Ltd]
Bulletin [of the Credit Insurance Association Ltd]
Bulletin de la Société des Etude du Département du Lot
Bulletin du Centre d'Historie des Espace Atlantique
Bulletin for the Study of Labour
Bulletin of Board of Celtic Studies
Bulletin of British Sundial Society
Bulletin of British Vintage Wireless Society
Bulletin of Business Historical Society
Bulletin of Cleveland & Teesside Local History Society
Bulletin of Computer Conservation Society
Bulletin of Durham County Local History Society
Bulletin of Economic Research
Bulletin of Historical Metallurgy Group
Bulletin of History of Medicine
Bulletin of Institute of Historical Research
Bulletin of International Railway Congress Association
Bulletin of John Rylands Library
Bulletin of National Library of Wales
Bulletin of North East Industrial Archaeology Society
Bulletin of Oxford University Institute of Economics & Statistics
Bulletin of Peak District Mines Historical Society
Bulletin of School of Oriental & African Studies
Bulletin of Scientific Instrument Society
Bulletin of Smithsonian Institute
Bulletin of Society for Labour History
Bulletin of Wealden Iron Research Group
Bulletin of the Historical Metallurgical Group
Burberrys Illustrated
Burlington Magazine
Burnley Express & Burnley News
Burnley Express & News Supplement
Bury Free Press
Bury Times
Bus Fayre
Business & Economic History
Business & Economic History Online
Business Archives
Business Archives & History
Business History
Business History Review
Business History Society Bulletin
Bygone Kent
C&L Journal
CAC Quarterly
CIBA Review
CWM [Rowntree Cocoa Works Magazine]
CWS Annual
Cabinet Maker & Complete Furnisher
Cabinet Maker & Retail Furnisher
Caithness Field Club Bulletin
Cake & Cockhorse
Camberley News
Camborne School of Mines Journal
Cambridge Association for Local History Review
Cambridge Consultants' House Journal
Cambridge Evening News
Cambridge Historical Journal
Cambridge Journal of Economics
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy & Society
Cambridge Law Journal
Cambridge News
Cambridgeshire Local History Council Bulletin
Camden History Review
Camden Miscellany
Canadian Historical Review
Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting
Canadian Journal of Economics
Canadian Journal of History
Canadian Slavic Studies
Carmarthan Antiquary
Carmarthenshire Historian
Carrow Works Magazine
Cave Science
Caxton Magazine
Caxtonian [House Journal of Mardon Son & Hall Ltd]
Celtic Magazine
Cement, Lime & Gravel
Ceredigion. Journal of Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society
Chambers Edinburgh Journal
Charge Utile Magazine
Chartered Mechanical Engineer
Chartered Surveyor, The
Chelsea Society Report
Chemical Age
Chemical Engineer, The
Chemist & Druggist
Chemistry & Industry
Cheshire History
Chester History
Chiesmans Golden Jubilee Bulletin
China Quarterly
Chiot Chronicles
Chiswick Times
Chronicle of the Early American Industries Association
Church Times
Chymia. Annual studies in the history of chemistry
City Press
City of Stoke on Trent Museum Archaeological Society Report
Classic & Sportscar
Classic & Vintage Commercials
Classic Bus
Classic Bus Focus
Classic Truck Focus
Clay Pipe Research
Cleveland & Teesside Local History Bulletin
Cleveland History
Cleveland Industrial Archaeologist
Clogher Record. Journal of Clogher Historical Society
Clwyd Historian
Co-Partners' Magazine
Co-Partnership Journal
Co-operative News
Co-partnership. The Lea Bridge District Gas Co
Coach & Bus Week
Coalville Times
Cocoon [House journal of Aristoc Ltd]
Collectanea Maritima
Collections for a History of Staffordshire
Colne Times
Commercial Art
Commercial Motor
Common Law World Review
Comparative Studies in Society & History
Concrete & Constructional Engineering
Connoisseur Year Book
Connoisseur, The
Construction History
Construction History Newsletter
Construction News
Contact. House magazine of Bowthorpe Holdings Plc
Contact. Newsheet of Chivers' Pensioners' Association
Contemporary British History. The Journal of Contemporary British History
Contemporary European History
Contemporary Record. Journal of the Institute of Contemporary British History
Continuity & Change
Contract Journal
Cornish Archaeology
Cornish Studies
Costume & Textile Association Newsletter
Costume. Journal of the Costume Society
Country Life
Coventry Local History Bulletin
Cowkeeper & Dairyman's Journal
Craven History
Critical Perspectives on Accounting
Crown Journal. Magazine of Higgs & Hill Group
Croydon Advertiser
Cultural & Social History. Journal of Social History Society
Cumbrian Industrialist
Current Archaeology
Cycle History. Proceedings of International Cycle History Conference
DCL Gazette
Daily Record, The
Daily Telegraph, The
Dairy Engineering
Dawlish Gazette
De Gulden Passer
Delaware History
Derby Porcelain International Society Journal
Derbyshire Archaeological Journal [from 1961]
Derbyshire Miscellany. Local History Bulletin of the Derbyshire Archaeological Society
Desarrollo Economico
Developing Economies
Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries
Devon Buildings Group Research Papers
Devon Historian
Dickensian, The
Diplomacy & Statecraft
District Bank Review
Dix Septieme Siecle
Douro. Estudos & Documentos
Draper, The
Dublin Historical Record
Dunstable Borough Gazette
Durham Archaeological Journal
Durham County Local History Society Bulletin
Durham Research Review
Durham University Journal
Dyer, The
ESBG Perspectives
Early American Studies. An interdisciplinary journal
Early Music
Early Railways
Early Science & Medicine
East London Papers
East London Record
East Midland Geographer
East Midland Historian
East Yorkshire Historian
East Yorkshire Local History Bulletin
Eastern Daily Press, The
Ecological Economics
Economic & Social Review
Economic Geography
Economic History
Economic History Review
Economic Issues
Economic Journal
Economic Record
Economist, The
