Browse Publications by Periodical

PEP Broadsheet
PLA Monthly
PPC [Petits Propos Culinaires]
Pacific Historical Review
Packaging Review
Pall Mall Magazine
Papeles de Economica Espanola
Paper Maker
Paper Maker & British Paper Trade Journal
Papers of Bibliographical Society of America
Papers of Bibliographical Society of University of Virginia
Papers of the Manchester Literary Club
Paragon Way
Parkman Review
Parliamentary History
Past & Present
Pennsylvania History
Penny Magazine
Penrose Annual
Perthshire Advertiser
Pharmaceutical Historian
Pharmaceutical Journal
Pharmacy International
Pharmacy in History
Philosophical Magazine
Photographia World
Photographic Collector
Planet Aerospace
Planet, The
Planning History
Platinum Metals Review
Playing Card
Plumber & Journal of Heating
Political Quarterly
Political Science Quarterly
Political Studies
Politics & Society
Popular Archaeology
Popular Music and Culture
Population Studies. A Journal of Demography
Port of London
Portsmouth Archives Review
Portsmouth News
Portsmouth Water Newsletter
Post Magazine
Post Medieval Archaeology
Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal
Post Office Green Papers
Post Script
Postal History International
Pottery & Glass Record
Pottery Gazette & Glass Trade Review
Power Laundry
Powys-land Club
Practical Magazine
Presenting Monmouthshire
Print Collectors' Quarterly
Print Quarterly
Printers' Register
Printing Today
Proceedings & Papers of Oxford Bibliographical Society
Proceedings of Anglo Netherlands Society
Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Business Archives Council
Proceedings of Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings of Bath Natural History & Antiquarian Field Club
Proceedings of Belfast Natural History & Philosophical Society
Proceedings of British Academy
Proceedings of British Records Association
Proceedings of Cambridge Antiquarian Society
Proceedings of Chartered Institute of Transport UK
Proceedings of Chemical Society
Proceedings of Croydon Natural History & Scientific Society
Proceedings of Devon Archaeological Society
Proceedings of Dorset Natural History & Antiquarian Field Club
Proceedings of Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society
Proceedings of Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society
Proceedings of Huguenot Society of Great Britain
Proceedings of Huguenot Society of London
Proceedings of Institute of Mining & Metallurgy
Proceedings of Institution of Automobile Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers. History and heritage
Proceedings of Institution of Electrical Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Locomotive Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automobile Division
Proceedings of Isle of Man Natural History Society
Proceedings of Leatherhead & District Local History Society
Proceedings of Leeds Philosophical & Literary Society
Proceedings of Lincolnshire Iron & Steel Institute
Proceedings of Literary & Philosophical Society of Liverpool
Proceedings of Philosophical Society of Glasgow
Proceedings of Royal Microscopical Society
Proceedings of Royal Society
Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle
Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries of Sunderland
Proceedings of Society of Silver Collectors
Proceedings of Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural History Society [1851-1966/7]
Proceedings of Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, Bath & District Branch
Proceedings of South Wales Institute of Engineers
Proceedings of Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History
Proceedings of University of Durham Philosophical Society
Proceedings of University of Newcastle upon Tyne Philosophical Society
Proceedings of Warrington Literary & Philosophical Society
Proceedings of Wedgwood Society
Proceedings of Wesley Historical Society
Proceedings of West of Scotland Iron & Steel Institute
Proceedings of Woolwich & District Antiquarian Society
Proceedings of Worcester Archaeological Society
Proceedings of Yorkshire Geological Society
Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society
Production News
Progress [house journal of Unilever]
Progress in Planning
Psywar Society Bulletin
Public Administration
Public Administration Review
Public Money & Management
Publications du Centre Européen d'Etudes Bourguignonnes
Publications of American Economic Association
Publications of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society
Publishers' Weekly
Publishing History
Putnam Aeronautical Review