Browse Publications by Author

Almond, Paul, & Mike Esbester
Gladwin, David D, & Joyce M Gladwin
APEX Research Dept
Aanonsen, Margaret E
Abbott, Arthur W
Abbott, Donald
Abbott, George, jun
Abbott, J R
Abbott, James
Abbott, Jasper A R
Abbott, John
Abbott, P
Abbott, Peter
Abbott, R D (ed)
Abbott, Robert
Abbott, Rowland A S
Abbott, Stewart
Abbs, Barbara
Abdelrehim, Neveen
Abdelrehim, Neveen, & Steven Toms
Abdelrehim, Neveen, Josephine Maltby & Steven Toms
Abe, Etsuo
Abe, Etsuo, & Terry Gourvish (eds)
Abe, Etsuo, & Yoshitaka Suzuki (eds)
Abel Sloane & Ruby Woodhouse
Abel, Christopher, & Colin M Lewis (eds)
Abel, Deryck R E
Abel, John
Abel, Paul H, & Ian McLoughlin
Abel, Richard
Abel, Richard L
Abel, Richard, & Gordon Graham (eds)
Abel, Robert L
Abel-Smith, Brian, & Robert Stevens
Abell, P H
Abelson, Elaine S
Aberconway, Lord
Abercrombie, Nicholas
Abernethy, John S
Abernethy, Simon T
Abigail, Walter L
Abley, Bob
Abraham, J, & C Davis
Abrahams, Aleck
Abrahart, Edward N
Abram, A
Abram, L
Abram, William A
Abrams, M A
Abramson, Daniel M
Abrash, Barbara, et al
Abromeit, Heidrun
Acaster, E J T
Accominotti, Olivier
Accum, Frederick
Achaya, K T
Achenbach, Joel
Acheson, Graeme G, & John D Turner
Acheson, Graeme G, Charles R Hickson & John D Turner
Acheson, Graeme G, Charles R Hickson, John D Turner & Qing Ye
Acheson, Graeme G, Christopher Coyle & John D Turner
Acheson, Graeme G, Gareth Campbell & John D Turner
Acheson, Graeme G, Gareth Campbell, John D Turner & Nadia Vanteeva
Acheson, Graeme G, John D Turner & Qing Ye
Ackerman, Phyllis
Ackers, Peter
Ackers, Peter, & Jonathan Payne
Ackrill, Margaret
Ackrill, Margaret, & Leslie Hannah
Acock, Reginald
Acres, W Marston
Acton, R
Acworth, William M
Adam, Alastair T
Adam, Georgina
Adam, Helen P
Adam, James S
Adam, James S (ed)
Adam, Jennifer
Adam, R J (ed)
Adams, A H
Adams, A R
Adams, Amery W
Adams, Arthur J
Adams, Brian
Adams, Brian (ed)
Adams, Brian, & Anthony Thomas
Adams, Carol, et al
Adams, David
Adams, David G
Adams, David G, & John Aitken
Adams, David G, with Gordon Jackson & S G E Lythe (eds)
Adams, David R
Adams, David R, & A J Pearce (ed)
Adams, Elizabeth
Adams, Elizabeth, & David Redstone
Adams, George
Adams, Henry
Adams, Ian H
Adams, Ian H (ed)
Adams, J R R
Adams, James R, & Douglas Frantz
Adams, Jane M
Adams, John
Adams, Keith
Adams, M G
Adams, Martin , & Tim R Smith
Adams, Mary
Adams, Paul, & Roy Milligan
Adams, Percy W L
Adams, Philip
Adams, R B
Adams, R Bingham
Adams, R J Q
Adams, Ron
Adams, Thomas, & W Brownlow White
Adams, W
Adamson, C E
Adamson, David M, & Tony Pollington
Adamson, Donald
Adamson, Gareth (ed)
Adamson, Gregor
Adamson, Ian, & Richard Kennedy
Adamson, Judith
Adamson, Peter
Adamson, Rolf
Adamson, S H
Adamson, Zia
Adburgham, Alison
Adcock, Arthur
Adcock, Ian
Adcock, W J
Addenbrooke, Paul, et al
Addis, John P
Addison, Adrian
Addison, Peter
Addison, William
Addison, William W
Addy, A
Addy, John
Addyman, John, & Bill Fawcett
Addyman, John, & Victoria Haworth
Adeney, Martin
Adeney, Martin, & John Lloyd
Adie, Douglas K
Adington, John (ed)
Adkins, Henry
Adkins, John E
Adlard, Eleanor
Adler, Dorothy R
Adler, Gerald
Adnett, Steve
Adnett, Steve, & Malcolm Rice (ed)
Adshead, David
Aerts, E, & L M Cullen (eds)
Afford, Harry
Aflalo, F G
Afrifa Taylor, Ayowa O
Agar, N
Agate, James
Agius, Pauline
Agnarsdottir, Anna
Agnew, Geoffrey
Agnew, J A
Agnew, Jean
Agnew, John
Ahlstrand, Bruce W
Ahlstrom, Goran
Ahmadi, F
Aho, James A
Ahrends, Peter
Ahrons, Ernest L
Ahvenainen, Jorma
Aickman, Dorothy J
Aikin, John
Aingier, A
Ainley, Jack
Ainsworth, Robert, & Graham Jones
Aiolfi, Sergio
Aird, Andrew
Airey, Angela, & John Airey
Airlie, Shiona, & Brian J R Blench with Christine Hudson (ed)
Airs, M R
Aitken, William C
Aked, Charles K
Akehurst, S, & N Richards
Akel, Charles K
Akers, Rosemary, & Owen Friend
Akhtar, Miriam, & Steve Humphries
Akhtar, S M
Akpan, Eloise
Akroyd, Edward
Akveld, L M, & J R Bruijn (eds)
Al-Khalifa, K K
Al-Naib, S K, with R J M Carr (eds)
Alan, Lee
Albe, E
Alberdi, Juan B
Albert, Bill
Albert, William
Albert, William, & P D A Harvey (eds)
Alberts, Robert C
Albion, Robert G
Alborn, Timothy L
Alborn, Timothy L, & Sharon A Murphy (eds)
Albright, Margaret
Albrighton, Valerie
Albu, Austen
Albutt, Roy
Alcock, Edwina P
Alcock, Nathaniel (ed)
Alcock, Nathaniel, & Robert Caldicott
Aldabella, Pat, & Robert Barnard
Aldabella, Pat, & Robert Barnard ONE
Aldcroft, Derek H
Aldcroft, Derek H (ed)
Aldcroft, Derek H, & Anthony Slaven (eds)
Aldcroft, Derek H, & H W Richardson (eds)
Aldcroft, Derek H, & Michael J Freeman (eds)
Aldcroft, Derek H, & Michael J Oliver
Alder, Ray
Alder, Trevor
Alderman, Geoffrey
Alderson, Brian, & Felix de Marez Oyens
Alderson, Frederick
Alderson, J D, & D M Rushton
Alderson, J W, & A E Ogden
Alderson, W E
Alderton, David, & John Booker
Alderton, P M
Aldington, L T [Lord]
Aldis, H G
Aldis, H G, et al
Aldous, Michael
Aldous, Vivienne E
Aldred, John
Aldrich, Colin L
Aldrich, Megan
Aldrich, Megan (ed)
Aldridge, Bill
Aldridge, David D
Aldridge, Geoffrey de Y
Aldridge, Rod
Aldsworth, Fred
Alexander, A W, & M P York
Alexander, Andrew
Alexander, Andrew, & Gareth Shaw
Alexander, Andrew, & Simon Phillips
Alexander, Andrew, Gareth Shaw & Deborah Hodson
Alexander, Andrew, Gareth Shaw & L Curth
Alexander, Andrew, John Benson & Gareth Shaw
Alexander, Andrew, et al
Alexander, Boyd
Alexander, Colin
Alexander, Colin, & Alan Siton
Alexander, David
Alexander, David S
Alexander, Helen Cadbury
Alexander, Isabella
Alexander, J M B
Alexander, John
Alexander, Kenneth
Alexander, Kenneth J W, & Carson L Jenkins
Alexander, Levy
Alexander, Nicholas
Alexander, Nicholas, & Gary Akehurst
Alexander, Nicholas, & Gary Akehurst (eds)
Alexander, S W
Aley, Sheila
Alfalla-Luque, Rafaela, & Carmen Medina-Lopez
Alfani, Guido, & Vincent Gourdon
Alford, B W E
Alford, B W E, & Charles Harvey
Alford, B W E, & Theo C Barker
Alford, L C G
Alford, Stephen
Alfrey, Judith, & Catherine Clark
Algar, David L, et al
Alger, Ken, et al
Ali, M A
Alister, Charles
Allan, Charles
Allan, Charles M
Allan, D A
Allan, D W
Allan, David G C
Allan, David G C, & Susan Bennett
Allan, Ian
Allan, John
Allan, John R (ed)
Allan, Mea
Allan, Robert J
Allaway, A J
Allen, Aaron M
Allen, Andrew W
Allen, Brigid
Allen, C E (ed)
Allen, Cecil J
Allen, Colin
Allen, David
Allen, David G, & Kathleen McDermott
Allen, David W
Allen, Douglas W
Allen, E
Allen, E G W
Allen, Freda, & Ned Williams
Allen, G C
Allen, G C, & Audrey G Donnithorne
Allen, G C, F E Hyde et al
Allen, G Freeman
Allen, G R
Allen, H Warner
Allen, Ian B
Allen, J Fenwick
Allen, J Harry
Allen, James A
Allen, John S
Allen, Julian, & Michael Browne
Allen, Louise
Allen, Martin
Allen, Martin R
Allen, Martin R, & Matthew Davies (eds)
Allen, Michael
Allen, Michael, & Les Geary
Allen, Nic
Allen, Peter C
Allen, Philip
Allen, R J
Allen, Richard C
Allen, Robert C
Allen, Robert C, & J L Weisdorf
Allen, Robert, with John Frost
Allen, Rod
Allen, Tim, Mike Cotterill & Geoffrey Pike
Allen, V L
Allen, Valerie, & Ruth Evans (eds)
Allen, Walter G
Allen, William
Allen, William A
Allen, William E D
Allera, S V, & A R Nobay
Alley, Elisabeth
Alley, S
Allez, John C
Allfrey, Anthony
Allibone, Finch, & Lynn Quiney
Allibone, Jill
Allibone, T E
Allin, Clare E
Allingham, E G
Allington, Daniel, et al & Zachary Lesser (ed)
Alliott, Gerald J
Allison, Barbara
Allison, Ernest
Allison, John
Allison, K J
Allison, K J (ed)
Allison, Mike
Allison, Mike, & Peter Browning
Allison, William T
Allix, Charles, & Peter Bonnert
Allman, A H
Allman, Geoff, & Jim Evans
Allmark, S P
Allmond, John
Allnutt, W H
Alloway, Ross
Allured, J
Allward, Maurice
Allwood, John
Allwood, Rosamond
Allwood, Rosamond, & Kedrun Laurie
Ally, R
Almack, E
Almeroth-Williams, Thomas
Almon, John
Almond, J K
Almond, Kevin, & Caroline Riches
Almqvist, Ebbe
Alsop, J D
Alsop, James D
Alston, D S
Alston, David
Alston, Robin
Altamura, Carlo E
Altholz, Josef L
Altick, Richard D
Altschuler, E D
Alvarado, Manuel, & John Stewart
Alvey, R C
Alward, George L
Amatori, Franco
Amatori, Franco, & Geoffrey Jones (eds)
Amatori, Franco, Robert Millward & Pier Angelo Toninelli (eds)
Amatori, Franco, et al (eds)
Amber, Patrick
Ambler, R W
Ambler, R W (ed)
Ambridge, Geoffrey S
Ambrose, Gwilym P
Amburger, C
Amdam, R P
Amery, Colin
Amery, Colin, Margaret Richardson & Gavin Stamp
Amery, P F S
Ames, David J
Ames, Edward, & Nathan Rosenberg
Amey, William M
Amies, Hardy
Amies, Mark
Amini, Shima, & Steven Toms
Amison, Philip, & David Bailey
Amner, Ron (ed)
Amner, Ron, & Peter Naylor
Amor, Nicholas R
Amos, David
Amos, Denise
Amos, E E
Amos, John H
Amos, Peter
Amphlett, George T
Amphlett, W R
Amsler, Christine E, Robin L Bartlett & Craig J Bolton
Andersen, Casper
Andersen, Svein S
Anderson, Alastair S
Anderson, Alex D
Anderson, B
Anderson, B L
Anderson, B L (ed)
Anderson, B L, & A J H Latham (eds)
Anderson, B L, & P J M Stoney (eds)
Anderson, B L, & P L Cottrell
Anderson, Chris
Anderson, Christina M
Anderson, David
Anderson, Donald
Anderson, Donald, & A A France
Anderson, Donald, & John Lane
Anderson, E B
Anderson, Fiona
Anderson, Gary, Robert E McCormick & Robert D Tollison
Anderson, George B
Anderson, Graham, & Ben Roskrow
Anderson, Gregory
Anderson, Heather
Anderson, Hugh J
Anderson, James
Anderson, James G
Anderson, James L
Anderson, Janice, & Edmund Swinglehurst
Anderson, John
Anderson, John E
Anderson, John F
Anderson, John L
Anderson, John R L
Anderson, Judith A
Anderson, Keith
Anderson, M
Anderson, M, J R Edwards & D Matthews
Anderson, M, J R Edwards & R A Chandler
Anderson, Mark L, & Charles J Taylor (ed)
Anderson, Matthew
Anderson, Matthew S
Anderson, Patricia J
Anderson, Patricia J, & Jonathan Rose (eds)
Anderson, Peter
Anderson, R
Anderson, R F
Anderson, R G W, J A Bennett & W F Ryan (eds)
Anderson, Ray G
Anderson, Raymond
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Robert G W
Anderson, Rosemary
Anderson, Roy C
Anderson, Roy C, & G G A Frankis
Anderson, Roy C, & J C Gillham with J H Price (ed)
Anderson, Roy C, & J M Anderson
Anderson, S Leslie
Anderson, S, & P Homan
Anderson, Stuart
Anderson, Stuart (ed)
Anderson, Verity
Andersson-Skog, Lena, & Olle Krantz (eds)
Anderton, Paul
Andom, R (pseud for Alfred W Barrett)
Andras, H W
Andreades, Andreas
Andrew, J H
Andrew, J H, & John S Allen
Andrew, James, Jennifer Tann, Christine MacLeod & Jeremy Stein
Andrew, Jim
Andrew, John D
Andrew, John, & Derek Styles
Andrew, William P
Andrewes, Jane
Andrews, Adrian, & Michael Pascoe
Andrews, Allen
Andrews, Anne
Andrews, Anthony
Andrews, Charles F, & E B Morgan
Andrews, Charles R, & Mary Andrews
Andrews, David
Andrews, Ernest
Andrews, Francis B
Andrews, Frank H
Andrews, Frank H, & Bill Dean-Myatt
Andrews, Frank W G
Andrews, H H
Andrews, Hannah
Andrews, Herbert C
Andrews, Ian
Andrews, J
Andrews, J H
Andrews, James H
Andrews, John F
Andrews, John H
Andrews, Ken
Andrews, Ken, & Stuart Burroughs
Andrews, Kenneth R
Andrews, Linton, & H A Taylor
Andrews, Michael
Andrews, Philip W S, & Elizabeth Brunner
Andrews, Samuel
Andrews, Stephen
Andrews, Val
Anes, Rafael D
Angier, E A V (comp)
Angold, R S
Angus, Ian
Angus, John & Jean Vanes (ed)
Angus, Ralph N S
Angus-Butterworth, Lionel M
Annakin-Smith, Anthony
Annels, Alwyn E, & Barry C Burnham (eds)
Anney, Thomas
Annison, Ruth, & Andy Monk
Annison, Ruth, & Lesley Chapman
Anscombe, Isabelle
Ansell, George F
Ansell, Robin, Allan Collier & Phil Nichols
Ansell, Walter
Anson, Mike
Anson, Mike, & Forrest Capie
Anson, Mike, & Gerald Crompton
Anson, Mike, & Terry Gourvish
Anstey, Joanna, & John Silverlight
Anstey, Mark K
Anstey, Roger T
Anstey, Roger T, & P E H Hair (eds)
Anstie, John C E
Anstis, Ralph
Antell, Roger
Anthony, C Robert
Anthony, John
Anthony, K W
Anthony, Mary
Anthony, Scott
Anthony, Scott, & Oliver Green
Anthony-Jones, W J
Anton, Gill
Antras, Pol, & Hans-Joachim Voth
Antrobus, Hinson A
Antrobus, Stuart
Apling, S H
Apostolides, Alexandro, & Alhanasios Gekas
Appel, D
Appelyard, H S, & Paul Heaton
Appleby, D J
Appleby, David, & John Appleby
Appleby, H N
Appleby, John B, & Fred Lloyd
Appleby, John C
Appleby, John H
Appleby, Keith
Appleton, J H
Appleton, Peter
Appleton, Thomas E
Appleyard, Bryan
Appleyard, H S
Appleyard, H S, & J Belt
Appleyard, Janet, & Judy Faraday
Appleyard, Rollo
Applin, Barbara (ed)
Aranya, N
Arapostathis, Stathis
Arber, Edward (ed)
Arber, Katie
Arber, Nicola
Arblaster, Kate
Arbon, A L
Arbuckle, A W, et al
Arbuckle, Araki
Arbuckle, Elizabeth S
Arbuthnot, James
Arch, Linda
Archambault, Michele I
Archbold, Michael
Archer, Alan
Archer, Caroline
Archer, Charles
Archer, David
Archer, Howard J
Archer, Ian W
Archer, Ian W, Caroline Barron & Vanessa Harding (eds)
Archer, J F
Archer, John H G
Archer, John H G, & Stuart Evans
Archer, John L
Archer, Lucy
Archer, M
Archer, R J
Archer-Parré, Caroline, & Malcolm Dick (eds)
Archer-Thomson, William
Archibald, Leo
Archibald, Malcolm
Ardayfio, E A
Ardeleanu, Constantin
Ardern, L L
Arel, Maria S
Argent, J Bernard
Argles, Owen M V
Argo, Alexander C
Argyle, Jesse
Aris, Stephen
Aristidou, Iakobos
Arkell, Tom, N Evans & Nigel Goose (eds)
Arkle, A H
Arlen, Michael
Arlett, John
Arlott, John
Armbrust, Crys
Armitage, Andrew
Armitage, David
Armitage, David, & Michael J Braddick (eds)
Armitage, E Liddall
Armitage, E M
Armitage, F
Armitage, G W
Armitage, Godfrey
Armor, Nicholas R
Armour, C
Armstrong, A
Armstrong, A G
Armstrong, Alan (ed)
Armstrong, Arthur C
Armstrong, Catherine
Armstrong, Chris
Armstrong, Craig
Armstrong, David L
Armstrong, Eric
Armstrong, H E
Armstrong, H H
Armstrong, Isobel
Armstrong, J W
Armstrong, John
Armstrong, John (ed)
Armstrong, John, & Andreas Kunz (eds)
Armstrong, John, & David Fowler
Armstrong, John, & David M Williams
Armstrong, John, & John Cutler
Armstrong, John, & Julie Stephenson
Armstrong, John, & Philip J Bagwell
Armstrong, John, & Stephanie Jones
Armstrong, John, John Aldridge, Grahame Boyes, Gordon Mustoe & Richard Storey
Armstrong, John, John Cutler & Gordon Mustoe
Armstrong, Leah
Armstrong, Lyn
Armstrong, M Elizabeth (ed)
Armstrong, N L
Armstrong, R G
Armstrong, Theodore
Armstrong, Vic, Jim Adie & William Gold
Armstrong, W G, et al (eds)
Armytage, W H G
Arnell, J C
Arnison, C
Arnold, A A
Arnold, A G
Arnold, A J
Arnold, A J, & D R Matthews
Arnold, A J, & J M Bidmead
Arnold, A J, & Robert G Greenhill
Arnold, A J, & Sean McCartney
Arnold, A P, & A G Ingram
Arnold, Anthea
Arnold, C J
Arnold, C J, & J P Allan
Arnold, Catharine
Arnold, Dana
Arnold, Dana R
Arnold, Denis V
Arnold, H G
Arnold, H Godwin, & Sidney M Gold
Arnold, Harry
Arnold, Hilary
Arnold, J
Arnold, J O, & A McWilliam
Arnold, Jorg
Arnold, Julia
Arnold, Ken, & E M Tansey
Arnold, Michael
Arnold, P R
Arnold, Percy
Arnold, R Arthur
Arnold, Ralph C M
Arnold, Rebecca
Arnold, Robert M
Arnold, Sue
Arnold-Bemrose, H
Arnot, Chris
Arnott, Alastair
Arnott, W G
Arora, Ashish, Andrea Fosfuri & Alfonso Gambardella
Arrand, Don
Arrol, John
Arrowsmith, Peter
Arthur, Christopher
Arthur, Helen
Arthur, Janet
Arthur, Liz
Arthur, Maurice C B
Arthur, William
Arthure, Humphrey
Arthurs, Elaine, & Felicity Jones
Artifex & Opifex
Artis, Michael, & David Cobham (eds)
Artley, Alexandra (ed)
Artmonsky, Ruth
Artmonsky, Ruth, & Brian Webb
Artmonsky, Ruth, & Stella Harpley
Artmonsky, Ruth, & Susie Cox
Arton, Michael
Arundale, John, & Kenneth Maw
Arundell, Thomas
Arwas, Victor
Asbee, Sue, & Helen Ramsbottom (ed)
Ascott, Diana E
Ascott, Diana E, Fiona Lewis & Michael Power
Ash, Brian
Ash, E H
Ash, Michael D
Ash, Stewart
Ashbee, Andrew
Ashbee, Charles R
Ashbee, R A
Ashbury, Thomas
Ashby, A W
Ashby, A W, & W H Jones
Ashby, J F
Ashby, John, Fred Luckett & David McGrory
Ashby, Justine, & Andrew Higson (eds)
Ashcroft, Brian, & James H Love
Ashcroft, Neil
Ashcroft-Hawley, V R G, & D Mitchell
Ashdown, Charles H
Ashen, Frank L
Ashfield, Mark
Ashford, Bob
Ashford, Philip
Ashford, Z
Ashforth, Philip J, Ian Bendall & Ken Plant
Ashlee, Peter C
Ashley, Larry E
Ashley, Mike
Ashley, R
Ashley, William J
Ashley, William J (ed)
Ashmead, Edward
Ashmore, B G
Ashmore, Owen
Ashmore, Owen (ed)
Ashmore, Sonia
Ashton, John
Ashton, John R
Ashton, R K
Ashton, Robert
Ashton, Rosemary
Ashton, T S
Ashton, T S (ed)
Ashton, T S, & J Sykes
Ashurst, Denis
Ashwin, Trevor, & Alan Davison (eds)
Ashworth, A H
Ashworth, C
Ashworth, Chris, & Peter Ascott
Ashworth, Frank
Ashworth, G J
Ashworth, George
Ashworth, Helen
Ashworth, Herbert
Ashworth, Mark, & Peter Forsyth
Ashworth, Phil
Ashworth, R C B, & H Bonney
Ashworth, Sue
Ashworth, William
Ashworth, William J
Aslin, Elizabeth
Aslin, Elizabeth, & Paul Atterbury
Aspey, Melanie
Aspey, Melanie (ed)
Aspin, Chris
Aspin, Chris, with Stanley D Chapman
Aspinall, Arthur
Aspinall, Henry K
Aspinall, J
Aspinall, John A F
Aspinall, Peter J
Aspinall, Peter J, & Daphne M Hudson with Richard Lawton
Aspinall, Robert
Aspinwall, Bernard
Aspray, William, & D Beaver
Asquith, Ivon
Assael, Brenda
Assheton-Smith, C G
Assouline, Pierre
Asteraki, John D, & John Bagley
Asteris, Michael
Astin, Geoffrey
Astle, William (ed)
Astling, Anne
Aston, Jennifer
Aston, Jennifer, & Catherine Bishop (eds)
Aston, Jennifer, & Paolo Di Martino
Aston, Jennifer, Amanda Capern & Briony Mcdonagh
Aston, Michael
Aston, Michael (ed)
Aston, Stan
Astrom, Sven Erik
Astrop, Arthur
Astrop, Arthur (ed)
Atherall, P G
Atherton, F W
Athill, Diana
Atkin, John M
Atkin, Malcolm
Atkin, Susanne (ed)
Atkin, W J
Atkins, A G, W Beard & R Tourret
Atkins, A L
Atkins, Charles
Atkins, Donald, & G Starey
Atkins, F Donald
Atkins, G C
Atkins, G H F
Atkins, J S
Atkins, Peter J
Atkins, Philip
Atkins, Samuel E, & William H Overall
Atkins, Susanne
Atkins, Tony
Atkins, Tony, & David Hyde
Atkins, William
Atkinson, Alan
Atkinson, Anita
Atkinson, B J
Atkinson, D
Atkinson, Daniel E
Atkinson, David R
Atkinson, David R, & Adrian Oswald
Atkinson, Derek
Atkinson, Douglas
Atkinson, Frank
Atkinson, Frank (ed)
Atkinson, Frank, & Ben Craughton
Atkinson, George
Atkinson, Glen
Atkinson, Graham
Atkinson, Graham, & John Rix
Atkinson, Harriet
Atkinson, J B
Atkinson, John B
Atkinson, Kevin
Atkinson, M
Atkinson, Michael
Atkinson, Michael (ed)
Atkinson, Michael, & Colin Baber
Atkinson, Michael, with Roger Burt & Peter Waite
Atkinson, Norman
Atkinson, R Lesley
Atkinson, Richard
Atkinson, Richard, et al
Atkinson, S H
Atkinson, Stephen
Atkinson, Tony
Atkinson, Tony, & Kevin O'Donoghue
Atlay, James B
Atmore, Henry
Atraqchi, M A
Attali, Jacques
Attallah, Naim I
Attard, Bernard
Attenborough, John
Atterbury, Paul
Atterbury, Paul (ed)
Atterbury, Paul, & Clive Wainwright (eds)
Atterbury, Paul, & John Benjamin
Atterbury, Paul, & John Henson
Atterbury, Paul, & Julia C E MacKenzie
Atterbury, Paul, & Louise Irvine
Atterton, David
Attfield, John
Attfield, Judy
Attfield, Judy (ed)
Atthill, Robin
Atthill, Robin, with O S Nock
Atton, Henry, & Henry H Holland
Attwood, Gertrude M
Attwooll, A W, & D C Broome
Atwell, David
Auden, George A (ed)
Auerbach, Jeffery A
Auerbach, Jeffrey A, & Peter H Hoffenberg (eds)
Augar, Philip J
Augustin, Andreas
Austen, Brian
Austen, Brian, Ted Henbury & John Blackwell
Austen, John
Austen-Leigh, Richard A
Austerfield, Peter J
Austin, A V
Austin, Albyn, & Richard E Hewer
Austin, Chris, & Richard Faulkner
Austin, Ernest
Austin, F Searle
Austin, G D
Austin, Gareth, & Chibuike U Uche
Austin, John, & Malcolm Ford
Austin, P E
Austin, Peter
Austin, Peter E
Austin, R
Austin, Roland
Austin, Thomas G
Austin, Wendy
Austwick, J, & B Austwick
Autheman, Andre
Auty, B G
Auty, Helen R
Avcioglu, Nebahat
Aveling, S T
Avenel, N J
Averby, Karen
Averis, Ernest (ed)
Avery, David
Avery, Frederick M
Avery, Michael D
Avery-Quash, Susanna
Avery-Quash, Susanna, & Christian Huemer (eds)
Aves, Ernest
Aves, Ernest
Aves, L A
Aveyard, Stuart, Paul Corthorn & Sean O'Connell
Avis, Anthony
Avis, Frederick C
Avrahampour, Yally
Awasthi, Aruna
Awdry, Christopher
Awdry, Christopher, et al
Awty, Brian G
Awty, Brian G, & Christopher Whittick
Axe, John
Axon, Colin J, & Stuart Burroughs
Axten, Eric
Axworthy, Roger
Ayensu, Edward S
Ayer, Jules
Ayerst, David G O
Aylen, Jonathan
Aylett, P
Aylmer, Gerald
Aylott, Geraldine
Aylward, J D
Aynscombe, Martin A
Aynsley, Jeremy
Ayo, Rafael Uriarte
Ayre, A L
Ayre, Wilfrid
Ayres, B S
Ayres, George
Ayres, James
Ayris, Ian
Ayris, Ian, & Stafford M Linsley
Ayto, Eric G
Bab, Herbert J G
Babbage, Charles
Babcock, F Lawrence
Baber, Colin
Baber, Colin, & Dennis A Thomas
Baber, Colin, & Jeffrey Dessant
Baber, Colin, & L J Williams (eds)
Baber, Colin, & Lynn Mainwaring
Baber, F T
Bacha, Edmar, & Robert G Greenhill
Bache, Mary
Back, D H L
Backemeyer, Sylvia
Backemeyer, Sylvia, & Theresa Gronberg (eds)
Backhouse, A
Backhouse, David W
Backhouse, J C
Backinsell, William G C
Bacon, D H
Bacon, Jack, & Roger Fogg
Bacon, Louise
Bacon, R K
Bacon, Roy
Bacon, Roy, & Ken Hallworth
Baddeley, G E, & J H Price (ed)
Baddeley, Geoffrey E, et al
Baddeley, John F L
Baddeley, W St Clair
Bader, Arno L
Bader, Ernest
Badham, Sally
Badham, Sally, & Sophie Oosterwijk
Badham, Sally, & Sophie Oosterwijk (eds)
Badnall, Richard
Badsey-Ellis, Antony
Baer, Bernhard
Baer, William C
Bagchi, A K
Bagehot, Walter
Bageley, William
Bagge, Eric
Baggott, John
Baggott, Michael
Baggott, Sally
Baggs, A Paget
Baggs, Chris
Baglee, Chris
Baglee, Chris, & Andrew Morley
Baglee, Chris, & John Nolan
Baglehole, K C
Bagley, J J
Bagnall, J S
Bagnall, Paul
Bagrit, L
Bagshawe, Thomas W
Bagshawe, Thomas W, & C E Freeman
Bagster, Robert
Bagster, Samuel
Bagust, F
Bagust, Harold
Bagwell, Philip S
Bagwell, Philip S, & John Armstrong
Bagwell, Philip S, & Peter Lyth
Baildon, Samuel
Bailey, A
Bailey, A J
Bailey, Adrian R
Bailey, Adrian R, & Andrew Alexander
Bailey, Adrian R, & J R Bryson
Bailey, Adrian R, Andrew Alexander & Gareth Shaw
Bailey, Ann
Bailey, Brian J
Bailey, Bryan J (ed)
Bailey, Catherine
Bailey, Cheryl
Bailey, Craig
Bailey, D W
Bailey, David
Bailey, De Witt, & Douglas A Nie
Bailey, Derek
Bailey, F A
Bailey, F A, & Theo C Barker
Bailey, Frank
Bailey, Geoff, Inge Panneels & Carol Whittaker
Bailey, Isabel
Bailey, J L
Bailey, J R
Bailey, Jack
Bailey, Joan
Bailey, John D
Bailey, Joscelyn
Bailey, Keith
Bailey, L A
Bailey, Lucy A
Bailey, M Buckworth
Bailey, Mark
Bailey, Mark W
Bailey, Martin
Bailey, Michael R
Bailey, Michael R (ed)
Bailey, Peter
Bailey, Peter (ed)
Bailey, R
Bailey, Rebecca M
Bailey, Ronald H
Bailey, Stephen
Bailey, W H
Baillie, George
Baillie, John
Baillieu, Bill, & John Goodchild
Baily, F A
Baily, Francis E
Baily, J L
Bain, C
Bain, C J
Bain, Ebenezer
Bain, Gordon
Bain, Iain
Bain, Iain (ed)
Bain, James S
Bain, Patrick
Bainbridge, C George
Bainbridge, Cyril
Bainbridge, Cyril, & Roy Stockdill
Bainbridge, J W
Bainbridge, T H
Baines, David
Baines, Edward
Baines, F E
Baines, Frank
Baines, J Manwaring
Baines, John M
Baines, John M, & Judith Fisher (ed)
Baines, Michael
Baines, Patricia
Baines, Paul, & Pat Rogers
Baines, Phil
Baines, Richard M
Baines, Ron
Baines, Talbot
Baines, Thomas
Baines, Wendy
Baird, Christina J
Baird, Malcolm
Baird, Margaret
Baird, Peter
Baird, R G
Bairstow, Martin
Baker, A I
Baker, A L
Baker, Alan
Baker, Albert V
Baker, Alexi S
Baker, Alfred
Baker, Allan C
Baker, Allan C, & Mike G Fell
Baker, Allan C, & T D Allen Civil
Baker, Anne, Joanne Butler & Pat Southworth
Baker, Anthony J M, & Michael J M Baker
Baker, C Richard
Baker, Charles W
Baker, Denis W
Baker, Denis, & Steve Duckworth
Baker, Dennis A
Baker, Diane
Baker, Edward C
Baker, Geoffrey L
Baker, H G
Baker, H M
Baker, Henry
Baker, Herbert
Baker, Herbert, & W T Stead
Baker, Hugh
Baker, J A C
Baker, J H
Baker, James
Baker, John
Baker, John C
Baker, John C Y
Baker, John C, & Kate Crowe
Baker, John H
Baker, John L
Baker, Julian L
Baker, Katherine
Baker, M W
Baker, Mae, & Michael Collins
Baker, Mae, Caroline Eadsforth & Michael Collins
Baker, Michael
Baker, Michael H C
Baker, Michael, & Patricia Baker (eds)
Baker, Nina, et al
Baker, Norman
Baker, O A
Baker, Paul
Baker, Peter
Baker, Peter S
Baker, R F
Baker, Richard A
Baker, Robert L
Baker, Rodney, & Alan Leonard
Baker, Stanley
Baker, T
Baker, Tim, John Dilworth & Andrew Fairfax
Baker, W J
Baker, Wilma Sinclair Le Van
Baker-Bates, Merrick
Baker-Jones, T W
Bakker, Gerben
Bakker, Karen J
Baladouni, Vahe
Balasubramanyam, V N
Balchin, Nigel
Balchin, W G V (ed)
Balcon, Michael
Bald, Robert
Balderston, Gordon
Balderston, Marion (ed)
Baldwin, Christopher E
Baldwin, Francis G C
Baldwin, J H
Baldwin, Jim, & Mark Baldwin
Baldwin, M W
Baldwin, Mark
Baldwin, Mary
Baldwin, Mike
Baldwin, N C
Baldwin, Nick
Baldwin, Nick, & William Negus (comps)
Baldwin, Peter, & Robert Baldwin (eds)
Baldwin, Peter, et al
Baldwin, T J
Baldwin, T J, & R H Berry
Baldwin, T J, R H Berry & R A Church
Baldwin, T J, R H Berry & R A Church
Bale, Bernard
Bale, J R
Bale, K
Bale, M Powis
Balen, Malcolm
Balfour, Bernard M
Balfour, Christopher
Balfour, Jabez S
Balfour, John P D
Balfour, Michael
Balgarnie, Robert
Ball, Adrian R, Chris Brooks & Tony K Moore
Ball, Christina
Ball, Christine, David Crossley & Neville Flavell
Ball, Ephraim
Ball, F J
Ball, Felicity, & Tim Bryan
Ball, Geoffrey
Ball, Janet
Ball, John D
Ball, Johnson
Ball, Mia
Ball, Michael
Ball, Michael, & David T Sunderland
Ball, Norman, & John N Vardalas
Ball, Ruth
Ball, Simon J
Ball, Stuart
Ball, T Stanley
Ball, W R
Ballantine, Ishbel, et al
Ballantyne, John H
Ballard, Elsie
Ballard, Ken
Ballard, Phillada
Ballard, Phillada (ed)
Ballard, Phillada, Valerie Loggie & Shena Mason
Ballen, Dorothy
Ballentine, Neil
Ballin, H H
Ballingall, D G
Balls, Richard
Balmforth, John
Balmforth, Owen
Balston, J N
Balston, Thomas
Bamberg, Jim H
Bamberg, Jim H, Valerie Johnson & Stephen Shaw
Bamberger, Louis, et al
Bambery, Anneke
Bambery, Anneke, & Robin Blackwood
Bamfield, Joshua
Bamford, Francis
Bamford, Jack
Bamford, W
Bamford, W M
Bamforth, A W
Bamforth, A W
Bampton, Daphne
Banbury, Lawrence G
Banbury, Paul
Banbury, Philip
Bancroft, J Austen, with T D Guernsey
Bancroft, Peter
Banerji, R N
Banfield, Edwin
Banfield, Frank
Bangay, Paul
Banham, H
Banham, Joanna
Banham, John
Banham, John, & Don Bowman
Banham, Julie
Banham, Mary, & Bevis Hillier (eds)
Banham, Reyner
Banham, Rob
Banister, David
Banister, Frederick D
Banister, Judith
Banji, S
Banken, Ralf, & Ray Stokes
Banker, V K
Bankes, Joyce H M
Banks, A G
Banks, A G, & R B Schofield
Banks, A Marion
Banks, Elizabeth M
Banks, Erik
Banks, G D
Banks, Howard
Banks, J R
Banks, John
Banks, John, & G H F Akins
Banks, Leslie
Banks, Thomas
Bann, J E
Bannatyne, Duncan
Banner, Stuart
Bannerman, Gordon E
Bannerman, Kenneth P
Bannet, Eve Tavor
Bannister, Freddy
Bannister, Saxe (ed)
Bannister, Turpin
Banting, David
Banyard, Cyril W
Bapty, Tamsin
Barber, Alan
Barber, Andrew, & Jane Railton
Barber, Ann-Margaret
Barber, Arthur V
Barber, B J
Barber, Brian
Barber, Chris
Barber, David M
Barber, Derek
Barber, Giles
Barber, Jill
Barber, L H
Barber, Lionel
Barber, Norman
Barber, Norman, Mike Brown, R Farleigh & Ken Smith (eds)
Barber, Peter
Barber, Peter, & Peter Jacomelli
Barber, Ross J
Barber, Sian
Barber, William
Barbezat, Daniel
Barbour, J S
Barbour, Ruth
Barbour, Sheena
Barbour, Violet
Barbour, W T
Barchard, David
Barclay, C R
Barclay, Hubert F, & Alice Wilson-Fox
Barclay, J B
Barclay, John
Barclay, John B
Barclay, John F
Barclay, Tom, & Eric J Graham
Barclay, W A
Barclay-Harvey, Malcolm
Barczewski, Stephanie
Bard, Solomon
Barden, Mike
Bardens, Dennis
Bardon, Jonathan
Bardsley, Gillian
Bardsley, Gillian, & Colin Corke
Bardsley, Gillian, & Stephen Lang
Bardsley, J R
Bardsley, Sandy
Bareau, Paul
Baren, Maurice
Barendregt, Jan
Barfe, Louis
Barfield, Norman
Barfield, T J
Barfleet, R S, & J M Woodward
Barfoot, James
Barford, Edward
Barford, Kate E
Barford, Megan
Bargar, D
Barge, John
Barham, G
Barham, L Fisher
Barham, William
Baring, Francis
Baring, P
Barkas, Albert A
Barke, Michael
Barke, Michael, & M J Buswell
Barkell, Carole
Barker, Arthur
Barker, Brian, & David Lowe (ed)
Barker, Chris, Neil Tuckett & Drew Litteker
Barker, David
Barker, David, & Sam Cole
Barker, David, & Sam Cole (eds)
Barker, David, & Wendy Horton with J Victor Owen
Barker, Derek
Barker, Felix
Barker, Hannah
Barker, Hannah
Barker, Hannah, & Karen Harvey
Barker, Hannah, & Mina Ishizu
Barker, Hannah, & Sarah Green
Barker, Janine, & Cheryl Buckley
Barker, Kathleen
Barker, Kenneth
Barker, M
Barker, Michael
Barker, Nicolas J
Barker, Nigel
Barker, Nigel, et al
Barker, Paul F
Barker, Peter
Barker, R M
Barker, Ray
Barker, Robert
Barker, Rosalin
Barker, T C
Barker, T C, & Christopher Savage
Barker, T C, & Dorian Gerhold
Barker, T C, & J R Harris
Barker, T C, & John Yudkin (eds)
Barker, T C, & Michael Robbins
Barker, T C, & N F Newbury
Barker, T C, J C McKenzie & John Yudkin (eds)
Barker, T C, R Dickinson & D W F Hardie
Barker, T C, R H Campbell & Peter Mathias
Barker, T C, et al
Barker, W
Barker, W H, & W Fitzgerald
Barker, W R
Barley, Gilbert
Barley, L B, & M W Barley
Barley, Simon L
Barling, W E
Barlow, Colin
Barlow, Crawford
Barlow, J M
Barlow, K A
Barlow, Robert
Barlow, Ronald
Barman, Christian
Barmby, Tim
Barnaby, Kenneth C
Barnard, A
Barnard, Alan
Barnard, Alfred
Barnard, E A, & A J B Wace
Barnard, Edward
Barnard, Harry
Barnard, John
Barnard, John E
Barnard, John, & Maureen Bell
Barnard, Julian
Barnard, L W
Barnard, Mark C S
Barnard, Michaela
Barnard, Michaela, & David J Starkey
Barnard, R H
Barnard, R W
Barnard, Robert
Barnatt, John
Barnatt, John, & Antony Dickson
Barnatt, John, & Rebecca Penny
Barnatt, John, et al
Barnby, R A
Barnes, Alan
Barnes, Alan, & Martin Renshaw
Barnes, Alison
Barnes, B S
Barnes, Bernard
Barnes, Christopher H G
Barnes, Christopher H G, & Derek N James (ed)
Barnes, Donald G
Barnes, Eleanor C, later Lady Yarrow
Barnes, Eric G
Barnes, F
Barnes, Felicity
Barnes, Frederic R
Barnes, G W, & Thomas Stevens
Barnes, Gerrard
Barnes, Ishbel C M
Barnes, J A
Barnes, James J
Barnes, James J, & Patience P Barnes
Barnes, John
Barnes, Marjorie W
Barnes, Martin
Barnes, Melvyn
Barnes, P B
Barnes, Paul
Barnes, Paul, & Ron J Firman
Barnes, S
Barnes, Victoria, & Lucy Newton
Barnes, William
Barnet, Margaret C
Barnett, Andrew P, & David W Lloyd
Barnett, Arthur L
Barnett, Correlli
Barnett, David
Barnett, John, & Paul Banbury
Barnett, Snowdon
Barnett, Steven
Barnett, Steven, with Andrew Curry
Barney, J
Barney, John M
Barnicoat, David
Barnicoat, John
Barnie, D
Barnwell, P S, Marilyn Palmer & Malcolm Airs (eds)
Barr, Charles
Barr, Elaine
Barr, Robin, & Mark Jephcott
Barr, William
Barrack, Alayne
Barraclough, Kenneth C
Barraclough, Kenneth C, & Brian G Awty
Barraclough, Martin
Barraclough, R I, & P L Jennings
Barras, George
Barras, Richard
Barrass, Eric
Barratt, Antony J
Barratt, Colin
Barraud, Enid M
Barrell, Joan, & Brian Braithwaite
Barrell, N C C
Barrett, Ada L
Barrett, Charles R B
Barrett, Duncan, & Nuala Calvi
Barrett, Emma
Barrett, Franklin A
Barrett, Franklin A, & Arthur L Thorpe
Barrett, George N
Barrett, Howard
Barrett, I H (ed)
Barrett, James
Barrett, John A
Barrett, Mavis
Barrett, R A
Barrie, Derek S M
Barrie, Derek S M, & Roger W Kidner
Barrie, Derek S, & C R Clinker
Barrie, John
Barrigan, A M, et al
Barringer, D A
Barringer, M M
Barriskill, D T
Barritt, A
Barritt, Steve
Barron, Caroline M
Barron, Caroline M, & Matthew Davies
Barron, E J
Barron, James
Barron, R A
Barron, Sharron
Barron, William
Barrow, Anthony
Barrow, G L
Barrow, Harrison
Barrow, Ian J
Barrow, Richard
Barrow, Tony
Barry, Alfred
Barry, Anthony (ed)
Barry, B A
Barry, Brigit
Barry, E Eldon
Barry, George S
Barry, Patrick
Barry, Septimus
Barry, Theodore W S
Barson, Susie, & Andrew Saint
Bartelot, R Grosvenor
Barth, B
Bartholomew, David, et al
Bartholomew, J C
Bartholomew, R G
Bartle, Julie
Bartlett, Andrew H
Bartlett, Andrew, & Mike Greenwood
Bartlett, J Neville
Bartlett, Liz
Bartlett, Mary
Bartlett, P
Bartlett, R P
Bartlett, Simon
Bartlett, Stephen
Bartlett, Susan, & Michael J Jones
Bartley, Arthur J
Barton, Barry
Barton, D Bradford
Barton, D M
Barton, D M
Barton, E W
Barton, Jonathan R
Barton, Kenneth
Barton, Michael
Barton, P
Barton, Peter
Barton, Rita M
Barton, Roger N
Barton, Su, & Rhianydd Murray
Barton, Susan
Barton, Susan (ed)
Barton, Victor R
Bartrip, P W J
Bartrip, P W J, & P T Fenn
Bartrip, P W J, & S B Burman
Barty-King, Hugh
Basbanes, Nicholas A
Basberg, Bjorn L
Basford, Jennifer L
Bashforth, Emma, Welda Lajean Chaffin & Jessica Collins
Baskin, Jonathan B
Baskin, Jonathan B, & Paul J Miranti
Baskin, Sheldon L
Basley, John
Basnett, Lois
Basnett, Stan
Bass, Hugh
Bass, R C M
Basset, Gerard
Basset, J S
Bassett, Arthur T
Bassett, Charlotte
Bassett, D K
Bassett, Herbert H (ed)
Bassett, J H
Bassett, Troy J
Bassett-Lowke, Janet
Bassin, Joan
Bastable, Marshall J
Baster, Albert S J
Bastin, R
Baston, Christopher
Bastow, Donald
Basu, Ann
Basu, Champaka
Basu, P
Basye, Arthur H
Batchelar, Timothy
Batcheler, Lilian E M
Batchelor Smith, L A
Batchelor, Charlie
Batchelor, Frederick S
Batchelor, R
Batchelor, R A
Batchelor, Ray
Batchelor, Robert
Bate, David M, & Allan T Condie
Bate, Don
Bate, Sally (ed)
Bateman, Donald
Bateman, John F La Trobe
Bateman, Ken, & Owen Woodliffe
Bateman, Nick
Bates, Alan
Bates, Bryan A
Bates, D W S
Bates, David L
Bates, Herbert E
Bates, J M
Bates, James
Bates, James A
Bates, Joe
Bates, Keith
Bates, Malcolm
Bates, Malcolm (ed)
Bates, Malcolm, & Brian Carpenter
Bates, Malcolm, & Robin Hannay
Bates, Philip E
Bateson, Henry
Bathe, Greville & Dorothy
Bathe, Peter
Bathurst, David
Bathurst, J, & E J L Cole
Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo
Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo, & Gustavo A del Angel
Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo, & Joan C Maixe-Altes
Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo, & Peter Wardley
Batkin, Maureen
Batsford, P
Batstone, Margaret
Batt, David M
Batten, M I
Battersby, E J
Battersby, E J, et al
Battersby, Philip
Battersby, R J
Battersby, Rupert
Battershill, Claire
Battilossi, Stefano
Battilossi, Stefano (ed)
Battilossi, Stefano, & Youssef Cassis (eds)
Battison, George
Battle-Welch, Gerald, et al
Battley, Bernard
Batty-Smith, W de B-P
Battye, Kathleen M
Battye, Kathleen M (ed)
Batzel, Victor M
Baudino, Isabelle, Jacques Carré, Cécile Révauger (eds)
Bauer, P T
Baugh, Daniel A (ed)
Baugh, G C
Baugh, G C, M W Greenslade & A D Johnson
Baughan, Peter E
Bauman, Robert P, Peter Jackson & Joanne T Lawrence
Baumer, Edward
Baumol, W J, & Mary I Oates
Bavin, E M
Bavington, John B
Bawden, Moses
Baxendale, W H
Baxter, Alan
Baxter, B
Baxter, Bertram
Baxter, George
Baxter, John
Baxter, Penelope
Baxter, Peter
Baychi, Amiya K
Bayer, Thomas M
Bayer, Thomas M, & John R Page
Baylen, J O
Bayles, R
Bayley, Denis
Bayley, G Herbert, & Horace C Bayley
Bayley, Paul
Bayley, Rosalind
Bayley, Stephen
Bayley, Stephen, & Roger Mavity
Bayliffe, Dorothy M, & Joan N Harding
Baylis, Gertrude
Baylis, T J
Baylis, T J S (ed)
Bayliss, Anne
Bayliss, Anne, & Paul Bayliss
Bayliss, D G
Bayliss, Derek
Bayliss, Derek (ed)
Bayne, A D
Bayne, S B M
Baynes, John, & George V Westropp
Baynes, Ken, & Kate Baynes
Baynes, Ken, & Kate Baynes (eds)
Baynes, Peter
Bayon, Javier L & Kevin Donnelly (translator)
Bayzand, William
Bazeley, William
Beable, William H
Beach, Brian, & W Walker Hanlon
Beach, Leslie, & Bob Beach
Beacham, Arthur
Beacham, M J A
Beacham, R H S
Beachey, R W
Beachy, Robert, et al (eds)
Beacroft, B W
Beadell, Joanna, & Penny Vaughan
Beadle, Clayton
Beadle, Harold L
Beadle, Tony
Beakbane, Henry R
Beale, Gerry
Beale, J B
Beale, John B C
Beale, Philip O
Beale, Philip O, et al
Beale, Robert
Beale, Ronald
Beale, Samuel R
Beales, H L
Beales, Karen
Bealy, Kenneth R
Beamish, C J M
Beamish, Derek, John Hillier & H F V Johnstone
Beamish, Richard
Beamon, Sylvia P, & Susan Roaf
Bean, C, & N F R Crafts
Bean, David
Bean, Ron
Beard, A
Beard, Charles R
Beard, Geoffrey W
Beard, Geoffrey W, & Christopher G Gilbert (eds)
Beard, Harry
Beard, John, Sue Freed & Sandy Wilson
Beard, Michael
Beard, N F
Beardmore, Alan
Beardmore, Carol
Beardmore, Carol, Steven King & Geoff Monks (eds)
Beardmore, John
Beardwood, Alice
Beare, Ernest E
Beare, Geraldine
Beare, Thomas, & J A Buckley (tribr & ed)
Bearman, Robert
Beastall, T W
Beaton, Kendall
Beaton, Kenneth
Beattie, George B
Beattie, R J
Beattie, Tim C H
Beaty, Jonathan, & S C Gwynne
Beauchamp, Christopher R
Beauchamp, Ken G
Beauchamp, Victoria A
Beauchamp, Victoria, & Joan Unwin with James Symonds (ed)
Beaumont, Cyril W
Beaumont, Martin
Beaumont, Philip
Beaumont, Richard
Beaumont, Robert
Beaumont, V B
Beaumont-James, Tom
Beavan, Iain
Beaven, Brad
Beaven, M
Beaver, Patrick
Beaver, Stanley H
Beaverbrook, Lord
Beavington, F
Beazer, Cyril H G
Beazley, Elizabeth
Bebb, Lynne
Bebb, Prudence
Bebbington, Frank
Bebbington, P S
Becattini, Massimo (ed)
Beck, Charles
Beck, J W
Beck, Joan
Beck, John
Beck, Peter J
Beck, R Theodore
Beck, S William
Beck, Tony
Beck, W J
Becker, Craig
Becker, M Janet
Beckerlegge, John J
Beckerman, Wilfred (ed)
Beckerson, John
Beckerson, John, & John K Walton
Beckert, Sven
Beckett, C (ed)
Beckett, C J
Beckett, C M
Beckett, Chris
Beckett, Dennis
Beckett, J C, & Robin E Glasscock (eds)
Beckett, J C, et al
Beckett, James
Beckett, John G A
Beckett, John V
Beckett, John V (ed)
Beckett, John V, & J E Heath
Beckett, John V, & Michael Turner
Beckett, John V, et al (eds)
Beckett, Peter
Beckett, R
Beckhough, Harry
Beckingham, David
Beckinsale, Robert P
Beckinsale, Robert P (ed)
Beckles, Gordon
Beckles, N I
Beckwith, Alice H R H
Beckwith, Frank
Beckwith, Ian S
Bedall, Matthew
Beddall, David
Beddall, David, & Gary Seamarks
Bedder, L J
Beddoes, K, & William H Smith
Beddoes, K, Colin Wheeler & Stephen Wheeler
Bedford, Allan
Bedford-Smith, A
Bedington, Rhoda H
Bednall, M P
Bedwell, Richard, et al
Bedwin, Owen
Bee, Malcolm
Bee, Malcolm, & Peter W Tyrrell
Beech, H
Beeman, M M
Beenstock, Rhona
Beer, A Ernest
Beer, Edwin J
Beer, J G
Beer, Noel
Beer, Oliver
Beer, Reg
Beerbuhl, Margrit Schulte
Beesley, Ian
Beesley, M E, & G W Troup
Beeson, C F C
Beeson, E W
Beet, Brian
Beeton, H R
Beetz, Kirk H
Begley, Jason, et al (eds)
Begley, Philip, & Sally Sheard
Behagg, Clive
Behr, A
Behrend, Arthur
Behrend, George
Behrendt, Stephen D
Behrendt, Stephen D, & Peter M Solar
Behrens, C B A
Behrens, George
Behrman, Samuel N
Beier, A L
Beier, A L, & Roger Finlay (eds)
Beisly, Philip
Beit, Alfred, & J G Lockhart
Bektas, Y
Belanger, Terry
Belcher, C A
Belcher, L
Belcher, Margaret
Belcher, Margaret (ed)
Belcher, S
Belcher, Victor
Belfield, Richard, et al
Belford, Paul
Belford, Paul, & Ross Ronald A
Bell, A R, C Brooks & H Killick
Bell, Adrian R, & Richard S Dale
Bell, Adrian R, Chris Brooks & Paul R Dryburgh
Bell, Alan
Bell, Benjamin
Bell, Bill
Bell, Bill (ed)
Bell, Brian
Bell, Colin, & Rose Bell
Bell, David
Bell, David A
Bell, David D
Bell, Dominique (ed)
Bell, Edward
Bell, Geoff
Bell, George E
Bell, George, Phil Foreman, Stan Gill & Phil Whitehead
Bell, H
Bell, Isaac Lowthian
Bell, Jacob
Bell, Jacob, & Theophilus Redwood
Bell, Jim
Bell, Jonathan
Bell, Lady
Bell, Maureen
Bell, Maureen, & John Hinks
Bell, Pauline C
Bell, R A
Bell, R C
Bell, Robert
Bell, Robert C
Bell, Robert C, & Margaret A V Gill
Bell, Robert C, L Dixon & S H Cottle
Bell, Robert, & E W Arkle
Bell, Roy F
Bell, Samuel P
Bell, Stuart
Bell, Tim, with Charles Vallance & David Hopper (eds)
Bell, Tom
Bell, Walter G
Bell-Knight, C A
Bellamy Gardner, H
Bellamy, B E
Bellamy, Burl, et al
Bellamy, Joyce M
Bellamy, Joyce M (ed)
Bellamy, Martin, & Bill Spalding
Bellars, E J
Bellasis, Margaret
Bellchambers, Jack K
Bellerby, Peter
Bellhouse, D R
Bellhouse, David R
Bellhouse, E T
Bellingham, R A
Bellini, James, & Sally Angel
Belliss, J Edward
Bellman, Charles Harold
Bellows, E E
Bellows, John E
Bellringer, Charles, & Ranald Michie
Bells, Adrian R, Chris Brooks & Helen Killick
Bellwood, John, & David Jenkinson
Beloe, Charles H
Beloe, E M
Belshaw, Guy
Belstaff, W D
Belton, Brian
Belton, Valerie
Bembridge, C L
Bemrose, G J V
Bemrose, Henry H
Bemrose, Paul J
Bemrose, William
Bemrose, William (ed)
Ben-Amos, Ilana K
Benbow, Julie, & Kevin Botting
Bender, Lee
Bendrey, Roy
Benedetta, Mary
Benedict, Barbara
Beney, David R
Benfield, Eric
Benger, T H
Bengry, J
Benham, Frederic
Benham, Hervey
Benham, Hervey, with Peter French & John Leather
Benham, Maura
Benham, Stanley J
Benham, W G
Benjamin, Austin
Benjamin, Frederick A
Benjamin, Sarah
Benjamin, Susan
Benjamin, Thelma H
Benn, Ernest J P
Benn, George
Bennell, J E G
Bennell, John
Bennet, Robert
Bennett Miller, J
Bennett, A S
Bennett, Alan
Bennett, Alec
Bennett, Alfred R
Bennett, Andrew
Bennett, Ann
Bennett, Bryan, & Anthony Hamilton
Bennett, C W
Bennett, Chris, & Colin Cameron
Bennett, Chris, & Nick Dimbleby
Bennett, D F H
Bennett, Daryl
Bennett, Daryl, & Colin Pill
Bennett, E Z
Bennett, Edward
Bennett, Eric
Bennett, Frances
Bennett, Francis
Bennett, G A
Bennett, G P
Bennett, G, E Clavering & A Rounding
Bennett, Helen M
Bennett, Henry S
Bennett, Ian G
Bennett, J D
Bennett, J Harry
Bennett, James A
Bennett, Jeremy
Bennett, Jim
Bennett, John
Bennett, John
Bennett, John (ed)
Bennett, Joseph
Bennett, Joseph, & John Baldwin
Bennett, Judith M
Bennett, L G
Bennett, Leonie
Bennett, Martin
Bennett, Peter
Bennett, Peter, & David Jenkins
Bennett, Richard
Bennett, Richard, & J A Leavey
Bennett, Richard, & John Elton
Bennett, Robert J
Bennett, Robert J (ed)
Bennett, Rosemary
Bennett, Scott
Bennett, Stewart, & Nicholas Bennett (eds)
Bennett, Stuart
Bennett, Thea
Bennett, W
Bennett, W D, & H E Gregory
Bennett, W J
Bennett, William
Bennison, Brian R
Bennison, Brian, & James P Merrington
Benoy, Kimberley
Bensimon, Fabrice
Bensimon, Fabrice, & Christopher A Whatley
Benson, Anna P
Benson, Erik
Benson, George
Benson, Henry A
Benson, Joel D
Benson, John
Benson, John, & Gareth Shaw
Benson, John, & Gareth Shaw (eds)
Benson, John, & Laura Ugolini (eds)
Benson, John, & Robert G Neville (eds)
Benson, John, A Alexander, D Hodson, J Jones & G Shaw
Benson, John, A Alexander, G Shaw & D Hodson
Benson, John, Robert G Neville & Charles Thompson
Benson, John, et al (eds)
Benson, Michael
Benson, R
Benson, W A S
Benstead, Charles R
Bent, J Theodore (ed)
Bentall, Rowan
Benthall, Edward
Bentham, Fred
Bentham, Maria S
Bentley, G E
Bentley, J
Bentley, J B
Bentley, J B, & B J Murless
Bentley, J, Peter Davey & H M Harrison
Bentley, John, Bernard Bond & Mike Gill
Bentley, Phyllis E
Bentley, Richard
Bentley, Walter O
Bently, Lionel
Bently, Lionel, Jennifer Davis, & Jane C Ginsburg (eds)
Benton, Alison M
Benton, Charlotte
Benton, Eric
Benton, Josiah H
Benton, Tim
Benyon, Huw, & Ray Hudson
Beresford, Camilla
Beresford, Maurice M, & Rachel Unsworth
Beresford, Maurice W
Beresford, Maurice W, & G R Jones (eds)
Berg, Jonas, & Bo Lagercrantz
Berg, Maxine
Berg, Maxine (ed)
Berg, Maxine, & Elizabeth Eger (eds)
Berg, Maxine, & Helen Clifford
Berg, Maxine, & Helen Clifford (eds)
Berg, Maxine, & Kristine Bruland (eds)
Berg, Maxine, & Pat Hudson
Berg, Maxine, Pat Hudson & Michael Sonenscher (eds)
Berg, Torsten, & Peter Berg (eds)
Bergel, Giles
Bergen, Chris
Bergengren, Erik
Berger, Ronald M
Berger, Sidney E
Berger, Stefan, & Neil Evans
Berger, Thomas B
Berghahn, Volker R
Berghoff, Hartmut
Berghoff, Hartmut, & Barbara Korte
Berghoff, Hartmut, & R Moller
Berghoff, Hartmut, & Uwe Spiekermann
Berghoff, Hartmut, Philip Scranton & Uwe Spiekermann (eds)
Berghoff, Hartmut, et al (eds)
Bergin, John P
Bergin, Pam
Bergin, Tom
Bergius, William M
Berguer, David
Berkovitch, Israel
Berland, Nicolas, & Trevor Boyns
Berland, Nicolas, Trevor Boyns & H Zimnovitch
Berlin, Michael
Bernard, Stephen (ed)
Bernhardt, Douglas
Bernhofen, Daniel M, Zouheir El-Sahli, & Richard Kneller
Bernstein, S A
Bernstein, Sidney L
Berrey, R Power
Berridge, Kate
Berridge, Vanessa
Berridge, Virginia
Berriman, Algernon E
Berrow, James
Berry, C S, et al
Berry, Charles W
Berry, Charlotte
Berry, Charlotte, & Tim E Crumplin
Berry, D
Berry, David
Berry, Elizabeth K
Berry, G C
Berry, George
Berry, H
Berry, Helen
Berry, Helen, & Jeremy Gregory (eds)
Berry, Herbert (ed)
Berry, Howard
Berry, Mike
Berry, Peter
Berry, R G
Berry, Stephen J
Berry, Sue
Berry, T C (ed)
Berry, W Turner
Berry, Warren
Berthoff, Rowland T
Berthoud, Michael
Bertilorenzi, Marco
Bertram, James G
Bertramsen, Helle B
Bertucci, Paola
Berwick, A L
Besant, Arthur D
Bessborough, Earl of (ed)
Bessemer, Henry
Besso, Marco
Best, Desmond
Best, Jeffrey A, et al
Best, Keith
Best, Michael H, & Jane Humphries
Best, R S
Best, Robert D
Best, Robert H, W J Davis & C Perks
Best-Gordon, Harry
Besterman, Theodore (ed)
Beswick, Molly
Beswick, Wilfred
Bethan, Bide
Bethell, A G B
Bethell, J P
Bett, Wingate H, & John C Gillham
Betteney, Alan
Bettenson, Anne S
Betteridge, Margaret
Betteridge, Paula
Betterton, Alec, & David Dymond
Bettey, Joe H
Bettey, Joe H (ed)
Bettey, Joe H, & Adrian J Webb
Bettey, Joe H, & Ken Rogers
Bettley, James H
Betts, Alan
Betts, Dianne C
Betts, Ernest
Betts, Ian M, Rosemary I Weinstein et al
Betts, Jonathan
Bevan, George Phillips
Bevan, George Phillips (ed)
Bevan, Iain, & Warren McDougall
Bevan, Judi
Bevan, Judi, & John Jay
Bevan, R M
Bevan, R Mark
Bevan, Teleri
Bevan-Evans, Myrddyn
Beveridge, Lindy
Beveridge, William H
Bevington, Geoffrey
Bevir, Laura
Bevis, Trevor
Bewick, Thomas; Iain Bain (ed)
Bexfield, Harold
Beyer, J T
Beynon, Huw
Beynon, Huw, & Hilary Wainwright
Beynon, Oswald
Bezdek, Richard H
Bezzant, Norman
Bhaskar, Krish N, & John Flower
Bhattacharya, Sukumar
Bhuyan, S K
Bianco, Anthony
Bianco, Don, et al
Bibby, Derek
Bibby, John B
Bibby, John B, & Charles L Bibby
Bick, David
Bick, David, & Philip W Davies
Bick, David, et al
Bickers, Robert
Biddell, George
Biddiscombe, B J, & John Dunabin
Biddle, Gordon
Biddle, R P
Biddle, Richard
Bidwell, John
Bidwell, William H
Bielenberg, Andy
Bielenberg, Andy (ed)
Bielenberg, Andy, & Peter M Solar
Bienefeld, M A
Bieri, Alexander
Biernacki, R
Bietz, Chris (ed)
Biffa, Robert
Big Flame Ford Group
Biggar, Walter
Bigham, Julia
Bigham, Randy B
Bigio, Robert
Bigland, Reuben
Bigley, T M
Bignold, Robert
Bignon, Vincent, Marc Flandreau & Stefano Ugolini
Bigwood, Anne R
Bilbey, Diane (ed)
Biles, J H
Bilicka, Katarzyna A
Biliotti, Adrien
Bill, Nicholas A
Billam, Michael
Billcliffe, Roger
Billing, Noel Pemberton
Billinge, Frances
Billings, Derek, & Richard Storey
Billings, Mark, & Forrest Capie
Billings, Mark, & John F Wilson
Billings, Mark, & Oats, Lynne
Billings, Mark, Anna Tilba & John F Wilson
Billings, Tony
Billington, John
Billington, Louis
Billington, Maurice H, with David H Smith
Billington, Neville
Billington, Neville S, & Brian Roberts
Billington, Nick
Billington, Vivien
Billington, W D
Billson, Peter
Bilodeau, René , & Anslem Fraser (eds)
Bimson, Mavis
Bimson, Mavis, John Ainslie & Bernard Watney
Binding, John
Bindoff, Stanley T
Binfield, Clyde
Binfield, Clyde, & David Hey (eds)
Binford, Henry C
Bing, Frederick G
Bingeman, John, et al
Bingham, Adrian
Bingham, Adrian, & Martin Conboy
Bingham, Adrian, & Martin Conboy (eds)
Bingham, H S
Bingham, Neil
Bingham, Sylvester S
Binks, Andy, & Peter Timms
Binney, Marcus
Binney, Marcus (ed)
Binney, Marcus, & David Pearce (eds)
Binnie, G M
Binnie, Thomas
Binns, A
Binns, Donald
Binns, Donald, & Harold A Middleton
Binns, Richard W
Binns, Shelia
Biram, R S
Birch, Alan
Birch, Alan, & David S Macmillan (eds)
Birch, Clive (ed)
Birch, Clive, et al
Birch, David
Birch, John M
Birch, John W
Birch, Lionel
Birch, N C
Birch, S
Birch, S, & C H Hartwell
Birch, T W
Birchall, Fred
Birchall, Johnston
Bircher, Paul
Birchmore, Graham, & Roy Burges
Birckel, J J
Bird, Anthony
Bird, Anthony C, & Francis H Hutton-Stott
Bird, Arthur, & H Nabb
Bird, Clifford
Bird, Clifford, & Yvonne Clifford (eds)
Bird, Ernie A
Bird, J H
Bird, James
Bird, Leslie
Bird, Margaret
Bird, Margaret (ed)
Bird, Moyra
Bird, Peter
Bird, Richard H
Bird, Richard H (ed)
Bird, Roger, & Peter Hirst
Bird, Sheila
Bird, T
Bird, W H
Birdwood, George, with William Foster (eds)
Birkbeck, J A
Birkett, M S
Birkhead, Eric
Birkin, Guy
Birks, John A
Birks, Michael
Birks, Tony
Birmingham, A T
Birmingham, Peter, & John Pearce
Birnbaum, Ben
Birnie, Arthur
Birrell, T A
Birt, Sarah
Birtles, Philip J
Birtles, Sylvia
Birtwistle, W A
Bischoff, James
Bischoff, John P
Bisgood, J J
Bishop, Diana
Bishop, J F
Bishop, J S
Bishop, Jennifer
Bishop, John G
Bishop, Michael
Bishop, Paul, Carmen Cuenca-Garcia, Richard Jones & Duncan Cook
Bishop, R E D
Bisschop, W R
Bissell, J J
Bisset, D I
Bisset, James
Bissett, Allan
Bisson, Douglas R
Biszewski, Charlotte
Bitros, George
Black, A M
Black, A, & C Murphy
Black, Alistair
Black, Alistair, & Dave Muddiman
Black, D H L
Black, Fiona A
Black, Gerry
Black, Harold J
Black, Iain S
Black, Ian
Black, Jeremy
Black, Jeremy (ed)
Black, John
Black, Judith M
Black, Lawrence, & Nicole Robertson (eds)
Black, Lawrence, et al (eds)
Black, M
Black, M A (ed)
Black, Michael H
Black, Mona S
Black, Nick
Black, R D C
Black, Shirley Burgoyne
Black, W
Black, William B
Black, William G
Black, William H
Blackaby, Frank T (ed)
Blackall, Ian, et al
Blackall, T E
Blackburn, Alan, & J Mackett
Blackburn, Charles J
Blackburn, John A
Blackburn, Margaret
Blackburn, R H
Blackburn, Robin
Blackburn, S C
Blackden, Stephanie
Blacker, J F
Blacker, Kenneth C
Blacker, Kenneth C, et al
Blackford, Mansel G
Blackhall, D B
Blackham, Robert J
Blackhurst, Chris
Blackhurst, Derek
Blackie, Agnes A C
Blackie, Walter G
Blackie, Walter W
Blackman, Herbert
Blackman, Janet
Blackman, Michael E
Blackmore, Howard L
Blackmore, Howard L, & Claude Blair
Blackmore, Len K
Blackner, John
Blackshaw, Tye R
Blackstone, S E
Blackwall, Anthony
Blackwell, Basil, et al
Blackwell, Brian
Blackwell, Chris
Blackwell, D H
Blackwell, John
Blackwood, Isabella C
Blackwood, Robin, & Cherryl Head
Blackwood, William
Bladen, Vincent W
Bladen-Hovell, C A
Blades, Rowland H
Blades, William
Blagden, Cyprian
Blagg, Michele
Blagrove, David
Blain, J Colin
Blaine, Bradford
Blair, Alasdair M
Blair, Alastair
Blair, Claude
Blair, Claude, & John Blair
Blair, John
Blair, John (ed)
Blair, John, & Nigel Ramsey (eds)
Blair, Matthew
Blair, May
Blake, Avril
Blake, David J (ed)
Blake, E E
Blake, Edna, & Erica Statham
Blake, George
Blake, J B
Blake, Jim, & Barry Turner
Blake, John W
Blake, John, & Avril Blake
Blake, John, & Mike Hooks
Blake, Lewis
Blake, Marguerite
Blake, Norman F
Blake, Robert
Blake, Robert N W
Blake, S
Blake, Steven
Blake, W G
Blake-Coleman, B C
Blake-Roberts, Gaye
Blakely, Edward T
Blakeman, Peter, J
Blakemore, Harold
Blakemore, Michael
Blaker, Catriona
Blakey, Dorothy
Blakey, George C
Blakey, Harold
Blakey, N
Blakstad, Michael
Blanc, Raymond
Blanch, H J
Blanchard, A P
Blanchard, I S W
Blanchard, Ian
Blanchard, Ian (ed)
Blanchard, Ian, Anthony Goodman & Jennifer Newman (eds)
Blanchard, Joan
Blanchard, Laman
Blanchard, Simon, & Sylvia Harvey
Blanchet, Elisabeth
Blanchet, Elisabeth, & Sonia Zhuravlyova
Blanchflower, Peter
Bland, A E, P A Brown & R H Tawney (eds)
Bland, Bryan
Bland, Fred
Bland, Leslie
Bland, Rivett H
Bland, Stephen, & Clive Birch (ed)
Blandford, Thomas
Blandford, Thomas, & George Newell
Blandy, Graham
Blank, Stephen
Blaszczyk, Regina Lee
Blatcher, Margaret
Blatchford, B S, & J J Shorter
Blatchford, Montague J
Blatchly, John
Blatchly, John, & Peter Eden
Blaug, M
Blaxill, Edwin A
Blaxill, Nicholas
Blay, William
Blayney, Peter W M
Bleasdale, Charlotte
Blench, Brian J R
Blench, E A
Blencowe, R W, & M A Lower (eds)
Blenkinsopp, Robert H
Blessley, W R
Blew, William C A
Blewett, P
Blewitt, Ian W
Blewitt, Mary
Blezzard, Judith
Bligh, Katharine
Blight, J A F
Bliss, C S
Bliss, M
Bliss, Mary, & Frederick Sharpe
Bliss, Mary, & Mary Day
Bloch, C
Block, Andrew
Blockley Women's Institute
Bloice, Brian
Blom, Jan C A
Blomfield, David
Blomfield, Reginald T
Blond, Anthony
Blondé, Bruno, Peter Stabel, Jon Stobart & Ilja van Damme (eds)
Bloom, Alan
Bloom, Cecil
Bloom, John
Bloom, Stanley S
Bloomfield, G T
Bloomfield, G V
Blow, Simon
Bloy, C H
Blue, A D
Bluffield, Robert
Bluhm, R K
Blum, Fred H
Blumenau, T
Blundel, Richard K, & Angela Tregear
Blundel, Richard K, & David J Smith
Blundell, D W
Blundell, J E
Blunden, Edmund
Blunkell, Martin, Andy Ford, Mike Hyde & Jeff Wagland
Blunsden, John
Blunt, Anthony
Blunt, J
Blyth, Archie
Blyth, Henry
Blyth, Henry Edward
Blyth, Robert J
Blythe, Ian
Blythman, Joanna
Boa, Valerie N S, Gerard Quail & Peter C Denholm
Boag, Andrew
Boag, Andrew, & Christopher Burke (eds)
Boag, Andrew, & Lawrence W Wallis (eds)
Boag, David, & Nick Wilcox-Brown
Boak, Jessica, & Ray Bailey
Boalch, D H
Boalch, Donald H, & Charles Mould (ed)
Boase, Charles W
Boase, Frederick
Boase, Tessa
Bobart, Henry H, & Sidney A Perrin
Bobbitt, Malcolm
Bobbitt, Malcolm, & Alan Townsin (ed)
Bochel, Margaret M
Boddy, Chris, & Louise Mudd (ed)
Boddy, Martin
Boddy, Maureen, & Jack West
Boddy, William
Bode, Harold
Boden, Anne
Boden, I
Boden, Philip K
Bodey, Hugh A
Bodle, Peter W
Bodman, Martin
Bodsworth, C
Bodsworth, C (ed)
Body, Geoffrey
Body, Geoffrey, & Robert L Eastleigh
Body, Geoffrey, & Roy Gallop
Body, Geoffrey, & Roy Gallop
Body, Geoffrey, et al
Body, W S (ed)
Boeckeler, Erika
Boetcher, Susan K
Bogart, Dan
Bogart, Dan, & John Majewski
Bogart, Dan, Michael Lefors & A E M Satchell
Bogie, June
Bogle, Andrew N
Bohan, Peter J
Bohlmann, Julia
Boileau, John
Boisseau, H E
Bold, John
Boleat, Mark
Bolger, Paul
Bolin-Hort, Per
Bolitho, Hector H
Bolitho, Hector H, & Derek Peel
Bolster, W Jeffrey
Bolton, Andrew
Bolton, Arthur T
Bolton, Claire M
Bolton, Deric
Bolton, Diane K
Bolton, Francis J, & Philip Scratchley
Bolton, J L
Bolton, Thomas
Bolton, Tim
Boltonian (pseud)
Bombail, Marc-Antoine, & Michael Gallagher
Bonavia, Michael R
Bond, Frederick
Bond, James
Bond, James, & John Rhodes
Bond, James, Sarah Gosling & John Rhodes
Bond, Martin
Bond, Maurice
Bond, Ralph
Bond, Richmond P
Bond, Richmond P, & Marjorie N Bond
Bond, Terry
Bone, George A
Bone, Mike
Bone, Peter W
Bone, R
Bonella, Kate
Boney, Knowles
Bonham-Carter, A D
Bonham-Carter, Victor
Boniface, Priscilla
Bonin, Hubert
Bonin, Hubert, Yannick Lung & Steven Tolliday (eds)
Bonin, Hubert, et al (eds)
Bonnaud, Laurent
Bonnell, Thomas F
Bonner, Arnold
Bonner, Paul, with Lesley Aston
Bonnett, Harold
Bonnington, Moira
Bonsall, Penny M
Bonser, Kenneth J
Bonson, Tony
Bonsor, Brian, & Reginald Heslewood
Bonsor, Noel R P
Bonsor, Noel R P, & Michael Ginns
Bonwitt, W
Boocock, C P
Boocock, C P, & Peter Stanton
Booer, W J
Bookbinder, Paul
Booker, Frank
Booker, John
Boon, George C
Boon, John
Boon, Marten
Boon, Peter
Boorer, N W
Boorman, David
Boorman, H R Pratt
Boorman, H R Pratt (ed)
Boorman, H R Pratt, & Eric Maskell
Boorman, Henry R P
Boos, Florence, & Patrick O'Sullivan
Boosey, William
Boot, H M
Boot, H M, & J H Maindonald
Booth, Adrian J
Booth, Alan
Booth, Alan, & Joseph Melling
Booth, Alan, & Mark Billings
Booth, Alan, & Melvyn Pack
Booth, Alan, & Sean Glynn
Booth, C, & Michael Rowlinson
Booth, Christopher
Booth, Gavin
Booth, Gavin (ed)
Booth, Gay
Booth, Henry
Booth, J K, & E H Booth
Booth, John
Booth, L G
Booth, Michael R
Booth, Michael R (ed)
Booth, Nathan
Booth, Nicholas
Booth, P M
Booth, Pauline R
Booth, Philip
Booth, Richard, & Lucia Stuart
Booth, Tim
Boothman, J
Boothman, Thomas B
Boothroyd, Geoffrey
Boothroyd, Geoffrey & Susan M Boothroyd
Booton, Harold W
Booy, A E W (ed)
Boram, John
Boraston, John H
Bordo, Michael D, & Richard Sylla (eds)
Bordoli, Ernest
Bore, Henry
Boreham, Peter
Borer, Mary Cathcart
Borer, Oscar
Borg, Alan
Borge, Jessica
Borger, Sebastian
Borlase, William C
Borley, H V
Borley, H V, & Roger W Kidner
Born, Anne
Born, Georgina
Born, Karl E
Borrett, David J
Borsay, Peter N
Borsay, Peter N, & John Walton K (ed)
Borthwick, Alastair
Borthwick, Alastair, et al
Borthwick, George
Bosbach, Franz, & John R Davis (eds)
Boschi, Marcel, & David Drew-Smythe
Boscow, Harry
Bosley, Peter
Bosma, Ulbe, & Anthony Webster (eds)
Bosomworth, Dorothy
Bossom, A C
Bostock, Edward H
Bostock, Frances
Bostock, Frances, & Geoffrey Jones
Boston, Ray
Boswell, David
Boswell, James (ed)
Boswell, John
Boswell, Jonathan S
Boswell, Jonathan S, & B R Johns
Boswell, Jonathan S, & James Peters
Boswell, Percy G H
Botham, F W, & E H Hunt
Bothwell, James, P J P Goldberg & W M Ormrod (eds)
Botley, Charles F
Bott, Alan
Bott, Alan (ed)
Bott, M G L
Bottcher, Nikolaus
Botticelli, Peter
Bottomley, Horatio W
Bottomley, P M
Bottomley, Sean
Bouch, C M L, & G P Jones
Boucher, Cyril T G
Boughey, David
Boughey, Joseph
Boughey, Joseph, & Charles Hadfield
Boughey, L J
Boughton, John
Bouillot, Anne
Bould, G H, & Sally Bould (eds)
Boult, D R
Boult, J
Boulton & Paul Association
Boulton, David
Boulton, J P
Boulton, Jeremy
Boulton, Jim
Boulton, Jim, with Harold Parsons
Boulton, John
Bound, J A
Bounford, Julie E
Bourat, Marguerite
Bourhis, Jean Jacques
Bourke, Edward J
Bourke, J
Bourke, P M A
Bourn, A M
Bourne, Colin
Bourne, George
Bourne, H R Fox
Bourne, J M
Bourne, John
Bourne, M
Bourne, Richard
Bourne, Roy
Bourne-Paterson, R A
Boursnell, David
Boussell, P, et al
Bovill, E W
Bowbelski, Margaret
Bowd, R
Bowden, A T
Bowden, Gregory H
Bowden, Julian A
Bowden, Mark
Bowden, Mark (ed)
Bowden, Peter J
Bowden, Peter J
Bowden, Rosalind
Bowden, Sue
Bowden, Sue, & Avner Offer
Bowden, Sue, & David Higgins
Bowden, Sue, & Geoffrey Tweedale
Bowden, Sue, & Josephine Maltby
Bowden, Sue, & Michael Collins
Bowden, Sue, & Paul Turner
Bowden, Sue, James Foreman-Peck & Tom Richardson
Bowden, Sue, Ronald Crawford & Graham Sykes
Bowden, Timothy J
Bowden, Witt
Bowditch, Julia
Bowditch, Malcolm R
Bowditch, Malcolm R, & Leslie Hayward
Bowen, A R
Bowen, Brian
Bowen, David G
Bowen, David G, & John Callow
Bowen, E
Bowen, Emrys G
Bowen, Frank C
Bowen, H V
Bowen, H V, & P L Cottrell
Bowen, H V, Elizabeth Mancke & John G Reid
Bowen, H V, John McAleer & Robert J Blyth
Bowen, H V, M Lincoln & N Rigby (eds)
Bowen, Ian
Bowen, J P
Bowen, James L
Bowen, John R (ed)
Bowen, Peter
Bowen, Peter (ed)
Bowen, Raymond E
Bowen-Jones, G
Bower, Julie
Bower, Julie, & Howard Cox
Bower, Peter (ed)
Bower, Tom
Bowering, Gordon, & Roger Flindall
Bowers, Brian
Bowers, Ron
Bowers-Isaacson, Lisa M
Bowes, Robert
Bowett, Adam
Bowett, Adam, & James Lomax
Bowett, Adam, & Laurie Lindey
Bowie, Archibald G
Bowie, David
Bowie, G
Bowie, G G S
Bowie, Robert
Bowie, Wendy & David Bowie
Bowker, B
Bowlby, Anthony
Bowlby, Rachel
Bowler, David R H
Bowler, Michael
Bowler, P J
Bowles, Geoffrey, & Siobhan Kirrane
Bowles, L J
Bowles, William H
Bowley, Arthur L
Bowley, Arthur L, & George H Wood
Bowley, Marian
Bowley, R M, et al
Bowley, R, & J H Poyser
Bowling, Helen G (ed)
Bowman, A I
Bowman, A, et al
Bowman, AIan
Bowman, Andrew
Bowman, Don
Bowman, Gerald
Bowman, Ian
Bowman, Martin W
Bowman, Martin W, & Graham M Simons
Bowman, William D
Bowmen, J, & J C Platt
Bownes, David
Bownes, David, & Oliver Green (eds)
Bowring, John
Bowring, Peter
Bowsfield, Hartwell (ed)
Bowtell, Harold D
Bowthorpe, Jack
Bowyer, Olive
Bowyer, Peter R
Bowyer, Walton, & Eric Pimlatt
Box, Charles E, & Adrian Jarvis (ed)
Box, Gerald
Box, James
Box, K Dixon
Boyce, Benjamin
Boyce, George, James Curran & Pauline Wingate (eds)
Boyce, Gordon
Boyce, Gordon, & Richard Gorski (eds)
Boyce, Gordon, & Simon P Ville
Boyce, Robert
Boycott, Rosie, & Meredith Etherington-Smith (eds)
Boyd, Ailean
Boyd, David
Boyd, James I C
Boyd, Lord
Boyd, Mark
Boyd, Percival
Boyd, R Nelson
Boyd, T
Boyd, W
Boydell, Christine
Boydell, David
Boydell, James
Boydell, Stuart
Boydell, Thomas
Boyden, Peter B
Boyes, Grahame
Boyes, Grahame (ed)
Boyes, Grahame, & Brian Lamb
Boyes, John
Boyes, John, & Ronald Russell
Boyes, Peter
Boyes, Roger
Boyle, Andrew
Boyle, Bryan
Boyle, E
Boyle, Emily J
Boyle, John R
Boyle, Josephine
Boyns, Rosemary E, Trevor Boyns & J R Edwards
Boyns, Trevor
Boyns, Trevor (ed)
Boyns, Trevor, & J R Edwards
Boyns, Trevor, & Judith Wale
Boyns, Trevor, J R Edwards & M Matthews
Boyns, Trevor, J R Edwards & M Nikitin
Boyns, Trevor, M Anderson & J R Edwards (eds)
Boyns, Trevor, M Matthews & J R Edwards
Boynton, John
Boynton, Lindsay
Boynton, Lindsay (ed)
Boynton, Lindsay, & Nicholas Goodison
Boys, Jayne E E
Boys, Peter
Boys, Peter, & Brian Rutherford
Boys, Peter, & Wendy Habgood
Boyson, Rhodes
Boyter, Ian
Bozarth, George S, & Margaret Debenham
Bozward, J L
Brabham, Peter
Brabrook, Edward W
Brace, Harold W
Brace, James
Bracegirdle, Brian
Bracegirdle, Brian, & Patricia H Miles
Bracegirdle, Hilary
Bracher, P
Bracken, James K, & Joel Silver (eds)
Brackenborough, S
Brackenbury, Allan
Brackenbury, C
Brackett, Arthur W
Brackett, Oliver
Brackett, Oliver, et at
Brackley, Frida H
Bradburn, L F
Bradbury, Charles K, & Henry S Fothringham
Bradbury, Clive
Bradbury, Frederick
Bradbury, L J
Braddick, L E
Braddick, Michael J
Braddock, Peter
Braddon, Russell R
Brader, C
Bradfer-Lawrence, H L
Bradfield, Stuart, Marcus Garrett & Tom Whatling
Bradford, Anne, & Michael Kettle (ed)
Bradford-Best, Stephen
Bradley, Anne
Bradley, Anne, & Jon Press (eds)
Bradley, Constance V
Bradley, D
Bradley, David, writer on health & safety
Bradley, David, writer on seaside resorts
Bradley, Donald L
Bradley, Gilbert, Judith Anderson & Robin Barkla
Bradley, Harriet K
Bradley, Harry
Bradley, Helen L
Bradley, Helen L (ed)
Bradley, Henry J (ed)
Bradley, Ian
Bradley, Ian C
Bradley, James
Bradley, James, Marguerite Dupree & Alastair J Durie
Bradley, John
Bradley, K
Bradley, Keith, & Simon C Taylor
Bradley, Kenneth G
Bradley, Margaret, & Barry Blunt
Bradley, Paul
Bradley, R J
Bradley, Rodger P
Bradley, Simon
Bradley, Sue (ed)
Bradley, Tom
Bradshaw, J B
Bradshaw, Percy V
Bradshaw, R H
Brady, Christopher, & Andrew Lorenz
Brady, Eugene
Brady, Frank
Brady, Karren
Brady, Laurence
Brady, Robert A
Braggion, Fabio, & Lyndon Moore
Braggs, Steven, & Diane Harris
Braham, Helen
Braid, Douglas