Economy & Society
Edgar Allen News
Edinburgh Journal of Science
Eighteenth Century Life
Eighteenth Century Studies
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Review
Electrician, The
Electrolux News
Electronics & Power
Empire Cotton Growing Review
Empire Review & Journal of British Trade
Endeavour. Review of the progress of science
Energy Journal
Energy Policy
Engineer, The
Engineering Heritage
Engineering Science & Education Journal
English Historical Review
English Illustrated Magazine
Enterprise & Society
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. An international journal
Entreprises & Histoire
Environment & Culture
Environment & History
Environment & Planning
Environmental History
Ephemerist. Journal of Ephemera Society
Essays in Economic & Business History
Essex Archaeology & History. Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society
Essex Chronicle
Essex Journal. A review of local history and archaeology
Essex Naturalist
Essex Recusant
Essex Review
Esso Magazine
Estates Gazette
Eurasian Studies
European Accounting Review
European Economic Review
European History Quarterly
European Journal of Communication
European Journal of Marketing
European Journal of Scociology
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
European Planning Stuidies
European Review
European Review of Economic History
Evening Chronicle, The
Evening Mail, The
Evening Telegraph, The [Coventry]
Expertise and the Early Modern State
Explorations in Economic History
Explorations in Entrepreneurial History
Fairmaid. Journal of Pullars of Perth
Falkirk Herald
Falkland Islands Journal
Family & Community History Journal
Family Business Review
Family History
Family Tree
Farm & Horticultural Equipment Collector
Farmers' Guardian
Farnham Herald/Haslemere Herald
Federal Law Review
Federation of British Artists Quarterly
Feminist Economics
Ferro Concrete
Fibres & Fabrics Journal
Field Studies
Fifeshire Advertiser
Film History
Financial History
Financial History Review
Financial News
Financial Times
Finch's Wine Press & Guide to Good Eating
Firm Friends. The house journal of Hopkinsons Ltd
Fiscal Studies
Fish Trades' Gazette
Fishing News & Fishmerchant & Processor
Fisons' Journal
Flight International
Flintshire Historical Society Journal
Flintshire Historical Society Publications
Folk Life Journal of Ethnological Studies
Food Manufacture
Forge News
Formby Times
Forth Naturalist & Historian
Foundry Trade Journal
Franco British Studies
Fraser's Magazine
Freight Transport. Journal of Freight Transport Association
French History
Fruit Trades' Journal
Funeral Society Journal
Furniture History
GEC Review
GSIA Journal
Gallovidian. An illustrated southern counties magazine
Galpin Society Journal
Garden History
Garment Manufacture & Fabric Review
Garrard Journal
Gas Engineering & Management
Gas World
Gazette of John Lewis Partnership
Gender & History
Gender, Work & Organization
Genealogists' Magazine
Gentleman's Magazine
Gentlemen's Journal
Geographical Journal
Geographical Review
Geographische Zeitschrift
Geography. Journal of the Geographical Association
George Broomhall's Corn Trade News
Georgia Historical Quarterly
Georgian Group Journal
Georgian, The
German Yearbook on Business History
Glamorgan Historian
Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Journal
Glasgow Herald, The
Glass Circle
Glass Notes
Glass Technology
Glaxo News
Global Business Review
Gloucestershire Historical Studies
Goldsmiths' Review
Good Words
Great Circle. Journal of the Australian Association for Maritime History
Great Western Railway Magazine
Grid, The
Grocer, The
Ground Engineering
Guardian Journal
Guardian, The
Guildhall Miscellany
Guildhall Studies in London History
Gwent Local History
Hackney Gazette
Hackney History
Haden Magazine
Halifax Courier & Guardian
Hallamshire Historian
Hampshire Field Club Papers
Hampshire's Industrial Archaeology Society Journal
Hampstead & Highgate Express
Hants & Berks Gazette
Hardware Trade Journal
Harmsworth Magazine
Harvard Business Review
Hatcher Review
Havering History Review
Hawaiian Journal of History
Heaton Works Journal
Henley Archaeological & Historical Group Journal
Hepolite Bulletin
Herald Express
Herbert Parkinson Chronicle
Hereford Times
Heritage Commercials
Heritage Group Journal (Festiniog Railway)
Hertfordshire Archaeology
Hertfordshire Past & Present
Hertfordshire's Past
Herts & Cambs Reporter & Royston Crow
Hi Fi News
Hi Fi World
Hire Traders' Record
Hispanic American Historical Review
Historia (Santiago)
Historia Mexicana
Historian, The
Historic Brass Society Journal
Historical Archaeology
Historical Journal
Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television
Historical Metallurgy. Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society
Historical Research
Historical Studies Australia & New Zealand
Historical Studies in Industrial Relations
Histories of Famous Firms
Historisk Tidskrift
History & Technology
History Compass
History Today
History Workshop Journal
History of Berwickshire Naturalists' Club
History of Education
History of Photography
History of Political Economy
History of Retailing & Consumption
History of Science
History of Technology
History. Journal of Historical Association
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics
Hoechst UK News
Hornsey Historical Society Bulletin
Horological Journal
House of Whitbread
Household Words
Hull Association of Engineers' Journal
Human Relations
Hunting Fleet Magazine
Hunting Group Review
Huntington Library Quarterly
Hunts Post, The
ICI News
IEE Review
IEE Weekend Meeting Papers
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
IPC Magazine
IPH Information
Ibero Amerikanisches Archiv
Illuminating Engineer
Illustrated Exhibitor & Magazine of Art
Illustrated London News
Imago Mundi
Implement & Machinery Review
India Office Library & Records. Report for the year ...