Brailsford, Dennis
Brailsford, Michael
Brain, Christopher, & Michael Cable
Brain, Jennifer
Brain, Pauline
Braine, Peter M
Braithwaite, Brian
Braithwaite, David
Braithwaite, Helen
Braithwaite, Hugh
Braithwaite, J B (ed)
Braithwaite, Paul
Braithwaite, Paul, with John Carter
Braithwaite, Roderick
Braithwaite, Roderick (ed)
Brake, Laurel, et al (eds)
Bramah, Ernest
Bramante, Gabriele
Brame, Alfred
Brameld, H G
Bramley, H
Bramsen, Bo, & Kathleen Wain
Bramson, Alan E
Bramwell, A G
Bramwell, Barbara
Branch, Laura
Branchflower, Peter
Brand, Andrew
Brand, Jennifer
Brand, John
Brand, John D
Brand, Ken D G
Brand, Paul A
Brander, Michael
Brandon, David, & Martin Upham
Brandon, P F
Brandon, Robert
Brandon, Ruth
Brandon-Jones, John
Brandon-Jones, John, et al
Brandon-White, Gilbert
Brandwood, Geoff
Brandwood, Geoff, & Martin Cherry
Brandwood, Geoff, Andrew Davison & Michael Slaughter
Brandwood, Geoff, with others
Branford, W G
Brannam, Peter
Brannan, David J
Branson, Richard
Branston, Reginald
Branston, Tony, & John C Eisel
Branthwaite, W G
Branton, N
Brassay, Z G
Brassey, Thomas
Brassley, Paul
Brassley, Paul, Jeremy Burchardt & Karen Sayer (eds)
Bratchell, M E
Bratton, Jacqueline S
Braun, Hugh
Braund, Harold E W
Braunholtz, Walter T K
Bray, Charles
Bray, John
Bray, Peter
Bray, Robert G W
Bray, Roger, & Vladimir Raitz
Bray, W John
Bray, Winston
Braybon, C Gail
Brayer, Herbert O
Brayley Hodgetts, E A (ed)
Brayley, Adrian F L
Brayshay, Mark
Brayshay, Mark, Mark Cleary & John Selwood
Brazier, Roy
Brearley, C B E
Brearley, G H
Brearley, George
Brearley, Harry
Brearley, Harry; & P R Beeley & P J Beeley (eds)
Brearley, S C
Brears, Peter D C
Breay, J
Brebner, J B
Brech, Edward F L
Brech, Edward F L, Andrew Thomson & John F Wilson
Brechin, Bob, & Stuart Warburton
Breckenridge, R M
Breckon, William
Breen, Anthony
Breen, Colin
Breeze, Lawrence E
Breitmeyer, H C
Bremner, David
Brenchley, D R, & C Shrimpton
Brendon, Piers
Brennan, John
Brennan, M G (ed)
Brenner, Joel F
Brenner, Robert
Brent, Colin E
Brereton, Austin
Brereton, Robert M
Bretherton, R F
Breton, Norton
Brett, Andrew
Brett, Colin J
Brett, Frederick A
Brett, R Dallas
Brett, Simon
Brett, Simon, Christopher Richardson & David Whitaker
Brett, Vanessa
Brett-James, Norman G
Brettle, Robert E
Bretton, R E
Breverton, Terry
Brew, Alec
Breward, Christopher
Breward, Christopher, & Claire Wilcox (eds)
Brewer, Carl
Brewer, Griffith
Brewer, John, & Roy Porter (eds)
Brewer, N C
Brewer, Roy
Brewerton, David
Brewin, Arthur H
Brewster, D E
Brewster, Dorothy
Brewster, F R
Brewster, John
Brezis, Elise S
Brian, Anthea
Brian, Clarke
Briars, M G
Bricknell, Brian R
Bricknell, David J
Brickwell, A J
Bridbury, Anthony R
Bridge, John W
Bridge, Rachel
Bridge, W E
Bridger, Gordon
Bridges, Archibald, & Roger N Dixey
Bridges, Harold
Bridges, John F
Bridges, Reginald
Bridges, Thomas C, & Hubert H Tiltman
Bridges, Tom
Bridgewater, Alan, with Stan Jewson
Bridgewater, Duke of
Bridgland, Nick
Bridle, Ron, & John Porter (eds)
Brie, Reginald A C
Brief, Richard P
Brierly, E
Brigden, D
Brigden, R
Brigg, John J
Briggs, Asa
Briggs, Asa (ed)
Briggs, Asa, & Joanna Spicer
Briggs, Chris
Briggs, Chris, & Ben Jervis
Briggs, Daniel
Briggs, David
Briggs, Donald H C
Briggs, George
Briggs, H C
Briggs, Harold
Briggs, J H Y
Briggs, John N, & David Pearce (ed)
Briggs, K M
Briggs, Martin S
Briggs, Nancy
Briggs, P S
Briggs, Susan
Brigham, Allan
Bright, Arthur A
Bright, Charles
Bright, Edward B, & Charles Bright
Bright, Mervyn
Bright, Morris
Bright, Morris, & Paul Burton
Brighton, J Trevor
Brigstocke, Hugh
Brimblecombe, Peter
Brind, W E
Brindle, G D
Brindle, Steven
Brindle, Steven, & Malcolm Tucker
Brindley, Jack
Brindley, John, & Norman Painting
Brink, Adrian
Brinkley, Douglas
Brinley, Thomas (ed)
Brinn, David
Brinsden, Janet
Briones, Ignacio, & Andre Villela
Brisco, Virginia
Briscoe, Lynden
Briscoe, Robert
Bristol, Kerry
Briston, R J, & M J M Kedslie
Bristow, Alan, with Patrick Malone
Bristow, C R
Bristow, Edward
Bristow, H R
Bristow, Philip
Britnell, Richard H
Britnor, L E
Brito, Pedro de
Britt, K J
Brittain, Harry E
Brittain, James E
Brittain, Raymond R
Brittain-Catlin, Timothy
Brittain-Catlin, Timothy, et al (eds)
Britten, Ernest
Britten, Frederick J
Britton, Andrew
Britton, Andrew
Britton, Frank
Britton, J N N
Britton, Rachel
Broackes, Nigel
Broad, D W
Broadbent, Geoffrey H
Broadbent, L H
Broadberry, S N
Broadberry, S N, & Albrecht Ritschl
Broadberry, S N, & Andrew Marrison
Broadberry, S N, & Bishnupriya Gupta
Broadberry, S N, & Carsten Burhop
Broadberry, S N, & K Wagner
Broadberry, S N, & Mary O'Mahony
Broadberry, S N, & N F R Crafts
Broadberry, S N, & Peter Howlett
Broadberry, S N, & R Fremdling
Broadberry, S N, & Sayantan Ghosal
Broadberry, S N, B M S Campbell & B Van Leeuwen
Broadberry, S N, Bruce Campbell, Alexander Klein, Mark Overton & Bas van Leeuwen
Broadbridge, Seymour A
Broadbridge, Stanley R
Broadhurst, Charles
Broadley, Alexander M
Broadley, O
Broadway, Frank
Broadway, Jan
Broatch, Stuart, & Alan Townsin
Brochard, Thomas
Brock, Alan St H
Brock, J H
Brock, W H
Brock, W H, & A J Meadows
Brocklebank, Joan
Brockman, Harold A N
Brodie, Allan
Brodie, Allan (ed)
Brodie, Allan, & Gary Winter
Brodie, Allan, & Matthew Whitfield
Brodie, Allan, et al
Brodie, Antonia, et al (eds)
Brodie, Ian
Brodie, James
Brodie, Malcolm
Brodie, Patrick
Brodie, Robert
Broeze, Frank J A
Brogan, Colm
Brogden, William A
Broich, John
Bromage, Sarah, & Helen Williams
Broman, T
Bromham, J
Bromhead, Peter A
Bromley, John
Bromley, John S
Bromwich, Michael, & Anthony Hopwood (eds)
Bronkhurst, Judith
Bronstein, Jamie L
Broodbank, Joseph
Brook, Frank
Brook, Fred
Brook, Fred, & Martin Allbutt
Brook, Jeremy
Brook, Michael
Brook, Peter
Brook, Roy
Brook, Roy
Brooke, Alan J
Brooke, Christine
Brooke, Christopher N L, & Gillian Keir
Brooke, David
Brooke, David (ed)
Brooke, Edward H
Brooke, Henry J
Brooke, Iris
Brooke, Justin
Brooke, Justin (ed)
Brooke, Leslie E J
Brooke-Caws, R
Brooker, Keith B
Brooker, Ron
Brookes, John
Brookes, K P
Brookes, Peter
Brookes, Victoria
Brookfield, Harold C
Brooking, Tom
Brooks, Brian
Brooks, Brian, & Cecil Humphery-Smith
Brooks, Brian, & Mark Herber
Brooks, C W
Brooks, C, R H Helmholz & P Stein
Brooks, Catherine M
Brooks, Chris, with Brent Elliott
Brooks, Christopher J
Brooks, Colin (ed)
Brooks, Collin
Brooks, Collin (ed)
Brooks, D M
Brooks, David S
Brooks, E
Brooks, Edward C
Brooks, F W
Brooks, Graham
Brooks, Graham, & Chris Irwin
Brooks, Kenneth R S
Brooks, Kenneth R S
Brooks, M J
Brooks, Peter F
Brooks, Peter W
Brooks, R C
Brooks, Richard
Brooks, Roy
Brooks, Tony
Brooks, Tony, & John Watton
Brooks, Tony, Kris Apps & Richard Scrivener
Brooks-Jones, Iwan, & Clare Levay
Broom, A M, & A Anderson
Broom, C Ian
Broom, John
Broomfield, Margaret A
Broomfield, S R
Broomhall, George J S, & John H Hubback
Broomhead, Frank
Broomhead, Leslie J
Broster, Tony
Brotchie, Alan W
Brotchie, Alan W, & J J Herd
Broten, Nicholas
Brotherston, Isabel, & Charlotte Windmill
Brotherton, B
Brotherton, Edward A
Brothwell, J
Brough, B
Brough, Joseph
Broughton, Anthony J
Broughton, R D
Brown, A F J
Brown, A G
Brown, A H
Brown, A T
Brown, Alan
Brown, Albert
Brown, Andrew
Brown, Antony
Brown, Benjamin H
Brown, Bryan (ed)
Brown, Bryan J H
Brown, C H L, & J A G Taylor
Brown, C M
Brown, Charles
Brown, Christine
Brown, Colin
Brown, Colin M
Brown, Colin, & Mary Brown
Brown, Curtis
Brown, Cynthia
Brown, Cynthia, & Matthew Bristow
Brown, Cynthia, Birkin Haward & Robert Kindred
Brown, D
Brown, D F
Brown, D G
Brown, D K
Brown, Daniel
Brown, David
Brown, David (ed)
Brown, David, & Tom Williamson
Brown, Don L
Brown, Douglas, writer on provisioning
Brown, Douglas, writer on publising
Brown, Douglas, writer on television
Brown, E
Brown, E H Phelps, & Sheila V Hopkins
Brown, F J
Brown, Frances
Brown, Frank
Brown, G H
Brown, Geoff
Brown, Gerald V
Brown, Gordon A, et al
Brown, H Miles
Brown, Henry
Brown, Hilton
Brown, Horace T
Brown, Iain D
Brown, Ian
Brown, Ian R A
Brown, Ivor J
Brown, Ivor J, with D R Adams
Brown, Ivor J, with Kevin Lake
Brown, J C
Brown, J K
Brown, J P
Brown, J Septimus
Brown, James J
Brown, James R
Brown, Jane
Brown, Jane (ed)
Brown, Jean, & Norman Grimmett
Brown, John C
Brown, John F
Brown, John W, writer on lead mining
Brown, John W, writer on privateering
Brown, John, of Little Bolton
Brown, Jonathan
Brown, Jonathan C
Brown, Jonathan, & Mary Rose (eds)
Brown, Joyce M
Brown, Kath
Brown, Katy
Brown, Kenneth D
Brown, Kenneth D, & Kingo Tamai
Brown, L T
Brown, Laurence
Brown, Les
Brown, Lucy
Brown, M D
Brown, Maggie
Brown, Maisie
Brown, Malcolm
Brown, Maureen, & June Masters
Brown, Michael
Brown, Mick
Brown, Mike
Brown, Mike, with Brian Willmott
Brown, Nicol, & Charles C Turnbull
Brown, Nigel
Brown, O S, Brian Buss & Bernard Davis
Brown, Olivia
Brown, P A
Brown, P C
Brown, P S
Brown, Paul
Brown, Peter
Brown, Peter J
Brown, Peter, & Derek Manning
Brown, Philip A H
Brown, Philip S, & Dorothy N Brown
Brown, R
Brown, R B
Brown, R Douglas
Brown, Rajeswary A
Brown, Raymond
Brown, Reg
Brown, Reginald W
Brown, Richard
Brown, Richard (ed)
Brown, Richard, & Barry Anthony
Brown, Richard, & Stanley Brett
Brown, Robert
Brown, Roland
Brown, Ron
Brown, Ronald B
Brown, Ronald S
Brown, S D
Brown, S E
Brown, Stephen
Brown, Stephen W, & Warren McDougall (eds)
Brown, Stephen, writer on shipping
Brown, Stewart J
Brown, Stewart J, & David Whyley
Brown, Stewart J, Martin Hayes & Tony Pain
Brown, Susan I
Brown, Thomas Storrow
Brown, Vera L
Brown, Wilfrid
Brown, William
Brown, William E
Brown, William H
Brown, William H, & John H Bate
Brown, William R H
Browne, B C
Browne, Christopher
Browne, Eric Gore
Browne, Gary L
Browne, John
Browne, Michael
Browne, Nigel
Browne, R B
Browne, S
Browne, Zoe, & Sue Donnelly
Brownfield-Pope, A McAuley
Browning, Anthony S E
Browning, Bob
Browning, Logan D
Browning, Peter, & John Blunsden
Browning, W
Brownless, David B
Brownlie, David
Brownlie, John S
Brownlow, Graham
Brownlow, J E
Brownlow, M
Bruce, Alexander B
Bruce, Frank
Bruce, Geoff
Bruce, Geoff, & Allan Macfarlane
Bruce, Geoff, & Mike Walker
Bruce, George
Bruce, Gordon
Bruce, J Graeme
Bruce, J Graeme, & C H Curtis
Bruce, J Graeme, & Desmond Croome
Bruce, J M
Bruce, John
Bruce, Joseph, & John Pringle
Bruce, Peter
Bruce, Peter, John Dawson & Ian Johnston
Bruce, R (ed)
Bruce, R D
Bruce, Robert
Bruce, Stanley, & Malcolm Smith
Bruce, Steve
Bruce, Warren J
Bruce-Gardyne, Jock
Bruce-Watt, Jeremy
Bruckert, Auguste
Bruckshaw, Frank, & Duncan McNab
Bruijn, Jaap R (ed)
Bruijn, Jaap R, & Femme S Gaastra (eds)
Bruland, Kristine
Bruland, Kristine (ed)
Bruland, Kristine, & Patrick K O'Brien (eds)
Bruley, Sue (ed)
Bruley, Sue, & Nick Edwards
Brumell, George
Brumhead, Derek
Brumhead, Derek, & Terry Wyke
Brumhead, Derek, & Terry Wyke (eds)
Brumhead, Derek, Jean Rangeley & Ken Rangeley
Brummer, Alex
Brummer, Alex, & Roger Cowe
Brumwell, Joe
Brundage, David T
Bruneau-Rumsey, Anne-Pascale
Brunel, Isambard
Brunel, Isambard K
Bruni, Franco, & David T Llewellyn (eds)
Bruning, Ted
Brunner, Elizabeth
Brunnschweiler, David, & John Hearle (eds)
Brunskill, Peter
Brunt, Liam
Brunt, Liam, & Edmund Cannon
Bruntjen, Sven H A
Brunton, Jennie
Brushfield, T N
Bruster, Douglas
Bruton, Elizabeth M
Bruton, Eric
Bruton, John
Bruyne, Norman de
Bryan, A A
Bryan, Andrew
Bryan, Elizabeth (ed)
Bryan, Jane
Bryan, M A
Bryan, Tim
Bryant, Arthur
Bryant, F
Bryant, G E, & G P Baker (eds)
Bryant, G T
Bryant, J S
Bryant, Philip, et al
Bryant, R M
Bryant, R W G
Bryant, Valerie, & David Bryant
Bryce, George
Bryden, D J
Bryder, Linda
Bryer, Robert A
Bryer, Robert A, T J Brignall & A R Maunders
Bryer, Stephen
Bryson, John
Bryson, John R, & Megan Ronayne
Bubb, Ryan
Bubier, David J
Buchan, Alasdair
Buchan, Alex R
Buchan, Andrew
Buchan, Peter
Buchanan, A G
Buchanan, Brenda J
Buchanan, Brenda J (ed)
Buchanan, Brenda J, & M T Tucker
Buchanan, C A
Buchanan, Colin
Buchanan, D J
Buchanan, Daniel H
Buchanan, G
Buchanan, John
Buchanan, K McPh
Buchanan, R A
Buchanan, R A, & George Watkins
Buchanan, R A, & Neil Cossons
Buchanan, R A, Stephen K Jones & Ken Kiss
Buchanan, Robert W
Buchanan, Tom
Buchet, Christian
Buchheim, Christoph
Buchheim, Christoph, & Redvers Garside (eds)
Buchinsky, Moshe, & Ben Polak
Buck, Anne
Buck, Colin
Buck, David
Buck, Norman S
Buck, Stan
Buck, Trevor, & Malcolm Tull
Buckatzsch, E J
Buckland, Elfreda
Buckland, J S P
Buckland, Khadija
Buckley, Allen
Buckley, C
Buckley, C M, & R Day
Buckley, Cheryl
Buckley, Colin
Buckley, Francis
Buckley, Francis, & George Buckley
Buckley, H
Buckley, J Allen
Buckley, J R
Buckley, Jim
Buckley, Joseph
Buckley, Peter J
Buckley, Peter J, & Brian R Roberts
Buckley, Peter J, & Mark Casson (eds)
Buckley, Peter J, Sierk Horn, Adam Cross & John Stillwell
Buckley, Richard J
Buckley, Stanley
Buckley, Thomas R
Buckman, Joseph
Bucknall, Stephen A
Buckridge, Martin
Bud, Robert
Bud-Frierman, Lisa, Andrew Godley & Judith Wale
Budd, Lucy C S
Budd, Lucy C S, M Bell & A P Warren
Budds, Don
Budgen, Chris
Bufton, Mark
Bufton, Mark, & Joseph Melling
Bugg, John (ed)
Buist, H Massac
Buist, Marten G
Bujak, E J
Bull, Antony C S
Bull, F C
Bull, George, & Anthony Vice
Bull, Henry W
Bull, Stephen
Bullard, H H
Bulleid, Henry A V
Bullen, Andrew J
Bullen, Mark
Buller, E C
Bulley, Anjali (ed)
Bulley, John A
Bulloch, John
Bulloch, Robert
Bullock, Charles F
Bullock, Hugh
Bullock, Ian
Bullock, John
Bullock, Shan F
Bulmer, Edward F
Bulmer, Jane
Bult, W T
Bumpus, Bernard
Bumstead, Peter
Bunbury, H M
Bunce, Gordon
Bunce, John T
Bunce, Julian
Bunch, Alan W
Bundock, J D
Bundock, Mike, & Chris McKay
Bunker, Stephen T
Bunn, Margaret, & Thomas French & Sons Ltd
Bunster, Grosvenor
Bunston, John, & Cyril Fry
Bunt, Cyril G E
Bunt, Cyril G E, & Ernest A Rose
Bunt, E F
Bunyard, Barbara D M (ed)
Bunyard, George
Burall, K M
Burch, R M
Burchell, Rodger
Burden, Charlie
Burden, F A
Burdett, Francis
Burdon, Charles S
Burfield, D
Burfield, Diana
Burford, Beverley, & Julian Watson (eds)
Burford, Patrick
Burg, Judith
Burge, Alun
Burge, Charles O
Burge, Ken (ed)
Burgess, Aline
Burgess, Clare
Burgess, Clare, et al
Burgess, Edward, & Wilfred E Burgess with Philip Tolley
Burgess, Giles H (ed)
Burgess, Ivan
Burgess, John
Burgess, Jon
Burgess, K R
Burgess, Keith
Burgess, Michael
Burgess, R W, & J R Clew
Burgess, Roger
Burgess, Sybil, et al
Burgess-Wise, David
Burgin, J
Burgis, Charles R
Burgon, John W
Burhop, Carstens, David Chambers & Barrie Cheffine
Burian, Susanna
Burk, Kathleen
Burk, Kathleen (ed)
Burkart, A J
Burkart, A J, & S Medlik
Burke, Andrew E (ed)
Burke, Gillian M
Burke, Gillian M, & Peter Richardson
Burke, John F
Burke, Thomas
Burke-Gaffney, Brian
Burkett, Mary E, et al
Burkhalter, Paul
Burkitt, Edward H
Burkitt, R W
Burks, Jean
Burland, John H (ed)
Burland, Michael, & John J Whitehouse
Burley, Edith I
Burley, G H C
Burley, Kevin H
Burlingham, H
Burls, John (ed)
Burman, Alan
Burman, John
Burman, Lionel
Burman, S F
Burman, Sandra (ed)
Burman, Thomas
Burn, Andrew J (Andy)
Burn, Duncan L
Burn, Duncan L (ed)
Burn, Gary
Burn, I
Burn, Ian (ed)
Burn, J
Burn, Michael
Burnand, I B
Burnard, Trevor
Burnby, Juanita G L
Burnby, Juanita G L, & A E Robinson
Burnby, Juanita G L, & D A Hutton
Burnby, Juanita G L, & M Parker
Burnby, Juanita G L, & T D Whittet
Burne, E Lancaster (ed)
Burne, S A H
Burne, S A H
Burnes, Bernard, & Bill Cooke
Burness, Catriona
Burnet, John
Burnet, Lynn
Burnett, F
Burnett, George, & Laurie James
Burnett, J M
Burnett, John
Burnett, John, & Moray McLaren
Burnett, R G
Burnett, Robert
Burnett-Hurst, Arthur
Burnette, Joyce
Burnham, E W
Burnham, Lord
Burnham, Thomas H, & George O Hoskins
Burnley, James
Burns, Angela, & B Hyman
Burns, D L
Burns, David M
Burns, Edward
Burns, Jim, John McInerney & Alan Swinbank (eds)
Burns, K V
Burns, Patricia
Burns, Peggy
Burns, Richard
Burns, Russell W
Burns, Tom
Burr, Peter S
Burrage, E Harcourt
Burrage, Michael
Burrell, David C E
Burrell, H V
Burrell, Michael J
Burrell, Richard J
Burrell, Robert, & Catherine Kelly
Burritt, Elihu
Burroughs, Peter
Burroughs, Stuart
Burrow, J (ed)
Burrows, Donald
Burrows, Geoff
Burrows, Geoff, & Bob Kell
Burrows, Hermann
Burrows, John W
Burrows, Jonathan
Burrows, Jonathan, & Richard Brown
Burrows, M E
Burrows, M K
Burrows, Vivian E
Burscough, Margaret
Burstall, Aubrey F
Burstell, Ed
Burt, D H
Burt, Roger
Burt, Roger (ed)
Burt, Roger, & Norikazu Kudo
Burt, Roger, & Peter Waite
Burt, Roger, Peter Waite & Michael Atkinson
Burt, Roger, Peter Waite & Ray Burnley
Burt, Roger, with Raymond Burnley, Michael Gill & Alasdair Neill
Burt, Steven, & Kevin Grady
Burton Hopkins, P J
Burton, Alan
Burton, Angela, & John Ramster
Burton, Anthony
Burton, Anthony, & Derek Pratt
Burton, Anthony, & John Scott-Morgan
Burton, Anthony, with Robert Fox
Burton, B R
Burton, E C
Burton, H, & D C Corner
Burton, John R
Burton, Kenneth G
Burton, Neil
Burton, Nicholas, Donncha Kavanagh & Martin Brigham
Burton, Thomas
Burton, Valerie
Burton, Valerie (ed)
Burton, Warwick
Burton, William
Buruma, Anna
Burwash, Dorothy
Bury, Hester
Bury, J P
Bury, Shirley
Buscombe, Edward (ed)
Busfield, Deirdre
Bush, Graham
Bush, Lewis W
Bush, Robin
Bush, Sarah
Bushell, John
Bushell, Peter
Bushell, Thomas A
Bushfield, Deirdre
Bushill, T W
Bushnan, John S
Bushnell, George H
Bushnell, George H, Henry R Plomer & Ernest Dix
Busley, J H
Bussey, Gordon
Bustard, F
Butchart, E T J
Butcher, B L
Butcher, David, railway manager
Butcher, David, writer on Lowestoft
Butcher, H Borton
Butler, Ambrose E, et al (eds)
Butler, Arthur S G, with George Stewart & Christopher Hussey
Butler, Audrey, & Arnold Butler
Butler, Charlotte, & John Keary
Butler, D R
Butler, E C L
Butler, Eric D
Butler, Frank E
Butler, Henry N
Butler, Jeffery
Butler, John A
Butler, John H
Butler, L J
Butler, Maureen
Butler, Peter E B, & J D Lyne
Butler, Phil H
Butler, R F, & C V Butler
Butler, Richard W
Butler, Richard W, & Roslyn A Russell (eds)
Butler, Roderick, & Christopher Green with Roger Brownsword
Butler, Rodney
Butler, S
Butler, Stuart M
Butler, T Howard
Butler, W D
Butler, William
Butler-Adams, Will, & Dan Davies
Butlin, Billy, with Peter Dacre
Butlin, S J
Butman, John, & Simon Targett
Butrica, Andrew
Butt, John
Butt, John (ed)
Butt, John, & John T Ward
Butt, John, & John T Ward (eds)
Butt, John, & K G Ponting (eds)
Butt, S L
Butt, Stephen
Butterfield, David
Butterfield, Peter
Butterfield, Richard J
Butters, S J
Butterton, Henry
Butterworth, Edwin
Butterworth, H
Butterworth, James
Butterworth, John
Butterworth, R
Buttery, Neil
Buttifant, Pam
Buttle, Derek
Buttle, G W
Buttler, Tony, with Jean-Christophe Carbonel
Button, Henry G, & Andrew P Lampert
Button, Marilyn D
Button, R, S Knott, C MacManus & M Willison
Buttriss, G E
Butts, Dennis
Butts, Dennis, & Pat Garrett (eds)
Butts, E M
Buxbaum, Tim
Buxton, David
Buxton, Doreen, & Christopher Charlton
Buxton, Doreen, Christopher Charlton & David Hool
Buxton, Ian
Buxton, Ian L
Buxton, Ian L, & Nigel Dalziel
Buxton, Neil K
Buxton, Neil K, & Derek H Aldcroft (eds)
Buzzacott, Kathryn L
Buzzing, P
Byatt, Anthony
Byatt, Derrick
Byatt, Ian C R
Byatt, Jack
Bye, Maurice
Bye, Sheila
Byers, Anthony
Byers, Richard L M
Bygate, John G
Byles, Aubrey
Byles, F, & A J Best
Byng, Frederick
Byng, Gabriel
Byrd, Ty
Byrde, Penelope
Byres, T J
Byrne, Al
Byrne, Eugene
Byrne, Fidelma
Byrne, Liam
Byrne, Maurice
Byrne, Timothy
Byrom, Connie
Byrom, Richard J
Bythell, Duncan
Bythell, Duncan, & Roger Frost
Bythell, Shaun
Cabianca, David
Cable, Boyd
Cable, Michael
Cable, R A
Cabras, Ignazio, & Charles Bamforth
Cabras, Ignazio, & David Higgins
Cabras, Ignazio, & David Higgins (eds)
Cabras, Ignazio, David Higgins & David Preece
Caceres, Alejandro E
Cadbury, Deborah
Cadbury, Edward
Cadbury, Edward, M C Matheson & George Shann
Cadbury, George, & S P Dodds
Cadbury, Paul
Cadbury, William A
Cadell, Patrick
Cadman, David, & Alejandrina,Catalano
Cadogan, Mary
Caff, W R M
Caffrey, Helen C
Caffyn, Douglas J M
Caffyn, Lucy
Cage, R A
Cage, R A (ed)
Cahn, Robert W
Caiger-Smith, Alan
Cailluet, Ludovic
Cain, Peter J
Cain, Peter J, & A G Hopkins
Cain, Robert J
Caine, Caesar
Caink, T
Cairncross, Alec K
Cairncross, Alec K (ed)
Cairncross, Alec K, & B Weber
Cairncross, Alec K, & J B K Hunter
Cairncross, Alec K, & J P Parkinson
Cairns, Andrew G
Cairns, David
Cairns, Elizabeth, et al
Cairns, Margaret P
Cairns, Robert
Cakebread, Bill
Calaresu, Melissa, & Danielle van den Heuvel (eds)
Calder, John
Calder, R J (ed)
Calder, Rachel
Calder, S B
Calder, Simon
Calderwood, Roy
Caldicott, Robert
Caldwell, D H, & V E Dean
Caldwell, Ian M
Caldwell, Jon
Caldwell, Peter
Cale. Michelle
Calladine, Tony
Calladine, Tony, & Jean Fricker
Callaghan, Sarah
Callahan, Raymond
Callan, G B
Callan, I A
Callaway, Jonathan, & Dave Murphy
Callcott, Maureen
Callender, Ronald M
Callender, Ronald M, & P F Reeson
Callery, Sean
Callison, Jacqueline E
Callister, Ian
Callow, Clive
Callow, Simon, & Derry Moore
Calloway, Stephen
Calloway, Stephen (ed)
Calver, Constance
Calver, Richard
Calvert, Albert F
Calvert, Henry R
Calvert, Hilary
Calvert, Hugh
Calvert, Kit
Calvert, Mave, & Terry White
Calvert, Robert H B
Calvete, Louis
Came, Peter
Camerer-Cuss, T P, & Terence A Camerer-Cuss
Camerer-Cuss, Terrence A
Cameron, A T
Cameron, Alan
Cameron, Alan, & Roy Farndon
Cameron, Alastair
Cameron, Alastair (ed)
Cameron, Alexander D
Cameron, Andrew
Cameron, Betty D
Cameron, David K
Cameron, Denis
Cameron, Dugald
Cameron, Dugald, & Roderick Galbraith
Cameron, Elizabeth
Cameron, Euan
Cameron, Ewen A
Cameron, G C
Cameron, Gail, & Stan Crooke
Cameron, Hector C
Cameron, J E
Cameron, Jacqueline
Cameron, James
Cameron, John
Cameron, Kenneth J
Cameron, Rondo
Cameron, Stephen
Camfferman, Kees, & Stephen A Zeff
Camidge, William
Caminer, David, et al
Caminer, Hilary (ed)
Campbell, A
Campbell, A Albert
Campbell, Alan
Campbell, Andrew J
Campbell, Barry
Campbell, Bruce M S
Campbell, Bruce M S, et al
Campbell, C Douglas
Campbell, Colin, & Roy Fenton
Campbell, D J
Campbell, David (ed)
Campbell, Duncan
Campbell, Duncan C
Campbell, Gareth
Campbell, Gareth, & John D Turner
Campbell, Gareth, & Meeghan Rogers
Campbell, Gareth, John D Turner & Qing Ye
Campbell, Gareth, William Quinn, John D Turner & Qing Ye
Campbell, J D
Campbell, J F
Campbell, James W P
Campbell, Jesse
Campbell, John
Campbell, Katie G
Campbell, Kenneth
Campbell, Kimberly C
Campbell, L E M
Campbell, Leonard
Campbell, Louise, Miles Glendinning & Jane Thomas (eds)
Campbell, M R
Campbell, Margaret
Campbell, Marian
Campbell, Patrick
Campbell, Robert
Campbell, Roy H
Campbell, Roy H (ed)
Campbell, Roy H, & J B A Dow
Campbell, Roy H, & Richard G Wilson (eds)
Campbell, W D
Campbell, William
Campbell, William A
Campbell-Jones, S
Campbell-Kelly, Martin
Campbell-Kelly, Martin, & Ross Hamilton
Campbell-Kelly, Martin, & William Aspray
Campbell-Smith, Duncan
Campion, Gary
Campion, Peter
Campo, Joseph N F M a
Camrose, Lord
Candee, Richard M
Cane, G R
Cane, Percy
Canevet, Sebastien, & Danny Chabaud
Cannadine, David
Cannon, James, & Hedley Cannon
Cannon, T G
Cansdale, Peter D
Cansdale, T H
Cant, David
Cant, David J
Cantacuzino, Sherban
Cantor, Geoffrey (ed)
Cantrell, John A
Cantrell, John A, & Gillian Cookson (eds)
Cantrill, Thomas C, & Marjory Wright
Cantwell, John
Cantwell, John A, & T A B Corley
Capes, J N
Capes, Susan, & Robb Robinson
Capie, Forrest
Capie, Forrest (ed)
Capie, Forrest, & Allan Webber
Capie, Forrest, & Geoffrey E Wood
Capie, Forrest, & Ghila Rodrik-Bali
Capie, Forrest, & Mark Billings
Capie, Forrest, & Michael Collins
Capie, Forrest, & Richard Perren
Capie, Forrest, & Terence C Mills
Caplan, David, & Gregory Stewart
Caple, Chris
Capner, Stacy
Capp, Bernard
Capp, John, et al
Capper, Charles
Capper, E H
Card, Peter W
Carden, David
Carden, David, & Neil Parkhouse
Cardew, Michael
Cardno, Peter
Cardno, Peter, & David Hillerby
Cardno, Peter, & David Hunter
Cardno, Peter, & Frank C Reeve
Cardno, Peter, & Stephen Harling
Cardwell, D S L
Cardwell, J H, et al
Carew, Anthony
Carey & Buckley
Carey, Arthur M
Carey, Daniel, & Christopher J Finlay (eds)
Cargill, Alexander (ed)
Carl, Ditt
Carley, James
Carlin, Martha
Carlon, Chris J
Carlon, Shirley A, & Richard D Morris
Carlos, Ann M
Carlos, Ann M, & Frank D Lewis
Carlos, Ann M, & Jamie B Kruse
Carlos, Ann M, & Jill L Van Stone
Carlos, Ann M, & Larry Neal
Carlos, Ann M, & Santhi Hejeebu
Carlos, Ann M, & Stephen Nicholas
Carlos, Ann M, Edward Kosack & Luis C Penarrieta
Carlos, Ann M, Erin Fletcher & Larry Neal
Carlos, Ann M, Jennifer Key & Jill Dupree
Carlos, Ann M, Karen Maguire & Larry Neal
Carlos, Ann M, Nathalie Moyen & Jonathan Hill
Carlson, C Lennart
Carlson, John, & Neil Mortson
Carlson, Robert E
Carlton, D
Carlton, I C
Carlton, Richard, & Alan Williams
Carlton, William J
Carlyon, R M
Carman, John, & Kathy Garland
Carman, W J
Carmichael, Hamish (ed)
Carmichael, James
Carmichael, John
Carmichael, Katie, David McOmish & David Grech
Carmichael, Rik (ed)
Carnaby, John J
Carnaffan, Gladys
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie, Hazel M
Carnegie, J F
Carnevali, Francesca
Carnevali, Francesca, & Leslie Hannah
Carnevali, Francesca, & Lucy Newton
Carney, C J
Carnie, Robert H
Carnie, Robert H, & Ronald P Doig
Caron, Francois
Carosso, Vincent P
Carozzi, Joseph L (ed)
Carpenter, Charles
Carpenter, David J
Carpenter, Edward
Carpenter, Humphrey
Carpenter, Oliver
Carpenter, Peter
Carpenter, Robin
Carr, Cecil T (ed)
Carr, Chris, & Andrew Lorenz
Carr, David
Carr, E T (ed)
Carr, Francis D
Carr, J P
Carr, Jack, Sherry Glied & Frank Mathewson
Carr, James C, & Walter Taplin
Carr, Ken
Carr, L H A
Carr, Ralph E, & Cutbert E Carr
Carr, Richard
Carr, T H
Carr-Saunders, A M, & P A Wilson
Carr-Saunders, A M, et al
Carradice, Phil
Carrick, Peter
Carrick, Rob, & Mick Walker
Carrick, Robert
Carrie, David C
Carrier, John
Carrington, D C, & T F Rushworth
Carrington, Iris
Carrington, John M
Carrington, Noel
Carrington, Peter (ed)
Carrington, R F
Carrington, R F, & R W Carrington
Carrington, Selwyn H H
Carroll, A
Carroll, James
Carroll, James, Nicholas J Morgan & Michael Moss
Carroll, John
Carroll, John, & Duncan Roberts
Carroll, Rutter
Carruthers, Annette
Carruthers, Annette, & Frank Johnson
Carruthers, Annette, Mary Greensted & Barley Roscoe
Carruthers, Bruce G
Carruthers, Bruce G, & Terence C Halliday
Carruthers, Iain
Carruthers, Thomas
Carson, Edward A
Carson, J
Carson, Patricia M
Carson, William E
Carstairs, A M
Carstairs, A M, & A V Cole
Carstensen, Fred V
Carswell, John P
Carter, Alan
Carter, Alice C
Carter, Alison
Carter, Bill
Carter, C F
Carter, Candyce H
Carter, Cato E F
Carter, Charles (ed)
Carter, Clive
Carter, Clive, et al
Carter, Craig J M
Carter, Don, Geoff Hart & Joe Kent
Carter, Ernest F
Carter, G R
Carter, George A
Carter, George R
Carter, George, et al
Carter, Graham
Carter, Harry, & John B Cornish (ed)
Carter, Henry
Carter, Herbert S
Carter, I
Carter, John
Carter, John W, & Henry G Pollard
Carter, Katharine
Carter, Lionel
Carter, Meg
Carter, Oliver F
Carter, P
Carter, Paul
Carter, Phillip S M
Carter, Robert L
Carter, Robert L, & Peter Falush
Carter, S
Carter, Sandra
Carter, Sebastian
Carter, Stephen
Carter, Tim
Carter, Tim, & Stephen E Roberts
Carter, William
Cartmell, Gerald
Cartwright, Adam
Cartwright, Alan P
Cartwright, Garth
Cartwright, J A
Cartwright, Ralph, & R T Russell
Cartwright, Roger, & Clive Harvey
Cartwright, Walter H
Carullo, Valeria
Carus-Wilson, E M
Carus-Wilson, E M (ed)
Carus-Wilson, E M, & Olive Coleman
Carvana, Viv
Carvana, Viv, & Colin Simmons
Carvel, John L
Carver, Mike, Nick Seale & Anne Youngson
Carver, Mike, et al
Carver, Thomas N
Carverhill, Geoff
Casement, A L
Casey, Andrew
Casey, Neil
Cashinella, Peter, & Keith Thompson
Cashmore, Carol
Cashmore, Carol, & Chris Cashmore
Cashmore, Carol, & Tim Smith-Vincent
Cashmore, Pam
Cashmore, Stephen
Caskey, Alan
Caslon, Chris J, & Nigel J Dibben
Cass, Jean
Cassani, Barbara, with Kenny Kemp
Cassell, A J
Cassell, Michael
Casserley, H C
Cassey, John
Cassidy, Brendan
Cassidy, Richard
Cassis, Youssef
Cassis, Youssef (ed)
Cassis, Youssef, & Eric Bussiere (eds)
Cassis, Youssef, & Guiseppe Telesca (eds)
Cassis, Youssef, & Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou
Cassis, Youssef, & Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou (eds)
Cassis, Youssef, & Philip Cottrell
Cassis, Youssef, & Philip Cottrell (eds)
Cassis, Youssef, & Terry Gourvish
Cassis, Youssef, Andrea Colli & Harm Schröter G
Cassis, Youssef, Catherine R Schenk & Richard Grossman (eds)
Cassis, Youssef, Francois Crouzet & Terry Gourvish (eds)
Cassis, Youssef, G D Feldman & Ulf Olsson (eds)
Casson, C M
Casson, Catherine, & Mark Casson
Casson, Catherine, & Mark Dodgson
Casson, Mark
Casson, Mark (ed)
Casson, Mark, & Andrew Godley
Casson, Mark, & Catherine Casson
Casson, Mark, & Catherine Casson (eds)
Casson, Mark, & Howard Cox
Casson, Mark, & Mary Rose (eds)
Casson, Mark, & Nigel Wadeson
Casson, Mark, & Teresa da Silva Lopes
Casson, Mark, et al
Casson, Mark, with Andrew Godley
Casson, Mark, with Teresa da Silva Lopes
Casteras, Susan P, & Colleen Denney (eds)
Castle, Colin
Castle, E, & C Kennedy
Castle, Geoffrey
Castle, Harold G
Castle, Josie
Castle, Matthew
Castledine, David
Castledine, Tim
Caswell, Barrie, et al
Caswill, Chris, & Robin Wensley
Catchpole, Brian
Catchpole, Leslie T
Catchpole, William L, & E Elverston
Cates, Michael, & Diane Chamberlaine (eds)
Cathcart, Abigail
Cathcart, Rex
Catherwood, H F R
Catleugh, Jon
Catling & Ranson
Catling, Chris
Catling, Harold
Catsiyannis, Timotheos
Catt, A R
Catt, Jon
Catt, Jon
Cattell, Charles S
Cattell, John
Cattell, John, & Bob Hawkins
Cattell, John, & Keith Falconer
Cattell, John, Sheila Ely and Barry Jones
Catterall, G S
Catterall, Peter
Catterall, Peter (ed)
Catterall, Peter, et al (eds)
Catterall, R E
Catterall, Stephen J
Cattermole, M J G, & A F Wolfe
Catto, Thomas
Catto, Thomas S
Caudle, James
Caughey, John W
Caughie, John, Trevor Griffiths & María A Vélez-Serna
Cauldwell, Marie, et al
Caunce, Stephen
Caunce, Stephen, & Katrina Honeyman
Caunt, Peter
Caunter, C F
Causton, J F W
Causton, John S
Cavalcanti, Jose C S
Cavallo, Adolph S
Cavanagh, David
Cavanagh, Nigel A
Cavanagh, Sybil
Cave, Charles H
Cave, George P, & Janet Martin
Cave, Lyndon F
Cave, Roderick, & Sarah Manson
Cave, Thomas
Cave-Browne-Cave, B W
Cavendish, William
Caverly, R B, & G N Bankes
Cavert, William M
Cavieres, Eduardo
Caw, James
Cawford, Alan (ed)
Cawood, Ian, & Lisa Peters (eds)
Cawston, George, & Augustus H Keane
Cawthon, Elizabeth A
Cawton, Christopher, & Andrew J O'Shaughnessy
Cayford, Joanne M
Cayley, John J, & Henry H Bridgman
Cecil, Mirabel
Cell, Gillian T
Celoria, Francis
Centner, Charles W
Cenzatti, M
Cerretano, Valerio
Cesarani, David
Cescinsky, Herbert
Cessford, Craig
Cetintas, Ethem, & Karl Howman
Chacksfield, John E
Chadeau, Emmanuel (ed)
Chadwick, George F
Chadwick, Lee
Chadwick, Leslie
Chadwick, Richard
Chadwick, Stanley
Chadwyck-Healey, Charles
Chafer, T H
Chaffin, David E
Chalaby, Jean K
Chaldecott, J A
Chalk, David L
Chalklin, Christopher W
Chalklin, Christopher W, & J R Wordie (eds)
Challis, Christopher E
Challis, Christopher E (ed)
Challis, Don
Chalmers, Thomas
Chalmin, Philippe
Chaloner, W H
Chaloner, W H (ed)
Chaloner, W H, & A E Musson
Chaloner, W H, & B M Ratcliffe (eds)
Chaloner, W H, & John D Marshall
Chaloner, W H, & R C Richardson (eds)
Chaloner, W H, & W O Henderson
Chamberlain, A G
Chamberlain, Daven
Chamberlain, Geoffrey
Chamberlain, Joseph
Chamberlain, Muriel E
Chamberlain, R G D
Chamberlain, W H J, & A W F Taylerson
Chambers, A D
Chambers, Colin
Chambers, David
Chambers, David J
Chambers, David, & Rui Esteves
Chambers, Deborah
Chambers, George
Chambers, J D
Chambers, Paul D
Chambers, Pete
Chambers, R
Chambers, W, & R Chambers
Chambers, William
Chamings, A B
Champ, Robert C
Champion, Arthur
Champion, L D, & V H Simmons-Hodge
Champion, Patience I
Champion, W A
Champion, W A, & A T Thacker (eds)
Champness, Arthur
Champness, Bernard
Champness, John
Champness, Roland
Chan, W T K K
Chanan, Michael
Chance, H G
Chance, Helena
Chance, Henry
Chance, Hugh
Chance, J W
Chance, James F
Chance, Toby, & Peter Williams
Chance, W H S
Chancellor, E Beresford
Chandler, Alan
Chandler, Alfred D
Chandler, Alfred D, & Herman Daems (eds)
Chandler, Dean
Chandler, Dean, & A Douglas Lacey
Chandler, George
Chandler, John H
Chandler, Michael J
Chandler, Roy A
Chandler, Roy A, J R Edwards & M Anderson
Chandler, T J
Chandos, John
Chandos, Lord
Chang, M A
Chang, N J
Channer, Catherine C, & M E Roberts
Channing, Norman, & Mike Dunn
Channon, Derek F
Channon, Geoffrey
Channon, Geoffrey (ed)
Channon, J
Channon, John
Chantler, Philip
Chapel, Jeannie
Chaplin, Julia E
Chaplin, Paul
Chaplin, R R
Chaplin, W R
Chapman, Allan
Chapman, C
Chapman, Colin
Chapman, Dennis
Chapman, Derek H
Chapman, Elaine
Chapman, Gary
Chapman, Giles
Chapman, H J, with George Pate
Chapman, J E
Chapman, J G
Chapman, John W
Chapman, K F
Chapman, Kenneth
Chapman, Maybelle K
Chapman, Mike
Chapman, Neville
Chapman, Nigel A
Chapman, Pauline
Chapman, Peter
Chapman, R W
Chapman, Robert H
Chapman, Roy E
Chapman, S Keith
Chapman, Simon
Chapman, Simon, & Nigel A Chapman
Chapman, Stanley D
Chapman, Stanley D (ed)
Chapman, Stanley D, & J D Chambers
Chapman, Stanley D, & J N Bartlett
Chapman, Stanley D, & Jane Middleton-Smith
Chapman, Stanley D, & R Dalton
Chapman, Stanley D, & S Chassagne
Chapman, Sydney J
Chapman, Sydney J, & D Kemp
Chapman, Sydney J, & T S Ashton
Chapman, Ted
Chapman, Terry
Chapman, V
Chapman-Huston, Desmond
Chapman-Huston, Desmond, & Ernest C Cripps
Chappell, Connery
Chappell, Edgar L
Chapple, Christine E
Chapple, N P
Chapple, Phil
Chapple, William D
Charity, Kate
Charkin, Richard, with Tom Campbell
Charles, A A S
Charles, Caroline
Charles, David
Charles, Lindsey, & Lorna Duffin (eds)
Charles, Lois C
Charles, Roger
Charleston, Robert J
Charleston, Robert J (ed)
Charleston, Robert J, et al (eds)
Charlesworth, A R
Charlesworth, Andrew, et al
Charlesworth, George
Charlewood, R J
Charley, Irene H
Charlton, Christopher, et al
Charlton, Ferrier H
Charlton, H B
Charlton, John
Charlton, K
Charlton, L G
Charman, Derek (ed)
Charnley, P R
Charnock, Denys
Charnock, Sidney
Charters, John N
Chartres, John A
Chartres, John A (ed)
Chartres, John A, & Gerald L Turnbull
Chartres, John A, & Katrina Honeyman (eds)
Chase, E W, & Ilka Chase
Chase, Laura
Chase, Malcolm
Chasemore, Archibald
Chasey, H
Chaslin, François, et al
Chassagne, Serge
Chastney, H F
Chatburn, Angela
Chater, Michael
Chatham, George L
Chatterjee, Rimi B
Chatterji, B
Chatterton, D A
Chatterton, E Keble
Chatto, Beth
Chattock, R A
Chatwin, Amina
Chatwin, Philip B
Chatziioannou, M C
Chaudhuri, K N
Chaudhuri, Sushil
Chaudhury, Sushil, & Michel Morineau (eds)
Chauveau, Sophie
Chaytor, Mark H F
Cheal, Henry
Cheal, Wilfrid E
Cheater, B J (ed)
Checkland, Olive
Checkland, Olive, Shizuya Nishimura & N Tamaki (eds)
Checkland, S G
Checkland, S G, & Olive Checkland
Checksfield, V C
Cheeseright, Paul
Cheesman, Anthony J
Cheetham, Craig
Cheetham, Frank H
Cheetham, Geoffrey B
Cheffins, Brian R
Cheffins, Brian R, Dmitri Koustas & David Chambers
Cheke, Val
Chell, Bernard W
Chell, Susan M
Chenciner, Robert
Chenery, E M
Cheney, Christopher R
Cheney, Christopher R, John Cheney & Walter Cheney
Cheong, W E
Chernow, Ron
Cherrill, Mavis
Cherry, Althea C
Cherry, Gordon E
Cherry, James, & Joyce Cherry
Cherry, John
Cherry, Simon
Chesher, Veronica M
Cheshire, C J
Cheshire, David F
Cheshire, Jim
Chessell, Mark
Chester, C A
Chester, D N (ed)
Chester, Herbert A
Chester, Lewis
Chester, Lewis, & Jonathan Fenby
Chester, Norman
Chesterman, R G A
Chesters, J H
Chesterton, D Ridley, & Roy S Fenton
Cheung, Hoh, & Lorna H Mui
Cheung, Kok C
Chevalier, Jean
Chevalier, W S with L J Flowerdew & G C Berry
Cheverton, B, (ed)
Chevis, H W
Chew, Linda & Anthony
Chew, Melanie
Chiang, Hai Ding
Chiarizia, M M A
Chibnall, Joan
Chick, Martin
Chick, Martin (ed)
Chicken, Eric
Chignell, H
Chilcott, Tim
Child, G J
Child, Henry S
Child, John
Child, Kate
Child, Lorraine
Child, Mark
Child, S, & C F Caunter
Childe, W H
Childers, James S
Childs, Edmund
Childs, Michael J
Childs, P D
Childs, Wendy R
Childs, Wendy R (ed)
Childs, Wendy R, & Maryanne Kowaleski
Chilston, Eric A A D
Chilton, Cecil W
Chilton, L V
Chilton, Peter, & Michael Poppleston
Chilvers, Hedley
Chinn, Carl
Chinn, Carl, & Malcolm Dick (ed)
Chinn, Carl, & Stephen Dyson
Chipperfield, Dick
Chipperfield, Jimmy
Chipperfield, Joseph E
Chippindale, Peter, & Chris Horrie
Chippindale, Peter, Roma Felstein & Suzanne Franks
Chisholm, Anne, & Michael Davie
Chisholm, Marjory A G
Chisholm, Martin
Chisholm, Michael
Chislett, Helen
Chislett, Steve
Chisnall, Edward H
Chisolm, Samuel
Chitty, Jean
Chivers, Colin, & Philip Wood
Chivers, Keith
Chope, R Pearce
Chorley, Patrick
Chorlton, Martyn
Chown, Joseph L
Chrimes, Mike
Chrimes, Mike (ed)
Chrimes, Mike, & Susan Hots
Chrimes, Mike, et al
Christensen, Mike
Christensen, R O
Christian, Edmund B V
Christian, Roy
Christiansen, Rex
Christiansen, Rex, & Robert W Miller
Christianson, C Paul
Christie, Ann
Christie, Guy
Christie, Ian
Christie, Ian R
Christie, J Roberton
Christie, John R R
Christie, P S
Christie, Peter
Christie, Peter, & Deborah Gahan
Christie-Miller, John
Christmas, E A
Christmas, Terry
Christopher, George P
Christopher, John
Christophers, V R, D C Haselgrove & O H J Pearcey
Christy, Miller
Christy, Miller, et al
Chrystal, Paul
Chrystal, Paul, with Joe Dickinson
Chu, Petra ten-Doesschate, & Max Donnelly
Chubb, George H, & Walter G Churcher
Chubb, H J, & C L D Duckworth
Chudley, John A
Church, Arthur H
Church, Dani, & Ann Gander
Church, Roy
Church, Roy (ed)
Church, Roy, & Andrew Godley
Church, Roy, & Andrew Godley (eds)
Church, Roy, & Barbara M D Smith
Church, Roy, & Chris Mullen
Church, Roy, & Christine Clark
Church, Roy, & E M Tansey
Church, Roy, & M Miller
Church, Roy, & Quentin Outram
Church, Roy, Quentin Outram & David N Smith
Church, Roy, Trevor Baldwin & Bob Berry
Church, Wilfrid S
Church, William C
Churchill, Pauline J
Churchill, R C
Churchouse, Jack
Chuubi, Joseph M
Ciaburri, Robert L
Cianferotti, S
Cicak, Tessa, & NicolaTynan
Citrine, Walter, later Lord Citrine
Civil, Allen, & Roy Etherington
Cizdyn, R
Clabburn, Pamela
Clabburn, Pamela, et al
Claber, Deborah H
Clair, Colin
Clammer, Carol & Richard
Clammer, Richard
Clampin, David J
Clampin, David J, & Nicholas J White
Clapham, Anthony
Clapham, John H
Clapham, John H (ed)
Clapham, John H, et al (eds)
Clapham, R C
Clapp, Brian W
Clapp, Brian W (ed)
Clapperton, R H
Clapson, Mark
Clare, Anthony
Clare, Donald
Clarence-Smith, William G
Claridge, Jordan
Claridge, Jordan, & John Langdon
Clark, Alan M
Clark, Alec W
Clark, Alice
Clark, Andrew
Clark, Andrew (ed)
Clark, Brian D
Clark, C M, & M C Horton
Clark, C W
Clark, Chris S, & John Fletcher
Clark, Christine
Clark, Christine, & Roger Manning
Clark, Colin, & Reuben Davison
Clark, D Kinnear
Clark, David
Clark, David M
Clark, Dorothy K
Clark, E F
Clark, Edwin A G
Clark, Edwin K
Clark, Edwin, engineer
Clark, Eric
Clark, Ernest 'Boatie'
Clark, G
Clark, G S
Clark, Geoffrey W
Clark, George
Clark, George N
Clark, George N, & G D H Cole
Clark, George N, with Barbara N Franks
Clark, George T
Clark, Gregory
Clark, Gregory, & David Jacks
Clark, H H Gordon, et al
Clark, H J S
Clark, H O
Clark, H O, & Rex Wailes
Clark, Hazel
Clark, Howard D
Clark, Ian
Clark, J F M
Clark, Jessica P
Clark, Jill
Clark, Kathleen
Clark, Kenneth M
Clark, Linda
Clark, Lorne
Clark, Muriel M
Clark, Neil D L, with Alison Sheridan and Donal Bateson
Clark, P, & M Rowlinson
Clark, Paul
Clark, Paul, & Edmund Nankivell
Clark, Peter
Clark, Peter
Clark, Peter A
Clark, Peter F
Clark, Peter, & Lyn Murfin
Clark, Peter, & Penelope Corfield (eds)
Clark, Philip
Clark, Philip L
Clark, R
Clark, Ray
Clark, Ronald H
Clark, Ronald W
Clark, Stafford
Clark, Sylvia
Clark, T
Clark, T J
Clark, Tim
Clark, Victoria E
Clark, W A Graham
Clark, W S
Clark, Wallace
Clarke, Alastair
Clarke, Allen
Clarke, B R, & C C Veitch
Clarke, Basil
Clarke, Basil F L
Clarke, Bob
Clarke, Bridget
Clarke, C Allen
Clarke, Colin J
Clarke, Cyril A A
Clarke, David
Clarke, David J
Clarke, Graeme, Denise Druce & Sue Anderson
Clarke, Harold G, & Joseph H Rylatt
Clarke, Helen, et al
Clarke, Henry, & Hilary Binding
Clarke, J N
Clarke, J W
Clarke, John M
Clarke, John S
Clarke, Jonathan
Clarke, Joseph F
Clarke, Kevin, & Jack Flanagan
Clarke, L
Clarke, L A
Clarke, L J, & H L Burbidge
Clarke, Marie, Neville Gregory & Alan Gray
Clarke, Mary P
Clarke, Mary V C
Clarke, Michael, & J Woods
Clarke, Mike
Clarke, Mike, & Allison Hewitt
Clarke, N A
Clarke, Neil
Clarke, Neil (ed)
Clarke, P
Clarke, P A
Clarke, P F
Clarke, P L
Clarke, Peter
Clarke, Philip
Clarke, R
Clarke, Ralph S
Clarke, Richard
Clarke, Robin
Clarke, S, & A M Tobias
Clarke, Stephen
Clarke, T N, A D Morrison-Low & A D C Simpson
Clarke, Tom
Clarke, Tom C
Clarke, Tom C, & John Athersuch
Clarke, Tom C, & Will Morrison
Clarke, Tony
Clarke, William J, & W A Potter
Clarke-Hill, Colin, & Terry Robinson
Clarkson, John, & Roy Fenton
Clarkson, John, Roy Fenton & Archie Munro
Clarkson, Leslie A
Clarkson, Shirley
Clarkson, Tommy, & Peter Clarkson
Claughton, Peter
Clausager, Anders Ditlev
Clavering, E
Clavin, Patricia
Clawley, Alan
Claxton, E W
Clay, Catherine
Clay, Christopher
Clay, Ewart W
Clay, Henry
Clay, Henry, & K Russell Brady (eds)
Clay, Reginald S
Clay, Reginald S, & Thomas H Court
Clay, Richard, & Sue Tungate (eds)
Clay, William
Claydon, C J
Claydon, Tim
Clayton, A P K
Clayton, Antony
Clayton, Arthur K
Clayton, David
Clayton, Eric
Clayton, George
Clayton, Howard
Clayton, J M
Clayton, Ken
Clayton, Nick
Clayton, Phil
Clayton, Robert, & Joan Algar
Clayton, Timothy
Clear, Charles R
Clear, Gwen
Cleary, Esmond J
Cleary, Frederick E
Cleasby, Peter
Cleaveley, Caroline
Cleaver, Dorothy, et al
Cleaver, George, & Pamela Cleaver
Cleaver, William (Dan)
Cleere, Henry, David Crossley et al
Clegg, Barbara
Clegg, Cyril
Clegg, Debbie
Clegg, H
Clegg, H A
Clegg, H A, & D N Chester
Clegg, James
Clegg, Jonathan, & Joshua Robinson
Clegg, Margaret
Clegg, Peter
Clegg, Peter V
Clegg, Samuel
Clegg, W Paul
Clegg, W Paul, & John S Styring
Cleghorn, Betty
Cleland, James
Clemens, Paul G E
Clement, David B
Clements, Jeremy
Clements, Paul
Clements, R V
Clendenning, P H
Clendinning, Anne
Clephan, James
Clery, E J
Cleugh, James
Cleveland, Paul
Cleveland-Stevens, Edward
Cleverley, Graham
Clew, Jeff R
Clew, Kenneth R
Clews, Stephen
Cliff, Karen, & Pat Southern
Cliff, Kenneth
Cliff, Norman
Cliffe, W H
Clifford, David
Clifford, Graham D, & Frank W Sharp
Clifford, Helen
Clifford, Jim
Clifford, Joan
Clifford, John
Clifford, Max, & Angela Levin
Clifford, Roy
Clifford, Timothy
Clifton, Gloria
Clifton, Gloria, with G L'E Turner (ed)
Clifton, Judith, Pierre Lanthier & Harm Schroter G
Clifton-Mogg, C
Clinch, George
Clinch, R
Cline, Peter K
Clinker, Charles R
Clinker, Charles, & Charles Hadfield
Clinkscale, Martha N
Clint, John
Clive, John L
Clode, Charles M
Close, Charles
Close, R E
Close, Roy K
Clothier, Alan C
Cloud, G A
Clough, David N
Clough, Robert T
Clouston, R W M
Cloutman, E W, & W Linnard
Clow, Archibald
Clow, Archibald, & Nan L Clow
Clow, Donald G
Clow, Miranda
Clowes, Alice A
Clowes, John
Clowes, William B
Clubb, M J, & P Tapper
Clube, J R
Cluckie, L
Cluett, Douglas, Joanna Bogle & Bob Learmouth
Cluff, Algy
Clulow, George
Clunn, Harold P
Clutterbuck, David, & Marion Devine
Clutterbuck, Philip D A
Clutton, John
Clutton, Rafe
Clutton-Brock, Arthur
Clyne, H R
Coad, Jonathan G
Coad, Jonathan G, & Peter Guillery
Coad, Roy
Coan, Catherine
Coase, R H
Coates, Austin
Coates, Ben
Coates, Bryan E
Coates, Chris
Coates, Christine
Coates, Jane, & John Coates
Coates, Ken (ed)
Coates, Nigel
Coates, R N
Coates, Richard
Coates, Robert
Coats, A W
Coats, Andrew
Coats, Ann V
Coats, Brian
Coats, Robert H
Coatsworth, Elizabeth, & Michael Pinder
Coatts, Margot
Coatts, Margot (ed)
Cobb, Henry S
Cobb, Henry S (ed)
Cobb, M H
Cobb, William
Cobbold, M H
Cobbold, S
Cobham, Alan J, with Christopher Derrick (ed)
Cochran, Laura E
Cochran, Sherman
Cochran-Patrick, R W
Cochrane, Alfred
Cochrane, Basil
Cochrane, James A
Cochrane, Rob
Cochrane, W G
Cock, Randolph, & N A M Rodger (eds)
Cockburn, Cynthia
Cockburn, Elizabeth O
Cockburn, Harry A
Cockburn, Ken
Cockburn, Phyllis
Cockcroft, Charles, & Heaton Wilkinson
Cockcroft, John (ed)
Cockcroft, William
Cocke, T H
Cockerell, H A L
Cockerell, H A L, & Edwin Green
Cockerham, P D
Cockerill, Anthony
Cockerill, J E
Cockerill, John
Cockerill, John, & Joyce Cockerill
Cockett, Richard
Cockfield, F A
Cockman, F C
Cocks, Alfred H
Cocks, Edward J, & Bernhardt Walters
Cocks, H G
Cocksedge, A E
Cockshutt, E
Coclanis, Peter A (ed)
Cocroft, Wayne D
Cocroft, Wayne D, et al
Codd, Leslie
Codell, Julie F
Cody, Lisa F
Coe, Brian
Coe, Derek
Coe, Fred A
Coe, W E
Coffman, D'Maris Dalton
Coggins, Denis (ed)
Coghill, Ashley
Cogswell, R J
Cohen, Andrew
Cohen, C D
Cohen, Colin
Cohen, Frederick E
Cohen, Herman
Cohen, I
Cohen, J S
Cohen, Jacob
Cohen, Jay
Cohen, John M
Cohen, Marilyn
Cohen, Marilyn (ed)
Cohen, Morton V, & Anita Gandolfo (eds)
Cohen, P M
Cohen, R L
Cohen, Ruth
Cohen, Sheila
Cohn, Laura
Cohn, Laura (ed)
Cohn, Samuel
Coke, David E
Coke, David E, & Alan Borg
Coke, Gerald E
Colbeck, E M
Colbridge, J, J Parr & W J Dale
Colburn, Zerah
Colburn, Zerah, & William H Maw
Colby, J D
Colchester, Walter E
Colclough, D
Colclough, Stephen
Coldicott, Diana
Cole, ?
Cole, Alan S
Cole, Andrew
Cole, Arthur H
Cole, Beverley, & Richard Durack
Cole, Camille
Cole, D
Cole, David
Cole, E
Cole, Emily
Cole, G D H
Cole, Gareth J
Cole, George, & F J Tempel
Cole, John F, & T P Camerer Cuss
Cole, K A (ed)
Cole, Lance
Cole, Len
Cole, M B
Cole, Margaret
Cole, Margaret, et al
Cole, Neil M
Cole, Robert
Cole, Roy C
Cole, Sam
Cole, W A
Cole, W H
Cole, Warwick
Cole, William H
Colebrook, Frank
Colebrook, Kim
Coleby, Ian
Colella, Silvana
Coleman, Donald C
Coleman, Donald C, & Christine MacLeod
Coleman, Donald C, & Peter Mathias (eds)
Coleman, Elizabeth A
Coleman, Francis L
Coleman, George D
Coleman, Kim
Coleman, Olive
Coleman, Olive, ed
Coleman, Terry
Coleman, W L
Coleman, W L B
Coleman-Smith, Richard J C
Coleman-Smith, Richard J C, & T Pearson
Coleridge, Anthony
Coleridge, Ernest H
Coles, J W
Coles, Michael A T
Coley, N G
Collard, Allan O
Collard, Chris
Collard, Claude, & Melanie Aspey (eds)
Collard, Francis
Collard, Ian
Collens, Geoffrey, & Wendy Powell (eds)
Coller, Kristene E, et al
Collet, John K
Collett, Clara
Collett-White, Ann, & James Collett-White
Colley, Eric
Colli, Andrea
Colli, Andrea, & Lars Larsson
Colli, Andrea, & Mary Rose
Colli, Andrea, & Paloma Fernandez Perez
Colli, Andrea, Carole Howorth & Mary Rose
Colli, Andrea, Paloma Fernandez Perez & Mary Rose
Collidge, W H
Collie, George F
Collier, Arthur, & John Collier (ed)
Collier, Basil
Collier, Clive
Collier, D A
Collier, Dave, & Ben Collier
Collier, Frances
Collier, Frances, & R S Fitton (ed)
Collier, John D
Collier, L J
Collier, Leonard B
Collier, Paul
Collier, Sylvia, with Sarah Pearson
Collier, William
Collin, David R
Collin, Dorothy W
Colling, E & M
Collingborn, Catherine
Collinge, G H, et al
Collinge, Peter
Collings, Norman
Collingwood, Jeremy
Collingwood, Ralph
Collingwood, W G
Collins, A R
Collins, Ben
Collins, Bernard R
Collins, Brenda
Collins, Brenda & Philip Ollerenshaw (eds)
Collins, Brenda, & Philip Ollerenshaw
Collins, Brenda, Philip Ollerenshaw & Trevor Parkhill (eds)
Collins, Brenda, Trevor Parkhill & Peter Roebuck
Collins, Bruce
Collins, Bruce, & Keith Robbins (eds)
Collins, D M
Collins, Damian
Collins, David
Collins, Diane
Collins, Douglas
Collins, Douglas C
Collins, Douglas R
Collins, E J T
Collins, E J T, & Derek J Oddy
Collins, Gordon
Collins, Helen
Collins, Henry E
Collins, Howard
Collins, J F N
Collins, Jeffrey H
Collins, Jessica
Collins, Joseph H
Collins, Josephine P
Collins, Judith
Collins, Louanne
Collins, Louanne, & Moira Stevenson
Collins, Marilynn, & Robert Bloom
Collins, Michael
Collins, Michael F, & Timothy M Pharoah
Collins, Michael J
Collins, Michael L
Collins, Michael, & Mae Baker
Collins, Michael, & Pat Hudson
Collins, Mick, & Derry Collins
Collins, Paul
Collins, Paul, & Michael Stratton
Collins, Peter, Alan Rushworth & David Wallace (eds)
Collins, Peter, writer on coal extraction
Collins, Peter, writer on needlemaking
Collins, R (ed)
Collins, R J M
Collins, R N, & Geoff R Mills
Collins, Steve
Collins, Tindall
Collins, Tony, & Wray Vamplew
Collins, W S
Collins, William
Collins, William B R
Collinson, Catherine
Collinson, Edward
Collinson, Francis
Collinson, Patricia
Collinson, T, & N J Bramhall
Collis, Maurice
Collison, B
Colls, Robert
Colls, Robert, & Bill Lancaster (eds)
Colman, Helen C
Colman, Jeremiah
Colman, Pamela
Colman, R H
Colman, Richard
Colpitts, George
Colquhoun, James
Colquhoun, Kate
Colquhoun, Patrick
Colson, Ben
Colson, Percy
Colston, James
Coltman, Viccy
Colvin, C J L
Colvin, Howard M
Colvin, Howard M, & L M Wodehouse
Colwall, Daniel
Comerford, Paul
Comfort, Nicholas A
Comino, Mary
Common, R
Compton, Hugh J
Compton, Hugh, & Alan Faulkner
Compton, John L
Compton, Theodore
Comrie, A C
Comunale, Rachael E
Conaghan, Dan
Conder, Edward
Conder, William S
Condon, M E
Cone, Philip J
Conekin, Becky E
Congdon, Des K
Congreve, William
Conlin, Jonathan
Conlin, Jonathan
Conlin, Jonathan (ed)
Conn, David
Conn, Henry
Conn, Michael
Connell, Andrew
Connell, Carol M
Connell, Diana
Connell, E J
Connell, E J, & M Ward
Connell, Jim A, & Eric A Willatts
Connell, Liam
Connell, Sheila
Connell-Smith, G E
Connelly, Brian
Connies-Laing, P A
Connolly, Andrew
Connolly, J A
Connolly, John, & Paddy Dolan
Connolly, Joseph
Connolly, Margaret
Connolly, Priscilla
Connolly, S J, et al (eds)
Connolly, W Philip, & U A Vincent
Connop-Price, Martin R
Connor, J E
Connor, J E, & B J Critchley
Connor, Piers
Connor, Rebecca E
Connors, D P
Connors, Michael
Connors, Richard
Conradi, Gordon
Conran, Elizabeth
Conran, Terence, & Matthew Riches (ed)
Conroy, John C
Conroy, Rachel
Consiglio, John A, et al (eds)
Consitt, Frances
Constable, Archibald
Constable, Giles
Constable, L
Constable, Thomas
Constantine, Harry
Constantine, Stephen
Constantine, Stephen, Maurice W Kirby & Mary Rose (eds)
Contarini, Paolo
Conte-Helm, Marie
Conway, Hazel
Conway, R H
Conway, Rebecca
Conway-Jones, Hugh
Cook, A L Michael
Cook, A S
Cook, Andrew
Cook, Andrew, with Bernard Ginns
Cook, Arthur N
Cook, Bronwen
Cook, C B
Cook, Christopher
Cook, Clifford J
Cook, Colin R
Cook, Cyril
Cook, Edward T
Cook, Henry
Cook, John R
Cook, Lorainne A
Cook, M H Rupert
Cook, Malcolm
Cook, Martin
Cook, Martin G
Cook, Michael
Cook, Norman
Cook, Olive
Cook, P Lesley
Cook, P Lesley, with Ruth Cohen (eds)
Cook, Pam (ed)
Cook, R G
Cook, R M L, T A P Greeves & C C Kilvington
Cook, Ray
Cook, Robert
Cook, Robert, & Andrew Shouler
Cook, William
Cooke, Anthony J
Cooke, Anthony J (ed)
Cooke, Anthony J, & Ian Donnachie
Cooke, Arthur, & James Cooke
Cooke, Bill
Cooke, C A
Cooke, C J Bowen
Cooke, Charles Northcote
Cooke, Cyril
Cooke, David
Cooke, F E
Cooke, Reg
Cooke, Reg, & Peter Cooke
Cooke, Stanley G (Andy)
Cooke, Stenson
Cooksey, Alfred J A
Cooksey, C J
Cooksey, J C B
Cooksey, John
Cooksey, Julian
Cooksey, Laurie A
Cookson, B W
Cookson, Brian
Cookson, Gillian
Cookson, Gillian (ed)
Cookson, Gillian, & C A Hempstead
Cookson, Gillian, et al
Cooley, Graham, & John Newton
Coomber, Ian
Coombes, L C
Coombes, Nigel
Coombes, Peggy
Coombs, Benjamin
Coombs, C R (ed)
Coones, Paul
Cooney, E W
Cooney, Sondra Miley
Coonie, Ian M, & Robert R Clark
Cooper, A J
Cooper, A P
Cooper, A V
Cooper, Alan
Cooper, Albert W
Cooper, Alfred
Cooper, Alyson
Cooper, Audrey
Cooper, Bill
Cooper, Brian
Cooper, Brian T (ed)
Cooper, Bryan, & T F Gaskell
Cooper, Carolyn C
Cooper, Charles
Cooper, Denis R
Cooper, Douglas
Cooper, E G
Cooper, E R
Cooper, Elena
Cooper, Emmanuel
Cooper, Emmanuel (ed)
Cooper, Ernest
Cooper, Ernest R
Cooper, F H
Cooper, Frederick W
Cooper, Gill P
Cooper, Glennis
Cooper, H
Cooper, Ian
Cooper, J P
Cooper, Jackie (ed)
Cooper, Janet (ed)
Cooper, Jeremy
Cooper, John
Cooper, John C
Cooper, John S
Cooper, John S, & Kenneth J Westwood
Cooper, Judith
Cooper, Julie
Cooper, K
Cooper, L G
Cooper, Leo
Cooper, M A R
Cooper, Malcolm
Cooper, Malcolm G
Cooper, Malcolm, Bill Laxon & Bill Harvey
Cooper, Margaret
Cooper, Neil, & David Whitmarsh
Cooper, Nicholas
Cooper, Peter
Cooper, Peter J
Cooper, Ronald G
Cooper, Stephen
Cooper, Thomas P
Cooper, Tim
Cooper, Victoria L
Cooper, Walter, & Ken Anthony (ed)
Cooper, William
Cooper, William D
Coopey, Richard
Coopey, Richard, & Dilwyn Porter
Coopey, Richard, & Donald Clarke
Coopey, Richard, & Nicholas Woodward (eds)
Coopey, Richard, & Peter Lyth
Coopey, Richard, & Peter Lyth (eds)
Coopey, Richard, Sean O'Connell & Dilwyn Porter
Coote, Stephen
Coover, James
Cope, Dave
Cope, S R
Copeland, David
Copeland, John
Copeland, M T
Copeland, Robert
Copelin, P W
Copeman, Sue
Copeman, W O
Copeman, William S C
Copland-Griffiths, Penny
Copley, George F
Coppack, Tom
Copping, George
Coppock, D J
Coppock, J T, & Hugh C Price (eds)
Copsey, M
Copsey, Tony
Coquillette, D R
Corah, John
Coram, Dudley, et al
Corbett, David
Corbin, Viv
Corbin, Viv, & Chris Taylor
Corble, Nick
Corbridge, John
Corby, E Henry
Corby, Michael E
Corcoran, Tony
Corden, W M, & Gerhard Fels (eds)
Corder-Birch, Adrian
Corder-Birch, Pam, & Adrian Corder-Birch
Cordero, Harry G, & L H Tarring
Corderoy, Edward
Cordery, Simon
Cordle, Celia
Corey, Lewis
Corfe, Tom
Corfield, Brian
Corfield, John, & Rosemary Bennett (ed)
Corfield, Michael
Corfield, Penelope J
Corfield, Penelope J, & Derek Keene (eds)
Corfield, Penelope J, & Serena Kelly
Corin, John
Corina, Maurice
Cork, Kenneth, with Hugh Barty King
Corke, Alison
Corke, Shirley
Corker, Christopher J
Corkin, Robert
Corlett, D M
Corlett, Ewan
Corlett, John
Corley, T A B
Corley, T A B, & Andrew Godley
Cormack, Alastair, & Anne Cormack
Cormack, Alexander A
Cormack, Bill
Cormack, Ian L
Cormack, W S
Cornell, David
Cornell, Martyn
Corner, David
Corner, George R
Cornett, J P
Cornewall-Jones, R J
Cornfield, Violet M
Cornford, Leslie C
Cornish, J B
Cornwell, H J Campbell
Cornwell, John
Cornwell, S V P
Corp, William G
Corran, H S
Corran, J A
Corran, T H
Corrins, Robert D
Corry, John
Corry, Percy
Corsair, B A, & W L Fitzell
Corsan, Jack
Corson, F Reid
Cortada, James W
Cortazzi, Hugh
Cortazzi, Hugh (ed)
Cortazzi, Hugh, & Gordon Daniels (eds)
Corti, Egon Caesar [Count Conti]
Cory, Raymond
Cosgrove, John N
Cosh, Mary
Cossins, J A
Cosslett, John
Cossons, Arthur C
Cossons, Neil
Cossons, Neil (ed)
Cossons, W E (ed)
Costa, Margaret
Costa, Nic
Costain, Albert
Costello, John, & Terry Hughes
Costeloe, Michael
Coster, Ian
Cottam, David
Cotter, John-Baptist A
Cotterall, J E
Cottereau, Alain
Cotterell, Harry
Cotterell, Howard H
Cotterell, Stanley, & G H Wilkinson
Cotterill, M S
Cottermole, Paul
Cottesloe, Lord
Cottingham, Ann H G
Cottis, Janie
Cottle, Simon
Cotton, C
Cotton, Michelle
Cotton, Rachel P
Cotton, W A
Cotton, William
Cotton, William J
Cottrell, A E
Cottrell, David, & John Hinchliffe
Cottrell, Elizabeth
Cottrell, P L
Cottrell, P L (ed)
Cottrell, P L, & D E Moggridge (eds)
Cottrell, P L, & Derek H Aldcroft (eds)
Cottrell, P L, & George Ottley
Cottrell, P L, & Lucy Newton
Cottrell, P L, Alice Teichove & Takeshi Yuzawa (eds)
Cottrell, P L, et al
Cottrell, W F
Couldridge, Chris
Coull, James R
Coulls, Anthony
Coulson, Anthony J
Coulson, H O H
Coulson, Phil (ed)
Coulter, Moureen
Coulthard, H C
Coulton, Richard
Counsell, R E
Coupe, Gladys
Couper, Alistair
Couper, Charles T
Couper, William J
Course, Alfred G
Course, Edwin A
Course, Edwin A (ed)
Court, John H
Court, Ron, & Mark Clark (ed)
Court, W H B
Courtauld, Samuel A
Courtauld, Samuel A, (ed) & E A Jones
Courtauld, Stephen L
Courthope, Elinor J (ed)
Courtney, Cathy, & Paul Thompson (eds)
Courtney, Nicholas
Courtney, Paul
Courtney, Stephen, & Brian Patterson
Courtney, T W
Courtwright, David T
Cousins, David R
Cousins, Geoffrey E
Cousins, Graham
Cousins, J M
Coutts, Stephanie L
Couzens, R W
Cove-Smith, Christopher
Coverdale, Tony
Cowan, Bob
Cowan, Brian W
Cowan, C D (ed)
Cowan, J M
Cowan, James A
Cowan, Michael
Cowan, Peter
Cowan, Robert M W
Coward, B J
Cowburn, John
Cowden, James E
Cowden, James E, & John O C Duffy
Cowell, Fiona E R
Cowell, Frank R
Cowell, J Graham
Cowen, Frank
Cowen, Michael
Cowhig, W T
Cowie, Helen L
Cowin, Chris
Cowin, W S
Cowing, Gwyneth
Cowles, Roger
Cowles, Virginia
Cowley, Ultan
Cowling, Sue, & Steve Williams
Cownie, John R
Cowper, A S
Cowper, B H
Cowsill, Miles
Cowsill, Miles, & John Hendy
Cowsill, Miles, et al
Cox R L
Cox, Alan
Cox, Alwyn & Angela Cox
Cox, Anthony
Cox, Caroline
Cox, Christopher
Cox, D H
Cox, Dave, & Bill Francis James
Cox, E H M
Cox, E S
Cox, E X
Cox, F Hayter
Cox, Harold (ed)
Cox, Harold, & John E Chandler
Cox, Howard
Cox, Howard, & Simon Mowatt
Cox, Howard, & Stuart Metcalfe
Cox, Howard, Huang Biao & Stuart Metcalfe
Cox, Howard, et al (eds)
Cox, Ian
Cox, Jack
Cox, James, & A C W Mell
Cox, John G
Cox, L R
Cox, Nancy
Cox, Nancy, & Karin Dannehl
Cox, Nicholas
Cox, Norma
Cox, Pamela, & Annabel Hobley
Cox, Peter
Cox, Peter R, & R H Storr-Best
Cox, Robert M
Cox, Ron, & Jim Smith
Coxhead, Elizabeth
Coxhead, J R W
Coxhill, David J
Coxill, David J, & W V Gammon
Coyle, Christopher, & John D Turner
Coyle, Christopher, Aldo Musacchio & John D Turner
Coyle, Geoff
Coyne, William P (ed)
Coysh, A W
Coysh, A W, & R K Henrywood
Cozens, Kenneth J
Cozens, Lewis
Cozens-Hardy, Basil
Crabbe, David
Crabtree, Bernard
Crabtree, Geoffrey C
Crabtree, Harold
Crabtree, John
Crabtree, Peter W
Crabtree, Peter W, & R Foster
Craddock, Paul T, & Duncan R Hook
Crafts, N F R
Crafts, N F R, & Abay Mulatu
Crafts, N F R, & C Knick Harley
Crafts, N F R, & M Thomas
Crafts, N F R, & Nicholas Woodward (eds)
Crafts, N F R, & Nikolaus Wolf
Crafts, N F R, & Terrence C Mills
Crafts, N F R, Ian Gazeley & Andrew Newell (eds)
Crafts, N F R, Terrence C Mills & Abay Mulatu
Crafts, N F R, Timothy Leunig & Abay Mulatu
Cragg, Roger (ed)
Cragg, Rowland
Craggs, John, Hugh Murphy & Roger Vaughan
Craig, C W T, & E G Bewley
Craig, H Charles
Craig, Heidi
Craig, J
Craig, John H M
Craig, Linda
Craig, Mary E
Craig, Robin S
Craig, Robin S, & John Whyman
Craig, Robin S, & M M Schofield
Craig, Robin S, & Rupert Jarvis
Craig, Robin S, Robert Protheroe-Jones & M V Symons
Craigie, P G
Crainey, Tom
Craker, Trevor
Cramb, George E
Crammond, William
Cramp, B G
Cramphorn, J F, & A M St J Cramphorn
Crampsey, Robert A
Crampton, John
Crampton, Matthew
Crane, E, & P Walker
Crane, John L B
Cranfield, Geoffrey A
Crankshaw, William P
Crankshaw, William P, & Alfred Blackburn
Cranmer, John L
Cranstone, David
Cranstone, David (ed)
Crapster, Basil L
Craske, Matthew
Crathorne, Nancy, with Katharine Elliot & James Dugdale
Crathorne, Roger, Mike Gould & James L Taylor
Crathorne, Roger, with Gavin Green
Craton, Michael, & James Walvin
Craton, Michael, James Walvin & David Wright
Crauford-Stuart, James
Craven, Maxwell
Craven, Wesley F
Craven, Wilfred A
Cravitz, Joan
Crawford, Alan
Crawford, Alan (ed)
Crawford, Alan, & Robert Thorne
Crawford, Alan, et al
Crawford, Anne
Crawford, Elizabeth
Crawford, G N
Crawford, James, Katy Whitaker & Allan Williams
Crawford, John A, & Patrick G Whatley
Crawford, Ralph (ed)
Crawford, Robert
Crawford, Ronald
Crawford, T S
Crawford, Thomas
Crawford, W H
Crawford, W S
Crawforth, M A
Crawley, H H
Crawley, John (ed)
Crawley, Robert
Crawley, Robert, et al
Crawshaw, James D
Crawshaw, John
Crawshay, Martin
Craze, Sarah
Crease, Jane
Creaser, Norman
Creaton, Heather J
Creaton, Siobhan
Credland, Arthur G
Credland, Arthur G, & Michael Thompson
Credland, Arthur G, & Richard Greenwood
Credland, G D
Credon, R H
Creed, Rupert, & Averil Coult
Creese, Geoff
Creese, Walter L
Creighton, Archibald
Crellin, J K
Crellin, J K, & J R Scott
Crerar, Anne
Cressey, Michael, & Ron Fitzgerald
Cressey, Michael, Melanie Johnson et al
Cresswell, Beatrix
Cresswell, Jeremy
Cressy, David
Creswell, Samuel F
Crew, Albert
Crew, M D
Crew, P
Crewdson, H A F
Crewdson, Richard
Crichton, A T
Crichton, Andrew M K
Crick, M M, et al
Crick, S
Crick, Wilfred F, & John E Wadsworth
Crighton, John
Crimes, Owen
Crimmin, P K
Cripps, Ernest C
Cripps, F S
Cripps, Henry L
Crisell, Andrew
Crispin, B
Crispin, Gill (ed)
Crispin, Thomas
Crisswell, Colin N
Critchell, James T, & Joseph Raymond
Critchley, A C
Critchley, Martin F
Crittall, Francis H, with E L Crittall
Croad, Steven
Croall, Robert
Crocker, Alan
Crocker, Alan, & Glenys Crocker
Crocker, Alan, & Martin Kane (eds)
Crocker, Alan, Mary Day & Peggy Bedwell
Crocker, Alan, et al
Crocker, Glenys
Crocker, Glenys (ed)
Crocker, Glenys, & Alan Crocker
Crocker, William C
Crockett, Phil
Crockett, Richard, with Craig Durham & Graham Smith
Croft, David
Croft, David, & Adam Gordon
Croft, Linda
Croft, Pauline
Croft, Pauline (ed)
Croft, R J
Croft, Roger M
Croft, W R
Croft-Cooke, Rupert
Crofton, Cyril A
Crofton, Henry T
Crofts, John E
Croker, K B
Croll, Alexander A
Croly, John M
Crom, Theodore
Cromack, Tom
Cromar, Peter
Cromarty, Robert
Crombac, Gerard
Crombie, James
Crombleholme, Roger, et al
Cromby, Tony
Crompton, Gerald W (ed)
Crompton, Gerald W
Crompton, Gerald W, & Robert Jupe
Crompton, John
Crompton, Rookes E B
Crompton, Rosemary
Crompton, Teresa
Crompton, Yorke
Cronan, Gerald P
Cronin, Bernard P
Cronin, James E
Cronje, Suzanne, Margaret Ling & Gillian Cronje
Cronkshaw, Phyllis
Cronshaw, H B
Crook, J Mordaunt
Crook, Stephen R
Crook, Tom, & Mike Esbester (eds)
Crookenden, Spencer
Crookham, Alan
Crookham, Alan, Michael Wilcox, Christine Woodland & Richard Storey
Crooks, Eddie
Crookshank, Arthur
Croom, Jane
Croome, Desmond F
Cropper, James
Cropper, Mark
Cropper, R C F
Crory, William G
Crory, William J
Crosbie-Hill, Bill
Crosby, Alan
Crosby, Alan (ed)
Crosby, J H
Crosby, Tony
Crosby, Tony, & Adrian Conder-Birch
Crosby, Tony, et al
Crosfield, John F
Crosland-Taylor, W J, & John A Senior (ed)
Cross, Anthony J
Cross, Clifford
Cross, David S
Cross, Donald A E
Cross, E
Cross, Edward R (ed)
Cross, Gary S, & John K Walton
Cross, George
Cross, John M
Cross, Joy, & Margaret Staple (eds)
Cross, R L
Cross-Rudkin, Peter S M
Cross-Rudkin, Peter S M, (ed)
Cross-Rudkin, Peter S M, et al
Crosse, John
Crosse, John N
Crossick, Geoffrey
Crossick, Geoffrey, & Serge Jaumain
Crossick, Geoffrey, & Serge Jaumain (eds)
Crosskey, Gordon
Crossland, A W
Crossland, Bernard, & John S Moore
Crossland, Garry
Crossland, Garry, & Chris Turner
Crossley, A S
Crossley, Alan
Crossley, Alan (ed)
Crossley, Alan, Chris Day & Janet Cooper
Crossley, Colin, & Robert Greenhill
Crossley, David
Crossley, David (ed)
Crossley, David, & David Kiernan
Crossley, David, & F A Aberg
Crossley, David, & R V Saville (eds)
Crossley, Fred H
Crossley, Jack C
Crossley, Julian, & John Blandford
Crossley, Richard S
Crosweller, William T
Crouch, Allan
Crouch, Archer P
Crouch, Patrick J
Crouch, Philip J
Crouch, R L
Croucher, Richerd, & Geoffrey Wood
Crouzet, Francois
Crouzet, Francois (ed)
Crow, Duncan
Crow, Eleanor
Crow, Gerald H
Crowdy, Michael
Crowe, A L
Crowe, D
Crowe, Ken
Crowe, Laura G, & Sagra M de Rosen
Crowe, Malcolm
Crowhurst, Andrew J
Crowhurst, Basil
Crowhurst, Patrick
Crowley, Mark J
Crown, Alan D (ed)
Crowson, N J (ed)
Crowther, Ann
Crowther, E M
Crowther, H
Crowther, P M
Crozier, A C
Crozier, Mary
Crozier, Michael
Crozier, Ronald D
Cruddas, Colin
Cruden, R P
Cruft, Kitty, & Andrew Fraser (eds)
Cruickshank, A D
Cruickshank, Dan
Cruickshank, Graeme D R
Cruikshank, James
Cruikshank, Jeffrey L, & David B Sicilia
Cruikshank, Robert J
Crummett, John
Crump, Arthur
Crump, C G
Crump, James
Crump, Jeremy
Crump, Norman
Crump, Thomas
Crump, William B
Crump, William B (ed)
Crump, William B, & Gertrude Ghorbal
Crumplin, Tim E
Crumplin, Tim E, & Roger Rawcliffe
Cruse, John B
Crutchley, Brooke
Crutchley, Ernest A
Crutchley, George W
Crutchley, Neil
Cubbin, Graeme
Cubbin, Susan J
Cubbon, B D
Cubitt, D, A L Mackley & Richard G Wilson (eds)
Cuccorese, H J
Cuckson, Andy
Cudlipp, Hugh
Cudlipp, John
Cudworth, W
Cuenca Esteban, Javier
Cule, J E
Cull, Frederick
Cullen, Fiona, & David Lovie
Cullen, L M
Cullen, L M (ed)
Cullen, L M, & P Butel (eds)
Cullen, L M, & T C Smout (eds)
Cullen, Patrick
Culliford, Geoffrey
Cullingford, Benita
Cullis, Roger
Cullum, David H
Culme, John
Culpan, H V
Culpin, David
Culshaw, John R
Cumbers, Frank
Cumming, Alexander C
Cumming, Elizabeth (ed)
Cumming, Robert
Cumming, Valerie
Cummings, A J
Cummings, A J G
Cummings, A J G, & Thomas M Devine (eds)
Cummings, George
Cummings, J M
Cummings, John
Cummings, Keith
Cummins, Ian, & John Beasant
Cundall, Frank
Cunliffe, Barry
Cunliffe, J
Cunningham, Andrew S
Cunningham, C J K
Cunningham, Catherine M
Cunningham, Colin
Cunningham, Colin, & Prudence Waterhouse
Cunningham, H
Cunningham, Helen C
Cunningham, Hugh
Cunningham, James
Cunningham, John
Cunningham, Karen
Cunningham, Peter
Cunningham, Peter J
Cunningham, Simon
Cunningham, T M
Cunningham, William
Cunyngham Brown, Sjovald
Cupit, Jack, & William Taylor
Cuppleditch, David
Curatola, Gia A
Curl, James S
Curl, James S (ed)
Curl, James S, & John Sambrook
Curle, Virginia
Curling, B C
Curnow, W H
Curnow, W I
Curr, Coral
Curran, James, & Vincent Porter (eds)
Curran, Joan
Currer-Briggs, Noel
Currie, Ann
Currie, Archibald W
Currie, C R J, M W Greenslade & D A Johnson
Currie, Caroline L (ed)
Currie, David, & Stephen Sherlock
Currie, James R L
Currie, Tony
Curry, Aubrey
Curry, G
Curry, I
Curry, Rosemary J, & Sheila Kirk
Curtain, N
Curth, Louise H
Curth, Louise H (ed)
Curtin, Nancy J
Curtin, Philip D
Curtis, Bill
Curtis, Colin
Curtis, Colin, et al
Curtis, Gerald
Curtis, John
Curtis, Lee J
Curtis, Martin
Curtis, Martin, & Mike Walker
Curtis, Mavis
Curtis, William J R
Curtis-Bennett, Noel
Curwen, Henry
Curwen, John F
Curzon, William D
Cusack, Patricia
Cushman, Joy
Cuss, T P C
Cussins, W D
Cusumano, Michael A
Cutcliffe, Nick
Cuthbert, Alan D
Cuthbert, Geoffrey
Cuthbert, Jim, & Ken Smith
Cuthbert, Ted
Cuthbertson, David
Cutmore, Jonathan
Cutmore, Jonathan (ed)
Cutmore, Maxwell
Cutting, Charles L
Cyphus, Stuart, & Elvis Payne
Czajkowski, Michael J
Czierpka, J
D'Arcy, Joan
D'Cruze, Shani
D'Erlanger, Baron E B
D'Eyncourt, E H W Tennyson
D'Orley, Alan A
D'Sena, P A M
Da Rold, Orietta
Dack, Catherine
Dacre, Norman
Dade, Penny
Dadzie, Stella
Daff, T
Dagley, Donald B
Dagnall, Henry
Dagwell, Keith
Dahlen, Marianne, & Mats Larsson
Daiches, David
Daish, Alfred N
Dakers, Caroline
Dakres, Jack M
Dakyns, A L
Dalby, L J
Dale, A J
Dale, Antony
Dale, Hylton B
Dale, John J
Dale, Marian K
Dale, Richard S
Dale, Richard S, Johnnie E V Johnson & Leilei Tang
Dale, Rodney
Dale, Rodney, & Rebecca Weaver
Dale, Tim
Dale, William
Dale-Jones, Edna
Dalgleish, Angus
Dalgleish, George (ed)
Dalgleish, George, & Henry S Fothringham
Dalglish, Chris, & Stephen T Driscoll et al
Dallas, Donald A
Dallman, Pat
Dallow, Ken
Dalrymple, William
Dalton, Roger T
Dalton, Stewart
Daly, Anne
Daly, Anthony
Daly, Gavin
Daly, Mary E
Dalziel, George
Dalziel, Nigel
Dalziel, W G
Damas, Sylvester
Damesick, Peter
Dana, Leo-Paul (ed)
Dancey, Peter G
Dandie, H J
Dandy, J
Dane, Eric S
Dane, Michael
Daniel, Henry
Daniel, Peter
Daniel, Peter (ed)
Daniell, Chris, & Kate Bould
Daniell, John A
Daniels, George
Daniels, George W
Daniels, George W, & H Campion
Daniels, George W, & John Jewkes
Daniels, George W, & T S Ashton
Daniels, Jeff
Daniels, John S
Daniels, Pat
Daniels, R
Daniels, Stephen
Daniels, Verna K
Danielson, Richard
Danischewsky, Monja (ed)
Danks, A T
Danson, John T
Danvers, Juland
Darby, Dudley, with Barbara Lowry & Wendy Mattock
Darby, Henry C
Darby, M
Darby, Michael
Darbyshire, L C
Dare, Edwin
Dare, M Paul
Darity, William
Dark, P (ed)
Dark, Sidney
Darley, Gillian
Darley, Kathryn
Darley, Lionel S
Darley, Peter
Darling, Elizabeth
Darling, Elizabeth, & Lesley Whitworth (eds)
Darling, George
Darling, R F
Darlington, Ida
Darnell, K J (ed)
Darracott, Joseph
Darragh, AC
Darrant, Terry A
Darroch, G R S
Darsley, Roger R
Darton, Lawrence, with Brian Alderson
Darvill, P A
Darwin, Bernard R M
Darwin, John
Dasent, John R
Daubney, Brian
Daukes, Wilfred H
Daumas, Maurice
Dauncey, Mary
Daunton, Martin
Davenport, A Neil
Davenport, B J
Davenport, Chris
Davenport, Colin
Davenport, G H
Davenport, Guiles
Davenport, H R
Davenport, John
Davenport, Nicholas
Davenport-Hines, R P T
Davenport-Hines, R P T (ed)
Davenport-Hines, R P T, & Geoffrey Jones
Davenport-Hines, R P T, & Geoffrey Jones (eds)
Davenport-Hines, R P T, & Jean J Van Helten
Davenport-Hines, R P T, & Jonathan Liebenau (eds)
Davenport-Hines, R P T, & Judy Slinn
Davey, Arnold, & Anthony W May
Davey, Edwin, & Rebecca Roseff
Davey, James
Davey, Norman
Davey, P C
Davey, Peter J
Davey, Peter J (ed)
Davey, Peter J, & Richard Hodges (eds)
Davey, Peter, & Kurt W Forster
Davey, Wally, & Helen Walker
David, R G, & G W Brambles
David, Robert G
Davidoff, Leonore
Davidoff, Leonore, & Catherine Hall
Davids, C A
Davids, Mila, Ferry de Goey & Dirk de Wit (eds)
Davidson, Andrew
Davidson, Andrew R
Davidson, Cathlyn, & Simon Davidson
Davidson, David
Davidson, Edward
Davidson, Eleanor
Davidson, Fiona
Davidson, George, & Patricia Edington (ed)
Davidson, Hugh
Davidson, I
Davidson, Jack
Davidson, James
Davidson, James D G
Davidson, James D G (ed)
Davidson, John F
Davidson, John, & Alexander Gray
Davidson, Lee, et al (eds)
Davidson, M F
Davidson, Noel
Davidson, Roger
Davidson, Simon
Davidson, William S
Davies, A C
Davies, A Hudson
Davies, A Morley
Davies, A Stanley
Davies, Adrian
Davies, Alan
Davies, Alan, & Len Hudson
Davies, Aled
Davies, Alun
Davies, Alun C
Davies, Andrew
Davies, B D
Davies, Bernard
Davies, C
Davies, C J
Davies, C Stella (ed)
Davies, Charles
Davies, Clifford
Davies, Clifford S L
Davies, D
Davies, D J (ed)
Davies, D Leslie
Davies, D Seaborne
Davies, Dai
Davies, David A
Davies, David J
Davies, David L, with Roger W Kidner
Davies, David W
Davies, David, & Alf Carr
Davies, Derek E, & Desmond G Davies
Davies, Donald
Davies, E
Davies, E E
Davies, E I
Davies, E J
Davies, E L Jim
Davies, Edith M E
Davies, Edmund
Davies, Edward
Davies, Edward A
Davies, Elfed
Davies, Elizabeth C L
Davies, Ernest
Davies, G J
Davies, Gary
Davies, George, & Jessica Davies
Davies, Geraint
Davies, Glanville J
Davies, Glyn
Davies, Glyn, & Ian Thomas
Davies, Glyn, Mark Stenton, Ron Fitzgerald & Rob Kinchin-Smith
Davies, Graham W
Davies, Griffith J
Davies, H Leighton
Davies, H Neville
Davies, H S
Davies, Henry W E
Davies, Hunter
Davies, I
Davies, I E
Davies, Ivor
Davies, J
Davies, J C
Davies, J Hathren
Davies, J Iorwerth
Davies, J McG
Davies, J Silvester
Davies, James
Davies, James Conway
Davies, Jamie
Davies, Jeannette, & Philip Race
Davies, Jim
Davies, John
Davies, John B
Davies, John P S
Davies, K, & L Sparks
Davies, Kenneth
Davies, Kenneth G
Davies, Kenneth G, with A M Johnson (eds)
Davies, Kenneth, & C J Williams
Davies, L
Davies, L J
Davies, L N A
Davies, Leslie
Davies, Lisa
Davies, Margaret G
Davies, Mark
Davies, Matt
Davies, Matthew
Davies, Matthew (ed)
Davies, Matthew, & Andrew Prescott (eds)
Davies, Matthew, & Ann Saunders
Davies, Michael
Davies, Nick
Davies, Parry
Davies, Peter
Davies, Peter N
Davies, Peter N (ed)
Davies, Peter N, & A M Bourn
Davies, Peter S B
Davies, Peter Spencer
Davies, Peter, & David Hope-Mason
Davies, R E G
Davies, Randall R H
Davies, Reginald [Reg] A M
Davies, Rob
Davies, Robert
Davies, Robert B
Davies, Roger
Davies, Roger, & Stephen Barber
Davies, Roger, et al
Davies, Ron
Davies, Ross
Davies, Rowland
Davies, S
Davies, S W
Davies, Sam
Davies, Stella
Davies, Stuart
Davies, T G
Davies, T H
Davies, Timothy
Davies, Vernon L, & H Hyde
Davies, W J
Davies, W K D, J A Giggs & D T Herbert
Davies, William J K
Davies, William L (ed)
Davies, Wynne
Davies-Shiel, Michael
Davila, Carlos, & Rory Miller (eds)
Davis, Alec
Davis, Arthur C
Davis, Arthur G
Davis, Arthur, Ann Malpas & Anthony Malpas
Davis, Bernard, & David Stewart (ed)
Davis, C P
Davis, Cecil T
Davis, Christopher
Davis, Clarence B
Davis, Clarence B, & Kenneth E Wilburn with Ronald E Robinson (eds)
Davis, Colin J
Davis, Derek C
Davis, Diana
Davis, Dorothy
Davis, E
Davis, E M
Davis, Evan
Davis, Evan, & Graham Bannock
Davis, F C
Davis, Frank
Davis, Fred
Davis, Frederick
Davis, Graham
Davis, H G
Davis, James
Davis, Jean
Davis, Jennifer, & Spyros Maniatis
Davis, Jerome D
Davis, Jim
Davis, John
Davis, John F
Davis, John R
Davis, Kenneth
Davis, Lance A
Davis, Lance A, & Larry Neal
Davis, Lance A, & Robert A Huttenback
Davis, Lance A, & Robert E Gallman
Davis, Lance A, & Robert J Cull
Davis, Lance A, Larry Neal & Eugene N White
Davis, Leonard
Davis, Mark
Davis, Martyn
Davis, Mick
Davis, Owen
Davis, Patrick
Davis, Paul
Davis, Peter
Davis, Peter
Davis, Peter R
Davis, Peter, & Robert Rankine
Davis, Peter, Charles Harvey & Jon Press
Davis, R
Davis, R H C
Davis, Ralph
Davis, Richard W
Davis, Robert
Davis, Robert, & Frank O'Hagan
Davis, Sally
Davis, Steven N
Davis, Terence
Davis, Theo
Davis, Tracy C
Davis, W
Davis, W J
Davis, Walter T, Catherine Webb & Charles H Grinling
Davis, William
Davison, A W
Davison, Andrew P
Davison, Geoffrey S
Davison, Lee
Davison, Malcolm (ed)
Davison, Peter J
Davison, T Raffles
Davutyan, N, & W R Parke
Davy, John R
Davy, M J B
Davy, Teresa
Davy, Terry
Dawe, C V
Dawe, Donovan
Dawe, Donovan, & John B Hawkins
Dawe, Richard D
Dawes, Janet E
Dawes, Margaret, & C N Ward-Perkins
Dawes, Margaret, & Nesta Selwyn
Dawes, Martin C
Dawes, N M
Dawkins, J
Dawson, Aileen
Dawson, Aileen, & Jennifer Opie
Dawson, Anthony
Dawson, Charles
Dawson, Christopher
Dawson, David, & Oliver Kent
Dawson, F James
Dawson, Frank
Dawson, Frank G
Dawson, Frank, & David Lake (ed)
Dawson, George A
Dawson, J
Dawson, J A
Dawson, J L
Dawson, James W
Dawson, K
Dawson, Leslie
Dawson, M
Dawson, Norma, & Alison Firth (eds)
Dawson, Percy G
Dawson, Philip, & Bruce Peter
Dawson, S
Dawson, Sandra Trudgen
Dawson, T (ed)
Dawson, Warren R
Day, Ann
Day, Anthony
Day, Anthony, & David Rayner (ed)
Day, Archibald
Day, Ivan
Day, J E
Day, James Wentworth
Day, Joan
Day, Joan, & R F Tylecote (eds)
Day, John
Day, John P
Day, John R, & John Reed
Day, K R
Day, Ken
Day, Kenneth
Day, L R
Day, Lance
Day, Lance, & Ian McNeil (eds)
Day, M J
Day, Matthew
Day, R
Day, Roy, with Keith Gale
Day, St John V
Day, St John V (ed)
Day, Thomas
Day-Crickmore, D (ed)
Day-Lewis, Sean
Daybelge, Leyla, & Magnus Englund
Dayer, Roberta A
Daykin, Chris D
Daymond, David
Daynes, John N
Daysh, G H J
Daysh, G H J (ed)
Daysh, G H J, & Evelyn M Watson
De Barr, A E, & S M Sharman
De Beer, Carel (ed)
De Bellaigue, Christopher
De Bellaigue, Eric
De Bellaigue, Geoffrey
De Boer, Roger, Harvey Pitcher & Alan Wilkinson
De Bohigas, H J H
De Brisay, Kay W, & K A Evans (eds)
De Bromhead, Alan, Alan Fernihough, Marcus Lampe & Kevin H O'Rourke
De Bruyne, H B A
De Bruyne, N A
De Campi, John W
De Caux, John W
De Clercq, P R (ed)
De Courtais, Nicholas
De Falbe, Sophia
De Ferranti, Gertrude Z, & Richard Ince
De Fraine, Herbert G
De Goey, Ferry
De Gournay, Chantal de
De Havilland, Geoffrey
De Havilland, John, & Brian Gent
De Jong, Abe, David Higgins & Hugo van Driel
De Kerbrech, Richard P
De Kerbrech, Richard P, & David L Williams
De Kiewiet, Marie J
De La Garde, P C
De La Haye, Amy, & Valerie D Mendes
De La Vars, Lauren Pringle
De Lange, Anna
De Marchi, Neil
De Marly, Diana
De Montfort, Patricia
De Morgan, A
De Munck, Bert, Steven L Kaplan & Hugo Soly (eds)
De Otagu, Alfonso
De Propris, Lisa, & Luciana Lazzeretti
De Renzi, Silvia
De Roover, Raymond
De Rothschild, Edmund
De Rothschild, Mrs James
De Rougemont, Herbert
De Salis, Henry R
De Salvo, Anna
De Soissons, Maurice
De Souza Grossi, Yonne
De Souza, F
De Soyres, B
De Val, Dorothy Jean
De Villiers, E
De Vries, Jan
De Vylder, K, & E Cooke
De Wall, Edmund
De Winter Hebron, Chris
De Wit, Piet (ed)
De la Haye, Amy
De la Haye, Amy (ed)
De la Haye, Amy, & Edwina Ehrman (eds)
DeMond, C W
DeVoe, Shirley S
Deacon, Bernard
Deacon, Richard
Deadman, Derek
Deakin, Brian M, & T Seward
Deakin, J D
Deakin, Paul R
Deakin, Simon
Dean, A C
Dean, Alan
Dean, D A
Dean, Darren
Dean, David
Dean, Ian, Andrew Neale & David Smith
Dean, Joseph N
Dean, Martin, et al
Dean, Norman H
Dean, Philip
Dean, Ptolemy
Dean, R
Dean, R J
Dean, Richard
Dean-Myatt, Bill
Deane, Phyllis
Deane, Phyllis, & W A Cole
Deans, B T
Dear, A, M Drury & M Lucas
Dear, Ian
Deardorff, Neva R
Dearing, John
Dearlove, Dez
Dearman, William C
Dearnaley, H
Dearnley, Sallie, & William K Sessions
Deas, James
Deayton, Alistair
Deazley, Ronan
Debenham, L S
Debenham, Margaret
Debenham, Margaret, & Michael Cole
Debney, Jean
Decker, O Sallyanne, & Paul Jones
Decker, Stephanie
Decker, Stephanie, Matthias Kipping & R Daniel Wadhwani
Deedes, C, & Henry B Walters
Deegan, Judith, & Peter Deegan
Deegan, Peter, & Judith Deegan
Deelder, Theo
Deemin, James
Deerr, Noel
Dees, Norman
Deeson, A F L
Deeson, Arthur F L
Deeson, Tony
Deeson, Tony, & Richard Scott (ed)
Deeson, Tony, with David Griffith
Defoe, Daniel
Degenhardt, Richard K
Deghy, Guy
Deghy, Guy, & Keith Waterhouse
Deis, Elizabeth J
Delaforce, John
Delahaye, A, et al
Delahoy, Richard
Delaney, J G Paul
Delaney, Sam
Delaney, Terence
Delany, Mary C
Delany, Ruth
Delderfield, Eric R
Delfont, Bernard, with Barry Turner
Delgado, Alan
Delicata, Aldo, & Beverley Cole
Delieb, Eric, & Michael Roberts
Dell, Richard F
Dell, Richard F (ed)
Dellheim, Charles
Demaus, A B
Demaus, A B, & J C Tarring
Demetriadi, Julian C
Demidowicz, George
Demidowicz, Toni
Dempsey, Mike (ed)
Dempsey, Suzanne
Dempster, Derek D
Dempster, J F
Dempster, John A H
Den Hartog, Adel P (ed)
Denbigh, Kathleen
Denby, Elaine
Dence, Alexander H
Dendy, Frederick W
Dendy, Frederick W (ed)
Denes, Gabor
Denholm, A F
Denholm, James M
Denison, Edward
Denison, Guy M
Denison, Merrill
Denley, Peter, et al
Denman, Michael
Denman, W J, & T A Jackson
Dennett, Laurie
Dennett, Laurie, & Stephanie Zarach
Denney, Colleen
Denney, Martyn
Denney, Matthew
Denning, Anthony, & Paul Ranger (ed)
Dennington, R F
Dennis, A B, et al
Dennis, John A (ed)
Dennis, Richard
Dennis, Richard, Carlos L Galviz & Samuel Merrill (eds)
Dennis, Robert
Dennis, T L (ed)
Dennison, E Patricia (ed)
Dennison, E Patricia, et al (eds)
Dennison, J A G
Dennison, Stanley R, & Oliver MacDonagh
Denny, J Lionel
Dent, David
Dent, G
Dent, Graham, with Richard Walsh (ed)
Dent, Joseph M
Dent, Robert K
Dent-Young, D M
Denton, A S, & F P Groves
Denton, G R
Denton, John H
Denton, John H, & M J T Lewis
Denver, James
Denvir, Bernard
Derbyshire, F W
Derbyshire, Ian D
Deriu, David
Derrett, Christopher
Derrick, Jonathan
Derrick, Paul, & J-F Phipps (eds)
Derriman, James
Derry, R L, et al
Derry, T K
Des Fontaines, John, et al
Desebrock, Jean
Desmond, Ray
Desmond, Ray G C
Desmond, Richard
Desrochers, Piere
Deuchar, David
Deuchar, Stephen
Devereaux, David R
Deverell, G A
Devereux, Roy
Deverill, Ian, & C Barry Sheppard (eds)
Deveson, Alison, Michael Pearce & Michael Bullen
Devey, Hilary L
Devey, Joseph
Devine, Hunter
Devine, Thomas L, & Angela McCarthy (eds)
Devine, Thomas M
Devine, Thomas M (ed)
Devine, Thomas M, & David Dickson (eds)
Devine, Thomas M, & Gordon Jackson (eds)
Devine, Thomas M, Clive H Lee & George C Peden (eds)
Devlin-Thorp, Sheila
Devons, Ely
Devoy, David
Dewar, George A B
Dewdney, John C (ed)
Dewe, George, & Michael Dewe
Dewe, M D
Dewey, Clive
Dewey, Judy, & Stuart Dewey
Dewey, Peter
Dewhirst, Robert K
Dewhurst, Lucy
Dewick, Tony
Dewing, David
Dewis, Sarah
Dews, D Colin
Dews, Nathan
Dexter, J T
Dey, Michael
Deyle, Steve
Dezsoe, H, et al
Di Martino, Paolo
Di Scanno, S
Diack, William
Diamond, B I
Diamond, D R
Diamond, Marion
Diaper, Stefanie
Dias, Jill R
Dibnah, Fred
Dick, David (ed)
Dick, H W, & S Kentwell
Dick, Malcolm
Dick, Malcolm (ed)
Dick, Michael
Dick, W F L
Dickens, Rupert
Dickenson, M J
Dicker, George
Dickie, J P
Dickie, John M
Dickie, Trevor
Dickins, Lilian, & Mary Stanton (eds)
Dickinson, D M
Dickinson, F
Dickinson, Florence
Dickinson, G C
Dickinson, G C, & C J Longley
Dickinson, George
Dickinson, H W
Dickinson, H W, & A A Gomme (eds)
Dickinson, H W, & A Lee
Dickinson, H W, & Arthur Titley
Dickinson, H W, & H P Vowles
Dickinson, H W, & H Rogers
Dickinson, H W, & Rhys Jenkins
Dickinson, John M
Dickinson, John M, & M C Gill
Dickinson, Les
Dickinson, M G
Dickinson, Margaret, & Sarah Street
Dickinson, Michael G
Dickinson, Patrick
Dickinson, R
Dickinson, R, & J P Quinn
Dickinson, Sue V
Dickinson, T Colin
Dicks, Brian, & Andrew Gardner
Dickson, Bonner W A
Dickson, David
Dickson, David, Jan Parmentier & Jane Ohlmeyer (eds)
Dickson, H H Lovat
Dickson, Peter G M
Dickson, R
Dickson, Robert
Dickson, Tom, & Hugh McLachlan
Dickson, Tony
Dickson, Tony (ed)
Dicky Sam
Didham, Richard C
Didsbury, Brian
Dienel, Hans-Liudger, & Peter Lyth (eds)
Dietert, Rodney R, & Janice M Dietert
Dietrich, Ethel
Dietz, Brian
Dietz, Brian (ed)
Dietz, Vivien E
Digby, Nigel J L
Dike, John, & Peter Lamb
Dillane, Fionnuala
Dilley, Andrew
Dilley, James W
Dilley, Robin, & Chris Hawthorne
Dillo, Ingrid G
Dillon, Malcolm
Dillon, Maureen
Dillon, Michael J
Dillon, Niamh
Dillon, Patrick
Dilnot, George
Dils, Joan A (ed)
Dilworth, D
Dilworth, John, Andrew Fairfax & John Milnes
Dimitratos, Pavlos, Ioanna Liouka, Duncan Ross & Stephen Young
Dimmock, Arthur F
Dimmock, D J, & R J Wilding
Dimock, Marshall E
Dimsdale, Nicholas, & Anthony C Hotson
Dimsdale, Nicholas, & Anthony C Hotson (eds)
Dimsdale, Nicholas, & Martha Prevezer (eds)
Dine, Stephen
Ding, Ying Yong
Dingle, A E
Dingley, Cyril S
Dingley, Peter
Dingwall, Helen M
Dingwall, Rod
Dinkenor, Stan
Dinsdale, Norman V
Dinsdale, W A
Dintenfass, Michael
Dinwiddie, John L
Dinwiddie, Noel
Diokno, M S I
Diprose, Graham, & Jeff Robbins
Dircks, Rudolf, (ed)
Disher, Maurice W, & Michael W S Bruce
Dishon, Dalit
Disney, Maurice H
Ditchburn, David
Ditchburn, T J
Ditchfield, P H
Ditz, Gerhard W
Ditz, T L
Divall, Colin
Divall, Colin, & Sean F Johnston
Divall, Colin, & Winstan Bond (eds)
Divall, Colin, Julian Hine & Colin G Pooley (eds)
Divers, David
Divine, David
Dix, Frank L
Dixey, Charles J
Dixon, A G
Dixon, Conrad H
Dixon, D G
Dixon, D Roger
Dixon, Diana
Dixon, Donald F
Dixon, Frank
Dixon, Frank H, & Julius H Parmelee
Dixon, Harold B
Dixon, J
Dixon, Jay
Dixon, John, & Geoff Pickard
Dixon, K
Dixon, K F
Dixon, Mary E
Dixon, Pamela, Neal Garnham & Andrew Jackson
Dixon, Paul
Dixon, R E
Dixon, William H
Dixon-Nuttall, Geoffrey, & Gordon Bussey
Dixson, Maurice C S
Djang, Tien K
Doak, Archibald M
Dobbin, Frank
Dobbins, E Lloyd
Dobbs, John
Dobbs, Judith E
Dobbs, Kildare
Dobbs, S P
Dobie, George A
Dobie, Kirkpatrick H
Dobkin, Monty
Doble, Evelyn
Doble, Jim, et al
Dobraszczyk, Paul
Dobson Collet, Collet
Dobson, Alan P
Dobson, B Palin
Dobson, C R
Dobson, Charles G
Dobson, E Philip
Dobson, E Philip, & John B Ives
Dobson, Eric B
Dobson, Jessie, & R Milnes Walker
Dobson, John, & Philip Battersby
Dobson, L D S
Dobson, Margaret J
Dobson, P Alan
Dobson, R B, & D M Smith (eds)
Dobson, R S
Dobson, Richard P
Dobson, Robert M H
Dobson, Roy
Dobson, Stephen
Dobson, William T
Docherty, Charles
Docherty, David
Dodd, A E, & E M Dodd
Dodd, A H
Dodd, Arthur
Dodd, Christopher
Dodd, Dudley (ed)
Dodd, George
Dodd, James J
Dodd, Quentin
Dodd, W, & J Dodd
Dodds, Alastair
Dodds, Ben, & C D Liddy (eds)
Dodds, Edwin
Dodds, F B
Dodds, Glen Lyndon
Dodds, J Colin
Dodds, James
Dodds, Joyce
Dodds, Madaleine H
Dodds, Stephen E
Dodds, W G
Dodge, Jenny
Dodgson, John S
Dodgson, Mark
Dodson, G W H (ed)
Dodson, Geoffrey (ed)
Dodsworth, Charles
Dodsworth, Roger
Dodsworth, Roger (ed)
Doe, A R
Doe, Alan E
Doe, George M
Doe, Helen
Doe, Robin
Doe, Vanessa
Doggett, Maurice
Doggett, Maurice, & Alan Townsin
Doherty, Anne Marie, & Nicholas Alexander
Doherty, Charles G
Doherty, Joe
Dohrn, Susanne
Dohrs, F E
Doig, Alan C, & Maxwell Craven
Dolan, Brian
Dolbey, S J
Dolge, Alfred
Dollan, Patrick J
Dollar, Robert
Dolley, R H M
Dolley, R H M, D J Elliott & F Elmore Jones
Dolman, Frederick
Dolman, Jennie
Dolphin, Tracy
Domenech, Abel
Dommett, Harry C
Don, G Stuart
Don, Yehuda
Donaghy, Thomas J
Donald, D M C
Donald, Joyce B
Donald, M B
Donald, Maxwell B
Donald, R
Donald, W
Donaldson, Dave
Donaldson, Frances A
Donaldson, Gordon
Donaldson, Kathleen
Donaldson, Lesley E E
Donaldson, T L
Doncaster, Phebe
Donington, Katie
Donkin, George
Donkin, Harry J
Donkin, S B
Donnachie, Ian L
Donnachie, Ian L, & George Hewitt
Donnachie, Ian L, & John Butt
Donnan, Elizabeth
Donnan, Elizabeth (ed)
Donnan, F G
Donne, Michael
Donne, Michael (ed)
Donnelly, Desmond
Donnelly, James
Donnelly, Joe
Donnelly, Raymond D
Donnelly, Tom
Donnelly, Tom, & David W Thoms
Donnelly, Tom, & Martin Durham
Donnelly, Tom, Janet Tully & David Morris
Donnelly, Tom, Jason Begley & Clive Collis
Donnelly, Tom, Joy Batchelor & David Morris
Donnithorne, Audrey G
Donoghue, M
Donohue, Joseph W (ed)
Dony, John G
Donzé, Pierre-Yves
Dooley, Allan C
Doolittle, Ian G
Doolittle, Ian G, & Ann Saunders (ed)
Dopson, L
Doran, Amanda-Jane, & Andrew McCarthy
Doran, David (ed)
Doran, W
Doran, W E
Dorey, Margaret
Dorlay, John S
Dorling, Henry T
Dorling, Taprell
Dorman, Colin C
Dormer, Ernest W
Dormois, Jean-Pierre
Dormois, Jean-Pierre, & Michael Dintenfass (eds)
Dornan, A
Dornbusch, R, & J A Frenkel
Dorner, Jane
Dorrell, Jess
Dorricott, Edward
Dosi, Giovanni, et al (eds)
Dossett-Davies, John W
Dott, George
Dottie, R G
Doty, Richard
Doubleday, Richard B
Doubleday, T
Doublet, A R
Douch, Henry L
Douch, John
Douet, James
Doug, Jack
Dougan, David
Doughty, D W
Doughty, M W
Doughty, Richard E
Douglas of Kirtleside, Lord
Douglas, Alistair, Ireneo Grosso & Kevin Rielly
Douglas, Audrey W
Douglas, C H J
Douglas, David C (ed)
Douglas, Gordon
Douglas, Graham, & Miles Oglethorpe
Douglas, Helen
Douglas, Henry
Douglas, Hill
Douglas, Hugh
Douglas, Ian, Rob Hodgson & Nigel Lawson
Douglas, James
Douglas, Janet
Douglas, John M
Douglas, Peter
Douglas, R W, & Susan Frank
Douglas-Hamilton, Jill
Doulton, Henry
Douse, W J
Dover, David, & Ann Jones (ed)
Dover, Harriet
Dow, Andrew
Dow, Derek, & Michael Moss
Dow, George
Dow, George F
Dow, J C R
Dow, James
Dow, Sheila C, & John Smithin
Dowd, Kevin W
Dowden, George
Dowden, M J
Dowden, Prosper
Dowding, Walter
Dowds, Thomas J
Dowell, Bruce
Dowell, Bruce, & Alan Richens
Dowell, Hugh
Dowell, Stephen
Dowell, William C
Dowie, G A
Dowie, Peggy, & Ken Crowe
Dowle, Stephen
Dowler, Graham
Dowling, Alan
Dowling, Henry G
Dowling, James M, & Jeffrey P Hess
Dowling, R F W
Dowling, S W
Down, Brian J
Down, C G
Down, Chris
Down, Christopher G
Down, Christopher G, & A J Warrington
Downer, Barrie (ed)
Downes, Charles, & Charles Cowper
Downes, Kerry
Downes, R L
Downham, J
Downie, Alan
Downie, Graham
Downie, Graham, & Ian Trowell
Downie, Graham, & John Middlemiss
Downie, Sheila
Downing, Hayden J
Downing, J
Downing, Sarah Jane
Downing, Tony
Downman, E Andrews
Downs, Carolyn M
Downs, Jonathan
Downs, Laura Lee
Downs-Rose, G, & W S Harvey
Dowsett, Alan
Dowson, Alan G
Dowty, George
Doxat, John
Doyle, A
Doyle, B
Doyle, Barry M
Doyle, Francis J, & J Newby Hetherington
Doyle, Geoffrey
Doyle, Martin (ed)
Doyle, Neville
Drabble, John
Drabble, John, & Peter J Drake
Drach, Alexis
Dracup, S P
Drage, Charles
Drain, Susan
Drakard, David (ed)
Drakard, David, & Paul Holdway
Drake, B K
Drake, Barbara
Drake, John
Drake, Leigh
Drake, Peter J
Drake, W
Dransfield, Neil, & Chris Moore
Draper, Gillian
Draper, Gillian, & Frank Meddens
Draper, Gillian, et al
Draper, Jo
Draper, Jo, with P Copland-Griffiths
Draper, Laurence, & Pamela Draper
Draper, Nicholas
Draper, Paul, Iain Smith, William Stewart & Neil Hood
Draper, Stephen
Draper-Stumm, Tara, & Derek Kendall
Drapkin, John
Drazin, Charles
Drea, Eoin
Drescher, Seymour
Dresser, Madge
Dresser, Madge, & Andrew Hann (eds)
Dresser, Madge, & Philip Ollerenshaw (eds)
Drew, Bernard
Drew, John H
Drewitt, Glen
Dreyfus, John
Dreyfus, John, & Peter C G Isaac
Driberg, Tom
Drif Field
Driffield, L V
Drinkell, David
Drinkwater, C H, & W G P Fletcher
Drinkwater, Norman, & Eric Mercer
Drinkwater, Paul
Driscoll, James
Driver, Hugh
Driver, J T
Dromey, Jack, & Graham Taylor
Dron, Robert W
Droop, J P
Drower, Jill
Druce, Colin
Druiff, Rose
Drummond, Andrew
Drummond, David
Drummond, Diane K
Drummond, Gordon
Drummond, Helga
Drummond, J C, & Anne Wilbraham
Drummond, Malcolm
Drummond, Peter, & Sam Henderson
Drury, G
Drury, Michael
Drury, Mick
Drury, P J
Dryden, Alison M
Dryland, Michael
Du Boil, A Morel
Du Bois, Armand B
Du Cann, Edward
Du Cros, Arthur P
Du Garde Peach, Lawrence
Du Prey, Pierre de la Reffiniere
Du Quesne Bird, N
Dube, Zenzo L
Dubois, Maclean
Ducas, Jane
Ducat, David
Duckenfield, Mark
Duckenfield, Mark, et al (eds)
Duckham, Baron F
Duckham, Helen, & Baron Duckham
Duckworth, Christian L D, & Graham E Langmuir
Duckworth, Harry
Duckworth, John
Duckworth, Mike
Dudding, Jean
Dudek, Louis
Dudley, E R, & J Garner
Dudley, Geoffrey F
Dudley, Geoffrey F, & Jeremy J Richardson
Dudley, Lexa, et al
Dudley, Roger, & Ted Johnson
Dudson, Audrey M
Dudson, Audrey M, & Alison Morgan
Duerr, A N
Duerr, Carl
Duff, Adrian Grant
Duff, C M
Duff, E Gordon
Duff, Juliet
Duff, R W
Duffield, Edgar N
Duffield, Sarah, & Richard Storey
Duffill, Mark
Duffy, Ian P H
Duffy, Maureen
Duffy, Michael (ed)
Duffy, Michael C
Duffy, Michael, et al (eds)
Duffy, S P
Dugan, James
Dugan, Sally
Dugdale, Alice
Dugdale, Chris
Dugdale, David, & T Colwyn Jones
Dugdale, John
Duggan, E P
Duggan, Mona
Duggett, M J
Duggleby, Vincent, & Pam West
Duguid, Andrew
Duguid, Charles
Duguid, Paul
Duguid, Paul, & Teresa da Silva Lopes
Duguid, Paul, Teresa da Silva Lopes & John Mercer
Duke, G J, & J G Shacklock
Duker, Peter
Dukes, Chris
Dukes, Fred
Dulley, A J F
Duman, Daniel
Dumbell, Stanley
Dumbleton, Michael
Dumett, Raymond E
Dumett, Raymond E (ed)
Dummelow, John
Dummett, G A
Dumpleton, Bernard, & Muriel Miller
Dumville, Joseph
Dunabin, John
Dunbar, A G
Dunbar, Charles S
Dunbar, D S
Duncan, Alexander G
Duncan, Andrew
Duncan, Archibald
Duncan, Francis
Duncan, G J, & J N Stolterfoht
Duncan, George
Duncan, Glen
Duncan, J
Duncan, J G
Duncan, Joe
Duncan, P J
Duncan, R
Duncan, R E
Duncan, Robert
Duncan, Roland E
Duncan, Ronald, writer on legal matters
Duncan, Ronald, writer on tobacco
Duncan, Terence S
Duncan, W R H
Duncan, William (ed)
Duncan, William M
Duncombe, Peter
Duncombe, Wilf
Duncum, Arthur P (ed)
Dungavell, Ian R
Dungworth, David
Dungworth, David, & T Cromwell
Dunham, Keith
Dunham, R K, & R J Hobbs
Dunhill, Mary
Dunk, Arthur F
Dunkeld, Malcolm
Dunkerley, J, & P G Hare
Dunkin, Alfred J
Dunlap, Joseph
Dunlop, A Ian (ed)
Dunlop, G A
Dunlop, Jean M
Dunlop, Kathleen E
Dunmayne, Alan
Dunmuir, Juliet
Dunn, Bob
Dunn, Geoffrey
Dunn, H S
Dunn, John M
Dunn, Krystyna (ed), & Frank Edwards
Dunn, Laurence
Dunn, Laurence, & Paul Heaton
Dunn, Matthias
Dunn, Mike
Dunn, Oliver
Dunn, Penny
Dunn, Richard
Dunn, Richard S
Dunn, Robert, & John Smailes
Dunn, Trevor
Dunnett, Alastair M
Dunnett, Peter J S
Dunning, Ann
Dunning, James
Dunning, John H
Dunning, John H, & C J Thomas
Dunning, John H, & Howard J Archer
Dunsford, Martin
Dunsheath, Percy
Dunston, George
Dunton, John
Dunworth, David, & Phil Andrews
Dupont Lhotelain, Hubert
Dupree, M W
Dupree, Marguerite
Dupree, Marguerite (ed)
Durand-Ruel, Paul-Louis
Durant, Stuart
Durant, Stuart (introduction)
Durepos, Gabrielle, Alan Mckinlay & Scott Taylor
Durham, John F L
Durham, T S
Durie, Alastair J
Durie, Alastair J (ed)
Durie, Alastair J, & G MacPherson
Durie, Alastair J, with James Bradley & Marguerite Dupree
Durie, Alastair, & Mike Huggins
During, Richard A
Durkin, Tom
Durman, Daniel
Durman, Michael, & Michael Harrison
Durnford, P
Durrant, A E
Durrant, John
Durrant, Reginald, John T King & George J Robins
Durst, David W
Durtnell, C S
Dutt, Rajani
Dutt, Romesh
Dutton, H I, & J E King
Dutton, H I, & S R H Jones
Dutton, Harold I
Dutton, Katherine E
Dutton, L A
Dutton, P A
Duval, L F
Duval, M Susan
Duveen, James H
Duxbury, Susan C
Duxbury-Neumann, Susan
Dwyer, Frederick J
Dyckhoff, Nigel
Dyer, Alan D
Dyer, Bernard, & Timothy Darvill (eds)
Dyer, Christopher
Dyer, Colin
Dyer, George
Dyer, Graham
Dyer, Henry
Dyer, J R
Dyer, James, Frank Stygall & John Dony
Dyer, Mark, Paul Stamper & Andrew Josephs
Dyer, Peter
Dyke, George V
Dykes, Jack
Dykes, M D
Dymock, Eric
Dymond, David P, & Alec Betterton
Dymond, David P, & Edward Martin (eds)
Dymond, Robert
Dyos, H J
Dyos, H J, & Derek H Aldcroft
Dyson, Anthony
Dyson, Arthur W (ed)
Dyson, Brian
Dyson, James
Dyson, John
Dyson, R F
Dyson, Tony
Eade, Sara
Eadie, Emma C
Eagger, A Austin
Eaglen, R C
Eaglen, Robin J
Eaglesham, Annie
Eaglesham, Nancy
Eaglestone, Arthur A, & Terence A Lockett
Eagly, Robert V, & V Kerry Smith
Eakin, Marshall C
Eames, Aled
Eardley-Wilmot, John
Earl, A L
Earl, Bryan
Earl, John
Earl, John, & Michael Sell (eds)
Earl, R A J
Earle, Edward M
Earle, James B F
Earle, M D
Earle, Marie, & Melvyn Earle
Earle, Peter
Earle, Urban
Early, J V
Early, Richard E
Earnshaw, Alan
Earnshaw, Alan, & Robert W Berry
Earnshaw, Alan, David Hayward & Chris Stevens
Earnshaw, Neil
Earnshaw, Pat
Earnshaw, Thomas
Earwaker, John P
Easdown, Martin
Easdown, Martin, & Darlah Thomas
Easdown, Martin, & Linda Sage
Eason, Albert V
Eason, Mark
East, Robin A (ed)
East, W G
Easteal, B M
Easterby-Smith, Sarah
Easterfield, T E
Eastham, J K
Eastham, Reginald H
Eastley, Charles
Eastman, Derek
Easton, Harry T
Eastop, Dinah
Eastwood, C F
Eastwood, K
Eastwood, N M
Eastwood, Thomas B
Eaton, A E
Eaton, Alastair
Eaton, David
Eaton, George
Eaton, Ray
Eatwell, Ann
Eatwell, Ann, & Alex Werner
Eatwell, Ann, & Andrew Casey (eds)
Eaves, Henry
Eaves, Thomas C D, & Ben D Kimpel
Eavis, Michael, & Emily Eavis
Ebblewhite, Ernest A
Ebborn, David J
Ebdon, Martin
Ebenezer, Lyn
Eberts, Jake, & Terry Ilott
Ebong, I I I
Eccles, A
Eccles, Tony
Eccleston, Barrie
Eccleston, Bernard
Eckersley, T P
Eckstein, Simon
Economist Intelligence Unit
Eddershaw, David
Eddy, M R, & P M Ryan
Eddy, Martin
Ede, John F
Ede, Mary
Edelman, Maurice
Edelstein, Michael
Edelstein, Sidney M
Edelstein, T J
Edelstein, T J (ed)
Eden, Peter
Eden, Peter (ed)
Edey, H C, & P Panitpakdi
Edgar, C David
Edgar, S H
Edgar, Stuart, & John M Sinton
Edgcumbe, Richard
Edge, Graham
Edge, Selwyn F
Edge, Selwyn F
Edgeler, Audrey
Edgeler, Audrey, & John Edgeler
Edgeler, John
Edgeler, John (ed)
Edgell, Tim
Edgell, Tim, & Geoff Sandles
Edgerton, David E H
Edgerton, David E H (ed)
Edgerton, David E H, & S M Horrocks
Edgington, David W
Ediger, Volkan S, & John V Bowlus
Edler, F
Edlin, H L
Edlin, R W, & Finlay Sinclair
Edmiston, James
Edmond, John P
Edmonds, Alexander, with Charles E Lee
Edmonds, Bernard
Edmonds, E W A
Edmonds, Fiona
Edmonds, John
Edmonds, K, J Elding & J Mellor
Edmonds, Leigh
Edmonds, O P, & E L Edmonds
Edmonds, R
Edmonds, Richard
Edmondson, Avril, & Mary Moseley
Edmondson, John B
Edmunds, Henry
Edmunds, Lewis H
Edmundson, Roger
Edmundson, William
Edward, Debbie A
Edwardes, Michael
Edwards, A C, & K C Newton
Edwards, Amy
Edwards, Anthony D
Edwards, Arthur F G
Edwards, Barry
Edwards, Brian
Edwards, Brian W
Edwards, Bronwen
Edwards, Bronwen
Edwards, C W, & R W Richardson
Edwards, Carol
Edwards, Chris, & Liz Edwards
Edwards, Christopher
Edwards, Cliff
Edwards, Clive D
Edwards, Clive D, & Margaret Ponsonby
Edwards, David G
Edwards, Dennis F, & Ron Pigram
Edwards, Diana
Edwards, Diana, & Rodney Hampson
Edwards, Dudley
Edwards, E
Edwards, E M
Edwards, E W
Edwards, Eliezer
Edwards, Elizabeth M
Edwards, Evan, & David Curd (ed)
Edwards, F P F
Edwards, Frank
Edwards, Frederick A
Edwards, G L T
Edwards, George
Edwards, George S F
Edwards, H
Edwards, H C Ralph, & Margaret Jourdain
Edwards, H D
Edwards, H V
Edwards, Harold R
Edwards, Harry
Edwards, Howell G M
Edwards, I F
Edwards, Ifor
Edwards, Ifor, & F Tymms
Edwards, J A
Edwards, J K
Edwards, J R
Edwards, J R (ed)
Edwards, J R, & Alison Warman
Edwards, J R, & C Baber
Edwards, J R, & Edmund Newell
Edwards, J R, & K M Webb
Edwards, J R, & Stephen P Walker
Edwards, J R, & Stephen P Walker (eds)
Edwards, J R, & Trevor Boyns
Edwards, J R, G Dean & F Clarke
Edwards, J R, G F Hammersley & Edmund Newell
Edwards, J R, M Anderson & R A Chandler
Edwards, J R, T Boyns & M Matthews
Edwards, J R, et al
Edwards, Jack
Edwards, Jackie
Edwards, James F
Edwards, James F, & Brian P Hindle
Edwards, John
Edwards, John (ed)
Edwards, K C
Edwards, K C (ed)
Edwards, K C, & F A Wells
Edwards, Ken
Edwards, Kenneth H R
Edwards, L O'Connell
Edwards, Lloyd
Edwards, Marjorie
Edwards, Mary J (ed)
Edwards, Michael
Edwards, Michael M
Edwards, Ness
Edwards, Norman
Edwards, P
Edwards, P R
Edwards, Paul K
Edwards, Percy J
Edwards, Peter
Edwards, R
Edwards, Ralph (ed)
Edwards, Rhoda
Edwards, Richard A
Edwards, Richard A, & Trevor Boyns
Edwards, Robert
Edwards, Ronald S, & Harry Townsend
Edwards, Ronald S, & Harry Townsend (eds)
Edwards, Roy
Edwards, Roy A
Edwards, Roy A, & Anthony Gandy
Edwards, Ruth Dudley
Edwards, Shirley
Edwards, Susan
Edwards, Sybil
Edwards, William D
Edwards, Z H
Eedle, Marie de G
Eeles, Francis C
Egan, John
Egglestone, William M
Eglin, Roger, & Berry Ritchie
Ehrlich, Cyril
Ehrlich, Doreen
Ehrman, Edwina
Ehrman, Edwina, Hazel Forsyth, Lucy Peltz & Cathy Ross
Eimer, Christopher
Einarson, N G
Einzig, Paul
Eisel, John C
Eisenberg, Christiane
Eisenberg, Christiane, & Andreas Gestrich (eds)
Ejrnaes, Mette, & Karl G Persson
Ejrnaes, Mette, et al
Ekberg, Charles
Ekberg, Espen
Ekberg, Espen, & Even Lange
Eklund, A
Ekundare, R Olufemi
Elbaum, Bernard
Elbaum, Bernard, & William Lazonick
Elbaum, Bernard, & William Lazonick (eds)
Eldem, Edhem
Elder, John
Elder, Melinda
Elder, Melinda, & Susan Stuart
Elderton, W P
Eldred, Edward
Eley, Philip
Eley, Philip, & R C Riley
Elfick, Ian, & Paul Harris
Elgohary, Farouk H
Elias, T E
Elias, T E
Elin, Joel A
Eliot, Henry
Eliot, Howard (ed)
Eliot, Simon
Eliot, Stuart
Eliot, T S
Elis-Williams, M
Eliston-Erwood, F C
Elkin, P W
Elkin, Robert
Elking, Henry
Elkington, C G
Elkington, George
Elkington, J R (ed)
Elkins, Anthony J
Elkins, Ted
Ellacombe, Henry T
Ellacott, S E
Ellegard, Alvar
Ellesmore, Roger
Elliman, P D
Ellinger, A G, & T H Stewart
Ellinger, Barnard
Ellington, E B
Elliot, Gerald
Elliot, John
Elliot, John, with Michael Esau
Elliott, Arthur
Elliott, Blanche B
Elliott, Brendan J
Elliott, Brian
Elliott, Charles
Elliott, Chris
Elliott, Chris, & Maurice Elliott
Elliott, Colin
Elliott, D S
Elliott, Dave
Elliott, David
Elliott, Douglas J
Elliott, G
Elliott, G D
Elliott, G W
Elliott, Geoffrey
Elliott, Gordon
Elliott, H W
Elliott, Jacques
Elliott, John
Elliott, John P
Elliott, John, & Derek Charlton
Elliott, John, & John Pritchard (eds)
Elliott, John, et al
Elliott, Jonathan
Elliott, Jonathan (ed)
Elliott, Malcolm
Elliott, Maximillian D
Elliott, Mick (ed)
Elliott, N R
Elliott, P C
Elliott, Paul
Elliott, Reginald C
Ellis, Aytoun
Ellis, B
Ellis, B Eldred
Ellis, Bryn
Ellis, C H
Ellis, Charles P
Ellis, Chris (ed)
Ellis, Chris, Matt Leivers et al
Ellis, Colin D B
Ellis, E Raymond
Ellis, Gweirydd
Ellis, H L
Ellis, Herbert G
Ellis, Irene
Ellis, J M (ed)
Ellis, Jason
Ellis, Joyce
Ellis, Joyce M
Ellis, Judith, Jennifer Bruce et al
Ellis, Keith
Ellis, Kenneth
Ellis, M J H
Ellis, Malcolm H
Ellis, Markman
Ellis, Markman, Matthew Mauger & Richard Coulton
Ellis, Monica
Ellis, R F, & J M Turner
Ellis, R L
Ellis, Richard J G
Ellis, S, & D R Crowther (eds)
Ellis, Shirley
Ellis, T W
Ellison, Edward
Ellison, F B
Ellison, Margaret
Ellison, Norman
Ellison, Thomas
Ellison, W J
Ellison-Erwood, F C
Elliston-Erwood, Frank C
Ellmers, Chris
Ellmers, Chris, & Alex Werner
Ellwood, David, with Judith M S Robinson
Ellwood, Giles
Elmes, James
Elnaugh, Rachel
Elon, Amos
Elphick, George P
Elrington, C R
Elsas, Madeleine (ed)
Elston, Jacqueline A
Elsworth, Daniel W, & Sam Whitehead
Eltis, David
Eltis, David, & David Richardson
Eltis, David, & Stanley L Engerman
Eltis, David, Frank D Lewis & David Richardson
Eltis, David, Stephen D Behrendt, David Richardson & Herbert S Klein (eds)
Elton, A, & B Drummond
Elton, Arthur
Elton, Margaret
Eltringham, G J
Elvin, David
Elvin, J G D
Elvin, Laurence
Elvins, Brian
Elwall, Robert
Elwell, Charles J L
Elwell, Charles J L, & T C H Cockin (eds)
Elwood, Tony
Ely, Vernon N
Emanuel, George J
Embleton, Dennis
Emden, Paul H
Emerson, Giles
Emerson, Jane
Emerson, W R
Emerton, C S, et al
Emery, D, P Trigg & P Lee
Emery, F V
Emery, Gordon
Emery, Gordon (ed)
Emery, Norman
Emery, P J
Emes, Donald
Emett, Charlie
Emisson, F G
Emmerson, Andrew
Emmerson, George S
Emmett, Rebecca J
Emmett, Ross B (ed)
Emmett, Stuart
Emmins, Colin
Emmison, F G
Empson, J
Emsley, Jeanette
Emslie, John A N
Encill, David P
Endacott, D L
Endacott, Sylvia, & Shirley Lewis
Endelman, Todd M
Endicott, Stephen L
Endres, Gunter G
Enfield, A L, & Arthur Sutton
Engel, Alexander
Engel, J A
Engel, Matthew
Engelbach, C R F
Engelbrecht, Helmuth, & Frank C Hanighen
Engen, Rodney K
Engerman, Stanley L
England, Edward O
England, J W
England, Joe
England, Steve
England, William G
Englander, David
Engle, Albert
Englefield, Elsie
Englefield, Elsie, & Ronald F Homer (ed)
Englefield, William A D
English, Barbara
English, Henry
English, J
English, Jean
English, Jim
English, Peter
English, R
English, Richard
English, Richard, & Michael Kenny (eds)
English, Walter
Enk, E C M
Enock, Arthur G
Enrich, David
Ensing, Rita
Ensor, James
Enstad, Nan
Enthoven, Victor
Entwisle, Eric A
Entwistle, Judith A
Epple, Angelika
Epstein, James
Epstein, Katherine C
Epstein, Mordecai
Epstein, Stephan R
Epstein, Stephan R, & Maarten Prak (eds)
Epstein, Steven A
Ercolani, Lucian R
Erdal, David
Erdal, Jennie
Erdman, Edward L
Ereira, Alan
Erickson, Amy Louise
Erickson, Charlotte
Erickson, Lee
Erickson, Stacy
Erikson, Emily
Erikson, Emily, & Sampsa Samila
Eriksson, Liselotte
Erith, E J, A R J Ramsey et al
Erleigh, Viscount
Erne, Lukas
Ernest, William G
Esbester, Mike D
Escombe, W M L
Eshleman, Dorothy H
Espley, J Graham, & W E Duncan Young
Esposito, Matthew D
Essam, Brian, & Pat Freeman
Essex, G W
Essex, Stephen
Essex, Stephen, & Mark Brayshay
Essex-Crosby, Alan
Essex-Lopresti, Michael
Esterly, David
Estridge, I A
Etheredge, Frederick W
Etheridge, Sarah J
Etherington, Roy, & I R Bendall
Etherington, Roy, & Roger Hateley
Etherington, Roy, & Roger West
Etor, J R
Eunson, E
Eunson, J
Euren, Albert D
Evans, A Dudley
Evans, A K B, & J V Gough (eds)
Evans, Aaron
Evans, Allan
Evans, B
Evans, B M
Evans, Barrie
Evans, Brad, & Jonny Garrett
Evans, Bryce
Evans, C
Evans, Catherine
Evans, Catherine, Steve Dodsworth & Julie Barnett
Evans, Charles, et al
Evans, Chris
Evans, Chris (ed)
Evans, Chris, & Göran Rydén
Evans, Chris, & Göran Rydén (eds)
Evans, Chris, & Louise Miskell
Evans, Chris, Asa Eklund & Göran Rydén
Evans, Chris, Owen Jackson & Göran Rydén
Evans, Clare L
Evans, D B
Evans, D J
Evans, D S
Evans, D W
Evans, D Wyn
Evans, David
Evans, David Morier
Evans, Dean
Evans, E W
Evans, E W, & N C Wiseman
Evans, Edna, & Kenneth Blakey
Evans, Eric J
Evans, F T
Evans, Francis
Evans, George
Evans, George H jr
Evans, Gwenllian
Evans, Gwyn
Evans, Harold
Evans, Helen, et al (eds)
Evans, I
Evans, Ifor
Evans, J D
Evans, J Lloyd
Evans, J T
Evans, Jane
Evans, Jane, & Philippa Reed
Evans, Jeremy
Evans, Jim (ed)
Evans, Joan
Evans, John H
Evans, John M
Evans, John, writer on Bristol
Evans, John, writer on Pembroke
Evans, Julian
Evans, Kathleen M
Evans, Keith J
Evans, Ken
Evans, L W
Evans, Laura (ed)
Evans, Lewis
Evans, M
Evans, M Bowen
Evans, M C S
Evans, M D
Evans, Marcia
Evans, Marion
Evans, Michael H
Evans, Neil
Evans, Nesta
Evans, Nick
Evans, R C
Evans, R H
Evans, R Meurig
Evans, Ray
Evans, Richard
Evans, Richard J
Evans, Richard, & Colin Price
Evans, Roger L
Evans, S
Evans, Shaun
Evans, Shirley R
Evans, Siân
Evans, Stanley G
Evans, Stella
Evans, Suzanne L
Evans, Tom
Evans, Vernon
Evans, Wendy
Evans, Wendy, Catherine Ross & Alex Werner
Evans, William
Evason, Constance
Evason, Constance, & Paddy Marsh
Eveleigh, David J
Eveleigh, S
Evely, Richard, & I M D Little
Evenden, Elizabeth
Everard, Edward
Everard, J B
Everard, Simon
Everard, Stirling
Everett, Andrew
Everett, C G G
Everitt, Alan
Everitt, Alan (ed)
Everitt, Bryan
Everitt, Sylvia
Eversley, D E C
Everson, Paul, & Wayne Cocroft
Everton, Clive
Eves, Alec
Eveson, R Stanley
Evinson, Denis
Evison, James
Ewan, Elizabeth
Ewan, Elizabeth, & Maureen M Meikle (eds)
Ewan, Shane, & Jonathan Reinarz
Ewans, M C
Ewart, Gavin
Ewart, Jim
Ewen, C L'Estrange
Ewen, Misha
Ewing, Alexander M
Ewing, James
Ewins, Neil
Exelby, H R
Exell, Arthur
Exell, Timothy
Exley, Allen
Exley, Clifford L
Exwood, Maurice
Eyers, John S
Eyers, Michael
Eyles, Allen
Eyles, Allen, Frank Gray & Alan Readman
Eyles, Allen, et al (eds)
Eyles, Desmond
Eyles, Desmond, & Louise Irvine (ed)
Eyles, Desmond, Louise Irvine & Valerie Baynton
Eyles, Douglas
Eyles, Joan M
Eyles, William E
Eyre, Donald
Eyre, John V
Eyre, Michael, Chris Heaps & Alan Townsin
Eyre-Todd, George
Eyres, Patrick (ed)
Eyres, Patrick, et al (eds)
Eyth, M
Eyton, Thomas C
Faber, Geoffrey
Faber, John
Faber, Toby
Faberman, Hilarie
Fabes, Gilbert H
Facer, Ruth
Fache, E Charles
Fack, James
Fadem, J A
Fagan, Dick, with Eric Burgess
Fagan, Noel, Graeme Bryson & Charles Elston
Fagg, Alan
Fagge, Roger J
Fahey, D M
Fair, Alistair
Fairbairn, James
Fairbairn, Lynda
Fairbairn, R A
Fairbairn, William
Fairbank, John K
Fairbrass, Valerie
Fairburn, James A
Fairclough, Keith
Fairclough, Martin
Fairclough, Oliver
Fairclough, Oliver, & Emmeline Leary
Fairfax Blakeborough, John F
Fairfax, Ernest
Fairfull-Smith, James
Fairhurst, Arthur
Fairley, James
Fairley, John A
Fairley, John A (ed)
Fairley, Peter
Fairley, T (ed)
Fairlie, Susan
Fairney, William
Fairrie, Geoffrey
Fairs, G L
Fairweather, Barbara
Faith, Nicholas
Faith, Rosamond
Faithful, Joan
Falconer, Keith A
Falcus, Matt
Faldo, Walter A F (ed)
Falk, Bernard
Falk, Nicholas (ed)
Falk, Quentin
Falk, Quentin, & Dominic Prince
Falkner, A C
Falkner, Frank
Falkus, Malcolm E
Fallon, Ivan
Fallon, Ivan, & James Srodes
Fallon, John P
Fallows, W
Fanning, Gerry
Fanthome, Christine
Faraday, Judith
Farebrother, Isobel
Farey, John
Farley, Michael, & Barbara Hurman
Farley, Ron
Farmer, Alan B
Farmer, David
Farmer, David K
Farmer, David L
Farmer, Hugh
Farmer, Jack
Farmer, Richard
Farmer, Will, & Rob Higgins
Farnell, Graeme
Farnie, Douglas A
Farnie, Douglas A, & David J Jeremy (eds)
Farnie, Douglas A, & Shin-ichi Yonekawa
Farnie, Douglas A, & Takeshi Abe
Farnie, Douglas A, & William O Henderson (eds)
Farnie, Douglas A, et al (eds)
Farnol, Jeffrey
Farnsworth, Geoffrey
Farnsworth, Keith
Farnworth, John
Farquhar, Ian
Farquhar, Jean
Farquhar, Jean, & Joan S Skinner
Farquharson-Coe, A
Farr, Alfred D
Farr, Geoffrey
Farr, Grahame E
Farr, Grahame E (ed)
Farr, Michael
Farrant, Jeremy P
Farrant, John H
Farrant, Nicholas
Farrant, Sue P
Farrant, Sue P, & John H Farrant
Farrant, Sue P, Adrian Peasgood & K Fossey
Farrar, Lady Katherine E (ed)
Farrar, W V, et al
Farrell, Frank J
Farrell, T H F
Farrell, William
Farrer, David
Farrington, Anthony
Farrington, Anthony, & Dhiravat na Pombejra
Farrington, John H
Farrington, T B
Farrow, Charles
Farrow, Jim
Farrugia, Jean
Farrugia, Jean, & Tony Gammons
Farver, F H C
Fasken, David
Faulder, J S (ed)
Faulkner, Alan H
Faulkner, J N, & Ronald A Williams
Faulkner, Michael
Faulkner, N O
Faulkner, Nicholas
Faulkner, Richard, & Chris Austin
Faulkner, Thomas E
Faulkner, Thomas E, & Andrew Greg
Faulkner, V C, & S H Russell
Fauper, Charles A
Fauri, Flancesca
Fautley, Chris
Fava-Verde, Jean-Francois
Fawcett, Bill
Fawcett, Bill, & John A Ives
Fawcett, Edward R, & Brian Lee (ed)
Fawcett, Jane (ed)
Fawcett, Pat, & Tony Fawcett
Fawcett, Trevor
Fawdry, Marguerite
Fay, Arthur
Fay, C R
Fay, L C
Fay, Sam
Fay, Stephen
Fay, Stephen, & Eric Jacobs
Fayle, C Ernest
Fayle, C Ernest, & C Northcote Parkinson (ed)
Fayle, C Ernest, et al
Fayle, J
Fazenberg, Jan, Bart Verspagen & N von Tunzelmann
Feakes, L F
Fear, Julian
Fearnhead, Peter
Fearnley, A C
Fearnley, Paul (ed)
Fearon, C
Fearon, Peter
Feast, Richard
Feather, John
Feather, K M
Featherstone, Audrey
Fecker, Marc
Fedden, R Romilly
Federico, Giovanni
Fedo, John
Fedorov, Sergey G
Fedorowicz, J K
Feeny, Alfred
Feest, James
Feinstein, Andrew
Feinstein, Charles H
Feinstein, Charles H, & Sidney Pollard (eds)
Felce, Ernest
Feldenkirchen, Wilfred
Feldman, David
Feldman, Roger
Felkin, William
Fell, Alfred
Fell, Arthur, et al
Fell, Mike G
Fellman, Susanna
Fellowes, J
Fellowfield, F
Fellows, Reginald B
Fellows, Richard A
Felstead, S Theodore
Feltwell, John
Fendick, C P
Fendley, Alison
Fenelon, K G
Fenn, George M
Fenn, Julie
Fenn, M J
Fenn, R W D
Fenn, R W D (ed)
Fenn, R W D, & A B Yeoman
Fenn, R W D, & J B Sinclair
Fennell, Edward
Fennell, Geraldine
Fennelly, Lionel V
Fenner, Alan
Fenner, Alayne
Fenter, Francis M
Fenton, Alexander
Fenton, Alexander, & Geoffrey Stell (eds)
Fenton, David M
Fenton, Monica
Fenton, Roy S
Fenton, Roy S, & Alan Faulkner
Fenton, Roy S, & D Jenkins
Fenton, Roy S, & Philip Robertson
Fenton, Will
Fenwick, T Hugh
Fenwick, Valerie, & Mark Redknap (ed)
Ferdinand, Christine Y
Fereday, R P
Fergus, Jan
Ferguson, C J
Ferguson, Chris, & Roland [Gus] Proctor
Ferguson, Duncan
Ferguson, Graham
Ferguson, Hugh (ed)
Ferguson, Hugh, & Mike Chrimes
Ferguson, J
Ferguson, James D
Ferguson, John
Ferguson, John, & Charles Thurlow
Ferguson, Meraud Grant
Ferguson, Michael
Ferguson, Niall
Ferguson, Peter
Ferguson, R B
Ferguson, Reginald W
Ferguson, W Craig
Fergusson, Frances D
Fergusson, Hugh, & Mike Chrimes
Fergusson, James
Fergusson, John
Fermer, Hugh
Fernandes, Felipe T
Fernandez, Eva
Fernandez, Manuel A
Fernandez, Maria P, & Pedro C Fernandez
Fernandez, Nancy Page
Fernandez-Perez, Paloma
Fernando, Maxwell
Ferneyhough, Frank
Ferns, Harry S
Ferns, J L
Ferreiro, Larrie D
Ferrey, Benjamin
Ferriday, Peter
Ferrier, R W
Ferriman, B D
Ferris, Frank
Ferris, J P
Ferris, Paul
Ferris, T G
Ferry, Georgina
Ferry, John W
Ferry, K R
Ferry, Kathryn
Ferry, Kathryn (ed)
Festing, Sally
Fetch, A M
Fetherston, Drew
Fetherstonhaugh, Helen
Fetter, Frank W
Fetzer, Thomas
Feverstein, R J
Fevre, Ralph
Fewster, Joseph M
Fewster, Mary I
Ffiske, William H
Ffooks, Enid J
Fforde, John
Ffoulkes, Charles J
Ffoulkes, Edward J
Ffrench, Yvonne
Fiber, Sally
Fichter, James R
Fiddes, Barbara
Fiddes, Jim R
Fiddes, Valerie, & Alistair J Rowan
Fidler, I D
Field, Eric
Field, Graham J
Field, Henry M
Field, Herbert
Field, Jacob F
Field, Jean
Field, Moira
Field, Molly & Dick
Field, R D
Field, S A
Fielden, M J
Fieldhouse, D K
Fieldhouse, R, & Bernard Jennings
Fielding, Andrew, & Annelise Fielding
Fielding, David, & Shef Rogers
Fielding, George B
Fielding, James
Fielding, Shena, et al
Fielding, T J
Fiell, Charlotte, & Peter Fiell
Fienburgh, Wilfred
Fiennes, Gerard F
Fierheller, Eileen P
Fife, Henry
Fife, Malcolm
Fifer, J Valerie
Filatotchev, I, & Steven Toms
Filby, Peter
Filler, Roger
Filmer, John L
Filmer, Richard
Finberg, A J (ed)
Finberg, H P R
Finch, C G
Finch, G P
Finch, Greg
Finch, J
Finch, John, Michael Cox & Marjorie Giles (eds)
Finch, K W
Finch, M H J
Finch, M Lawson
Finch, M Lawson, & Stephen Garrett
Finch, Robert
Finch, Robert J, & Alfred Roberts
Finch, Roger
Findlay, A R
Findlay, Alistair
Findlay, George
Findlay, J A
Findlay, Ranald M
Findlay, William K
Findling, John E, & K D Pelle (eds)
Findlow, Alan J, & Don Baines
Findlow, Alan J, & Martin Whalley
Fine, Ben
Fine, Ben, & Ellen Leopold
Fine, Ben, & Laurence Harris
Finer, Ann, & George Savage (eds)
Finer, Herman
Finer, S E
Finerty, Eric T
Fingers, Al
Finkelstein, David
Finkelstein, David (ed)
Finkelstein, David, & Alistair McCleery
Finkelstein, David, & Alistair McCleery (eds)
Finlason, W F
Finlay, Alan F
Finlay, Ian, & Henry Fothringham
Finlay, John
Finlay, M R
Finlay, Michael
Finlay, R Derek
Finlayson, William H
Finn, Bernard S
Finn, Bernard S, & Daqing Yang (eds)
Finn, Dallas
Finn, Margot C
Finn, Margot C, & Kate Smith (eds)
Finney, Angus
Finney, Mike
Finnis, Malcolm J
Finucane, Adrian
Finucane, L
Fippard, D V
Firestone, Evan R
Firth, B
Firth, Gary
Firth, James F
Firth, Jill (ed)
Firth, Joseph F B
Firth, Naylor
Firth, Naylor, & Hugh Murphy
Firth, P A
Firth, Peter E
Fischer, Lewis R
Fischer, Lewis R (ed)
Fischer, Lewis R, & Adrian Jarvis (eds)
Fischer, Lewis R, & Eric W Sager
Fischer, Lewis R, & H W Nordvik
Fischer, Lewis R, et al (eds)
Fischer, Th A, & John Kirkpatrick (eds)
Fish, Tom G
Fisher, Aidan
Fisher, Alan, et al
Fisher, Alfred, & Gwynfor P Jones
Fisher, Chris
Fisher, F J
Fisher, F N
Fisher, Fiona
Fisher, G H C
Fisher, Graham
Fisher, H E S
Fisher, H E S (ed)
Fisher, H E S, & A R J Jur̆ica (eds)
Fisher, H E S, & Walter E Minchinton (eds)
Fisher, Hamish, & Lesley Brocklebank
Fisher, Howard, Bob Hammond & Nigel Morley
Fisher, J
Fisher, J W
Fisher, John
Fisher, John, Effie G H Pedaliu, Richard Smith (eds)
Fisher, Keith
Fisher, Matthew
Fisher, Michael J
Fisher, Pamela J
Fisher, R E S
Fisher, R N, & C M Pagett
Fisher, Richard B
Fisher, Roger C
Fisher, Simon
Fisher, Stephen
Fisher, Stephen (ed)
Fisher, Stephen, & M A Havinden
Fisher, Susanna
Fisher, Suzanne (ed)
Fisher, Tony
Fishley Holland, William
Fishlow, Albert
Fishman, Charles
Fishman, Diane, & Marcia Powell
Fishman, Nina
Fishwick, F
Fishwick, Francis, et al
Fishwick, Lt Col
Fishwick, Nicholas
Fisk, Audrey
Fisk, H Marcus
Fisk, Karen
Fiske, Jane
Fiske, Jane (ed)
Fitch, Charles
Fitch, Stephanie
Fitch, W F
Fitter, Hilda E
Fitton, R S
Fitton, R S, & Alfred P Wadsworth
Fitz-Gibbon, Desmond
FitzRandolph, H E, & M Doriel May
Fitzgerald, Desmond
Fitzgerald, Edward P
Fitzgerald, Patrick
Fitzgerald, Percy H
Fitzgerald, Peter
Fitzgerald, Robert
Fitzgerald, Robert, & Christopher Rowley (eds)
Fitzgerald, Robert, & Etsuo Abe (eds)
Fitzgerald, Robert, & Janet Grenier
Fitzgerald, Robert, & Takashi Hirao
Fitzgerald, Ron
Fitzhugh, Rod
Fitzmaurice, R M
Fitzpatrick, Linda
Fitzroy, David
Fitzsimmons, M, et al
Fitzwalter, Ray
Fivel-Demoret, Claude
Fjesme, Sturla, Neal Galpin & Lyndon Moore
Flaatten, Sverre
Flack, Robert
Flagg, Amy C
Flanagan, Bridget
Flanagan, Desmond J
Flanagan, J F
Flanagan, James A
Flanders, Allan D
Flanders, Allan D, et al
Flanders, Amy E
Flanders, Judith
Flandreau, Marc
Flandreau, Marc, & Francois Gallice
Flandreau, Marc, & Juan H Flores
Flandreau, Marc, & Stefano Ugolini
Flavell, A J
Flavell, Neville
Flavin, Susan, & Evan T Jones (eds)
Flaxman, Ted, & Ted Jackson
Fleck, A
Fleet, W
Fleetwood, David
Fleetwood, David, & Dawn McDowell (ed)
Fleischman, Richard K, & L D Parker
Fleischman, Richard K, & R H Macve
Fleischman, Richard K, & Thomas N Tyson
Fleischman, Richard K, et al
Fleming, A I M, S McKinstry & K Wallace
Fleming, Arnold
Fleming, Arthur, et al
Fleming, J A
Fleming, James A
Fleming, John
Fleming, John A
Fleming, Leslie
Fleming, Lindsay
Fleming, M C
Fleming, Peter
Fleming, R Harvey (ed)
Fleming, William J
Flenley, Ralph
Fletcher, A
Fletcher, A W
Fletcher, Allan
Fletcher, Allan
Fletcher, G A
Fletcher, George, & Lynn Willies
Fletcher, H
Fletcher, Isaac A
Fletcher, J F
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, Joseph
Fletcher, Keith
Fletcher, Keith, Peter Hawkes & Lesley Perry
Fletcher, Leonard
Fletcher, Linda J
Fletcher, Mark
Fletcher, Max E
Fletcher, P
Fletcher, Pamela
Fletcher, Pamela, & Anne Helmreich
Fletcher, Pamela, & Anne Helmreich (eds)
Fletcher, Peter
Fletcher, Robert F
Fletcher, Samuel B
Fletcher, Scott R, & Andrew Godley
Fletcher, Thomas W
Fletcher, William
Fletcher, Winston
Flight, A T
Flindall, Roger B
Flindall, Roger B, & Andrew J Hayes
Flinn, Michael W
Flinn, Michael W (ed)
Flinn, Michael W, & A Birch
Flinn, Michael W, with D Stoker
Flint, A J
Flint, David C
Flint, John E
Flint, Judith
Flint, Stamford R
Flisher, Lorraine, & Michael Zell
Flitton, David
Flood, Catherine
Flood, Robert J
Flook, Ron
Florence, P Sargant
Flores, Carol A H
Flores, Juan H
Florio, Massimo
Floud, Peter C
Floud, Roderick C
Floud, Roderick C, & Donald N McCloskey (eds)
Floud, Roderick C, & Paul Johnson (eds)
Flounders, Eric, & Michael Gallagher
Flower, Desmond
Flower, Fred
Flower, Newman
Flower, Philip W
Flower, Raymond, & Michael Wynn-Jones
Flowers, Anna, & Vanessa Histon (eds)
Flynn, C G
Flynn, George J
Flynn, J S
Flynn, John T
Foat, F E K
Foden, Peter
Fogarty, Barbara
Fogarty, Michael P (ed)
Fogg, A
Fogg, Charles
Foggo, Nick
Fogle, Ben
Fohlin, Caroline
Folan, Anne
Foley, John
Foley, Michael
Folkard, Henry T, R Betley & C M Percy
Folkard, Leslie F
Folkenflik, David
Follenfant, H G
Fone, J F
Fong, Hsien t'ing
Fonge, C
Font, Lourdes M
Fontaine, Derek
Fontaine, Laurence
Foot, Mark
Foot, Mirjam
Foot, Robert W
Foote, Bob
Forbat, J
Forbes Monro, J
Forbes, A
Forbes, Andrew S
Forbes, B N
Forbes, Charles (ed)
Forbes, Henry
Forbes, John S
Forbes, Mike
Forbes, Mike (ed)
Forbes, Mike (ed), Jack Raine & Peter Seaword
Forbes, Mike (ed), et al
Forbes, Neil
Forbes, R J, & D R O'Beirne
Forbes, R N
Forbes, Robert
Forbes, Urquhart A, & W H R Ashford
Forbes, William
Ford, A G
Ford, Alan M
Ford, Alan, with Arthur G Credland
Ford, Brinsley
Ford, Harold
Ford, John
Ford, John M T
Ford, John W R
Ford, Judith
Ford, Ken
Ford, Leslie
Ford, Loxley G, with James Cooper Jr
Ford, P, & G Ford
Ford, P, & G Ford (eds)
Ford, Percy
Ford, Percy, & J A Bound
Ford, Peter
Ford, Thomas
Ford, Trevor D
Ford, Trevor D, & J H Rieuwerts (eds)
Ford, William
Ford, William J C
Ford, Wyn K
Ford, Wyn K, & Lilian Rogers
Ford-Smith, Alice
Forde, Eamonn
Fordham, Dave
Fordham, Herbert G
Fordham, Michael
Fordyce, William
Foreman, Carol
Foreman, Stuart
Foreman, Susan
Foreman, Susan (ed)
Foreman-Peck, James
Foreman-Peck, James (ed)
Foreman-Peck, James, & Christopher J Hammond
Foreman-Peck, James, & Leslie Hannah
Foreman-Peck, James, & Robert Millward
Foreman-Peck, James, Andrew H Hallet & Yue Ma
Foreman-Peck, James, Sue Bowden & Alan McKinlay
Fores, Michael
Forestier, Albane
Forestier-Walker, E R
Forge, Eric, & Gavin Bowle (ed)
Forman, Benno M
Forman, Denis
Forman, R
Formoy, Ronald R
Forrer, Leonard S
Forres, Lord
Forrest, A J
Forrest, Denys
Forrest, F
Forrest, J S
Forrest, Jean
Forrest, Mark
Forrester, D A R
Forrester, L L
Forrester, Mark
Forrester, Robert E
Forrester-Paton, A
Forrow, Alexander
Forshaw, Alec
Forshaw, Alec, & Theo Bergstrom
Forster, G C F
Forster, Margaret
Forsyth, Alastair
Forsyth, Asher
Forsyth, D R
Forsyth, David J C
Forsyth, David J C, & David M Kelly (eds)
Forsyth, Elizabeth
Forsyth, Hazel
Forsyth, Michael
Forsythe, Robert N
Fort, G Seymour
Forte, Charles
Fortescue, William I
Fortune, E F Thomas
Forward, E A
Forwood, William B
Foskett, R R
Foss, Christopher F, & Peter Mckenzie
Fostekew, Jean M
Foster, Andy
Foster, Anthony M
Foster, Brian
Foster, Brian (ed)
Foster, Charles F
Foster, Christopher
Foster, Frank F
Foster, James
Foster, John
Foster, John, & Charles Woolfson
Foster, Joseph
Foster, Kevin J
Foster, Norman
Foster, Peter
Foster, R T
Foster, Richard
Foster, T E (ed)
Foster, T John
Foster, W F
Foster, William
Foster, William M, Diego M Coraiola, Roy Suddaby, Jochem Kroezen & David Chandler
Foster-Smith, J R
Fothergill, John
Fothringham, Henry Steuart
Foulds, E T
Foulds, Michael
Foulds, Trevor
Foulis, Douglas
Foulis, Douglas A
Foulkes, F W
Foulkes, G
Foulkes, Nicholas
Foulkes, Robert K
Fouquet, Roger
Fouquet, Roger, & Peter J G Pearson
Fouquet, Roger, & Peter J G Pearson
Fournier, Robert (ed)
Fourniere d'Albe, E E
Fowell, Eric
Fowkes, Dudley V
Fowkes, E H
Fowle, Frances
Fowler, Alan
Fowler, Alan, & Lesley Fowler
Fowler, Charles
Fowler, Christina L
Fowler, Christina L, & Jason St John Nicholle
Fowler, E, & M Payne
Fowler, Eric
Fowler, J
Fowler, James
Fowler, Jean E
Fowler, Lucy
Fowler, Martin J F
Fowler, Mary
Fowler, P S
Fowler, Simon
Fowler, Stuart R
Fowler, W S
Fowler, William W
Fowles, Arthur W
Fowles, Edward
Fox, A
Fox, Celina
Fox, David H
Fox, E S
Fox, F H
Fox, Francis
Fox, Francis F
Fox, Francis F, & John Taylor (eds)
Fox, George
Fox, Harold
Fox, Harold G
Fox, Hubert C
Fox, J H
Fox, Jim
Fox, John
Fox, Joseph H
Fox, Levi
Fox, Maurice R
Fox, Michael, & Peter Fox
Fox, Mike, & Steve Smith
Fox, N E
Fox, Paul
Fox, Robert
Fox, Robert (ed)
Fox, Robert, & Anna Guagnini
Fox, Robert, & Anna Guagnini (eds)
Fox, Ross
Fox, Russell, & Elizabeth Lewis
Fox, Sarah E (ed)
Fox, Stephen
Fox, Stephen N
Fox, W
Fox, W E
Fox-Hutchinson, Juliet
Fox-Male, D H
Foxell, J T, & A O Spafford
Foxon, David F
Foxon, Tom
Fozard, John W
Fraenkel, J
Frame, Chris, & Rachelle Cross
Frame, John
Frampton, Algernon
Frampton, D
Frampton, Ron
France, R Sharpe
France, R Sharpe (ed)
Franch, John
Francis, A D
Francis, Absalom
Francis, Alun
Francis, Anne
Francis, Anthony J
Francis, Antony
Francis, Arthur
Francis, Edward
Francis, Eric V
Francis, George Grant
Francis, J Roger
Francis, James J
Francis, John
Francis, John C
Francis, Joseph H
Francis, Pat
Francis, Peter
Francis, R G
Francis, Richard M
Francis, T J
Francis, T P
Frangakis-Syrett, E
Frank, Joseph
Frankau, Gilbert
Frankis, G G A
Frankland, Mark, & Gordon Bussey
Franklin, Colin
Franklin, Geraint
Franklin, M J
Franklin, Norman
Franklin, Oscar
Franklin, Peter J, & Caroline Woodhead
Franklin, S E
Franko, Lawrence G
Franks, Daphne
Franks, David L
Franks, Hugh G
Franks, J
Franks, Julian R, et al
Fransden, Ann-Christine, Tammy B Hiller, Janice Traflet & Elton G McGoun
Fransman, Martin
Fraser, Barclay S
Fraser, Bryan
Fraser, Claude L
Fraser, Colin
Fraser, Constance M
Fraser, D Drummond
Fraser, D E
Fraser, Derek
Fraser, Derek (ed)
Fraser, Douglas
Fraser, Duncan
Fraser, Ewan, & John Metcalf
Fraser, Finlay
Fraser, G S, et al
Fraser, George, & Ken Peters
Fraser, Graham J
Fraser, Iain
Fraser, Ian
Fraser, Ian J
Fraser, J F
Fraser, John F
Fraser, John Foster
Fraser, Maryna (ed)
Fraser, Maryna, & Alan Jeeves (eds)
Fraser, W Hamish
Fraser, W Hamish, & Clive H Lee (eds)
Fraser, W Hamish, & I Maver (eds)
Fraser, W Lionel
Fraser-Newstead, Brenda
Fraser-Stephen, Elspet
Frayn, Michael
Fream, W
Frearson, John P H
Frecknall Hughes, Jane, & Margaret McKerchar
Fredeman, William E
Frederick, Margaretta S
Frederiksen, O J
Fredriksen, Erik
Fredriksson, E H (ed)
Freebairn, C F
Freebury, Richard
Freedgood, Elaine
Freedgood, Elaine (ed)
Freedman, Des (ed)
Freedman, Joseph R
Freeman, Albert C
Freeman, C
Freeman, Charles
Freeman, J
Freeman, J D F, et al
Freeman, Joshua B
Freeman, M Diane
Freeman, Mark, Robin Pearson & James Taylor
Freeman, Michael J
Freeman, Michael J, & Derek H Aldcroft
Freeman, Michael J, & Derek H Aldcroft (eds)
Freeman, Pat
Freeman, Pat, & Alan Peat
Freeman, Ray
Freeman, Rita G
Freeman, Robin
Freeman, Roger, & John Shaw (eds)
Freeman, Sarah
Freeman, Tony
Freeman, William
Freer, Dinah G
Freer, Wendy J
Freer, Wendy J, Alvyn Owen & Derick Stokes
Freese, Barbara
Freeston, George, & John Bunker
Freeth, Stephen
Freethy, Ron
Freethy, Ron, & Marlene Freethy
Freitfield, Mary
Freman, Pat
Fremdling, R
Fremlin, Celia
French, Ann
French, Ann, Michael Wright & Frances Palmer
French, Bob
French, Cecil
French, Christopher J
French, E A
French, Edward A
French, F J, J L McGairl & G E Whitaker
French, Gilbert J
French, Josephine, et al (eds), and Valerie Scott et al (eds) variously
French, Katherine L
French, Michael
French, Michael, & Andrew Popp
French, Michael, & Jim Phillips
French, Owen
French, Roger
French, Ron, & Ken Smith
French, William
Frere, Philip B
Freshfield, Edwin (ed)
Freshwater, Don C
Freshwater, P B (ed)
Fresson, Edmund E
Fretton, William G