India Rubber Journal
Indian Archives
Indian Economic & Social History Review
Industrial & Corporate Change
Industrial Archaeology
Industrial Archaeology Review
Industrial Gwynedd
Industrial Heritage
Industrial Railway Record
Information & Culture
Inside Out
Institute of Chartered Accountants' Autumnal Meetings
Institution of Civil Engineers
Insurance Guardian
Insurance Trends
Intellectual Property Quarterly
Inter American Economic Affairs
Intercom. Woodall Duckham Journal
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
International Affairs [Royal Institute of International Affairs]
International Association of Paper Historians' Yearbook
International Contributions to Labour Studies
International History Review
International Journal for History of Engineering & Technology
International Journal of Accounting
International Journal of Advertising
International Journal of African Historical Studies
International Journal of Business History
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
International Journal of Heritage Studies
International Journal of History of Sport
International Journal of Industrial Organization
International Journal of Legal Profession
International Journal of Maritime History
International Journal of Middle East Studies
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
International Journal of Regional & Local Studies
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
International Journal of Sociology of Law
International Map Collectors' Society Journal
International Marketing Review
International Review of Law & Economics
International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research
International Review of Scottish Studies
International Review of Social History
International Sugar Journal
Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz sur Geschichte der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung
Investigaciones y Ensayos
Irish Economic & Social History
Irish Forestry
Irish Geography. Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Ireland
Irish Historical Studies
Iron & Coal Trades Review
Iron & Steel Times
Ironmaking & Steelmaking
Ironmonger. The
Isis. International Review Devoted to the History of Science & Civilization
Jahrbuch fur Wirtschaftsgeschichte [Economic History Yearbook]
Jamaican Historical Review
Japanese Yearbook on Business History
Jewish Historical Studies
Jewish Social Studies
John Rylands University Library Bulletin
Journal of Naval Science
Journal Society of Army Historical Research
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Accounting Research
Journal of Advertising History
Journal of African History
Journal of African Society
Journal of Agricultural Economics
Journal of American History
Journal of American Statistical Association
Journal of Arms & Armour Society
Journal of Asian Studies
Journal of Bradford Engineering Society
Journal of Bradford Textile Society
Journal of Bristol Society of Architects
Journal of British Archaeological Association
Journal of British Cinema & Television
Journal of British Studies
Journal of British Waterworks Association
Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting
Journal of Canadian Bankers' Association
Journal of Ceramic History
Journal of Chartered Insurance Institute
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of Chemical Society
Journal of Chester & North Wales Architectural, Archaeological & Historical Society
Journal of Chester Archaeological Society
Journal of Co-operative Studies
Journal of Commerce & Shipping
Journal of Contemporary History
Journal of Cork Historical & Archaeological Society
Journal of Cornwall Association of Local Historians
Journal of Corporate Law Studies
Journal of Corporation of Insurance Brokers
Journal of Decorative & Propaganda Arts
Journal of Decorative Arts Society
Journal of Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society [1879-1960]
Journal of Design History
Journal of Development Studies
Journal of Durham University Geographical Society
Journal of Early Modern History
Journal of Econometrics
Journal of Economic & Business History
Journal of Economic & Social History of the Orient
Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization
Journal of Economic History
Journal of Economic Literature
Journal of Economic Perspectives
Journal of Economic Studies
Journal of Educational Administration & History
Journal of European Economic History
Journal of European Popular Culture
Journal of Evolutionary Economics
Journal of Family Business Management
Journal of Family History
Journal of Flintshire Historical Society
Journal of Friends' Historical Society
Journal of Garden History Society
Journal of Gas Lighting
Journal of Glamorgan History
Journal of Glass Association
Journal of Glass Studies
Journal of Gloucestershire Society for Industrial Archaeology
Journal of Gower Society
Journal of Greenwich Historical Society
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
Journal of Historical Studies [Rehishigaku Kenkyu]
Journal of History of Collections
Journal of History of Economic Thought
Journal of Hull Association of Engineers
Journal of Imperial & Commonwealth History
Journal of Industrial Archaeology
Journal of Industrial Economics
Journal of Industrial History
Journal of Institute of Actuaries
Journal of Institute of Bankers
Journal of Institute of Brewing
Journal of Institute of Metals
Journal of Institute of Transport
Journal of Institution of Electrical Engineers
Journal of Institution of Water Engineers
Journal of Insurance Research & Practice
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of International Economics
Journal of Iron & Steel Institute
Journal of Latin American Studies
Journal of Law & Economics
Journal of Law & Society
Journal of Legal History