Fretwell, Laurence
Freud, David
Frew, John M
Frewen, Jonathan
Frewin, Leslie (ed)
Freyer, Tony
Friberg, Katarina
Friberg, Katarina, et al
Fridenson, Patrick
Friederichs, Hulda
Friedgut, T H
Friedland, Klaus (ed)
Friedman, Henry, & Sander Meredeen
Friedman, Terry
Friedman, Walter A, & Geoffrey Jones
Friedrich, Manfred
Friel, Ian
Friendly, Alfred
Fries, Russell I
Friis, Astrid
Frink, Maurice, et al
Fripp, John
Frisby, B J
Friswell, N C
Frith, David
Fritscher, Linda M
Fritz, Martin
Fritz, Paul
Froide, Amy M
Frost, Allan
Frost, Barbara
Frost, Christopher
Frost, Dee
Frost, George H
Frost, Gerald
Frost, Leslie R
Frost, N
Frost, Pauline M
Frost, R
Frost, Raymond
Frost, Roy
Frost, Thomas
Frostick, David
Frostick, Michael
Frostick, Raymond
Fruin, W Mark
Fry, David
Fry, Henry
Fry, Howard T
Fry, Maxwell
Fry, Michael
Fry, Peter
Fry, Richard
Fry, Richard (ed)
Fry, Theodore
Fryce, W T
Fryckstedt, Monica C
Fryde, Edmund B
Fryer, Charles E J
Fryer, D H
Fryer, Gavin, & Clive Akerman (eds)
Fryer, Linda G
Fryer, Martin
Fryer, Stephen
Fudge, John D
Fudge, Muriel K
Fujioka, Rika, & Jon Stobart
Fulford, Roger T B
Fullard, Harold J
Fuller, Frank
Fuller, Frederick W T
Fuller, G Joan
Fuller, John
Fuller, Margaret D
Fuller, Michael J
Fuller, Robert P
Fuller, Roland
Fullerton, John (ed)
Fullerton, Ronald A
Fulling, M J
Fulop, Christina
Fulton, Helen
Fulton, John T
Funnell, Barry
Funnell, K J
Funnell, Pamela Bevan
Furber, Holden
Furdell, Elizabeth L
Furlong, Gillian
Furnell, Michael
Furner, Mary O, & Barry Supple (eds)
Furness, G W
Furniss, David A, & J Richard & Judith Wagner
Furnival, Jane
Fury, Alexander
Fury, Cheryl
Fusaro, M
Fussell, G E
Fussell, G E, & Constance Goodman
Fussell, Sidney
Fyfe, Aileen
Fyfe, Hamilton
Fyfe, Paul
Fyle, Aileen
G E M [G E Moodey]
Gaastra, Femme
Gabb, Gerald
Gable, Jo
Gadd, Ian A
Gadd, Ian A, & Patrick Wallis
Gadd, Ian A, & Patrick Wallis (eds)
Gadd, Ian, Simon Eliot, W Roger Louis & Keith Robbins (eds)
Gadd, Stephen
Gadhia, Jayne-Anne
Gadsby, D E
Gadsden, Eric J S, et al
Gage, Bill
Gagen, Wendy, & David Dawson (eds)
Gailey, Alan
Gailey, T W H
Gailinnas, P
Gainsford, John
Gainsford, John (ed)
Gairns, J
Gaither, Mary E
Gaito, D N K
Galambos, Louis
Galambos, Louis, & J Sturchio
Galani, Katerina
Galassi, Francesco L, & Lucy A Newton
Galbraith, John S
Galbraith, William C
Gale, John
Gale, P R
Gale, Patrick
Gale, W K V
Gale, W K V, & C R Nicholls
Gale, W K V, & Keith Vernon
Galenson, David W
Galgano, Michael J
Galicki, Marta
Galinou, Mireille
Galinou, Mireille (ed)
Gall, Alan
Gallagher, D B
Gallagher, D B, & Andrew Sharp
Gallagher, D B, & John Harrison
Gallagher, D B, & R Price
Gallagher, John, & Ronald Robinson
Gallagher, Lyn
Gallagher, Michael
Gallais-Hamonno, Georges, & Christian Rietsch
Galleway, W H
Galley, Michael R
Gallier, James
Gallimore, Paul
Galliver, Peter W
Gallop, Alan
Gallop, Donald F
Galloway, J
Galloway, James A
Galloway, James A (ed)
Galloway, James A, & Margaret Murphy
Galloway, James A, Derek Keene & Margaret Murphy
Galloway, Robert L
Gallyon, Richard
Galpern, Steven G
Galpin, W Freeman
Galviz, Carlos Lopez
Gamble, Andrew
Gamble, Audrey N
Gamble, Jim
Gamble, Mick
Gamble, Norman E
Game, Amanda, et al
Game, Chantal S, Lisa M Cullen & Alistair M Brown
Games, Abram
Games, Naomi
Games, Naomi
Games, Naomi, & Brian Webb
Games, Naomi, Catherine Moriarty & June Rose
Gammell, William S
Gammond, Peter, & Raymond Horricks (eds)
Gammons, Tony
Gammons, Walter
Gamst, Frederick C
Gandon, James
Gandy, Anthony
Gandy, Anthony, & Roy Edwards
Gandy, Kenneth
Gapper, John, & Nicholas Denton
Garber, Peter M
Garbett, P E
Garbutt, John L
Garbutt, Paul E
Garcia-Ruiz, José L, & Pier Angelo Toninelli (eds)
Garcke, Emile
Gard, R M, & C Shrimpton
Gardener, Anne
Gardener, John
Gardiner, Alfred G
Gardiner, Dorothy
Gardiner, Dorothy (ed)
Gardiner, Frederic J
Gardiner, Leslie
Gardiner, Leslie A J
Gardiner, Mark
Gardiner, Phillip G
Gardiner, Robert (ed)
Gardiner, Robin
Gardiner, Thomas, & Foster W Bond (ed)
Gardner, Alexander
Gardner, Bernard, & Peter Marlow
Gardner, Brian
Gardner, Carreen
Gardner, Charles
Gardner, Charles (ed)
Gardner, John
Gardner, Pamela
Gardner, Paul V
Gardner, Robert B
Gardner, Robert E
Gardner, Victoria E M
Gardner, Walter M (ed)
Gardner, Zoe
Gardner-Medwin, David (ed)
Gardom, Edward T
Garelli, Francois
Garenfeld, Barbro
Garfield, Simon
Garlick, Alan, et al
Garlick, Görel
Garlick, Peter C
Garner, A
Garner, F H
Garner, Paul
Garner, Philippe, & David A Mellor
Garner, Rod
Garnett, David, & M D Crew (ed)
Garnett, E J
Garnett, Emmeline
Garnett, Philip, Simon Mollan & R Alexander Bentley
Garnett, Ronald, G
Garnett, Walter O
Garnett, William
Garnier, Peter
Garnier, Peter (ed)
Garnier, Peter, & Brian Hendy
Garnier, Peter, & Warren Allport
Garnier, Richard
Garnsey, Elizabeth
Garrad, Larch S
Garrad, Larch S, et al
Garrard, John
Garrard, Thomas, & Samuel G Tovey (ed)
Garratt, Colin
Garratt, G R M
Garrett, Alexander A
Garrett, C W F
Garrett, J L
Garrett, J R
Garrett, Ken S
Garrett, Stephen
Garrod, Nicholas P
Garrod, Peter J
Garrulus, Coracias (ed)
Garry, Mary Anne
Garside, G I
Garside, J
Garside, Patricia L
Garside, Patricia L, & Susannah Morris
Garside, W R
Garside, W R
Garside, W R, & H F Gospel
Garside, W R, & Julian Greaves
Garstang, Donald (ed)
Garth, Alan
Gartner, Lloyd P
Garton, W F D
Garvin, Hilda K
Garvin, J T (ed)
Garvin, Leo
Garwood, Christine
Garwood, Ivan
Garwood, Roy
Gascoigne, Bamber
Gascoigne, Mildred
Gaskell, Keith
Gaskell, Martin
Gaskell, Philip
Gaskell, S M
Gaskin, Brenda P R
Gaskin, Maxwell
Gasquoine, Charles P
Gasse, Ian
Gaston-Breton, Tristan
Gateley, R J
Gater, Sharon, & David Vincent
Gates, Tim (ed)
Gatrell, Peter
Gatrell, V A C
Gatty, Alfred
Gatty, C T
Gatty, Richard
Gauci, Perry
Gaukroger, Susan
Gauld, Charles A
Gauldie, Enid
Gauldie, Enid (ed)
Gault, W R
Gaunt, W, & M D E Clayton-Stamm
Gauntlett, Margaret D
Gauntlett, Pamela
Gauntley, G H
Gausby, J B
Gautié, Jérôme
Gavin, John
Gavin, John, & Daven Chamberlain (ed)
Gavin, Robert, William Kelly & Dolores O'Reilly
Gavin, William
Gawler, Jim
Gawne, Eleanor
Gawthrop, W R
Gay, H
Gay, Philip W, & Robert L Smyth
Gayer, A D, et al
Gayler, Hugh J
Gazeley, Ian
Gazeley, Ian, & Patricia G Rice
Gear, Robert W
Gearing, David
Geary, F, & W Johnson
Geary, Frank
Geary, Frank, & Tom Stark
Geary, H V R
Geary, Leslie
Geary, Leslie, A Thomas, S Bladon & D Burgess Wise
Gebhard, David
Geddes, A C, Lord Geddes
Geddes, D C
Geddes, Jane
Geddes, Keith
Geddes, Keith, & Gordon Bussey
Geddes, M N
Geddes, Philip
Geddes, R Stanley
Geddes, William
Geddie, John
Geduld, H M
Gee, Eric A
Gee, Gabriel N
Gee, Stacey
Geedes, M N
Geiger, Till
Geist, Johann F
Gekas, Alhanasios
Geldart, Hannah R
Geldman, Adam
Gellatly, A T
Gemery, Henry A, & Jan S Hogendorn (eds)
Gemmell, Norman, & Peter Wardley
Gemmill, Elizabeth, (ed)
Gennadios, Joannes
Gennard, John
Gent, Arthur
Gent, David
Gent, Nicholas D
Gent, Thomas
Gentle, Rupert, & Rachael Feild, revised by Belinda Gentle
Gentleman, H
Gentles, Susan, & Hannah Jenkinson
Gentry, Peter W
Genz, Marcella D
Geographical Editorial Committee
Georgano, Nick
Georgano, Nick (ed)
Georgano, Nick, et al
George, A Brian
George, A D
George, Beryl
George, Brian
George, David
George, David, & Mike Nevell
George, F L
George, Frank
George, Joan
George, Ken
George, Kenneth D, & D G Rhys
George, Kenneth D, & Lynn Mainwaring (eds)
George, Kenneth D, Lynn Mainwaring, J S Shorey & D R Thomas
George, S C
George, Susan
George, W L
George, William H
Georgiady, Peter
Geraghty, P J
Geraghty, Thomas
Gerald, J Edward
Gerber Klein, Michèle
Gere, Charlotte
Gere, Charlotte, & John Culme with William Summers
Gerhold, Dorian
Gerhold, Dorian (ed)
Gerhold, Dorian, & Rita Ensing
German, Kieran, & Gregor Adamson
Gernrnell, Norman, & Peter Wardley
Geroski, Paul, & Tassos Vlassopoulos
Gerrard, Christine
Gerrard, Christopher M, et al (eds)
Gerrard, G A M
Gerrard, Harry
Gerrard, Sandy
Gerretson, Frederik C
Gerriets, Marilyn
Gerrish, Margaret M
Gershon, Dudley
Gerson, Armand J
Gerstein, Alexandra (ed)
Gertzel, Cherry
Gervers, Michael
Gestrich, Andreas, & Maigrit S Beerbuhl (eds)
Gettmann, Royal A
Getzler, Joshua
Geurst, Jeroen
Gewirtz, S, & A Cribb
Geyikdagi, V Necla
Gharaybeth, A K M
Ghelani, Divya
Ghodgeri, N D
Ghosh, Sunil K
Gibb, Alexander
Gibb, D E W
Gibb, Forbes
Gibb, Forbes, & Alan Sangster
Gibb, Forbes, & Rob Close
Gibb, Henry S
Gibb, John A C
Gibb, Mildred A, & Frank Beckwith
Gibbard, Stuart
Gibbings, David
Gibbins, E A
Gibbins, Emma (ed)
Gibbon, Gwilym, & Reginald W Bell
Gibbons, Henry
Gibbons, John
Gibbons, Kenneth D'Maurney
Gibbons, Sue
Gibbs, D F
Gibbs, D F, & J H Farrant
Gibbs, Ewan
Gibbs, F W
Gibbs, Henry S
Gibbs, Ian C
Gibbs, John A
Gibbs, John M
Gibbs, John S
Gibbs, Ken
Gibbs, Robert
Gibbs, Sam, & Adrian R Bell
Gibbs, T A
Gibbs, T D, & A Cooper
Gibbs-Smith, Charles H
Giblin, John & Jennifer
Gibson, A H
Gibson, A J S, & T C Smout
Gibson, Alfred, & William Pickford
Gibson, B
Gibson, Bryan
Gibson, Cecil
Gibson, Cyril
Gibson, H
Gibson, H A Derek
Gibson, Hugh
Gibson, I F
Gibson, Jean
Gibson, Jeremy
Gibson, Jeremy (ed)
Gibson, Jeremy, et al
Gibson, John
Gibson, John C
Gibson, John F
Gibson, John R
Gibson, Keith
Gibson, Keith, & David Finnis
Gibson, Margaret, & Susan M Wright (eds)
Gibson, Martin W
Gibson, Michael
Gibson, Paul
Gibson, Thomas
Gibson, Trish
Gibson, W M
Gibson, William
Gibson, William H
Gibson-Jarvie, Robert
Gibson-Martin, W A
Giedon, Siegfried
Gier, Jaclyn J, & Laurie Mercier
Gieve, David W
Giffard, Hermione
Giffen, Liza
Gifford, Alan
Gifford, John
Gilbart, James W
Gilbert, Bentley B
Gilbert, Christopher G
Gilbert, Christopher G, & L Wood
Gilbert, Clive R
Gilbert, E W
Gilbert, Edmund W
Gilbert, G E
Gilbert, Geoffrey F A
Gilbert, Geoffrey F A, & D J Osborne
Gilbert, John C
Gilbert, John L
Gilbert, Keith R
Gilbert, Nigel
Gilbert, Stuart, & Ray Horner
Gilbert, T R
Gilbert, W M (ed)
Gilboy, Elizabeth W
Gilchrist, A O
Gildard, T
Gilding, Bob
Giles, Audrey C
Giles, Colum
Giles, Colum, & Bob Hawkins
Giles, Colum, & Ian H Goodall
Giles, Colum, & Mike Williams (eds)
Giles, Colum, et al
Giles, Frank
Giles, Phyllis M
Giles, Terry
Gilfillen, John B S, & H A Moisley
Gilhespy, Frank B
Gilhespy, Frank B, & Dorothy M Budd
Gill, Conrad
Gill, Crispin
Gill, J
Gill, J (ed)
Gill, James
Gill, Margaret A V
Gill, Michael C
Gill, Mike, & Mike Squirrell
Gill, Peter
Gillan, Elizabeth K
Gille, Bertrand
Gillespie, Alexandra, & Daniel Wakelin
Gillespie, James
Gillespie, Raymond
Gillespie, Sarah
Gillett, Edward
Gillett, Edward, & Kenneth A MacMahon
Gillett, Sidney
Gillett, Steph
Gillham, John C
Gillham, John C, & R J S Wiseman
Gillham, Roger
Gillies, John D, & James L Wood
Gillies, Mary A
Gillingham, H E
Gillingham, Hannah
Gillings, Annabel
Gilliver, Keith
Gillono, Claude
Gilman, Matt
Gilman, S
Gilmore, Colin, & Hugh Willmott
Gilpin, J F
Gilroy, Annette
Gilruth, Mary M
Gilson, C J
Gilson, R G, & G W Quartley
Gilzean-Reid, Hugh
Ginarlis, J E
Ginn, W T
Ginns, Arthur
Ginns, Michael, with Eric N Osborne
Ginsburg, Benedict W
Ginsburg, Madeleine
Gintz, Helen
Giordan, Marion
Gipson, R
Girard, L
Girling-Budd, A
Girolami, Paul
Girouard, Mark
Girtin, Tom
Gittins, Dave
Gittins, L
Gittins, Sandra
Giuntini, Andrea (ed)
Giuseppi, John
Giuseppi, Montague S
Gjers, John
Gladden, Graham P
Gladman, T, & F B Pickering
Gladstone, J S
Gladstone, William E
Gladwin, David D
Gladwin, David D, & Joyce M White
Glaisyer, Natasha A F
Glamann, Kristof
Glancey, Jonathan
Glancy, H M
Glanfield, John
Glanville, John, & William M Wolmuth
Glanville, Philippa, & Jennifer Goldsborough
Glasfurd, Guinevere
Glasgow, Eric L H
Glasgow, George
Glasmeier, Amy K
Glass, Anthony
Glass, Archibald
Glass, I S
Glass, Jaimie
Glass, James G H
Glasscock, R E
Glasson, Michael
Glasson, Michael, et al
Glazier, Ken
Gleave, J T
Gleave, S
Gleave, Wilfred W
Gledhill, Alison
Gledhill, B
Gledhill, B
Gledhill, David
Gledhill, David, & Peter Daniel
Gledhill, David, & Peter Lamb
Gledson, D
Gleeson, Adrienne
Glen, Iseabal A
Glen, Robert
Glendinning, Miles, & Diane Watters (eds)
Glendinning, Victoria
Glenn, D Fereday
Glennie, Paul, & Nigel Thrift
Glenny, W W
Glenton, George, & William Pattinson
Glew, Helen R
Glibbery, Jim
Gliddon, P
Glister, Roger
Glitheroe, J P
Gloag, John
Gloag, John, & Derek Bridgwater
Globe, Alexander
Glover, Brian
Glover, Elizabeth
Glover, Frederick J
Glover, Ian
Glover, Joan E
Glover, John
Glover, Julian
Glover, Mark
Glover, Peter, & Graham Jackson
Glover, Stephen
Glover, Stephen, & Thomas Noble (ed)
Glucksmann, Miriam
Glyn, Sean, & John Oxborrow
Glynn, Jennifer
Glynn, John J
Glynn, Sean, & Alan Booth
Goddard, John, & Roger Spalding
Goddard, Ken
Goddard, Nicholas
Goddard, Pamela J C
Goddard, Richard
Godden, Geoffrey A
Godden, Geoffrey A (ed)
Godden, John S
Godfrey, Arthur
Godfrey, Barry, & David J Cox
Godfrey, Bernie, & David Possee
Godfrey, Eleanor S
Godfrey, Honor
Godfrey, Honor, Hugh Edgar, David Jolley, C Mullen
Godfrey, Michael
Godley, Andrew
Godley, Andrew (ed)
Godley, Andrew, & Bridget Williams
Godley, Andrew, & Duncan M Ross
Godley, Andrew, & Duncan M Ross (eds)
Godley, Andrew, & Haiming Hang
Godley, Andrew, & Mark Casson
Godley, Andrew, & Oliver Westall (eds)
Godley, Andrew, & Scott R Fletcher
Godley, Andrew, & T A B Corley
Godley, Andrew, Anne Kershen & Raphael Schapiro
Godley, J
Godwin, George
Goffee, Robert
Goffman, Daniel
Golby, Fred
Gold, Alec H
Gold, J R, & M M Gold
Gold, Jacqueline
Gold, Sidney M
Goldberg, P J P
Golden, Catherine
Goldenberg, J A
Goldenberg, Nathan
Goldenberg, Susan
Golding, Anthony M
Golding, C E
Golding, C E, & D K Page
Golding, J C
Golding, S R
Goldman, A
Goldschmidt, E P
Goldsmid, Frederick J
Goldsmith, A L
Goldsmith, H S
Goldsmith, John N
Goldsmith, Lorna C
Goldsmith, M J F
Goldsmith, Walter, & Berry Richards
Goldstein, Edward R
Goldstrom, J M
Goldthwaite, Richard A
Golisti, K O M
Golley, John, with Frank Whittle
Gollin, Alfred M
Golzen, Godfrey
Gomersall, Helen M
Gomez-Mendoza, A
Gomme, A A
Gomme, Andor
Gonzalez Podesta, Aquilino
Gonzáles Gordón, Manuel M
Gooberman, Leon
Gooberman, Leon, & Ben Curtis
Gooberman, Leon, & Trevor Boyns
Good, E J G
Good, John M
Good, Jonathan
Good, Ken
Good, Ronald
Goodacre, John
Goodale, Ernest W
Goodall, Francis
Goodall, Francis, Terry Gourvish & Steven Tolliday (eds)
Goodall, Ian H
Goodall, Michael H
Goodall, Rodney D
Goodbody, J
Goodbody, W S
Goodby, Mianda
Goodchild, John
Goodchild, W H
Goodden, Susanna
Goode, Charles T
Gooder, Eileen
Gooderham, W J, & P W Graham
Gooderson, Philip J
Goodeve, Charles
Goodey, Charles
Goodfellow, Alan W
Goodfellow, David
Goodfellow, Peter
Goodhart, Charles A E
Goodhart, David, & Patrick Wintour
Gooding, John
Goodinge, Anthony
Goodings, Lennie
Goodison, Judith
Goodison, Nicholas
Goodison, Nicholas, & John Hardy
Goodlad, C Alexander
Goodland, Roger
Goodley, Kenneth R
Goodman, D
Goodman, Edward
Goodman, Geoffrey
Goodman, Jean
Goodman, Jocelyne B (ed)
Goodman, John D
Goodman, Jordan
Goodman, K W G
Goodman, Paul
Goodman, Sharon
Goodman, Terry
Goodman, William L
Goodrich, W Francis
Goodridge, John C
Goodrum, Alison
Goodrum, Pete
Goodsall, Robert H
Goodsir, Sally
Goodson, H F
Goodstadt, Leo F
Goodway, Eileen
Goodwin, A
Goodwin, A K
Goodwin, Charles H
Goodwin, Dave
Goodwin, G N
Goodwin, H J
Goodwin, Jason
Goodwin, Jonathan
Goodwin, L, & E Beveridge
Goodwin, L, E Beveridge & J H Gorvin
Goodwin, Michael
Goodwin, O H
Goodwin, Paul B
Goodwin, Peter
Goodwyn, A M
Goold, Ian (ed)
Goose, Nigel
Goose, Nigel (ed)
Goose, Nigel, & Katrina Honeyman (eds)
Goose, Nigel, & Lien Luu (eds)
Gorb, P
Gorb, Peter (ed)
Gordon, Andrew
Gordon, Anne A
Gordon, Bob
Gordon, Charles
Gordon, Colin
Gordon, Donald I
Gordon, Eleanor, & Richard Trainor
Gordon, G A H
Gordon, George
Gordon, Graham
Gordon, J P (ed)
Gordon, John S
Gordon, Lincoln
Gordon, Malcolm R
Gordon, Martin
Gordon, Robert B
Gordon, Thomas C
Gordon, W J
Gore, Ann, & George Carter (eds)
Gore, Elizabeth
Gore, G
Gore, Philip S
Gore, Reginald C B
Gori, Gaston
Goring, J J
Goring, Jeremy
Goring, O G
Gorman, M J
Gorman, Paul
Gorman, W V
Gorski, Richard
Gorsky, Martin
Gorsky, Martin, & Bernard Harris
Gorsky, Martin, & Sally Sheard (eds)
Gorsky, Martin, Bernard Harris & Andrew Hinde
Gorst, Anthony, & Lewis Johnman
Gosden, Peter H J H
Gosling, Gerald
Gosling, Luci
Gosling, Lucinda
Gosney, Ron, & Mike Taylor
Gospel, Howard F
Gospel, Howard F (ed)
Gospel, Howard F, & Craig R Littler (eds)
Gospel, Howard F, & Reiko Okayama
Goss, Edmund W
Goss, Eva A
Goss, James
Goss, M H
Goss, Richard
Gosse, Edmund W, & D Eyles (ed)
Gosson, Peter
Gotch, Adam R
Gotch, Christopher
Gotch, J A
Gotch, J A (ed)
Gotheridge, Ivor
Gotley, Anthony Henniker
Goto, Shigeru
Goto, Shin
Gott, Ron
Gough, Barry M
Gough, Barry M, & Robert J King
Gough, Gordon
Gough, Harold
Gough, John V
Gough, John W
Gough, Paul
Gough, T W
Gough-Yates, Kevin
Gould, Arthur W
Gould, B M
Gould, Charlotte, & Sophie Mesplede (eds)
Gould, David
Gould, Francis
Gould, Frederick J
Gould, Graham, & Peter James
Gould, I Chalkley
Gould, J D
Gould, J J
Gould, Jack
Gould, John H
Gould, Maurice P
Gould, Mervyn
Gould, Mike
Gould, R Pearce
Gould, Robert
Gould, Roger
Gould, Rupert T
Gould, Shane
Gould, William T S, & Alan G Hodgkiss (eds)
Goulden, Richard J
Goundry, Andy
Gourlay, Logan (ed)
Gourvish, Terry
Gourvish, Terry (ed)
Gourvish, Terry, & Kevin Tennent
Gourvish, Terry, & M C Reed
Gourvish, Terry, & Nick Tiratsoo (eds)
Gourvish, Terry, & Richard G Wilson
Gourvish, Terry, with Mike Anson
Gouzévitch, Irina
Govier, Ken, David Proctor, John Spanton & Charles Reynolds
Gow, Bill
Gow, Ian
Gowa, Joanne, & Raymond Hicks
Gowan, James
Gowans, Linda M, & Brian Robinson
Gower, Graham
Gowing, Laura
Gowing, Margaret M
Göran Rydén
Grabham, Oxley
Grace, D R
Grace, D R, & D C Phillips
Grace, Richard J
Grace, Terry
Grade, Lew
Grade, Michael
Gradidge, Roderick
Gradon, W McGowan
Grady, Ian
Grady, Kevin
Graesser, N H
Graesser-Thomas, H W
Graf, Lanie E
Grafton, Peter
Grage, Elsa-Britta
Gragg, Larry
Gragnolati, Ugo, Daniele Moschella & Emanuele Pugliese
Graham, A M
Graham, Aaron
Graham, Alan, Jo Draper & Martin Watts
Graham, Alistair
Graham, Andrew
Graham, Angus
Graham, B
Graham, D S
Graham, David
Graham, Eric J
Graham, Frank M
Graham, George
Graham, Gerald S
Graham, H Howgrave
Graham, J E
Graham, James
Graham, John
Graham, John M
Graham, Joseph
Graham, K A
Graham, Malcolm
Graham, Margaret B W
Graham, Margareth, & Mary O'Sullivan
Graham, Michael
Graham, Oliver
Graham, Patrick L
Graham, Richard
Graham, Roderick
Graham, William
Graham-Leigh, John
Grahame, Alice, & John McKean
Grahame-White, Claude
Grahame-White, Claude, & Harry Harper
Grainger, Hilary J
Grainger, Ian, & Christopher Phillpotts
Grainger, Les
Grampp, William D
Gramstadt, Marie-Therese
Granby, Richard
Grandison, Leonard S
Granelli, Remo
Granger, Arnold
Grant, A G
Grant, A, & D Jemmett
Grant, Alex
Grant, Alexander T K
Grant, Alison E
Grant, Alison E, & Peter Christie
Grant, Alistair
Grant, Alistair, & Angus Patterson
Grant, Allan J
Grant, Ann
Grant, Charles
Grant, Charles T
Grant, David, & Vic Venters
Grant, Donald J
Grant, Eric G
Grant, Francis J (ed)
Grant, Geoffrey L
Grant, Gregor
Grant, Hilda K
Grant, I D
Grant, Isabel F
Grant, James
Grant, Jim, Fred Breingan, Iain A McKenzie & Robert Cowan
Grant, Jonathan A
Grant, Joy
Grant, Kevin P
Grant, Len
Grant, Nigel
Grant, Philip
Grant, R F M
Grant, Robert
Grant, Robert M, & C B Fuller
Grant, Roderick
Grant, William
Grant, Wyn P
Grant, Wyn P, & David Marsh
Grant, Wyn P, William Paterson & Colin Whitson
Grant-Braham, Bruce
Grant-Davidson, W J
Gras, N S B
Grass, John
Grass, Milton N, & Anna M Grass
Grassby, Richard
Grassie, James
Grattan, Patrick
Gratton, D J
Gratton, Robert
Gratton, Robert, & Stuart R Bland
Graue, Jerald C
Graves, Charles
Graves, Charles L
Graves, John G
Graves, Richard
Gravett, K W E, & E S Wood
Gravil, Roger
Gray, A N
Gray, A P, & Mark Abrams
Gray, A Stuart
Gray, Adrian
Gray, Almyra
Gray, Beryl
Gray, Bettye
Gray, David
Gray, Donald
Gray, Edward
Gray, Edward, & Roy Fenton
Gray, Fred
Gray, G D B
Gray, G W R
Gray, George J
Gray, George J, & William M Palmer
Gray, H L
Gray, Imrie E
Gray, J S
Gray, Jane
Gray, John H
Gray, John M
Gray, John R
Gray, Jonathan
Gray, Jonathan (ed)
Gray, L G
Gray, L W
Gray, Leonard
Gray, Leonard, & John Lingwood
Gray, Madelaine, & Prys Morgan (eds)
Gray, Malcolm
Gray, Michael
Gray, Milner
Gray, Paul, Malcolm Keeley & John Seale
Gray, Robert
Gray, Robert A S
Gray, S J, & M C McDermott
Gray, Sarah
Gray, St George
Gray, Stuart
Gray, Ted
Gray, Todd
Gray, Todd (ed)
Gray, Todd, et al
Gray, Tony
Gray, Valerie
Gray, Victor
Gray, Victor, & Melanie Aspey
Gray, Victor, & Melanie Aspey (eds)
Gray, William F
Gray-Jones, A
Grayer, Jeffery
Grayling, Christopher
Grayson, John
Grayson, Richard S
Grayson, Ruth, with Ken Hawley
Greasley, David
Greasley, David, & Les Oxley
Greasley, Stephen
Greatbatch, M L, & P J Mercer
Greatorex, Christopher
Greatorex, Jane
Greatrex, Nan
Greaves, J M
Greaves, John N
Greaves, Julian
Greaves, Justin M
Greaves, Margaret
Greaves, Tony
Greed, John, & Helen Blackman (ed)
Green, A M
Green, A R
Green, A T
Green, Abigail
Green, Adrian, & Barbara Crosbie (eds)
Green, Alan C O
Green, Alan H J
Green, Albert P
Green, Arthur G
Green, Brigid G
Green, C F
Green, Charles
Green, Chris
Green, Chris, & Mike Vincent
Green, Colin
Green, Daniel
Green, David B
Green, David R
Green, David R, & Alastair Owens
Green, David R, Alastair Owens, Josephine Maltby & Janette Rutterford
Green, David, Douglas Brown, Kathleen McIlvenna & Nicola Shelton
Green, E M
Green, E R R
Green, Edwin
Green, Edwin, & Michael Moss
Green, Edwin, & Sara Kinsey
Green, Edwin, John Lampe & Franco Stiblar (eds)
Green, Emanuel
Green, Ewen H H
Green, Felicity, with Sinty Stemp
Green, Francis
Green, Frederick J
Green, G H, & M W Green
Green, Geoff
Green, Geoffrey
Green, Geoffrey L
Green, George E
Green, Georgina
Green, Henry E
Green, Henry, & Robert Wigram
Green, Herbert
Green, Hilary
Green, Ian, & Kate Peters
Green, J L
Green, Jen
Green, Jennifer, Philip Ollerenshaw & Peter Wardley
Green, John Barsham
Green, Joseph J (ed)
Green, M H
Green, M J
Green, M J, & Jim Compton
Green, Malcolm
Green, Martin, & Michael Jeffs
Green, Maureen
Green, Michael
Green, Mike, Stephen Green & Peter Cox
Green, Miles
Green, Oliver
Green, Oliver, & Jeremy Rewse-Davies
Green, Oliver, & John Reed
Green, Philip R
Green, Richard, & Des Jones
Green, Rod
Green, Roger, & David Lewis
Green, Ronnie, & Dawn Castle-Green
Green, Roy, & Jonathan Brown with T A B Corley
Green, S M B
Green, Samuel G
Green, Susan E, & Jonathan Wilshere
Green, Timothy
Green, Tom
Green, Walter S
Green, William A
Green, William, jun
Greenall, R L
Greenaway, A J, et al
Greenaway, John R
Greenberg, Dolores
Greenberg, Michael
Greene, Betty
Greene, Dorothy
Greene, Hugh
Greene, J Patrick
Greene, Jody
Greene, John
Greene, Martin R
Greene, R Stewart
Greener, Graham
Greener, James
Greener, Rosemary C
Greener, Thomas
Greenfield, David J
Greenfield, Jill
Greenfield, May
Greenhalf, Jim
Greenhalgh, H
Greenhalgh, Paul
Greenhalgh, Peter A L
Greenhall, Matthew R
Greenhill, Basil
Greenhill, Basil, & Michael Nix
Greenhill, Peter, & Brian Reynolds
Greenhill, Robert G
Greenhill, Robert G, & Rory Miller
Greening, Alan
Greening, Anna
Greening, Edward O
Greening, John
Greenland, Maureen
Greenland, Maureen, & Russ Day
Greenlaw, Joanna
Greenlees, Janet E
Greenman, Duncan, John Heaven & Chris Powell
Greenough, G B
Greenough, Mary
Greenslade, M W
Greenslade, M W (ed)
Greenslade, M W, & D A Johnson
Greenslade, M W, & Nigel J Tringham
Greenslade, Roy
Greensted, Mary
Greensted, Mary (ed)
Greenstock, Harry
Greenwall, Harry J
Greenwell, Allan
Greenwell, George C, & J McMurtrie
Greenwood, A
Greenwood, Dennis
Greenwood, Enid
Greenwood, George A
Greenwood, Hilary
Greenwood, Jeremy
Greenwood, Joan
Greenwood, John
Greenwood, John E
Greenwood, Joseph
Greenwood, M A
Greenwood, Michael T
Greenwood, Mike
Greenwood, R H, & F H Hawks
Greenwood, Walter
Greer, P E
Greer, Paul
Greeves, Ivan S
Greeves, Oliver N
Greeves, Tom A
Greeves, Tom A, & Phil Newman
Greg, Andrew (ed)
Greg, Eustace
Greg, Robert H
Greg, Walter W
Greg, Walter W, & E Boswell (eds)
Gregg, E S
Gregg, Ian
Gregg, Pauline
Gregor, Mary J F, & Ruth M Crichton
Gregory, Albert T
Gregory, D J
Gregory, D L, & R L Smyth
Gregory, H
Gregory, I
Gregory, J M
Gregory, J W
Gregory, James
Gregory, Kenneth
Gregory, Martin
Gregory, Martyn
Gregory, N H
Gregory, Richard A, et al
Gregory, Roy
Gregory, Sidney
Gregory, Theodore E
Greig, Doreen
Greig, Hannah S
Greisman, M, (ed), & F Harris
Grenter, Stephen
Gresham, Perry E
Gresswell, Fred
Gresty, W B, & W H Score
Gretton, Tom
Greville, Maurice D
Greville, Maurice D, & Geoffrey O Holt
Grew, J A
Grew, W F
Grey, C G
Grey, Edward, & Howard Pease
Grey, Henry M
Grey, J R
Greysmith, Brenda
Greysmith, David
Gribbin, T K
Gribble, Leonard
Gribbon, Harry D
Grice, Leon & Molly
Gridley, J C
Grieg, James
Grier, James A
Grierson, Edward
Grierson, Flora
Grierson, J
Grierson, Janet
Grierson, Mary G
Grieser, Norman J
Griest, Guinevere L
Grieve, Alastair
Grieve, Alexander
Grieves, Keith
Grieves, Kevin
Grieves, Robert
Griffin, Alan R
Griffin, Alan R, & C P Griffin
Griffin, Colin P
Griffin, Emma
Griffin, Eric
Griffin, Francis
Griffin, Gary S
Griffin, J R
Griffin, John D
Griffin, Josiah
Griffin, Leonard
Griffin, Leonard, L K Meisel & S P Meisel
Griffin, Trevor, David Bunting & Brian Key
Griffin, Vivienne M (ed) with Peter Drinkwater & Mairi R Macdonald
Griffin, W C
Griffith, Edward C
Griffith, Eva
Griffith, Margaret
Griffith, Suzanne
Griffiths, A J
Griffiths, Ann
Griffiths, Ann, & Richard Macnutt
Griffiths, Caroline
Griffiths, D G
Griffiths, David
Griffiths, David W
Griffiths, Denis
Griffiths, Denis, Andrew Lambert & Fred Walker
Griffiths, Dennis
Griffiths, Dennis (ed)
Griffiths, E
Griffiths, G R
Griffiths, Gareth
Griffiths, Gareth, & Phil Philo
Griffiths, Harry
Griffiths, Herbert W
Griffiths, Ivor
Griffiths, J H, & Frank Rundle
Griffiths, Jeremy, & Derek Pearsall (eds)
Griffiths, John C
Griffiths, John R
Griffiths, Ken (ed)
Griffiths, Ken, & Mark Steeds
Griffiths, Ken, & Roy Gallop
Griffiths, L
Griffiths, Lynn
Griffiths, Mark
Griffiths, Martin D
Griffiths, Neil
Griffiths, Percival J
Griffiths, R G
Griffiths, R Pyrs, with C T Goode
Griffiths, Ralph A
Griffiths, Richard
Griffiths, Robert J
Griffiths, Samuel
Griffiths, Sarah J
Griffiths, T A Q
Griffiths, Thomas
Griffiths, Tim
Griffiths, Trevor
Griffiths, Trevor, Philip A Hunt & Patrick K O'Brien
Griffiths, W A
Grifiths, Ieuan Ll
Grigg, Jocelyn
Grigg, Richard
Grigor, Murray, & Richard Murphy
Griliches, Zvi
Grima, Andrew
Grimbaldeston, John
Grime, Keith
Grimes, Wilfred W
Grimes, Wilfred W & Patrick Strange
Grimley, Roger
Grimsdale, Peter
Grimshaw, Peter N
Grimwade, Arthur G
Grindell, Derek W
Grindley, L
Grindon, Leo H
Grinling, Charles H
Grinling, Charles H, with H V Borley et al
Grinsell, L V
Grinyer, P H, & J C Spender
Gripaios, Hector
Griscom, John
Groat, William
Grobel, Monica C
Groenewold, Harm Jan
Grof, Laszlo L
Grogg, Ann H
Groombridge, Margaret J
Gross, Charles
Gross, Joseph (ed)
Gross, R O
Grosse, Philip
Grosset, L
Grossman, Richard S
Grossman, Richard S, & Masami Imai
Grosso, Ireneo, & Guy Thompson
Grossu, M
Grove, G F
Grove, J W
Grove, Richard
Grover, Philip
Groves, F P
Groves, J W P, & G Keith
Groves, Peter
Grubb, Isabel
Grudgings, Steve
Grudgings, Steve, & Peter Tymkow
Gruenbacher, Armin
Gruffydd, K L
Grumbridge, Jack L
Grundy, Anthony G
Grundy, L R
Grundy, Pat
Grundy, Tom
Gruneberg, S L
Grylls, Michael, & John Redwood
Guagnini, Anna
Guard, John
Guback, Thomas H
Gubbins, Martin
Gudenian, John
Gudgin, A
Guegan, Michael
Guenault, Paul H, & J M Jackson
Guenther, Louise H
Guerzoni, Guido
Guest, David, & Alex Bryson
Guest, John
Guest, Revel, & Angela V John
Guest, Richard
Guidi-Bruscoli, Francesco
Guilcher, Goulven
Guild, A E
Guilding, M A
Guillen, Mauro, & A Tschoegl
Guillery, Peter
Guillery, Peter (ed)
Guillery, Peter, & Paul Pattison
Guilley, Geoff
Guinnane, Timothy W, Ron Harris & Naomi R Lamoreaux
Guinness, Edward
Guinness, Edward, & David Hughes (ed)
Guinness, John
Guinness, Jonathan
Guinness, Michele
Guinness, Patrick
Guise, Barry, & Pam Brook
Guise, H
Guiseppi, Montague S
Guldi, Joanne
Gull, E M
Gulland, Peter
Gullick, G F W R
Gulliver, Claire (ed)
Gulliver, Mervyn
Gulshan, Helenka
Gulvin, Clifford
Gulvin, Clifford (ed)
Gummer, R H
Gunasena, Diana
Gunn, Cathy
Gunn, Fenja
Gunn, John (ed)
Gunn, R P
Gunnell, D
Gunner, Keith, & Mike Kennard
Gunning, C A
Gunston, Bill
Gunston, Henry
Gunter, Maurice
Gunther, R T (ed)
Gupta, Brijen, K
Gurd, Eric
Gurnett, Peter A T
Gurney, Goldsworthy
Gurney, Peter J
Gurney-Read, Joyce
Gurnham, Richard
Gurnmer, R H
Gurr, Duncan, & Julian Hunt (eds)
Gurushina, Natalia
Guscott, S J
Guthrie, Bret
Guthrie, Clive
Guthrie, James
Guthrie, John
Gutteridge, H C
Gutteridge, Peter
Guttery, David R
Guttridge, H C
Guttridge, Roger
Gutzke, David W
Gutzke, David W (ed)
Guy, Andy, & Frank Atkinson
Guy, Andy, & Jim Rees
Guy, Andy, & Jim Rees (eds)
Guy, Anthony E
Guy, Isabel
Guy, John A
Guy, John C
Gwilliam, D, R Macve & G Meeks
Gwilliam, Ken M
Gwilliam, R C
Gwyn, David
Gwyn, David (ed)
Gwyn-Smith, Sid
Gwyn-Smith, Sid B
Gwyn-Smith, Sid B, & Georgina Grant
Gwynn, D R, P R Reynolds & H R Warren
Gwynn, Robin D
Gyford, Janet
Haagen, P H
Haas, Charles, & John P Eaton
Haas, James M
Habakkuk, H John
Haber, Ludwig F
Haberly, Loyd
Haberman, Steven
Habershon, M H, & F W Hardwick
Habgood, Wendy (ed)
Habib, Vanessa
Hacche, Graham, & Christopher Taylor (eds)
Hack, Ann Grimble
Hack, Mary B
Hackamack, Paul E
Hacker, C L
Hackett, Dennis
Hackett, J & A M
Hackett, Sarah E
Hacking, Barbara
Hackman, Gill
Hackman, M D
Hackman, Rowan M B H
Hackmann, Willem D
Hackney, Fiona A S
Hackney, Roderick P
Hackwood, Frederick W
Hacquebord, Louwrens, Frits Steenhuisen & Huib Waterbolk
Haddleton, Marie E
Haddock, Joan
Haddon, Archibald
Haddon-Riddoch, Stuart
Haden, Donald
Haden, Harry Jack
Hadfield, Alice M
Hadfield, Ben
Hadfield, Charles
Hadfield, Charles, & A W Skempton
Hadfield, Charles, & Gordon Biddle
Hadfield, David W
Hadfield, John
Hadfield, Miles
Hadfield, Miles, Robert Harling & Leonie Highton
Hadfield, Robert
Hadland, Tony
Hadland, Tony, & John Pinkerton
Hadley, Chris
Hadley, D W
Hadley, Guy
Hadley, Peter (ed)
Hadley, William W
Hafter, G
Hagen, Anne M
Hagen, Antje
Hagen, John
Hagen, John, & Michael P Fox
Hagen, June S
Haggar, Arthur L, & Leonard F Miller
Haggar, Reginald G
Haggar, Reginald G, & Elizabeth Adams
Haggar, Reginald G, Arnold R Mountford & J Thomas
Haggarty, G R
Hagger, D F
Hagger, Henry
Haggerty, John, & Sheryllynne Haggerty
Haggerty, Sheryllynne
Haggerty, Sheryllynne, & Susanne Seymour
Haggerty, Sheryllynne, et al (eds)
Haggis, A W
Hague, Douglas C
Hague, Douglas C, & Geoffrey Wilkinson
Hague, Douglas C, et al
Haig, Robert L
Haigh, A
Haigh, A J
Haigh, Bernard
Haigh, Diane
Haigh, James, & Christine Haigh
Haigh, K R
Haigh, Michael, & David Woolgrove
Haight, Gordon S
Hailstone, Charles
Hailwood, Mike
Haine, Charles R
Haines, Frederick H
Haines, H J
Haines, Joe
Haines, Michael
Haines, Richard
Haining, Peter
Hainsworth, D R, & Cherry Walker (eds)
Hainsworth, David R
Hainsworth, David R (ed)
Hair, Paul E H
Hair, T H
Hajdamach, Charles R
Hajdamach, Charles R, & Sue Comber
Hajducki, Andrew, Mike Jodeluk & Alan Simpson
Hakewill, W R H [Bob]
Halahan, Brenda C
Halasz, Nicholas
Halbert, Jade
Haldane, A R B
Haldane, Graeme
Haldane, H W
Haldane, Robert
Hale, Lesley
Hale, Lionel
Hale, Michael
Hale, Peter
Halen, Widar
Halford, V A
Halford-Macleod, Guy
Halfpenny, E
Halfpenny, P A
Halfpenny, P A (ed)
Hall, A E
Hall, A R, & B A Bembridge
Hall, Alan R
Hall, Alex M
Hall, Barrie
Hall, Bertha
Hall, Brian
Hall, Charles C
Hall, Chris
Hall, D
Hall, D W
Hall, David J
Hall, Dorothy V
Hall, E Hepple
Hall, F R
Hall, Fred
Hall, Fred, & George A Taylor
Hall, Fred, & William P Watkins
Hall, G W
Hall, G W (ed)
Hall, George W
Hall, Graham C
Hall, H
Hall, I V
Hall, Ivan
Hall, James
Hall, John
Hall, John W
Hall, Jonathan
Hall, Lesley A
Hall, Locksley
Hall, M
Hall, Malcolm
Hall, Mary R
Hall, Maximilian
Hall, Melanie
Hall, Michael
Hall, Nicholas H J (ed)
Hall, Nigel
Hall, P P
Hall, P, & H W Locke
Hall, Peter
Hall, Peter A
Hall, Peter G
Hall, Peter, & Colin Brown (eds)
Hall, Philip J
Hall, R D
Hall, R M S
Hall, Ray
Hall, Richard
Hall, Sophy
Hall, Stan
Hall, Stanley
Hall, T Walter
Hall, Thomas W
Hall, Thomas Y
Hall, Tony
Hall, Trevor
Hall, Valerie G
Hall, Vance
Hall, W W
Hallam, Douglas J
Hallam, Edward
Hallam, H E
Hallam, Vic
Hallam, Winfield B
Hallas, Christine S
Hallen, A W Cornelius
Hallett, Anna
Hallett, Graham, & Peter J Randall
Hallett, Mary E J
Hallett, Michael
Hallett, Michael (ed)
Hallett, William H
Halley, James R L
Halley, Ned
Halliday, A J
Halliday, Fred
Halliday, Nigel Vaux
Halliday, Robert S
Halliday, Stephen
Halliday, William
Hallows, Martin P F, & David H Smith
Halls, Julie
Halls, Julie, & Allison Martino
Halls, Zillah
Hallsworth, H M
Hallward, Norman L
Halsall, David
Halse, Roger
Halsey, R J
Halson, Penrose
Halstead, Allan
Halstead, Ivor
Halstead, John
Halstead, K A
Halstead, P E
Halstead, R
Halverson, G C
Hamashita, Takeshi
Hambidge, Colin
Hambleton, F C
Hambling, Paul
Hamdorff, David
Hamer, F E (ed)
Hamill, Jonathan
Hamilton, Alastair, Alexander Hide & Maurits Van Den Boogert (eds)
Hamilton, Alastair, et at (eds)
Hamilton, C I (comp)
Hamilton, Catherine
Hamilton, Cuthbert E
Hamilton, Denis
Hamilton, Douglas J
Hamilton, Guy
Hamilton, H
Hamilton, Henry
Hamilton, J A B
Hamilton, J E
Hamilton, J R, & John F Lawrence
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, Keith
Hamilton, Keith, & Patrick Salmon (eds)
Hamilton, Maggie (ed)
Hamilton, Mark
Hamilton, Maurice
Hamilton, Nicola
Hamilton, Nicola (ed)
Hamilton, P B
Hamilton, Polly
Hamilton, Ross
Hamilton, Sheila
Hamilton, Stanley B
Hamilton-Paterson, James
Hamlin, John
Hamlin, Talbot
Hamlyn, Hilda M
Hamlyn, Robert
Hammersley, G F
Hammersley, G F (ed)
Hammersley, Howard, & David Hunt
Hammerton, John A
Hammill, Des, & Brian V W Jenkins
Hammond, C V
Hammond, Fred
Hammond, Geordan, & Peter S Forsaith (eds)
Hammond, Martin
Hammond, Mary, & Shafquat Towheed (eds)
Hammond, Pat
Hammond, Peter J
Hammond, R J
Hammond, Rolt
Hammonde, John L Le B
Hampden, John (ed)
Hampden-Turner, Charles, & Fons Trompenaars
Hampson, C P
Hampson, Cyril G
Hampson, Geoffrey (ed)
Hampson, Mary (ed)
Hampson, Peter W
Hampson, Rodney S
Hampson, Rodney S, & E Hampson
Hampton, Ernest W
Hampton, Mark
Hampton, Mark P
Hamshere, N, & J Sutton
Hanaford, Phebe A
Hanashiro, Roy S
Hanawalt, Barbara A
Hanbury, J C
Hancher, Michael
Hancock, Celia, & M J T Lewis
Hancock, David
Hancock, David (ed)
Hancock, E T
Hancock, H E
Hancock, Harold B, & Norman B Wilkinson
Hancock, Laurie W J
Hancock, Malcolm
Hancock, Thomas
Hancock, W K, & Margaret M Gowing
Hancock, Walter
Hancocks, Harold
Hancox, Hughie
Hancox, T W
Hancox, T W (ed)
Handford, Michael
Handley, Brian M, & R Dingwall
Handover, Phyllis M
Hands, Roger, & Joan Hands
Hands, Thorna
Handy, Jim, & M D Kirkpatrick
Hanedar, Avni Onder
Hanham, Alison
Hanham, Alison (ed)
Hankey, Thomas
Hanlon, William W
Hann, Andrew
Hann, Andrew, & Jon Stobart
Hann, Andrew, et al
Hann, Danny
Hann, M A
Hann, M A, & K Powers
Hanna, J M
Hannah, A R
Hannah, G W
Hannah, Leslie
Hannah, Leslie (ed)
Hannah, Leslie, & James Foreman-Peck
Hannah, Leslie, & John A Kay
Hannah, Rosemary
Hannavy, John
Hannavy, John, & Chris Ryan
Hannay, Robin
Hannay, Robin, & Stuart Fergus Broatch
Hanneford-Smith, William
Hanrahan, David C
Hansard, James, & Luke G Hansard
Hanscombe, Gillian E, & Andrew Lumsden
Hansen, Ann N
Hansen, Joan Maria
Hansen, Philip
Hansen, Viveka, & Lars Hansen & Silvester Mazzarella (eds)
Hansford, Frederick E
Hanson , A H
Hanson, David
Hanson, Eric H
Hanson, Harry
Hanson, J J
Hanson, James
Hanson, John
Hanson, John L
Hanson, Michael
Hanson, Michael (ed)
Hanson, Noel
Hanson, S D
Hanson, Simon G
Hanson, Stuart
Hanson, T W
Hanway, Jonas
Hao, Yen-p'ing
Happs, M
Haque, B M R
Harbour, Christine
Harbron, Dudley
Harcourt, Freda
Harcourt, Keith
Harcup, Tony
Hard, Arnold H
Hardach, Gerd
Hardaker, Alfred
Hardcastle, David (pseud)
Hardcastle, Francesca
Hardie, C
Hardie, David W F
Hardie, David W F, & J Davidson Pratt
Hardie, Elspeth
Hardie, Martin
Hardie, Steven J L
Hardill, Irene
Hardiman, Alan
Harding, Albert W
Harding, C W
Harding, Colin
Harding, Graham
Harding, Harold
Harding, Herbert
Harding, J T
Harding, John
Harding, John S
Harding, P J
Harding, Peter A
Harding, Phillip
Harding, Robin A, & Arthur Bullman
Harding, Rosomond E M
Harding, Thomas
Harding, Vanessa
Harding, Vanessa, & Laura Wright (eds)
Harding, Vanessa, & Priscilla Metcalf
Hardinge, G N
Hardingham, Roger
Hardisty, John
Hardisty, Owen
Hardman, David
Hardman, W
Hardstaff, R E
Hardstaff, Robert, & Philip Lyth
Hardwick, Charles
Hardwick, David
Hardwicke, Glyn
Hardy, Anne
Hardy, Charles E
Hardy, Chris E
Hardy, Clive
Hardy, Frank
Hardy, George
Hardy, George, & Charles E Lee (ed)
Hardy, Graham
Hardy, John
Hardy, Peter L, & P Jacques
Hardy, Richard H N
Hardy, Robert J
Hardy, Robert S
Hardy, S H
Hardy, S M
Hardy, William E
Hardy, William M
Hardyment, Christina
Hare, Anthony E C
Hare, Augustus J C
Hare, John N
Hare, John N, & Winifred A Harwood
Hare, Paul R
Hare, Steve (ed)
Hare, Susan
Hare, Susan (ed)
Hare, T Bernard
Haresnape, Brian
Harford, Ian
Hargest, George E
Hargrave, Andrew
Hargrave, Emily, & William B Crump
Hargrave, James
Hargrave, John
Hargrave, Roy K
Hargraves, Ian
Hargreaves, Benjamin
Hargreaves, E L, & Margaret M Gowing
Hargreaves, Peter
Hargreaves, R
Hargreaves, Robert J
Hargreaves, T
Hargrove, C
Harker, Ronald W
Harkness, Peter
Harlaftis, Gelina, & John Theotokas
Harlan, Robert D
Harler, C R
Harley, Basil
Harley, C Knick
Harley, J A G
Harley, John B
Harley, John B, & E A Stuart
Harley, Percy
Harley, R D
Harley, Robert J
Harley, Rosamond D
Harley, Susan
Harling, Robert, et al
Harlow, Christopher
Harlow, Irma S
Harlow, Jonathan A S
Harlow, Jonathan A S (ed)
Harlow, Vincent T
Harman, Fred W
Harman, Ken
Harman, Ruth
Harnack, E P
Harnes, Peter H G
Harnetty, Peter
Harper Smith, A, & T Harper Smith
Harper, Charles G
Harper, Douglas
Harper, Duncan
Harper, Edith K
Harper, Jean
Harper, John D
Harper, John M
Harper, Lawrence A
Harper, Marjory
Harper, Martin
Harper, Michael, & Barbara Shackley
Harper, Norman
Harper, Richard, & Gordon Rushton
Harper, Roger H
Harper, Roy
Harper, Sue, & Vincent Porter
Harper, V
Harper, Victoria
Harper, William T
Harpham, Rex
Harpur, Caldwell
Harr, Luther
Harrap, George G
Harries, John G
Harries, P H G
Harrington, D W
Harrington, M (ed)
Harrington, Ralph
Harris N H
Harris, A
Harris, A P
Harris, Alan
Harris, Alan, & Ronald B Davis
Harris, Alexandra
Harris, Alfred, & D Blake (ed)
Harris, Andrew D (ed)
Harris, Anita
Harris, Bernard, Martin Gorsky, Aravinda M Guntupalli & Andrew Hinde
Harris, Bob
Harris, Brian
Harris, C J
Harris, C J, & Brian D Inkpen
Harris, C W J
Harris, C W, & S Richards
Harris, Chauncy D
Harris, Chris
Harris, Clive
Harris, Clive (ed)
Harris, Colin
Harris, Ed
Harris, Edward
Harris, Edwin P
Harris, Eileen
Harris, Ellen T
Harris, Emma
Harris, F J T
Harris, F R, & C W J Simons (eds)
Harris, Gareth
Harris, George F
Harris, Harold
Harris, Harriet
Harris, Harry
Harris, Helen
Harris, Helen, & Monica Ellis
Harris, J R
Harris, J R (ed)
Harris, J R, & B L Anderson
Harris, J R, & R O Roberts
Harris, J Rendel (ed)
Harris, J, & P Howe
Harris, James R (ed)
Harris, Jennifer
Harris, Joan
Harris, John
Harris, John, & Michael Snodin (eds)
Harris, John, et al
Harris, Jose
Harris, Jose, & Pat Thane
Harris, Judy
Harris, Keith
Harris, L E
Harris, L Roy F
Harris, Len
Harris, Len, with John langham
Harris, Leonard
Harris, M I
Harris, Martin, & Victoria Wegg-Prosser
Harris, Martin, & Victoria Wegg-Prosser
Harris, Mary D
Harris, Max
Harris, Michael
Harris, Michael (ed)
Harris, Michael R A
Harris, Michael R A, & Alan Lee (eds)
Harris, Michael R A, et al
Harris, Nathaniel
Harris, Nigel
Harris, Nigel G, & Ernest Godward
Harris, Nigel S
Harris, Penelope
Harris, Peter
Harris, Peter M
Harris, Philip R
Harris, R
Harris, Richard I D
Harris, Richard T
Harris, Richard, & John Moffat
Harris, Robert
Harris, Roger
Harris, Ron
Harris, Ron, & Naomi R Lamoreaux
Harris, S
Harris, Shirley
Harris, Sim
Harris, Stanley
Harris, Stanley A
Harris, Stanley A, & T C Barker
Harris, Steve
Harris, Steven
Harris, T R
Harris, William B
Harrison, A
Harrison, A D
Harrison, A E
Harrison, A J
Harrison, Ada
Harrison, Albert
Harrison, B J D
Harrison, B J D, & G Dixon (eds)
Harrison, Barbara
Harrison, Brett
Harrison, Brian
Harrison, Brian, & Barrie Trinder
Harrison, C J
Harrison, Cecil R & H G
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles (ed)
Harrison, D F
Harrison, Daniel
Harrison, David
Harrison, Gabriel
Harrison, Geoffrey
Harrison, George
Harrison, Godfrey
Harrison, Godfrey P
Harrison, Ian, & Pat Hammond
Harrison, Jackie
Harrison, James
Harrison, Jennifer
Harrison, John
Harrison, John F C
Harrison, John K
Harrison, John K, & A Harrison
Harrison, Leslie
Harrison, Mark
Harrison, Martin
Harrison, Michael
Harrison, Miles
Harrison, Molly
Harrison, Mona C
Harrison, Nigel G
Harrison, P Lindley
Harrison, Paul
Harrison, Peter
Harrison, R S
Harrison, Richard S
Harrison, Richard T
Harrison, Rowles
Harrison, S
Harrison, Samuel E
Harrison, W
Harrison, William
Harrison-Barbet, Anthony
Harriss, G L
Harrod, Robin
Harrod, Tanya
Harrop, Dorothy A
Harrop, Jeffrey
Harrop, Josephine
Harrower, John
Hart, Anthony
Hart, Brian
Hart, Clive W
Hart, Cyril E
Hart, Emma, & Cathy Matson
Hart, Francis R
Hart, Harold W
Hart, Ian
Hart, Ivor B
Hart, P E
Hart, Peter E, & Roger Clarke
Hart, Peter E, M A Utton & G Walshe
Hart, Richard
Hart, Ronald J D'Arcy
Hart, Rosine
Hart, Rosine, & Geoff Timmins
Hart, Tom
Hart, Vaughan
Hart, W A
Hart, William H
Hart-Davis, Adam, & Emily Troscianko
Hart-Davis, Duff
Hart-Dyke, Zoe
Hartcup, Guy
Harte, G, & R Macve
Harte, Negley B
Harte, Negley B (ed)
Harte, Negley B, & Kenneth G Ponting (eds)
Hartland, David
Hartland, G C J
Hartland, Henry
Hartland, J W, & K Davies
Hartland, Stephen
Hartley, C E
Hartley, Charles W S
Hartley, F, & J Dickinson
Hartley, Frank
Hartley, Harold T
Hartley, Ian
Hartley, J A G
Hartley, J B
Hartley, K E
Hartley, K E, & R N Redman (ed)
Hartley, Keith
Hartley, Marie, & Joan Ingilby
Hartley, Marie, et al (eds)
Hartley, Michael
Hartley, Nicholas
Hartley, Peter
Hartley, Robert F
Hartley, Sarah
Hartley, Susan, & Pompi Parry
Hartley, W
Hartley, W C E
Hartley, W P
Hartley, William M
Hartmann, Cyril H
Hartnell, Norman
Hartnett, Laurence
Hartog, Simon
Hartop, Christopher
Hartree, R S (ed)
Hartree, Richard
Hartridge, R J
Hartwell, Clare
Hartwell, Clare, & Terry Wyke (eds)
Hartwell, Lord
Hartwell, R M
Harvey, Adrian
Harvey, Alfred S
Harvey, B S (ed)
Harvey, Ben
Harvey, Bill, & Ray Solly
Harvey, Brian W
Harvey, Charles
Harvey, Charles (ed)
Harvey, Charles, & John F Wilson
Harvey, Charles, & John Turner (eds)
Harvey, Charles, & Jon Press
Harvey, Charles, & Jon Press (eds)
Harvey, Charles, & Peter Taylor
Harvey, Charles, Jon Press & Mairi Maclean
Harvey, Chris
Harvey, David
Harvey, David J
Harvey, Edward
Harvey, Ian
Harvey, John B
Harvey, John H
Harvey, John, & Arthur Oswald (eds)
Harvey, Mark
Harvey, Michael
Harvey, Mike
Harvey, P D A
Harvey, Robert
Harvey, Russell
Harvey, Sheila
Harvey, Sheila (ed)
Harvey, Wallace
Harvey, William
Harvey, William A
Harvey, William J
Harvey, William J, & P J Telford
Harvey, William S
Harvey, William S, & G Downs-Rose
Harvey-Bailey, Alec
Harvey-Bailey, Alec, & Dave Piggott
Harvey-Bailey, Alec, & Michael Evans
Harvey-Jones, John
Harvie, Christopher
Harvie, Christopher, & Stephen Maxwell
Harvie, D I
Harwich, N L
Harwood, Elain
Harwood, Elain, & Alan Powers
Harwood, H W
Harwood, John J
Harwood, Winifred A
Harwood, Winifred A (ed)
Haselfoot, A J
Haselgrove, Dennis C, & John Murray (eds)
Hasenson, Alec
Hashemi, Bobby & Sahar
Haskell, Hugh
Haskell, Tony
Haskins, Charles H
Haskins, Katherine
Haslam, Bob
Haslam, James
Haslam, Malcolm
Haslam, Mike, & G B Berrigan (ed)
Haslam, Richard
Haslam, William H, & F E Morris
Haslem, John
Hassan, John A
Hassan, John A, & E R Wilson
Hassan, John A, & Peter Taylor
Hassan, Walter, & Graham Robson
Hassell, Jeromy
Hasson, Gerald
Hastewell, C
Hastings, Clare
Hastings, J J H
Hastings, Patrick
Hastings, R P
Hatch, Frederick H
Hatch, S, & M Fores
Hatchard, David
Hatcher, C J
Hatcher, Jane
Hatcher, John
Hatcher, John, & T C Barker
Hatcher, William J
Hateley, Roger
Hatfield, John, & Julia Hatfield
Hatley, Victor A
Hatley, Victor A, & Joseph Rajczonek
Hatton, A
Hatton, Joseph
Hatton, R
Hatton, T J
Hatton, Timothy J, & Roy E Bailey
Hatton, W H B
Hattrick, Jane
Haughton, Brian
Haughton, Philippa
Hausman, William J
Hausman, William J, Peter Hertner & Mira Wilkins
Hausmann, William J, & Barry T Hirsch
Havenhand, Greville
Haveron, Francis
Havers, Richard
Havill, Elizabeth A
Havill, John
Havilland, Charlotte (ed)
Havinden, Ashley
Havinden, Michael A
Havinden, Michael, Richard Hollis et al
Haward, Winifred I
Hawcroft, Francis W
Hawes, Richard
Hawgood, Rod, & Gary Spendlove
Hawke, F G, & W C Hosken
Hawke, Gary R
Hawke, Gary R, & M C Reed
Hawke, Gary, & Jim Higgins
Hawke, John M, with J C Williamson
Hawker, Brian, & Howard Stevens
Hawker, George
Hawker, H E
Hawker, Heather D
Hawker, Muriel
Hawkes, Arthur
Hawkes, Caroline
Hawkes, Dean
Hawkes, Dean (ed)
Hawkes, G I
Hawkes, Irene
Hawkes, S M
Hawkes, William (ed)
Hawkey, Arthur
Hawkings, David T
Hawkins, Chris, & George Reeve
Hawkins, Clifford
Hawkins, David J
Hawkins, Derek
Hawkins, Desmond
Hawkins, Duncan, et al
Hawkins, H Charles
Hawkins, J B
Hawkins, James
Hawkins, Jennifer
Hawkins, Jennifer, & Marianne Hollis (eds)
Hawkins, John W
Hawkins, Kevin H
Hawkins, Kevin H, & Christopher L Pass
Hawkins, Mac
Hawkins, Margaret
Hawkins, Michael
Hawkins, Michael, & Roger Grimley
Hawkins, Paul
Hawkins, R N P
Hawkins, Richard A
Hawkley, L J
Hawksley, Joseph
Hawley, K
Hawley, Kathleen C
Haworth, John S
Haworth, Lionel
Haworth, Mr
Haworth, Victoria
Haworth-Booth, Mark
Haworth-Booth, Mark, & G Tremlow
Haws, Duncan
Haws, Duncan, with Stephen Rabson
Hawson, H Keeble
Hawthorne, Edward P
Hawtrey, David
Haxby, David, & John Malden
Haxhaj, Emma
Hay Davidson, Ian
Hay, Daniel
Hay, Geoffrey D
Hay, Helen, & Dave Fordham
Hay, Ian
Hay, J R
Hay, John M
Hay, N (ed)
Hay, Peter
Hay, Roy
Haybittle, J
Haycock, David B, & Patrick Wallis (eds)
Haycock, Lorna
Hayden, Arthur H
Haydon, Peter
Haydu, Jeffrey
Hayek, F A (ed)
Hayes, Angela
Hayes, Anne
Hayes, Cliff
Hayes, David
Hayes, Derek
Hayes, Geoffrey
Hayes, Gwilym G L
Hayes, L W, & B N McLarty
Hayes, Mick
Hayes, P A
Hayes, R H, & J G Rutter
Hayes, Russell
Hayfield, Colin
Hayhurst, J D
Hayman, Alfred
Hayman, Leslie C R
Hayman, Richard
Hayman, Richard, & Wendy Horton
Hayman, Ronald
Hayman, Roy
Haynes, Alan
Haynes, Ian
Haynes, John
Haynes, Megan
Haynes, Nick
Haynes, Walter
Haynes, William W
Haynes-Thomas, Gwyneth M
Hays, Samuel
Haysom, Treleven
Hayter, Don
Hayter, George
Hayter, Teresa, & David Harvey (eds)
Haythornthwaite, J A
Hayton, Dudley
Hayton, Susan J
Hayward, Alan
Hayward, Alexander
Hayward, Allyson
Hayward, David
Hayward, David, & Alan Earnshaw
Hayward, Helena
Hayward, Helena, & Pat Kirkham
Hayward, John F
Hayward, Keith
Hayward, L C, & R W McDowall
Hayward, Leslie, & Paul Atterbury (ed)
Hayward, Maria
Hayward, R J
Hayward, Ronald A
Hayward, Tim, & Alison Wright
Hayward, William
Haywood, Peter
Hazbun, Waleed
Hazelgrove, Dennis
Hazell, Quinton
Hazell, R F
Hazell, Ralph C
Hazell, Stanley
Hazell, W
Hazlewood, Arthur
Hazlitt, W Carew
Hazzlewood, John
Hazzlewood, T
Head, Alice M
Head, Francis Bond
Head, Frederick W, & Melvyn Thompson
Head, George
Head, Glenn, & Danny Howell
Head, J
Head, Peter
Head, Robert
Head, Victor
Head, W J, & W Carrington
Head, W Wilfred
Headrick, Daniel R
Headrick, Daniel R, & Pascal Griset
Heal, Ambrose
Heal, Ambrose, & Edith Heal
Heal, Christopher J
Heal, David W
Heal, O S
Heal, Oliver S
Heald, Henrietta
Heald, Tim
Healey, Andrew
Healey, Donald
Healey, Donald, & Tommy Wisdom
Healey, Edna
Healey, Geoffrey
Healey, Keith
Healey, M
Healey, Pamela R, & E M Rawstron
Healey, R M
Healey, R M (ed)
Healey, Tim
Healy, Simon
Heaney, George
Heap, Christine J
Heap, Christine J, & John van Riemsdijk
Heape, R Grundy
Heard, Archie
Heard, Nigel
Heard, Roland A B
Hearn, Chester G
Hearn, J Rudland
Hearn, Marcus, & Alan Barnes
Hearn, Mona
Hearne, John M (ed)
Hearse, George S
Heath, Anthony J
Heath, B K
Heath, Cyril
Heath, Frederick B
Heath, H Frank, & A L Hetherington
Heath, Hilarie J
Heath, John B
Heath, John E
Heath, Mike
Heath, Peter
Heath, Peter, & Alan Hunt with Anita Hayes & Ruth Hooper (eds)
Heathcote, Bernard, & Pauline Heathcote
Heathcote, Chris
Heathcote, Edwin
Heathcote, J A
Heathcote, J R
Heathcote, Roy
Heather, Chris
Heather, T W
Heather, T W (ed)
Heathorn, Stephen
Heatley, W R
Heaton, Brian H
Heaton, D A
Heaton, Edmund R
Heaton, Herbert
Heaton, Herbert (ed)
Heaton, Joe
Heaton, Paul
Heaton, Ralph
Heavisides, Henry
Hebden, C Donald
Hebditch, Max
Hebdon, Godfrey
Heboitch, Stephen
Hecht, Ann
Heckethorn, C W
Heckford, Brian
Heckscher, M
Heddle, R G
Hedgcock, Murray
Hedges, Alfred A C
Hedges, Carolyn, & Mungo Park (ed)
Hedges, David
Hedges, J A
Hedley, Alison
Hedley, Iain, & Ian Scott
Hedley, William P, & C Roy Hudleston
Heeley, Anne, & Mary Vidal
Heeley, J
Heer, Jean
Heerding, A
Heesom, A J
Heffer, Philip, & John H Trounson (ed)
Heffer, Sidney
Heffernan, Hilary
Hegan, H J
Hegarty, John
Heginbottom, J A
Heilbron, Peter
Heilpern, Gisela
Heim, Carol E
Hein, Leonard W
Heindel, Richard H
Heinemann, William
Heinrich, Anselm
Hejeebu, Santhi
Heley, Gwendolynn
Helfand, William H
Helland, Janice
Heller, Michael
Heller, Michael, & Aidan Kelly
Heller, Michael, & Bernadette Kamleitner
Hellinga, Lotte
Hellman, C D
Hellyer, Bertram
Helm, David P
Helm, Dieter
Helm, Elijah
Helm, Martin
Helme, Deborah
Helmers, Christian, & Mark Rogers
Helmreich, Anne
Helmreich, Anne, & Ysanne Holt
Helps, Arthur
Helps, Douglas H
Helps, Mike, & Chris Helps
Helsey, M
Hembry, Phyllis
Hemelryk, Paul E J
Hemingway, Guy Y
Hemingway, Jean
Hemingway, John
Hemingway, Joseph
Hemingway, Peter
Hemmeon, Joseph C
Hemming, Brian
Hemming, J, & N Thurley (eds)
Hemming, William T
Hemmings, P
Hemmings, William, et al
Hempstead, C A
Hempstead, C A (ed)
Hemsley, I W Botting
Hemsley, J D C
Henaman, Marjorie O
Henderson, A J
Henderson, Albert
Henderson, Anthony, & Sarah R Palmer
Henderson, Charles, & Henry Coates
Henderson, Christopher G
Henderson, George G
Henderson, Hubert D
Henderson, J
Henderson, John A (ed)
Henderson, John T
Henderson, John W
Henderson, P L
Henderson, Philip
Henderson, R G
Henderson, Sam, & Peter Drummond
Henderson, Stan, & Ken Royall
Henderson, Thomas
Henderson, W O
Henderson, W O (ed)
Henderson, W O, & W H Chaloner
Hendrix, Paul
Hendry, John
Hendry, John, et al
Hendry, Robert B
Hendy, David
Hendy, John
Hendy, John, & Miles Cowsill
Heneghan, F D
Hengi, B I, & Neil Lewis
Henham, Brian
Henley, Andrew
Henley, Darren, & Daryl Easlea (eds)
Henley, William, et al
Henn, Karl
Hennart, Jean-Francois
Hennessey, Roger A S
Hennessy, Alistair
Hennessy, Brian
Hennessy, Brian, & John Hennessy (ed)
Hennessy, Elizabeth
Henney, Alex
Hennigan, William
Henniker, Tony
Henning, G R
Henning, G R, & K Trace
Henriques, Robert D Q
Henriques, Ursula R Q
Henry, Alan
Henry, Barbara A
Henry, Bernard
Henry, Brian (ed)
Henry, Fred
Henry, Geoffrey
Henry, Harry
Henry, J A
Henry, James A
Henry, James A & Harry A Siepmann (ed)
Henry, M
Henry, Nancy
Henry, Nancy, & Cannon Schmitt (eds)
Henry, Teresa
Henry, Thomas
Henrywood, Richard K
Henshall, T A S
Henshaw, Alex
Henshaw, Alfred
Henshaw, D J de Courcy (ed)
Henshaw, David
Henshaw, David, & Peter Henshaw
Henslowe, Philip
Hensman, Howard
Hensman, Ravi
Henson, Gravenor
Henstock, Adrian
Henstock, Adrian (ed)
Henthorn, Frank
Henthorn, Frank (ed)
Henwood, George, & Roger Burt (ed)
Henwood, W J
Hepburn, A C, & B Collins
Hepburn, James
Hepker, Dale B
Hepple, James R
Hepworth, Cecil
Hepworth, David
Heras, Raul Garcia
Herbage, Paul, & Michael Messent
Herbage, Peter F
Herbane, Brahim
Herbert, A P
Herbert, Alfred
Herbert, Charles
Herbert, David
Herbert, Gilbert
Herbert, John
Herbert, Lewis
Herbert, N M
Herbert, N M (ed)
Herbert, Ray
Herbert, Rudi, & Barbara Shackley
Herbert, Stephen, & Luke Mckernan (eds)
Herbert, Tony
Herbert, Tony, & Robert Denis
Herbert, William
Herbert-Hunting, Kate
Hercock, Christine
Hercock, Robert J, & George A Jones
Herd, Harold
Herdman, Jill
Herdman, Rex
Heriz-Smith, Shirley
Herman, Ruth
Hermann, Robin
Herment, Laurent, & Wouter Ronsijn
Hern, Anthony
Hernlund, Patricia
Heron, Alexander
Heron, John
Heron, Robert
Herries, W M
Herrigel, Gary
Herring, I J
Herring, Walter R
Herrmann, Frank
Herson, John D
Hertner, Peter, & Geoffrey Jones (eds)
Hertz, Gerald B
Heseltine, Richard
Heselton, K Yeaman
Hesketh, Everard
Hesketh, Robert
Heskett, John
Heskett, John, & Clive Dilnot (ed)
Hess, Alan
Hess, John P
Hetet, John
Hetherington, Alastair
Hetherington, Alastair (ed)
Hetherington, Gordon
Hetherington, Keith
Heuberger, Georg (ed)
Hewer, Chris
Hewer, R E
Hewett, Roy
Hewins, Ralph
Hewish, John
Hewitson, Chris
Hewitson, Chris (ed)
Hewitt, Chris
Hewitt, Ethel M
Hewitt, Ethel M, & C H Vellacott
Hewitt, Ethel M, et al
Hewitt, F S
Hewitt, F W (ed)
Hewitt, Gordon
Hewitt, H B
Hewitt, H J
Hewitt, John
Hewitt, Martin
Hewitt, P A
Hewitt, Paolo
Hewitt, Paolo, & Terry Rawlings
Hewitt, Peter B
Hewitt, Rachel
Hewitt, T P
Hewlett, Doug, & Bill Winter
Hewlett, H B
Hewlett, Leroy
Hewlings, Richard
Hey, Colin G
Hey, David
Hey, David, & Joan Unwin (eds)
Hey, David, Martin Oliver & Martin Liddament
Hey, Kevin
Heyd, Uriel
Heyes, Philip
Heywood, Cyril
Heywood, G B
Heywood, Geoffrey
Heywood, Thomas
Heyworth, Geoffrey
Heyworth, Geoffrey, & F J Tempel
Hibberd, Susan
Hibbert, Francis A
Hibbert, William N
Hibbs, John
Hibbs, John (ed)
Hick, Frank L
Hickey, John J
Hickie, Desmond J
Hicking, C F
Hickling, R G
Hickman, Katie
Hickman, Tom
Hickman, Trevor
Hickmore, Mary A S
Hickmott, Gordon J R
Hicks, Agnes H
Hicks, Bill, & Jill Scott
Hicks, C E
Hicks, C Stansfeld
Hicks, David
Hicks, Gary
Hicks, J D (ed)
Hicks, Marie
Hicks, Michael
Hicks, Michael (ed)
Hickson, Charles R, & Earl A Thompson
Hickson, Charles R, & John D Turner
Hickson, Charles R, John D Turner & C McCann
Hickson, Charles R, John D Turner & Qing Ye
Hickson, Tony
Hidy, Muriel E
Hidy, Ralph W
Hidy, Ralph W & Muriel E Hidy
Hiebl, Martin R W, Martin J Quinn & Carmen M M Franco
Hiepe, W L
Hietmann, J
Higgans, John
Higgens, Clare W
Higginbottom, Frederick J
Higgins, A
Higgins, Charlotte
Higgins, Clare
Higgins, David A
Higgins, David A, Richard Morriss & Michael Trueman
Higgins, David, & Aashish Velkar
Higgins, David, & Geoffrey Tweedale
Higgins, David, & Mads Mordhorst
Higgins, David, & S Verma
Higgins, David, & Steven Toms
Higgins, David, & Steven Toms (eds)
Higgins, David, Steven Toms & Igor Filatotchev
Higgins, David, Steven Toms & Moshfique Uddin
Higgins, David, business historian
Higgins, David, writer on architecture
Higgins, J P
Higgins, J P P, & Sidney Pollard (eds)
Higgins, John
Higgins, Leonard S
Higgins, Rob, & Christopher S Robinson
Higgins, Selwyn H P
Higgins, Sydney
Higgins, Sydney H
Higgins, Tim, et al
Higginson, Alan R
Higginson, Martin (ed)
Higgison, A W
Higgs, Catherine
Higgs, Colin
Higgs, Edward
Higgs, Malcolm
Higgs, W G
Higham, Charles D
Higham, J K
Higham, Mary C
Higham, Robin D S
Highet, Campbell
Highland, A G
Highmore, Ben
Highmore, Nathaniel
Highton, Edward
Highton, N M E
Higlett, Susan
Higman, B W
Hignell, F H
Hignett, H M
Hignett, H M (ed)
Higson, Andrew
Higton, H K
Hilaire-Pérez, Lilane, & Catherine Verna
Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane, & Bernard Vaisbrot
Hildebrand, K-G
Hilditch, Geoffrey
Hilditch, Peter J
Hiley, Edgar N
Hiley, Nicholas
Hill, Alan
Hill, Alan F
Hill, B F
Hill, Brenda
Hill, Brian
Hill, Bridget
Hill, C E W
Hill, C P
Hill, Carol
Hill, Charles, Lord Hill
Hill, Colin
Hill, D W
Hill, David O, & George Buchanan
Hill, Diana Murray
Hill, E
Hill, Edward L
Hill, Edwin D (ed)
Hill, Francis
Hill, Geoff
Hill, Geoffrey
Hill, George W
Hill, Graham, & Howard Bloch
Hill, Hal
Hill, Hamilton A
Hill, Heywood, & Anne Hill & Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy (ed)
Hill, Howard
Hill, J A
Hill, J W F
Hill, Jack, & Bob Tuck
Hill, Jeffrey
Hill, Jennifer
Hill, John C G
Hill, Joseph
Hill, Ken
Hill, L F
Hill, M C
Hill, M F
Hill, Malcolm L
Hill, Mark
Hill, Mervyn F
Hill, N K
Hill, Norman, et al
Hill, Paul
Hill, Peter M
Hill, R H Ernest
Hill, Robert
Hill, Robin A
Hill, Rosemary
Hill, Rowland, & G B Hill
Hill, S A
Hill, Sarah
Hill, Simon
Hill, Susan
Hill, Trevor G
Hill, W H
Hillebrandt, Patricia M
Hillier, Bevis
Hillier, Jean
Hillier, Joseph
Hillier, Kenneth
Hillier, Mary
Hillier, Richard
Hillier, Susan E
Hillier-Graves, Tim
Hillman, H, & C Gathmann
Hillman, John
Hillman, Judy
Hillmann, H C
Hills, Adrian R
Hills, Arnold F
Hills, B F
Hills, C
Hills, Lyn, & Maurice Hills
Hills, Maurice
Hills, Maurice, & Roderick Jellicoe
Hills, Richard H, & H Milligan
Hills, Richard L
Hills, Richard L (ed)
Hills, Richard L, & A J Pacey
Hills, Sidney
Hillstead, A F C
Hillyard, Brian
Hilson, Mary
Hilt, Eric
Hilton, Alan
Hilton, Bernard C
Hilton, Franklin, et al
Hilton, George W
Hilton, H F
Hilton, J A
Hilton, John
Hilton, John P
Hilton, Margaret
Hilton, Matthew
Hilton, R S
Hilton, Ralph
Himeimy, Ibrahim A
Himsworth, J B
Hinchley, Edith M
Hinchliffe, B (ed)
Hinchliffe, J H
Hind, John R
Hind, John, & Stephen Mosco
Hinde, K S G
Hinde, Thomas
Hindle, Brian
Hindle, Brian P
Hindle, David J
Hindle, John H
Hindle, Kathy, & Irvine Lee
Hindle, Tim
Hindle, Wilfrid H
Hindley, Brian, & Ray Richardson
Hindley, Charles
Hindley, Diana, & Geoffrey Hindley
Hindley, Geoffrey
Hine, Ian
Hine, Reginald L
Hines, Mark
Hinge, D G F
Hinkkanen-Lievonen, Merja-Liisa
Hinkly, Shirley
Hinks, John
Hinks, John, & Catherine Armstrong (eds)
Hinks, John, & Catherine Feely (eds)
Hinks, John, & Maureen Bell
Hinks, John, & Victoria Gardner (eds)
Hinks, John, Catherine Armstrong & Matthew Day (eds)
Hinnells, Duncan
Hinshelwood, John
Hinsley, F B
Hinton, David A
Hinton, Les
Hinton, Lord
Hinton, Nigel
Hinton, Raymond W K
Hinton, Raymond W K (ed)
Hipkin, Stephen A
Hipkins, W E
Hipperson, Chris, Simon Donoghue & Ingrid Brandon
Hipperson, Julie
Hirsch, Barry T, & William J Hausman
Hirst, Francis W
Hirst, George C
Hirst, John
Hirst, Paul, & Jonathan Zeitkin
Hirst, William
Hiscock, Eric C
Hiscock, Fabian
Hiscock, R H
Hiscock, W G
Hiskey, Christine E
Hislop, D
Hislop, George R
Hislop, M J B
Hitch, Alan
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
Hitchcock, Trevor
Hitches, Mike
Hitching, Claude, & Jenny Lilly
Hitchins, Steven (ed)
Hitchman, A V
Hitchman, Harry, & Philip Driver
Hitchmough, Wendy
Ho, I M-y
Hoag, Christopher
Hoare, A S
Hoare, Henry P R
Hoare, J E
Hoare, Jonathan G
Hoare, R A
Hoare, Richard
Hoban, Sally
Hobbs, Andrew
Hobbs, George
Hobbs, Jack
Hobbs, James L
Hobbs, Peter
Hobday, P W
Hobday, Peter, & James Long
Hobday, S, & F S Thacker
Hobden, Heather, & Mervyn Hobden
Hobhouse, Christopher
Hobhouse, Hermione
Hobhouse, Hermione (ed)
Hobsbawm, Eric J
Hobson, Alison
Hobson, Charles K
Hobson, Dominic
Hobson, Dorothy
Hobson, Geoffrey D
Hobson, George A
Hobson, H, P Knightley & L Russell
Hobson, J W
Hobson, J W
Hobson, Oscar R
Hobson, Steve (ed)
Hobson, William G
Hochfelder, David
Hockin, Clifford
Hockin, Dennis W
Hocking, Anthony
Hocking, Charles
Hocking, Jean M
Hodder, Edwin
Hodder, Michael I
Hodder, T K
Hodder-Williams, John E
Hoddinott, Michael H O
Hodge, Gordon D
Hodge, Herbert
Hodge, James
Hodge, John
Hodge, John, & Stuart V Davies
Hodgen, Margaret T
Hodges, David
Hodges, M A
Hodges, Michael
Hodges, Rex
Hodges, Sheila
Hodges, Thomas M
Hodgkin, A E
Hodgkins, David
Hodgkins, David (ed)
Hodgkins, P
Hodgkins, Vera
Hodgkins, Vera, & Christine Bloxham
Hodgkinson, A E
Hodgkinson, H R
Hodgkinson, Jeremy S
Hodgkinson, Judith
Hodgkinson, Robert F B
Hodgkiss, Bertram
Hodgshon, S
Hodgson, A
Hodgson, D S
Hodgson, George B
Hodgson, Gerald H
Hodgson, Godfrey
Hodgson, H
Hodgson, Howard
Hodgson, J C, & H M Wood
Hodgson, J E
Hodgson, J S
Hodgson, John
Hodgson, Norma, & Cyrian Blagden
Hodgson, Pat
Hodgson, Paul
Hodgson, R A
Hodgson, Sidney
Hodgson, T G
Hodgson, Willoughby
Hodkin, F W
Hodsoll, Frank
Hodson, Deborah
Hodson, George & F W
Hodson, Howard
Hodson, J
Hodson, Norman
Hodson, Patricia M (ed)
Hodson, Yolande
Hoe, Alan M
Hoe, Susanna
Hoffenberg, Peter H
Hoffman, Ross J S
Hoffmann, G A
Hoffmann, Walther G
Hogan, J H
Hogan, Michael
Hogan, Warren P
Hogarth, Sylvia D
Hogarth, Sylvia D, & Christopher C Webb
Hogarth, Sylvia D, & Jennifer Kaner
Hogben, Rick
Hogg, Alice & Peter, & George & Violet Rhodes
Hogg, Chris, & Patrick Lynn
Hogg, Edith F
Hogg, Garry L
Hogg, Graham
Hogg, James
Hogg, James (ed)
Hogg, Oliver F G
Hogg, P L
Hogg, Peter C
Hogg, Peter L
Hogg, Peter L, & Harold Appleyard
Hogg, V W
Hogg, William E
Hoggart, P R
Hogrefe, Jeffrey
Hogwood, Brian W
Hokkanen, M
Holborn, Guy
Holcombe, A N
Holcombe, Lee
Holcombe, P D
Holcroft, Fred
Holcroft, Harold
Hold, Trevor
Holdaway, Minnie
Holden, A S
Holden, Alec
Holden, Charles
Holden, Clive
Holden, E W, & T P Hudson
Holden, G G
Holden, John S
Holden, Len
Holden, Marion
Holden, P
Holden, Roger N
Holden, Tony
Holden, W J
Holder, Julian
Holder, Julian, & Steven Parissien (eds)
Holder, Nick
Holder, R W
Holderness, B A
Holding, Andy, & David Moulson
Holding, David
Holding, David, & Bob Kell
Holdsworth, Arthur H
Holdsworth, Clare M
Holdsworth, David ?
Holdsworth, E W H
Holdsworth, S
Holdway, Harold, & Ruth Holdway
Hole, Steve
Holford, Christopher
Holgate, David
Holl, R O
Hollaender, Albert E J
Holland, A J
Holland, Anne
Holland, Bernard
Holland, Chris
Holland, D G
Holland, David
Holland, Eric G
Holland, Gabriel
Holland, George F
Holland, J
Holland, J F
Holland, James
Holland, Joel, & Rosie Hewitson
Holland, John E
Holland, Julian
Holland, Lynda M
Holland, R F
Holland, S A
Holland, Sarah
Holland, Stanley
Holland, Steve
Holland, Stuart (ed)
Hollander, Stanley C, & Kathleen M Rassuli (ed)
Hollebone, Ashley
Hollett, David
Holley, H A
Hollick, J R, et al
Hollick, Peter
Holliday, Bob
Holliday, Harry
Hollier, Anita
Holliman, Andrew J
Hollinghurst, Hugh
Hollings, Doug
Hollingshead, G
Hollingshead, John
Hollingsworth, Jean P
Hollingsworth, Mark
Hollinshead, Janet E
Hollis, David B
Hollis, H W
Hollis, L
Hollis, Patricia L
Hollister-Short, G J
Hollman, Joseph
Hollow, Matthew
Hollow, Matthew, & Ranald Michie
Holloway, F
Holloway, James
Holloway, Sydney J
Holloway, Sydney W F
Holloway, Verity
Hollowood, A B
Hollowood, Bernard
Hollox, Graham
Holm, Bengt Ason
Holm, Poul
Holm, Poul, & David J Starkey (eds)
Holm, S A
Holman, Gillian
Holman, Gordon
Holman, Prinz P
Holman, Valerie
Holme, A
Holme, Bryan
Holme, Gordon
Holme, Ian
Holme, Richard
Holmes, A R, & Edwin Green
Holmes, Alan
Holmes, Alan, & Dick Thomas
Holmes, Alan, & Sarah Eade
Holmes, Beatrice Gordon
Holmes, Colin J
Holmes, D H
Holmes, David
Holmes, E F
Holmes, Frances, & Michael Holmes
Holmes, G M
Holmes, Geoffrey
Holmes, George A
Holmes, Graeme M
Holmes, Graeme M, & Henri Ruff
Holmes, H
Holmes, Harry
Holmes, Heather
Holmes, Heather, & David Finkelstein (eds)
Holmes, J H H
Holmes, John
Holmes, Karen, with Richard Branson
Holmes, Ken
Holmes, M R
Holmes, Martin
Holmes, Neil
Holmes, Nicholas M McQ
Holmes, Peter
Holmes, Peter J
Holmes, R S
Holmes, Simon C, & Florian Ploeckl
Holmes, W D
Holmes-Walker, William A
Holroyd, Abraham
Holroyd, Dave, & Lawson Little
Holroyde, H
Holt, Alfred
Holt, Alfred (ed)
Holt, Cecil R (ed)
Holt, David
Holt, Geoffrey O
Holt, Geoffrey O, with Howard Usher
Holt, George
Holt, John A
Holt, Ray, David Dungworth & Ric Tyler
Holt, Richard
Holt, Richard A
Holt, Robin, & Andrew Popp
Holt, T G
Holt, Tonie, & Valmal Holt
Holt-Wilson, Tim
Holter, Graham
Holtham, Peter
Holthusen, Bernd
Holtman, Peter
Holwell, Colin
Holyoak, Joe
Holyoake, George J
Holyoake, George J, & Amos Scotton
Holyoake, Gregory
Homan, Robert
Homburg, Ernst
Homburg, Ernst, Anthony G Travis & Harm G Schroter (eds)
Home, Gordon C
Home, R K
Homer, Johnny
Homer, Ronald F
Homer, Ronald F, & D W Hall
Hone, Laura (ed)
Honeycombe, Gordon
Honeyman, Katrina
Honeyman, Katrina, & Jordan Goodman
Honeyman, William C
Hong, S
Honour, Hugh
Honri, Peter
Hood, John
Hood, John, & B S Yamey
Hood, Keith
Hood, Keith & Joan Hood
Hood, Margaret A
Hood, Neil
Hood, Neil, & Stephen Young
Hood, William G
Hook, Daphne A
Hook, Elizabeth
Hook, Frederick A
Hook, Jason
Hook, Philip
Hooke, Della
Hooker, R H
Hooker, Stanley
Hooks, Mike
Hoole, Kenneth
Hoole, Kenneth (ed)
Hooley, Ernest T
Hoon, Elizabeth E
Hooper, C J W
Hooper, Frederick
Hooper, Glen
Hooper, John
Hooper, Kirsty
Hooper, Les
Hooper, Trevor
Hooper, W Eden
Hoopes, Stephanie M
Hooton-Smith, Eileen
Hope, Bryan D
Hope, Douglas G
Hope, Iain
Hope, Michael
Hope, Michael
Hope, Pat
Hope, Richard
Hope, Robert C
Hope, Ronald
Hope, Stanton
Hope, Valerie
Hope, Valerie, et al
Hope, William J
Hopewell, Bernard
Hopgood, Victoria
Hopkin, Dieter
Hopkins, A G
Hopkins, Andrew, & Gavin Stamp (eds)
Hopkins, Charles H G
Hopkins, David (ed)
Hopkins, E
Hopkins, Edward
Hopkins, Eric
Hopkins, Jose
Hopkins, L A
Hopkins, Leon
Hopkins, Leslie (ed)
Hopkins, Owen
Hopkins, T G L
Hopkinson, Beatrice
Hopkinson, Dylan
Hopkinson, G D
Hopkinson, G G
Hopkinson, George G
Hopkinson, Henry L
Hopkinson, Michael F
Hopkinson, Tom (ed)
Hopkinson-Ball, Tim
Hopkirk, James
Hoppe, Harry R
Hopper, John
Hopper, Maurice
Hopper, Thomas
Hoppit, Julian
Hoppit, Julian, & E A Wrigley (eds)
Hopwood, Bert
Hopwood, Irene, & Gordon Hopwood
Hopwood-Lewis, John P
Hopwood-Lewis, John P, & B Griffith
Hopwood-Lewis, John P, & Christine MacLeod
Horesh, Niv
Horn, D B
Horn, J V
Horn, Jeff
Horn, Jeff, L W Rosenband & M R Smith (eds)
Horn, Joyce M (ed)
Horn, Norbert
Horn, Norbert, & Jurgen Kocka (eds)
Horn, P
Horn, Pamela L R
Hornby, Antony
Hornby, Barbara
Hornby, C H St J
Hornby, Molly
Hornby, William
Horne, Alan J
Horne, H Oliver
Horne, J B
Horne, John B
Horne, John B, & Adrian B Rance (ed)
Horne, John B, & T B Maund
Horne, Jonathan
Horne, Kenneth
Horne, M A C, & Bob Bayman
Horne, Mike A C
Horne, Robert
Horne, Robert S
Horner, A
Horner, Craig (ed)
Horner, John
Hornix, Willem J
Hornsby, F W N
Hornsby, Malcolm
Hornsby, P R G, R Weinstein & Ronald F Homer
Hornsby, Pauline
Hornsby, R M
Hornsby, Richard
Hornsey, Brian
Hornsey, Brian, & Kate Taylor
Hornsey, Ian S
Hornsey, Richard
Hornshaw, T R
Horrell, Sara, & Jane Humphries
Horridge, Glenn K
Horridge, W
Horrie, Chris
Horrocks, John
Horrocks, Sally M
Horrocks, Sidney
Horrox, Rosemary
Horsefield, J K
Horsey, Miles
Horsfall, John H C
Horsfall, Lucy F
Horsfall, W L
Horsfield, H J
Horsford, Simon
Horsley, Alec
Horsley, John E
Horsley, Peter, & Alan Hirst
Horsnail, A G
Horton, Charles
Horton, E H
Horton, J
Horton, Joanne, & Richard Macve
Horton, Melanie
Horton, Philip
Horton, Ralph (ed)
Horwitz, Henry, & Lloyd Bonfield
Horwood, Catherine
Hosegood, J G
Hosfield, Bill
Hosford, Anne
Hosgood, Christopher
Hosie, J
Hoskin, Keith, & Richard H Macve
Hosking, George L
Hosking, Mollie
Hoskins, Halford L
Hoskins, Leonard W
Hoskins, William G
Hoskinson, T M
Hossain, H
Hostettler, Eve
Hotson, Anthony C
Hotson, Anthony C, & Terence C Mills
Hotta-Lister, Ayako
Hotta-Lister, Ayako, & Ian Nish (eds)
Hou, Chi-ming
Houart, Victor
Houblon, Alice F A
Houchen, A E V
Houfe, Simon
Hough, John A
Hough, Richard
Houghton, A W J
Houghton, Frederick W, & William H Foster
Houldcroft, Peter
Houldsworth, H K
Houlihan, Marjory
Houliston, Laura
Hoult, J
Hounsell, Peter
Hounslow, David
Houpt-Varner, Lindsay
House, Frank H
House, Jack
House, John W
House, John W, & B Fullerton
House, John, et al
Housego, Maurice
Household, Humphrey G W
Houseman, Lorna
Housley, H
Housley, Herbert
Housley, Philip P
Houston, Henry J
Houston, J F
Houston, J M
Houston, James D
Houston, John (ed)
Houston, Ken
Houston, Penelope
Houston, R R
Houston, Rab, & K D M Snell
Houston, Robert A
Houston, Terry
Houston-Bowden, Gregory
Hovey, John
Hovland, Stephanie R
How, Ronald
Howard, Alexander (ed)
Howard, Alexander, & Ernest Newman
Howard, Bridget
Howard, Deborah
Howard, Deborah (ed)
Howard, Delisia
Howard, Diana
Howard, Geoffrey
Howard, H M
Howard, J Bannister
Howard, Jean, & Chris Lester (eds)
Howard, Jeremy
Howard, Jeremy (ed)
Howard, Jeremy, & Sergei Kuznetsov
Howard, Jill
Howard, Judy
Howard, Mark
Howard, Michael S
Howard, Peter
Howard, Peter D
Howard, Philip
Howard, R
Howard-Hill, Trevor H
Howarth, David
Howarth, David, & Stephen Howarth
Howarth, F, & J A Young
Howarth, Glennys
Howarth, Jack, & Robin Hildyard
Howarth, Ken
Howarth, Oliver
Howarth, Stephen
Howarth, Thomas
Howarth, William
Howat, J M T
Howcroft, G B
Howdle, Andy
Howe, Anthony C
Howe, Bryan
Howe, Cliff
Howe, E M
Howe, Ellic
Howe, Ellic, & John Child
Howe, Kathleen
Howe, Lesley S
Howe, Mark (ed)
Howe, Ron
Howe, W Stewart
Howell, Alan S
Howell, Arthur C
Howell, B J
Howell, D
Howell, Danny
Howell, David
Howell, David W
Howell, David W (ed)
Howell, Georgina
Howell, Jocelyn
Howell, John
Howell, Peter
Howell, Peter, & Andrew Saint (eds)
Howell, Roger
Howell, Roger (ed)
Howells, Brian
Howells, Brian (ed)
Howells, C
Howells, Dudley V
Howells, Kim
Howes, Hugh
Howes, J W, & A D Law
Howes, R
Howgego, J L
Howie, David (ed), & Peter Pugh
Howie, Iain
Howie, James M
Howitt, Harold G
Howkins, A, & J Lowerson
Howle, Gordon
Howlett, Ivan
Howlett, W Peter
Howorth, P
Hows, W A H
Howsam, Leslie
Howse, Christopher
Howse, R M, & F H Harley
Howse, W H
Howson, F H
Howson, J
Howson, Tim, & J R Smith
Hoyland, John
Hoyle, Norman
Hoyle, Norman, & Kenneth Sankey
Hoyle, R W
Hoyle, R W (ed)
Hoyt, Edwin P
Hoyte, Helen
Hsu, Yu Nan
Huang, Fu San
Hubback, David
Hubbard, Edward
Hubbard, Edward, & Michael Shippobottom
Hubbard, Frank
Hubbard, Peter
Hubbard, Philippa
Huberman, Michael
Huckett, A
Huddart, Joseph
Huddart, William
Huddleston, G
Hudson, A
Hudson, Bramwell
Hudson, Derek
Hudson, Derek, & Kenneth W Luckhurst
Hudson, Felix
Hudson, Graham S
Hudson, Hazel
Hudson, John
Hudson, John A
Hudson, Katharine
Hudson, Kenneth
Hudson, M A
Hudson, Mark
Hudson, N B
Hudson, Pat
Hudson, Pat (ed)
Hudson, Pat, & Lynette Hunter (eds)
Hudson, Philip J
Hudson, Sarah J
Hudson, T P
Huebner, J
Huelin, Gordon
Huenemann, Ralph W
Huff, Greg, & Gillian Huff
Huff, W G
Huffer, D B M
Huggins, G M, & R F Pickford
Huggins, Mike
Huggins, Mike, & John K Walton
Huggins, Mike, & John Tolson
Huggins, P J
Hughes, A W
Hughes, Alan
Hughes, Annabelle F
Hughes, Anne
Hughes, Annmarie
Hughes, B Carlyon
Hughes, Barry D
Hughes, Brian W
Hughes, Bryan
Hughes, Carys E
Hughes, Catherine
Hughes, Colin
Hughes, D C
Hughes, D Lloyd, & Dorothy M Williams
Hughes, D R
Hughes, David
Hughes, David A
Hughes, David T
Hughes, Derek
Hughes, Edward
Hughes, F
Hughes, Fielden
Hughes, Francis
Hughes, G Bernard
Hughes, G J
Hughes, Geoffrey
Hughes, Geoffrey, & David Jackson
Hughes, George
Hughes, Graham
Hughes, H
Hughes, H C
Hughes, H G, & C T Saunders
Hughes, Henry
Hughes, Herbert
Hughes, J
Hughes, J Elwyn, Bryn Hughes & Dennis S Wood
Hughes, John
Hughes, John M
Hughes, Jonathan R T
Hughes, Jonathan R T, & Stanley Reiter
Hughes, Joseph
Hughes, Kathryn
Hughes, Ken, & Chris Upton (ed)
Hughes, Les
Hughes, Margaret E
Hughes, Mark
Hughes, Mervyn
Hughes, P Gwyn
Hughes, P H
Hughes, Paul
Hughes, R G
Hughes, R V
Hughes, Raymond
Hughes, Roy G, & Maxwell Craven
Hughes, Ruth
Hughes, S R
Hughes, S T
Hughes, Samuel
Hughes, Simon J S
Hughes, Stephen
Hughes, Stephen, & Paul Reynolds
Hughes, Stephen, et al
Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Thomas Cann
Hughes, Thomas P
Hughes, Tom E
Hughes, W J
Hughes, W M
Hughes, Wendy
Hughes, William J
Hughes, William J, & Joseph L Thomas
Hughson, Irene
Hugill, Anthony
Hugman, Joan
Huitson, R & H
Hulanicki, Barbara
Hulanicki, Barbara, & Martin Pel
Hulbert, N F
Hull, Andrew
Hull, Felix
Hull, Graham
Hull, J S
Hull, Nick
Hull, Norman
Hull, P L
Hull, Peter
Hull, Peter, & N R Johnson
Hull, Stephen F
Hull, Stephen F, & Mike Bryan
Hull, T
Hull, William
Hulme, A G
Hulme, E Wyndham
Hulme, E Wyndham, & Rhys Jenkins
Hulme, G
Hulme, J K
Hulme, Jim
Hulse, David K
Hulst, Titia (ed)
Hulton, Mary H M
Humber, William
Humberstone, Gertrude
Humbert, Claude
Hume, Crawford W
Hume, David H
Hume, Don
Hume, John (ed)
Hume, John R
Hume, John R, & John Butt
Hume, John R, & Michael Moss
Hume, Matthew
Hume, Robert
Hume, T R M
Humfrey, Peter
Humm, Robert
Humpherson, L H
Humpherus, Henry
Humpherys, Anne
Humphrey, Julie M B
Humphrey, Richard, & John Shepherd
Humphrey, Stephen
Humphrey, W
Humphrey, William S, & Joe Stanislaw
Humphreys, A L
Humphreys, Arthur L
Humphreys, B K
Humphreys, Charles
Humphreys, Ian M
Humphreys, John
Humphreys, O W
Humphreys, Peter J
Humphreys, R
Humphreys, Robert A
Humphreys, Valerie
Humphreys, W H
Humphries, Charles, & William C Smith
Humphries, Graham
Humphries, Jane
Humphries, Jane, & Benjamin Schneider
Humphries, Jane, & Jacob Weisdorf
Humphries, John
Humphries, Muriel
Humphries, Ralph C
Humphries, Robert
Humphries, V
Humphries, Vanadia
Humphrys, Graham
Hunn, David
Hunnisett, Basil
Hunt, Abbey
Hunt, Alison
Hunt, Arnold
Hunt, Arnold, Giles Mandelbrote & Alison Shell (eds)
Hunt, Bishop C
Hunt, Bruce E
Hunt, Cathy
Hunt, Charles
Hunt, Christopher J
Hunt, Christopher J, & Peter C G Isaac
Hunt, Colin A
Hunt, David
Hunt, Donald
Hunt, Edith M
Hunt, Edward H
Hunt, Edwin S
Hunt, Edwin S, & James Murray
Hunt, Felicity
Hunt, H I (ed)
Hunt, John
Hunt, John D
Hunt, Jonathan
Hunt, Julian
Hunt, Kevin
Hunt, Leslie B
Hunt, Luke, & Karen Heinrich
Hunt, Margaret
Hunt, Philip J
Hunt, R
Hunt, R W, I G Philip & R J Roberts (eds)
Hunt, Robert
Hunt, T J
Hunt, Tristram
Hunt, W D
Hunt, Wallis
Hunt, William M
Hunter, Alec B
Hunter, David
Hunter, David L G
Hunter, Dorothy M
Hunter, Ellis
Hunter, Gill M
Hunter, H L
Hunter, Henry C
Hunter, I C
Hunter, Inman
Hunter, Inman, with Alan Archer
Hunter, J M
Hunter, J R
Hunter, Janet C
Hunter, Janet E, & Shinya Sugiyama
Hunter, Janet E, & Shinya Sugiyama (eds)
Hunter, Jim
Hunter, Jock
Hunter, John
Hunter, John D
Hunter, Judith
Hunter, Lawrie
Hunter, M C W, & A Gregory
Hunter, Michael
Hunter, Pamela
Hunter, R L
Hunter, Robert
Hunter, Robert B
Hunter, Robin
Hunter, William A
Hunting, Penelope
Hunting, Penelope (ed)
Hunting, Percy
Hupfel, Simon
Hurd, Archibald S
Hurd, Archibald S (ed)
Hurd, Edgar
Hurd, J C H
Hurd, John, & Ian Kerr
Hurd, Michael
Hurlbutt, Frank
Hurley, Alfred J
Hurley, Heather
Hurley, Paul
Hurn, Elizabeth
Hurrell, Harold
Hurrell, Mick (ed)
Hurren, George
Hurry, Jamieson B
Hurst, Christopher
Hurst, Derek
Hurst, J D
Hurst, J G
Hurst, Jane
Hurst, Joseph
Hurst, K A
Hurst, Margery
Hurstfield, J
Hurwitz, Samuel J
Hurworth, Neville R
Husband, David W
Huse, M
Huskinson, Rachel
Hussey, Christopher
Hussey, David
Hussey, David, & Margaret Ponsonby (eds)
Hussey, David, G J Milne, A P Wakelin & M D G Wanklyn
Hussey, Marmaduke
Hustwick, Ian
Hustwick, Wade
Hutcheon, Ian
Hutcheon, Robin
Hutcheson, John M
Hutchings, Caroline
Hutchings, R J
Hutchings, Victoria
Hutchins, B L
Hutchins, B L, & Amy Harrison
Hutchins, John H
Hutchins, R A
Hutchinson, Alex, & James Maxton
Hutchinson, Christopher
Hutchinson, D, & S Nicholas
Hutchinson, Dave
Hutchinson, G E
Hutchinson, Herbert John
Hutchinson, Horace G
Hutchinson, Iain
Hutchinson, John
Hutchinson, John (ed)
Hutchinson, Robert C, & George Martelli
Hutchinson, Roger
Hutchison, Harold F
Hutchison, J S
Hutchison, Kenneth I
Hutchison, R
Huth Jackson, Frederick
Huth Jackson, Frederick, et al
Hutkova, Karolina
Hutson, Elaine
Hutt, Charlotte
Hutt, W H
Hutton, Gillian M
Hutton, Graham
Hutton, Guthrie
Hutton, John
Hutton, Joseph E
Hutton, R S
Hutton, Samuel
Hutton, William
Huws, Richard E
Huxley, Ann
Huxley, Bill
Huxley, Leonard
Huxley, Roy M
Huygen, Frederique
Hyam, L
Hyams, Edward
Hyamson, Albert M
Hybel, Nils
Hyde, Anthony
Hyde, Charles K
Hyde, E D
Hyde, Francis E
Hyde, Francis E, B B Parkinson & Sheila Marriner
Hyde, Francis E, et al
Hyde, Francis E, with J R Harris & A M Bourn
Hyde, G Noel
Hyde, Harford M
Hyde, Harold
Hyde, Matthew, & Alan Petford
Hyde, Neal
Hyde, Patricia, & Duncan Harrington
Hyde, Ralph
Hyde, Susan
Hyde, W G S
Hyde, W G S (ed)
Hyde, W G S, & Eric Ogden
Hyden, G T
Hyelman, A C
Hyland, Gerard J
Hyland, Peter
Hylton, Stuart
Hyman, Alan
Hyman, Basil, & Steven Braggs
Hynes, M
Hynes, William G
Hypher, John
Hypher, John, & Colin & Stephen Wheeler
Hyslop, Donald, Alastair Forsyth & Sheila Jemina (eds)
Hytner, B A, & I A N Irvine
Ian MacPherson & Stephen Yeo
Ibbetson, David
Ichihashi, H
Id, Kalle, John Bryant & Joonas Kortelainen
Iida, Takashi
Ilersic, A R, & P F B Liddle
Iles, Ashley
Iles, C M
Iliffe, Lord
Iliffe, Rob
Illingworth, J O R
Illingworth, Joanna
Illsley, J S
Illston, John M
Immer, John R
Imray, Jean M
Imrie, John
Ince, Geoffrey, & Michael Roberts (ed)
Ince, Laurence
Ind, Nicholas
Ind, Rosemary
Inder, Pamela M
Ineson, Antonia
Ineson, Antonia, & Deborah Thom
Ing, Janet T
Ingham, Cecil A
Ingham, Geoffrey
Ingle, George
Ingle, Robert
Inglesant, David
Inglis, C C
Inglis, J C, & F Inglis
Inglis, John G
Inglis, Simon
Ingman, J
Ingram, Arthur
Ingram, Arthur (ed)
Ingram, Arthur, & Gordon Mustoe
Ingram, K E
Ingram, M Edward
Ingram, M Edward, et al
Ingram, Thomas L
Ingram, William
Inikori, Joseph E
Inkel, D W
Inkster, Ian
Inkster, Ian, et al (eds)
Inman, W J, & Daven Chamberlain (ed).
Innes, Cosmo (ed)
Innes, Duncan
Innes, R A
Innis, Harold A
Insh, George Pratt
Insh, George Pratt (ed)
Inskip, Peter
Insley, Charles, & Patricia E C Croot
Instone, Alfred
Insull, A D
Insull, Tom
Invicta & G E Baddeley (ed)
Inwards, Harry
Inwards, Richard (ed)
Inwood, Kris, & Ian Keay
Ioannides, Stavros, & Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou
Ionides, Julia
Iredale, David A
Iredale, J A
Iredale, J A, & P A Townhill
Ireland, Alastair
Ireland, Geoffrey
Ireland, George
Ireland, John de Courcy
Ireland, Matt
Ireland, Paddy W
Ireson, Tony
Irish, G P
Irlam, Geoffrey A
Irvine, A S
Irvine, H S
Irvine, Lee, & Ray Miller
Irvine, Matt, & Mike Tucker
Irvine, V J M
Irving, A H
Irving, Gordon
Irving, Jim
Irving, Joe
Irving, R J
Irving, Richard T A
Irving, Robert G
Irwin, Michael D J
Isaac, A W
Isaac, Adrian B
Isaac, Leonard F, & Ivor Parrott
Isaac, Peter C G
Isaac, Peter C G (ed)
Isaac, Peter C G, & Barry McKay (eds)
Isaacs, Jeremy
Isaacs, Jonathan
Isard, Walter
Isgar, Reginald C D
Isham, Ken
Isherwood, Andrew
Isherwood, Graham
Isherwood, J Graham
Isherwood, J H, & Colin Stewart
Isherwood, John
Isherwood, Peter
Ishii, Kanji
Ishii, Mayako
Isles, K S, & N Cuthbert
Ismay, Penelope
Israel, Paul B, & Keith Nier
Isserlis, L
Ito, Seiichiro
Ito, Takashi
Itoh, Keiko
Itzkowitz, David C
Iversen, Martin J
Ives, E W
Ives, Marie
Ivory, Chris, & Audley Genus
Iwata, R
Izatt, A
Izumida, Hideo
Jack, A Fingland
Jack, Ian
Jack, R Ian
Jack, Sybil M
Jackman, Paula
Jackman, William T
Jackson, A John
Jackson, A S
Jackson, A, & C E Wurtzburg
Jackson, Alan A
Jackson, Alan A, & Desmond F Croome
Jackson, Andrew J H
Jackson, Andrew S
Jackson, Archie S
Jackson, Aubrey J
Jackson, B L
Jackson, B L, & M J Tattersall
Jackson, Basil H (ed)
Jackson, Bryan
Jackson, C Ian (ed)
Jackson, Catherine F
Jackson, Charles J
Jackson, Christine (ed)
Jackson, Christine A
Jackson, Christine E
Jackson, Christopher
Jackson, Cynthia
Jackson, David
Jackson, Dennis
Jackson, Dick, & Keith Fenwick
Jackson, Donald (ed)
Jackson, Douglas
Jackson, Edward
Jackson, Elizabeth
Jackson, Frank
Jackson, George G
Jackson, Gordon
Jackson, Gordon, & Charles Munn
Jackson, Gordon, & David M Williams (eds)
Jackson, Gordon, & Kate Kinnear
Jackson, H L
Jackson, Herbert, & Mary Jackson
Jackson, Ian T
Jackson, J F
Jackson, J M
Jackson, J P
Jackson, J Wilfrid
Jackson, James C
Jackson, Joe
Jackson, Kate
Jackson, Kenneth C
Jackson, Kenneth C, & Behnam Pourdeyhimi
Jackson, Lee
Jackson, Lesley
Jackson, Leslie
Jackson, Lionel G
Jackson, Mason
Jackson, Melvin H, & Carel de Beer
Jackson, N A
Jackson, Neil, Jo Lintonbon & Bryony Staples
Jackson, Nicholas (ed) with James Bettley
Jackson, P W
Jackson, P W (ed)
Jackson, Peter
Jackson, Peter J
Jackson, R
Jackson, R G
Jackson, R G, & P Jackson
Jackson, R G, & P Jackson with R H Price
Jackson, R G, et al
Jackson, R V
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, S
Jackson, Samuel
Jackson, Sophie
Jackson, Stanley
Jackson, Stephen (ed)
Jackson, Stephen, & Marion Stewart
Jackson, Steve
Jackson, Sydney H
Jackson, Tanya
Jackson, Tim
Jackson, Tom
Jackson, Veronica M
Jackson, W Eric
Jackson, W Turrentine
Jackson, William A (ed)
Jackson-Stevens, Eric
Jackson-Stops, Gervase
Jacob, Margaret C
Jacob, Margaret C, & David Reid
Jacob, P M (ed)
Jacobi, Charles T
Jacobs, A Filmer
Jacobs, Bertram
Jacobs, David
Jacobs, Eric
Jacobs, Randy
Jacobson, Michael
Jacques, Anne G
Jacques, R S
Jaffe, Deborah
Jaffe, James A
Jaffrey, Thomas
Jagger, Cedric S
Jagtiani, H M
Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust
Jain, Sushil K
Jaine, Tom
Jalovec, Karel
James, Alan
James, Alwyn, & David Walker (eds)
James, Anthony R
James, Archibald J
James, Beverly A
James, Brian LI (ed)
James, Brian Ll, & Philip Riden
James, Charles E
James, D
James, D E Howell
James, David
James, Derek C
James, Derek N
James, Diana
James, Duncan S
James, Elizabeth
James, Elizabeth (ed)
James, Elizabeth M
James, Francis
James, Frank A J L
James, George C
James, Glyn
James, Harold
James, I Elizabeth
James, J
James, J G
James, John
James, John A
James, Ken L
James, Kevin J
James, Kevin J, & Evan Tigchelaar
James, Laurie
James, Leslie
James, Malcolm R
James, Margery K
James, Margery K, & Elspeth M Veale (ed)
James, Mary O
James, N D G
James, Peter
James, Philip B
James, Robert
James, Robert Rhodes
James, Roger C
James, Stephen
James, Tim
James, W A
James-Fowler, Nina G
Jamieson, Alan G
Jamieson, Alan G (ed)
Jamieson, David
Jamieson, S
Jamison, C
Janaway, John
Jancey, E M
Janes, A W
Janes, Allen
Janes, B
Janes, Brian, & Ross Shimmon
Janes, Derek C
Janes, Derek Charles
Janes, Herbert C
Janes, Hurford
Janes, Hurford, & H J Sayers
Janes, Michael
Janes, R A
Janeway, W H
Jankiewicz, S
Janssen, Joern
Janzen, Olaf Uwe
Janzen, Olaf Uwe (ed)
Jao, Y C
Japhet, Saemy
Japp, Alexander H, & F M Holmes
Jaras, Thomas F
Jardine, Lisa
Jardine, R W
Jarman, Carl
Jarman, S G
Jarram, A P
Jarrett, Philip J
Jars, Antoine-Gabriel
Jarvie, Ian
Jarvie, J R
Jarvis, Adrian
Jarvis, Adrian (ed)
Jarvis, Adrian C
Jarvis, Adrian, & Kenneth Smith (eds)
Jarvis, Anthea
Jarvis, Janet
Jarvis, Paul
Jarvis, Philip, & Sue Thomson
Jarvis, Rupert C
Jarvis, Rupert C (ed)
Jarvis, Stan
Jarvis, Stephen
Jastrow, Morris
Jay, Bill
Jay, David, & David Voice
Jay, K E B
Jay, Kathleen R
Jay, Kenneth
Jay, Leonard
Jayne, Catherine E
Jayne, Roland E
Jeacle, Ingrid
Jeacle, Ingrid, & Tom Brown
Jeaffreson, John C, & William Pole
Jeans, James S
Jeans, Stephen S
Jeans, William T
Jeavons, S A
Jebb, G R
Jebb, Miles
Jecock, Marcus
Jecock, Marcus, et al
Jefcoate, Graham
Jeffcott, Harry
Jeffers, Robert H
Jefferson, George
Jefferson, Herbert
Jefferson, John F
Jefferson, Lisa
Jefferson, Lisa (ed)
Jeffery, A E
Jeffery, Barbara
Jeffery, Jack
Jeffery, Joan
Jeffery, Reginald W
Jeffery, Roger
Jeffery, Sally
Jefferys, James B
Jefford, Andrew
Jeffrey, D C, & Robert Jeffrey
Jeffrey, Percy
Jeffrey, Robert
Jeffreys, David E
Jeffreys, Harry
Jeffreys, Rees
Jeffries, David
Jeffries, Nigel, with Lyn Blackmore & David Sorapure
Jeffs, Michael (ed)
Jekyll, Francis
Jellicoe, Geoffrey
Jenkin, A K Hamilton
Jenkin, Alfred
Jenkin, John
Jenkin, M J
Jenkin, Roger
Jenkins, A E
Jenkins, Alan
Jenkins, Andrew G
Jenkins, Bessie R
Jenkins, Beth
Jenkins, Carl D
Jenkins, Clare, & Stephen McClarence (eds)
Jenkins, Clive
Jenkins, David
Jenkins, David (ed)
Jenkins, David E
Jenkins, David T
Jenkins, David T (ed)
Jenkins, David T, & J C Malin
Jenkins, David T, & K G Ponting
Jenkins, David T, & Takau Yoneyama (eds)
Jenkins, Dominique
Jenkins, Elis
Jenkins, Frank
Jenkins, Geraint H, & Levan G Jones (eds)
Jenkins, H J K
Jenkins, J G
Jenkins, J Geraint
Jenkins, J Geraint (ed)
Jenkins, J Geraint, & David Jenkins
Jenkins, J M
Jenkins, James T
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, Leslie C W
Jenkins, Matthew
Jenkins, Mick
Jenkins, Moses
Jenkins, Paul
Jenkins, Peter
Jenkins, Peter R
Jenkins, Peter R (ed)
Jenkins, Philip
Jenkins, R
Jenkins, R T, et al (eds)
Jenkins, Rhys
Jenkins, Simon
Jenkins, Stanley C
Jenkins, Stanley C, & H I Quail
Jenkins, Stanley C, & John M Strange
Jenkins, Stanley C, et al
Jenkins, Steve
Jenkins, Steve, & Paul Atterbury (ed)
Jenkins, Steven, & Stephen P McKay
Jenkins, Terry
Jenkins, W
Jenkins, W A
Jenkins, W J
Jenkins, William
Jenkinson, Andrew M
Jenkinson, David
Jenkinson, Denis
Jenkinson, Denis, & Cyril Posthumus
Jenkinson, Hilary
Jenkinson, Jacqueline
Jenkinson, Keith A
Jenkinson, S
Jenkinson, Sally
Jenks, Leland H
Jenner, M A
Jenner, Mark S R
Jennings, A
Jennings, Allan
Jennings, Allan, & Peter Coulls
Jennings, Allan, & Tom Lewin
Jennings, Allan, Martin Ellis & Tom Lewin
Jennings, Bernard
Jennings, Bernard (ed)
Jennings, Elizabeth
Jennings, Eric
Jennings, John
Jennings, John, & Penny Brown
Jennings, P L
Jennings, Paul
Jennings, Paul F
Jennings, Richard A
Jennings, S A
Jennings, Stuart
Jennings, Trevor S
Jenns, Katherine R P
Jensen, John H, & Gerhard Rosegger
Jensen, Vernon H
Jensen-Eriksen, Niklas
Jenson, Alec G
Jenson, John R (ed)
Jepcott, Brenda
Jephcott, Anthony
Jephcott, Harry
Jephcott, William E
Jeppesen, Chris, & Margot Finn (eds)
Jeremy, David J
Jeremy, David J (ed)
Jeremy, David J, & Darwin H Stapleton
Jeremy, David, & Douglas A Farnie
Jeremy, David, & Geoffrey Tweedale (eds)
Jeremy, David, Takeshi Abe & Jun Sasaki
Jerman, Gunnar
Jermy, Roger C
Jervis, Frank R J
Jervis, Simon
Jervis, W W, & S J Jones
Jesper, William A
Jespersen, Anders
Jessel, Christopher
Jessell, R G
Jessen, Ralph, & Lydia Langer
Jessop, Lucy, & Matthew Whitfield et al
Jessop, William
Jessup, Edward
Jessup, John
Jesty, T W
Jeuda, Basil S
Jevons, Herbert S
Jewell, John
Jewitt, F
Jewitt, Llewellynn
Jewkes, John
Jewkes, John, & Allan Winterbottom
Jewkes, John, & E M Gray
Jewkes, John, & Sylvia Jewkes
Jewson, C B
Jimenez, Florentino M, & Thomas Russell
Jiricna, Eva, & Jose Manser
Job, Barry
Jobb, Keith
Jobert, Philippe, & Michael Moss
Jobey, G
Jobson, Allan
Joby, Richard S
Jodidio, Philip
Joel, David
Joel, G C W
Joel, Stanhope
Johannessen, Neil (ed)
Johannesson, G T
Johansen, Hans Chr
John S Smith & David Stevenson (eds)
John, Angela V
John, Angela V (ed)
John, Arthur H
John, Arthur H (ed)
John, Arthur H, & Glanmor Williams (eds)
John, Brian S
John, D G
John, Evan (pseud)
John, Malcolm
John, Richard R, & Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb
John, W D
John, W D, & Anne Simcox
John, W R
Johnman, Lewis
Johnman, Lewis, & Hugh Murphy
Johns, Adrian
Johns, Jeremy R
Johns, Paul
Johns, Sandra
Johns, Stephen
Johnson, A F
Johnson, A H
Johnson, Alan & Kevin Moore
Johnson, Ann
Johnson, Arthur M
Johnson, B H
Johnson, B L C
Johnson, B L C, & M J Wise
Johnson, Bernard
Johnson, C
Johnson, C S
Johnson, Carl
Johnson, Catherine, & Rob Turnock (eds)
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Chris A
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Christopher G A Y
Johnson, Clare (ed)
Johnson, Cyril
Johnson, D A, & G T Warwick
Johnson, D C
Johnson, D G
Johnson, David S
Johnson, Eric
Johnson, Erik
Johnson, F G
Johnson, F G L
Johnson, G J
Johnson, G S
Johnson, George F
Johnson, Gerald D
Johnson, H
Johnson, H R, & Alec W Skempton
Johnson, H Thomas
Johnson, Harry
Johnson, Howard
Johnson, Ian
Johnson, Ian (ed)
Johnson, Isaac C
Johnson, J H, & W L Randell
Johnson, James
Johnson, John M
Johnson, John, & Robert A Long
Johnson, Kenneth H
Johnson, L C
Johnson, L L
Johnson, Leslie
Johnson, Lorraine, & Brian Alderson
Johnson, Maggie
Johnson, Mark
Johnson, Michael
Johnson, Michael A
Johnson, P J
Johnson, Paul
Johnson, Paul (ed)
Johnson, Peter
Johnson, Peter S
Johnson, Peter S (ed)
Johnson, Phillip
Johnson, R
Johnson, R W
Johnson, Rachel
Johnson, Robert C
Johnson, Robert L
Johnson, Stephen
Johnson, T E
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, Tom E
Johnson, Tony
Johnson, V M
Johnson, Valerie
Johnson, W
Johnson, W Branch
Johnson, Walford, John Whyman & George Wykes
Johnson, William M
Johnston, Barrie C
Johnston, Barry
Johnston, C H
Johnston, Caroline, & Jessie Shanks
Johnston, Colin, & John R Hume
Johnston, Cynthia, & Jack Hartnell
Johnston, Eric
Johnston, F R
Johnston, G D
Johnston, Gordon, & Emma Robertson
Johnston, Ian
Johnston, Ian, & Ian Buxton
Johnston, Ian, & Lewis Johnman
Johnston, James P
Johnston, James, et al
Johnston, Jim
Johnston, Ronald
Johnston, Ronald, & Arthur J McIvor
Johnston, S
Johnston, S H
Johnston, T L, N K Buxton & D Mair
Johnston, Thomas
Johnstone, A E
Johnstone, Alan D
Johnstone, G N
Johnstone, J
Johnstone, James
Johnstone, Leonard
Johnstone, W J D
Joicey, Nicholas
Jois, Jacqueline
Joll, Douglas
Jolley, David
Jolley, Robert
Jolliffe, John
Jolly, A C (ed)
Jolly, William P
Jones, A B, & B L Davies
Jones, A C Merton
Jones, A C, & C J Harrison
Jones, A G E
Jones, A V
Jones, Alan
Jones, Alan Reeve
Jones, Aled
Jones, Alfred L
Jones, Andrew
Jones, Anne
Jones, Anthea
Jones, Anthea (ed)
Jones, Anthony
Jones, Arthur C
Jones, Arthur G
Jones, Auria
Jones, B Alcwyn
Jones, B C
Jones, Barry M
Jones, Benjamin
Jones, Beryl M
Jones, Bethan L
Jones, Bill
Jones, Bill, Brian Roberts & Chris Williams
Jones, Brian
Jones, Bronwen (ed)
Jones, Bruce
Jones, Brynnon (ed)
Jones, C L
Jones, Carol L
Jones, Charles
Jones, Charles A
Jones, Charles H
Jones, Chester
Jones, Christopher D
Jones, Clare M
Jones, Clement W
Jones, Clyve
Jones, Colin
Jones, D
Jones, D G Brian, & Alan J Richardson
Jones, D G Brian, & Mark Tadajewski (eds)
Jones, D K
Jones, D L
Jones, D W
Jones, D W K, & B J Davis
Jones, Daniel
Jones, David
Jones, David G
Jones, David T
Jones, David Wyn
Jones, David, & Jacqueline Urquhart
Jones, David, & Sarah Medlam
Jones, David, writer on furniture
Jones, Denis H
Jones, Derek C
Jones, Derek M
Jones, Derek M, & Beryl M Jones
Jones, Diana
Jones, Diana K
Jones, Donald
Jones, Dot
Jones, Dylan
Jones, E
Jones, E Alfred
Jones, E L
Jones, E Wyn
Jones, Edgar
Jones, Edgar (ed)
Jones, Eric D, & D Gwyn
Jones, Eric L
Jones, Evan
Jones, Evan J
Jones, Evan T
Jones, Evan T, & Richard Stone (ed)
Jones, F Bateman
Jones, F M
Jones, Francis W
Jones, Frank, & Trevor Lodge
Jones, Fred
Jones, Frederick C
Jones, G
Jones, G G
Jones, G Gareth
Jones, G P
Jones, G P, & A G Pool
Jones, G P, & P Lord
Jones, G W
Jones, Geoff
Jones, Geoffrey
Jones, Geoffrey (ed)
Jones, Geoffrey, & Alison Kraft
Jones, Geoffrey, & Clive Trebilcock
Jones, Geoffrey, & Frances Bostock
Jones, Geoffrey, & Jonathan Zeitlin (eds)
Jones, Geoffrey, & Judith Wale
Jones, Geoffrey, & Keetie E Sluyterman
Jones, Geoffrey, & Lucy Newton
Jones, Geoffrey, & Mary Rose
Jones, Geoffrey, & Maurice Kirby (eds)
Jones, Geoffrey, & Maurice W Kirby
Jones, Geoffrey, & Nicholas J Morgan (eds)
Jones, Geoffrey, & Peter Miskell
Jones, Geoffrey, & R Daniel Wadhwani
Jones, Geoffrey, & R Daniel Wadhwani (eds)
Jones, Geoffrey, & Tarun Khanna
Jones, Geoffrey, & Walter A Friedman (eds)
Jones, Geoffrey, Marco H D van Leeuwen & Stephen Broadberry
Jones, Gillian
Jones, Gordon
Jones, Goronwy
Jones, Graham
Jones, Griff R
Jones, Gwen, & John Bell
Jones, Gwyn
Jones, Gwyn B, & Denis Dunstone
Jones, Gwyn B, et al
Jones, H C
Jones, H E
Jones, H G
Jones, H Gwynn
Jones, H Kay
Jones, H Quentin
Jones, H R
Jones, Haydn
Jones, Hazel J
Jones, Helen
Jones, Hugh
Jones, Huw
Jones, Huw, & Annette Wickham
Jones, I F H
Jones, Ioan D
Jones, Ivor W
Jones, Ivor W, & Lindsey Porter
Jones, Ivy Frances
Jones, J
Jones, J A, & N J M Moreton
Jones, J F
Jones, J Gordon
Jones, J H, G Cartwright & P H Guenault
Jones, J Harry
Jones, J Harry, et al
Jones, J I
Jones, J Ifano
Jones, J M
Jones, J Philip
Jones, J R
Jones, J, & J Jones
Jones, James (ed)
Jones, Jeffrey
Jones, Joan
Jones, Joan, & Mel Jones (eds)
Jones, John
Jones, John B
Jones, John H
Jones, John Stoddard
Jones, Jonah
Jones, Joseph T
Jones, K
Jones, K G
Jones, K R
Jones, Kathleen, & Trevor Hewitt
Jones, Keith G
Jones, Kennedy
Jones, Kenneth Crisp (ed)
Jones, Kenneth R
Jones, Kyle F
Jones, L
Jones, L A
Jones, L J
Jones, L R
Jones, L Rodwell
Jones, Leslie
Jones, Leslie R
Jones, Linda, Charles A Jones & Robert G Greenhill
Jones, Lloyd, & William Cairns Jones (ed)
Jones, Lois
Jones, M G
Jones, M H
Jones, M H, & J R Hamilton
Jones, M J
Jones, M W
Jones, Margaret E, & H L Honeyman
Jones, Mark
Jones, Melvyn
Jones, Mervyn, & Fay Goodwin
Jones, Michael
Jones, N W
Jones, Nigel W, et al
Jones, Norman
Jones, Norman L
Jones, Norman, James Monk & Leonard Monk
Jones, O
Jones, O, A Ghobadian & N O'Brien
Jones, Oliver
Jones, Owen V
Jones, P
Jones, P A
Jones, P d'A, & E N Simons
Jones, Pat
Jones, Penny
Jones, Peter
Jones, Peter E
Jones, Peter Ellis
Jones, Peter M
Jones, Peter T A
Jones, Phil
Jones, Philip E
Jones, Philip H
Jones, Philip N
Jones, Philip, & John North
Jones, Pip
Jones, R D
Jones, R Glyn
Jones, R H
Jones, R Merfyn
Jones, R T
Jones, Rachael
Jones, Ray
Jones, Ray, with Bill Jay
Jones, Redvers
Jones, Reg Chambers
Jones, Richard, & Cyril G Reeve
Jones, Rob
Jones, Robert, & Oliver Marriott
Jones, Robin
Jones, Robin
Jones, Roderick
Jones, Rodwell
Jones, Rosemary
Jones, S J
Jones, S J (ed)
Jones, S R H
Jones, S R H, & Simon P Ville
Jones, Sally
Jones, Sally (ed)
Jones, Sidney R
Jones, Stanley J
Jones, Stephanie
Jones, Stephen G
Jones, Stephen K
Jones, Steve
Jones, Stewart
Jones, Stewart, & Max Aiken
Jones, Stuart
Jones, T E
Jones, T Mervyn
Jones, Terry
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas, & Alfred H Willink
Jones, Tim
Jones, Tom
Jones, Trevor
Jones, W B
Jones, W G
Jones, W Glyn
Jones, W H
Jones, W J
Jones, W R
Jones, W Unite
Jones, Walter B
Jones, William
Jones, William H
Jones, Yvonne
Jonker, Abraham
Jonker, Joost, et al
Jonsson, Hannes
Jope, E M, & G C Dunning
Jopp, Keith
Jordan, Arthur
Jordan, Arthur, & Elizabeth Jordan
Jordan, Charles H
Jordan, Christopher
Jordan, E
Jordan, Eric
Jordan, Harriet
Jordan, Herbert E
Jordan, Humfrey
Jordan, John O, & Robert L Patten (eds)
Jordan, Kate
Jordan, Philip
Jordan, S
Jordan, Spencer
Jordan, W K
Jordan, W M
Jory, J J
Joseph, Marrisa
Joseph, Pete
Joseph, Peter, & Gerald Williams
Joseph, Richard
Joseph, Richard, et al
Joseph, Vivian
Josephs, Zoe
Josephs, Zoe (ed)
Joslin, David
Jourdain, Margaret
Jourdan, Philip
Jowett, Judy
Jowitt, George
Jowitt, J A
Jowitt, J A (ed)
Jowitt, J A, & Arthur J McIvor (eds)
Jowitt, R B, et al
Joy, David
Joy, Edward T
Joy, Stewart
Joy, Thomas
Joyce, D
Joyce, Herbert
Joyce, J
Joyce, Laurence
Joyce, Laurence, & Wynyard Wilkison
Joyce, Patrick
Joyce, Paul
Jubb, Michael
Jubb, Samuel
Judd, Mark
Judek, S
Judge, Colin W
Judge, Cyril
Judge, Edward T
Judges, A V
Judges, William
Jukes, G (ed)
Jukes, William
Julier, Guy
Julius, Leslie
Jung, S Paul, & David A Higgins (ed)
Jung, Sandro
Junor, John
Junor, John D B
Junor, Penny
Jupe, Robert
Jupp, Edward B
Jupp, John
Jupp, Peter C
Jupp, Peter C, & Glennys Howarth (eds)
Jupp, Peter C, & Hilary J Grainger (eds)
Jurica, A R J
Jury, Mick
Jux, Frank
Juxon, John
Kadane, Matthew
Kaelble, H
Kaellgren, Peter
Kaeuper, Richard W
Kafker, Frank, & Jeff Loveland (eds)
Kahan, Arcadius
Kahan, B C
Kahane, Jack
Kahl, William F
Kaijage, Fred J
Kain, Roger, & William Ravenhill (eds)
Kamikawa, Takao
Kaminski, J
Kamitake, Yoshiro
Kamm, Antony, & Malcolm Baird
Kanamori, Eri (sic)
Kander, Astrid, Paul Warde & Paolo Malanima
Kane, Josephine F
Kanefsky, John
Kanefsky, John, & John A Robey
Kaner, Ralph A
Kanfer, Stefan
Kang, J Y, Song Kim, Hugh Murphy & Stig Tenold
Kanwar, R S
Kaplan, Herbert H
Kaplan, Wendy (ed)
Kapstein, Ethan B
Karatzoglou, John
Karau, Paul, Mike Parsons & Kevin Robertson
Karby, H L
Karjala, Dennis S
Karkeek, Paul Q
Karo, Max, & G C Foster (ed)
Karol, Eitan
Karol, Eitan, & Finch Allibone
Karra, Neri
Karras, Alan L
Karshner, M
Karslake, E K H
Karslake, Frank (ed)
Kasabov, Edward, & Usha Sundaram
Kasimis, C
Kassim, Lozah
Kassler, Michael
Kasuga, Ayuka
Kasuya, Makoto (ed)
Katirai, Foad
Katzenellenbogen, S E
Kauffer, Edward McKnight
Kaufman, Morris
Kaukiainen, Yrjo
Kaunitz, R D
Kause, Jerome
Kavanagh, Terry
Kawabe, Nobuo, & Eisuke Daito (eds)
Kawakatsu, Heita
Kawamura, Tomotaka
Kay, A M
Kay, Alison C
Kay, Derek R
Kay, F George
Kay, H D
Kay, J
Kay, Jackie, & Chris Woodman (eds)
Kay, John A, Colin Mayer & David Thompson (ed)
Kay, N M
Kay, Noreen M
Kay, Peter
Kay, Stephen
Kay, William
Kay, William (ed)
Kaye, A R
Kaye, Barbara, Mrs Percy Muir
Kaye, Barrington
Kaye, David
Kaye, David, & Sam Scorer
Kaye, Richard, & Roy Peskett
Kazuma, Hattori
Kealey, Edward J
Keane, P
Kearley, Hudson Ewbanke, Viscount Devonport
Keast, John
Keast, Moira
Keast, W J
Keates, Tony
Keath, Michael
Keatley, W S
Keaveney, E, & D L Brown
Keay, John
Kedslie, Moyra J M
Keeble, D E
Keeble, David, et al
Keeble, S P
Keef, Alan M
Keefe, H J
Keeley, Malcolm
Keeley, P J
Keeley, Paula
Keeling, B S, & A E G Wright
Keeling, David P M
Keeling, Denis
Keeling, Drew
Keen, Laurence
Keen, P A
Keen, Richard G
Keen, Roland
Keen, Rosemary A
Keenan, Ken E
Keene, Barbara, with Dot Butler & Martin Bodman
Keene, Derek
Keeton, George W
Keevil, Ambrose
Keevil, Harold F
Kefford, Andrew
Kehoe, Thomas J, & Greenhalgh, Elizabeth M
Keighley, Mark
Keighren, Innes M, Charles M J Withers & Bill Bell
Keir, David
Keir, David E
Keir, David E, & Bryan Morgan (eds)
Keirn, Tim
Keith, Alexander
Keith, Kenneth
Keith, Kenneth, et al
Keith, S T
Keith-Lucas, B
Kelf-Cohen, R
Kelleher, George D
Kellett, F M
Kellett, J R
Kellett, John R
Kellett, Richard
Kelley, C Stuart
Kelley, D W
Kelley, Graham
Kelley, J W
Kelley, Philip J
Kelley, Victoria
Kellock, Katharine A
Kellow, Joseph
Kells, Stuart
Kelly, Alison
Kelly, Andrew, & Melanie Kelly
Kelly, Andrew, & Melanie Kelly (eds)
Kelly, Archie, with Percy Kelly
Kelly, Bill
Kelly, Dave
Kelly, David
Kelly, Debra
Kelly, E M
Kelly, Geoffrey I
Kelly, Henry E
Kelly, Ian
Kelly, J
Kelly, Jack
Kelly, John
Kelly, John W E
Kelly, Kieran P
Kelly, Morgan, & Cormac Ó Gráda
Kelly, N
Kelly, Nick
Kelly, P
Kelly, Terence, with Graham Norton & George Perry
Kelly, Thomas
Kelly, Tim
Kelsall, Frank
Kelsall, Frank, & Timothy Walker, with Sheila O'Connell (ed)
Kelsall, R K, et al
Kelsey, Harry
Kelting, E L
Kelvin, Martin
Kelvin, Norman (ed)
Kemble, John H
Kemish, Norman
Kemp, Alex
Kemp, Alex, & Fiona Smith
Kemp, Emory L
Kemp, Ken
Kemp, Peter K
Kemp, Robert
Kemp, W
Kemp-Luck, E A
Kempe, H R
Kempe, W W
Kempsell, Alex
Kenawell, William W
Kendall, H G
Kendall, H J B
Kendall, Hugh P
Kendall, O D
Kendrick, Helen
Kenefick, William
Keneley, Monica
Kennard, A N
Kennea, T D
Kennedy, Brian P
Kennedy, Carol
Kennedy, David
Kennedy, Duncan
Kennedy, G G C
Kennedy, Geoffrey F
Kennedy, I M
Kennedy, J
Kennedy, Jim
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, John, writer on railways
Kennedy, John, writer on shipping
Kennedy, Joseph C
Kennedy, K H
Kennedy, Kieran A, Thomas Giblin & Deirdre McHugh
Kennedy, Liam, & Philip Ollerenshaw (eds)
Kennedy, M L, & D B McNeill
Kennedy, P M
Kennedy, Richard
Kennedy, Simon
Kennedy, Stephen
Kennedy, W P, & Ranald Michie
Kennedy, William
Kennedy, William F
Kennedy, William P
Kennedy, William P, & P J R Delargy
Kennerley, Alston
Kennerley, Eija
Kennett, Annette (ed)
Kennett, David
Kennett, David H
Kennett, Pat
Kennett, W H (ed)
Kenney, Alison
Kennison, G J
Kenny, Paul
Kenny, Stephen T
Kenrick, W Byng (ed)
Kenrick, William
Kensey, M F
Kent, D M
Kent, David A
Kent, Ernest A
Kent, Frank R
Kent, Graeme
Kent, Graham, with David Neave & Susan Neave
Kent, H S K
Kent, J M
Kent, Ken W
Kent, L G
Kent, Marian
Kent, Marie
Kent, Oliver
Kent, P E
Kent, P H
Kent, R
Kent, R C
Kent, Timothy A
Kent, Timothy, & Luke Schrager
Kentley, Eric
Kentley, Eric, Angie Hudson & James Peto (eds)
Kenton, June
Kenward, E J
Kenward, Frederick M
Kenward, James
Kenwood, A G
Kenwood, A G, & A L Lougheed
Kenworthy, F
Kenworthy, Joseph
Kenworthy-Browne, John A
Kenyon, George H
Kenyon, H
Kenyon, P
Keogh, Brian
Keoghan, M J
Keown, Eric
Kepler, Jon S
Keppie, John
Kerlogue, F
Kermode, Jennifer I
Kernahan, Jack
Kernohan, Jack
Kerr, Andrew W
Kerr, Barbara
Kerr, David
Kerr, G F
Kerr, Geoff
Kerr, George P
Kerr, I M
Kerr, Ian
Kerr, Ian J
Kerr, Ian J (ed)
Kerr, John
Kerr, W G
Kerridge, Eric
Kerry, F A
Kershaw, S T
Kershaw, Tim
Kershell, P J
Kershen, Anne J
Kershen, Anne J (ed)
Kersley, Robert H
Kesner, R M
Kessler, David
Kestenbaum, Ralph
Keswick, Maggie (ed)
Keswick, Maggie, & Clara Weatherall (ed)
Ketelbey, C D M
Ketteringham, John
Kettle, Ann J
Kettle, Brian
Kettle, Russell
Kevern, Roger
Kewley, Jonathan
Key, Graham & Alva Key
Key, Michael
Keymer, F
Keynes, Geoffrey L
Keys, Dick, & Ken Smith
Keyse, Thomas
Keyte, Owen
Keyworth, J Max
Keyworth, John
Khan, B Zorina
Khan, B Zorina, & Kenneth L Sokoloff
Khan, S A
Kibblewhite, C
Kidd, Alan
Kidd, Alan, & Terry Wyke (eds)
Kidd, Jane
Kidd, Megg
Kiddell, A J B
Kiddy, Arthur W
Kidger, Chris
Kidner, Roger W
Kidner, Roger W, & D W K Jones
Kidron, Michael
Kidson, Frank
Kidson, Joseph R, & Frank Kidson
Kidston, Cath, & Sue Chidler
Kiernan, David
Kiernan, V G
Kieve, Jeffrey L
Kift, Dagmar
Kilburn, Terence
Kilburn-Toppin, Jasmine
Kilby, Kenneth
Kiley, David
Killick, H F
Killick, John R
Killick, John R, & W A Thomas
Killick, Peter C (ed)
Killingback, A J
Killingray, David
Killingray, David, M Lincoln, N Rigby (eds)
Killock, Douglas, John Brown & Christopher Jarrett
Kilmurry, Kathleen J
Kiln, Robert
Kilner, Denis S
Kilpatrick, James
Kim, Dong-Woon
Kim, Jongchul
Kimber, H E
Kimberley, Damien
Kimmerling, R J S
Kimpton, Peter
Kinahan, Anthony J (ed)
Kinchin, Juliet
Kinchin, Perilla
Kinchin, Perilla, & Juliet Kinchin
Kinder (pseud)
Kinder, Mike
Kindleberger, C P
King, A D
King, A T
King, Allan
King, Arthur, & Albert F Stuart
King, Arthur, & Hazel King
King, Barry
King, Betty (ed)
King, Brenda M
King, Catherine E
King, Cecil
King, Clifford A
King, Cyril
King, D
King, D F
King, David I
King, David J S
King, David L
King, David, writer on menswear shop
King, David, writer on the Adam family
King, Denis, & Donald Malpas
King, Elizabeth J
King, Frank A
King, Frank H H
King, Frank H H (ed)
King, Frank H H, et al
King, George
King, H F
King, Henry C
King, Horace
King, Ivor E
King, J Edmund
King, J Stanley
King, Janet
King, John
King, John E
King, John S
King, John, & Geoffrey Tait
King, Joseph E
King, Louise
King, Mervyn
King, Nicholas
King, Nicholas (ed)
King, Norman
King, Peter
King, Peter H
King, Peter W
King, Rachael S
King, Robert J, & B A Ludham
King, Roger
King, Steven
King, Steven, & Geoffrey Timmins
King, Susan
King, T H
King, Tony
King, W
King, W J
King, W T C
King, Wilson
King-Scott, Peter
Kingdon, Alfred S
Kingdon, J A
Kinghorn, Jonathan, & Gerald Quail
Kingman, M J
Kings, A T
Kings, Bill, & Margaret Cooper
Kingsbury, E T, & Evelyn Boys (eds)
Kingsbury, J E
Kingsbury, Susan M
Kingscott, Geoffrey
Kingsford, Peter
Kingsford, Reginald J L
Kingston, Arthur
Kingston, Christopher
Kington, John B
Kininmonth, Kirsten W
Kinloch, James
Kinloch, James, & John Butt
Kinloch, Janet
Kinnear, George
Kinnear, Samuel
Kinnell, Margaret
Kinns, Roger, & Lesley Abell
Kinoshita, T
Kinross, Felicity
Kinross, John
Kinross, John, & Alan Butt-Philip
Kinsella, David
Kinsey, Gordon
Kinsey, Sara, & Edwin Green
Kinsey, Sara, & Lucy Newton (eds)
Kinsey, Sara, Edwin Green et al
Kinsey, Wayne
Kinvig, R H
Kinvig, R H, et al (eds)
Kinvig, Robert H
Kipling, Charlotte
Kipper, Kenneth
Kipping, Mathias, & Denis Saint-Martin
Kipping, Matthias
Kipping, Matthias, & Behlul Usdiken
Kipping, Matthias, & Nick Tiratsoo (eds)
Kipping, Norman V
Kirby, Arthur K
Kirby, David, et al (eds)
Kirby, Henry L
Kirby, Joan W
Kirby, Keith
Kirby, Maurice W
Kirby, Maurice W, & Mary B Rose
Kirby, Maurice W, & Mary B Rose (eds)
Kirby, Peter T
Kirby, Richard S
Kirby, William C
Kirchner, Walther
Kirk, A J
Kirk, David
Kirk, Harry
Kirk, J C
Kirk, John
Kirk, Neville
Kirk, Peter, Peter Felix & Gunter Bartnik
Kirk, Philip, & Peter Cardno
Kirk, R M
Kirk, R M, & C Simmons
Kirk, Reg
Kirk, Sheila
Kirkaldie, K, et al
Kirkaldy, Adam W
Kirkby, Chester
Kirkby, R H
Kirkham, Nellie
Kirkham, Nellie, & Trevor D Ford
Kirkham, Pat
Kirkham, Pat, Rodney Mace & Julia Porter
Kirkland, John (ed)
Kirkpatrick, Graham
Kirkpatrick, Robert J
Kirkup, Mary, & A E B Owen
Kirkup, Mike
Kirkwood, Kerr
Kirkwood, Robert C
Kirtley, Allan, Patricia Longbottom & Martin Blackett
Kirton, Michael J (ed)
Kirwan, F X
Kirwin, Peter (ed)
Kisby, Jennifer A
Kisch, Cecil H
Kitchen, J
Kitchen, Preston
Kitchin, F H
Kitching, David
Kitching, John R
Kitsikopoulos, Harry
Kitson, Henry
Kitson, Michael, & Solomos N Solomou
Kitson, Michael, Solomos N Solomou & Martin Weale
Kitson-Clark, E
Kitteringham, Donald B
Kittridge, Alan
Klapper, Charles F
Klaus, Ian
Klausmeier, Axel
Kleer, Richard A
Klein, Dan, & Ward Lloyd (eds)
Klein, Herbert S
Klein, Herbert S, & Stanley L Engerman
Klein, P W
Klein, Ursula, & E C Spary (eds)
Kleinman, Philip
Klemantaski, Louis, & Michael Frostick
Klepper, Steven, & Kenneth L Simons
Klima, A
Kling, Blair B
Klingender, Francis D
Klingender, Francis D, & Stuart L Legg
Knapman, Geoffrey J
Knapp, B N
Knapp, Mary E
Knappet, Raymond
Knappett, W C
Kneebone, Derek A
Kneel, A, & Ransom Pickard
Kneisel, Ernst
Knell, Henry
Knevitt, Charles, & Colin Amery (ed)
Knight, Alice
Knight, Arthur W
Knight, C
Knight, Charles
Knight, David, & Cristine Monteiro (eds)
Knight, Donald R, & Alan D Sabey
Knight, E F
Knight, Elizabeth
Knight, G Roger
Knight, Geoffrey
Knight, J
Knight, James
Knight, Jeremy
Knight, John, & David Brandon
Knight, Patrick, & Gordon Wright (ed)
Knight, Paul A
Knight, Roger J B
Knight, Roger J B (comp)
Knight, Roger J B (ed)
Knight, Roger J B, & Martin Wilcox
Knight, Sandall
Knightley, Phillip
Knights, D C
Knights, G, & A Farrington
Knights, Mark
Knill, John
Knittl, Margaret A
Kniveton, Gordon N
Kniveton, Gordon N, & Andrew A Scarffe
Kniveton, Gordon N, et al (eds)
Knoblauch, J
Knoop, Douglas, & Gwilym P Jones
Knoop, Douglas, et al
Knott, J R
Knowles, David
Knowles, H Gordon
Knowles, J D O
Knowles, J M
Knowles, John A
Knowles, K G J C, & D J Robertson
Knowles, K W
Knowles, L C A
Knowles, Loraine, Michael Stammers & J D Storer
Knowles, W H
Knox, Andrew M
Knox, Collie
Knox, Diana M
Knox, Harry
Knox, James
Knox, Kristin
Knox, Oliver
Knox, William J
Knox, William W
Knutson, Roslyn L
Kobayashi, Kesaji, & Hidemasa Morikawa (eds)
Kochan, Nick, & Bob Whittington
Kochan, Nick, & Hugh Pym
Koda, Harold, et al
Koehn, Nancy F
Koerner, Steve
Koerper, Philip E
Kogan, Herman
Kohan, Charles M
Kohler, Charles
Kohler, Peter C
Kohn, Roger
Kondo, Ariyuki
Kondo, Kazuhiko
Konig, Wolfgang
Konody, Paul G
Koot, Christian J
Korber, Silke
Korczynski, Marek D
Korey, Marie E, Yannick Portebois, Dorothy E Spiers & Richard Landon (eds)
Kornet, J
Kornitzer, Margaret (ed)
Kornmeier, Ute
Kornwolf, James D
Korr, Charles P
Korshunova, Miliza
Korthals-Altes, J
Kosky, Nathan
Kosmetatos, Paul
Koss, Stephen E
Kostal, R W
Kottler, D, C Watkins and C Lavers
Koufopoulos, Alexander J
Kouwenhoven, John A
Kowaleski, Maryanne
Kowaleski, Maryanne (ed)
Kowaleski-Wallace, Elizabeth
Kozak, Marion
Kraemer-Johnson, Glyn
Kraemer-Johnson, Glyn, & John Bishop
Kraithman, D
Kramer, Daniel C
Kramer, Elizabeth
Kramer, Stella
Kreis, Steven
Krensky, Stephen
Krenzke, John R
Kriegel, Lara
Krishna, Bal
Kristandl, Gerhard, & Martin Quinn
Krohn, F W T
Kroll, David
Kropotkin, P
Kroszner, Randall S
Krummel, D W
Krummel, D W, & Stanley Sadie (eds)
Krupp, Andrea
Ku, C H
Kudo, Akira, & Terushi Hara (eds)
Kuehn, Douglas A
Kuhn, Michael
Kuist, James
Kulik, Karol
Kumagai, Yukihisa
Kumar, R
Kung, Enn
Kunz, Andreas, & John Armstrong (eds)
Kunze, Neil L
Kusamitsu, Toshio
Kuuse, Jan, & Anthony Slaven (eds)
Kwint, Marius
Kydd, Samuel H G
Kyle, Chris R
Kyle, Ian
Kynaston, David
Kyriazis, Nicholas, & Theodore Metaxas
L'Amie, Aileen M
L'Etang, Jacquie
LLoyd-Jones, Bethan
La Faye, Deirdre
Laakso, Seija Riitta
Laban, Brian
Labbett, P
Labbett, P, & F A Brown
Labouchere, Rachel
Labour Research Dept
Labrum, E A (ed)
Lacey, Kay
Lacey, Paul
Lacey, Robert
Lacey-Johnson, L
Lackey, Clifford
Lackington, James
Lacy, Thomas J (ed)
Ladd, R A
Laffoley, Nicholas d' A
Lageard, Jonathan G A, & Ian B Drew
Lahiri, Shompa
Lai, Min
Laidlaw, Christine
Laidlaw, Roger
Laidler, Peter, & David Howroyd
Laidlow, S
Laine, J N B
Laing, Dave
Laing, E A M
Laing, Hector
Lainson, M M E
Laird, Dorothy
Laird, Emma
Laird, Macgregor, & R A K Oldfield
Laird, Watt M
Laister, Nick
Laite, Julia
Laithwaite, Tony
Laity, Paul (ed)
Lake, Brian
Lake, Chris
Lake, George H
Lake, Hazel
Lake, Hugh J
Lakeman, Albert
Laker, Colin L
Laker, Fred A
Laker, Ian A
Lally, Stephen, & John Tomsett
Lalvani, Kartar
Laman, N K
Lamb, A
Lamb, Brian
Lamb, D F
Lamb, D P
Lamb, Frederick
Lamb, H A J
Lamb, Jim
Lamb, Jim, & Steve Warren
Lamb, John
Lamb, Larry
Lamb, P G
Lamb, P J
Lamb, Peter
Lamberg, Juha-Antti, et al (eds)
Lambert, A E
Lambert, Alan
Lambert, Andrew
Lambert, Anthony J
Lambert, Bart, & Milan Pajic
Lambert, George
Lambert, Irene
Lambert, J Malet
Lambert, J W, & Michael Ratcliffe
Lambert, John J
Lambert, Julie A
Lambert, Martin, & Colin Martin
Lambert, Miles
Lambert, Nicholas A
Lambert, Richard S
Lambert, Robin A
Lambert, Sheila
Lambert, Zeta E, & Robert J Wyatt
Lambie, Brian
Lambie, James
Lambot, Ian (ed)
Lamburn, Edward
Lamikiz, Xabier
Lamoreaux, Naomi R, et al
Lampard, Keith J
Lampe, Markus, & Paul Sharp
Lamplugh, Lois
Lan-Davis, Cyril F
Lancaster, Bill
Lancaster, Bill, & Paddy Maguire (eds)
Lancaster, Bill, & Tony Mason (eds)
Lancaster, H Boswell
Lancaster, H M
Lancaster, J Y, & D R Wattleworth
Lancaster, Joan C, et al
Lancaster, M, & E W Lancaster (ed)
Lancaster, Nicholas H
Lancaster, Osbert
Lancaster, W
Lanchbery, Edward
Lanchester, G H
Land, Nigel D
Land, Peter A
Land, Tom
Landen, Dinsdale, & Jennifer Daniel
Lander, J E
Lander, J H, & C H Vellacott
Landes, David S
Landes, David S, Joel Mokyr & William J Baumol (eds)
Landless, Jeremy
Landon, Richard
Lands, Joy
Lane, Anthony
Lane, Arthur
Lane, Christel, & Jocelyn Probert
Lane, Edward
Lane, Edward V
Lane, Gertrude R, & Robert Bowley
Lane, H T
Lane, Joan
Lane, Joe P
Lane, John
Lane, Kevin
Lane, M
Lane, Michael R
Lane, Penelope
Lane, Peter
Lane, R F, P S London & P H Trollope (eds)
Lane, Sidney E
Lane, Tom
Lane, Tony
Lane, Tony, & Kenneth Roberts
Lang, Elsie M
Lang, Gerhard
Lang, Jennifer
Lang, Marjory
Lang, R W
Lang, Robert G
Lang, Seton
Lang, T B
Langbridge, R E
Langbridge, R H
Langdon, Christopher
Langdon, John
Langdon, John, & Martin Watts
Langdon-Davies, John
Lange, Even
Lange, Maureen
Langham, Marion
Langham, Mike, & Colin Wells
Langham, Rob
Langley, Andrew
Langley, Anne
Langley, Anthony
Langley, John G
Langley, Martin, & Edwina Small
Langley, Michael
Langley, S J
Langley, W K M (ed)
Langlois, Richard N, et al
Langmead, Donald
Langmuir, G E
Langmuir, G E, & G H Somner
Langshaw, Arthur
Langston, Keith
Langton, John
Langton, John, & R J Morris (eds)
Langwill, Lyndesay G
Langwill, Lyndesay G, & Noel Boston
Langworth, Richard, & Graham Robson
Lanmon, Dwight
Lanning, Greg, & Marti Mueller
Lanning, Greg, et al (eds)
Lansberry, H C F
Lansbury, George
Lansdell, Peter
Lansdown, M J
Lansley, Alastair
Lansley, Stewart, & Andy Forrester
Lansman, Rob
Lanzalaco, Luca
Lapsley, Gaillard T
Lapthorn, James S
Lapthorne, William H
Lardner, Dionysius
Lardner, E
Large, David (ed)
Large, Frank
Large, John A
Large, P F W
Large, Robert
Larke, W M
Larken, H W
Larkin, Edgar J
Larkin, Edgar J, & John G Larkin
Larkin, Nick (ed)
Larkin, Roy
Larkins, William
Larkman, Arthur
Larkworthy, Falconer
Larkworthy, Falconer, & Harold Begbie (ed)
Larkworthy, Peter
Larminie, Vivienne M
Larminie, Vivienne M (ed)
Larmor, Graham
Larn, Graham
Larn, Richard, & Bridget Larn
Larnder, Leslie
Larson, Frances
Larson, Mitchell J, Karen Ward & John F Wilson
Larsson, Mats, Lars Magnusson & Kersti Ullenhag
Larwood, Jacob, & John C Hotten
Lascelles, David
Lascelles, David, Wray Vamplew & Nigel Watson
Lascelles, Thomas S
Lasic, Barbara
Last, Donald
Lastra, Rosa
Latham, A J H
Latham, Bryan
Latham, Frank A
Latham, J B
Latham, Jackie
Latham, Joseph
Latham, Mark
Latham, Tim
Latimer, John
Lattimore, Colin R
Lattimore, Margaret I
Laughton, George A
Laughton, Jane
Laughton, Jane, & C Dyer
Laughton, L G Carr
Laughton, Tom
Launchbury, G T
Launert, Frederika
Laurence, Alastair
Laurence, Anne
Laurence, Anne, Josephine Maltby & Janette Rutterford (eds)
Laurie, James
Laurie, James, & John Whitehead
Laurie, Kedrun (ed)
Laurie, Peter G
Lavalette, Michael (ed)
Lavell, Bernard A
Laver, Henry
Laver, James
Laver-Gibbs, Christine
Laverton, Tony
Lavery, Brian
Lavine, Kirsten
Lavington, Simon H
Lavis, Peter
Law, A D
Law, Alex
Law, Alice
Law, Betty J (ed)
Law, Brian R
Law, C M
Law, Frank W
Law, Henry
Law, John
Law, Joy (ed)
Law, Michael J
Law, R J
Law, R S
Law, Robin
Law, Robin (ed)
Lawford, G L, & L R Nicholson
Lawler, Tim
Lawley, Ian
Lawley, Pauline, & Anne Wilkins
Lawlor, Harold C
Lawrence, Alistair
Lawrence, Arthur
Lawrence, Charles E
Lawrence, David
Lawrence, David, et al
Lawrence, Heather
Lawrence, Heather, & Peter Walton (eds)
Lawrence, J G
Lawrence, Margaret
Lawrence, Mike
Lawrence, Rachel
Lawrence, Ray
Lawrence, Robert M
Lawrence, Simon
Lawrenson, David M
Lawrenson, John, & Lionel Barber
Laws, Herbert
Laws, Herbert
Laws, Peter
Lawson, Andrew
Lawson, Audrey, & Keith Lawson
Lawson, Bruce
Lawson, Frank
Lawson, J B
Lawson, Peter J
Lawson, Philip
Lawson, Terence, & David Killingray (eds)
Lawson, Tom J
Lawson, Tracey
Lawson, William E
Lawson, William J
Lawson, William R
Lawson, Zoe
Lawson-Clarke, Peter
Lawton, Bryan
Lawton, David
Lawton, Richard, & Catherine M Cunningham (eds)
Lawton, Roy
Laxon, W A
Laxon, W A, & F W Perry
Laxon, W A, & R K Tyers
Laxon, W A, et al
Laybourn, Keith
Laycock, John
Layman, C H
Layson, J F
Layton, Harold L
Layton, J Kent
Layton, J Kent, & Tad Fitch
Layton, Peter
Layton, Peter (compiler)
Layton, Walter T
Layton-Jones, Katy
Lazar, Harvey
Lazell, David
Lazell, H G
Lazenby, Keith
Lazenby, Walter
Lazonick, William
Lazonick, William, & M O'Sullivan
Lazonick, William, & William Mass
Le Caudey, George
Le Fevour, Edward
Le Fleming, E Kaye
Le Fleming, Hugh M
Le Guillou, Michael
Le Marchant, R
Le Pichon, Alain (ed)
Le Rossignol, Peter
Le Scelleur, Kevin
Le Vine, Jonathan R A
Le-Las, Wendy
LeGear, Rod
Lea, F C
Lea, Frederick M
Lea, Ken
Lea, Peter
Lea, W W
Leaback, David H
Leach, Cyril
Leach, D, & L Leahy
Leach, Doreen S
Leach, Francis
Leach, J
Leach, J T
Leach, John
Leach, Michael
Leach, Peter
Leach, Robert
Leach, Robin D
Leach, Simon
Leach, Stephen
Leach, Stephen, & Hugh S Torrens
Leach, Trevor M
Leacroft, Richard
Lead, Lucy
Lead, Lucy, & Peter Lead
Lead, Peter
Leader, R E
Leaf, Walter, & Charlotte M Leaf
Leahy, Josephine, & Angela Holland
Leak, H, & A Maizels
Leake, Graham
Lean, Charles
Lean, Thomas
Leapman, Michael
Learmonth, Bob, Joanna Nash & Douglas Cluett
Learmount, Brian
Leary, Emmeline, & Jeremy Pearson
Leary, F
Leasor, James
Leatham, R B
Leatham, S W B
Leathem, Walter H, et al
Leather, David
Leather, John
Leather, Peter
Leathlean, S W B
Leavitt, Thomas W
Leazer, John
Lebas, Elizabeth
Leboff, David
Lebon, J H G
Lechner, Roman, et al
Leconfield, Lord
Lecount, Peter
Ledbetter, R M
Leddra, Mike
Ledger, A, et al
Ledger, Andrew P
Ledger, Andrew P, & Roger Smith
Ledger, Frank, & Howard Sallis
Ledwith, Frank
Lee, A R
Lee, A S Y
Lee, Alan J
Lee, Bernard T
Lee, Brian
Lee, C C
Lee, C J
Lee, Charles E
Lee, Clive H
Lee, David, Alan R Taylor & Rob Shorland-Taylor
Lee, E A M, & A Babington-Smith
Lee, E A M, & M H Vaisey
Lee, Geoffrey A
Lee, Grace Lawless
Lee, J M
Lee, Janet M
Lee, Jennifer B
Lee, John J
Lee, John S
Lee, Joseph
Lee, Michael
Lee, Norman, & Peter C Stubbs
Lee, Paula Young (ed)
Lee, Peter
Lee, Philip H (ed)
Lee, Robert
Lee, Robert (ed)
Lee, Ronald A
Lee, Ronald A, & R Gwynn
Lee, Roy H
Lee, S J H
Lee, S Y
Lee, Sidney
Lee, Tom A
Lee, Tom A (ed)
Lee, Tom A, & R H Parker (eds)
Lee, W J
Lee, William A
Lee, William Lamborn
Leech, Bosdin T
Leech, H C L
Leech, Miriam, with Charles F Cook
Leeds, Herbert
Leeds, Tessa
Leeman, Francis W
Lees, E Antony
Lees, John
Lees, Lynn Hollen
Leeson, Nick, with Edward Whitley
Leete, Joseph
Lefanu, William
Lefevre, G Shaw
Leftwich, B R
Legg, Chris
Legg, Edward
Legg, K
Legg, Margaret, & Beryl Saunders (eds)
Legg, Philippa
Legg, Polly
Legge, Ronald
Legon, James W
Lehane, Brendan
Lehman-Wilzig, Sam N
Lehmann, F
Lehmann, John
Lehmann, R John F
Lehmann-Brune, Marlies
Leifchild, John R
Leigh, Chris, & R C Riley
Leigh, David, with Richard Norton-Taylor
Leigh, Fred
Leigh, L A
Leigh, Ray
Leigh, Ray, & Trevor Chinn
Leigh, Roger
Leigh-Bennett, Ernest P
Leighton, Albert C
Leighton, H G M
Leighton, P E
Leighton, Sophie, & Roger Boney
Leighton, William A
Leighton-Boyce, John A S L
Leishman, Marista
Leith, Clare
Leivers, Clive
Leleux, Sydney A
Lelliott, Pat
Lemire, Beverly
Lemire, Beverly (ed)
Lemon, Carl
Lemon, Charles
Lendrum, Oliver
Leneman, Leah
Lenfestey, G M
Leng, L W
Leng, Thomas
Lenman, Bruce
Lenman, Bruce, & Enid Gauldie
Lenman, Bruce, & Kathleen Donaldson
Lenman, Bruce, Charlotte Lythe & Enid Gauldie
Lennard, Reginald
Lennox, James
Lennox, R G
Lent, S
Lentin, Antony A
Lenzen, Godehard
Leon, Robert
Leon, William
Leonard, A G K
Leonard, Adrian B
Leonard, J W
Leonard, Kim D
Leonard, T Arthur
Leonardos, Othon H
Leong, Elaine
Leopold, Ellen
Leopold, J H
Lerner, Harry
Lerry, George G
Lescent-Giles, I
Lescure, Michael
Leser, C E V, & Anne H Silvey
Lesger, C, & L Noordegraaf (eds)
Leslie, Anita, & Pauline Chapman
Leslie, C, & C Ward
Leslie, H W
Leslie, Ian M
Leslie, J
Leslie, J O
Leslie, Jean, & Roland A Paxton
Leslie, Kim, & Brian Short (eds)
Leslie, Kim, & Jack Harmer
Leslie, R J
Lesser Columbus (pseud)
Lesser, C E V
Lester, Richard
Lester, V Markham
Letchworth Local History Research Group
Lethaby, W R
Lethaby, W R, A H Powell & F L Griggs
Lethbridge, John P
Lethbridge, Lucy, & Tim Wales
Lethbridge, Roper
Letters, Samantha
Letters, Samantha, with Mario Fernandes, Derek Keene & Oliver Myhill
Letts, Malcolm H I
Letts, S A
Leubuscher, Charlotte
Leunig, Timothy
Leunig, Timothy, Chris Minns & Patrick Wallis
Levacic, Rosalind
Levenson, Thomas
Leventhall, Bryony, & Anna Spender
Lever, Christopher M A
Lever, Jill
Lever, Lawrence
Lever, William
Leverhulme, Lord
Levers, Andrew
Leverton, Basil
Leveson, C
Levey, Santina M
Levi, Leone
Levien, D V
Levien, J W J
Levin, Hillel
Levine, Aaron
Levine, David
Levine, David, & Keith Wrightson
Levine, George
Levinson, Marc
Levinson, Maurice
Levinstein, Ivan
Levitt, I
Levitt, Sarah
Levy, Allen, & Narisa Chakra
Levy, Catriona
Levy, Hermann
Levy, Martin P
Levy, Martin P, & Elaine Moss
Levy, Mervyn
Levy, Percy
Levy, Scott A
Levy-Leboyer, Maurice (ed)
Lewchuk, Wayne
Lewcun, Marek J
Lewenhak, Sheila
Lewer, H W
Lewes, F M M, A J Culyer & G A Brady
Lewes, Peter
Lewin, C G
Lewin, Henry G
Lewin, Henry G, with C R Clinker
Lewington, Henry
Lewins, William
Lewinsohn, Richard
Lewis, Anthony H T
Lewis, Anthony R
Lewis, Anthony R, & John Lowrey
Lewis, Ben W
Lewis, Brian
Lewis, C P, & A T Thacker (eds)
Lewis, C R E
Lewis, C Roy
Lewis, C T Courtney
Lewis, Christopher
Lewis, Christopher, & Terence Baddeley
Lewis, Colin
Lewis, D A
Lewis, D E
Lewis, David
Lewis, David F
Lewis, David G
Lewis, David L
Lewis, Don
Lewis, E A (ed)
Lewis, E L
Lewis, Edward R
Lewis, Elisabeth A (ed)
Lewis, Evan D
Lewis, Fiona
Lewis, Frank
Lewis, Frederick H
Lewis, Geoffrey
Lewis, Geoffrey D
Lewis, George G
Lewis, George R
Lewis, Gwyn
Lewis, H
Lewis, Harry
Lewis, Ivor
Lewis, J
Lewis, J H
Lewis, J Parry
Lewis, J R
Lewis, James H
Lewis, Jane E
Lewis, Jeremy
Lewis, Jim
Lewis, Joanna
Lewis, John
Lewis, John E
Lewis, John M
Lewis, John Spedan
Lewis, John, & Griselda Lewis
Lewis, Lucy
Lewis, M J
Lewis, Michael
Lewis, Michael J T
Lewis, Michael J T (ed)
Lewis, Michael J T, & J H Denton
Lewis, Michael J T, & M C Williams
Lewis, Michael J T, & Neil R Wright
Lewis, P R, & G D B Jones
Lewis, P W
Lewis, Peta
Lewis, Peter
Lewis, Peter, & Philip N Jones
Lewis, R Stanley
Lewis, R W
Lewis, Richard
Lewis, Roy
Lewis, Roy A
Lewis, Russell