Journal of Legal Studies
Journal of Liberal History
Journal of Local & Regional History
Journal of London Society
Journal of Macromarketing
Journal of Malayan Branch, Royal Asiatic Society
Journal of Management Development
Journal of Management History
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Manchester Geographical Society
Journal of Manchester Statistical Society
Journal of Manx Museum
Journal of Maritime Research
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Medieval & Early Modern Studies
Journal of Medieval & Renaissance Studies
Journal of Medieval History
Journal of Merioneth Historical & Records Society
Journal of Merionethshire Historical & Records Society
Journal of Merseyside Archaeological Society
Journal of Migration History
Journal of Military History
Journal of Modern History
Journal of Money, Credit & Banking
Journal of Negro History
Journal of Newspaper & Periodical History
Journal of Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society
Journal of Northamptonshire Natural History Society & Field Club
Journal of Northern Ceramic Society
Journal of Operational Research
Journal of Ordnance Society
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Oughtred Society
Journal of Pembrokeshire History Society
Journal of Pewter Society
Journal of Political Economy
Journal of Popular Culture
Journal of Popular Television
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
Journal of Printing Historical Society
Journal of Publishing Culture
Journal of Quekett Microscopic Club
Journal of Railway & Canal Historical Society
Journal of Regional & Local Studies
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Road Locomotive Society
Journal of Road Transport History Association
Journal of Royal Aeronautical Society
Journal of Royal Agricultural Society
Journal of Royal Institute of British Architects
Journal of Royal Institute of Chemistry
Journal of Royal Institution of Cornwall
Journal of Royal Naval Medical Service
Journal of Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Journal of Royal Society of Arts
Journal of Royal Society of Medicine
Journal of Royal Statistical Society
Journal of Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies
Journal of School of Politics, Ulster Polytechnic
Journal of Science of Food & Agriculture
Journal of Scientific Instruments
Journal of Scottish Historical Studies
Journal of Social History
Journal of Society for Army Historical Research
Journal of Society of Architectural Historians
Journal of Society of Archivists
Journal of Society of Arts
Journal of Society of Dyers & Colourists
Journal of Society of Glass Technology
Journal of Society of Leather Technologists
Journal of Somerset Mines Research Group
Journal of South African Studies
Journal of South West Essex Technical College
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Journal of Southern History
Journal of Staffordshire Industrial Archaeology Society
Journal of Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
Journal of Statistical Society of London
Journal of Strategic Studies
Journal of Textile Institute
Journal of Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society
Journal of Tourism History
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
Journal of Transport Geography
Journal of Transport History
Journal of Trevithick Society
Journal of Tyneside Geographical Society
Journal of Urban History
Journal of Victorian Culture
Journal of Victorian Studies
Journal of Wakefield Historical Society
Journal of Watford & District Industrial History Society
Journal of Weardale Field Society
Journal of West Midland Regional Studies
Journal of West of Scotland Iron & Steel Institute
Journal of William Morris Society
Journal of William Morris Studies
Journal of Writing Equipment Society
Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
Journal of the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland
Juridical Review
Keizai Gaku [Annual Report of Economic Society, Tohoku University]
Kenilworth Historian
Kensington News & West London Times
Knitting International
Labour History
Labour History Review
Ladbrokes Life. Journal of the Ladbroke Group
Lancashire History Quarterly
Lancashire Local Historian
Lancaster Guardian
Lands & Minerals Surveying
Landscape Research
Latin American Perspectives
Latin American Research Review
Law & Contemporary Problems
Law & History Review
Law Quarterly Review
Lea Valley Growers' Association Newsletter
Leatherhead Advertiser
Leeds Co-operative Record
Leeds Express
Leeds Journal
Leicester Mercury
Leicestershire Historian
Leicestershire Industrial History Society Bulletin
Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Buchgeschichte
Leisure Hours
Leisure Studies
Lewisham History Journal
Lewisham Local History Society Transactions
Lex & Scientia
Library & Information History
Library History
Library, The
Lincolnshire Chronicle
Lincolnshire Echo
Lincolnshire Historian
Lincolnshire History & Archaeology
Lincolnshire Industrial Archaeology Group
Lincolnshire Magazine
Lincolnshire Past & Present
Links. Bulletin of Newcomen Society
Links. Duckham's Digest
Literary Quarterly
Literary Review
Liverpool Daily Post
Liverpool Nautical Research Society
Llafur. Journal of Welsh People's History
Lloyds Bank Review
Local Economy
Local Historian
Local History Records
Local Population Studies
Lock Gate. Journal of Great Ouse Restoration Society
London & North Western Railway Gazette
London Archaeologist
London Bus Magazine
London John
London Journal
London Magazine
London Philatelist
London Society Journal
London Topographical Record
London's Industrial Archaeology
Loudon's Architectural Magazine
Luton News
Lysaght Review
MOG [sometime Morgan Owners' Gazette]
MTD Magazine
Machine Shop News
Machinery Market
Macmillan's Magazine