Lewis, Shelagh M
Lewis, Stephen
Lewis, T M, & I H McNicoll
Lewis, Victor
Lewis, Walter
Lewis, William
Lewis, William J
Lewis, Winifred
Lewis-Crown, Peter
Leyden, Kevin
Leyland, J
Leyland, N H
Leyland, N L, & J E Troughton
Li, Fan
Libby, Douglas C
Liberty, W H
Lichtenstein, Rachel
Lickorish, T J, & A G Kershaw
Lickorish, W H
Lidbetter, Lawrence
Liddell, Alex
Liddell, Andrew
Liddell, F D K
Liddle, John
Liddle, Philip
Lidster, J Robin
Lidstone, James T S
Liebenau, Jonathan
Liebenau, Jonathan (ed)
Liebenau, Jonathan, et al (eds)
Lieber, Robert J
Liedtke, Rainer
Liehr, Reinhard
Liehr, Reinhard, & M Torres
Liehr, Reinhard, & Mariano E Torres Bautista
Lieven, Michael
Liffen, John
Light, John R C
Lightfoot, Tom, & Annelise Fielding (ed)
Lighthill, M J
Lile, Emma
Lill, Malcolm
Lillehammer, Arnvid
Lilley, Suzanne
Lillie, William
Lilly, Jane
Lillywhite, Bryant
Lim, Chee Peng, et al
Lim, Helena L H
Limbacher, James L
Limouze, A S
Lin, Chih-Lung
Linaker, E Nugent
Lincoln, Bob (pseud)
Lincoln, J C
Lincoln, Margarette
Lind, William
Linday, David T A, & Geoffrey C Bamber
Lindberg, Michael, & Daniel Todd
Lindblad, J Thomas
Linder, Leslie C
Linder, Marc
Lindert, Peter H, & Keith Trace
Lindey, Laurie
Lindfield-Ott, Peter N
Lindgren, Hakan
Lindley, Arnold
Lindop, John B
Lindop, R
Lindqvist, Svante
Lindsay, Bill
Lindsay, Jack
Lindsay, James M
Lindsay, Jean
Lindsay, John
Lindsay, Matthew (ed)
Lindsay, Maurice
Lindsay, William S
Lines, C J
Lines, Mark A
Lines, Richard, & Leif Hellstrom
Lines, Walter
Lingard, Brian
Lingard, Jane, & Timothy Lingard
Lingard, Philip
Linge, Nigel, & Andy Sutton
Lingelbach, Anna L
Lingelbach, William E
Lingwood, John
Lingwood, John, & Harold Appleyard
Lingwood, John, & Kevin O'Donoghue
Lingwood, John, & Leonard Gray
Linklater, Magnus, & David Leigh
Linnard, William
Linnell, Paul
Linsley, Stafford M
Linstrum, Derek
Linton, David
Linton, David L (ed)
Linton, David, & Ray Boston (eds)
Linton, J Eddis
Lipartito, Kenneth
Lipman, Michael I
Lipman, Sonia & V D
Lipman, V D
Lippincott, Louise
Lipscombe, C G
Lipson, Ephraim
Lipson, Eric
Lipton, Thomas J
Lischka, J R
Liscombe, R W
Lisle-Williams, Michael
List, Eric
Lister, Jenny, et al
Lister, John (ed)
Lister, Kate
Lister, M D
Lister, P H
Lister, Roger
Lister, Samuel C
Litchfield, Robert
Litten, Julian
Little, Bernard M
Little, Bryan
Little, G
Little, Linda
Little, Steve
Little, Wilfred J
Littlefair, G T
Littlejohn, L H
Littlemore, Allan
Littler, A E
Littler, Alison S
Littler, Craig
Littler, Dawn
Littler, Dawn (ed)
Littler, Eric R
Littler, H W
Littleton, A C, & B S Yamey (eds)
Littlewood, B R
Littlewood, D R
Littlewood, E A
Littlewood, John
Litvin, Daniel
Litwin, Jerzy
Liu, J
Liu, Kwang Ching
Liveing, Edward G D
Livesay, Harold C (ed)
Livesey, Frank
Livesey, George T
Livingston, Alan, & Isabella Livingston
Livingston, Josiah
Livingstone, Grace
Livingstone, Karen
Livingstone, Peter K
Ljungberg, Jonas
Llewellin, Philip, & D Burgess-Wise
Llewellin, W
Llewellyn Smith, Hubert (ed)
Llewellyn, Ken
Llewellyn-Jones, Frank
Llewelyn-Davies, David
Llorca-Jana, Manuel
Lloyd Smith, Leonard, & Roger J B Keene
Lloyd, Arthur T
Lloyd, Beth
Lloyd, C G
Lloyd, Chris
Lloyd, Christopher
Lloyd, Clara F
Lloyd, David
Lloyd, David W
Lloyd, David W (ed)
Lloyd, David, & Donald Insall
Lloyd, David, Peter Howell & Margaret Richards
Lloyd, Dick
Lloyd, E
Lloyd, E M H
Lloyd, Edward A
Lloyd, F C
Lloyd, G
Lloyd, George
Lloyd, Godfrey I H
Lloyd, H
Lloyd, Howard
Lloyd, Humphrey
Lloyd, Ian
Lloyd, Ian, & Peter Pugh
Lloyd, J D
Lloyd, J D K
Lloyd, J W
Lloyd, James
Lloyd, John
Lloyd, John E (ed)
Lloyd, John E, et al (eds)
Lloyd, Keith
Lloyd, L C
Lloyd, Lewis W
Lloyd, Nathaniel
Lloyd, P B
Lloyd, Philip
Lloyd, Robert
Lloyd, Samuel
Lloyd, Stephen
Lloyd, Terrence H
Lloyd, Thomas
Lloyd, Tom
Lloyd, Wynne
Lloyd-Jones, Linda
Lloyd-Jones, Roger
Lloyd-Jones, Roger, & A A Le Roux
Lloyd-Jones, Roger, & Myrddin J Lewis
Lloyd-Jones, Roger, Josephine Maltby, Myrddin J Lewis & Mark D Matthews
Lloyd-Jones, Roger, Myrddin J Lewis & Mark Eason
Lloyd-Jones, Roger, et al
Lloyd-Jones, Teleri
Lloyd-Thomas, Doris, & Eric Lloyd-Thomas
Llywelyn, Jen (ed)
Llywelyn, Robin, & Leslie Gerry
Lo Bao, Phil
Lo Bao, Phil, & Iain Hutchison
Loader, David M
Loader, Robert, & Joan S Skinner
Loadman, John, & Francis James
Loadsman, Gerald H
Loasby, B J
Lobley, J Logan
Loch, David
Lochrie, Maureen
Locke, Audrey A
Locke, Robert R
Locker, John P
Lockett, Andy, & Andrew M Wild
Lockett, Andy, Mike Wright & Andrew M Wild
Lockett, Martin
Lockett, R B
Lockett, Terence A
Lockett, Terence A, & Geoffrey Godden
Lockhart, Douglas G
Lockhart, Douglas G (ed)
Lockhart, John G
Lockhart, John G, & Christopher M Woodhouse
Lockley, L C
Locks, Geoffrey
Lockton, Daniel
Lockwood, A
Lockwood, A, & C W Brown
Lockwood, Arthur
Lockwood, S
Lockyer, A E
Lockyer, Mike, & John Banks
Locock, Martin
Lodemann, Jurgen, & Manfred Pohl
Lodge, Percy G
Lodge, Richard
Lodge, Trevor
Loebl, Herbert
Loengard, Janet S
Loewe, Louis (ed)
Loft, Anne
Loft, E Charles
Lofthouse, Tony
Loftus, Donna
Loftus, Simon
Logan, D
Logan, D (ed)
Logan, John C
Logan, Katie
Logan, Roger
Loggie, Valerie
Lohrli, Anne
Lokke, Carl L
Loldey, Douglas (ed)
Lomas, Kevin
Lomas, Peter
Lomas, Thomas
Lomax, Abraham
Lomax, James
Lomax, James, & Christopher G Gilbert
Lomax, K S
Lomax, S F
Lomax, Sam, & John Norris
Londei, John
London, Peter
Londonderry, Lord
Lones, Thomas E
Long, Anne & Russell Long
Long, B W
Long, Brian
Long, Hilary
Long, James
Long, Joan
Long, P B
Long, Pat
Long, Peter J, & W V Awdry
Long, Philip, & Jane Thomas (eds)
Long, Philip, & Joanna Norman (ed)
Long, Stephen
Long, Timothy A
Long, Vicky
Long, W H
Longbotham, A T
Longbottom, L Y
Longcroft, Adam, & Richard Joby (eds)
Longfield, Ada K
Longhurst, Brian, & Danijela Bogdanovic
Longhurst, Henry C
Longhurst, John
Longley, Charles J
Longley, Peter
Longman, Charles J, & John E Chandler (ed)
Longmate, Norman
Longmore, Jane
Longridge, Bob
Longridge, Michael
Longrigg, Roger
Longstaff-Tyrrell, Peter
Longstaffe-Gowan, R T
Longton, Frank
Longworth, Brian M
Longworth, J E
Longworth, James H
Lonsdale, Gillian
Loobey, Patrick
Loomes, Brian
Loomie, Albert J
Looney, John Jefferson
Lopes, Teresa da Silva
Lopes, Teresa da Silva, & Mark Casson
Lopes, Teresa da Silva, & Paul Duguid (eds)
Lopes, Teresa da Silva, & Paulo Guimaraes
Lopes, Teresa da Silva, C G Guimaraes, A Saes & L F Saraiva
Lopez, D M, & John K Walton
Lopez-Morrell, Miguel A
Lopez-Morrell, Miguel A, & Jose M O'Kean
Loram, Susan
Lord, Evelyn
Lord, Horace
Lord, Ioan
Lord, John
Lord, John, & Jem Southam
Lord, Laurence E
Lord, Maurice E
Lord, Trevor J
Lord, W M
Lordan, Robert
Lorenz, Andrew
Lorenz, Edward H
Lorenz, Edward H, & Frank Wilkinson
Lorenzen, Richard L
Lorigan, Catherine M
Lorimer, Joyce
Loring, Henry
Loring, Ulick
Loshak, David
Losocki, David
Lothian, James
Lottman, Herbert R
Loudan, Jack
Louden-Brown, Paul
Loudon, J C
Loudon, John
Lougee, F G
Lough, Eurling J
Loughead, P
Lougheed, Alan L
Louis, Harry, & Bob Currie
Louis, Henry
Louis, William R (ed)
Lounsbury, Ralph G
Louw, Hertie J
Lovatt, J W
Love, Benjamin
Love, Bert, & Jim Gamble
Love, Colin
Love, James H
Love, John A
Love, John F
Lovejoy, Paul E
Lovejoy, Paul E, & David Richardson
Lovell, Alan (ed)
Lovell, John
Lovell, John C
Lovell, Michael C
Lovell, Percy
Lovell, Terry
Lovell, Veronica M E
Lovenbury, George A
Loveridge, Henry, & J E Tildesley
Loveridge, James
Lovering, John
Loverseed, David E
Lovesy, A N
Lovett, Dennis R
Lovett, Henry A
Lovett, Maurice
Lovett, R W
Lovett, Vivien
Loveys, Richard
Low, David
Low, David A (ed)
Low, James G
Low, Jill I
Low, Rachael
Lowe, Arthur S
Lowe, C J
Lowe, David, & Jack Richards
Lowe, Dorothy P
Lowe, Frank E
Lowe, James
Lowe, James W
Lowe, Jane
Lowe, Jeremy B
Lowe, L L S
Lowe, Michael C
Lowe, Norman
Lowe, R
Lowe, W
Lower, Arthur
Lower, Mark A
Lowerson, J R
Lowerson, John
Lowerson, John (ed)
Lown, Judy
Lownds, Russ
Lownes, Victor
Loxham, Angela
Loxton, Howard
Loynes, Ernest
Lu, Qing
Lubbock, Basil
Lubin, I, & H Everett
Lucas Aerospace Trade Union Committee
Lucas, A F
Lucas, Adam R
Lucas, George D
Lucas, Jean S
Lucas, Pat
Lucas, Peter J
Lucas, Reginald J
Lucas, Robin
Lucas, Rowland
Lucas, Tom
Lucas, Walter
Lucey, Conor
Lucie-Smith, Edward
Luck, Liz
Luckas, M R
Luckett, Fred, Ken Flint & Peter Lee
Luckett, Richard
Luckhurst, Kenneth W
Luckin, Bill
Lucking, John H
Ludington, Charles
Ludlam, A J
Ludlow, C G
Ludlow, Neil
Ludovici, Laurence J
Ludvigsen, Karl
Luedders, Arthur R
Luessenhop, Elizabeth, & Martin Mayer
Luff, David
Luffman, George A, & Richard Reed
Lukacher, Brian
Luke, Thomas D
Lukens, John
Luker, Brian
Luker, J E
Luker, J H
Lukins, A H, & D A Russell (ed)
Lukins, Jocelyn
Lukis, William C
Lumb, Geoff
Lumb, R E
Lumley, D O
Lumley, Roger
Lummis, Trevor
Lumsden, Harry
Lumsden, Harry, & P H Aitken
Lund, Alfred
Lund, Erik
Lund, Roger D
Lundgreen, Peter
Lundie, R H
Lunn, Geoff
Lunn, John
Lunn, John R
Lunn, Kenneth
Lunn, Kenneth, & Ann Day
Lunn, Kenneth, & Ann Day (eds)
Lupton, Arthur G
Luscombe, Edward W
Lush, Tom
Lusty, Robert
Luter, Paul A
Lutes, Richard N
Luther, F
Lutkin, Jessica
Lutt, Martin
Luttrell, Claude
Lutyens, Mark (ed)
Lutyens, Mary
Lutyens, Robert
Luu, Lien Bich
Luzetti, C A
Lyall, Sutherland
Lycett, Andrew
Lycett, Phyllis, & Michael Martin
Lyddon, Denis, & Peter Marshall
Lyell, Laetitia, with Frank D Watney
Lyes, D C
Lyes, John
Lygo, Raymond
Lyle of Westbourne, Lord
Lyle, Alexander P
Lyle, J E
Lyle, Oliver
Lyman, J
Lyna, D
Lyna, Dries
Lynch, Anthony
Lynch, Arnold C
Lynch, Colin J
Lynch, Frances, & Lewis Johnman
Lynch, John
Lynch, John P
Lynch, John P (ed)
Lynch, Katherine M
Lynch, M
Lynch, Patrick, & John Vaizey
Lynch, Thomas K
Lyndhurst, David
Lyne, David W
Lynes, Alice
Lynn, Martin
Lynn, Matthew
Lynn, Paul A
Lynn, Richard
Lynn, Richard (ed)
Lynn-Smith, Lois
Lynskey, Michael J, & Seiichiro Yonekura (eds)
Lyon, David J
Lyon, Hugh
Lyon, James
Lyons, Agnes M M
Lyons, Bernard
Lyons, Harry
Lyons, John S
Lyons, Mark
Lyons, Mary
Lyons, Trevor
Lyons, W
Lysack, K
Lysons, Kenneth
Lyth, G V G
Lyth, Peter J
Lyth, Peter J (ed)
Lyth, Peter J, & Marc L J Dierikx
Lythe, S G E
Lythe, S G E, & John Butt
M'Connel, D C
M'Connel, James
M'Ewan, Robert D, et al
Maas, Gambart
Mabbott, F W
Maber, John M
Mac Kay, Charles E
Mac Laughlin, Jim
Mac, Fiona
MacAndrew, Isaac F
MacArthur, Brian
MacArthur, Iain C
MacArthur, Rosie, & Jon Stobart
MacAskill, Joy
MacCaffrey, Wallace T
MacCarthy, Fiona
MacCarthy, Fiona, & Patrick Nuttgens
MacDermot, B H D
MacDermot, Edward T
MacDermott, Norman
MacDiarmid, Allan
MacDiarmid, Hugh, & R L Smyth
MacDonad, Neil, & Alan Townsin
MacDonagh, Oliver
MacDonald, Alan R
MacDonald, Douglas G
MacDonald, Julie
MacDonald, M I M
MacDonald, Miriam, Jelle Muylle & Miles Oglethorpe
MacDonald, Roger, & Peter E Firth (ed)
MacDougall, Ian
MacDougall, Lesley
MacDougall, Margaret O
MacDougall, Philip
MacDougall, Philip (ed)
MacFarlane, Charles
MacGeorge, Andrew
MacGibbon, Hamish
MacGill, Jack
MacGrath, Patrick V (ed)
MacGregor, Alexandrina
MacGregor, Arthur
MacGregor, David R
MacGregor, Don
MacGregor, Donald
MacGregor, George
MacGregor, Iain
MacGregor, Ian, with Rodney Taylor
MacGregor-Morris, Pamela
MacHaffie, Fraser G
MacInnes, Charles M
MacKay, Barry, et al (eds)
MacKay, D I, & G A Mackay [sic]
MacKay, Donald R H
MacKay, John
MacKeith, Margaret
MacKenna, Francis S
MacKenzie, A
MacKenzie, Alexander
MacKenzie, Angus
MacKenzie, Donald F, D McKitterick & I Wilson (gen eds)
MacKenzie, Frederick A
MacKenzie, John M
MacKenzie, Niall G
MacKenzie, Niall G, Jillian Gordon & Martin J Gannon
MacKenzie, Raymond N
MacKenzie, William C
MacKinlay, W M
MacKinnon, Angus
MacKinnon, James
MacKinnon, John A
MacLagan, Ian
MacLaren, Moray D S
MacLaurin, Ian
MacLean, Charles
MacLean, Charles, & Daniel MacCannell with Marc Ellington (ed)
MacLelland, R
MacLeod, Christine
MacLeod, Christine, & Alessandro Nuvolari
MacLeod, Christine, Jennifer Tann, Jane Andrew & Jeremy Stein
MacLeod, Christine, Jeremy Stein, Jennifer Tann & Jane Andrew
MacLeod, G S, & R W D Fenn
MacLeod, K J B S
MacLeod, R F
MacLeod, Robert D
MacLeod, Roy
MacLeod, Roy (ed)
MacLeod, Roy, & Deepak Kumar (eds)
MacLeod, Roy, & Jeffrey A Johnson (eds)
MacLeod, Roy, & Kay MacLeod
MacMahon, K A
MacMaster, J
MacMaster, Richard K
MacMillan, David S
MacMillan, Norman
MacNamara, J S
MacNaughton, John
MacNeill, Niall
MacNiven, Duncan
MacQueen, Hector L
MacRae, R J
Macadam, James
Macadam, W Ivison
Macara, Charles
Macardy, Joseph
Macarthur, William F
Macartney, Sylvia, & John West
Macassey, Lynden
Macaulay, P Tarbet
Macaulay, R H
Macbeth, Lindsay
Maccoll, Fiona
Macculloch, John H, & Kenneth J Stirling
Macdonald, A Craig, & A S E Browning
Macdonald, Alastair
Macdonald, Alec
Macdonald, Angus J
Macdonald, E G
Macdonald, G R
Macdonald, Gilbert
Macdonald, Ian, & Len Tabner (eds)
Macdonald, J G
Macdonald, Janet
Macdonald, K M
Macdonald, Kate
Macdonald, Keith
Macdonald, Margaret
Macdonald, Michael J
Macdonald, Stuart
Macdonald, William R
Macdonald-Smith, Ian
Macdougall, E B (ed)
Mace, Angela
Mace, Frances A
Mace, Nancy A
Mace, Simone
Macfarlane, Allan
Macfarlane, J E
Macfarlane, James
Macfarlane, John
Macgregor, David H
Machin, Donald, J, & R Leslie Smyth
Machlup, Fritz, & Edith Penrose
Macilwraith, William
Macintosh, G (ed)
Macintosh, R W D
Macintyre, Donald G F W
Macintyre, Robert
Mack, Billie
Mack, Peter H
Mack, R J
Mackail, John W
Mackay, A L G
Mackay, Douglas
Mackay, James A
Mackay, K J H
Mackay, Theresa
Mackay, Thomas
Mackenzie, Alan D
Mackenzie, Compton
Mackenzie, David
Mackenzie, Eneas
Mackenzie, Eneas, & M Ross
Mackenzie, H J
Mackenzie, Kenneth
Mackenzie, M H
Mackenzie, T R
Mackenzie, Thomas B
Mackenzie-Grieve, Averil
Mackett, Norman J F
Mackey, Brian
Mackey, Ian
Mackie, A D
Mackie, Allister
Mackie, Charles
Mackie, R L (ed)
Mackie, Richard S
Mackie, Robert
Mackie, Robin L
Mackie, S J
Mackie, W
Mackie, W Euan
Mackillop, Andrew
Mackinder, Anthony, & Ian M Betts
Mackintosh, Alan
Mackintosh, Eric D
Mackintosh, Viscount
Mackley, Alan
Mackness, A M
Mackrow, G C
Maclachlan, Ian
Maclean, Bruce
Maclean, Evan A
Maclean, F J
Maclean, J A
Maclean, J N M
Maclean, John S
Maclean, M
Maclean, Mairi
Maclean, Mairi, Charles Harvey & Jon Press
Maclehose, James
Macleod, Dianne S
Macleod, Donald
Macleod, N
Macleod, William H, & Henry H Houldsworth
Macmillan, Frederick
Macmillan, George A (ed)
Macmillan, H W
Macmillan, Nigel S C
Macmillen, Neil, & Mike Chapman
Macnab, Geoffrey
Macnab, Ian
Macnab, Ian, & James Joyce
Macnair, Miles
Macnaughton, Donald A
Macnay, C
Macneice, D S
Macpherson, Hugh (ed)
Macpherson, Max
Macpherson, W J
Macqueen, Adam
Macqueen-Pope, Walter J
Macrory, Henry
Macrosty, Henry W
Macsween, I C
Macturk, George G
Macve, Richard
Madan, Falconer
Madan, Falconer (ed)
Madden, John J
Madden, Lionel
Madden, Lionel, & Diana Dixon
Maddison, A
Maddy, Ursula
Madeley, Christopher
Madsen, S
Madureira, Nuno Luis
Maeer, Alistair S
Maenpaa, Sari
Magee, Gary B
Magee, Gary B, & Andrew S Thompson
Magee, Jack
Maggie, Edward
Maggs, Christopher
Maggs, Colin G
Maggs, Ken, & Paul De'Athe
Maginnis, Arthur J
Magnus, Philip
Magnusson, Lars
Magnusson, Magnus, et al
Magnusson, Mamie
Magnusson, Roberta
Magrath, Derek
Magrath, Irene E
Maguire, Edward
Maguire, Hugh F B
Maguire, Paddy
Maguire, Paddy, & Jonathan M Woodham (eds)
Maguire, W A
Mahate, Ashraf A
Maher, Terry
Maidment, Brian E
Maidwell, C F
Main, Sydney A
Mainland, J F, & E H Howard
Maiolo, Joseph, & Tony Insall
Mair, Andrew
Mair, Carlene
Mair, Charles
Mair, Craig
Mair, James
Mais, Stuart P B
Maisey, Walter
Maiwald, K
Maixe-Altes, J C
Majid-Hamid, Z
Major, J Kenneth
Major, Susan
Makem, Peter, & Gerry Murphy
Makemson, T
Makepeace, Chris E
Makepeace, John (ed)
Makepeace, Margaret
Makey, W H
Makower, S V
Malan, A H
Malanima, Paolo
Malaws, Brian, & Miriam McDonald
Malchow, H L
Malcolm, Charles A
Malcolm, D O
Malcolm, George W
Malcolm, Ian C
Malcolm, John
Malcolmson, Patricia E
Malden, Henry E (ed)
Malden, John
Malden, R J
Malerba, Franco, & Luigi Orsenigo
Malet, Hugh
Malik, Rex
Malin, Brian
Malin, John C
Mallalieu, W C
Mallet, Felicity
Mallet, John V G
Mallett, Alan S
Mallett, Alan S, & A M B Bell
Mallett, M E
Malley, Edith
Malley, J R
Malley, Mike
Mallier, A T, & M J Rosser
Mallin, Kenneth
Mallins, C W
Mallinson, William
Mallinson-Akroyd, J
Mallory, Keith
Malm, Andreas
Malmgreen, Gail
Malone, Andrew E
Malone, Joseph J
Maloney, Paul D
Maloney, William A
Malpas, Ann
Malpas, Rob
Malpass, Peter
Malpass, Peter, & Andy King
Malster, Robert
Malster, Robert, & Bob Jones
Maltby, Josephine
Maltby, Josephine, & Janette Rutterford
Maltby, Josephine, David R Green & Alastair Owens
Maltby, Josephine, Janette Rutterford, David R Green, Steven Ainscough & Carien Van Mourik
Maltby, Sally, Sally MacDonald & Colin Cunningham
Malton, Sara
Manasseh, Pamela
Manchee, W H
Manchester, Alan K
Mancini, Pat
Manco, Jean
Mandelbrote, Giles
Mandelbrote, Giles (ed)
Mander, C H Waterland
Mander, C Nicholas
Mander, David
Mander, Geoffrey Le Mesurier
Mander, Raymond, & Joe Mitchenson
Manders, Francis W
Manders, Frank
Manders, Frank, & Jill Brown
Mandl, G T (ed)
Maner, Martin W
Manifold (pseud)
Manke, Elizabeth
Mankelow, Roy
Mankelow, Roy, & Frank Wilkinson
Manko, Katina
Mankowitz, Wolf
Mankowitz, Wolf, & Reginald G Haggar
Manley, Christine Hui Lan
Manley, Cyril
Manley, F H
Manley, John
Manley, Keith A
Manley, P S
Mann, Alastair J
Mann, Amos
Mann, B
Mann, Cecil
Mann, F Martin
Mann, Geoffrey
Mann, I
Mann, J H
Mann, J T W, & R E Lewkowitsch
Mann, James A
Mann, Julia de L
Mann, Julia de L (ed)
Mann, R Y
Manners, Gerald (ed)
Manners, John, with Michael Bishop
Manning, Derek
Manning, E H
Manning, Elizabeth
Manning, F E
Manning, Frederic
Manning, Paddy
Manning, Peter
Manning, S
Manning, Stephen
Mannix, Daniel P, & Malcolm Cowley
Mansbridge, Albert
Mansell, Colette
Mansell, Gerard
Mansergh, James
Mansergh, Ruth
Mansfield, Alan
Mansfield, Nick
Mansfield, W S
Manterfield, John B
Mantle, Jonathan
Manton, Colin, & John Edwards
Manton, Cyndy N
Mantoux, Paul
Manville, G E
Maper, Philippa
Mapstone, Mervyn
Marcantonio, Alfredo
March, Margaret J
Marchal, Jules
Marchand, Leslie A
Marchant, John S
Marchant, Melanie
Marchildon, Gregory P
Marchildon, Gregory P (ed)
Marchionatti, R
Marchisio, Giulio
Marco, P N, & C van Malle-Sabouret
Marconi, Degna
Marcroft, William
Marden, Dave
Mardon, Heber
Margary, I D
Margerison, Tom
Margolis, Richard
Margrave, Richard D
Marguerat, Philippe
Marian, Jack
Marichal, Carlos
Marillier, Henry C
Marinetto, M
Mark, John
Mark-Bell, George
Mark-Lawson, Jane, & Anne Witz
Markham, Christopher A
Markham, John
Markham, R
Markham, Violet R
Markin, Trevor
Markland, J H
Marks, A T
Marks, Judith G
Marks, Richard
Marks, Simon
Marks, Susan P
Marks, Thelma
Marks, Walter G
Marks, Winifred, & Christopher Cadbury
Markus, Thomas A
Marland, Hilary
Marley, John
Marling, W H
Marlow, Andy, & Michael Petty
Marlow, Christopher, Jesse Marlow & R M Sanders
Marlow, Norman
Marment, Arthur V
Marnham, Patrick
Marochan, K
Marples, Pauline
Marquand, Eric B (ed), with Philip Riden
Marquand, H A
Marquette, Arthur F
Marr, Andrew
Marr, Paul
Marren, Brian
Marren, Peter, & John Carter
Marriage, John E
Marriner, Sheila
Marriner, Sheila (ed)
Marriner, Sheila, & Francis E Hyde
Marriott, James, & Mika Minio-Paluello
Marriott, John
Marriott, Oliver
Marris, Phil (ed)
Marris, S N
Marrison, Andrew
Marrison, Andrew (ed)
Marrison, Andrew, Steven Broadberry & Tim Leunig
Marrot, Harold V
Marsch, Ulrich
Marsden, Barry M
Marsden, Ben
Marsden, Colin J
Marsden, Colin J (ed)
Marsden, David, et al
Marsden, Frederick
Marsden, J S, & D B S Brock
Marsden, Jonathan
Marsden, K A
Marsden, Philip
Marsh, A J
Marsh, Bower, et al (eds)
Marsh, Christine
Marsh, David
Marsh, Fred
Marsh, George
Marsh, J A
Marsh, J R S
Marsh, John
Marsh, Paddy
Marsh, Peter T
Marsh, Phil
Marsh, Richard
Marsh, Richard, & Steve Ralph
Marsh, Ronald J
Marsh, Steve
Marshall, A C, & Herbert Newbould
Marshall, Arthur
Marshall, C F Dendy
Marshall, C F Dendy, with Roger W Kidner
Marshall, C H
Marshall, Colin
Marshall, D S
Marshall, E L
Marshall, G
Marshall, Gary
Marshall, Gary, Marilyn Palmer & Peter Neaverson
Marshall, Geoff B
Marshall, Gordon
Marshall, H M
Marshall, Harold
Marshall, Herbert G H
Marshall, J D, & John K Walton
Marshall, J S
Marshall, James
Marshall, James F
Marshall, John
Marshall, John D
Marshall, John D (ed)
Marshall, John D, & Michael Davies-Shiel
Marshall, L S
Marshall, Maurice
Marshall, Michael
Marshall, N J
Marshall, Nora M
Marshall, P J
Marshall, Peter
Marshall, Peter F
Marshall, R L
Marshall, Roy
Marshall, Samuel
Marshall, T H
Marshall, Terry, & Mike Forbes (ed)
Marshall, Tim
Marshall, W A
Marshall-Fraser, W
Marshel, Arthur
Marston, Edward
Marston, N C
Martakies, Robin
Martell, Edward, & Ewan Butler
Martell, Hazel M
Marter, P
Martiin, Carin
Martin, A R
Martin, Albert
Martin, Andrew
Martin, Angus
Martin, Ashley
Martin, Bernice
Martin, Bill
Martin, Brian J & John Starkey
Martin, Carol A
Martin, Carolyn
Martin, Celia
Martin, Claire
Martin, Colin
Martin, Daniel
Martin, Darryl, et al
Martin, David
Martin, Derek
Martin, Don
Martin, Evan
Martin, Frederick
Martin, G C
Martin, Geoffrey H
Martin, George
Martin, Iain
Martin, Ian
Martin, J
Martin, J E
Martin, J F
Martin, J M
Martin, J W
Martin, Janet D
Martin, Joanna O
Martin, John B
Martin, Kathy
Martin, L
Martin, Luc N D
Martin, Nancy
Martin, P F De C
Martin, P W
Martin, Phil
Martin, R G
Martin, R W
Martin, Rachel
Martin, Richard A
Martin, Robert
Martin, Ron
Martin, Roy
Martin, Roy, & Lyle Craigie-Halkett
Martin, T J (ed)
Martin, Theodore
Martin, Victoriano Martin
Martin, W S
Martindale, J G
Martine, T C
Martineau, R F
Martins, Susanna W
Martinson, Jane
Martinuzzi, L S
Martland, Peter
Martland, Peter, & Ruth Edge (ed)
Marton, H B
Martyn, Gregory
Maruca, Lisa
Marvel, Howard P
Marvell, A G, et al
Marwick, James D
Marwick, William H
Marx, Daniel
Marx, Klaus
Maschler, Tom
Mascolo, Toni, & Stafford Hildred
Masefield, Peter G
Masefield, Peter G, with Bill Gunston
Maskell, William
Maskett, William
Maslen, Hywel (ed)
Maslen, Keith I D
Maslen, Keith I D, & John Lancaster (eds)
Mason, A
Mason, A Stuart
Mason, Alfred E W
Mason, Anna, et al (eds)
Mason, Arnold J
Mason, Benjamin B
Mason, Bernard
Mason, Cai
Mason, Christopher
Mason, Colin, & Charles Harvey
Mason, Derek K
Mason, Eric
Mason, F A
Mason, Frances N (ed)
Mason, Francis K
Mason, G B
Mason, Geoff, Mary O'Mahony & Rebecca Riley
Mason, George
Mason, H
Mason, H J
Mason, H M
Mason, John D
Mason, Joseph
Mason, Julian
Mason, Julian
Mason, Keith
Mason, Laura
Mason, N M
Mason, Paul
Mason, Paul M
Mason, Peter F
Mason, Sheila A
Mason, Shena
Mason, Shena (ed)
Mason, Tony
Mason, W B
Mason, W W
Masrani, Swapnesh K
Mass, William, & William Lazonick
Masschaele, James
Masset, Claire
Massey, Alison
Massey, H G
Massey, Harry
Massey, John H
Massey, Philip
Massey, Roger
Massey, Thomas, & W E Minchinton
Massie, Allan
Massie, Joseph
Massieu, Antonio Bethencourt
Massil, William I
Massingberd, W O, & Ethel M Hewitt
Massingham, Betty
Massingham, H W
Masson, Paul
Masterman, Brian
Masterman, Brian, & Mike Taylor
Masters, Betty R
Masters, Bruce B
Masters, Don A
Masters, Robin
Masters, Robin, with John Marshall
Masters, Roy, & Alan Turner (ed)
Masterson, Herbert
Mata, T, & R van Horn
Matchette, Alan
Mate, Charles H, & Charles Riddle
Mate, Mavis E
Mathays, H R
Mather, Bob
Mather, Douglas, with Peter N Davies
Mather, Frederick C
Mather, Harold H
Mather, James
Mather, Loris Emerson (ed)
Mather, William
Mathers, Constance J
Matheson, Colin
Matheson, Hugh M
Matheson, I
Matheson, James
Matheson, R, & M Sorkin
Matheson, Rosa M
Mathew, E
Mathew, G W
Mathew, William M
Mathews, Bernard D
Mathews, E F J
Mathews, Godfrey W
Mathews, John
Mathez, Jeremy
Mathias, Peter
Mathias, Peter (ed)
Mathias, Peter, & A W H Pearsall
Mathias, Peter, & John A Davis (eds)
Mathias, Peter, & Patrick K O'Brien
Mathias, R G
Mathieson, George
Mathieson, William L
Mathison, Hamish
Matkin, Robert B
Matlock, David
Matoff, Susan
Matson, Colin
Matsumoto, Miwao
Matsumura, Takao
Matterson, Clarence
Matthews, Bernard T
Matthews, Derek
Matthews, Derek, & Jim Pirie
Matthews, Derek, & Mike Peel
Matthews, Derek, Malcolm Anderson & J R Edwards
Matthews, E R
Matthews, Elizabeth A
Matthews, Eric W E
Matthews, Gavin
Matthews, Harold E (ed)
Matthews, Hugh
Matthews, J J
Matthews, J L
Matthews, J T
Matthews, Keith
Matthews, L
Matthews, Leonard D
Matthews, Leslie G
Matthews, M D
Matthews, M H
Matthews, Mark
Matthews, N J T
Matthews, Peter
Matthews, Philip W
Matthews, Philip W, & Anthony W Tuke (ed)
Matthews, R C O
Matthews, R C O, C H Feinstein & J C Odling-Smee
Matthews, Rachel
Matthews, Rachel, Ric Buckle & Liz Govier
Matthews, Rodney
Matthews, Stephen
Matthews, William
Matthey, E
Mattingley, Fred
Mattingley, Neil
Matz, B W
Maud, Francis H
Maude, Keith
Maude, Wilfred
Maudlin, Daniel
Maugham, C
Maule, H G
Maund, T B
Maund, Thomas
Maund, Thomas B, David Meredith & Eric Ogden
Maunder, Peter J
Maunders, Allen R
Maurer, Maurer
Mauskopf, Seymour H
Mavin, Duncan
Mavor, John
Maw, Peter I
Maw, Peter I, Terry Wyke & Alan Kidd
Mawer, Bryan
Mawson, Chris, & Richard Riding
Mawson, D J W
Mawson, John W
Mawson, Thomas H
Maxcy, George
Maxcy, George, & Aubrey Silberston
Maxim, Hiram P
Maxim, Hiram S
Maxted, Ian F
Maxted, Ivan
Maxtone-Graham, John
Maxwell, Betty
Maxwell, Donald
Maxwell, Elizabeth (ed)
Maxwell, Herbert E
Maxwell, Herbert E, et al
Maxwell, Robert, Tim Macfarlane & Patrick Bellew
Maxwell, Stephen
Maxwell, Stephen (ed)
Maxwell, Stuart
Maxwell, Susan
Maxwell, William
May, A S
May, Arthur V
May, B C
May, Brian, Richard Phillips & Craig O'Donnell
May, Brian, Richard Phillips, Lee Harris, Rachel Joy & Craig O'Donnell
May, Brian, Richard Phillips, Mandy Pemberton & Craig O'Donnell
May, Bruce
May, Christopher, & Susan K Sell
May, Derwent
May, F B
May, Garry
May, Henry B, & Thomas Want (ed)
May, James L
May, Marion R
May, Peter
May, Trevor F
Mayall, David
Mayall, W H
Maybin, J M
Maybray, Ron
Maycock, Gordon H
Maycock, R J, & R Silsbury
Mayer, Edward
Mayer, Edward, & Donald Adamson
Mayer, H C
Mayer, John
Mayer, Laura
Mayer, Michael, Julia Hautz, Christian Stadler & Richard Whittington
Mayers, Lynne
Mayes, C C
Mayes, L John
Mayfield, J W
Mayfield, Mary
Mayhew, Athol
Mayhew, Graham J
Mayhew, Henry
Mayhew, Henry (ed)
Mayhew, Nicholas J
Mayho, Thomas C
Maynard, Geoffrey
Maynard, Henry N
Maynard, Peter J
Mayne, Kevin
Mayo, C H
Mayo, John
Mayo, John, & Simon Collier (eds)
Mayoh, K L
Mayor, Edward
Mays, Deborah C
Mays, Raymond, & Peter Roberts
Maywald, K
Maywhart, Diana
Mc Loughlin, Keith
McAdam, D R
McAdam, R
McAdam, W
McAleer, John
McAleer, Joseph
McAlister, A A, & L Gray
McAllister, J F
McAloon, Jim
McAloon, Thomas
McAlpine, D
McAlpine, Neil, & Austin Smyth
McArthur, Glenn, & Annie Szamosi
McArthur, Tom, & Peter Waddell
McAveety, Philip P
McBeth, Brian S
McBeth, D G
McBirnie, Glen
McBretney, Jane
McBrinn, Joseph
McBurnie, Alan
McBurnie, John M
McCabe, Bob
McCabe, Bryan
McCaffrey, Annie
McCahill, Michael W
McCall, Albert W
McCall, Bernard
McCall, Hugh
McCall, Iain
McCalla, Douglas
McCallum, E D
McCallum, Iain
McCallum, J D
McCallum, Mark, & James Palmer
McCallum, May Fife
McCallum, Robin M, & James D
McCalman, James
McCann, John
McCann, Pauline H S
McCann, Wesley
McCanna, Walter C
McCarron, Ken
McCarron, Ken, Paul Rees & David Marks
McCart, Neil
McCarter, Geraldine
McCarthy, Jacqui
McCarthy, Justin, & John R Robinson
McCarthy, Michael R, & Catherine M Brooks
McCarthy, Sean
McCarthy, Terry (ed)
McCartney, Sean, & A J Arnold
McCartney, William, & Adam Bowett
McCarty, John W
McCash, J A
McCaughan, Michael
McChesney, John S
McClain, N E
McClaren, Graham M
McClay, David (ed)
McClean, Rita
McCleave, P R
McCleery, Alistair
McCleery, Alistair, David Finklestein & Sarah Bromage (eds)
McCleery, Alistair, et al (eds)
McClelland, B J A
McClelland, James
McClelland, Keith
McClelland, Michael J
McClelland, Phillip, & Patricia Stanton
McClelland, W G
McClenaghan, Barbara
McCloskey, Donald N
McCloskey, Donald N (ed)
McCloskey, Donald N, & Lars Sandberg
McCloskey, Keith
McCloy, Don
McCloy, Robert
McCluskie, Tom
McCluskie, Tom, et al
McCollum-Oldroyd, D A
McComb, F Wilson
McConaghy, J W
McConchie, Robert
McConechy, J S
McConnell, Anita
McConnell, Brian
McConnell, David
McConnell, David, & Stuart Rankin
McConnell, John
McConnell, John W
McConville, James
McConville, James (ed)
McCord, Norman
McCord, Norman, & David J Rowe
McCormack, R L
McCormick, Anita Hemphill
McCormick, Brian J
McCormick, Brian J, & J E Williams
McCormick, Donald
McCormick, Kevin
McCosh, Frederick W J
McCoubrey, William J (ed)
McCoy, M P
McCracken, Alex
McCracken, D P
McCracken, Eileen
McCrae, Alister
McCrae, Alister, & Alan Prentice
McCraw. Ian
McCready, Herbert W
McCready, K J
McCreary, Alf
McCrickard, Don
McCrone, Gavin
McCrone, Gavin, & J N Randall
McCrorie, Ian
McCrum, S
McCullagh, Thomas
McCulloch, Andrew
McCulloch, John R
McCullock, Jock, & Geoffrey Tweedale
McCurdy, H J
McCusker, John J
McCusker, John J, & Cora Gravesteijn
McCusker, John J, & Kenneth Morgan (eds)
McCutcheon, Campbell
McCutcheon, Janette
McCutcheon, John E
McCutcheon, Kenneth L
McCutcheon, Rob, & Alan C Rennie (ed)
McCutcheon, William A
McDade, Katie
McDermott, Catherine
McDermott, Edward
McDermott, Frederick
McDermott, John
McDermott, P L
McDonagh, M R
McDonald, A
McDonald, C R
McDonald, Donald
McDonald, Donald, & Leslie B Hunt
McDonald, Donna
McDonald, Erica, & David J Smith
McDonald, G
McDonald, G W, & Howard Gospel
McDonald, J G
McDonald, Len R
McDonald, Len, with Richard Storey (ed)
McDonald, Lynne
McDonald, Miriam, & Miles Oglethorpe
McDonald, S L
McDonald, Steve
McDonnell, J
McDonnell, James M
McDonnell, Jerry G
McDonough, Ed
McDonough, John, et al (eds)
McDougall, C A
McDougall, David L
McDougall, Donald (ed)
McDougall, E H V
McDougall, John, & David D Smith
McDougall, Warren
McDowall, Stuart
McDowell, Paula
McDowell, W H
McEachern, Doug
McEachran, Ute
McErlean, Thomas C
McEwan, Ann M C
McEwan, John A
McEwen, Gilbert D
McEwen, J M
McEwen-Trushell, J
McFadyean, Andrew
McFadzean, Alen
McFadzean, John, & John Smith
McFadzean, Ronald
McFadzean, William
McFarlan, Gordon
McFarland, E
McFarlane, John
McFarlane, Larry A
McFetrich, David
McG Davies, John
McGarvie, Michael
McGee, Billy
McGhee, Jimmy
McGill, Robert
McGilvary, George K
McGloin, P R
McGoldrick, James
McGoldrick, Peter J (ed)
McGoverin, Ken
McGovern, Tom
McGovern, Tom, & Tom McLean
McGow, P
McGowan, Christopher
McGowen, Randall
McGowran, Tom
McGrandle, Keith
McGrath, Dennis
McGrath, Helen
McGrath, P V
McGrath, Patrick
McGrath, Patrick (ed)
McGrath, S J
McGregor, Alasdair
McGregor, Gillian (ed)
McGregor, John A
McGregor, Ulrike
McGregor-Smith, Jennie
McGuigan, John
McGuinness, A E
McGuinness, T W
McGuire, D F
McGuire, E B
McGuire, G
McGuire, Steven M
McIlwain, John (ed)
McInnes, Angus
McInnes, Duncan
McInnes, W M
McInroy, Charles C
McIntire, W T
McIntosh, A J
McIntosh, Ian
McIntosh, J
McIntosh, Malcolm, & Ruth Edwards (eds)
McIntosh, Marjorie K
McIntosh, Tania
McIntyre, Dougal
McIntyre, Elizabeth M
McIntyre, Ian
McIntyre, J B
McIntyre, Kate
McIntyre, Sylvia C
McIntyre-Brown, Arabella
McIvor, Arthur J
McIvor, Arthur J, & Ronald Johnston
McIvor, Liz
McKane, Christopher
McKay, Alexander
McKay, Barry
McKay, Chris (comp)
McKay, Gilly, & Alison Corke
McKay, J A
McKay, John H
McKay, John H, & Sybil Cavanagh (ed)
McKay, John P
McKay, Ken D
McKay, Peter
McKay, Ron, & Brian Barr
McKay, Sinclair
McKean, Charles
McKean, Charles, & Claire Swanwith with Malcolm Archibald
McKean, John
McKearns, A W
McKechnie, John D
McKechnie, Karen
McKee, David M
McKellar, Elizabeth
McKellar, N L
McKellican, James F
McKendrick, David G, & Michael T Hannan
McKendrick, John
McKendrick, Neil
McKendrick, Neil, & John Newlands
McKendrick, Neil, & R B Outhwaite (eds)
McKendrick, Neil, John Brewer & J H Plumb
McKenna, Christopher D
McKenna, Frank
McKenna, J A, & Richard G Rodger
McKenna, Joseph
McKenna, Stephen
McKenzie, D F, & Maureen Bell
McKenzie, Donald F
McKenzie, Donald F (ed)
McKenzie, Donald F, & J C Ross (eds)
McKenzie, F A
McKenzie, Peter
McKeown, Julie
McKernan, A
McKernan, Luke
McKernan, Luke (ed)
McKerrow, R B
McKibbin, Ross
McKichan, Finlay
McKie, David
McKinlay, Alan
McKinlay, Alan, & Alistair Mutch
McKinlay, Alan, & Jonathan Zeitlin
McKinlay, Alan, & Ken Starkey
McKinley, R A
McKinley, R A (ed)
McKinley, R A, et al
McKinnie, G T
McKinstry, Sam
McKinstry, Sam, & Kirsten Wallace
McKinstry, Sam, & Ying Yong Ding
McKinstry, Sam, Kirsten Kininmonth & Ken Mathieson
McKinstry, Sam, Kirsten Wallace & Alain Fleming
McKinstry, Sam, Ying Yong Ding & Ron Livingstone
McKitterick, David
McKnight, Gerald
McKnight, Penny
McLachlan, D H
McLachlan, Herbert
McLachlan, Jean O
McLachlan, Sandy
McLachlan, Tom
McLain, Bradley A
McLaren, David
McLaren, Graham
McLaren, John
McLaren, John P S
McLaren, M
McLaren, Moray (ed)
McLaren-Kerr, D
McLaughlin, Eve
McLaverty, J
McLavin, David
McLean, Angus (ed)
McLean, David
McLean, Douglas (ed)
McLean, Gavin
McLean, I W
McLean, J
McLean, Mick, & Tom Rowland
McLean, Rita
McLean, Ruari
McLean, Ruari, & Antonia McLean
McLean, Thomas
McLean, Thomas, & Thomas Tyson
McLellan, A
McLellan, Doreen E
McLellan, John
McLellan, R S
McLelland, Tim, & Tony Buttler
McLeod, Alexander, & T G Arnold
McLister, Gerald
McLoone, Martin
McMahon, Lou, & Michael Partridge
McManus, J P
McManus, John
McManus, Megan, & Seamus O'Kane
McMaster, Charles
McMaster, Charles, & Tom Rutherford
McMaster, John
McMeekin, Sean
McMillan, A Stewart
McMillan, Gregor
McMillan, James
McMillan, James, & Bernard Harris
McMillan, Joyce K
McMillan, Mabel
McMillan, Robert A
McMillan, Stuart
McMillin, A
McMillin, I
McMinnes, W G, & W B Cullen
McMorrow, M
McMullin, B J
McMurray, H Campbell
McMurray, Jonathan S
McMurtrie, J
McNab, P B (ed)
McNabb, R, & D G Rhys
McNall, Christopher
McNally, Kenneth
McNamara, Sheila
McNaughton, Duncan
McNee, Tom, & David Angus
McNeil Greig, C
McNeil, Ian
McNeil, Robina
McNeil, Robina, & Mike Nevell
McNeill, Barbara A
McNeill, Carol
McNeill, Donald B
McNeill, Patrick
McNeill, Peter G B, & Hector L MacQueen (eds)
McNie, Thomas G
McNiece, D S
McPhillips, K
McQueen, Rob
McQuillan, Jack
McQuillen, D
McRae, John F
McReavy, Anthony
McReynolds, Madeline G H
McRobb, Alastair W
McRobb, John
McRobbie, Angela
McRoberts, J
McSheffrey, Shannon, & Ad Putter
McTaggart, T
McTavish, Duncan
McVeigh, Patrick
McWhirr, Alan
McWhirter, James
McWilliam, Michael
McWilliam, Robert C
McWilliam, Rohan
McWilliams, John
Mcdonald, Roderick A
Mcdonald, Roderick A (ed)
Mckinlay, Alan, et al
Mead, Alan
Mead, Andrew
Mead, Diana
Mead, G
Mead, Geoffrey
Mead, Richard
Mead, Vance, & Rosemary Sim
Meade, Richard
Meadows, Cecil A
Meadows, Peter
Meadows, Tom
Meager, Kildare S
Meakin, Budgett
Mear, John F
Mearns, A F
Measell, James S
Measom, George
Mecozzi, Daniela
Medcalf, Alexander
Medcraft, John
Medhurst, Jamie
Medlam, Sarah
Medlam, Wilfred, et al
Medley, G R W
Medlicott, Ian R
Medlik, S
Medlik, S, with D W Airey
Medlyn, W J
Mee, F
Mee, Graham
Meek, Donald E, & Bruce Peter
Meek, Marshall
Meeres, Frank
Megson, Barbara E
Megson, Barbara E (ed)
Meiggs, Russell
Meigh, Edward
Meigh, William A
Meighan, Michael
Meikle, Jim
Meikle, Maureen, & Christine M Newman
Meikle, William
Meir, Jennifer M
Meisenzahl, Ralf R, & Joel Mokyr
Melancon, Michael
Melbourne, Anne A
Meldola, Raphael, A G Green & J C Cain (eds)
Meldrum, A J
Meldrum, A J, & A F Alexander
Meliconi, Ilaria
Mell, George
Mellen, Frances N
Meller, Hugh, & Brian Parsons
Mellinato, Giulio
Melling, Cecil T
Melling, Elizabeth
Melling, John K
Melling, Joseph
Melling, Joseph, & Alan Booth
Melling, Joseph, & Alan Booth (eds)
Melling, Joseph, & Alan McKinlay (eds)
Mellish, Michael
Mellor, A J V
Mellor, Claude M
Mellor, Claude M, & D S L Cardwell
Mellor, David
Mellor, E
Mellor, Geoffrey J
Mellor, Ian
Mellor, N W W
Mellor, R E H (ed)
Mellowes, C L
Mellows, W T
Melly, George
Melman, Seymour
Melmoth, Graham
Melnikoff, Kirk
Melost, Martin V
Melton, A G
Melton, Frank T
Melton, Nigel D
Melton, Nigel D, & Keith Scott
Melvern, Linda
Melville, Fred J
Melville, Harry
Melville, James, & James L Hobbs
Melville, Lewis
Mendels, Franklin F
Mendelsohn, Adam D
Mendelssohn, Sidney
Mendenhall, John
Mendenhall, Thomas C
Mendes, Valerie D, & Amy de la Haye
Mendonca, Sandro
Meneight, W A
Menin, Sarah, & Stephen Kite
Menmuir, A
Mennell, George H
Mennell, Robert O
Mennell, William
Mennim, Eleanor
Mensforth, Eric
Mentz, Soren
Menuge, Adam
Menzier, F A A
Menzies, Amy
Menzies, H Stuart
Menzies, Isabel E P, & Dennis Chapman
Menzler, F A A
Mepham, M J
Mercer, G E
Mercer, Helen
Mercer, Helen, Neil Rollings & Jim Tomlinson (eds)
Mercer, John
Mercer, Neville
Mercer, R R
Mercer, Stanley
Mercer, T W
Mercer, Tony
Mercer, Vaudrey
Merchant, T H
Meredith, Anna E
Meredith, C P
Meredith, David
Meredith, H J
Meredith, Henry
Meredith, Hubert
Meredith, Hugh O
Meredith, John
Meredith, Vic, & Neil Robson
Merkle, Judith A
Meroney, Geraldine
Merrett, C
Merrett, David T
Merrett, David T, & Greg Whitwell
Merrett, Lorena H
Merriam, Harrold G
Merriam, John
Merrick, Phoebe H
Merriday, Frank
Merriden, Trevor
Merrigan, Justin
Merrigan, Justin, & Ian Collard
Merrill, John
Merriman, Peter
Merriman, T E
Merrington, James
Merrison, H W
Merritt, Henry C
Merritt, J E
Merry, Ian D
Merry, Ian D, & Frank Booker (ed)
Mersham, R R
Mervyn, J F A
Merz, Charles H
Mess, Henry A
Message, Frederick
Messenger, Betty
Messenger, Michael
Messervy, Godfrey
Messham, J E
Messham, Susan E
Meston, Archibald L (ed)
Metcalf, Alexander
Metcalf, J S
Metcalf, John
Metcalf, Pauline C
Metcalf, Priscilla
Metcalfe, Betty
Metcalfe, Colin
Metcalfe, M P
Metcalfe, Richard
Metcalfe, Robyn S
Metcalfe, Stuart
Metcalfe, W M
Meteyard, Eliza
Methuen-Campbell, Joanne
Metters, G Alan
Metters, G Alan (ed)
Mettler, Alex E
Meux, Valerie S
Mew, Egan
Mew, G H
Meyer, Edwin F
Meyer, John R
Meyer, Jonathan
Meyer, William R
Meynell, Francis
Meynell, Laurence W
Meyrick, D J H
Meysey-Thompson, Arthur H
Miall, Stephen
Michael, E A
Michel, Marilouise
Michell, A R
Michell, Frank B
Michell, Lewis
Michell, Stephen
Michell, Stephen, & J H Rowe (ed)
Michie, Ranald C
Michie, Ranald C (ed)
Michie, Ranald, & Philip Williamson (eds)
Mickleburgh, Timothy J
Micklethwait, John, & Adrian Wooldridge
Micklewright, K R
Microulis, Laura
Middlebrook, Ian
Middlebrook, Sydney
Middlemas, Keith
Middlemas, Keith, & John Barnes
Middlemas, Robert K
Middlemass, Barbara, & Joe Hunt
Middlemass, Tom
Middlemiss, John L, & Eric Sawford
Middlemiss, Norman L
Middlemore, Thomas
Middleton, A E
Middleton, Alan
Middleton, Allan
Middleton, Don
Middleton, Edgar
Middleton, Iris M
Middleton, Iris M, & Wray Vamplew
Middleton, Judy
Middleton, Roger
Middleton, S A
Middleton, Stuart, & Christopher Davidson
Middleton, Thomas H
Middleton, Victor T C
Middleton, Victor T C, & L J Lickorish
Midgley, Thomas
Midwood, Jimmy (ed)
Migayrou, Frédéric (ed)
Miguez, Edwardo J
Mihell, J H
Miki, S
Milbourn, Thomas (ed)
Milburn, A
Milburn, Geoffrey E
Milburn, Geoffrey E, & Stuart T Miller (eds)
Milburn, Josephine F
Milburn, R G
Mildren, James
Mileham, C G
Miles, Betty
Miles, Caroline
Miles, David
Miles, Dillwyn
Miles, Eric
Miles, Frank D
Miles, Horace
Miles, John, Keri Thomas & Tudor Watkins
Miles, Mary
Miles, Michael
Miles, Philip C
Miles, Roy
Miley, Frances M, & Andrew F Read
Milhous, Judith, & Robert D Hume
Millan, Juan Albarracin
Millar, Alan
Millar, Alexander H
Millar, G Irvine
Millar, John
Millar, Luke
Millar, Matthew L
Millar, Sean
Millar, William J
Millard, A M
Millard, Andre J
Millburn, John R
Millen-Walters, Veronica
Miller, A H (ed)
Miller, A J
Miller, Alec
Miller, Andrew
Miller, C D
Miller, C G
Miller, Cecelia G
Miller, Celia
Miller, Charles
Miller, Christopher W
Miller, David
Miller, David G
Miller, David P
Miller, David Prince
Miller, David, & W Dinan
Miller, Edward
Miller, Edward, & John Hatcher
Miller, Elizabeth C
Miller, F
Miller, Frederic, et al
Miller, George C
Miller, Harry
Miller, Ian
Miller, Ian (ed)
Miller, Ian, & Chris Wild
Miller, Ian, & John Glithero
Miller, Ian, & Lewis Stitt
Miller, James
Miller, Jean
Miller, Lesley E
Miller, Lewis R
Miller, M G, & S M Fletcher
Miller, M, & Roy Church
Miller, Mervyn K
Miller, Michael B
Miller, Miriam H
Miller, Nancy H
Miller, Neil S, & Douglas Faulkner
Miller, P
Miller, Patrick
Miller, Philip
Miller, Ray
Miller, Robert C B
Miller, Robert W
Miller, Ronald, & David sawers
Miller, Ronald, & Joy Tivy (eds)
Miller, Rory M
Miller, Rory, & Robert G Greenhill
Miller, Russell, & Roger Boar
Miller, Stuart T
Miller, Stuart T (ed)
Miller, Thomas R
Miller, V
Miller, W G
Miller, William H
Millett, Freda
Millican, Percy
Millichip, Malcolm
Milligan, Edward H
Milligan, John
Milligan, Susan
Milliken, H T
Millington, John T
Millington, John T, & Stanley D Chapman (eds)
Millington, Roger
Millington, Roy
Millington, Walter
Millmore, W R
Milln, Jeremy
Millner, W R
Millns, Tony
Mills, Alan, & Martin Shaw
Mills, Bernard
Mills, Bill, & Joe Paget
Mills, Catherine
Mills, Catherine, & W Paul Adderley
Mills, Cyril B
Mills, D R
Mills, David
Mills, Dennis R
Mills, Edward D
Mills, Geoff R
Mills, Godfrey H S
Mills, John
Mills, Joyce
Mills, L
Mills, Mary
Mills, Rinsey
Mills, Roger C
Mills, Stephen
Mills, Stephen, & Pierce Riemer
Mills, Stephen, et al
Mills, William H
Millward, Andrew
Millward, Robert
Millward, Robert, & John Singleton (eds)
Millward, Robert, & Robert Ward
Millward, Roy
Miln, John
Milne, A
Milne, Alan H
Milne, Alasdair
Milne, Colin
Milne, David
Milne, Graeme J
Milne, Gustav
Milne, James S
Milne, John
Milne, John C
Milne, Maurice
Milne, Sarah A
Milne, Stanley W
Milne, Thomas E
Milne, W S
Milner, Eric H
Milner, H E
Milner, P
Milner, Robert
Milner, W John
Milner, W John, & Beryl Williams
Milnes, Nora
Milsom, Charles H
Milsom, Michael J
Milton, Frederick S
Milton, Howard, & Nick Asbury
Milton, W
Milward, Alan S
Milward, Alan S, & George Brennan
Milward, G E (ed)
Milward, Rosemary
Minay, Priscilla
Minchinton, Walter E
Minchinton, Walter E (ed)
Minchinton, Walter E, & Ian Jarman
Minchinton, Walter E, H Pollins & R O Roberts
Mindenhall, Dorothy N
Minet, Paul
Minet, S
Minet, William
Minett, M J
Mingay, G E
Minkes, A L, & D G Tucker
Minney, Andrew
Minney, Rubeigh J
Minnis, John
Minnis, John, & Simon Hickman
Minnis, John, Katie Carmichael & Clive Fletcher
Minnitt, Jack
Minns, Chris, & Marian Rizov
Minns, Chris, & Patrick Wallis
Minns, F John (ed)
Minns, Oliver A
Minoletti, Paul
Minter, Peter
Minto, J
Minton, Albert E
Mintz, Sidney W
Miralles, Nina-Sophia
Miranda, Flavio
Miranda, Jose A
Miranda, Robert N
Mirowski, Philip
Mishra, Rupali
Miskell, Louise
Miskell, Louise (ed)
Miskell, Louise, & Christopher A Whatley
Miskell, Louise, & William Kenefick
Miskell, Peter
Miskimin, Harry A
Misra, Anna Maria
Misra, Bankey B
Mitch, David
Mitchell, A R
Mitchell, Alan W
Mitchell, Albert, & Christopher Grayling
Mitchell, Alpheus
Mitchell, Andrew
Mitchell, Barry
Mitchell, Brian R
Mitchell, Brian R, & H G Jones
Mitchell, Brian R, D Chambers & N F R Crafts
Mitchell, Brian R, with Phyllis Deane
Mitchell, C J
Mitchell, Charles
Mitchell, Chris
Mitchell, D S
Mitchell, David C
Mitchell, David M
Mitchell, David M (ed)
Mitchell, E A
Mitchell, F
Mitchell, G M
Mitchell, Gordon
Mitchell, Ian
Mitchell, J Anderson
Mitchell, J R
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, John O
Mitchell, John W
Mitchell, John, with Michael Hancock (ed)
Mitchell, Joseph
Mitchell, K J M
Mitchell, Karen J
Mitchell, M J
Mitchell, Michael J R
Mitchell, Mike
Mitchell, Percy
Mitchell, Peter
Mitchell, Sheila I
Mitchell, T M
Mitchell, Tessa
Mitchell, Thomas
Mitchell, Trevor G
Mitchell, Victor
Mitchell, Victor & Keith Smith
Mitchell, W H, & L A Sawyer
Mitchell, William C
Mitchell, William H
Mitchell, William R
Mitchell, William S
Mitchell-Luker, Berni
Mitcheson, J C
Mitchison, Rosalind
Mitchison, Rosalind, & Peter Roebuck (eds)
Mitchley, Mark
Mitzman, Max E
Miyajima, Hideaki, & Takeo Kikkawa & Takashi Hikino (eds)
Miyamoto, Benedicte
Mizui, M M
Moat, Janet
Mobus, Melody A C
Mock, David B
Mock, Jack
Moerman, Lee, Sandra van der Laan & David Campbell
Moffat, Alistair
Moffat, Alistair, & George Rosie
Moffat, Hugh
Moffitt, John
Moffrey, Robert
Mogford, Ian
Mogg, Linda M
Moggridge, Bob
Moggridge, G E
Mogridge, Stephen
Mohammed, Saif I Shah, & Jeffrey G Williamson
Moher, J G
Mohun, Arwen P
Moilliet, Amelia, & A Blair (ed)
Moilliet, J L, & Barbara M D Smith
Moir, Esther
Moir, Frederick L M
Moir, Martin
Moisley, Henry A
Mokyr, Joel
Mokyr, Joel (ed)
Mollan, Simon
Mollan, Simon, & Kevin D Tennent
Mollan, Simon, & Ranald Michie
Mollanger, Thomas
Moller, Asta W R
Mollett, A Leslie
Mollett, John
Molloy, Peter M
Molsher, Enid
Molyneux, William
Moms, Gijs
Monaghan, J J
Monahan, D L, & C Spencer
Monckton, Christopher, & Ivan Fallon
Monckton, H A
Moncrief-Scott, I
Moncrieff, Chris
Mond, Alfred
Mondey, David
Mone, Michelle
Monier-Williams, M F (ed)
Monier-Williams, Randall
Monk, George, & Walter Gooch
Monk-Steel, David
Monkhouse, C
Monkhouse, F J
Monkhouse, F J (ed)
Monks, Geoff
Monkswell, Lord
Monod, Paul,
Monro, Jean
Mont, F, & P Thompson
Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord
Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord, & Anthony Bird
Montagu, Ivor
Montagu, Lily H
Montague, Eric N
Monteith, Kathleen E A
Montes, Mary
Monteón, Michael
Montford, Chamney
Montgomery, Florence M
Montgomery, James
Montgomery, Malcolm B
Montgomery-Massingberd, Hugh, & David Watkin
Moodie, David M
Moody, A Penderell
Moody, B E
Moody, Bert
Moody, Darryl
Moody, David
Moody, Dorrien Carr
Moody, George T
Moody, Jeremy
Moody, Paul
Moody, R E
Moody, Robert
Moody, T W, & J C Beckett (eds)
Moody, Theodore W
Mookerjee, M N
Moon, Karen
Moon, Marjorie
Moon, Ronald W
Mooney, Brian, & Barry Simpson
Moonie, Ian
Moor, Liz
Moor, Nigel, & Paul Waddington
Moor, S
Moorby, R L, et al
Moorcroft, Walter
Moore, A James
Moore, A James, et al
Moore, A S
Moore, A W
Moore, Alan
Moore, Andrew
Moore, Anthony J
Moore, B A, & J S Barton
Moore, C N
Moore, Cyril
Moore, D S, & P T Priestley
Moore, Debbie
Moore, Dennis
Moore, Donald (ed)
Moore, Ellen W
Moore, Fred, & Don Kemp
Moore, G S
Moore, George
Moore, Gerry
Moore, H
Moore, Henry C
Moore, J R
Moore, J S
Moore, Jackie
Moore, Jenny
Moore, Jerrold N, & Roland Gelatt (ed)
Moore, John
Moore, John F
Moore, John S
Moore, Jonathan A
Moore, K A
Moore, Karl, & Susan Reid
Moore, Kathryn L
Moore, Kevin
Moore, Lisa, with Clive Beddall
Moore, Minnie L
Moore, N Hudson
Moore, Nicholas
Moore, Nicholas J
Moore, Pam
Moore, Patricia
Moore, Paul, with Mike Hanworth
Moore, Peter
Moore, R W
Moore, Ray F
Moore, Rowan (ed)
Moore, S C
Moore, Simon
Moore, Steven, & Catherine Ross
Moore, T Sturge (comp), & Cecil Lewis (ed)
Moore, Thomas S
Moore, Tommy
Moore, Tony
Moore, W R G
Moore, Wes
Moore-Colyer, Richard J
Moorehead, Caroline
Moores, A G
Moores, R K, & G M Moores
Moorey, John
Moorhouse, Stephen
Moorhouse, Stephen, Ian Roberts et al
Moorshead, T C
Moorsom, Norman
Mora, Manuel Ravest
Moralee, D
Moran, Clarence G
Moran, James C
Moran, Laurie
Moran, Michael
Morant, Alfred W
Morbey, Charles C F
Morck, Randall K (ed)
Mordhorst, Mads, & Stefan Schwarzkopf
More, C R V
More, Charles
More, Justin
More-Molyneux, James
Morecroft, Nigel E
Morecroft, Nigel E, & Craig Turnbull
Morel, Julian J
Morelli, Carlo
Morelli, Carlo, Jim Tomlinson & Valerie Wright
Mores, Edward Rowe
Moreton, Richard (ed)
Moreton, Stephen
Moreton, Stephen, & David I Green
Morewood, Steven
Morfitt, Paul
Morgan, Aubrey N
Morgan, B
Morgan, Bryan S
Morgan, Charles
Morgan, Charles, et al
Morgan, Charlotte, & Stan Fowler
Morgan, Christopher G
Morgan, D T
Morgan, David
Morgan, David J, writer in shipping
Morgan, David J, writer on colonial development
Morgan, Dennis H
Morgan, Diane
Morgan, E Victor
Morgan, E Victor, & William A Thomas
Morgan, Ernest
Morgan, Frederick C
Morgan, G W
Morgan, George A, & Bernard Swift
Morgan, Gerald
Morgan, Gilbert T, & David D Pratt
Morgan, H Llewellyn
Morgan, H N B
Morgan, John
Morgan, John V
Morgan, K Vaughan
Morgan, Kenneth
Morgan, Kenneth (ed)
Morgan, Kevin
Morgan, Kevin, & Dylan Henderson
Morgan, L V
Morgan, N J
Morgan, Nicholas J
Morgan, Nicholas J, & Martin J Daunton
Morgan, Nicholas J, & Michael Moss
Morgan, Nigel
Morgan, Nigel, & Annette Pritchard
Morgan, Patrick
Morgan, Paul
Morgan, Paul (ed)
Morgan, R H
Morgan, Raine (ed)
Morgan, Richard
Morgan, Robert M
Morgan, Roy
Morgan, Stuart
Morgan, Susan L
Morgan, Vernon
Morgan, Victoria C E
Morgan, W
Morgan, W T
Morgan, W T W
Morgan, William
Morgan-Richards, W
Morgans, William
Moriarty, Catherine
Morison, James
Morison, Lindsey
Morison, Peter
Morison, Stanley
Morita, Yoshihiko
Morley Hewitt, A
Morley, C
Morley, D S, & D J Bradbury
Morley, Don
Morley, F V
Morley, Geoffrey
Morley, George
Morley, Godfrey
Morley, J B
Morley, Paul
Morley, Ron
Morley, Shaun
Morley, Shaun (ed)
Mormont, Dorian
Mornement, Adam, & Simon Holloway
Morokvasic, M, R Waldinger & A Phizacklea
Morpurgo, Jack E
Morrah, Dermot M
Morrall, Michael T
Morrell, David
Morrell, Gordon W
Morrey, Peter
Morrice, Richard
Morris, A W
Morris, Albert
Morris, Anthony E J
Morris, Arthur S
Morris, Barbara J
Morris, Bernard
Morris, Bernard
Morris, Bob, & Jim Smyth
Morris, C H
Morris, Charles F
Morris, Christopher
Morris, Christopher (ed)
Morris, Colin
Morris, Colin, & Andrew Waller
Morris, D, & D Jephson
Morris, David B
Morris, Derek
Morris, Derek, & Ken Cozens
Morris, Edward
Morris, Edward (ed)
Morris, Edward, & Timothy Stevens
Morris, Gerald A
Morris, Helen
Morris, J H
Morris, J H, & L J Williams
Morris, James
Morris, James A
Morris, Jan, et al
Morris, Jenny
Morris, John
Morris, John P
Morris, L E
Morris, M C F
Morris, M E
Morris, Margaret
Morris, Martha
Morris, N
Morris, O J (ed)
Morris, P R
Morris, Pat A
Morris, Pat A, & Michael Freeman
Morris, Patricia H
Morris, Paul
Morris, Peter
Morris, Peter J T, & Anthony S Travis
Morris, Peter J T, C A Russell & J G Smith (eds)
Morris, Peter J T, W A Campbell & H L Roberts
Morris, R E
Morris, R J
Morris, R T
Morris, R W
Morris, Ray
Morris, Richard D
Morris, Richard S
Morris, Robert
Morris, Robert C
Morris, Sally, & Jan Hallwood
Morris, Susannah
Morris, Thelma
Morris, Trevor
Morris, Trevor, & Robert Vernon
Morris, W Meredith
Morris, William
Morris, William H
Morrish, J H
Morrison, A E, & G F Holder
Morrison, Alan
Morrison, Barbara J
Morrison, D
Morrison, Kathryn A
Morrison, Kathryn A, & John Minnis
Morrison, Kathryn A, with Ann Bond
Morrison, Marian
Morrison, Pearse
Morrison, Thomas A
Morrison-Low, Alison D
Morriss, J S
Morriss, Richard K
Morriss, Richard K (ed)
Morriss, Roger
Morriss, Roger (ed)
Morse, Greg
Morse, Hosea Ballou
Morson, A F
Morss, Jeff L
Mort, Maggie, & Graham Spinardi
Mortimer, I, & J Melling
Mortimer, John (ed)
Mortimer, Russell S
Mortlock, D P
Morton, A H
Morton, A S
Morton, Anne
Morton, Edward F
Morton, Frederic
Morton, George R
Morton, George R, & J Gould
Morton, George R, & M Le Guillou
Morton, George R, & W A Smith
Morton, H V
Morton, James
Morton, Jocelyn
Morton, John
Morton, Richard G
Morton, Vanessa
Morton, William W
Morus, I R
Moseley, A F
Moseley, Charles M, P Ashmead & P Cumpsty
Moseley, Max
Moseley, Sydney A
Mosely, A F
Moser, Petra
Moses, Hannah M
Moses, M
Moses, William
Mosey, Don, & Harry Ramsden
Mosley, David
Mosley, James
Mosley, Stephen
Moss, C
Moss, David J
Moss, David J, & Chris Hosgood
Moss, Eloise
Moss, G P
Moss, G P, & A D Roe
Moss, Jonathan
Moss, K Neville, et al
Moss, Keith H
Moss, Michael
Moss, Michael, & Alison Turton
Moss, Michael, & Anthony Slaven with Kay Watt (ed & final writing)
Moss, Michael, & Edwin Green
Moss, Michael, & Iain Russell
Moss, Michael, & John R Hume
Moss, Peter, & Richard Roberts
Moss, Ron
Mosse, John
Mossman, Susan
Mossman, Susan, & P J T Morris (eds)
Mossop, H R, & Veronica Smart (ed)
Mostyn History Preservation Society
Mothershead, Harmon R
Motono, Eiichi
Mott, R A
Mott, R A, & G J Greenfield
Mottelay, Paul F
Mottram, R H
Mottram, R H, & Colin Coote
Mouat, Jeremy
Moughton, B J
Moulakis, Christos
Mould, Charles
Moule, S W
Moulton, Alex
Moulton, H Fletcher
Mouncer, J
Mounfield, P R
Mounfield, P R, & David Turnock
Mounfield, P R, D J Unwin & K Guy
Mounfield, P R, J J Fagg & G H Gudgin
Mountain, Penny, with Christopher Foyle
Mountfield, David
Mountfield, Robin
Mountfield, Stuart
Mountford, Arnold R
Mountford, Colin E
Mountford, Colin E, & Dave Holroyde
Mountford, Colin E, et al
Mountford, Eric E
Mountford, Eric R
Mourant, A E, & J P Warren
Moussavizadeh, A R
Mowat, Charles L
Mowat, Henry G
Mowat, John
Mowat, Sue
Mowat-Brown, George
Mower, Paul, & John Rayer
Mowery, David C
Mowl, Tim
Mowl, Tim, & Brian Earnshaw
Moxham, Roy
Moxon, C J
Moxon, F S
Moxon, Stanley
Moy, Richard F
Moyes, A
Moyes, C, & J R Moyes
Moylan, Brian
Moynihan, Peter
Moynihan, Peter, & Ken Goodley
Muckley, Eric J
Mudd, David
Muddiman, Joseph G
Mudie, Mary
Muggleton, D J
Mugridge, A J
Muhammad, Amran
Mui, Hoh-cheung, & Lorna H Mui
Mui, Hoh-cheung, & Lorna H Mui (eds)
Muir, Arthur
Muir, Augustus
Muir, Augustus, & M Davies
Muir, Douglas N
Muir, Ian L
Muir, J Ramsay
Muir, Julia
Muir, Percy
Muir, Percy H
Muir, Robin
Muir, Ross L, & Carl J White
Muirhead, Bert
Muirhead, George
Muirhead, James P
Muirhead, Mary
Muirhead, Stuart
Mukherjee, Hena
Mukherjee, Ramkrishna
Mukhopadhyay, Asok K
Mulcahy, Geoffrey
Mulchrone, Vincent
Muldrew, Craig
Muldrew, James C
Mulhearn, Rachel M
Mulholland, Joan
Mulholland, John (ed)
Mullally, Frederic
Mullarkey, Terence A
Mullay, Alexander J
Mullen, Chris
Mullen, Stephen
Mullens, W
Muller, Franz
Muller, Hans G
Muller, Helen, & Katy Muller
Muller, Leos
Muller, Leos, & Jari Ojala
Muller, M
Muller, Margrit
Muller-Ohlsen, Lotte
Mulley, Corinne
Mulley, Corinne, & Martin Higginson (eds)
Mulligan, Fergus
Mulligan, H V
Mullin, T H
Mullineaux, Frank
Mullins, John
Mullins, Sam, & David Stockdale
Mulroy, J J
Mulvagh, Jane
Mulvey, Christopher
Mumby, Frank A
Mumby, Frank A, & Frances H S Stallybrass
Mumby, Frank A, [& Ian Norrie]
Mumby-Croft, Roger
Mumby-Croft, Roger, & Michaela Barnard
Mumford, Michael J
Mumm, S D
Mummery, Brian
Munby, D L
Munby, D L, & A H Watson (ed)
Munby, Jenepher Z
Munday, Max
Mundella, A J
Mundill, Robin R
Mundy, Ernest W
Munford, Anthony P
Munn, Charles W
Munn, Geoffrey
Munns, R T
Munro, Bill
Munro, J Forbes
Munro, J Forbes, & Anthony Slaven
Munro, Jean, & Henry Steuart Fothringham (ed)
Munro, John H A
Munro, John M
Munro, Neil
Munro, S Alasdair
Munro, William
Munroe, H
Munslow, Janet E
Munson, A Havens
Munson, Kenneth
Munster, George
Munt, E Brian
Munting, Roger
Muranka, Tony, & Nick Rootes
Murden, Jonathan E
Murdoch, R
Murdoch, Steve
Murdoch, Tessa V
Murdock, Alexander
Murfet, George J
Murfin, G L
Murfitt, Stephen E
Murgatroyd, W, & A Booth
Murie, James
Murless, Brian J
Murless, Brian J, and W D Close
Murmann, Johann P
Murmann, Johann P, & Ernest Homburg
Murmann, Johann P, & Ralph Landau
Murphy, Anne L
Murphy, Antoin
Murphy, Brian
Murphy, Brian M
Murphy, C
Murphy, Francis J
Murphy, Frank
Murphy, G W, & J Johnston
Murphy, Graham
Murphy, Hugh
Murphy, Hugh, & Derek J Oddy
Murphy, Hugh, & Ian L Buxton
Murphy, Hugh, & Stig Tenold
Murphy, J D
Murphy, James
Murphy, Jimmy
Murphy, Joe
Murphy, Kate
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Michael J
Murphy, P P
Murphy, R J
Murphy, Robert
Murphy, Samuel
Murphy, Thomas
Murphy, William S
Murray Brown, C C
Murray, A
Murray, Alexander J
Murray, Andrew
Murray, Andrew J
Murray, Angela
Murray, Anthony, with Charles MacLean & Simon Scott
Murray, Arthur C
Murray, Ashleigh
Murray, Athol
Murray, Basil G
Murray, Bruce, & Kevin Robertson
Murray, Christopher
Murray, David
Murray, David (ed)
Murray, David, with R H Campbell
Murray, Ernest G
Murray, Evelyn
Murray, George M
Murray, Gillian
Murray, Hugh
Murray, J
Murray, John
Murray, John B
Murray, John, & Janvier Silvestre
Murray, Katherine M E
Murray, Marischal
Murray, Martin
Murray, Norman
Murray, Pat
Murray, Peter D
Murray, Robert
Murray, Sheilagh
Murray, Stephen A
Murray, Teresa A
Murray, W M L
Murray, William
Murrell, Di
Mursell, Arthur, & Charlie Wood
Musgrave, Charles E
Musgrave, Peter W
Musgrove, Paddy
Muskett, Paul
Muspratt, Edmund K
Musson, A E
Musson, A E (ed)
Musson, A E, & Eric Robinson
Musson, Jeremy
Mustafa, M E H
Mustoe, Gordon
Mustoe, Gordon, Arthur Ingram & Robin Pearson
Musty, J W G
Mutch, Alistair
Mutsu, Hirokichi (ed)
Mutton, Norman
Myer, Ewart
Myers, Arnold
Myers, Gerald
Myers, Lucien
Myers, Robin
Myers, Robin (ed)
Myers, Robin et al (eds)
Myers, Robin, & Michael R A Harris
Myers, Robin, & Michael R A Harris (eds)
Myers, Robin, Michael R A Harris & Giles Mandelbrote (eds)
Myers, Stephen
Myerscough, John
Myerscough, Poppy C
Myerson, Atalanta
Myerson, Jeremy
Myler, Chris
Myles, Janet
Mylne, Robert Scott
Mynard, Dennis C
Myott, Anne, & Philip Pollitt
Mytton Davies, Cynric
Nabb, Harold
Nabseth, Lars, & G F Ray (eds)
Nadal Farreras, J
Nadin, Jack
Nadri, Ghulam A
Naegel, Paul, & Pierre Teissier
Naess, Erling D
Nafzger, C M
Nagai, A
Naggar, Betty
Nagura, Bunji
Nahum, Andrew
Nahum, Andrew, et al
Nail, Norman H
Nair, G, & David Poyner
Naish, John R
Naito Hatsuho
Nakagawa, Keiichiro (ed)
Nakaoka, Tetsuro
Nakaoka, Tetsuro, & John F Wilson
Nalbach, Alex
Nalder, Ian
Nall, W
Namier, L B
Nance, E Morton
Nancollis, Harold
Nantes, Robert
Napier, Christopher J
Napier, David D
Napier, James
Napier, T B
Narbeth, J H
Nardinelli, Clark
Nash , Eveleigh
Nash, A H
Nash, Andrew
Nash, Andy
Nash, C L
Nash, David
Nash, George C
Nash, Joanna
Nash, Joanna, Bob Learmouth & Douglas Cluett
Nash, John H (ed)
Nash, L
Nash, Malcolm, & Patrick Keegan (eds)
Nash, Michael
Nash, Paul W
Nash, Paul W, & Sue Bradley
Nash, Peter
Nash, R G J ?
Nash, Robert C
Nash, Robert L
Nash, William G
Nathan, A
Nathan, Archie J
Nathaniels, Elizabeth
Navabi, Hesamedin
Navailles, Jean Pierre
Naylor, Colin (ed)
Naylor, Ezra
Naylor, Gillian
Naylor, Peter J
Naylor, Stanley (ed)
Neal, Frank
Neal, Larry
Neal, Larry, & Lance A Davis
Neal, Larry, & Stephen Quinn
Neal, Lawrence E
Neal, W Keith, & D H L Back
Neale, John
Neale, Andrew
Neale, J A
Neale, Jim
Neale, Kenneth (ed)
Neale, M C (ed)
Neale, R F A
Neale, R S
Neale, W G
Neanor, Anna
Neave, David
Neave, David, & Vanesa Heron
Neave, Sheffield
Neave, Susan, & David Neave
Neave, Susan, & Stephen Ellis (eds)
Neaverson, F
Neaverson, Peter
Neavill, Gordon B
Nederpel, Veronica
Needham, Leslie W
Needham, Richard
Needler, Raymond
Neeld, Peter
Neele, G P
Neesam, Malcolm G
Neesam, Malcolm G, & Christopher Butterworth
Neeson, H
Nef, John U
Negev, Eilat, & Yehuda Koren.
Negus, Geoffrey
Negus, Geoffrey, & Tommy Staddon
Negus, Keith
Neil Tonge
Neild, Ada
Neill, Edward D
Neill, Elizabeth
Neill, W
Neilsen, V C
Neilson, David C
Neilson, Gren
Neilson, R
Nell, D, et al
Neller, Ruth M
Nelli, Humbert O, & Soga Ewedemi
Nelson, Barbara
Nelson, Corolyn, & Matthew Seccombe
Nelson, Evelyn G
Nelson, J
Nelson, J R
Nelson, James G
Nelson, John
Nelson, Kevin
Nelson, Rebecca
Nelson, Rebecca, with David Clutterbuck (eds)
Nelson, Stuart, Ken Currie, Peter Dawson & Stephen Aris
Nelson, T R H
Nelson, W Evan
Nelson, Walter H
Nenadic, Stana
Nenadic, Stana, & Sally Tuckett
Nenadic, Stana, et al
Ness, Caroline
Ness, Caroline, & M M Brooks
Ness, James
Nesta, Frederick
Nettl, Peter
Nettleton, J A
Neu, Irene D
Neuberg, V E
Neuberger, R
Neuburg, Victor
Neuburger, Hugh, & Houston H Stokes
Neufeld, E P
Neuman, Andrew M
Neumann, Robert
Neve, Andy, & Mike Hedges
Neve, S P
Nevell, Mike
Nevell, Mike, & John Roberts
Nevell, Mike, & Terry Wyke (eds)
Nevell, Mike, John Roberts & Jack Smith
Nevell, Mike, et al
Nevell, Mike, with Andrea Smith & Frank Meddens (eds)
Nevett, Terry R
Nevile, Sydney O
Neville, Julia
Neville, Pamela A
Neville, Sarah
Neville, Steve
Neville-Havins, Peter J
Nevin, Edward T
Nevins, Allan, & Frank E Hill
Nevola, Francesco
Nevzat, Bilge, with Gill Fraser
New, John
New, Peter T
Newall, Christopher
Newall, Paul
Newall, Peter
Newark, Stephanie, & Gwen Hoad
Newberry, J
Newberry, Peter
Newbery, Edmund
Newbery, R G
Newbigging, Carole, & Trevor Williams
Newbigging, Thomas
Newbolt, Peter
Newbury, Colin W
Newby, Eric
Newby, George A
Newby, Howard
Newcombe, Lisa
Newell, Edmund
Newell, Edmund, & Simon Watts
Newell, Ray
Newell-Price, Tim R
Newey, R G
Newham, Herbert E C
Newhill, J
Newholm, Terry, et al
Newhouse, John
Newitt, M D D
Newitt, Malyn
Newkey-Burden, G W
Newland, Katharyne C
Newlands, David, et al
Newlands, James N (ed)
Newlands, John
Newman, Aubrey
Newman, Bernard
Newman, Brian
Newman, Christine M
Newman, Diana (ed)
Newman, Elizabeth
Newman, Ian T, & D Angerstein
Newman, Jennifer
Newman, Jon
Newman, Karin
Newman, Leslie
Newman, Leslie T
Newman, M D
Newman, Olga S
Newman, Peter C
Newman, Peter K
Newman, Phil
Newman, Richard
Newman, Sue
Newman, Tom S
Newman, W H (ed)
Newnham, Andrew
Newnham-Davis, Nathaniel
Newstead, John
Newth, Jack D
Newton, Bill
Newton, David
Newton, David C
Newton, David, & Martin Smith
Newton, Diana, & A J Pollard (eds)
Newton, Ernest E
Newton, G D
Newton, J
Newton, J D
Newton, John
Newton, Lucy A
Newton, Lucy A, & Francesca Carnevali
Newton, Lucy A, & Philip Cottrell
Newton, Lucy A, et al
Newton, M
Newton, Maureen
Newton, Norman S
Newton, R N
Newton, Scott
Newton, Scott, & Dilwyn Porter
Nex, Jennifer S
Nex, Jenny, & Lance Whitehead
Niblett, C A
Niblett, Kathy
Niblett, Kathy (ed)
Niblett, Paul, & John Reynolds
Nice, James
Nichol, R A, & Ronald W Perry (eds)
Nicholas, Anthony
Nicholas, James, & M R C Price
Nicholas, S
Nicholas, S J
Nicholas, Stephen J
Nicholas, Tom
Nicholas, Tressilian C
Nicholl, John
Nicholls, Arthur R
Nicholls, Chris
Nicholls, David
Nicholls, Frederick F
Nicholls, H G
Nicholls, James
Nicholls, Laura M
Nicholls, M, & P Smith
Nicholls, Mark
Nicholls, Peter
Nicholls, Robert
Nicholls, Samuel R
Nichols, B
Nichols, Glenn O
Nichols, H D, et al
Nichols, J (ed)
Nichols, John G
Nichols, John G (ed)
Nichols, M J
Nichols, Philip P R
Nichols, Ray
Nichols, Richard
Nichols, Robert C
Nichols, S
Nichols, Sarah C
Nichols, Sue
Nicholson, A
Nicholson, Andrew (ed)
Nicholson, Francis
Nicholson, H N
Nicholson, Hubert C
Nicholson, Hugh (ed)
Nicholson, Isa
Nicholson, John
Nicholson, Paul
Nicholson, Rupert
Nicholson, S J
Nicholson, Timothy R
Nicholson, Tony
Nick McCann Associates
Nickell, Stephen, Sushil Wadhwani & Martin Wall
Nicklin, A F
Nickols, Ian, & Kent Karslake
Nickson, Charles
Nickson, David
Nicol, R
Nicol, Stuart
Nicoll, Samuel W
Nicolson, Alexander (ed)
Nicolson, James
Nicolson, James R
Nicolson, John
Nicolson, Murdoch
Nicolson, Murdoch, & Mark O'Neill
Nicolson, Nigel
Nield, Bernard J
Nielsen, Arthur C
Nielsen, B C
Nierstrasz, Chris
Nightingale, Alan
Nightingale, Joseph
Nightingale, Pamela
Nikar, John, & Gerry Coker
Nimmo, Ian
Nind, Philip F
Nisbet, James
Nisbet, James (ed)
Nisbet, M L
Nisbet, Stuart
Nisbet, Stuart, & John Foster
Nish, Ian, Hugh Cortazzi et al (eds)
Nishimura, Shizuya
Nishimura, Shizuya, Toshio Suzuki & Ranald C Michie (eds)
Nix, J B
Nix, Jenny
Nix, Michael
Nix, Michael, & Mark R Myers
Nixon, Chris, & Richard Newton
Nixon, Elliott
Nixon, Frank
Nixon, Howard M
Nixon, Howard M, & Mirjam Foot
Nixon, J H R
Nixon, John M
Nixon, Malcolm I
Nixon, Marion
Nixon, Peter John
Nixon, Sean
Nixon, St John C
Nixon, Stephen
Niziol, Simon M M
Noa, Frederick
Noad, L M
Noakes, Andrew
Noakes, Aubrey
Noakes, Nancy R, & Mike Clarke
Noakes, Richard
Noall, Cyril
Noall, Cyril, & Philip Payton (ed)
Noble, Celia B J
Noble, Charles
Noble, Christine
Noble, Dudley
Noble, Dudley, & G MacKenzie Junner
Noble, Kenneth
Noble, M
Noble, T C
Noblett, William A
Nock, Oswald S
Nock, Oswald S, et al
Nockolds, Harold
Nockolds, Harold (ed)
Nodin, Peter
Noguchi, Masayoshi, & Bernardo Batiz-Lazo
Nokes, B C G
Nolan, J Bennett
Nolan, Keith
Nomura, Chikayoshi
Norbye, Jan P
Nordberg, Donald, & Terry McNulty
Nordlunde, C Volmer
Noreng, Oystein
Norfield, Tony
Norgate, Jean, Martin Norgate & Felix Hudson
Norgate, Martin
Norgate, Martin, with Judith Blades & Pamela Slocombe
Norman, A V B
Norman, Alan, & Paul Taylor
Norman, Bob
Norman, C H
Norman, G A S
Norman, John
Norman, W L
Normandale, Daniel
Normington, Thomas
Norrby, Jonas
Norrey, Mike J
Norrie, Charles M
Norrie, Ian
Norrie, William
Norrington, A L P
Norrington, Valerie
Norris, Herbert E
Norris, Jill
Norris, John
Norris, John, Gerry Beale & John Lewis
Norris, W G
Norris, William
North, Andrew
North, F J
North, G A
North, G P
North, Geoffrey
North, Jennifer
North, Leslie
North, Michael (ed)
North, Rex
North, Roger
North, Susan
North, Thomas
Northcote, Virginia J
Northover, Peter
Northover, Peter, & Nick Wilcox
Northway, Anthony M
Northwood, John
Norton, C B
Norton, Charles
Norton, Jane E
Norton, Matthew
Norton, Peter A
Norton, R H B, Lord Grantley
Norton-Taylor, Richard, Mark Lloyd & Stephen Cook
Norway, Arthur H
Nossiter, Thomas
Nott, Hugh
Nott, James
Nott, Shelley N
Nott-Bower, Guy, & R H Walkerdine
Nottage, Jean
Nottage, R
Nottingham, Lucie
Nowell, Charles
Nowell-Smith, Simon
Nowell-Smith, Simon (ed)
Nowlan, Kevin B (ed)
Nown, Graham
Noyes, Ann
Nugent, N
Nulty, Geoffrey
Nunn, Paul J
Nurse, James
Nussey, John
Nutland, Martyn
Nutt, Colin
Nutt, T P
Nuttall, Derek
Nuttall, Derek (ed)
Nutter, Robert S
Nuttgens, Patrick
Nutting, Tony S
Nuvolari, Alessandro
Nuvolari, Alessandro, & Bart Verspagen
Nuvolari, Alessandro, & James Sumner
Nuvolari, Alessandro, & Mattia Ricci
Nuvolari, Alessandro, & Valentina Tartari
Nuvolari, Alessandro, Bart Verspagen & B von Tunzelmann
Nwankwo, G O
Nworah, K Dike
Nye, C E G, Felix L Levy et al
Nye, Doug
Nye, Doug, & Tony Rudd
Nye, Eric W
Nye, James
Nye, James (ed)
Nye, John V C
Nyland, Chris
O Maitiu, S
O'Brien, C
O'Brien, Christopher, & Paul Fenn
O'Brien, D P (ed)
O'Brien, Frederick T
O'Brien, George
O'Brien, J B
O'Brien, Margaret, & Julia Holland
O'Brien, P
O'Brien, Patrick K
O'Brien, Patrick K, & Philip A Hunt
O'Brien, Patrick K, & Stanley L Engerman
O'Brien, Patrick K, Trevor Griffiths & Philip Hunt
O'Brien, Patrick, & Caglar Keyder
O'Brien, T
O'Brien, Thomas F
O'Byrne, Arnold
O'Byrne, R
O'Callaghan, John
O'Connell, Peter
O'Connell, Peter, & Julie Green
O'Connell, Sean
O'Connell, Sean, & Chris Reid
O'Connell, Sean, & Dilwyn Porter
O'Connell, Sheila
O'Connor, Bernard
O'Connor, David A
O'Connor, Denis
O'Connor, G W
O'Connor, J W
O'Connor, James, & John Crichton
O'Connor, Kaori
O'Connor, Stephen
O'Connor, Terry
O'Connor, Thomas P
O'Day, Rosemary
O'Dell, Adrian
O'Dell, Andrew C
O'Dell, Sean
O'Donnell, Anne S
O'Donnell, Daisy (ed)
O'Donnell, Jean
O'Donnell, K
O'Donnell, Raymond
O'Donnell, Roderick
O'Donnell, Ronan, & Kayt Armstrong
O'Donoghue, K J, & H S Appleyard
O'Donoghue, K J, & Paul Heaton
O'Driscoll, Dick
O'Driscoll, Patricia
O'Dwyer, Frederick
O'Gallagher, C
O'Gorman, Francis (ed)
O'Hagan, Henry O
O'Hara, George C
O'Hara, Glen
O'Hare, Larry
O'Hearn, Denis
O'Mahoney, B M E
O'Malley, Eoin
O'Malley, Tom
O'N Russell, J F
O'Neal, R A H
O'Neill, B J
O'Neill, Clifford F B
O'Neill, Daniel
O'Neill, Gilda
O'Neill, Julie A
O'Neill, Lindsay
O'Neill, Matt
O'Neill, Morna
O'Shea, James
O'Sullivan, Brian
O'Sullivan, John, & De Witt Bailey
O'Sullivan, Mary A
O'Sullivan, N M
O'Sullivan, Patrick
O'Sullivan, Timothy
O'Sullivan, Tyrone, et al
O'Sweeny, James
Oakes, Bryan
Oakes, E C
Oakeshott, Robert
Oakley, A M
Oakley, Charles A
Oakley, Charles A
Oakley, Charles A (ed)
Oakley, Edward R
Oakley, Edward R, & C E Holland
Oakley, M R
Oakley, Maroussia
Oakley, P A
Oakley, R
Oakley, Roy
Oastler, Christopher L
Oates, James H
Oates, Kenneth
Oba, Sadao
Occomore, D
Ochojna, A D
Ockley, J H
Ockrim, M A
Odaka, Konosuke, & Minoru Sawai (eds)
Odber, A J
Oddy, Derek J
Oddy, Derek J, & Alain Drouard (eds)
Oddy, Derek J, & Derek S Miller (eds)
Oddy, Derek J, & Judy R Oddy
Oddy, R
Odell, Amy
Odgers, Joseph F
Odhams, W J Baird
Odhams, William J B
Odlyzko, Andrew
Offen, James
Offer, Avner
Offer, R
Ogborn, Maurice E
Ogden, B P
Ogden, E M
Ogden, Eric
Ogden, Eric (ed)
Ogden, H W
Ogden, J H
Ogden, Mike
Ogden, T R
Ogden, Tesa
Ogg, Alex
Ogilvie, Campbell P (ed)
Ogilvie, F W
Ogilvie, Sheilagh
Ogilvy, David
Ogilvy, Julia (ed)
Oglethorpe, Miles K
Ohashi, Satomi
Ohmann, Richard
Okochi, Akio, & Hoshimi Uchida (eds)
Okochi, Akio, & Koichi Shimokawa (eds)
Okochi, Akio, & Shigeaki Yasuoka (eds)
Okochi, Akio, & Shin-ichi Yonekawa (eds)
Okochi, Akio, & Tadakatsu Inoue (eds)
Oldaker, John
Oldfield, Geoffrey
Oldfield, John R
Oldham, C H
Oldham, Douglas C
Oldham, Tom
Oldham, Wilton J
Olding, Michael
Oldland, John R
Oldroyd, David
Olins, Wally
Oliphant, Margaret, & Mary Porter
Olive, Joy
Oliver, Basil
Oliver, Bruce W
Oliver, David
Oliver, G C S
Oliver, George A
Oliver, J Guthrie
Oliver, James H
Oliver, John L
Oliver, Kingsley M
Oliver, Nick, & Barry Wilkinson
Oliver, Reginald C B
Oliver, Richard
Oliver, S
Oliver, Septimus
Oliver, Thomas
Oliver, Thomas (ed)
Oliver, William G
Ollerenshaw, Philip
Ollerhead, Peter
Ollerhead, Peter, & Tony Flood
Olsen, Donald J
Olsen, Penny
Olson, Alison G
Olson, Sidney, et al
Olson, Stanley B
Olukoju, Ayodeji
Olusoga, David, et al
Oman, Charles C, & Jean Hamilton
Ommer, Rosemary E
Onegin, Nicholas
Ong, B B L
Oosterlinck, Kim, Loredana Ureche-Rangau & Jacques-Marie Vaslin
Openshaw, R N
Opie, James
Opie, Jennifer H
Opie, Robert
Opie, Robert, & Ifan Jenkins
Oppenheim, Michael M
Oram, H C
Oram, Hugh
Oram, R B
Orbell, John
Orbell, John, & Alison Turton
Orbell, John, & Alison Turton (eds)
Orbell, John, & Jane Waller
Orbell, John, with Edwin Green & Michael Moss
Orchard, B G
Orchard, Vincent R
Orchardson, I K
Orde, Anne
Orde, Anne (ed)
Orde-Hume, Arthur W J G
Ordish, T Fairman
Orford, Jim
Orlebar, Christopher
Orme-Bannister, Grahame
Ormerod, Allan
Ormerod, H A
Ormes, Ian
Ormiston, Rosalind, & Nicholas M Wells
Ormrod, David
Ormrod, W M (ed)
Ormston, John M
Orr, James, & Sarah C Orr
Orr, Leah
Orsagh, T J
Orser, Charles E (ed)
Ortiz, Ricardo
Ortiz-Villajos, Jose M
Osborn, E C
Osborn, Frederic J
Osborn, Frederick M
Osborn, G H
Osborn, Helen
Osborn, J R
Osborn, Matthew
Osborne, A
Osborne, Alan
Osborne, Alan, & Ian Taylor
Osborne, Brian D
Osborne, Clive
Osborne, Clive, & James Heaps
Osborne, D
Osborne, Edward C
Osborne, J C
Osborne, John W
Osborne, Keith W
Osborne, Marion
Osborne, Paddy
Osborne, Richard
Osborne, Roger
Osborne, Wayne D
Osbourn, F C, & R T Bell
Oschinsky, D
Osler, Adrian G
Osler, Edward
Osley, Julian
Osman, G J
Ostergaard, G N
Osterhammel, Jurgen
Osterhaussen, F von
Osterud, Nancy G
Ostrom, Hans
Oswald, Adrian
Oswald, Arthur
Oswald, Neville C
Oswell, David
Othick, J
Ottaway, Susan & Ian
Otter, Robert A
Otter, Robert A (ed)
Otter, Robert A, & James H Thomas
Ottery, F S
Ottley, George
Ough, Norman
Oulton, Nicholas, & Mary O'Mahoney
Ousby, Ian
Outhwaite, R B
Outram, Quentin
Ovenden, Keith
Ovenden, Mark
Ovenden, Toby
Ovens, Robert, & Sheila Sleath
Overend, G H
Overton, A E
Overton, Mark, et al
Overy, Richard J
Ovington, C E
Owen, Alun
Owen, C
Owen, C C
Owen, Colin C
Owen, D W
Owen, David
Owen, David E
Owen, David J
Owen, Dorothy M
Owen, Dorothy M (ed)
Owen, Douglas
Owen, E R J, & Frank Dux
Owen, Felicity, & David Blayney Brown
Owen, G D, & L W Evans
Owen, G W, & V C Davies
Owen, Gareth
Owen, Gareth, & Brian Burford
Owen, Geoffrey
Owen, Geoffrey, & Michael M Hopkins
Owen, Hugh
Owen, J
Owen, J G
Owen, J R
Owen, Janet
Owen, John
Owen, John A
Owen, John S
Owen, John S, & J K Harrison (ed)
Owen, Joseph, & Blaydon Burn
Owen, Kenneth
Owen, Louise
Owen, Mary
Owen, Michael
Owen, Nicholas
Owen, Patricia
Owen, Peter
Owen, R J
Owen, Robert
Owen, Roderic
Owen, Roger
Owen, Roger (ed)
Owen, Theodore M N
Owen, Ursula
Owen-Jones, A E
Owen-Jones, Stuart
Owens, Alastair
Owens, Victoria
Owens, Victoria (ed)
Oxberry, John
Oxley, Alan
Oxley, Charles
Oxley, G F
Oxley, Geoffrey W
Oxley, J
Oxley, James E
Oxley, P R, & T R D Hannan
Oxspring, J H Parker
Oxtoby, G H
Ozden, Canay
Paar, H W
Paar, H W, & Adrian Gray
Paar, H W, & D G Tucker
Pace, Peter
Pacey, A J
Packard, Edward F
Packard, W G T
Packer, Emma
Packer, John E
Packer, Maurice
Packham, Jenny
Packham, Michael
Pacult, F Paul
Padberg, D I, & D Thorpe
Padfield, Adrian
Padfield, Maureen
Padfield, Peter
Padgham, David
Padley, Christopher
Padley, Priscilla
Padley, R
Pafford, Elizabeth R, & John H P Pafford
Pagan, J R
Pagan, James
Pagan, William, & Robert Young
Pagano Di Divitiis, Gigliola
Page P J
Page, Bruce
Page, Chris
Page, Christopher
Page, Christopher J
Page, Donald T
Page, F M
Page, Gordon
Page, John R
Page, Ken
Page, Mark, & Matthew Bristow with Cynthia Brown (eds)
Page, Nigel
Page, Reginald A H
Page, Robert
Page, W G B
Page, William S
Paget, L F
Paget-Tomlinson, Edward
Pahl, Janice
Paige, Reginald T
Pain, Albert E
Paine, Clifford
Paine, E M S
Paine, June M, & Ken S Paine
Paine, Robin, & Roger Syms
Paine, Thomas
Painter, George D
Painting, David
Painting, M H
Painting, Norman
Painting, Vivienne
Paisana, A M V
Paish, John
Paisley, T B
Pajic, Milan
Palfrey, H E
Palfrey, Kenneth
Palfreyman, David
Palgrave, Derek A
Palin, Michael
Palin, Ronald
Palix, Didier
Palk, Deirdre
Palladino, Paolo
Palliser, Bury, M Jourdain & Alice Dryden (eds)
Palliser, David M
Palliser, David M, & A C Pinnock
Palliser, David M, & D G Selwyn
Pallister, Marian
Palmegiano, E M
Palmer, A N
Palmer, Alice
Palmer, Bernard
Palmer, C J
Palmer, Carol
Palmer, Charles J
Palmer, Charles M
Palmer, Colin A
Palmer, David, & Marilyn Palmer
Palmer, Felicity
Palmer, Gerald, with Christopher Balfour
Palmer, H S
Palmer, J L
Palmer, J M, & M I Berrill
Palmer, John E C
Palmer, John E C, & H W Paar
Palmer, June
Palmer, June (ed)
Palmer, Marilyn
Palmer, Marilyn, & Peter Neaverson
Palmer, Mark
Palmer, Michael
Palmer, Ned
Palmer, R
Palmer, Sarah R
Palmer, Sarah R, & David M Williams
Palmer, Sarah R, & Glyndwr Williams (eds)
Palmer, Steve
Palmer, W C
Palmer, Will
Palmieri, Robert, & Margaret W Palmieri (eds)
Pam, Albert
Pam, David O
Pamment, John, & Bill Slater
Panayi, Panikos
Pandit, Naresh R
Pandit, S A
Panitpakdi, P
Pankhurst, K V
Pannell, J P M
Panofsky, Ruth
Pantin, Harry
Pantin, W A
Panton, F H
Papadopoulos, S C
Papali, G F
Papatheodorou, Andreas, et al
Pape, T
Papendieck, Henner
Papillon, Alexander F W
Papworth, Wyatt
Paramor, Richard R
Pardi, Tommaso
Pardo-Guerra, Juan P
Pardoe, F E
Paren, Bernard H
Pares, Richard
Parfitt, Alan
Pargendler, Mariana, & Henry Hansmann
Parish, Clement W
Parissien, Steven
Parissien, Steven (ed)
Park, James
Parke, Victor E
Parker, A
Parker, Alex P
Parker, Alfred
Parker, Alice
Parker, Arthur W
Parker, Barry
Parker, Cecil J
Parker, Charles J
Parker, Chas
Parker, D, & D E McLellan
Parker, David
Parker, David, & Hsueh Liang Wu
Parker, Franklin
Parker, George H
Parker, Gillian M
Parker, Graham, & Barbara Tilson
Parker, Guy, & Robert Hunt
Parker, H M, & L M Willies
Parker, Hubert H
Parker, J F
Parker, J Francis
Parker, J M
Parker, Jack
Parker, James G
Parker, Jean
Parker, John
Parker, John Oxley
Parker, Julian
Parker, L A
Parker, Leanne D
Parker, Lee D
Parker, Matthew
Parker, Maude
Parker, Mike
Parker, Norman
Parker, Paul
Parker, Peter
Parker, Philip
Parker, Philip C
Parker, R A C
Parker, R H
Parker, R H, & B S Yamey (eds)
Parker, Richard
Parker, Vanessa S
Parker, W K
Parker, W M
Parkes, Basil
Parkes, G
Parkes, G D
Parkes, James
Parkes, Joan
Parkes, John
Parkes, W H
Parkhill, John
Parkhill, Trevor, & Vivienne L Pollock
Parkhouse, Neil
Parkhurst, Peter G
Parkin, D G
Parkin, Di
Parkin, Geoffrey W
Parkin, W M
Parkinson, A C
Parkinson, A J
Parkinson, C Northcote
Parkinson, C Northcote (ed)
Parkinson, C Northcote, & J M Gullick (ed)
Parkinson, Ernest
Parkinson, H
Parkinson, J R
Parkinson, John
Parkinson, Joseph C
Parkinson, Robin J
Parkinson, Sonia
Parks, A Franklin
Parks, Stephen R
Parks, W A
Parks, W A, & E A Rudge
Parmar, Inderjeet
Parnell, Edward A
Parnell, Geoffrey
Parr, Elizabeth
Parris, H
Parris, Henry W
Parriss, Michael
Parrott, David
Parrott, John
Parrott, Robert F
Parrott, Robert F, & Michael Harding Hill
Parrott, S
Parrott, Vivienne R
Parry, Ann
Parry, Cyril
Parry, David L
Parry, David L, & Don Parry
Parry, David L, Don Parry & Alan Walker
Parry, Edward
Parry, Edward
Parry, Gordon
Parry, J P
Parry, Linda
Parry, Linda (ed)
Parry, Michael
Parry, Stephen
Parry, T B
Parry, T V
Parry, V J
Parry-Crooke, Charlotte (ed)
Parry-Jones, W L I
Parshall, Horace F, & W Casson
Parsloe, Guy (ed)
Parsons, Brian
Parsons, Chris
Parsons, D W
Parsons, David
Parsons, David (ed)
Parsons, Edmund
Parsons, F V
Parsons, Gill
Parsons, Ian
Parsons, J E
Parsons, J F
Parsons, J G C
Parsons, J L
Parsons, James
Parsons, M
Parsons, Michael
Parsons, Mike C, & Mary Rose
Parsons, N C, F E C Jarrett, J F Clarke et al
Parsons, Ralph
Parsons, Richard M
Parsons, Robert H
Parsons, Stanley A J
Parthasarathi, Prasannan
Partington, S
Parton, Celia E
Partridge, Bill
Partridge, Eric
Pasco, Dennis
Pascoe, Michael, & Adrian Andrews
Pascoe, W H [Harry]
Pasdermadjian, Hrant
Pask, Brenda M
Pask, Trevor
Pasmore, Anthony
Pasold, Eric W
Pass, Anthony J
Passingham, William J
Passmore, Anthony (ed)
Passmore, Dick
Pastell, Tim, & Katharina Ulmschneider (eds)
Paston, George
Pastre, Olivier, & Anthony Rowley
Patel, Rowan
Patel, Sucheen
Pateman, Rachel
Paterson, A
Paterson, Alan J S
Paterson, Anne-Mary
Paterson, Clare
Paterson, Clifford C
Paterson, David
Paterson, Donald G
Paterson, Ellen
Paterson, Janet
Paterson, John
Paterson, L J
Paterson, Len
Paterson, Richard J
Paterson, T
Paterson, William A
Patience, Hugh
Patient, David
Patmore, J A
Paton, James
Patrick, A N
Patrick, Amber
Patrick, Bert
Patrick, John
Patrick, W
Patrikeeff, Felix
Patsiaouras, Georgious
Patten, Robert L
Pattenden, David W
Pattenden, David W (ed)
Patterson, A Temple
Patterson, A W
Patterson, B H
Patterson, Edward M
Patterson, Edward M, & Norman Johnston
Patterson, G
Patterson, Margaret, & David Reiffen
Patterson, Michael
Patterson, R Lloyd
Patterson, Walter C
Pattison, Andrew
Pattison, Ann K
Pattison, G W
Pattison, Jean S
Patton, Brian
Patton, Brian
Patton, Mark
Paul, Charles Kegan
Paul, Christopher
Paul, David
Paul, Helen J
Paul, John
Paul, Lissa
Paul, Philip
Paul, Robert B
Paul, Tawny
Paulden, Sydney M, & Bill Hawkins
Pauling, George
Paulinyi, Akos
Paull, Charles A
Paull, Clarence V
Paulson, Erika L, & Mary E Schramm
Paulu, Burton
Pavitt, Keith (ed)
Pavitt, Keith, M Robson & J Townsend
Pawley, Martin
Pawley, S
Pawlyn, Tony
Pawlyn, Tony, & Michael Haines
Pawsey, R F
Pawson, Eric
Paxman, Jeremy
Paxton, Roland A
Paxton, Roland A (ed)
Paxton, Roland A, & Jim S Shipway
Paye, Peter
Payne, Brenda
Payne, Donald
Payne, Edward
Payne, Elvis
Payne, Elvis, & Stuart Cyphus
Payne, George
Payne, Gordon E
Payne, Jill R
Payne, John
Payne, Joyce R
Payne, Kenneth, & Ulrick Brown
Payne, M T W
Payne, Mervyn
Payne, Michael
Payne, Peter L
Payne, Peter L (ed)
Payne, Sara
Payton, Philip
Payton, Philip, Alston Kennerley & Helen Doe (eds)
Payton-Smith, D J
Peace, Ralph L
Peacey, Allan
Peach, Andrea
Peach, R E M
Peachey, Stuart, & David Hopkins
Peacock, A E
Peacock, Alfred J
Peacock, Alfred J, & David Joy
Peacock, David
Peacock, F C (ed)
Peacock, Roy
Peacock, Roy (ed)
Peacock, Thomas B
Peak, Daphne
Peak, Steve
Peake, Arthur S
Peake, Tim H
Peaker, Christine, Caro Webb & Richard White (eds)
Peakman, Julie
Peal, Christopher A
Peaples, F W
Pearce, Adrian
Pearce, Adrian (ed)
Pearce, Alan, et al
Pearce, Arthur
Pearce, Cathryn J
Pearce, Cyril
Pearce, Cyril (ed)
Pearce, D, & D I Hodges
Pearce, David
Pearce, Ian
Pearce, Jacqueline
Pearce, Jacqueline, & Alan Vince
Pearce, John
Pearce, M C (ed)
Pearce, Malcolm N
Pearce, Rhoda M
Pearce, Robert
Pearce, Sally
Pearce, Susan
Pearce, Tom
Pearce, William
Pearce, William M
Pearcy, Arthur
Pearcy, Jeff
Pearman, A
Pearman, Hugh
Pearman, Robert
Pears, Annabel
Pears, Iain
Pears, Richard
Pearsall, A W H
Pearsall, Phyllis
Pearse, Richard
Pearson, A E
Pearson, Arthur J
Pearson, David (ed), writer on bookbinding
Pearson, David, with Martin Rickatson
Pearson, David, writer on Aberdeenshire canals
Pearson, David, writer on bookbinding
Pearson, Denning
Pearson, E
Pearson, F K
Pearson, Frank H
Pearson, George W
Pearson, Harry
Pearson, Hesketh
Pearson, J W
Pearson, Joe
Pearson, John, & Graham Turner
Pearson, Keith
Pearson, Lynn
Pearson, Marshall S W
Pearson, Michael
Pearson, R E
Pearson, R E, & J G Ruddock
Pearson, Robin
Pearson, Robin (ed)
Pearson, Robin, & David Richardson
Pearson, Robin, & Helen Doe
Pearson, Robin, & M Lonnborg
Pearson, Robin, et al (eds)
Pearson, Rod
Pearson, Trevor
Pease, Alfred E, (ed)
Pease, J A, & A E Pease
Pease, John
Pease, Joseph G (ed)
Pease, Mary H
Peasgood, Adrian
Peasgood, David
Peat, Alan
Peate, Iorwerth C
Peatman, Janet
Peaty, Ian P
Peberdy, R B
Peck, Alan S
Peck, J A, P Dicken & Z Chaudhri
Peck, James
Peck, John
Peck, Linda Levy
Pecker, G F
Peckham, Brian W
Pedder, J M
Peddie, Donald
Peddie, R
Peden, George C
Peden, J A
Pedersen, Roy
Pedersen, Sarah, & Andrea Peach
Pedersen, Stella
Pedlar, Neil
Pedler, Frederick J
Pedley, J W
Pedley, Mary
Pedley, Mary (ed)
Pedrick, Gale
Pedroche, Ben
Peduzzi, P
Peebles, Hugh B
Peebles, Malcolm W H
Peel, C M
Peel, Derek W
Peel, John
Peel, R A
Peel, Richard
Peers, S A
Peers, Sarah
Peet, Henry
Peett, Robert
Pegg, Mark
Pegg, Patricia
Peire, Fernando, & Gary Lee
Peirson, G F, & J Henderson
Peirson, J Gordon
Pelham, R A
Pellett, Nicholas
Pelling, Margaret
Pellow, Thomas, & Paul Bowen
Pellowe, John
Peltola, J
Pemberton, H
Pemberton, Max
Pemberton, P A
Pemberton, R C B, & R Pemberton (ed)
Pemberton, Thomas C
Pena, R O, & E L Duhalde
Penderill-Church, John
Pendery, D J
Pendle, John
Pendred, Loughnan St L
Penfold, Alastair
Penfold, Alastair (ed)
Penfold, John B
Penfound, Stewart
Penhale, Jack
Penn, David W
Penn, Herbert
Penn, J
Penn, Kenneth (ed)
Penn, Simon A C
Penn, Simon A C, & Christopher Dyer
Pennance, F G, & B S Yamey
Pennant-Rea, Rupert
Pennell, Sara
Penney, Brian, & Richard Parker
Penney, David, & Valerie Finch
Pennick, Nigel
Pennie, Robin
Penninger, Frieda E
Pennington, Brian
Pennington, David
Pennington, Janet
Pennington, Robert
Pennington, Shelley, & Belinda Westover
Penny, Alan
Penny, Barbara R
Penny, Bleddyn
Penny, John
Penrose, Harald
Penson, Lillian M
Penzer, Norman M
Pepler, J
Pepler, Jonathan
Pepper, Alfred
Pepper, Richard
Pepper, S W
Pepper, Simon
Pepper, Susan
Pepperall, R A
Peppercorn, Frederick S
Pepperd, R S
Peppin, Brigid, & Lucy Micklethwait
Perchard, Andrew C
Perchard, Andrew C, & Niall MacKenzie
Percival, Arthur J
Percival, Denise
Percival, Geoffrey
Percival, Kathy
Percival, M
Percival, MacIver
Percival, Piers
Percival, Richard
Percy, Clayre, & Jane Ridley (eds)
Percy, J D
Perfect, C T
Perfect, Sue
Perfitt, Kathleen T
Pergam, E A
Perilli, P
Perkin, Harold
Perkin, M R (ed)
Perkin, Michael
Perkin, W H
Perkins, Edwin J
Perkins, H J
Perkins, Herbert H
Perkins, J A
Perkins, J W, et al
Perkins, Jim
Perkins, John
Perkins, K M A
Perkins, Keith S
Perkins, M
Perkins, Peter
Perkins, Peter, & Mick Dix
Perkins, Peter, et al
Perkins, Robert
Perks, R B
Perks, Richard Hugh
Perks, Rob
Perks, Robert
Perman, David
Perman, Ray
Perren, Richard
Perrett, Bryan
Perrett, David
Perrett, David, & James Oliver
Perrett, J R
Perrie, Maureen
Perrin, W G (ed)
Perriton, Linda, & Josephine Maltby
Perry, Anthony M (ed)
Perry, Charles R
Perry, Christopher W
Perry, F W, & W A Laxon
Perry, George
Perry, Jennifer
Perry, Nigel P
Perry, P J
Perry, Reginald
Perry, Ronald W
Perry, Ronald W, & Charles Thurlow
Perry, Ronald W, & Hazel Harradence
Perry, Simon
Perry, Victoria
Perrycoste, Frank H
Perryman, A C
Persson, Karl G
Pertwee, Bill
Pervis, J C, & James Hope
Peskett, John E
Peston, Robert
Petch, M R
Peter, David
Peters, Amanda
Peters, Carolyn M
Peters, Don
Peters, Douglas
Peters, Elizabeth E
Peters, George H
Peters, John
Peters, K
Peters, K J
Peters, Kate
Peters, Lisa J
Peters, Lisa J, & Kath Skinner
Peters, Mrs Stuart
Peters, Timothy J, & Stephen F Brown
Peters, Timothy, & Samuel Harris
Petersen, Christian
Peterson, William S
Peterson, William S, & Sylvia Holton Peterson
Petersson, Niels P
Pethybridge, Norman, & Jed Pascoe
Petley, Christer
Peto, A W
Peto, Henry
Petre, Mildred M
Petree, J Foster
Petrie, Ann
Petroski, Henry
Petter, Percival W
Pettigrew, Andrew M
Pettigrew, William A
Pettigrew, William A, & George W Van Cleve
Pettigrew, William A, & Mahesh Gopalan (eds)
Pettigrew, William A, & Tristan Stein
Pettit, Philip A J
Pettitt, Clare
Pettitt, Gordon, & Nicholas Comfort
Pettitt, O
Petts, Cliff
Petznick, L W S
Pevsner, Nikolaus
Peyer, Hans C
Peyton, Edward
Phal, R E
Phelps Brown, E H
Phelps Brown, E H, with Margaret H Browne
Phelps, Tom
Phibbs, John
Philbrick, E M
Philip, Ian E
Philip, Ian G
Philip, Roy
Philips, Cyril H
Philips, Cyril H (ed)
Philips, D
Philipson, John
Phillips, A D M, & B J Turton
Phillips, A D M, & C B Phillips
Phillips, A R
Phillips, A W
Phillips, Alan
Phillips, Alastair
Phillips, Almarin
Phillips, Andrew
Phillips, Andrew, & J C Sharman
Phillips, Andrew, & Rebecca Davies
Phillips, Anthony D M, & Colin B Phillips
Phillips, Barty
Phillips, C B
Phillips, C B (ed)
Phillips, C B, & J H Smith
Phillips, Charles
Phillips, Charles J
Phillips, Cyril
Phillips, D Rhys
Phillips, Daphne
Phillips, David
Phillips, Derek
Phillips, Elizabeth
Phillips, Frank T
Phillips, Geoff
Phillips, Geoffrey
Phillips, George
Phillips, George L
Phillips, Gordon
Phillips, Gordon, & Noel Whiteside
Phillips, H G
Phillips, H Joshua
Phillips, H T
Phillips, Henry L
Phillips, J G
Phillips, James K
Phillips, Jeremy
Phillips, Jim
Phillips, Jim, & Michael French
Phillips, Jim, Valerie Wright & Jim Tomlinson
Phillips, John
Phillips, Julian
Phillips, Laurence
Phillips, Lawrie
Phillips, Lesley
Phillips, M
Phillips, Maberly
Phillips, Martin P
Phillips, Nicola
Phillips, Philip A S
Phillips, R J
Phillips, Reginald J
Phillips, Ron
Phillips, Ron, & Gordon Baron
Phillips, Simon
Phillips, Simon, & Andrew Alexander
Phillipson, David
Philo, Phil, & John Mills
Philpot, A K
Philpott, D R E
Philpotts, R
Phimister, Ian
Phimister, Ian, & J Movat
Phipp, Mike
Phipps, Janet
Phipson, Thomas
Phiri, D A R, & F H Kaunda
Phoenix, Eamon
Photos-Jones, Effie, & John A Atkinson
Photos-Jones, Effie, et al
Phylaktis, Kate
Phythian-Adams, Charles
Pick, J B
Pick, J M
Pick, Michael
Pickard, Geoff
Pickard, Tom
Pickering, Arthur J, & H W Chandler (ed)
Pickering, Helen
Pickering, O S
Pickering, William
Pickering, William F
Pickett, Catherine
Pickford, Christopher
Pickles, Fred
Pickles, R L
Pickstock, John
Pickup, D J
Pickvance, R
Pickwoad, Nicholas
Picton, J Allanson
Pidcock, Barbara
Pidgeon, Basil
Pidgeon, Clive
Pidgeon, Geoffrey
Piebenga, Sophieke
Pierce, Patricia
Piercy, Lord
Piercy, Niall
Pietrusiak, Jane
Pigache, D Nichols
Piggott, George
Piggott, J R
Pigott, Nick
Pigott, Stanley
Pigou, Arthur C
Pike, Andrew
Pike, Frank
Pike, Godfrey H
Pike, W J
Pilbeam, Pamela M
Pilbin, Preston
Pilcher, William R A, & Harry N Bridge
Pile, C C R
Pile, L
Pilfold, Will
Pilgrim, J E
Pilkington, Alan
Pilkington, Alastair
Pilkington, Austin
Pill, Colin
Pilling, Philip W
Pim, Edward W
Pimlott, J A R
Pinch, Steven, Nick Henry & David Turner
Pinchbeck, Ivy
Pinches, John H
Pinchin, Terry
Pincombe, Ian M
Pinder, D A
Pine, Lynda
Pine, Lynda, & Nicholas Pine
Pinfold, John (ed)
Pink, John
Pinkerton, John, & Derek Roberts
Pinkerton, John, et al
Pinkerton, Robert E
Pinney, Richard
Pinsdorf, M K
Pinto, Edward H
Pinto, Teresa
Pipe, Christopher
Pipe, John
Pipe, Julia
Piper, A Cecil
Piper, Trevor
Pipes, Eric
Pirie, Alistair
Pirie, Gordon
Pirohakul, Teerapa
Pirt, W K, & J M Dodds
Pistono, Stephen P
Pitcher, Anne (ed)
Pitcher, Desmond
Pitcher, Harvey J
Pitfield, David E
Pitfield, W A, & H Klopper
Pither, Don
Pitkethly, A S
Pitman, Alfred
Pitman, Benn
Pitman, Frank W
Pitman, Sydney
Pitman, Ted
Pitman, Walter H
Pitt, Catherine R
Pitt, Douglas C
Pitt, Simon
Pitt, Stephen H
Pitt, Sydney H
Pitt, William, & Graham Village (eds)
Pittman, Susan
Pitts, Marianne V
Pitts, Marianne V, & Trevor Boyns
Pla, Josefina
Place, Christopher, & Owen Bedwin
Place, Geoffrey W
Placzek, Adolf K (ed)
Plaisted, H
Plant, Helen
Plant, Kenneth P
Plant, Marjorie
Plantinga, Leon
Plastow, David
Platt, Alan
Platt, Colin
Platt, D C M
Platt, D C M (ed)
Platt, D C M, & J Adelman
Platt, E M
Platt, J C
Platt, Keith W
Platt, M
Platt, Maurice
Platt, Philip, & John Sykes
Platt, Richard
Platt, Virginia B
Playne, Arthur T, & Arthur L Long
Pleasants, Virginia
Pleming, N
Plender, Lady, & Brian Manning (eds)
Plessis, Alain
Plomer, Henry R
Plomer, Henry R, et al
Plomer, William
Plouman, S J
Plowden, William E
Plowman, Thomas F
Plowright, Dennis G
Pluck, Douglas F
Pluckwell, George
Plumb, Christopher
Plumb, J H
Plumber, George, & John Walker
Plummer, Alfred
Plummer, Alfred, & Richard E Early
Plummer, B
Plummer, C W
Plummer, Philip C, & Walter H Bowyer
Plummer, Raymond
Pochin, R Eric
Pochin, R Eric, & E A Olive
Pocklington, Geoffrey R
Pocock, Douglas C D
Pocock, Rowland F
Podger, Alec
Podger, Hugh
Podmore, Frank
Poelmans, Eline, & Johan F M Swinnen
Pohl, Manfred, & Kathleen Burk
Pohl, Manfred, & Sabine Freitag (eds)
Pohl, Manfred, T Tortella & Herman van der Wee (eds)
Pointer, Michael
Pointing, Norman
Pointon, Arnold C
Pointon, Marcia
Polack, W G
Polak, Ada
Polak, J P
Polan, Brenda, & Roger Tredre
Polanyi, George, & Priscilla Polanyi
Polden, Patrick
Pole, Felix J C
Pole, William
Pole, William (ed)
Political & Economic Planning
Pollard Graham (ed)
Pollard, David
Pollard, George B
Pollard, Graham
Pollard, Graham, & Albert Ehrman
Pollard, J G
Pollard, Michael
Pollard, Ron
Pollard, Sidney
Pollard, Sidney (ed)
Pollard, Sidney, & John D Marshall
Pollard, Sidney, & John Salt (eds)
Pollard, Sidney, & Paul L Robertson
Pollard, Sidney, & Robert Turner
Polley, Bernard
Pollins, Harold
Pollins, Harold, & Vic Rosewarne
Pollitt, William
Pollock, David
Pollock, G D
Pollock, John
Pollock, Vivienne L
Pollock, Walter
Pols, Robert
Pomeranz, Kenneth
Pomeroy, John
Pomeroy, S J
Pomfret, Roger
Pond, Eddie
Pond, G
Ponder, Stephen
Poni, Carlo
Ponko, Vincent
Pons Pons, Jeronia, & Pablo Gutierrez Gonzalez
Ponsford, Clive N
Ponsford, Clive N (ed)
Ponsford, Clive N, J G M Scott & W P Authers
Ponsonby, Margaret
Pontifex, Bryan
Pontin, Fred, & P Willsher
Ponting, Kenneth G
Pool, A G, & G Llewellyn
Pool, Bernard
Poole, Benjamin
Poole, Braithwaite
Poole, Brenda R
Poole, Brian
Poole, Diana
Poole, Granville, et al
Poole, H Edmund
Poole, Helen
Poole, Ivan
Poole, Keith (ed)
Poole, Lorna
Poole, Malcolm
Poole, R L
Poole, Ray
Poole, Robert
Poole, Scott
Poole, Sharon
Poole, Sharon, & Andrew Sassoli-Walker
Poole, Stephen
Pooley, Colin G
Pooley, Colin G, & J Turnbull
Pooley, Colin G, & Michael J Harmer
Pooley, Ernest H
Pooley, Julian
Poovey, Mary
Poovey, Mary (ed)
Pope, Andrew
Pope, David J
Pope, Ian
Pope, Ian, & Paul Karau
Pope, Ian, et al
Pope, Rex
Pope, Rex, & Bernard Hoyle
Pope, W Macqueen
Pope, Wilson
Popham, Hugh
Popham, Hugh, et al
Popham, J
Popp, Andrew
Popp, Andrew, & John F Wilson
Popp, Andrew, & Robin Holt
Popp, Andrew, & Susanna Fellman
Popp, Andrew, Steven Toms & John F Wilson
Poppleton, J Eyre
Popplewell, Frank
Popplewell, Lawrence
Porritt, Arthur
Porritt, Benjamin D
Port, Michael H
Portal, Christopher
Portal, Francis
Portal, William
Porteous, Crichton
Porteous, John D
Porter, A N
Porter, Andrew
Porter, Chris
Porter, Colin
Porter, Dale H
Porter, David H
Porter, Dilwyn
Porter, Edmund
Porter, Enid
Porter, George R
Porter, H
Porter, Jeffrey H
Porter, Lindsay
Porter, Lindsay, & John Robey
Porter, Mark
Porter, Neil, & Jack Frost
Porter, Philip
Porter, Philip, & Paul Skilleter
Porter, R
Porter, R E
Porter, Roy
Porter, Roy, & Dorothy Porter
Porter, Roy, et al
Porter, Stephen
Porter, Stephen (ed)
Porter, Sylvia J
Porter, Vincent
Porteus, D
Portman, Derek
Portno, A D
Portway, Nic
Posadas, Carlos A
Posner, E
Posner, Michael
Posnette, G M
Post, Daniel R
Postan, M M
Postan, M M, D Hay & J D Scott
Postgate, Charles
Postles, David
Postlethwaite, Harry
Postlethwaite, John
Pothecary, John
Potier, Daniel, & John Sheward
Potschka, Christian
Potschka, Christian, & Peter Golding
Potter, Barry
Potter, Beatrice
Potter, Bill
Potter, David
Potter, Esther
Potter, G W J
Potter, Hugh
Potter, Hugh, & Philip Riden (eds)
Potter, J
Potter, James E
Potter, Jane
Potter, Jeremy
Potter, John F
Potter, Simon J
Potter, Stephen
Potter, Walter C
Pottinger, George
Potts, Archie
Potts, Bob
Potts, Christopher R
Potts, G
Potts, Graham R
Potts, John D
Potts, Mark, Nicholas Kochan & Robert Whittington
Potts, Michael S
Potts, Taylor
Potts, William
Poullaos, Chris, & Suki Sian (eds)
Poulter, John D
Poulton-Smith, Anthony
Pound, D C M
Pound, J F
Pound, Reginald
Pound, Reginald, & A Geoffrey Harmsworth
Pounds, Norman J G
Pountney, William J
Pourdeyhimi, B
Povey, D W, & H Clayton
Povey, P J
Povey, Ralph O T
Powdrill, Dennis
Powell, A C
Powell, A G
Powell, Afan, & Glyn Thomas
Powell, Andrew B
Powell, Bruce
Powell, Charles M, & Rosamond E Willis
Powell, Christopher
Powell, Christopher, & Malcolm J Fisk
Powell, Clive, & Robert B Matkin (ed)
Powell, David
Powell, David (ed)
Powell, David, & Victor A Hatley (comps)
Powell, Ellis T
Powell, Harry J
Powell, J M
Powell, J W Damer
Powell, John Hardman
Powell, John S
Powell, Kenneth
Powell, L B
Powell, L H
Powell, Lawrence C
Powell, Len
Powell, Les (ed)
Powell, Michael
Powell, Michael C
Powell, Michael, & Terry Wyke
Powell, Mike
Powell, Steve
Powell, Terry
Powell, W R
Power, E G
Power, Eileen
Power, Eileen, & M M Postan (ed)
Power, Eileen, & M M Postan (eds)
Power, Michael
Power, Piers D
Powers, Alan
Powis, A E
Pownall, Garry
Pownall, George H
Poyner, David, & Robert Evans
Poynter, Frederick N L (ed)
Poynton, T L
Poyser, Elizabeth R
Practical [pseud]
Prados de la Escosura, Leandro
Prados de la Escosura, Leandro (ed)
Prain, Ronald L
Prais, Sigbert J
Prakash, Om
Pramuanratkarn, Thirovet
Prat, Marc
Prata, Ana
Pratt, David H
Pratt, David J
Pratt, Derek
Pratt, Derrick
Pratt, Edwin A
Pratt, Frances
Pratt, Ian S (ed)
Pratt, John Tidd
Pratt, Jonathan K
Pratten, C E
Pratten, J D
Praudiere, Edelin de la
Prebble, John
Preda, Alex
Preece, C H
Preece, D A
Preece, Geoff
Preece, Jan
Preedy, Robert E
Prentice, Oscar
Prescott, David
Presnail, James
Press, Jon
Pressnell, Jon
Pressnell, L S
Pressnell, L S (ed)
Pressnell, L S, & John Orbell
Presswell, Paul
Prest, John M
Prest, W
Prest, Wilfrid
Prest, Wilfrid (ed)
Prestage, Harold
Presthus, Robert V
Preston, A A
Preston, Clarence
Preston, Dick, & Jim Deboo
Preston, Eric, with David Stranack (ed)
Preston, Harold
Preston, Harry W
Preston, James M
Preston, John
Preston, Margaret
Preston, Michael J
Preston, Mike, & Mick Ames
Preston, T J
Preston, W E
Preston, W T R
Prestwich, Menna
Prestwich, Michael
Prevezer, Martha J
Prevost, Augustus
Prevost, W A J
Prevost-Marcilhacy, Pauline
Priaulx, T F
Price, Alfred
Price, Arthur J
Price, Barrie
Price, Brian
Price, Clive
Price, Curtis, Judith Milhous & Robert D Hume
Price, D J
Price, E Stanley
Price, F G Hilton
Price, G Ward
Price, J H
Price, J R
Price, Jackie
Price, Jacob M
Price, Jacob M (ed)
Price, Jacob M, & Paul G E Clemens
Price, James W A
Price, John
Price, John E
Price, John H
Price, Langford Lovell
Price, Laura C
Price, M R C
Price, N N A
Price, P H
Price, Pamela Vandyke
Price, Richard G G
Price, Richard N
Price, Roger, Reg Jackson & Philomena Jackson
Price, Roger, et al
Price, Seymour J
Price, Thomas L
Price, Watkin W
Price, William H
Price-Hughes, H A
Prichard, Muriel F Lloyd
Prichard, R J
Prichard, Sue
Prickett, Robert C
Pride, Emrys
Prideaux, John
Prideaux, Sarah T
Prideaux, Walter S
Priest, Robert J
Priest, Tyler
Priestland, Gerald
Priestley, Frank
Priestley, John H
Priestley, Joseph
Priestley, Philip T
Priestley, Philip T, & A G Dennison
Priestley, Philip T, & Phyllis Benedikz
Priestley, Ursula
Priestley, Ursula (ed)
Priestley, Ursula, & Alayne Fenner
Priestman, James D
Primorac, Emile
Prince, Ancliffe
Prince, James
Prince, John, et al
Prince, Leslie B
Prince, Peter
Prince, S G, & A G K Leonard
Pring, Martyn
Pringle, Robert
Pringle, Ruth
Pringle-Scott, Ray
Prins, Francois (ed)
Prioleau, John
Prior, Ann
Prior, Ann, & Maurice W Kirby
Prior, Katherine
Prior, Marie
Prior, Mary
Pritchard, Dylan D
Pritchard, E
Pritchard, Earl H
Pritchard, J E
Pritchard, J Laurence
Pritchard, J W
Pritchard, Jack, & Fiona MacCarty (ed)
Pritchard, Michael
Pritchard, R T
Pritchard, Tom, et al
Probert, Eric D
Probert, Roy
Probert, Sheila
Prochaska, Frank K
Prockter, Adrian, & Mike Sandow
Procter, Alfred
Procter, Margaret (ed)
Procter, S, & Steven Toms
Procter, Sydney M
Procter, Tim
Proctor, Amy, & Anne-Marie Purcell
Proctor, D V (ed)
Proctor, Jennifer
Proctor, Jennifer, et al
Proctor, Molly G
Proctor, R C
Proctor, Thomas, et al
Pronay, Nicholas
Propert, E J
Propert, W Peregrine
Prosser, R F
Prosser, Richard B
Protheroe, Iorwerth W
Protheroe, Keren
Protheroe-Jones, Robert
Protz, Roger
Protz, Roger, & Tony Millns (eds)
Protz, Uta
Proud, John H
Proud, John H, & J K Almond
Proudfoot, William B
Proudler, Karen
Proudlock, Neil
Prout, Henry G
Proutt, David
Prouty, Roger
Provis, William A
Pruitt, Bettye H
Prunier, Simone B
Pruthi, S P S
Pryce, W T R
Pryce, W T R, & T Alun Davies
Pryce-Jones, Janet, & R H Parker
Pryer, Ada, & Susan Morgan (ed)
Pryke, Richard
Pryke, Sally A
Pryke, Sebastian
Pryor, Alan
Pryor, F R (ed)
Puddick, C J
Pudney, John S
Pudney, Stephen
Pue, W Wesley, & David Sugarman (eds)
Puetz, Anne
Pugh, Brinley
Pugh, John
Pugh, Peter
Pugh, Peter, & Guy Nickalls (ed)
Pugh, R B
Pugh, R B, & Elizabeth Crittall
Pugh, Robert
Pugsley, A J
Pugsley, Alfred
Pugsley, Alfred (ed)
Pugsley, David
Pulford, J S L
Pullen, M J
Pullen, M J, & B R Williams
Pullen, Richard
Pullen, Stephen
Pullin, John
Pullin, John (ed)
Pulling, Jenny
Pulsford, Ann
Pulsford, Ann, & Mary Freeman
Pulver, Rosalind
Pumphrey, George H
Pumphrey, R E
Purbrick, Louise (ed)
Purcell, A C
Purcell, Angela
Purcell, Steve
Purcell, William
Purdom, Charles B
Purdom, Douglas S
Purdon, Gavin
Purdue, A W
Purdue, Bill
Purdue, Simon
Purnell, Francis, & Henry W Williams
Purt, Harry
Purton, J A
Purves, T F
Purvis, J S
Purvis, Martin
Purvis, Robert
Purvis, W F
Puseley, D
Pushman, David
Pussard, Helen
Puthucheary, J J
Putley, Ernest
Putman, Roger
Putnam, Thomas
Putnam, Tim
Putnam, Tim, & Dan Weinbren
Puxley, Chris
Pybus, Sylvia, et al
Pye, A R, & Peter J Weddell
Pye, A R, & T Dixon
Pye, Andrew
Pye, Ken
Pye, N (ed)
Pyke, E J
Pykett, Colin
Pym, Hugh
Pyman, F C
Pyper, Alice
Pywell, J E
Qing, Han
Quail, Gerard
Quail, Gerard, & Eilean Malden (ed)
Quail, John M
Quail, S
Quant, Mary
Quant, P F
Quarmby, Ernest
Quartermaine, Jamie, Barrie Trinder & Rick Turner
Quartermaine, P N
Quayle, David
Quayle, H I, & G T Bradbury
Quayle, Tom
Quayle, Tony
Quek, Mary
Quennouelle-Corrie, Laure, & Youssef Cassis (eds)
Queree, Jennifer
Quick, Michael
Quick-Smith, G W
Quickenden, Kenneth
Quickenden, Kenneth, & Neal A Quickenden (eds)
Quickenden, Kenneth, Malcolm Dick & Sally Baggott
Quickenden, Kenneth, Sally Bagott & Malcolm Dick (eds)
Quill, Humphrey
Quill, Jeffrey, with Sebastian Cox
Quilter, J H, & J Chamberlain
Quin, J P
Quin-Harkin, A J
Quince, Eleanor M
Quiney, Anthony P
Quinion, Michael B
Quinlan, M
Quinn, Anthony
Quinn, D B & Alwyn A Ruddock (eds)
Quinn, Esther
Quinn, Jim
Quinn, Kevin
Quinn, Martin, & William Jackson
Quinn, Noel
Quinn, Paul
Quinn, Stephen
Quinn, T M
Quinn, V
Quinn, William
Quinn, William, & John D Turner
Quintanilla, Mark
Quinton, Eleanor J P
Quirke, Viviane
Qvale, Kjell
Rabb, Theodore K
Rabbets, John B
Rabbitts, Paul
Rabbitts, Peter
Rabett, R J
Rabone, J
Raboy, Marc
Rabson, Stephen, & Kevin O'Donoghue
Rabuzzi, Daniel
Race, Margaret
Racianu, Lleana
Rackham, Bernard
Radburn, Nicholas
Radcliffe, V
Radcliffe, W
Raddall, Thomas H
Radford, G H
Radford, J B
Radice, Hugo
Radley, Jeffrey
Radley, Jeffrey, & S R Penny
Radmore, D F
Rae, Bennet B
Rae, George
Rae, Isobel
Rae, Janet
Rae, John
Rae, John B
Rae, L A B
Rae, T I (ed)
Rae, Thomas
Rae, William F
Raffael, Michael
Raffan, James
Rafferty, Kevin A
Raffety, Frank W
Ragatz, Lowell J
Raggatt, F C
Raggett, B
Rahtz, P A
Railing, Harry
Raines, F R, & C W Sutton
Rainie, Robert
Rainnie, G F
Rainsbury, John P
Raistrick, Arthur
Raistrick, Arthur (ed)
Raistrick, Arthur, & Bernard Jennings
Raistrick, Arthur, & E Allen
Rait, Robert S
Raitz, Vladimir
Rajaratnam, Selvaratnam
Rake, D J
Ralfe, Pilcher G
Ralph, Elizabeth
Ralston, Andrew G
Ramachandran, N
Ramage, J H
Ramamurthy, Anandi
Raman, Bhavani
Ramaswami, N S
Ramirez, G M
Ramsay, Alexander D
Ramsay, Allan
Ramsay, David
Ramsay, George D
Ramsay, George D (ed)
Ramsay, Gordon
Ramsay, Ian P
Ramsay, Jack C
Ramsay, Nigel
Ramsden, Charles F I
Ramsden, G
Ramsden, J V
Ramsey, David A
Ramsey, Keith
Ramsey, L J
Ramsey, Peter
Ramsey, William
Ramshaw, David
Ramster, John
Ramwell, Julie
Rana, Suhail
Rance, Adrian B
Rance, Eric, & Don Williams
Randall, Adrian J
Randall, Brian
Randall, D
Randall, H Adrian
Randall, Henry J
Randall, J N
Randall, John
Randall, Peter
Randall, Peter J
Randall, Robert W
Randall, Tim
Randell, Wilfred L
Randle, J N
Randle, Lee
Ranft, B McL
Ranger, Paul
Ranieri, Malcolm
Ranieri, Ruggero
Rankin, J J
Rankin, John
Rankin, Kathleen
Rankin, Mary
Rankin, Stuart
Rankin, Stuart (ed)
Rankin, Stuart, & David Thompson
Rankine, J, & W H Rankine
Rankine, William J M
Ransford, Oliver
Ransom, Arthur
Ransom, Philip J G
Ransom, Stephen, & Robert Fairclough
Ransom, Teresa
Ransom, W (ed)
Ransome, David R
Ransome, Mary
Ransome-Wallis, Rosemary
Ranson, Edward
Rao, Jaithirth
Raper, Anthony C
Raper. E L
Raphael, Adam
Raphael, Sandra
Rapley, John
Rapp, Dean R
Rappaport, Erika D
Rappaport, Helen
Rasch, R
Rassam, C
Ratcliff, A C
Ratcliffe, Barrie M
Ratcliffe, Barrie M (ed)
Ratcliffe, E A
Ratcliffe, Eric
Ratcliffe, Jim, & Ursula Heath
Ratcliffe, Robert
Rath, Jan (ed)
Rath, Terence
Rathbone, Eleanor F
Rathbone, Emily A (ed)
Rathbone, George M
Rathbone, Hannah M
Rathbone, Niky, & John Bassindale
Rathbone, William
Ratkai, Stephanie
Ratner, Gerald
Rattenbury, Gordon
Rattenbury, Gordon, & M J T Lewis
Rattenbury, Gordon, & Ray Cook.
Rattenbury, John
Rattray, David
Raudzens, George
Ravage, Marcus E
Raven, James
Raven, John J
Raven, Neil D
Ravenhill, Joshua
Ravenhill, Mary R, & Margery M Rowe
Ravenhill, Mary R, & Margery M Rowe (eds)
Raw, Charles
Raw, Louise
Rawbone, Martin
Rawcliffe, Carole
Rawcliffe, J M
Rawley, James A
Rawley, James A, & Stephen D Behrendt
Rawlings, Edna M
Rawlings, Philip
Rawlings, Terry
Rawlinson, Anne
Rawlinson, Colin C
Rawnsley, Judith
Rawson, R Rees
Rawstron, E M
Ray, Cyril
Ray, G F
Ray, Rajat K
Ray, Rajat K (ed)
Raybould, K A G
Raybould, Trevor J
Raybould, Wendy
Rayden, Arthur E
Rayfield, Tom
Rayleigh, Lord, et al
Raymond, Harold
Raymond, Harry
Raymond, J
Raymond, Joad
Raymond, Joad (ed)
Raymond, Lynne
Raymond, Stanley
Raymond, Stuart A
Rayner, B A
Rayner, C A A
Rayner, Derek A
Rayner, Margaret, & Adam Bowett
Rayner, Pamela
Rayner, Philip M, & Joan Bamford (ed)
Raynes, Harold E
Raynor, Caroline, & Stephen Rowland
Rea, Robert R
Rea, Vincent, David Dougan & E Leslie Champness
Read, Arthur
Read, Bob
Read, Colin
Read, Dennis M
Read, Donald
Read, Eve
Read, Gordon
Read, Gordon, & Michael Stammers
Read, Ian F
Read, Jack
Read, Joan
Read, Robert
Read, Robin
Read, Sue, with Brian Haynes
Read, W J
Reader, Ernest R
Reader, William J
Reader, William J, & David Kynaston
Reader, William J, & Judy Slinn
Reading, Shirley
Reading, Sydney J, & D S M Barrie (ed)
Readshaw, T
Rear, Bill
Rebbeck, Dennis
Reber, Vera
Reboul, Percy (ed)
Reckitt, Basil N
Recknell, George H
Rector, J L
Redburn, Simon
Reddaway, T F
Reddaway, T F, & Lorna E M Walker
Reddaway, W B
Redden, Richard
Redding, S G
Redfearn, G D
Redfern, Allan
Redfern, John, & Penny Redfern
Redfern, Percy
Redford, Arthur
Redford, Arthur, with Ina S Russell
Redford, Duncan
Redhead, Brian, & Sheila Gooddie
Rediker, Marcus
Redknap, Brian
Redlich, Fritz
Redman, Austen
Redman, Ben R
Redman, M
Redman, Nicholas B
Redman, Ronald N
Redmayne, Richard A S
Redmayne, Ronald
Redmore, Ken
Redmore, Ken (ed)
Redpath, Elizabeth
Redpath, W
Redstone, David
Redstone, V B
Redwood, Christopher
Redwood, Heinz
Ree, Alfred
Reeby, D M H
Reed, Arthur
Reed, Brian
Reed, C
Reed, J C
Reed, Jeremy
Reed, John
Reed, M C
Reed, M C (ed)
Reed, Margaret
Reed, Mark
Reed, Michael
Reed, P N
Reed, Peter
Reed, Phil (ed)
Reed, Richard
Reed, Stanley, & Alison Fitzgerald
Reed, Talbot B
Reed, Talbot B, & Alfred F Johnson
Reed, Thomas A
Reeder, D A
Reeder, John
Reedman, J N
Reekie, Bill
Reekie, Douglas
Reekie, W Duncan
Rees Jones, Sarah
Rees, Ann
Rees, Arthur
Rees, Chris
Rees, D G
Rees, D J
Rees, D Morgan
Rees, Derek
Rees, Diana, & Marjorie G Cawley
Rees, Eiluned
Rees, Emily
Rees, Gareth
Rees, Graham L
Rees, Graham L, & Jack Wiseman
Rees, Graham, & Maria Wakely
Rees, J Aubrey
Rees, J F
Rees, Jane, & Mark Rees
Rees, Jim, & Andy Guy
Rees, John M
Rees, John Morgan
Rees, Lowri Ann
Rees, Lowri Ann, Ciarán Reilly & Annie Tindley (eds)
Rees, M
Rees, Morgan Goronwy
Rees, Paul, et al
Rees, Philip
Rees, R
Rees, R M, et al
Rees, Robert D
Rees, Ronald
Rees, William
Reese, Ty M
Reeve, Christopher
Reeve, Colin
Reeves, Ben
Reeves, E H
Reeves, John
Reeves, Joseph
Reeves, M
Refford, Brian W
Regan, Simon
Regan-Lefebvre, Jennifer
Reger, Janet, & Shirley Flack
Reger, John
Rehder, J E
Reid, A J McNeill
Reid, Aileen
Reid, Alastair
Reid, Alexander
Reid, Andrew
Reid, C Leo
Reid, C Lestock
Reid, Chris
Reid, Chris, & Catherine Robinson
Reid, Dick, & Anthony P Power
Reid, Douglas A
Reid, Edward
Reid, Elspeth
Reid, G L, & D J Robertson (eds)
Reid, G L, Kevin Allen & D J Harris
Reid, Harry
Reid, Helen
Reid, Hew
Reid, Hilda
Reid, Hugh
Reid, Hugh G (ed)
Reid, James A (ed)
Reid, James M
Reid, Jamie
Reid, John
Reid, John S
Reid, Laura, & Margaret Goulder
Reid, Malcolm L
Reid, Margaret
Reid, Rosamund
Reid, Stuart J
Reid, Stuart J (ed)
Reid, W
Reid, William
Reilly, D
Reilly, Kevin
Reilly, Leonard, & Geoff Marshall
Reilly, Robin
Reilly, Valerie
Reinarz, Jonathan
Reinders, Pim
Reindl, Josef
Reinhardt, Max
Reinke-Williams, Tim
Reisz, Emma G
Reitsma, Wobbe
Relton, Francis B
Remer, C F
Remond, Andre
Renault, Kenneth C
Rendall, Jane
Rendel, R
Rendel, Rosemary
Rendell, Bryan, & Keith Childs (eds)
Rendell, Douglas
Rendell, Joan
Rendell, William
Render, Chris, & Phillip Derbyshire
Rendle, Bernard J
Rendle, R S
Rendle, William, & Philip Norman
Renfrew, Alexander
Renn, Derek
Rennie, John
Rennie, Paul
Rennison, R W
Rennison, R W (ed)
Rennison, R W, & Austin W Scott
Renold, Charles G
Renton, G F
Ressel, Magnus
Retford, William C
Reveley, James & John Singleton
Revell, R A
Revill, George E
Revueltas, S V
Reyburn, Wallace
Reynolds, Bryan
Reynolds, Colin F
Reynolds, D Michael
Reynolds, Donald H B
Reynolds, Edmund G B
Reynolds, Eric
Reynolds, George
Reynolds, Helen
Reynolds, J
Reynolds, J, C Burrell & D Bignell
Reynolds, Jack
Reynolds, Jim
Reynolds, John
Reynolds, John (ed)
Reynolds, John E
Reynolds, O W, & John Baker
Reynolds, P
Reynolds, P R
Reynolds, Paul
Reynolds, Terry S
Rhead, G Woolliscroft, & Frederick A Rhead
Rhein, Donna E
Rhiannon, Sandy
Rhode, John
Rhodes, Bernard, et al
Rhodes, Ed
Rhodes, J H
Rhodes, John
Rhodes, John, & Katherine Kelly
Rhodes, Joseph
Rhodes, Mike
Rhodes, N
Rhodes, Peter
Rhodes, R H J
Rhodes, Rita
Rhodes, W E
Rhodes, Zandra
Rhodes, Zandra, & Anne Knight
Rhondda, Viscountess
Rhys, D G
Rhys, Ernest
Riall, Nicholas
Ribeill, G
Ribeiro de Oliveira, Maria T
Ricardo, Harry R
Rice, Adrian
Rice, Dennis
Rice, Francis
Rice, Peter
Rice, Robert
Rice-Oxley, Mark
Rice-Oxley, Mary
Rich, Edwin E
Rich, Edwin E (ed)
Rich, Rachel
Richard, Christina
Richards, A M
Richards, Alan
Richards, Alan (ed)
Richards, Alun J
Richards, Alun J, & Gwynfor P Jones
Richards, Archibald B
Richards, Brinley
Richards, D M
Richards, Denis
Richards, E F T
Richards, E R
Richards, E S
Richards, Edith R
Richards, Eric
Richards, Eurwen
Richards, G E
Richards, Henry C, et al
Richards, Huw G
Richards, J D
Richards, J Hamish
Richards, J M
Richards, James M
Richards, Jeffrey
Richards, Jeffrey, & John M MacKenzie
Richards, John
Richards, John M
Richards, L E
Richards, Margaret
Richards, Margaret E
Richards, Martin
Richards, Maurice
Richards, Morgan
Richards, Peter S
Richards, Richard D
Richards, S
Richards, Steve
Richards, Thomas
Richards, Tom, & Charles Rudd
Richards, Walter A
Richards, William M
Richardson, A E
Richardson, A T
Richardson, Alan
Richardson, Alexander
Richardson, Andrew
Richardson, Benjamin W
Richardson, Bob
Richardson, Christine
Richardson, Christine
Richardson, Christine (ed)
Richardson, Constance
Richardson, D J
Richardson, Dave, & Bill Richards
Richardson, David
Richardson, David (ed)
Richardson, David, & Doreen Richardson & Bill Brown
Richardson, David, & Maurice M Schofield
Richardson, David, Suzanne Schwarz & Anthony Tibbles (eds)
Richardson, Frank
Richardson, Gary
Richardson, George B
Richardson, George B, & William W Tomlinson (eds)
Richardson, H W
Richardson, H W, & D H Aldcroft
Richardson, H W, & J M Bass
Richardson, Henry G
Richardson, Isabel, & Martin Watts
Richardson, J B
Richardson, J E
Richardson, John Wigham
Richardson, Joseph
Richardson, Kenneth
Richardson, Kenneth, with Elizabeth Harris
Richardson, L E
Richardson, Lance
Richardson, Margaret
Richardson, Megan, & Julian Thomas
Richardson, Mike
Richardson, Mike, & Peter Nicholls (eds)
Richardson, Mike, Paul Stewart & Andy Danford
Richardson, Mrs Herbert
Richardson, Neil
Richardson, Norah
Richardson, P D
Richardson, P H G
Richardson, Patricia
Richardson, Peter
Richardson, Philip
Richardson, R W
Richardson, Ralph
Richardson, Richard
Richardson, S T
Richardson, Sue
Richardson, T L
Richardson, T, J C Stevenson & R Calvert
Richardson, Thomas
Richardson, Thompson
Richardson, W A (ed)
Richardson, Walter C
Richardson, Wigham
Richardson, William
Richardson, William H
Richmond, Lesley
Richmond, Lesley, & Alison Turton (eds)
Richmond, Lesley, & Bridget Stockford
Richmond, Lesley, Julie Stevenson & Alison Turton (eds)
Richmond, Roy, & Andrew Richmond
Richmond, Thomas
Richter, Louise M
Richter, Ralf
Rickards, Maurice
Ricketts, Carl
Ricketts, Charles de S
Ricketts, Rita
Rickman, Thomas M
Ridd, Tom
Riddaway, Mark
Riddell, John F
Riddell, Jonathan
Riddell, Lord
Riddick, Brenda
Ridding, Arthur
Riden, Philip
Riden, Philip (ed)
Riden, Philip, & Dudley Fowkes
Riden, Philip, & John G Owen
Rideout, Adelaide
Rideout, Eric H
Rider, Bevan
Rider, H
Rider, Jim
Ridge, C Harold
Ridgen, Reginald G
Ridgeway, Frank
Ridgus, L J
Ridgway, Christopher (ed)
Ridgway, Christopher, & Robert Williams (eds)
Ridgway, Job
Ridgway, Maurice H
Ridgway, Maurice H, & Philip T Priestley
Ridgwell, Stephen
Riding, Dawn
Riding, Richard (ed)
Ridings, Eugene
Ridler, Vivian, & Colin Ridler (ed)
Ridley, Alison R, & Curtis F Garfield
Ridley, Jane
Ridley, Jasper
Ridley, Matt
Ridley, Ursula
Ridout, Honor
Ridout, John, & Barry Brigg (ed)
Ridyard, Richard
Rieder, William
Rieger, Bernhard
Riello, Giorgio
Riello, Giorgio & Prasannan Parthasarathi (eds)
Riera, F G
Rieser, Alison
Rieuwerts, James H
Rieuwerts, James H, & John Barnatt
Rifkin, Jeremy
Rigby, Stephen H
Rigby, Stephen H (ed)
Rigby, Thomas
Rigg, A Neville
Rigg, S
Riis, Thomas
Riley, Catherine E
Riley, Clifford
Riley, Edward
Riley, J
Riley, J H
Riley, Martin, Bruce Lilleker & Neil Tuckett
Riley, R C
Riley, R C, & Bill Simpson
Riley, R C, & Tony Yoward
Rimell, R J
Rimmell, Larissa
Rimmer, Alfred
Rimmer, W G
Rimmer, W G, Eric Sigsworth et al
Rimmington, G T
Ringe, Astrid
Ringe, Astrid (ed)
Ringe, Astrid, & Neil Rollings
Rintoul, Gordon
Riordan, Edward J
Riordan, Michael
Rioux, Sebastien
Ripley, David
Ripley, Don, & Tony Rogan
Ripley, M D
Ripley, Percy
Ripley, Peter
Ripley, R C
Ripper, W
Rippon, Guy S O
Rippon, Stephen
Rippon, Stephen, Peter Claughton & Chris Smart
Rippy, J Fred
Risden, Winifred E
Ritchie, Arthur E
Ritchie, Berry
Ritchie, G S
Ritchie, L A
Ritchie, L A (ed)
Ritchie, P M
Ritchie, R J
Ritchie, Robert C
Ritchie, Sebastian
Ritchie-Noakes, Nancy
Ritschl, Albrecht
Ritson, G S F, & A L Johnstone (eds)
Ritson, Neil H
Ritson, R
Ritvo, Harriet
Ritz, Marie L
Rivas, Brian
Rive, Alfred
Riverdale, 1st Lord
Riverdale, 2nd Lord
Rivers, Isabel
Rivett, Anthony
Rivington, C R
Rivington, Christopher, & James Rivington
Rivington, Reginald T
Rivington, Septimus
Rixson, Derrick
Roach, Martin
Robb, Douglas, & Peter M Brown
Robb, George
Robb, Ian G
Robb, J F
Robbie, Malcolm J
Robbins, Alfred
Robbins, George J
Robbins, Keith
Robbins, Michael
Robbins, R M
Robens, Alfred
Robert, Dafydd
Robert, Rudolph
Roberts, A R N (ed)
Roberts, Adge
Roberts, Alan
Roberts, Alan F
Roberts, Alan F, & John Leach
Roberts, Alasdair
Roberts, Andrew
Roberts, Annie E
Roberts, B J, & J F Bayse
Roberts, Bernard
Roberts, Brian
Roberts, Brian, & Frank Ferris
Roberts, Brian, & Paul Yunnie
Roberts, Brian, Frank Ferris & Paul Yunnie
Roberts, C G
Roberts, Cecil
Roberts, Cecil R J
Roberts, Chris
Roberts, Christine, & Beverly Lyon
Roberts, Colin W
Roberts, Dafydd
Roberts, David E
Roberts, David E, & J H Frisby
Roberts, David [1]
Roberts, David [2]
Roberts, Derek
Roberts, Duncan, & John Senior
Roberts, E
Roberts, Edward D
Roberts, Elizabeth (ed)
Roberts, Geoffrey K
Roberts, Glyn
Roberts, Gwilym
Roberts, Gwilym, & William Black
Roberts, Helen
Roberts, Hugh
Roberts, I D
Roberts, J R Howard, & Walter H Godfrey (eds)
Roberts, J S
Roberts, Jenifer
Roberts, John
Roberts, Keith
Roberts, Kenneth
Roberts, Matthew
Roberts, Michael F
Roberts, Morley
Roberts, N C
Roberts, Norman
Roberts, O
Roberts, Owen
Roberts, P P
Roberts, P W
Roberts, Paul
Roberts, Peter
Roberts, R O
Roberts, R O, & J E Hall
Roberts, R O, & P R Reynolds
Roberts, R P
Roberts, Rachel, & David Ingram
Roberts, Raymond S
Roberts, Richard
Roberts, Richard G
Roberts, Richard, & Christopher Arnander
Roberts, Richard, & David Kynaston
Roberts, Richard, & David Kynaston (eds)
Roberts, Ryan
Roberts, S
Roberts, S K
Roberts, S T
Roberts, Shirley A
Roberts, Stan
Roberts, Stephen
Roberts, Stephen E
Roberts, Stephen E, & Tim Carter
Roberts, Stephen H
Roberts, Sydney C
Roberts, T J
Roberts, T W
Roberts, W
Roberts, W, writer on Edward Lloyd
Roberts, William
Roberts, William I
Robertson, A R
Robertson, Alan
Robertson, Alan W
Robertson, Alastair F
Robertson, Alex J
Robertson, Andrew
Robertson, Andrew B
Robertson, Bruce
Robertson, C H
Robertson, C J
Robertson, C J A
Robertson, Carol
Robertson, Cecil
Robertson, Denise
Robertson, Emma
Robertson, Emma, Marek Korczynski & Michael Pickering
Robertson, G
Robertson, G Barclay
Robertson, H M
Robertson, Iain A
Robertson, J H
Robertson, John
Robertson, John Parish, & William Parish Robertson
Robertson, Kevin
Robertson, M L
Robertson, Margaret
Robertson, Marian
Robertson, Nicole
Robertson, Pamela (ed)
Robertson, Paul L
Robertson, Paul L, & Lee J Alston
Robertson, Robert H S
Robertson, S Caroline
Robertson, T
Robertson, T A
Robertson, Una A
Robertson, W
Robertson, W A
Robertson, W G R
Robertson, Walter H A
Robertson, William
Robey, Ann
Robey, John
Robey, John (ed)
Robey, John, & Lindsey Porter
Robins, F W
Robins, Jonathan E
Robins, Nick
Robins, Nick S
Robins, Nick S, & Donald E Meek
Robinson, A
Robinson, Alan
Robinson, Andrew
Robinson, Annie
Robinson, Arthur E
Robinson, Arthur R B
Robinson, Audrey E, & Juanita G L Burnby
Robinson, Brian R
Robinson, Catherine
Robinson, Charles W
Robinson, Chris
Robinson, Claire
Robinson, Colin, & C Rowland
Robinson, Colin, & Danny Hann
Robinson, D G
Robinson, D H
Robinson, David N
Robinson, David N, Hilary Healey & David Start
Robinson, Edward A G
Robinson, Edward F
Robinson, Elizabeth M
Robinson, Eric
Robinson, Eric, & A E Musson
Robinson, Eric, & Douglas McKie (eds)
Robinson, F J
Robinson, Frederick P
Robinson, Guy M
Robinson, H
Robinson, Harry P
Robinson, Howard
Robinson, J F
Robinson, Jeffrey
Robinson, John M
Robinson, John M, & David Neave
Robinson, Lawrence
Robinson, Lionel
Robinson, Lionel G
Robinson, M J
Robinson, Margaret
Robinson, Nicholas J
Robinson, Olive
Robinson, P C
Robinson, P J
Robinson, P N W
Robinson, P W
Robinson, Patrick, & Nick Robinson
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Peter, & Harry Cameron
Robinson, Philip M
Robinson, Philip M, & A Leslie Spence
Robinson, Ralph M
Robinson, Richard
Robinson, Robb
Robinson, Robb, & David J Starkey
Robinson, Robb, & Ian B Hart
Robinson, Sandra
Robinson, Simon J
Robinson, Sydney
Robinson, T O
Robinson, W
Robinson, W Henry
Robischon, M M
Robson, Adam H
Robson, Brian, & Wyke, Terry
Robson, Graham
Robson, Graham, & Michael Hodges
Robson, J T
Robson, John J
Robson, Leonard C F
Robson, Michael
Robson, Neil
Robson, Robert
Robson, Thomas B
Robson, William A
Robson, William A (ed)
Roby, W
Rochard, J S
Roche, J C
Roche, Julian
Roche, Thomas W E
Rochester, Mary (comp)
Rock, Alex
Rock, C H
Rock, David
Rock, Joe
Rock, John
Rockwell, Peter L M, & Peter W Knaack
Roddick, Anita
Roddick, William
Roden, Andy
Roden, Peter F C
Roderick, Gordon W
Roderick, Gordon W, & Michael Stephens
Roderick, Gordon W, & Michael Stephens (eds)
Rodger, Johnny (ed)
Rodger, N A M
Rodger, Richard G
Rodgers, H B
Rodgers, Terence
Rodinglea (pseud)
Roe, Alliott Verdon
Roe, Joseph W
Roe, Martin
Roe, Stephen
Roebuck, Arthur W
Roebuck, Peter R
Roemmele, D
Roepke, Howard G
Rofe, B H
Roffey, James
Roffey, Ron A
Rogaly, Joe
Rogers, Alan
Rogers, Bertram M H
Rogers, Chris
Rogers, David
Rogers, Deborah D
Rogers, Edward S
Rogers, F E
Rogers, F H
Rogers, Graham
Rogers, Helen (ed)
Rogers, Hugh C B
Rogers, Inkerman
Rogers, J C
Rogers, J S
Rogers, James E T
Rogers, Kenneth H
Rogers, M
Rogers, N M
Rogers, Pat
Rogers, Pat, & Paul Baines
Rogers, S
Rogers, T B
Rogers, Vivian B
Rogers, William H
Rogers, Woodes
Rogerson, Ian
Rogerson, Robert W K C
Rogerson, T B, & W Buchanan
Rogow, A A, with Peter Shore
Rolfe, Eileen M
Rolfe, George E
Rolfe, John
Roll, Eric
Rolleston, H
Rollings, Neil
Rollins, Brian
Rollins, John G
Rollinson, Andrew N
Rollitt, Albert K, & W L Lawton
Rollo, A J
Rolt, L T C
Rolt, L T C, & J S Allen
Rolt, T L C (ed)
Romain, Michael
Romain, W Jim
Roman, Alistair J
Roman, Ken
Romaniello, Matthew P
Romano, Frank
Rome, Alan M
Romer, Stephen
Ronald, Heather B
Ronald, Paul
Ronnback, Klas
Ronson, Gerald, & Jeffrey Robinson
Roodhouse, Mark
Rooke, Hilda M
Rooke, Peter
Room, Adrian
Rooney, Paul R
Rooney, William T
Roope, Frederick C
Rooseboom, Matthijs P
Root, Hilton L
Root, Jane
Rootes, W Geoffrey, 2nd Lord Rootes
Rooth, Tim J T
Rooth, Tim J T, & Peter Scott
Roper, D H, & John Harrison
Roper, Elinor M C
Roper, J A
Roper, John S
Roper, Michael
Roper, Robert S
Roper-Caldbeck, G R
Rorabacher, John A
Rorke, Martin
Rosa, Baker, & John Birdsey
Rosa, Joseph G
Rosam, David
Rosamond, John
Roscoe, Barley, et al
Roscoe, E S
Roscoe, Henry
Roscoe, Ingrid, et al
Roscoe, Sydney
Roscoe, Sydney, & R A Brimmell
Rose, Alfred
Rose, Clare
Rose, Clare, & Vivienne Richmond (eds)
Rose, Edwin J
Rose, G
Rose, George
Rose, Henry T
Rose, Jack
Rose, John
Rose, Jonathan
Rose, Jonathan, & Patricia J Anderson (eds)
Rose, Kenneth
Rose, Mary
Rose, Mary (ed)
Rose, Mary, Moira Decter, Sarah Robinson, Sarah Jack & Nigel Lockett
Rose, Mary, Peter Taylor & Michael J Winstanley
Rose, Michael E
Rose, Michael E, with Keith Falconer & Julian Holder
Rose, Muriel
Rose, Peter
Rose, Sarah
Rose, Sonya O
Rose, Steve
Rose, Susan
Rose, Thomas G
Rose, William
Rosedale, H G
Rosen, Adrienne
Rosen, Paul
Rosen, William
Rosenband, L N
Rosenberg, Anat
Rosenberg, Kate, & Robert T Hopkins
Rosenberg, Michelle
Rosenberg, Nathan
Rosenberg, Sheila
Rosenblatt, Samuel M
Rosenbloom, Joshua L
Rosenblum, Leo
Rosenfeld, Sybil M
Rosenthal, Eric
Rosenthal, Eric, with Norman Moyle
Rosenthal, Joanne, & Marc Volovici (eds)
Rosenthal, Tom
Roses, J R
Rosevear, Alan
Rosevear, Alan, with Jeremy Gibson
Rosevear, Stephen
Roseveare, Henry
Roseveare, Henry (ed)
Roskill, Stephen W
Rosner, Charles
Rosner, Charles (ed)
Rosomon, Treve
Rosovsky, Henry (ed)
Ross, Alex, & Anne Morton
Ross, Alexander
Ross, Arnold B
Ross, C
Ross, C D
Ross, Catherine
Ross, David
Ross, Duncan M
Ross, Duncan M (ed)
Ross, George W
Ross, Gordon
Ross, Hugh Munro
Ross, I C
Ross, J C
Ross, John, & Leonard Dudeney (ed)
Ross, Liz, Phil Lyon & Craig Cathcart
Ross, M S
Ross, Murray J
Ross, N S
Ross, P G
Ross, Thomas
Ross, Thomas, & Andrew Stoddart
Ross, W H
Ross, Wilfrid
Rosser, Gervase
Rosser, M, & T Mallier
Rosser, Rayner
Rossi, Guido
Rossington, T
Rostas, L
Rostenberg, Leonora
Rostow, W W
Rota, Anthony
Rotberg, Robert I, & Miles F Shore
Roth, Arnold
Roth, Cecil
Roth, Danny
Roth, H Ling
Roth, Ralf, & Colin Divall (eds)
Roth, Ralf, & Gunter Dinhobl (eds)
Rothbarth, E
Rothenberg, Elizabeth A
Rotherham, Albert, & M Steele
Rotherham, Ian D
Rothermund, Dietmar
Rothschild, Henry
Rothschild, Lord
Rothstein, Morton
Rothstein, Natalie
Rothstein, Natalie, & Santina M Levey
Rothwell, Catherine
Rothwell, Mike
Rothwell, Peter, & Myrtle S Ternstrom
Rothwell, Roy
Roud, Steve, & Paul Smith
Roukis, G S
Rounthwaite, T E
Rous, Henrietta (ed)
Rouse, E P
Rouse, Frances
Roussel, Diana E
Roussel, Mike
Routh, Guy
Routledge, Alan W
Routledge, Gordon L
Routley, John
Rowan, Alistair
Rowan, F J
Rowan, Jeremy D
Rowand, David (ed)
Rowat, David
Rowe, A P
Rowe, Bob
Rowe, Brian H
Rowe, Courtney
Rowe, David
Rowe, David J
Rowe, David J (ed)
Rowe, F M, & E Clayton (eds)
Rowe, G A
Rowe, James H
Rowe, John
Rowe, Malcolm
Rowe, Richard, and Victor A Hartley
Rowe, William J
Rowell, Christopher
Rowell, Elizabeth (ed)
Rowell, George
Rowell, George, & Anthony Jackson
Rowland, David
Rowland, David (ed)
Rowland, Jeremy
Rowland, John
Rowland, John, & 2nd Lord Cadman
Rowland, K T
Rowland, Nicholas
Rowland, Tiny
Rowlands, D W L
Rowlands, John
Rowlands, Marie B
Rowlandson, Antonia, Liz May & Alicia Pivaro
Rowles, Wilf
Rowlette, Robert J
Rowley, Andrew s
Rowley, Charles K
Rowley, Chris
Rowley, Gwyn
Rowley, Jennifer
Rowley, R G
Rowlinson, Frank
Rowlinson, M P, & B M Leek
Rowlinson, Mervyn
Rowlinson, Michael
Rowlinson, Michael, & J Hassard
Rowlinson, Michael, Steven Toms & John F Wilson
Rowlinson, Michael, et al
Rowlinson, P J
Rowntree, Arthur
Rowntree, John S (ed)
Rowse, A L
Rowson, A H
Rowson, Stephen
Rowthorn, B, & T Ward
Roy, Tirthankar
Royal, Carol
Royce, Turner (ed)
Royden, Ernest B
Roydes, David A
Royle, David
Royle, S A
Royston, George P
Rössner, Philipp R
Rubbra, A A
Rubenhold, Hallie
Rubenhold, Hallie (ed)
Rubens, G S
Rubicek, Robert
Rubin, G R, & David Sugarman (eds)
Rubin, Gerry R
Rubini, Dennis
Rubinstein, David
Rubinstein, W D
Ruch, John E
Ruck, Andrew
Rudd, Alan
Rudd, Bramwell G
Rudd, Tony
Rudd, W J
Rudd, Walter R
Rudden, Bernard
Ruddock, Alan
Ruddock, Alwyn A
Ruddock, E C
Ruddock, John G, & Rodney E Pearson
Ruddock, Ted
Rudkin, E H, & Dorothy M Owen
Rudlin, Pernille
Rudolf, Anthony
Rudolf, Moira
Rudolph-Hanley, Moira
Rudsdale, J
Ruegg, Louis H
Ruffhead, A G
Rufus, Daniel
Rugg, Julia
Rugman, Alan M, & Thomas L Brewer (eds)
Rule, John G
Rumney, A W (ed)
Rumney, Jay
Runciman, Walter
Rungta, Radhe Shyam
Rupert Lotherington, Ian Miller & Gerry McDonnell
Rupprecht, Anita
Rush, Howard J
Rush, James
Rush, Pat
Rush, Robert W
Rush, Robert W, & Martin R C Price
Rush-Bambrough, Sally
Rushden, Percy W
Rushton, Jean
Rushworth, Gill
Rushworth, James
Rushworth, William M
Russell, A Gordon
Russell, Alice
Russell, Archibald
Russell, Arthur
Russell, B
Russell, Ben
Russell, C R
Russell, Colin A (ed)
Russell, Colin A, & John A Hudson
Russell, Dave
Russell, David
Russell, David, & George Walker
Russell, Ephraim
Russell, Frank
Russell, Gary K
Russell, Gordon
Russell, Gordon, & Jacques Groag
Russell, Helen, & Peter Hughes (ed)
Russell, Iain
Russell, Iain, & George Dixon
Russell, Iain, & Michael McDermott
Russell, Ina S
Russell, J E
Russell, J H
Russell, James
Russell, John
Russell, Lynn, & Neil Hanson
Russell, Martin
Russell, McDonough
Russell, Muriel J
Russell, P
Russell, Patrick
Russell, Patrick, & James P Taylor (eds)
Russell, Percy
Russell, Peter E
Russell, Rex C
Russell, Richard
Russell, Ron
Russell, Ronald
Russell, Stuart
Russell, W G A, & S B Benbow
Russell, W H
Russell, William C
Russell-Cotes, Herbert, & Louisa F Sherrard
Russett, V E J
Rust, William
Rust, William, & Allen Hutt
Rust, William, Allen Hutt & James Eagle (ed)
Ruston, James H
Rutherford, Brian A
Rutherford, Iain
Rutherford, J A (ed)
Rutherford, Sarah
Rutherford, Sarah, et al
Rutherford, Wilfrid
Rutland, Duchess of, & Jane Pruden
Rutland, John
Rutnagur, S M
Rutt, R S
Rutter, Carol Chillington
Rutter, Carol Chillington (ed)
Rutter, David
Rutter, J G
Rutter, Janet, & Peter Davey
Rutter, Owen
Rutterford, Janette
Rutterford, Janette, & Dimitris P Sotiropoulos
Rutterford, Janette, & Josephine Maltby
Rutterford, Janette, & Peter Walton
Rutterford, Janette, Dimitris P Sotiropoulos & Carry Van Lieshout
Rutterford, Janette, et al
Rutterford, Michael
Ryan, Alfred P
Ryan, Jean
Ryan, John
Ryan, Pat
Ryan, Roger
Rycroft, C H
Rycroft, Nancy
Ryden, David B
Ryder, Brian
Ryder, John
Ryder, R F
Rydings, Anthony D
Rydz, David L
Rye, George
Ryerson, Barry
Rykwert, Joseph, & Anne Rykwert
Ryland, Arthur
Ryland, Thomas H (ed)
Ryland, William
Ryle, George
Ryle, Sarah
Rymer, David
Ryott, David
Ryton, John
Ryves, Reginal A
Sabel, Charles, & Jonathan Zeitlin
Sabel, Charles, & Jonathan Zeitlin (eds)
Sabin, Arthur K
Sabine, Ernest L
Sacher, Harry
Sachs, David H, & Michael Lynch
Sacks, David H
Saddler, Ian
Sadler, Alan J
Sadler, Arthur
Sadler, F C
Sadler, Geoff
Sadler, Nigel
Sadler, Richard J M
Safer, Samantha E
Saggus, C D
Saham, Junid
Sahle, Esther
Said, Arezou
Sainsbury, Frank
Sainsbury, Peter
Saint, Andrew
Saint, Andrew (ed)
Saint, Andrew, et al
Sainty, John C
Saito, K
Saito, Osamu
Sajadi, J
Sakamoto, T
Sakudo, Jun, & Takao Shiba (eds)
Salaman, Graeme, & John Storey
Salazar, Gabriel
Sale, Anthony J H
Sale, William M
Saletan, L
Salewicz, Chris (ed)
Salman, Jeroen
Salmon, Alan G
Salmon, Anne
Salmon, Derek C N
Salmon, H C
Salmon, John, & John Ritchie (eds)
Salmon, Julian
Salmon, Michael
Salmon, Patrick, & Tony Barrow (eds)
Salt, Kevin
Salter, Brian
Salter, Frank R
Salter, J A
Salter, John R
Salter, Richard
Salter, Susan
Salvesen, T E
Salvidge, Stanley
Salvucci, Richard J
Salzman, Louis F
Samain, Bryan
Sambourne, R C
Sambrook, Chris
Sambrook, Pamela
Sambrook, Stephen C
Sampson, Alwyn
Sampson, Anthony
Sampson, Henry
Sampson, Karen, & Katy Green
Sampson, Mike
Sampson, W F
Sams, Craig, & Jo Fairley
Samuel, Edgar R
Samuel, John R
Samuel, Louis M
Samuel, Raphael
Samuels, Allen M
Samuels, John
Samy, Antoninus / Luke
Sanaka, Tadashi
Sanceau, Elaine
Sanctuary, Anthony C
Sandall, Bernard, & Arnold Chappell
Sandars, Edward
Sandberg, Lars
Sandeman, David T
Sanders, Alec J
Sanders, F H
Sanders, Ian L, & Lorne Clark
Sanders, James
Sanders, L
Sanderson, Eileen
Sanderson, Elizabeth C
Sanderson, F E
Sanderson, John, & Julian Hollinshead
Sanderson, Kenneth W
Sanderson, Lord
Sanderson, Margaret H B
Sanderson, Michael
Sandham, Elizabeth
Sandilands, D N
Sandon, Henry
Sandon, Henry, & John Sandon
Sandon, John
Sandow, Mike
Sands, Frances
Sands, Mollie
Sands, Thomas B
Sands, Thomas B, & S C Jenkins
Sandvik, Pal Thonstad, & Espen Storli
Sandwell, Ruth W
Sanecki, Kay N
Sanger, Chesley W
Sanger, George
Sanger, Ray
Sanguineti, R, & C F Z Salazar
Sankey, Guy
Sankey, H B
Sankey, H Riall
Sansick, John
Sansom, Leslie (ed)
Santer, B M
Santer, J R
Santuari, Alceste
Sanyal, Nalinaksha
Sapoznik, Alexandra
Sargant, Florence
Sargant, James
Sargant, William L
Sargeant, Frank
Sargeant, Margaret
Sargent, C P
Sargent, Edward
Sarin, Sophie
Sarkka, Timo
Sarsby, Jacqueline
Sarson, Henry
Saruwatari, K
Sass, Jon
Sasso, Bernard
Sassoon, J
Sassoon, Joseph
Sassoon, Vidal
Satchell, John, & Olive Wilson
Satchell, Veront
Satia, Priya
Satoh, Akira, & Ralph Morton (ed)
Satre, Lowell J
Satsuma, Shinsuke
Sattin, Donald L
Saugman, Per
Saul, Anthony R
Saul, G M
Saul, N, J Mackman & C Wittick
Saul, S B
Saul, S B (ed)
Saul, Samir
Saumitra, Jha
Saunders, A
Saunders, Alan
Saunders, Andrew
Saunders, Ann
Saunders, Ann L
Saunders, Ann L (ed)
Saunders, Annabel
Saunders, C
Saunders, David
Saunders, Edith
Saunders, Edward
Saunders, G
Saunders, Hilary St George
Saunders, J
Saunders, James
Saunders, John
Saunders, Margaret
Saunders, Margaret, et al
Saunders, Matthew
Saunders, Moshe, & Marion Aptroot (ed)
Saunders, Philip T
Savadge, W R
Savage, George
Savage, Mike
Savage, Peter D
Savill, David
Savill, G I
Savill, Raymond A
Saville, Alan
Saville, David, & Duncan Haws
Saville, G Edward (ed)
Saville, J
Saville, John
Saville, R V
Saville, R V (ed)
Saville, Richard
Saville, Richard (ed)
Saving, Norman A
Savoury, A C S
Savvides, Elena
Saw, Reginald
Saward, George
Sawden, Dennis
Sawyer, Malcolm
Sawyer, Paul
Sawyer, Peter H
Sawyer, W H (ed)
Sawyers, Larry
Saxby, Anthony
Saxe, Elizabeth
Saxonhouse, Gary, & Gavin Wright
Saxton, Charles A W
Saxton, Eveline B
Sayako, Miki
Sayer, D
Sayer, Michael J
Sayers, D P
Sayers, Jane
Sayers, John G
Sayers, L, & B R Littlewood
Sayers, Richard S
Sayle, Robert T D
Sayles, G O
Scaife, Nigel
Scalzo, J
Scammell, Geoffrey V
Scammell, Lorna
Scammell, W M
Scammell, W McC
Scanlan, Bob
Scantlebury, J
Scantlin, H M
Scaplehorn, Alan
Scarborough, Christopher
Scard, M Ann
Scarfe, Norman
Scarfe, Norman (ed)
Scarfe, Norman, & Richard G Wilson
Scarffe, Andrew
Scarlet, Iain
Scarratt, William
Scazziere, Luigi
Schafer, R G
Schafer, R G (ed)
Schaffer, Erwin L, & Don McConnell
Schalck, Harry G
Schankerman, M, & Ariel Pakes
Schanz, Georg
Schedvin, C B
Scheinfeld, J D
Scheltinga, J G W
Schenck, David H J