Malaya Law Review
Man & Metal
Management & Organizational History
Management Accounting Research
Management Decision
Manchester City News
Manchester Courier
Manchester Evening News
Manchester Guardian
Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society
Manchester Region History Review
Manchester Region Industrial Archaeology Society Newsletter
Manchester Review
Manchester School
Manchester Statistical Society Papers
Manufacturers' Engineering & Export Journal
Manufacturing Chemist
Map Collector
Map Forum
Marine Engineer
Marine Environmental Research
Marine Policy
Mariner's Mirror
Maritime History
Maritime Policy & Management
Maritime South West. Journal of South West Maritime History Society
Maritime Wales
Marx Memorial Library Quarterly Bulletin
Maryland Historical Magazine
Material Handling News
Media History
Media, Culture & Society
Medical History
Medieval Archaeology
Medieval Prosopography
Memoirs & Proceedings of Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society
Memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia
Mesaionika kai Nea Ellinika
Metropolitan Vickers Gazette
Middle Eastern Studies
Middlesex Local History Council Bulletin
Midland Bank Review
Midland History
Midland Institute of Mining, Civil & Mechanical Engineers
Military Affairs
Miller, The
Milling & Feed & Fertiliser
Mine & Quarry Engineering
Mine Explorer
Mineralogical Magazine
Mining & Smelting Magazine
Mining Club Journal
Mining Engineer
Mining History. Bulletin of Peak District Mines Historical Society
Mining Journal
Mining Magazine
Mining Magazine & Review
Miscellany of Scottish History Society
Mississippi Valley Historical Review
Modern Asian Studies
Modern Transport
Monmouthshire Antiquary
Monotype Recorder
Montgomeryshire Collections
Monumental Journal
Morgannwg. Transactions of Glamorgan Local History Society
Motor Transport
Motor World
Motor, The
Motors & Motoring
Murray's Magazine
Museums Journal
Music & Letters
Music Review
Musical Quarterly
Musical Times
NCE. New Civil Engineer. Magazine of the Institution of Civil Engineers
National Institute Economic Review
National Library of Wales Journal
National Provincial Bank Review
National Railway Museum Review
National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review
Nautical Magazine
Naval Architect
Navy & Army Illustrated
Near East & India, The
Nelson & Colne Times
Networks & Spatial Economics
New East [Tokyo]
New England Quarterly
New Methodist Magazine
New Penny Magazine
New Political Economy
New West Indian Guide
Newbury District Field Club
Newbury Weekly News
Newcastle upon Tyne University Medical Gazette
News of the World
Newsletter, Wind & Watermill Section, Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings
Newton's London Journal of Arts & Sciences
Nineteenth Century
Nineteenth Century Art Worldwide. A journal of nineteenth century visual culture
Nineteenth Century Contexts
Nineteenth Century Theatre
Norfolk Archaeology
Norfolk Fair
North Carolina Historical Review
North East Labour History
North Staffordshire Journal of Field Studies
North West Kent Family History
North West Labour History. Journal of the North West Labour History Group
North Yorkshire County Record Office Journal
North Yorkshire Record Office Publications
Northampton Mercury
Northampton Mercury & Herald
Northamptonshire Archaeology
Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph
Northamptonshire Past & Present
Northern Architect
Northern Ceramic Society Newsletter
Northern Echo
Northern History
Northern Mariner
Northern Scotland
Northern Seas Yearbook
Norwich Evening News
Notes & Queries
Notes & Queries for Somerset & Dorset
Notes & Records of the Royal Society of London
Nottingham Evening Post
Nottingham Medieval Studies
Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Notes & Queries
Nottinghamshire Historian
Numismatic Chronicle
Nuneaton Historian
Object. Postgraduate Research & Reviews in the History of Art & Visual Culture
Observer, The
Ogmore Valley Local History & Heritage Society Journal
Oil & Colour Trades Journal
Old Aberdare
Old Glasgow Club Transactions
Old Hitchin Life
Oldham Chronicle
Oral History
Organ, The
Organization Science
Organization Studies
Ossett Observer
Our History
Outfitter, The
Overview [House Newsletter of Morgan Grenfell]
Oxford Art Journal
Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics
Oxford Economic Papers
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Oxfordshire Local History
PEP Broadsheet
PLA Monthly
PPC [Petits Propos Culinaires]
Pacific Historical Review
Packaging Review
Pall Mall Magazine
Papeles de Economica Espanola
Paper Maker
Paper Maker & British Paper Trade Journal
Papers of Bibliographical Society of America
Papers of Bibliographical Society of University of Virginia
Papers of the Manchester Literary Club
Paragon Way
Parkman Review
Parliamentary History
Past & Present
Pennsylvania History
Penny Magazine
Penrose Annual
Perthshire Advertiser
Pharmaceutical Historian
Pharmaceutical Journal
Pharmacy International
Pharmacy in History
Philosophical Magazine
Photographia World
Photographic Collector
Planet Aerospace
Planet, The
Planning History
Platinum Metals Review
Playing Card
Plumber & Journal of Heating
Political Quarterly
Political Science Quarterly
Political Studies
Politics & Society
Popular Archaeology
Popular Music and Culture
Population Studies. A Journal of Demography
Port of London
Portsmouth Archives Review
Portsmouth News
Portsmouth Water Newsletter
Post Magazine
Post Medieval Archaeology
Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal
Post Office Green Papers
Post Script
Postal History International
Pottery & Glass Record
Pottery Gazette & Glass Trade Review
Power Laundry
Powys-land Club
Practical Magazine
Presenting Monmouthshire
Print Collectors' Quarterly
Print Quarterly
Printers' Register
Printing Today
Proceedings & Papers of Oxford Bibliographical Society
Proceedings of Anglo Netherlands Society
Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Business Archives Council
Proceedings of Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings of Bath Natural History & Antiquarian Field Club
Proceedings of Belfast Natural History & Philosophical Society
Proceedings of British Academy
Proceedings of British Records Association
Proceedings of Cambridge Antiquarian Society
Proceedings of Chartered Institute of Transport UK
Proceedings of Chemical Society
Proceedings of Croydon Natural History & Scientific Society
Proceedings of Devon Archaeological Society
Proceedings of Dorset Natural History & Antiquarian Field Club
Proceedings of Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society
Proceedings of Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society
Proceedings of Huguenot Society of Great Britain
Proceedings of Huguenot Society of London
Proceedings of Institute of Mining & Metallurgy
Proceedings of Institution of Automobile Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers. History and heritage
Proceedings of Institution of Electrical Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Locomotive Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automobile Division
Proceedings of Isle of Man Natural History Society
Proceedings of Leatherhead & District Local History Society
Proceedings of Leeds Philosophical & Literary Society
Proceedings of Lincolnshire Iron & Steel Institute
Proceedings of Literary & Philosophical Society of Liverpool
Proceedings of Philosophical Society of Glasgow
Proceedings of Royal Microscopical Society
Proceedings of Royal Society
Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle
Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries of Sunderland
Proceedings of Society of Silver Collectors
Proceedings of Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural History Society [1851-1966/7]
Proceedings of Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, Bath & District Branch
Proceedings of South Wales Institute of Engineers
Proceedings of Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History
Proceedings of University of Durham Philosophical Society
Proceedings of University of Newcastle upon Tyne Philosophical Society
Proceedings of Warrington Literary & Philosophical Society
Proceedings of Wedgwood Society
Proceedings of Wesley Historical Society
Proceedings of West of Scotland Iron & Steel Institute
Proceedings of Woolwich & District Antiquarian Society
Proceedings of Worcester Archaeological Society
Proceedings of Yorkshire Geological Society
Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society
Production News
Progress [house journal of Unilever]
Progress in Planning
Psywar Society Bulletin
Public Administration
Public Administration Review
Public Money & Management
Publications du Centre Européen d'Etudes Bourguignonnes
Publications of American Economic Association
Publications of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society
Publishers' Weekly
Publishing History
Putnam Aeronautical Review
Quaderno dell'Archivio
Quaker Studies
Quarry Managers' Journal
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Quarterly Journal of Forestry
Quarterly Review of Economics & Finance
Quarterly. Review of British Association of Paper Historians
RCH Magazine
Race & Class
Radio & Electronic Engineer
Railway Gazette
Railway Magazine
Reading Evening Post
Reading Standard
Records of Buckinghamshire
Records of Huntingdonshire
Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin
Recusant History
Red Barrel. The house magazine of Watney Combe Reid
Red Dragon
Redland News
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Regional & Federal Studies
Regional Furniture
Regional Studies
Rehishigaku Kenkyu [Journal of Histotical Studies]
Rekishi to Seikatsu [History & Life]
Renaissance & Modern Studies
Renaissance Quarterly
Renfrewshire Local History Forum Journal
Renold Review
Report & Transactions of Devonshire Association
Report of Lancashire Record Office
Reports & Papers of Lincolnshire Architectural & Archaeological Society
Reports & Papers of Northamptonshire Antiquarian Society
Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions and Politics
Research Policy
Research in Economic History
Retail & Distribution Management
Review [of North Yorkshire County Record Office]
Review of Economic Studies
Review of Economics & Statistics
Review of English Studies
Review of Financial Studies
Review of Guernsey Society
Review of Middle East Economics & Finance
Review of Scottish Culture
Revista de Historia Industrial
Revista di Historia Economica
Revue Belge de Philologie & d'Histoire
Revue Economique
Revue Historique
Revue Internationale d'Histoire de la Banque
Revue du Nord
Road Locomotive Society Journal
Robert Sayle Chronicle
Romford Record
Rover News
Royal Australian Historical Society Journal
Royal Bank of Scotland Review
Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society Annual Report
Royal Doulton Review
Royal Horticultural Society Journal
Royal Sanitary Institute Journal
Rubber Age
Rural History
Ryedale Historian
SAHB Times
SMT Magazine
Saddleworth Historical Society Bulletin
Saltaire Journal
Sanderson Kayser Magazine
Saturday Magazine, The
Scandinavian Economic History Review
Science & Technology Policy
Science Studies
Science in Context
Scotsman, The
Scottish Arts Review
Scottish Bankers' Magazine
Scottish Business & Industrial History
Scottish Colloquium Proceedings
Scottish Economic & Social History
Scottish Forestry
Scottish Geographical Magazine
Scottish Goodware
Scottish Grocery Trade Handbook
Scottish Historical Review
Scottish Industrial Heritage Society Review
Scottish Industrial History
Scottish Jottings
Scottish Journal of Political Economy
Scottish Labour History
Scottish Pharmacist
Scottish Pottery Historical Review
Scottish Studies
Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph & Target
Sea Breezes
Seaby's Coin & Medal Bulletin
Seattle University Law Review
Service Industries Journal
Seventeenth Century
Shakespeare Quarterly
Sheet Metal Industries
Sheffield Independent
Sheffield Morning Telegraph
Sheffield Telegraph
Shetland Times
Shipbuilding & Shipping Record
Ships in Focus Record
Shiso [Thought]
Shoe & Leather News
Shoe & Leather Record
Sight & Sound
Silver Studies. Journal of Silver Society
Sixteenth Century Journal
Slavery & Abolition
Slavonic & East European Review
Slough Observer
Small Printer
Social History
Social History of Medicine
Social Science History
Social Science Information
Social Science Review
Social Studies of Science
Socialist Review
Society of Automotive Historians Britain Quarterly
Socio Economic History [Tokyo]
Sociological Quarterly
Sociological Review
Sociology of Health & Illness
Soft Drinks Trade Journal
Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries
Somerset Archaeology & Natural History [from 1967/8]
Somerset Industrial Archaeology Society Bulletin
Somerset Year Book
Sonderabdruck aus Vierteljahrschrift fur Social & Wirtschsftsgeschichle
South African Historical Journal
South African Journal of Economic History
South African Journal of Economics
South Avon & Stour Agricultural Society Year Book
South Carolina Historical Magazine
South East Asia Research
South Wales Argus
South Wales Daily News
South Yorkshire Journal
South Yorkshire Times
Southampton University Archaeological Group Journal
Southern Arts
Southern History
Southwestern Historical Quarterly
Spalding Guardian
Spalding's Quarterly
Speculum. A journal of medieval studies
St Andrew's Studies in the History of Scottish Architecture & Design
St James's Gazette
Staffordshire Advertiser
Staffordshire Archaeology
Staffordshire History
Staffordshire Industrial Archaeology Society Bulletin
Staffordshire Studies
Stationary Power
Stationary Power. Journal of Stationary Engine Research Group
Stationery World
Statist, The
Steel Review
Stephenson Locomotive Society Journal
Stockport Advertiser
Strand Magazine, The
Strategic Management Journal
Stratford Express
Studies in Bibliography
Studies in Decorative Arts
Studies in History & Philosophy of Science
Studies in Marketing History
Studies in Medieval & Renaissance History
Studies in Newspaper & Periodical History
Studies. An Irish quarterly review
Studio, The
Suffolk Review
Sunday Times
Sunderland's History
Surrey Archaeological Collections
Surrey Archaeological Society Research Volumes
Surrey Comet
Surrey History
Surrey Mirror
Sussex Archaeological Collections
Sussex Independents. A guide to fleets & services of smaller operators
Sussex Industrial History
Sussex Notes & Queries
Swedish Journal of Economics
Syren & Shipping
Tabs [House journal of Strand Electric & Engineering Co Ltd]
Tamar. Journal of the Friends of Morwellham
Tarmac Papers. The archive and history initiative of Tarmac Heavy Building Materials
Tavistock Gazette
Tea Quarterly. Journal of the Tea Research Institute of ceylon
Technology & Culture
Tee Gee News
Temperature Controlled Storage & Distribution
Terrier. Friends of Hackney Archives Newsletter
Text for the Study of Textile Art, Design & History
Text. An interdisciplinary annual of textual studies
Textile History
Textile Quarterly
Textile Recorder
Textile Research Journal
Thames Iron Works Gazette
Theatre Journal
Theatre Notebook
Things that Affect Us. The staff magazine of Vaux Breweries
Thirties Society Journal
Thoresby Society Publications: Miscellany
Thorncliffe News
Three Banks' Review
Tijdschrift voor Economische & Sociale Geografie [Journal of Economic & Social Geography]
Timber Trade Journal
Times of India, The
Times, The
Tobacco Trade Review
Tools & Tillage
Tools & Trade
Town & Country Planning
Town Planning Review
Trade & Industry
Tramway Review
Transactions & Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England
Transactions & Papers of Institute of British Geographers
Transactions & Proceedings of Birmingham Archaeological Society [1916-1966/7]
Transactions of Birmingham & Midland Institute, Archaeological Section
Transactions of Aberafan & Margam Historical Society
Transactions of Aberconwy History Society
Transactions of Actuarial Society of Edinburgh
Transactions of Ancient Monuments Society
Transactions of Anglesey Antiquarian Society
Transactions of Architectural & Archaeological Society of Durham & Northumberland
Transactions of Bibliographical Society
Transactions of Birmingham & Warwickshire Archaeological Society [from 1967/8]
Transactions of Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society
Transactions of British Society for History of Pharmacy
Transactions of Buchan Field Club
Transactions of Caernarvonshire Historical Society
Transactions of Cambridge Bibliographical Society
Transactions of Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire Antiquarian Society
Transactions of Caradoc Field Club
Transactions of Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society
Transactions of Ceramic Society
Transactions of Chesterfield & Midland Counties Institution of Engineers
Transactions of Cornish Institute of Engineers
Transactions of Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society
Transactions of Denbighshire Historical Society
Transactions of Dumfriesshire & Galloway Natural History & Antiquarian Society
Transactions of East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalists' Society
Transactions of East Riding Antiquarian Society
Transactions of English Ceramics Circle
Transactions of Faculty of Actuaries
Transactions of Fylde Historical Society
Transactions of Gaelic Society of Inverness
Transactions of Greenwich & Lewisham Antiquarian Society
Transactions of Guildhall Historical Association
Transactions of Halifax Antiquarian Society
Transactions of Hawick Archaeological Society
Transactions of Historic Society of Lancashire & Cheshire
Transactions of Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion
Transactions of Hunter Archaeological Society
Transactions of Institute of British Geographers
Transactions of Institute of Mining Engineers
Transactions of Institution of Chemical Engineers
Transactions of Institution of Engineers & Shipbuilders in Scotland
Transactions of Institution of Mining & Metallurgy
Transactions of Institution of Naval Architects
Transactions of Inverness Scientific Society & Field Club
Transactions of Jewish Historical Society of England
Transactions of Lancashire & Cheshire Antiquarian Society
Transactions of Leicestershire Archaeological & Historical Society
Transactions of Lichfield & South Staffordshire Archaeological & Historical Society
Transactions of Lichfield Archaeological & Historical Society
Transactions of London & Middlesex Archaeological Society
Transactions of Manchester Statistical Society
Transactions of National Association for Promotion of Social Science
Transactions of Naval Dockyards Society
Transactions of Neath Antiquarian Society
Transactions of Newcastle upon Tyne Chemical Socety
Transactions of Newcomen Society
Transactions of North East Coast Institution of Engineers & Shipbuilders
Transactions of North Staffordshire Field Club
Transactions of North of England Institute of Mining Engineers
Transactions of Northern Cavern & Mine Research Society
Transactions of Opthalmological Society of the United Kingdom
Transactions of Plymouth Institution
Transactions of Port Talbot Historical Society
Transactions of Rochdale Literary & Scientific Society
Transactions of Royal Highland & Agricultural Society
Transactions of Royal Historical Society
Transactions of Royal Scottish Society of Arts
Transactions of Scarborough & District Archaeological Society
Transactions of Scarborough Archaeological & Historical Society
Transactions of Shropshire Archaeological Society
Transactions of Society of Glass Technology
Transactions of Société Guerneisaise
Transactions of South Staffordshire Archaeological & Historical Society
Transactions of Southall Local History Society
Transactions of St Paul's Ecclesiological Society
Transactions of Staffordshire Archaeology & Natural History Society
Transactions of Surveyors' Institution
Transactions of Teesside Industrial Archaeology Group
Transactions of Thoroton Society
Transactions of Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club
Transactions of Worcester Naturalists' Club
Transactions of Worcestershire Archaeological Society
Transactions of the American Philosophical Association
Transactions of the Bibliographical Society of Edinburgh
Transport History
Travel Medicine & Infectious Disease
Truck, The
Trydan News
Turner Studies
Twentieth Century Architecture
Twentieth Century British History
Ulster Folklife
Ulster Journal of Archaeology
Ulster Local Studies. Journal of the Federation for Ulster Local Studies
University of Birmingham Historical Journal
University of Bristol Gazette
University of Colorado Studies
University of Edinburgh Journal
University of Leeds Review
University of Missouri Studies
Urban History
Urban History Yearbook
Urban Studies
Vale of Evesham Historical Society Research Papers
Vernacular Architecture
Veteran Car Magazine
Victorian Periodicals Review
Victorian Review
Victorian Society Annual
Victorian Studies
Vierteljahrschrift fur Social & Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Vintage Commercial Vehicles
Vintage Road Scene
Virginia Law Review
Virginia Magazine of History & Biography
Virginia Woolf Bulletin
Vistas in Astronomy
Visual Culture in Britain
Visual Resources
Vocational Aspects of Education
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, Annual Report and Bulletin
Wallis News [House journal of G E Wallis & Sons Ltd]
Walpole Society [Annual Volume]
Wandsworth Historian
War & Society
Warwickshire History
Warwickshire Industrial Archaeological Society Newsletter
Waste Trade World
Water & Water Engineering
Waterways Journal
Waterways World
Welsh History Review
Welsh Mines & Mining
West 86th. A journal of decorative arts, design history and material culture
West Briton & Royal Cornwall Gazette
West Midland Studies
West Wales Historical Records
Western Morning News
Westminster Review
Wide World Magazine
Wilkinson Studies
William & Mary Quarterly
William Salt Archaeological Society Collections
Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine
Wiltshire Archaeology & Natural History Magazine
Wiltshire Notes & Queries
Wind & Water Mills
Windsor Magazine
Wine & Spirit Trade Review
Wisbech Standard
Witney & District Historical & Archaeological Society Record
Woman's Weekly
Women's History Review
Women's Studies International Forum
Woodbrooke Journal
Wool Record
Woolwich & District Antiquarian Society Annual Report
Worcester Journal
Works Magazine of Boulton & Paul
World Archaeology
World's Paper Trade Review
World's Work
Y Traethodydd
Yale University Library Gazette
Yarmouth Archaeology
Yearbook of European Administrative History
York Historian
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal
Yorkshire Bulletin of Economic & Social Research
Yorkshire Historian. Journal of East Yorkshire Local History Society
Yorkshire History Quarterly
Yorkshire Philosophical Society Annual Report
Yorkshire Post
Zeitschrift fur Unternehmensgeschichte
[May & Baker House Magazine]
international Journal of Business Communication