Schenk, Catherine R
Scherer, F M
Schib, Karl (ed)
Schidrowitz, P, & T R Dawson (eds)
Schifferes, Steve, & Richard Roberts (eds)
Schlegelmilch, Rainer W, et al
Schlesinger, Joseph, & Douglas McMurtrie
Schlesinger, Philip
Schloss, David F
Schlote, Werner
Schmidl, Laura
Schmidt, Albert J
Schmidt, B Q
Schmiechen, James A
Schmiechen, James A, & Kenneth Carls
Schmitthoff, Clive M
Schmitz, Christopher J
Schmitz, Christopher J (ed)
Schmoller, Hans
Schmoller, Tanya
Schneller, Beverly
Schoeser, Mary
Schoeser, Mary, et al
Schofield, Guy
Schofield, James H
Schofield, John
Schofield, John, Jacqui Pearce, Ian Betts et al
Schofield, John, Lyn Blackmore, Jacqui Pearce with Tony Dyson
Schofield, Judith A
Schofield, Maurice M
Schofield, Phillipp R
Schofield, Phillipp R, & Nick J Mayhew (eds)
Schofield, R B
Schofield, R B, & L A Martin
Schofield, Richard
Schofield, Robert E
Scholefield, R A
Scholefield, R A, & S D McDonald
Scholes, Peter H
Scholl, Lars U
Scholl, Lars U (ed)
Scholl, Richard J
Schollgen, G G
Scholliers, Peter & Leonard Schwarz (eds)
Schonfield, Hugh J (ed)
Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl
Schooling, William
Schrager, Luke
Schranz, Kirsten M
Schrickx, W
Schriter, H G
Schroter, Harm G
Schroter, Harm G, & Anthony S Travis
Schubert, H R
Schuck, J H E, & R Sohlman
Schults, Raymond L
Schulz, G
Schulz, T E
Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart von
Schumann-Bacia, Eva
Schumpeter, Elizabeth Boody
Schupbach, W
Schurer, H
Schuster, Arnold L
Schwartz, Sharron P
Schwartz, Sharron P, & Roger Parker
Schwartz-Leeper, Gavin
Schwarz, Helmut, & Marion Faber
Schwarz, L D
Schwarz, L D, & L J Jones
Schwarz, Lena
Schwarz, Leonard
Schwarz, Suzanne
Schwarzberg, Raphaelle
Schwarzkopf, Jutta
Schwarzkopf, Stefan
Schwitzer, Joan, & Malcolm Zucker
Sciberras, E
Scoffham, Ernie
Scofield, M G
Scola, Roger
Scollan, Maureen
Scopes, Frederick
Scoresby, William
Scorsby, V G
Scott Morton, W
Scott, Alastair
Scott, Alex
Scott, Alexander T
Scott, Anthony, & James G Mansell (eds)
Scott, Anthony, Oliver Green & Margaret Timmers
Scott, B G, R R Brown, A G Leacock & L J Salter
Scott, Clement W
Scott, Colin
Scott, Craig
Scott, David, & Ian Simmons
Scott, Dr
Scott, Duncan
Scott, E Kilburn
Scott, E Kilburn (ed)
Scott, Eion G
Scott, George E
Scott, George Gilbert
Scott, Harold
Scott, Herbert H
Scott, J F
Scott, J R
Scott, Jack L
Scott, James
Scott, James B
Scott, James H
Scott, James M
Scott, James W
Scott, John D
Scott, John D, & Richard Hughes
Scott, John G M
Scott, John W
Scott, John W R
Scott, John, & Catherine Griff
Scott, John, & Michael Hughes
Scott, Joseph
Scott, Kathleen L
Scott, M S
Scott, Martin
Scott, Norman K
Scott, Peter
Scott, Peter, & Chris Reid
Scott, Peter, & James Walker
Scott, Peter, & Lucy A Newton
Scott, Peter, & Peter Walsh
Scott, Peter, & Tim J T Rooth
Scott, R E
Scott, R F
Scott, R S
Scott, R S L
Scott, Raymond
Scott, Richenda C
Scott, Rivers
Scott, Robert D H
Scott, Ronald D
Scott, S
Scott, S H
Scott, Samuel H, & F C Scott
Scott, Simon
Scott, W H
Scott, W R
Scott, W R (ed)
Scott, Walter S
Scott, William M
Scott, William R
Scott, William R, & J Cunnison
Scott-Hill, Ian, & George Behrend
Scott-Hindson, Brian
Scott-Moncrieff, W W
Scott-Morgan, John
Scouller, John
Scouloudi, Thomas
Scourfield, Elfyn
Scowcroft, Philip L
Scrafton, D
Scragg, Brenda J
Scranton, Philip
Scrase, Tony
Scratchley, Arthur
Scrimgeour, J
Scrivenor, Harry
Scrivens, Kevin, & Stephen Smith
Scrivens, Kevin, & Stephen Smith (eds)
Scrope, Hugh E
Scurfield, George B
Scurrell, David, Felicity Stafford & John Whyman
Seabourne, G
Seabourne, Teresa
Seabridge, S
Seaby, Wilfred A
Seacombe, Andrew
Seal, Helen
Seale, C St B, & Felix Brittain (ed)
Sealey, John
Sear, Joanna, & Ken Sneath
Sear, Judith
Searby, Peter
Searle, Adrian
Searle, Antony G, & James W Tuck
Searle, Brian
Searle, Brian, et al
Searle, Geoffrey R
Searle, Hugh, & Robin Jacob
Seaton, Anthony
Seaton, Geoffrey
Seaton, Janet
Seaton, Jean
Seaton, Keith
Seaton, Paul
Seaton, R
Sebag-Montefiore, & Julia I Armstrong-Totten
Sebag-Montefiore, Charles
Sebag-Montefiore, Denzil
Sebag-Montefiore, Ruth
Sebba, Anne
Sebire, Charles B
Sebire, J F
Secrest, Meryl
Seddon, Brian, & David L Bean
Seddon, Jill
Seddon, Jill, & Suzette Worden (eds)
Sedgewick, Augustine
Sedgwick, John
Sedgwick, John, & Mike Pokorny
Sedgwick, John, & Mike Pokorny (eds)
Sedgwick, Michael
Sedgwick, Peter
Sedgwick, Stanley, M Kinnaird & K J O'Donoghue
See, Peter
Seecharan, Clem
Seed, John
Seed, Thomas A
Seekings, John
Segal, H H, & Matthew Simon
Segers, Yves, Jan Bieleman & Erik Buyst (eds)
Segrave, Edmond
Segreto, Luciano
Seidler, Edourd
Sekers, David
Sekers, Nicholas
Sekler, Eduard F
Sekon, George A
Selby, John
Selby-Lowndes, Joan
Seldon, A
Self, Henry, & Elizabeth M Watson
Self, Robert C
Selfridge, Harry G
Selgin, George A
Selgin, George A, & John L Turner
Seligman, Kevin L
Sell, George
Sell, Michael
Sellars, Jane (ed)
Selleck, A Douglas
Sellers, Charles
Sellers, David
Sellers, E S
Sellers, Henry B
Sellers, I
Sellers, Maud
Sellers, Maud, et al
Sellers, P M
Sellers, Robert
Sellers, Sue
Selley, Gill
Sellick, Roger J
Sellick, Roger J, et al
Seltzer, Andrew J
Selvaratnan, H L D
Selway, David
Selwood, A S
Semark, H W
Semler, Eric G (ed)
Semmens, Peter W B
Semple, Jayne
Semsel, Craig R
Sen, A K
Sen, Sudipta
Sencicle, Lorraine M
Sendall, Bernard
Senelick, Laurence, et al
Senior, Derek
Senior, John
Senior, John, Alan Townsin & John Banks
Senker, Cath
Senker, Peter
Senter, Andrew
Senter, M J, & A M Senter
Sephton, Robert S
Sergeant, Ian
Sergeant, William
Serjeant, Ruth
Serocold, Walter P
Servian, M S
Service, Alastair
Sessions, Mary
Sessions, Michael H, E Susan Sessions & William K Sessions
Sessions, William K
Sessions, William K, & David Stoker
Sessions, William K, & E Margaret Sessions
Sessions, William K, & Robert Lidbetter
Setchell, John R M
Seth, Andrew, & Geoffrey Randall
Seth, Vijay K
Seth-Smith, Michael
Seton, Mike
Setright, L J K
Settle, Alison
Severs, David F
Seville, Catherine
Seville, Richard, & Matthew Murtland (eds)
Seward, David
Sewell, Brian
Sewell, G W M
Sewell, Gordon
Sewell, S J
Sewell, V
Sewter, A Charles
Sexe, Marcel
Sexton, John
Sexton, Linda
Sexton, W A
Seybold, Matt
Seymour, David, & Emily Seymour
Seymour, Ellee
Seymour, W A (ed)
Seymour, W J
Seymour-Ure, Colin
Seymour-Ure, Kirsty (ed)
Sgroi, R C L
Shaaber, Matthias A
Shackell, B A
Shacklady, Norman, & Martin Ellen
Shackleton, Emma, with Sarah Campbell
Shackleton, Geoff
Shackleton, Ken
Shackleton, Ken, & Margaret Milner
Shackleton, Ken, & Stephen P Walker
Shackley, Barbara
Shadwell, Arthur
Shafer, Stephen C
Shaffer, Simon
Shafter, J (ed)
Shah, Atul K
Shah, Jitu
Shah, Oliver
Shahabuddeen, M
Shahvar, S
Shai, Aron
Shakespeare, R W, & J Lewis
Shambrook, H R
Shammas, Carole
Shamsuddin, S D
Shanks, Michael
Shannon, H A
Shannon, Mary L
Shannon, Paul
Shao, Wenguang
Shapiro, Seymour
Shapland, Maggie
Sharan, J
Shardlow, T
Sharkey, John
Sharma, Babita
Sharma, S
Sharman, Frank A
Sharp, Alan
Sharp, Buchanan
Sharp, C Martin
Sharp, Charles T H
Sharp, Frank C
Sharp, Ian G
Sharp, Michael
Sharp, P, & Jacob Weisdorf
Sharp, R
Sharp, T J
Sharp, W H
Sharpe, Adam
Sharpe, Cuthbert
Sharpe, David J
Sharpe, Derek
Sharpe, Frederick
Sharpe, Graham
Sharpe, Kevin M
Sharpe, Len
Sharpe, Pamela
Sharpe, Pamela (ed)
Sharpe, Pamela, & Stanley D Chapman
Sharpe, Reginald R
Sharpe, Richard
Sharpe, W
Sharpin, I M, & Williams, C F
Sharples, Joseph
Sharples, Joseph, & John Stonard
Sharples, Joseph, et al
Sharratt, Barney
Shattock, Joanne
Shattock, Joanne, & Michael Wolff (eds)
Shaw, Alexander N
Shaw, Allan
Shaw, C W
Shaw, Caroline S
Shaw, Charles
Shaw, Christine
Shaw, Christine P
Shaw, D B
Shaw, David J
Shaw, David J, & Sarah Gray
Shaw, Denis J B
Shaw, Frances J
Shaw, G, & A Williams
Shaw, Gareth
Shaw, Gareth, & Allan Williams (eds)
Shaw, Gareth, & Andrew Alexander
Shaw, Gareth, & M T Wild
Shaw, Gareth, Adrian Bailey, Andrew Alexander, Dawn Nell & Jane Hamlett
Shaw, Gareth, Louise Curth & Andrew Alexander
Shaw, Gareth, Louise Hill Curth & Andrew Alexander
Shaw, Gareth, et al
Shaw, George T
Shaw, Gerrard
Shaw, Gordon W
Shaw, Herbert
Shaw, J G
Shaw, James E
Shaw, John P
Shaw, John T
Shaw, John T (ed)
Shaw, Jon
Shaw, Jonathan
Shaw, L M E
Shaw, M
Shaw, Marian
Shaw, Martin
Shaw, Martin P, & Martin F Critchley
Shaw, Michael
Shaw, Philip, & Vic Mitchell
Shaw, R W, & Paul Simpson
Shaw, R W, & S A Shaw
Shaw, S R
Shaw, Simeon
Shaw, Tom, et al
Shaw, William T
Shaw-Kennedy, R F
Shawcross, Kathleen M
Shawcross, William
Shay, Robert P
Shayler, A E, J K Almond & H L Beadle
Shaylor, Joseph
Shea, Walter
Sheahan, James J
Sheail, John
Sheail, Philip
Sheard, Jeffrey A
Sheardown, W
Shearer, T
Shearer, W Russell
Shearing, Edwin A
Shearman, Hugh
Shearme, J A
Shears, Philip J
Shears, W S
Shedden, C T (ed)
Sheehan, J
Sheerman, George
Shefrin, Jill
Shein, Maung
Sheldon, Cyril
Sheldon, Gilbert
Sheldon, Joseph
Sheldon, Julie (ed)
Sheldon, Peter
Sheldon, Richard D
Sheldrake, John
Sheldrake, John, & Sarah Vickerstaff
Shelford, Anna E
Shell, Hanna R
Shelley, Fred
Shelley, R J A
Shelton, Harold D
Shelton-Jones, E
Shen, Lindsay M
Shenker, Israel
Shenton, Caroline
Shenton, Rita
Shepard, Alexandra
Shepard, H G (ed)
Shepard, Leslie
Shephard, Sue
Shephard, Sue, & Tony Musgrave
Shepherd, A F
Shepherd, Alice, & Steven Toms
Shepherd, Cecil W
Shepherd, Cliff
Shepherd, E Colston
Shepherd, Edgar W
Shepherd, Eric R
Shepherd, Jane
Shepherd, John
Shepherd, John (ed)
Shepherd, Rob
Shepherd, Stanley A
Shepherd, Verene (ed)
Shepherd, W Ernest
Shepherd, W G
Shepherdson, William
Sheppard, C Barry
Sheppard, Colin
Sheppard, David K
Sheppard, Francis H W
Sheppard, Francis H W (ed)
Sheppard, J A
Sheppard, J M
Sheppard, Julia
Sheppard, Ronald, & Edward Newton
Sheppard, T, & J Hoole
Sheppard, Thomas
Sheppardson, Chris
Sher, Richard B
Sher, Richard B, & Hugh Amory
Sherard, Robert H
Sherborne, J W
Shercliff, W H
Shercliff, W H, & David Kitching
Sheridan, John
Sheridan, Richard B
Sherlock, Robert
Sherman, Arnold A
Sherman, Brad, & Lionel Bently
Sherrard, Peter
Sherriff, Francis H
Sherrington, Charles E R
Sherrington, Michael
Sherry, Alan M
Sherry, Desmond
Sherwell, John, & K S Laurie
Sherwen, Theo
Sherwood, James
Sherwood, James, with Ivan Fallon
Sherwood, James, with Ivan Fatton
Sherwood, K B
Sherwood, Marika
Sherwood, Martin (ed)
Sherwood, Philip T
Sherwood, Tim
Sheryn, Hinton J
Shevelow, Kathryn
Sheves, G T
Sheward, Tony
Shi, Nagasaki (ed)
Shibata, Kyohei
Shields, E H
Shields, John
Shields, Steffie
Shifrin, Malcolm
Shill, Ray
Shill, Ray, & Tom Foxon
Shillington, E A
Shillington, V M, & A B Wallis Chapman
Shillito, Carl
Shilton, Neale
Shiman, D R
Shiman, Lilian L
Shimbo, Akiko
Shimmin, Arnold N
Shimwell, Jim
Shin, Hiroki
Shin, Hyun Song
Shine, Hill, & Helen C Shine
Shingfield, Michael
Shinner, Peter
Shiomi, Haruhito, & Kazuo Wada (eds)
Shipley, Edwin, & John W T Jeffries
Shipley, Neal R
Shipley, S
Shipway, Jim S
Shircore, Ian E, & Andrew Bailey
Shires, John R
Shirley, M H
Shirley, Stephanie, with Richard Askwith
Shoichiro, Toyoda
Sholl, Samuel
Shonfield, Andrew
Shooter, Adrian
Shore, Henry N, Lord Teignmouth
Shore, Leslie M
Shore, P
Shorland-Taylor, Rob
Shorney, David
Shorrock, John
Shorrocks, Pamela
Short, Alice I
Short, Bernard C
Short, Brian
Short, Brian (ed)
Short, Charles
Short, D Mary (ed)
Short, J B
Short, John E
Shorter, Alfred H
Shortt, Adam
Shouqian, Wang
Shrapnell-Smith, E S
Shrimpton, Dorothy M
Shrive, Michael
Shrubshall, Cyril
Shurlock, Barry
Shute, Nevil N
Shutt, G
Shuttleworth, John
Shuttleworth, Stewart
Shuttleworth, Suzanne
Shvidkovsky, Dimitri
Sibbett, Trevor
Siberry, Malcolm
Sibley, Brian
Sibley, Brian, & Sandra Sibley
Sibley, L
Sicca, Cinzia Maria, & Alison Yarrington (eds)
Sickinger, Raymond L
Sidbotham, K W
Sidebottom, John K
Sidey, P B
Sidey, Tessa
Sidwell, Graham
Sidwell, R W
Sidwick, J M
Sieff, Israel M
Sieff, Marcus
Siemens, Georg
Sieve, Ezekiel J B
Sievers, Immo
Sigsworth, Eric
Sigsworth, Eric (ed)
Sigsworth, Eric, & J M Blackman
Silberstein-Loeb, Jonathan
Silberston, Aubrey
Silcox-Crowe, Nigel
Sill, Michael
Sillem, Anthony
Sillett, S W
Sillick, C B M
Sillitoe, Peter, & Maurice Hindle (ed)
Silman, Edward I H
Silto, J
Silto, William
Silva, Andie
Silvasi, Katharine M
Silver, Arthur W
Silver, Harold
Silver, Michael, & Sarah Burns
Silver, O B
Silverman, H A
Silverman, H A (ed)
Silverman, M P
Silverstone, Rosalie
Silverthorne, Arthur
Silvester, R John
Sim, David, & Isabella Ridge
Sim, Duncan
Simcock, Corinne
Simkin, David
Simm, Geoff
Simm, Geoff, & Ian Winstanley
Simmie, James, et al
Simmill, Ian M
Simmonds, Anne T
Simmonds, P L
Simmonds, Reginald C
Simmonds, Robin G
Simmons, Anna E
Simmons, Colin, & Viv Caruana
Simmons, Deidre
Simmons, Douglas A
Simmons, H
Simmons, I G
Simmons, Jack
Simmons, Jack (ed)
Simmons, Jack, & Gordon Biddle (eds)
Simmons, Jack, with Robert Thorne
Simmons, Jean
Simmons, John R M
Simmons, Moira
Simmons, R T
Simmons, W H
Simms, Andrew
Simms, Andrew, & David Boyle
Simms, Barbara
Simms, Barbara (ed)
Simms, F R
Simms, Helen
Simms, Rupert
Simnett, W E
Simo, Melanie L
Simon, Andre L
Simon, Andre L (ed)
Simon, Anthony
Simon, Brian
Simon, Constance
Simon, Herbert
Simon, Matthew
Simon, Oliver
Simon, Rosemary
Simon, Shena
Simonds, Raymond
Simons, Eric N
Simons, Eric N, & E M Sessions
Simons, Graham M
Simons, P E
Simper, Robert
Simpson, A
Simpson, A D C
Simpson, A W Brian
Simpson, Alfred W B (ed)
Simpson, Bill
Simpson, Brian
Simpson, Charlie
Simpson, Colin
Simpson, Colin D C
Simpson, David
Simpson, Duncan
Simpson, E S
Simpson, Edwin
Simpson, Eric
Simpson, Frank
Simpson, Frank D
Simpson, Frank D, & Peter F Clark
Simpson, Grant G (ed)
Simpson, I B
Simpson, J B
Simpson, J J
Simpson, James
Simpson, James D
Simpson, James, & James Newland
Simpson, John E
Simpson, John R
Simpson, Keith (ed)
Simpson, Llewellyn L
Simpson, M L
Simpson, Maurice G
Simpson, Michael
Simpson, Michael, & T H Lloyd (ed)
Simpson, Noel
Simpson, Richard
Simpson, Rod
Simpson, W
Simpson, William
Sims, F A
Sims, Geoffrey
Sims, George
Sims, J
Sims, Jackie, Jane Tozer & Peggy Allen (ed)
Sims, Jeremy (ed)
Sims, John M
Sims, Peter
Sims, Phillip E
Sims, Richard
Sims, William L
Siméon, Ophélie
Sinclair, Alexander
Sinclair, David
Sinclair, G A
Sinclair, J B, & R W D Fenn
Sinclair, Neil T
Sinclair, Neil T, & Ian S Carr
Sinclair, Robert C
Sinclair, Robert G
Sinclair, W A
Sinclair, W P
Sinclair-Giardini, Bethany
Sindall, Cecil
Sinfield, Cyril A, & Malcolm B Montgomery (ed)
Singer, Charles J
Singer, Julian
Singh, S B
Singh, Satwinder
Singlehurst, Mark, & Kevin Wilkins
Singleton, Colin
Singleton, David
Singleton, Francis J
Singleton, Frank
Singleton, Fred B
Singleton, James
Singleton, John
Singleton, John, & Paul L Robertson
Singleton, Matthew
Sinha, H
Sinnema, Peter W
Siraut, Mary
Sisitka, Josef
Sisley, Richard
Sismey, Ron
Sissoko, Carolyn
Sistrunk, Tim
Sit, Victor F S
Sitwell, G R
Sivramkrishna, Sashi
Sixta, E F
Sizer, Jack
Sizer, S M, & C S Horton (ed)
Sizer, S M, & Josephine Clark
Sjoblom, G S B
Sjogren, Guy
Sjogren, Hans
Skae, Gwyn, & Heather Woodward (ed)
Skaer, Richard
Skeat, Francis
Skeat, William O
Skeel, Caroline A J
Skehel, Mona
Skelly, John W
Skelton, Jim
Skelton, Matthew
Skelton, R H
Skelton, S W
Skelton, Stephen
Skelton-Foord, Christopher
Skempton, A W, & Mike Crimes
Skempton, Alec W
Skempton, Alec W (ed)
Skempton, Alec W et al
Skempton, Alec W, & A Andrews
Skempton, Alec W, & H R Johnson
Skempton, Alex W, & Esther C Wright
Skentelbery, Norman
Skerry, Janine E
Skidmore, Peter F
Skillen, Brian S
Skillen, Graham
Skilleter, Paul, with Norman Dewis
Skillicorn, Malcolm D
Skinner, Basil C
Skinner, Deborah S
Skinner, Deborah S, & Hans van Lemmen (eds)
Skinner, Ghislaine
Skinner, James
Skinner, Joan S
Skinner, Neville
Skinner, Robert T
Skinner, Stephen
Skipp, Victor
Skipper, J A
Skipwith, Peyton
Skirving, Imogen
Skudder, John M
Skyrme, J E, & Elizabeth Rowbotham (ed)
Slack, Charles
Slack, Margaret
Slack, Raymond
Slack, Ron
Slade, E H
Slade, Harry Gordon
Slade, J J
Slade, William J, & Basil Greenhill (ed)
Slader, John M
Slatcher, W N
Slater, A W
Slater, David
Slater, Ernest
Slater, Gregory J
Slater, J N
Slater, Jim
Slater, T R
Slattery, Matthew
Slattery-Christy, David, with Alan Seddon
Slauter, Will
Slaven, Anthony
Slaven, Anthony (ed)
Slaven, Anthony, & Derek H Aldcroft (eds)
Slaven, Anthony, & Hugh Murphy (eds)
Slaven, Anthony, & Michael Moss
Slaven, Anthony, & S G Checkland
Slaven, Anthony, with Dong-Wonn Kim
Slee, A H
Sleeman, John F
Sleigh-Johnson, N V
Sleight, George E
Sleight, John
Slessor, Catherine
Slessor, Catherine (ed)
Slight, Henry
Slinn, Judy
Slinn, Judy, & Jennifer Tanburn
Slinn, Peter
Sloan, Alfred P
Sloan, Audrey
Sloan, Edward W
Sloan, Janet, & Margaret Muir
Sloane, Abel, & Ruby Woodhouse
Slocombe, Pamela M (ed)
Slowe, Peter M
Slusar, John
Slush, M
Sluyterman, Keetie
Slyfield, D
Smail, Henfrey
Smail, J Cameron
Smail, John
Smail, John (ed)
Smailes, Arthur E
Smailes, Helen (ed)
Smale, Courtney V
Small, Graham S
Small, Harold
Small, James S
Small, John
Smallbone, Linda, & Richard Storey (ed)
Smalley, George W
Smallpeice, Basil
Smallwood, Dennis G
Smallwood, John
Smallwood, John, with Peggy Hewitt
Smart, Dave
Smart, Dudley
Smart, Ivor H
Smart, John E
Smart, P E
Smart, Penelope J
Smart, R N
Smart, T C
Smart, W
Smedley, Mary
Smedley, Michael J
Smeeton, Arthur E
Smeeton, C S
Smelser, Neil J
Smethurst, John B
Smethurst, W
Smettem, E G
Smiles, Robert
Smiles, Robert (ed)
Smiles, Samuel
Smiles, Samuel (ed)
Smith, A D B, & R F Pearson
Smith, A H
Smith, Adrian
Smith, Alan, broadcasting writer
Smith, Alan, ceramics writer
Smith, Albert, & David Fry
Smith, Alec H
Smith, Alex
Smith, Allen
Smith, Alvin J E
Smith, Alvin J E, & Lionel Ferris
Smith, Andrew
Smith, Andrew C
Smith, Andrew C, & Roy Etherington (eds)
Smith, Andrew D A
Smith, Andrew F
Smith, Andrew, & Daniel Simeone
Smith, Anne (ed)
Smith, Annette M
Smith, Anthony (ed)
Smith, Anthony D C
Smith, Arthur W
Smith, Barbara G
Smith, Barbara M D
Smith, Barnaby
Smith, Barrie
Smith, Bill
Smith, Bill, & Daniel Young
Smith, Bracewell
Smith, Brian E
Smith, Brian S, & R A Lewis with A M Wherry
Smith, C G
Smith, Carl T
Smith, Catherine P
Smith, Charlotte F
Smith, Chris
Smith, Chris, John Child & Michael Rowlinson
Smith, Christine
Smith, Christopher
Smith, Colin
Smith, Colin S
Smith, Cornelius F
Smith, Crosbie
Smith, Crosbie, et al
Smith, D
Smith, D J
Smith, D N
Smith, David C
Smith, David J
Smith, David L
Smith, David Marshall
Smith, David Michael
Smith, David N
Smith, David, writer on Rolls-Royce
Smith, David, writer on map publishers, etc
Smith, Dawn
Smith, Denis
Smith, Denis (ed)
Smith, Dick
Smith, Don
Smith, Donald
Smith, Donald J
Smith, Doreen E
Smith, Dorothy B
Smith, Douglas H
Smith, Douglas M
Smith, E C
Smith, E H
Smith, Edmond J
Smith, Eric E F
Smith, Eric J G
Smith, Ernest A
Smith, F D
Smith, Francis M
Smith, Frank R
Smith, Frederick H
Smith, G Geoffrey
Smith, G H
Smith, G M
Smith, G P
Smith, G R
Smith, G Royde
Smith, Gavin D
Smith, Gaye
Smith, Geoffrey K
Smith, George
Smith, George M
Smith, George T
Smith, George, & Frank Benger
Smith, Gordon
Smith, Graham
Smith, Greg, & Sarah Hyde (eds)
Smith, H A S
Smith, H C Miall
Smith, H Charles
Smith, H J
Smith, Hance D
Smith, Harold L
Smith, Harold T
Smith, Harry
Smith, Harry, Robert J Bennett & Carry van Lieshout
Smith, Helen
Smith, Henry
Smith, Howard
Smith, Ian V H
Smith, Ian, & Trevor Boyns
Smith, Isabella
Smith, J
Smith, J A
Smith, J B
Smith, J C
Smith, J E
Smith, J Granville
Smith, J H
Smith, J H (ed)
Smith, J R
Smith, J Russell
Smith, J T
Smith, J Toulmin (ed)
Smith, J W, & T S Holden
Smith, James
Smith, Jeffrey
Smith, Jeremy L
Smith, Joanna
Smith, Joanna, & Ray Rogers
Smith, John
Smith, John B
Smith, John D
Smith, John E
Smith, John G
Smith, John H
Smith, John M
Smith, John P
Smith, John R
Smith, John R, & Mike Trevarthen
Smith, John S
Smith, John Saumarez (ed)
Smith, Jonathan
Smith, Judy U
Smith, Julia A
Smith, K E
Smith, Kate
Smith, Katherine E S
Smith, Ken
Smith, Ken, & Brewery History Society
Smith, Ken, & Ian Rae
Smith, Kevin J (ed)
Smith, L D
Smith, Leonard
Smith, M
Smith, M B
Smith, M D, & E M Brownlow
Smith, M W
Smith, Malcolm
Smith, Martin
Smith, Maurice
Smith, Michael E
Smith, Norma L
Smith, Norman J
Smith, P G A
Smith, P R
Smith, Pamela
Smith, Paul
Smith, Paul (ed)
Smith, Paul, & Sally Salmon
Smith, Peter
Smith, Peter A Forrestier
Smith, Peter Jefferson
Smith, Peter L
Smith, R
Smith, R B J, & M J Breakspear
Smith, R B, & M G Sexton
Smith, R Grenville, & Alexander Barrie
Smith, R, S Moult, P Burge & A Turnbull
Smith, Ray, & John Whitehead
Smith, Raymond
Smith, Reginald
Smith, Richard E
Smith, Richard S
Smith, Richard S, & Sam Murphy
Smith, Roger [furniture writer]
Smith, Roger [transport writer]
Smith, Roger, & D Thompson
Smith, Roland
Smith, Ron
Smith, S D (ed)
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Samuel B H
Smith, Sheenah
Smith, Simon
Smith, Simon D
Smith, Stanley A
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Steven
Smith, Steven R
Smith, Steven R B
Smith, Stuart
Smith, Stuart A
Smith, Stuart B
Smith, Susan D
Smith, T
Smith, T Sherwood
Smith, Terence P
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas J
Smith, Thomas W
Smith, Tim R
Smith, Timothy d'Arch
Smith, Tony
Smith, Trevor
Smith, Verena
Smith, W A
Smith, W A H
Smith, W C
Smith, W H, & T S Holden
Smith, W J
Smith, W R
Smith, W T
Smith, Wallace
Smith, Wilfred
Smith, Wilfred (ed)
Smith, William
Smith, William C
Smith, William C, & Charles Humphries
Smith, William H
Smith, William P
Smith, William, & K Beddoes
Smith, Willoughby
Smithers, Henry
Smithers, Mark
Smithers, Owen
Smithhurst, Peter
Smithhurst, Peter, & Nicola Moyle
Smithies, E D
Smithies, Edward
Smithies, Philip
Smithson, Alison, & Peter Smithson
Smithson, Linda, & Stuart Smithson
Smithurst, Peter G
Smits, Thomas
Smits, Wendy, & Thorsten Stromback
Smout, T C
Smout, T C (ed)
Smout, T C, & Mairi Stewart
Smout, T C, Alan R MacDonald & Fiona Watson
Smye, M H
Smylie, Mike
Smyth, Hazel P
Smyth, Hedley
Smyth, R L
Smythe, W Dumville
Snape, Robert
Snell, John
Snell, John B
Snell, K D M
Snell, Lawrence S (ed)
Snell, Michael
Snell, Paul M
Snell, Peter J
Snell, S
Snelling, John
Snelling, O F
Snoddy, T G
Snodin, Michael
Snodin, Michael (ed)
Snodin, Michael, & John Styles (eds)
Snollaerts, Claire Durand-Ruel
Snow, Michael R
Snowden, H M
Snowden, James Keighley
Snowdon, Jasper W
Snowdon, Ria
Snowdon, Trevor K
Soane, A H
Soane, John V N
Sobel, Dava
Sobral, Fernando, & Paula Alexandra Cordeiro
Socolow, Susan M
Soden, Iain
Soderlund, Richard J
Soer, John
Solar, Peter M
Solar, Peter M, & Alastair Durie
Solar, Peter M, & John S Lyons
Solar, Peter M, & Klas Rönnbäck
Solar, Peter M, & Luc Hens
Soldon, Norbert C
Solkin, David
Solloway, William J
Solly, Ray
Solman, David
Soloman, Harry M
Solomon, Flora, & Barnet Litvinoff
Solomon, Vivian
Solomons, David
Solomou, Solomos
Solow, Barbara L
Solow, Barbara L, & Stanley L Engerman (eds)
Soltow, J H
Somerset, Arthur
Somervell, John
Somerville, Hugh
Somerville, John
Somerwil-Ayrton, S K
Sommerfield, Vernon
Sommerville, C John
Sommi, Luis V
Somner, Graeme
Sondhelm, Walter, & Richard Denyer
Soole, Peter
Soper, J
Soper, T P
Sopocy, Martin
Sopwith, Robert
Sopwith, T, & T Richardson
Sopwith, Thomas
Sorby, E
Sorensen, Charles E, with Samuel T Williamson
Sorge-English, Lynn M
Soroka, Joanne
Soros, Susan W
Soros, Susan W (ed)
Soros, Susan W, & Catherine Arbuthnott
Sorrenson, Richard
Sosin, Jack M
Sotiropoulos, Dimitris O, & Janette Rutterford
Soto, Alejandro
Soudah, Gillian
Soudain, M
Souden, David
Soulie, Claire-Amandine
Southall, Brian
Southall, Brian, et al
Southall, Celia
Southall, Kenneth H
Southall, R J
Southard, Frank A
Southern, David, & Adrian Barrell
Southern, Jayne B
Southey, Robert
Southwell, E B
Southwick, Leslie
Southworth, James G
Southworth, P J M
Sowan, Paul W
Sowerby, Tom
Sowler, Tom
Sowrey, Frederick
Spain, Alice
Spain, Nancy
Spain, R J
Spaldin, Bert G
Spaldin, Bert G, & H S Appleyard
Spalding, C W
Spalding, Robin
Spalding, Thomas
Spalding, W F
Spanton, Raymond P
Spar, Debora, & Krzysztof Bebenek
Spargo, Thomas
Sparke, Penny
Sparke, Penny (ed)
Sparkes, Douglas C
Sparkes, Ivan G
Sparkes, John
Sparks, Leigh
Sparks, Randy J
Sparks, W L
Sparling, Henry H
Sparrow, Paul E
Sparrow, Walter Shaw
Spate, Oskar H K
Spater, E
Spaul, John E H
Spaven, David
Spavold, Janet
Spavold, Janet, & Sue Brown
Speaight, George
Speakman, Colin
Speakman, Malcolm V
Spearing, N
Spearman, Margaret G
Spearman, R M
Spedding, Ron
Speight, George
Speight, J
Spelman, W W R
Spence, Bill
Spence, Cathryn
Spence, Clark C
Spence, G S
Spence, Jeoffry
Spence, Lewis
Spence, Martin
Spence, Norman, with Guy Jefferson & Ian Robinson
Spence, Richard T
Spence, Simon
Spenceley, G Donald, & Peter H Scholes
Spenceley, G F R
Spenceley, Norman J
Spencer, B
Spencer, Bob
Spencer, Captain
Spencer, Christopher
Spencer, Christopher, & Paul Temple
Spencer, Dave
Spencer, Herbert
Spencer, Isobel
Spencer, Joseph
Spencer, K M
Spencer, Peter
Spencer, R
Spencer, Reginald S
Spencer, Reuben
Spencer, Richard
Spencer, Stephanie
Spencer, Thomas
Spencer, Walter T, & T Moult (ed)
Spencer-Silver, Patricia
Spender, John A
Spens, Michael
Spensley, I M
Sperisen, Albert
Sperling, John G
Spero, Simon, with Richard Burt
Spicer, Albert D
Spicer, Andrew
Spicer, Andrew, & A T McKenna
Spicer, John
Spicer, John, et al
Spicer, Stephen
Spicksley, Judith M
Spicksley, Judith M (ed)
Spielmann, Marion H
Spiers, John
Spiers, John (ed)
Spiers, Maurice
Spiers, Ronald S
Spiers, Walter L (ed)
Spiller, Arnold
Spiller, Brian
Spink, John E
Spink, Reginald
Spinoza, Andy
Spires, Thomas B
Spiro, Robert H
Spong, H C, with J Dobson
Spooner, D J
Spooner, R
Spooner, Sarah (ed)
Spooner, Walter M
Spraakman, Gary
Spraakman, Gary, & Julie Margret
Spraakman, Gary, & R Davidson
Sprake, Derek
Spraos, John
Spratt, H Philip
Spreull, James A S, & Robert Rankine
Sprigg, Christopher St John
Spring, A E
Spring, David
Spring, Laurence
Springate, Stan
Springer, Elizabeth, & Pauline Webb
Springer, Howard
Springett, R Jane
Springhall, J
Sproat, Diana
Sproat, Diana, Ronan Toolis, James Hepher & Dorothy Rankin
Spufford, Margaret
Spufford, Margaret, & Susan Mee
Spufford, Peter
Spurgeon, A
Spurgeon, David
Spurlock, R S
Spurrell, David
Squicciarini, Mara P, & Johan Swinnen (eds)
Squire, Bernard
Squire, Geoffrey
Squire, Gwen
Squire, John
Squires, Stewart E
Squires, Stewart E, & Rex Russell
Srebrnik, Patricia T
St George, Andrew
St John, John
St Quintin, A N
Stabb, I, & T Downing
Stabler, John
Stacey, A D
Stacey, Nicholas A H
Stacey, Tom
Staddon, S A
Staddon, Tommy G
Staeger, Hans
Staff, Frank
Stafford, Felicity M
Stafford, Felicity M, & Nigel Yates
Stafford, J W
Stahl, Kathleen M
Stahlschmidt, J C L
Stainer, Elizabeth C
Stainton, J H
Stainton, Thomas
Stait, Bruce A
Stalker, A C
Stamm, Michael
Stammers, Michael
Stamp, Gavin
Stamp, Gavin, & Sam McKinsty (eds)
Stamp, Josiah
Stamper, J M B
Standage, Tom
Standen, Edith, & Jennifer Wearden
Standen, J D
Stander, Simon S
Standing, A
Standing, Ian
Standing, Juliet
Standley, Eleanor R
Stanes, R G F
Stanford, Caroline
Stanford, Caroline (ed)
Stanford, Edward
Stanford, Philip, & Anthony Giddens
Stang, Gudmund
Stanier, David J
Stanier, David J, Keith West & Linda Stanier
Stanier, Peter H
Staniforth, Paul, & Claude Staniforth
Staniland, Kay
Stanlake, G F
Stanley, Christopher C
Stanley, Geoffrey, & Clifford Welch
Stanley, Jo
Stanley, Louis T
Stanley, M F
Stanley-Stone, A C
Stannah, Alan, Brian Stannah & Peter Pugh
Stannard, Geoff
Stannard, Robin
Stansbury, H
Stansell, W S
Stansfield, Hazel
Stansky, Peter
Stanton, George
Stanton, L
Stanton, L E
Stanton, Phoebe A
Stanton, Victoria, & Euan Cooper-Willis
Stanway, L C
Stanworth, June, & David Humphreys
Stanworth, Philip, & Giddens, Anthony
Staples, William G, & Clifford L Staples
Stapleton, Annamarie
Stapleton, Barry
Stapleton, Barry, & James H Thomas
Stapleton, Darwin H
Stapleton, Darwin H, & Thomas C Guider
Stapleton, H E C (ed), et al
Stapleton, Nigel J
Stapleton, Tim
Stardom, Eleanor
Stark, David
Stark, H M
Stark, J F
Starke, David
Starkey, David J
Starkey, David J, & Alan G Jamieson
Starkey, David J, & Alan G Jamieson (eds)
Starkey, David J, & Gelina Harlaftis (eds)
Starkey, David J, & Hugh Murphy (eds)
Starkey, David J, & Michael Haines
Starkey, David J, & Richard Gorski
Starkey, David J, C Reid & N Ashcroft (eds)
Starkey, David J, et al (eds)
Starkey, H F
Starkey, Janet
Starkey, Ken, & Nick Tiratsoo
Starkey, Pat (ed)
Starkie, David, & David Thompson
Starkie, K W L
Starley, James
Starley, W K
Starling, P
Starr, A J
Starsmore, Ian
Statham, A D
Statham, James
Stavenow-Hidemark, Elizabeth
Staves, Susan
Stavey, Gavin (ed)
Stavridi, Margaret
Stead, William
Steane, J M
Stearn, William A
Stearn, William A, & Bert Moody
Stearne, Bob
Stearns, Peter H
Stebbing, Nancy, John Rhodes & Maureen Mellor
Stebbing, W P D
Stebbings, Chantal
Steckley, George F
Steckley, George F (ed)
Stedman, Jo
Stedman, Rex
Steeds, W
Steefel, Lawrence D
Steel, D I A
Steel, D R
Steel, Ernest A, & E H Steel
Steel, Frances
Steel, Tom
Steel, Wilfred L
Steele, Arnold F
Steele, H Rooksby
Steele, H Rooksby, & F R Yerbury
Steele, Ian K
Steen, Kathryn
Steensgaard, Neil
Steer, Francis W
Steer, Francis W (ed)
Steer, Henry
Steer, Jane
Steere-Williams, Jacob
Steers, Thomas
Steerwood, Rob, & Peter Machan
Steffy, Loren C
Stein, Jeremy L
Stein, Rick
Stein, Sarah A
Stell, Geoffrey P, & Geoffrey D Hay
Stell, P M
Stelzer, Irwin
Stembridge, Peggy K
Stemmer, Juan E O
Stemp, Stinty
Stenfors, Alexis
Stenkamp, Hermann J
Stenton, F M
Stephen, J S
Stephen, J Thomson
Stephen, Walter M
Stephens, A E
Stephens, A P
Stephens, Peter (ed)
Stephens, Thomas A
Stephens, W B (ed)
Stephens, William B
Stephenson, Albert H
Stephenson, Andrew
Stephenson, Brian
Stephenson, Clifford
Stephenson, David, & Leopold Turner (ed)
Stephenson, E
Stephenson, Judy Z
Stephenson, M J
Stephenson, William H
Steptoe, Brian
Stern, Philip J
Stern, Walter M
Stetz, Margaret D, & Mark S Lasner
Steuart, James (ed)
Steuart, Mary D
Steven, Campbell R
Steven, Margaret
Stevens, Alfred A
Stevens, Ann
Stevens, Catrin
Stevens, Dennis
Stevens, E N
Stevens, Edward F (ed)
Stevens, G C
Stevens, J R
Stevens, John
Stevens, John R, & Alan W Brotchie
Stevens, K F (ed), & T E Olding
Stevens, M
Stevens, Matthew F
Stevens, P
Stevens, Philip A
Stevens, S M
Stevens, Thomas H G
Stevens, Tony
Stevens, William
Stevens, William V
Stevens-Cox, Gregory
Stevenson, A
Stevenson, Alan
Stevenson, Alexander
Stevenson, David
Stevenson, Heon
Stevenson, I W
Stevenson, Iain
Stevenson, J
Stevenson, Julie
Stevenson, L
Stevenson, L W
Stevenson, Laura C
Stevenson, P
Stevenson, Peter
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stevenson, Tom
Steward, Jill
Steward, Stanley F
Steward, William E
Stewart, A W
Stewart, Bertram
Stewart, Chris, & Val Stewart
Stewart, D
Stewart, Donald A
Stewart, E G
Stewart, George
Stewart, Gordon T
Stewart, Horace
Stewart, Ian
Stewart, James
Stewart, James C
Stewart, John
Stewart, Kenneth D
Stewart, Larry
Stewart, Margaret, & Leslie Hunter
Stewart, Michael
Stewart, P Malcolm
Stewart, R G, & P Duncan-Jones
Stewart, R J
Stewart, R J, & R E Waterhouse (eds)
Stewart, Richard W
Stewart, Rick J (ed)
Stewart, Ross E
Stewart, Samuel T
Stewart, Walter
Stewart, William (ed)
Stewart-Brown, R
Stewart-Liberty, Ivor
Stewart-Lockhart, Clive
Steyn, Richard, & Francis Antonie
Stidder, Derek
Stiles, Margaret
Stillie, T A
Stillson, Richard T
Stimpson, Michael
Stirk, David
Stirk, Jean V
Stirk, Nigel
Stirley, Dick, & Keith Read
Stirling, A M W
Stirling, James
Stirling, T B
Stitt, J D
Stitt-Dibden, W G
Stivers, William
Stobart, Jon
Stobart, Jon, & Andrew Hann
Stobart, Jon, & Andrew Hann (eds)
Stobart, Jon, & Barrie Trinder
Stobart, Jon, & Bruno Blondé (eds)
Stobart, Jon, & Ilja van Damme (eds)
Stobart, Jon, & Lucy Bailey
Stobart, Jon, & Mark Rothery
Stobart, Jon, & Neil Raven (eds)
Stobart, Jon, & Penelope Lane (eds)
Stobart, Jon, & Vicki Howard (eds)
Stobart, Jon, Andrew Hann & Victoria Morgan
Stobart-Hook, Barry
Stock, Leslie A
Stockdale, Edmund
Stocker, David, with Paul Everson
Stockford, Bridget
Stockham, Peter
Stockinger, Victor R
Stocks, Ian, David Mewes & John Browning
Stocks, Mary D
Stockwell, Sarah
Stoddard, Jeanne
Stoddard, Martin (ed)
Stoff, Michael B
Stokeld, Rosalind
Stoker, David
Stoker, Donald J
Stoker, Donald J (ed)
Stoker, Donald J, & Jonathan A Grant (eds)
Stoker, Robert B
Stokes, Arthur
Stokes, Henry F S
Stokes, Michele A
Stokes, Penelope
Stokes, Peter
Stokes, Ray, & Ralf Banken
Stokes, Ray, Roman Koster & Stephen C Sambrook
Stokes, Veronica
Stokes, Wilfred
Stokes, Winifred
Stokoe, Noel
Stone, Glyn
Stone, Henry
Stone, Ian W
Stone, Irving
Stone, J W M (ed)
Stone, Lawrence
Stone, Lawrence, & Jeanne C Fawtier Stone
Stone, Peter
Stone, R A
Stone, Richard
Stone, S A
Stone, Stella
Stone, W A
Stoneback, Bruce & Diane
Stonebanks, John A
Stonehouse, James
Stoneman, Paul L
Stones, Frank
Stones, H R
Stones, R
Stoney, Barbara M
Stoney, George, & George B Richardson
Stoney, P J M
Stonor, Georgina
Stoops, Jamie
Stopes, Henry
Stopford, J M
Stopford, J M, & Louis Turner
Stopford, Jenni
Stopper, Mark, & Ray Maltby
Stopps, Leslie B
Storer, J D
Storey, A, & E Crowdy
Storey, Graham
Storey, John
Storey, Patricia J
Storey, Richard
Storey, Richard (ed)
Storey, Richard, & Alistair Tough
Stormonth Darling, Peter
Storrar, A C, & K C Pratt
Storrie, Janet
Storrie, Margaret
Storrs, Ronald H A
Stote, Amos
Stotesbury, Bill
Stoughton, Edward
Stout, George A
Stout, Vic
Stovold, Jan (ed)
Stowell, Gordon
Stowers, Arthur
Stoyel, B D, & Roger W Kidner
Stpford, J M, & Louis Turner
Strachan, Michael
Strachan, Michael, & Boies Penrose (eds)
Strachan, Shirley
Stradling, Sally
Strahan, Alexander
Straker, Ernest
Stranack, David
Stranack, June A
Strang, J
Strang, J Martin
Strange, Kathleen H
Strange, W
Strangleman, Tim
Stranz, Walter
Strathearn, Gordon
Stratmann, Linda
Stratton, Gerald
Stratton, John
Stratton, Michael
Stratton, Michael, & Barrie Trinder
Straus, Ralph
Strauss, G L M, et al
Strauss, Michel
Stravidi, Margaret
Stray, J F
Stray, Julian
Straznicky, Martha (ed)
Streat, Raymond
Streater, Les
Street, Arthur E
Street, Doreen
Street, Eric, & Richard Glenn (ed)
Street, Ernest
Street, Fraser
Street, Frederick
Street, George S
Street, Sarah
Street, Sean
Streeten, Anthony D F
Streeter, O
Streeter, Patrick
Streit, Brent
Stretch, E K
Stretch, E K, & Ted Gray
Stretton, Clement E
Stretton, Norman
Strevens, Summer
Strickland, Jeanette
Strickland, John
Strickland, Mary
Stride, H G
Stride, Phil
Strike, James
Stringer, G F, et al
Stringer, George E
Strong, G R, & W J W Bourne
Strong, Hugh W
Strong, Leonard A G
Strong, Ruth
Strong, Stanley
Strothard, J A
Strother, Peter del
Stroud, Dorothy
Stroud, John
Stroud, Nell
Stroud, William
Strouse, Jean
Strout, Alan Lang
Struckett, David
Strumik, B
Strutt, Charles R
Stuart, Charles D, & A J Park
Stuart, David R M
Stuart, Denis
Stuart, Denis (ed)
Stuart, Peter
Stuart, Raymond A
Stuart, Susan E
Stubbings, Ken
Stubbs, Ian
Stubbs, John
Stubbs, Roy
Stubley, P D
Stuckey, Douglas
Studer, Paul (ed)
Sturdy, David
Sturge, Clement Y (ed)
Sturge, Elizabeth
Sturge, Walter
Sturge, William
Sturges, George W
Sturges, Hale
Sturges, R P
Sturgess, Roy W
Sturgess, Roy W (ed)
Sturley, Mark
Sturman, Christopher, & Craig Pillans
Sturmey, Stanley G
Sturney, Alfred C
Sturrock, James
Sturrock, James B
Sturrock, Vernon
Sturt, Brian E
Sturt, George
Stussy, Susan A
Stuttard, John (ed)
Stuyvenberg, J H van
Styles, David G
Styles, John
Stylianou, M
Suarez, Michael F
Sudarshan, Ratna M
Sudjic, Deyan
Sugar, Alan
Sugarman, David
Sugden, Alan V, & Eric A Entwisle
Sugden, Alan V, & John L Edmondson
Sugden, Keith
Sugden, Roger
Suggett, Richard
Sugiyama, Shinya
Sullivan, B
Sullivan, Jack
Sullivan, Jill A
Sullivan, Mike
Sullivan, Richard J
Sullivan, Vernon, with Keith Hutton
Summerfield, Penny, & Eric J Evans (eds)
Summers, Dorothy
Summers, Gilbert
Summers, Julie
Summers, L A
Summers, Richard F
Summerside, Thomas S
Summerson, Henry
Summerson, John N
Sumner, James B
Sumner, William L
Sumpter, Peter
Sun, E tu Zen
Sun, Yuyu
Sunday Times Insight Team
Sunderland, David
Sunderland, John
Sunderland, Norman
Sunley, Jack, & Maurice Davies
Sunley, Peter
Sunseri, Thaddeus
Supple, Barry
Supple, Barry (ed)
Surhone, Lambert M, et al
Surrey-Dane, E
Surry, Nigel
Surtees, Virginia
Sussex, Elizabeth
Sussex, John, with Joe Morgan
Sussex, V J
Sussmann, Herbert L
Sutcliffe, Anthony
Sutcliffe, Anthony, & Roger Smith
Sutcliffe, C E (ed)
Sutcliffe, Peter
Sutcliffe, R J & Edward D Sutcliffe
Sutcliffe, Thomas
Sutermeister, H
Sutherland, Alasdair S
Sutherland, Alister
Sutherland, David
Sutherland, David (ed)
Sutherland, Gavin
Sutherland, Gavin (ed)
Sutherland, Graham
Sutherland, Iain
Sutherland, James
Sutherland, John A
Sutherland, John A, & Veronica Melnyk
Sutherland, Lucy S
Suttle, P J
Sutton, A
Sutton, Anne E
Sutton, Anne F
Sutton, Anne F, & Livia Visser-Fuchs (eds)
Sutton, Anne F, & Paul Rutledge
Sutton, Denys
Sutton, George B
Sutton, George F
Sutton, Jean
Sutton, Jim (ed)
Sutton, John
Sutton, John, & Norman Hamshere
Sutton, Nick
Sutton, R A
Sutton, R F
Sutton, Terry
Suzuki, Toshio
Svedenstierna, Eric T
Swaby, W W
Swailes, T, et al
Swaim, Elizabeth A
Swain, John T
Swain, Margaret H
Swain, Peter
Swainson, Celia M
Swainson, Neil A
Swainston, A Y
Swale, Alan
Swale, William E
Swales, Will
Swallow, J C
Swallow, Mary A
Swan, Adam M
Swan, Claire E
Swan, E W
Swan, Kenneth R
Swan, Malcolm S
Swan, Mary E, & Kenneth R Swan
Swann, A F
Swann, Bernard
Swann, Brenda, & Maureen Turnbull
Swann, Dennis
Swann, John W
Swann, June
Swanson, Carl E
Swanson, Heather C
Swanson, Theodor
Swarbrick, John
Sweeney, Dennis
Sweeney, Stuart
Sweeny, James O
Sweet, Rosemary, & Penelope Lane (eds)
Sweet-Escott, Bickham
Sweetinburgh, Sheila
Sweeting, Spike
Sweetman, John
Sweetnam, Robin
Sweetnam, Robin, & Cecil Nimmons
Sweezy, Paul M
Swift, Andrew
Swift, Andrew, & Kirsten Elliott
Swift, Anna K
Swift, David E
Swift, Katherine A
Swift, Mabel
Swinburne, James
Swinburne, Robert W
Swindelhurst, L C
Swindell, Kenneth
Swindin, Norman
Swindlehurst, William
Swinfen, David B
Swinfield, John
Swinford, George, with Judith Fay & Richard Martin (eds)
Swingle, S L
Swingle, S L, & K Turner
Swinglehurst, Edmund
Swingwood, D
Swinson, Chris
Swinton, Alan A C
Swithaine, S S
Sword, Richard, et al
Sydenham, Guy
Sydenham, John
Sydenham, S
Syder, Stanley N
Syed, Isabel
Sygrave, J
Sykas, Philip A
Sykes, Alan J
Sykes, Alan John
Sykes, David
Sykes, Geoffrey
Sykes, J A
Sykes, Joseph
Sykes, Philip
Sylla, Richard
Sylvester, Dorothy, & Geoffrey Nulty
Syme, Ronald
Symeonidis, George
Symes, David
Symes, Gordon
Symington, I C
Symington, James
Symon, J D
Symonds, E T
Symonds, Henry
Symonds, M T
Symonds, Richard P F
Symonds, Robert W
Symondson, Anthony
Symons, David
Symons, J C
Symons, Jelinger C
Symons, John
Symons, Julian
Symons, Lenore
Symons, Malcolm V
Synge, Lanto
Syrett, David
Syriotis, Mikes A
Szelagowski, Adam, & N S B Gras
Szommer, Gabor
Szostak, Rick
TU Research Unit
Taaffe, Emma
Tabner, Brian
Tabor, C J
Tabori, Paul
Tacunan Bonifacio, Santiago
Tadd, Malcolm
Tagg, Albert E, & R L Wheeler
Taggart, Christine
Taggart, Michael
Tailby, Stephanie
Tait, Douglas
Tait, Fiona
Tait, Hugh
Tait, Hugh, & John Cherry
Tait, Robert, & Linda Tait
Tait, W A
Takamatsu, Toro, & Ken Warren
Takamura, Shohei
Takei, Akihiro
Takel, R E
Takeno, T
Takeuchi, K
Talbot, Edward
Talbot, Edward, & Clive S Taylor
Talbot, Frederick A A
Talbot, John M
Talbot, Michael
Talbot, Oliver
Talbot, Philip A
Talbot-Smith, M
Talbott, Siobhan
Talbott, Siobhan (ed)
Tallis, Nigel, & Kate Arnold-Forster
Tam, A
Tamaki, Norio
Tamburello, Steve
Tames, Richard
Tamplin, Roger
Tan, Elaine S
Tandy, David W
Tangye, Michael
Tangye, Richard
Tankard, Dannae
Tann, Jennifer
Tann, Jennifer (ed)
Tann, Jennifer, & Anthony Burton
Tann, Jennifer, & Christine MacLeod
Tann, Jennifer, & John Ailken
Tann, Jennifer, & M J Breckin
Tann, Jennifer, & R Glyn Jones
Tann, Peter L
Tanner, Andrea
Tanner, Eric, et al
Tanner, M
Tanner, Sarah
Tanner, Sarah
Tansey, E M
Tansey, E M, & Rosemary C E Milligan
Tansley, A J
Tanzy, Conrad E
Taplin, Eric L
Taplin, Ian M, & Jonathan Winterton (eds)
Taplin, Walter
Tapp, William H
Tapper, Oliver
Taraporevala, Russi J
Targett, A T C
Tarkenter, R P
Tarling, N
Tarn, A W, & C E Byles
Tarn, J N
Tarplee, Peter
Tarrant, Naomi
Tarring, Trevor, & Mark Joseland
Tasker, George E
Tasker, W W
Tatchell, Molly
Tate, D J M
Tate, Donald
Tate, Douglas
Tatewaki, Kazuo
Tatman, Colin A
Tattersall, Bruce
Tattersall, Bruce, et al
Tattersall, C E C, & S Reed
Tattersall, W David
Tattersall-Walker, George
Tattersfield, Nigel
Tatton-Brown, T W T
Taubman, A Alfred
Taulbut, Derek S
Tavender, L
Taverner, Charlie
Tawney, Richard H
Tawney, Richard H (ed)
Tawney, Richard H, & Eileen E Power (eds)
Tayleur, W H T
Taylor, A J
Taylor, Acton
Taylor, Alan J P
Taylor, Alan R, & Eric S Tonks
Taylor, Alexander G
Taylor, Alfred
Taylor, Alice, & John Simeoni
Taylor, Angus C
Taylor, Angus C, & Janet Martin (ed)
Taylor, Audrey M
Taylor, Avram
Taylor, B A
Taylor, Barry (ed)
Taylor, Bill
Taylor, Bryan S
Taylor, C T, & Aubrey Silberston
Taylor, Charles
Taylor, Christopher
Taylor, Clare
Taylor, Clive
Taylor, D
Taylor, D F
Taylor, David
Taylor, David C
Taylor, David T
Taylor, Derek
Taylor, Derek, & David Bush
Taylor, Douglas
Taylor, Douglas R
Taylor, Duncan
Taylor, E F
Taylor, E G R
Taylor, E L
Taylor, E W, & J S Wilson with P D Scott Maxwell
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Eric
Taylor, Eric D
Taylor, F
Taylor, F S, & R H Campbell
Taylor, Frank
Taylor, G Rankin
Taylor, Geoffrey
Taylor, George
Taylor, H
Taylor, H G
Taylor, Hannah H
Taylor, Harold
Taylor, Harold A
Taylor, Harvey
Taylor, Herbert E
Taylor, Iain
Taylor, Imogen
Taylor, J B
Taylor, J M
Taylor, J T
Taylor, James
Taylor, James A
Taylor, James L
Taylor, James S
Taylor, James, writer on motor vehicles
Taylor, Jean
Taylor, John
Taylor, John R
Taylor, John Russell, & Brian Brooke
Taylor, John T (ed)
Taylor, John W R
Taylor, John W R, & Maurice F Allward
Taylor, K S
Taylor, Kate
Taylor, Kay S
Taylor, Keith
Taylor, Leslie B
Taylor, Lou
Taylor, Louise B
Taylor, Lucy
Taylor, M C
Taylor, M Minter
Taylor, Margaret S
Taylor, Matthew
Taylor, Michael A
Taylor, Michael J H
Taylor, Michael, re gunpowder
Taylor, Michael, re slavery
Taylor, Mike
Taylor, Miles
Taylor, Miles (ed)
Taylor, Neil
Taylor, Peter
Taylor, R
Taylor, R A
Taylor, Richard
Taylor, Richard I C
Taylor, Roger
Taylor, Rosemary
Taylor, Rosemary, & Christopher Lloyd
Taylor, S A
Taylor, S M
Taylor, Sally
Taylor, Sally J
Taylor, Sally-Ann
Taylor, Scott, Emma Bell & Bill Cooke
Taylor, Sheila (ed), revised by David Lawrence
Taylor, Simon
Taylor, Simon C
Taylor, Simon, & Julian Holder
Taylor, Simon, & Peter Burn
Taylor, Simon, Malcolm Cooper & P S Barnwell
Taylor, Sue
Taylor, T G
Taylor, Theodore C
Taylor, Thomas, et al
Taylor, Tom
Taylor, V
Taylor, Valerie
Taylor, Vanessa J
Taylor, W B
Taylor, W Robert
Taylor, Warwick
Taylor, William
Taylor, William Cooke
Taylor, Wilmot
Taylor-Cockayne, M, & S Stuart
Teagle, Fred
Teague, Ken
Teale, A
Teall, D G
Teanby, Mike
Tearle, David
Teasdale, Vivien
Tebbutt, G F
Tebbutt, Laurence
Tebbutt, Melanie
Tedeschi, Martha
Tedlow, Richard S
Tedlow, Richard S, & Geoffrey Jones (eds)
Teesdale, Edmund B
Teetgen, Ada B
Teichova, Alice
Teichova, Alice, & Penelope Ratcliffe
Teichova, Alice, Maurice Levy-Leboyer & Helga Nussbaum (eds)
Telfer, Robert L
Telford, P J
Telford, S J
Telford, Thomas, & John Rickman (ed)
Temin, Peter
Temin, Peter, & Hans-Joachim Voth
Temko, Ned
Temperley, N
Tempest, Pat
Temple, David
Temple, John
Temple, Julian C
Temple, Mick
Temple, Philip (ed)
Temple, Philip, & Colin Thom (eds)
Tenbus, Eric
Tenenbaum, Barbara A
Tenkorang, S
Tennant, Charles
Tennant, David D
Tennant, E W D
Tennant, Harold J
Tennent, Kevin D
Tennyson, Charles B L
Ternstrom, Myrtle S
Terrell, Stan
Terrey, William
Terry, Carolyn M
Terry, Ian
Terry, Judith (ed)
Terry, Richard
Terry-Chandler, F E
Tessari, Alessandra, & Andrew Godley
Teversham, Traviss F
Tew, Brian
Tew, David
Tew, David H
Tewson, W F
Teynac, Françoise, Pierre Nolot & Jean-Denis Vivien
Thaarup, Aage, & D Shackell
Thacker, Anthony
Thacker, Bill
Thacker, Christopher
Thacker, Frederick S
Thackray, Brian
Thackray, Susan
Thane, Pat
Thane, Pat, Geoffrey Crossick & Roderick Floud (eds)
Thatcher, M G
Thaxter, David
Thelen, Kathleen
Theobold, Jonathan
Thexton, Michael
Thick, Anne
Thick, Malcolm
Thickins, John B
Thin, James
Thirlby, David A, & Tony Bancroft
Thirlwell, Angela
Thirsk, Joan
Thirsk, Joan, & J P Cooper (eds)
Thistlethwaite, Frank
Thistlethwaite, Nicholas
Thom, Adam
Thom, Colin
Thom, Colin (ed)
Thom, Deborah
Thom, Heather
Thom, Walter
Thomas, A B
Thomas, Abraham
Thomas, Alan
Thomas, Alan, & John Aldridge
Thomas, Alfred
Thomas, Anita M
Thomas, Annie L
Thomas, Anthony R
Thomas, Anthony R, & Joseph L Thomas
Thomas, Arthur
Thomas, B
Thomas, Barry
Thomas, Blayney (ed)
Thomas, C
Thomas, Charles
Thomas, Clive J
Thomas, Clive J, et al
Thomas, Colin
Thomas, D
Thomas, D A
Thomas, D B L
Thomas, D H
Thomas, D St J, & Patrick Whitehouse
Thomas, Dana
Thomas, David
Thomas, David A
Thomas, David A, 1st Lord Rhondda
Thomas, David G
Thomas, David G, & Brenda J Sowan
Thomas, David G, & R P Vickers
Thomas, David St John (ed)
Thomas, David, & Hugh Marks
Thomas, Denis
Thomas, Dennis A
Thomas, Dewi W
Thomas, Doreen
Thomas, Earl B
Thomas, Edward A
Thomas, Edward W
Thomas, Emyr
Thomas, F N G
Thomas, Frederick M
Thomas, G
Thomas, G I
Thomas, Gareth
Thomas, Gilbert
Thomas, Gomer, & David Annan
Thomas, H
Thomas, H J
Thomas, H K
Thomas, H R
Thomas, H Spence
Thomas, Herbert
Thomas, Hilary M (ed)
Thomas, Hugh
Thomas, I A
Thomas, Ian (ed)
Thomas, Ian C
Thomas, Ioan
Thomas, Ivor
Thomas, J
Thomas, J A
Thomas, J D H
Thomas, J H
Thomas, J R, & D W Southern
Thomas, James
Thomas, James H
Thomas, Jane
Thomas, Jeanette A
Thomas, Jo
Thomas, Joan
Thomas, John
Thomas, John O
Thomas, John P
Thomas, John, & Alan Dunbar
Thomas, John, with John Farrington
Thomas, Joseph Lee
Thomas, Ken
Thomas, Leslie
Thomas, M E
Thomas, Margaret
Thomas, Mark
Thomas, Maurice W
Thomas, Miles
Thomas, N L
Thomas, Nick
Thomas, Patricia A
Thomas, Peter D
Thomas, Phil N
Thomas, R B
Thomas, R D
Thomas, R M
Thomas, Richard
Thomas, Robbie
Thomas, Robert P
Thomas, Ronald H G
Thomas, Ronald L
Thomas, S E
Thomas, S Evelyn
Thomas, Steve & Darlah Thomas
Thomas, Steven, & Alwyn W Turner
Thomas, Sue, et al
Thomas, Susan
Thomas, T W
Thomas, Trefor, & Katharine S Woods
Thomas, Trevor M
Thomas, W A
Thomas, W Gerwyn
Thomas, W N
Thomas, William B
Thomason, Edward
Thomason, Geoff
Thomason, H A
Thomason, T H
Thomis, Malcolm I
Thompson, A Beeby
Thompson, Albert E
Thompson, Andrew W J, & Laurence C Hunter
Thompson, Andrew, & Gary Magee
Thompson, B
Thompson, Beeby
Thompson, Brian
Thompson, C R
Thompson, E
Thompson, E P
Thompson, Edwin (ed)
Thompson, F M L
Thompson, F M L (ed)
Thompson, Francis G
Thompson, G C W
Thompson, George R
Thompson, Gordon
Thompson, Grahame F
Thompson, Ian
Thompson, Isaac C
Thompson, J H (ed)
Thompson, J Hannay
Thompson, J Hannay, & George G Ritchie
Thompson, J Lee
Thompson, James
Thompson, Jenny
Thompson, John B
Thompson, John F, & Norman Beasley
Thompson, Leonard P
Thompson, Lilian G
Thompson, Matthew
Thompson, Melvyn
Thompson, Melvyn, & David Voice
Thompson, Michael
Thompson, Noel, & Chris Williams (eds)
Thompson, Paul
Thompson, Paul Murray
Thompson, Peter
Thompson, Peter, & Anthony Delano
Thompson, R M
Thompson, Sally Ann
Thompson, Steven
Thompson, T B F, & Derick Bingham
Thompson, Thomas
Thompson, Vera
Thompson, W G
Thompson, William J
Thompson, Willie, & Finlay Hart
Thompstone, Stuart
Thoms, David W
Thoms, David W, & Tom Donnelly
Thoms, Phil
Thomsen, Birgit N, & Brinley Thomas
Thomson, Adam
Thomson, Alan
Thomson, Alistair G
Thomson, Andrew
Thomson, Daniel
Thomson, David
Thomson, David H
Thomson, David L
Thomson, David L, & David E Sinclair
Thomson, G W
Thomson, George
Thomson, George M
Thomson, Gladys Scott
Thomson, I D
Thomson, James
Thomson, James with James Maclaren (ed)
Thomson, James, with James Maclaren
Thomson, Janet
Thomson, John
Thomson, L A
Thomson, Lord
Thomson, P A B
Thomson, R S
Thomson, Richard
Thomson, Roy
Thomson, Roy H
Thomson, Roy, & Quita Mould (eds)
Thomson, W P L
Thomson, William
Thomson, William A R
Thomson, Zoe
Thor, Jon Th
Thorburn, J A
Thorby, Brian
Thorley, Nigel
Thorn, David, & Stuart Thorn
Thorn, Patrick
Thorndycroft, D
Thorne, Robert
Thorne, Robert (ed)
Thorne, Stuart
Thorner, Daniel
Thornes, R C N
Thornes, Robert
Thornes, Robin
Thornhill, A R
Thornhill, Robert
Thornley, John C, & George Hastings (eds)
Thornley, John W
Thornton, A P
Thornton, C E
Thornton, C E (ed)
Thornton, Christopher C
Thornton, David
Thornton, Dora
Thornton, E C B
Thornton, F W
Thornton, Gladys A
Thornton, Harry
Thornton, J H
Thornton, James C
Thornton, Maurice
Thornton, Paul
Thornton, Peter
Thornton, Peter, & Natalie Rothstein
Thornton, R H
Thornton, Robert L
Thornton, Robert, & Malcolm Wood
Thornton, Tony
Thorogood, E
Thorogood, Peter
Thorp, Jim
Thorp, Joseph
Thorpe, Andrew
Thorpe, Don
Thorpe, John G
Thorpe, John G, & Michael H Goodall
Thorpe, William A
Thorsheim, Peter
Thrale, Christopher
Threader, Sue
Threadgall, Derek
Threadgill, A E
Threlfall, Kevin
Threlfall, Richard E
Threlfall-Holmes, M
Threlkeld, B
Threlkeld, John
Thrower, David
Thrower, Eve, & Mark Hill
Thrower, Keith R
Thrupp, G A
Thrupp, Sylvia L
Thunder, Moira
Thurgood, G
Thurlow, A G G
Thurlow, Charles
Thurman, James (ed)
Thursfield, Sarah
Thurston, A P
Thurston, E F
Thwaite, Ann
Thwaite, M F
Thwaite, Malcolm
Thwaites, W
Thynne, John F
Tibballs, Geoff
Tibbles, Anthony
Tibbles, Anthony (ed)
Ticher, Mike
Tickell, John
Tickell, Shelley
Ticktum, Colin
Tidcombe, Marianne
Tierney, J H
Tierney, James E
Tierney, James E (ed)
Tierney, James E, & J H Tierney
Tierney, Josephine
Tierney-Jones, Adrian
Tighe, M F
Tighe, Thomas R
Tignor, Robert L
Tigwell, Rosalind E
Tilbrook, A J, & Gordon House (ed)
Tilbury, D J
Tilden, Philip
Tildesley, J E
Tildesley, N W
Tiley, Roger
Till, Malcolm
Till, Richard
Till, Roger
Tiller, Kate
Tiller, Kate, & Giles Darkes
Tilley, Henry T, & Henry B Walters
Tilley, J E
Tilling, John
Tillman, Denis
Tillmanns, Martin
Tillott, P M (ed)
Tillott, P M, et al
Tillyer, Steve
Tilson, Barbara
Tilson, Barbara (ed)
Tiltman, Ronald F
Timaeus, C E
Timbers, Ken
Timble, Niall F
Timings, F L
Timmers, Margaret (ed)
Timmins, Geoffrey
Timmins, Geoffrey, & Roger Lloyd-Jones (eds)
Timmins, John G
Timmins, Samuel
Timmins, Samuel (ed)
Timmins, Samuel, & J T Bunce
Timms, Kathleen
Timms, Peter
Timperley, Charles H
Timpson, David
Timpson, John
Timpson, W H F
Tims, Simon
Tincknell, Bill (ed)
Tindall, Christian
Tindall, Gillian
Tindall, William H
Tindley, Annie
Tinker, Harry
Tinkler, Ken
Tinling, Ted
Tinsley, George F
Tinsley, Ruth
Tinsley, William
Tipler, John
Tippett, Leonard H C
Tippett, Leonard H C, et al
Tipple, C
Tiratsoo, Nick
Tiratsoo, Nick (ed)
Tiratsoo, Nick, & Jim Tomlinson
Tiratsoo, Nick, & Terry R Gourvish
Tiratsoo, Nick, R Edwards & John F Wilson
Tirthankar, Roy
Tischler, Steven
Tisdall, Patricia
Titheridge, Alan
Titley, Arthur
Titley, Chris
Tittler, Robert
Tivey, Leonard
Tivey, Leonard (ed)
Tobin, G A
Todd, A C
Todd, Arthur
Todd, Arthur, & Peter Laws
Todd, D
Todd, Daniel
Todd, Geoffrey
Todd, George E
Todd, N
Todd, William B
Toft, Luke A
Tolhurst, David, & Bill Hudson
Toller, Jane
Tolley, Brian H
Tolley, Philip (ed)
Tolley, R
Tolliday, Steven
Tolliday, Steven (ed)
Tolliday, Steven, & Jonathan Zeitlin
Tolliday, Steven, & Jonathan Zeitlin (eds)
Tolson, J M
Tolson, John
Tomaney, John, Andy Pike & James Cornford
Tombs, Francis
Tombs, R C
Tomes, Jason
Tominey, Sharon
Tomkins, A E, & Nigel J Tringham
Tomkins, Richard
Tomkins, Richard, & Peter Sheldon
Tomkinson, E
Tomkinson, Martin
Tomkiss, David
Tomlin, A
Tomlin, David M
Tomlinson, A
Tomlinson, Alan, & Helen J Walker
Tomlinson, B R
Tomlinson, Charles
Tomlinson, Henry M
Tomlinson, Howard C
Tomlinson, Jim
Tomlinson, Jim, & Christopher A Whatley (eds)
Tomlinson, Jim, & Nick Tiratsoo
Tomlinson, Jim, Carlo Morelli & Valerie Wright
Tomlinson, John
Tomlinson, John M, with Trevor D Ford
Tomlinson, M
Tomlinson, Margaret
Tomlinson, Norman
Tomlinson, V I
Tomlinson, Walter
Tomlinson, William W
Tomlinson, William, & Richard Masters
Tomoichi, Mizunuma
Tomory, Leslie
Tomos, Dafydd
Tompkins, Eric
Toms, George
Toms, John S
Toms, L
Toms, Stanley J
Toms, Steven
Toms, Steven, & Igor Filatotchev
Toms, Steven, & John F Wilson
Toms, Steven, & Mike Wright
Toms, Steven, & Qi Zhang
Toms, Steven, Nick Wilson & Mike Wright
Tone, John F
Tonkin, Gregory
Tonkin, John
Tonkin, S Morley
Tonkin, W G S
Tonkinson, E
Tonkinson, E, & Margaret Saunders
Tonks, David
Tonks, Eric S
Tonks, Eric S, & John Scholes
Tooke, C S
Tooke, Colin
Tookey, M E
Tooley, Michael J (ed)
Tooley, Michael J, & Primrose Arnander (eds)
Tooley, R V
Toomer, Heather
Toomey, Robert R
Tootle, Harry
Toovey, John W
Topham, A J
Topham, E, & J A Hough
Topham, Jonathan R
Topham, Peter
Toplis, Alison
Topp, Chester W
Toppin, Aubrey J
Torbet, Ronald
Tordoff, Maurice
Torode, Brian E
Torode, Roger
Torode, Roger, & Malcolm Keeley
Torrance, D Richard
Torrance, John
Torrens, Hugh S
Torrie, Elizabeth P D
Tosney, Nicholas
Totterdell, B D C
Toulmin, Vanessa
Toulson, Norman
Toulson, Shirley
Tourret, Richard
Touzeau, James
Tovey, J F
Towey, Jenny
Towle, T
Townend, Harry
Townend, John E
Towner, Donald C
Towner, John
Towner, Wesley, & Stephen Varble
Townley, C H A, & J A Peden
Townley, C H A, F D Smith & J A Peden
Townley, C H A, et al
Townley, H
Townley, Simon (ed)
Townley, Simon, et al
Townrow, James
Townsend, Alf
Townsend, Brian
Townsend, C H
Townsend, Charles E C
Townsend, Harry
Townsend, Joe
Townsend, John D R
Townsend, John L
Townsend, John R (ed)
Townsend, Kay
Townsend, M
Townsend, Nigel
Townshend, S, & H J Adams
Townsin, Alan
Townsin, Alan, & Brian Goulding
Townsin, Alan, & John Banks
Townsin, Alan, with Edward Hirst
Townsley, D H
Townson, John
Towse, J Wrench
Toy, Henry S
Toye, Richard
Toyne, S M
Tozer, Peter, & Ernie Ford
Trace, Keith
Tracey, Denis
Tracey, Herbert
Tracey, Michael
Tracy, James D (ed)
Tracy, W Burnett
Tragatsch, Erwin
Traill, Thomas W
Trainor, Richard
Tramayne, Arthur
Tranter, Neil
Trappes-Lomax, Michael
Travers, Ben
Travis, Anthony S
Travis, Anthony S, Harm G Schroter, Ernest Homburg & Peter J T Morris (eds)
Travis, John F
Travis, Norman J, & E J Cocks
Treadgold, Alan
Treadwell, J M
Treadwell, Michael
Trease, George E
Treasure, John A P
Trebilcock, Clive
Treble, James H
Treble, John G
Tredinnick, Richard
Tredrey, F D
Treen, Bill, & Robert Deakin
Treen, Colin
Tregellas, A
Tregoning, David, & Hugh Cockerell
Tregonning, Kennedy G
Treharne, R F
Treherne, Alan
Treiber, Daniel
Trelfall-Holmes, M
Trelford, Donald
Trelford, Donald (ed)
Tremlett, George
Tremlett, R
Trenerry, C J
Trentmann, Frank
Trentmann, Frank (ed)
Trentmann, Frank, & Vanessa Taylor
Trepp, J
Trescatheric, Bryn
Treseder, Suzanne
Trethowan, David M
Trett, Bob
Treuherz, Julian
Trevarthen, Mike
Trevelyan, Raleigh
Trevis-Smith, David
Trevithick, Francis
Trevor, Malcolm
Trevor-Roper, Hugh
Trewin, John C, & Evelyn M King
Trewin, Wendy
Tribe, Tom, & Philip Whatmoor
Trickett, J M
Trim, Peter
Trincado, Estrella, & Manuel Santos-Redondo
Trinder, Barrie S
Trinder, Barrie S (ed)
Trinder, Barrie S, & Jeff Cox
Trinder, Barrie S, & Nancy Cox
Trinder, Ivan F
Triner, Gail D
Tring, F C
Tringham, Nigel J, & M W Greenslade
Trinick, G M A
Triplow, Nick (ed)
Tripp, Basil H
Tripplin, Julien
Tritton, Paul
Trivett, Robert
Trollope, Glynden, et al
Trory, Ernest
Trotman-Dickenson, D I
Trott, Clive D J
Trott, John E
Trotter, R (ed)
Troughton, David
Troughton, Thomas
Troughton, William
Trounson, John H
Trounson, John H, & L J Bullen
Trounson, John H, & Roger Burt & Peter Waite (eds)
Troup, Frances R
Trout, Edwin A R
Trow-Smith, Robert
Trowell, Frank
Troy, Michele K
Trubert-Tollu, Chantal, et al
Truell, Peter, & Larry Gurwin
Trueman, Arthur (ed)
Trueman, B E S
Trueman, Michael R G
Truesdale, Geoffrey, & Bruce Hewett
Truman, B E S
Trump, H J
Trunk, Jonny, with Damon Murray et al (eds)
Truptil, R J
Truran, Gerald
Truran, William
Truscott, Richard
Trust, Graham
Truxes, Thomas M
Truxes, Thomas M (ed)
Tsai, S Y C
Tse, K K
Tsokhas, Kosmas
Tsutsumi, Ichiro, & Shuzo Miwa
Tsuzuki, Chushichi (ed)
Tubby, David
Tuck, Bob
Tuck, Bob, et al
Tuck, James T
Tucker, Anna C S
Tucker, Colin
Tucker, D G
Tucker, Gordon
Tucker, Gordon, & Mary Tucker
Tucker, Joan
Tucker, John
Tucker, K A
Tucker, K A (ed)
Tucker, Keith
Tucker, Les
Tucker, M T
Tucker, Malclom
Tucker, Mary
Tucker, Mary, & Gordon Tucker
Tucker, Penny
Tucker, R
Tucker, Roger T
Tucker, Rufus S
Tuckett, Sally
Tuckwell, R H
Tudor, Geoffrey with Helen Hilliard (comp)
Tudsbery, J H T
Tuff, John
Tuffrey, George
Tuffrey, Peter
Tuffs, J Elsden
Tuffs, Peter
Tuffs, Peter, & Neil Parkhouse
Tugendhat, Christopher
Tugendhat, George
Tugwood, R M S
Tuit, James E
Tuite, Aisling
Tuke, Anthony W, & Richard J H Gillman
Tull, Eric
Tull, G J D
Tully, A
Tully, John
Tunbridge, J E
Tungate, Susan
Tunstall, Jeremy
Tupholme, John, et al
Tupling, G H
Tupling, R E
Turberville, A S
Turcan, Robert
Turle, Ross
Turley, J T
Turley, Raymond V
Turnbull, Craig
Turnbull, Geoffrey, & John G Turnbull (ed)
Turnbull, Gerard L
Turnbull, Jean
Turnbull, Jean, & Jayne B Southern
Turnbull, Jill
Turnbull, Les
Turnbull, Peter W, Charles Woolfson et al
Turnbull, Peter, & Victoria Wass
Turner, A
Turner, A J
Turner, A W
Turner, Alun
Turner, Alwyn
Turner, Anthony
Turner, B B
Turner, Barry
Turner, Barry C
Turner, Barry H P
Turner, Brian
Turner, Cecil
Turner, Charles et al
Turner, Clifford
Turner, D H
Turner, David A
Turner, David M, & Daniel Blackie
Turner, E
Turner, Ernest S
Turner, Frank R
Turner, G W Eaton
Turner, Gerard L'E
Turner, Gordon
Turner, Graham
Turner, H A, Garfield Clack & Geoffrey Roberts
Turner, Helen
Turner, Hilary L
Turner, Hugh
Turner, Ian
Turner, J
Turner, J A
Turner, J A R
Turner, J G Allen
Turner, J Howard
Turner, J W
Turner, James
Turner, James G
Turner, John
Turner, John (ed)
Turner, John D
Turner, John P
Turner, John R
Turner, John T F
Turner, John, Charles R Hickson & Graeme G Acheson
Turner, John, business historian
Turner, Keith
Turner, Keith, & Susan Turner
Turner, Keith, Shirley Smith & Paul Smith
Turner, Margaret
Turner, Mark
Turner, Mark W
Turner, Mark, & Lesley Hoskins
Turner, Michael
Turner, Michael D K
Turner, Michael L
Turner, Michael L, & David Vaisey
Turner, Mr
Turner, Paul
Turner, T
Turner, Thomas
Turner, Thomas A
Turner, Trevor
Turner, W G
Turner, W H K
Turner, William
Turner, William E S
Turnill, Reginald, & Arthur Reed
Turnock, David
Turnor, Reginald
Turns, Keith L
Turpin, Adriana
Turpin, Cath
Turrell, Robert V
Turrell, Robert V (ed)
Turrell, Robert V, & Jean J Van Helten
Turton, Alison
Turton, Alison, & Michael Moss
Turton, Andrew
Turton, B J
Turton, J D, et al
Turton, Keith, Ian Pope et al
Turton, Robert B
Turvey, Garry
Turvey, Ralph
Tussaud, J T
Tute, Warren S
Tutt, W G
Tutthill, Peter
Tuttle, Carolyn
Tutton, Michael
Tweed, Maynard
Tweed, Ronald
Tweedale, Geoffrey
Tweedale, Geoffrey, & David J Jeremy
Tweedale, Geoffrey, & L Flynn
Tweedale, Geoffrey, & Minoru Sawai
Tweedale, Geoffrey, & T Proctor
Twells, H N
Twells, H S
Twelvetrees, Richard
Twelvetrees, Richard, & P Squire
Twigg, George
Twigg, T
Twiname, Eric
Twining, Stephen H
Twiselton, Barbara
Twist, Anthony
Twist, Sydney T
Twiston Davies, William
Twitchett, John
Twitchett, John, & Betty Bailey
Twitchett, John, & David Holborough (ed)
Twort, Alan C
Twyman, G P
Twyman, Michael
Twyman, Michael, & William Rollinson
Tyack, Geoffrey C
Tyack, Geoffrey C (ed)
Tyacke, Sarah J
Tyas, G F
Tyldesley, Joseph
Tylecote, R F
Tylecote, R F, & J Cherry
Tylee, Edward
Tyler, Colin
Tyler, Colin, & John Haining
Tyler, David
Tyler, E J
Tyler, Eric C
Tyler, Ian M
Tyler, Jayne, & Clare Parsons
Tyler, Kieron, & Hugh Willmott
Tyler, Kieron, Ian Betts & Roy Stephenson
Tyler, Kieron, Roy Stephenson, J Victor Owen & Christopher Phillpotts
Tyler, L, et al
Tyler, Neil
Tyler, Nick
Tyler, Rodney
Tyler, Sheila
Tyler, Tom
Tylor, Charles (ed)
Tynan, Eirlys, & Alan Thomas
Tynan, J
Tynan, Nicola
Tyndall, Alan
Tyrer, Phil
Tyrrell Evans, H G
Tyrrell, Ken
Tyrrell, W E
Tyrwhitt-Drake, Garrard
Tyson, Blake
Tyson, Colin
Tyson, Geoffrey
Tyson, Gerald P
Tyson, Leslie O
Tyson, Leslie O, I M Spensley with R F White
Tyson, Leslie O, et al
Tyson, Robert E
Tyson, Stanley
Tyson, Thomas H, & David Oldroyd
Tyson, William
Tyssen, Amherst D
Tythacott, Louise
Tyzack, Don
Uche, Chibuike Ugochukwu
Udo, Misako
Uffelman, Larry K
Uglow, Jenny
Ugolini, Laura
Uhler, S G
Uings, Joy, Barbara Moth & Moira Stevenson
Ullenhag, Kersti
Ullyett, Kenneth
Ulph, Stuart
Umfreville, J H
Underwood, A J V
Underwood, Hilary
Underwood, John
Underwood, Sarah
Unger, Richard W
Unger, Richard W (ed)
Unsworth, Christopher
Unsworth, L Patrick
Unsworth, W L
Unwin, Alan C B
Unwin, David
Unwin, Donald J
Unwin, George
Unwin, George (ed)
Unwin, J
Unwin, Joan
Unwin, Joan, & Ken Hawley
Unwin, Margaret J
Unwin, Philip
Unwin, R W
Unwin, Rayner
Unwin, Ros
Unwin, Stanley
Unwin, Tim
Upton, Charles
Upton, Philip (ed)
Urdang, George
Ure, Andrew
Ure, Andrew, with P L Simmonds
Ure, John F
Urquhart, Robert
Ursell, G
Urwick, Lyndall F (ed)
Urwick, Lyndall, & Edward F L Brech
Urwin, Alan C B
Usher, Abbott P
Usher, Charles M
Usher, Howard
Usher, R G
Usherwood, B
Utiger, R E
Utley, Freda
Uttley, Matthew R H
Utton, Michael A
Vaci, Sandor P
Vaidya, Ashot (ed)
Vaisey, D G
Vaisey, D G (ed)
Vaisey, D G, & F Celoria
Vaizey, John
Vaizey, Wendy
Vaknin, Judy
Vale, David
Vale, Edmund
Vale, Vivian
Valentine, J Harben
Valentine, Margaret
Valentine, Michael
Valenze, Deborah
Valenzuela, Luis C
Vall, Natasha
Vallance, Aylmer
Vallance, Charles, & David Hopper
Vallance, Hugh A
Valpy, Nancy
Valpy, Nancy, & Alison Kelly
Vamplew, Wray
Vamplew, Wray (ed)
Van Arsdel, Rosemary T
Van Bochove, Christianne
Van Cleemput, Marcel R
Van Craenenbroeck, W
Van Der Merwe, Pieter
Van Dyke, Paul A
Van Dyke, Paul A, & Susan E Schopp (eds)
Van Eerde, Katherine S
Van Elk, Martine
Van Gils, Marcel, & Hans Offringa
Van Hare, G
Van Harten, Marjorie, & Melissa Marston
Van Helmond, Marij
Van Helmond, Marij (ed)
Van Helten, Jean J
Van Helten, Jean J, & Geoffrey Jones
Van Helten, Jean J, & Youssef Cassis (eds)
Van Horrik, Madeline
Van Laanen, J T M
Van Laun, John
Van Laun, John, & Joan Day
Van Leerzem, J
Van Leeuwen, Marco H D
Van Lemmen, Hans
Van Lieshout, Carry
Van Lieshout, Carry, Harry Smith, Piero Montebruno & Robert J Bennett
Van Loon, Z
Van Lottum, Jelle, & Jan Luiten van Zanden
Van Manen, Niels
Van Oss, S F
Van Reenen, John
Van Riemsdijk, A K
Van Riper, Robert
Van Royen, P C, L R Fischer & D M Williams (eds)
Van Royen, Paul, Jaap Bruijn & Jan Lucassen (eds)
Van Zyl Smit, Dirk
Van de Worp, J (ed)
Van der Merve, Pieter
Van der Post, Lucia
Van der Wee, Herman
Vander Weyer, Martin
Vander, R
Vandewetering, Richard
Vanes, Jean
Vanes, Jean (ed)
Vann, J Don
Vann, J Don, & Rosemary van Arsdel (eds)
Vanneste, Tiji
Vanns, Michael A
Vanstone, Alan R
Vanstone, H B
Varcoe, I M
Varcoe, Philip
Varian, Brian D
Various authors or editors
Varley, D E
Varley, Paul
Varndell, G
Vasey, Peter G
Vaugan, Gerard
Vaughan Thomas, Wynford
Vaughan Williams, Leighton
Vaughan, Adrian
Vaughan, Adrian (ed)
Vaughan, Anthony
Vaughan, C Maxwell
Vaughan, David
Vaughan, John
Vaughan, John A M
Vaughan, Michael T
Vaughan-Lewis, Maggie (ed)
Vaughan-Lewis, William, & Maggie Vaughan-Lewis
Vaughn, Earnest V
Vaughn, James M
Veale, Elspeth M
Vedoveli, Paula
Veevers, David
Veilleux, Denis
Veitch, George S
Veitch, Henry N
Veitch, James H
Veliz, Claudio
Veljanovski, Cento G
Velkar, Aashish
Vellacott, C H
Vellacott, C H, et al
Velluet, P G C
Velut, Christine
Venables, David
Veness, Ron
Venmore-Rowland, John
Venn Dunn, Paul
Venn, Greg
Venn, Henry
Venn, S
Venning, L B
Ventom, P S
Venturi, Emilie A
Verbeek, Susan J
Verdon-Smith, Reginald
Vere-Hodge, Edward R
Verey, David
Verney, Peter
Vernon, Anne
Vernon, Charles
Vernon, Douglas
Vernon, Frank G
Vernon, Raymond
Vernon, Raymond (ed)
Vernon, Robert W
Vernon, Tony
Vernon-Harcourt, Leveson F
Vero, Judy
Verschuur, Mary
Versey, H C
Vertigan, Sean A
Vessey, Alan
Vélez-Serna, Maria A
Vialls, Christine
Viccars, R
Vice, Anthony
Vice, Ron
Vichniac, Judith E
Vick, Russell
Vickers, Douglas, & Sir Trevor Dawson
Vickers, Hugo
Vickers, Hugo (ed)
Vickers, J Edward
Vickers, Joan
Vickers, Noreen
Vickers, R
Vickers, Ray L
Vickers, Robert
Vickers, Ron
Vickers, W Farrar
Vickery, H C
Vickrage, Harry M
Vidal, Jordi Catalan
Vieira, A L
Viggo Haeuter, Niels, & Geoffrey Jones (eds)
Vigne, Thea, & Alun Howkins
Vignoles, K H
Vignoles, Olinthus J
Vik, Pm
Viles, M E C J
Villanueva, David
Villate, Pascale
Ville, Simon P
Ville, Simon P (ed)
Ville, Simon P, & David M Williams (eds)
Ville, Simon, & David T Merrett
Villiers, Alan
Villiers, Thomas L (ed)
Vince, Alan G
Vince, Charles A
Vince, Dale
Vincent, Bob
Vincent, Carole
Vincent, Don
Vincent, Donald
Vincent, J W
Vincent, James E
Vincent, Joan
Vincent, Keith
Vincent, Mike
Vincent, William T
Vincent-Kemp, Ruth
Vincenzi, Penny
Vine, Harriet, & Rosie Wolfenden
Vine, Paul A L
Viner, David J
Viner, George A
Viner, Reuben
Vinter, Dorothy
Vipont, Elfrida
Virgo, H E
Virgoe, Norma
Vissink, H G A
Vitkovitch, B
Vivers, Meg
Vivian, Frances (ed)
Vivian, Henry
Vivian, Henry, & Aneurin Williams
Vivian, Stanley
Vizetelly, Henry
Vlami, Despina
Vlami, Despina, & Ikaros Mandouvalos
Voelcker, Adam
Voice, David
Voice, Eric H
Volk, Conrad
Von Ajkay, Anna
Von Behr, Nicholas
Von Plener, Ernest
Von Siemens, Werner
Von Tunzelmann, G N
Von Weiher, Sigfrid
Von Weiher, Sigfrid, & Herbert Goetzeler
Voon, Phin Keong
Vos, Jelmer
Vose, Ruth H
Vosper, Douglas C
Voss, Marjorie M
Voss, Paul J
Voth, Hans-Joachim
Voth, Hans-Joachim, & Peter Termin
Vourkatioti, Katerina
Vulliamy, David G
Vyvyan, Richard N
Wada, Kazuo
Waddell, Gavin
Waddilove, Lewis E
Waddington, Damer
Waddington, H S
Waddington, Herbert
Waddington, Keir
Waddington, Trevor
Waddy, A L
Wade, Ernest A
Wade, J F
Wadman, Michael
Wadmore, J F
Wadsworth, Alfred P
Wadsworth, Alfred P, & Julia de L Mann
Wadsworth, J E
Wadsworth, J E (ed)
Wadsworth, P J
Waerland, Are
Wager, Robin
Waggett, Ralph W
Waggoner, Diane (ed)
Waggott, Eric
Waghorn, Holmes
Wagner, Gillian
Wagner, Mike
Wagstaff, E
Wagstaff, G H
Wagstaff, John S
Wagstaffe, Thomas
Wailes, Rex
Wain, Eric
Wain, Ken
Waine, C V, & R S Fenton
Waine, Charles V
Wainwright, Clive
Wainwright, Clive, & Charlotte Gere (ed)
Wainwright, David
Wainwright, E
Wainwright, Hilary, & Dave Elliott
Wainwright, Penny
Wait, A J
Waite, P
Waite, Peter
Waite, Peter B
Waite, V
Waites, Bryan
Wajcman, Judy
Wake, Jehanne
Wake, Joan
Wakefield, Hugh
Wakefield, J E
Wakefield, Kenneth
Wakefield, Peter
Wakefield, Rowland
Wakefield, W A S
Wakefield, W Heaton
Wakeford, A
Wakeford, E G
Wakeford, Iain
Wakeham, John, Henry Roskilly & Michael R Lane
Wakelin, Alexander P
Wakelin, Ashley
Wakelin, I
Wakelin, Michael
Wakelin, Peter
Wakely, Maria
Wakeman, Frances
Walbrook, H M
Walden, H A
Walden, Kiri B
Waldo, Frederick J
Waldram, Richard
Waldron, Robin
Wale, Judith
Walenciak, Agnieszka, & Michael Roe
Walford, A R
Walford, Cornelius
Walford, Eric W
Walford, Malcolm
Walker, Alan Yuill
Walker, Alexander
Walker, Alistair
Walker, Allen
Walker, Andrew
Walker, Anthony J
Walker, Brian M
Walker, Brian M (ed)
Walker, Bruce
Walker, C H
Walker, C M
Walker, Caroline
Walker, Catherine
Walker, Charles
Walker, Charles H
Walker, Colin, & Robert Knight
Walker, David
Walker, David E
Walker, David M
Walker, David P
Walker, David, writer on health & safety
Walker, Dennis
Walker, Densmore
Walker, Derek, & Bill Addis
Walker, Dora M
Walker, E G
Walker, Elizabeth
Walker, Enid
Walker, Fred M
Walker, Fred M, & Anthony Slaven (eds)
Walker, G
Walker, G M
Walker, George
Walker, Gilbert, & C I Savage
Walker, H H
Walker, Helen J
Walker, Henry C
Walker, Hugh
Walker, Iain C
Walker, J E S
Walker, James S
Walker, James T
Walker, John
Walker, K
Walker, Kathrine S
Walker, Lynne B
Walker, M J
Walker, Malcolm
Walker, Mandy
Walker, Martyn
Walker, Mick
Walker, Nick
Walker, Norman J J
Walker, Owen
Walker, P, & E Crane
Walker, Percy B
Walker, Philip
Walker, R B
Walker, R F
Walker, R J B
Walker, R W
Walker, Richard
Walker, Robert
Walker, Roy S
Walker, S C
Walker, Selwyn J S
Walker, Stephen
Walker, Stephen P
Walker, Stephen P, & F Mitchell
Walker, Stephen P, & F Mitchell (eds)
Walker, Stephen P, & Ken Shackleton
Walker, Stephen P, & Tom A Lee (eds)
Walker, Thomas A
Walker, Timothy, & Scott Henderson
Walker, W B, & J P Gardiner
Walker, Wendy
Walker, William
Walker, William C
Walker, William M
Walker, William T
Walkins, Mary
Walklett, Bob
Walklett, Hilary J
Walkley, G
Wall, Cecil
Wall, Cecil, H Charles Cameron & E Ashworth Underwood
Wall, Christine
Wall, John
Wall, Richard
Wallace, Anthony F C, & David J Jeremy
Wallace, D R
Wallace, Edgar
Wallace, Gilbert T
Wallace, Graham F
Wallace, Helen
Wallace, J P
Wallace, John
Wallace, K Janet
Wallace, Kirsten
Wallace, Malclom
Wallace, R
Wallace, Richard
Wallace, Selden
Wallace, William
Wallace, William (ed)
Wallbank, M V
Waller, Andrew
Waller, David
Waller, Ian H
Waller, Jane
Waller, Jeanett
Waller, Michael H, & Peter Waller
Waller, Owen H
Waller, Peter
Waller, Robert J
Walling, J, T Doyle, B Manley & D Paxman
Wallins, Roger P
Wallis, A M
Wallis, Alfred
Wallis, Alfred, & William Bemrose
Wallis, Andy T
Wallis, C E
Wallis, Frank A
Wallis, George
Wallis, Isaac H
Wallis, L
Wallis, P J
Wallis, Patrick
Wallis, Patrick, Justin Colson & David Chilosi
Wallis, Peter J
Wallis, Philip
Wallis, R C, & J P Mullett
Wallis, Severn Teackle
Walls, John
Walls, John, & Charles Parker
Wallwork, K L
Wallwork, S C
Walmesley, Mary, & Jessica Walmesley
Walmsley, Clement
Walne, Peter
Walsh, Barbara
Walsh, Claire
Walsh, Emily
Walsh, Lorena S
Walsh, Margaret (ed)
Walsh, Martha
Walsh, Michael
Walsh, P
Walsh, Richard, & Frank Taylor
Walsh, Robert
Walshaw, George R, & Carl A J Behrendt
Walshe, J G
Walter, John
Walter, Josie
Walter, Peter
Walter, Richard
Walters, Brian
Walters, Charles
Walters, Clive, & Robin Waywell
Walters, Edward
Walters, Geoff, & Sean Hamil
Walters, Gwyn
Walters, Henry B
Walters, Huw
Walters, P
Walters, R C S
Walters, Rhodri H
Walters, Sydney D
Walters, W J
Walton, Cathryn, & Lindsey Porter
Walton, Chris
Walton, David
Walton, Frederick
Walton, Jeremy
Walton, Jim
Walton, John K
Walton, John K (ed)
Walton, John K, & James Walvin (eds)
Walton, John K, & P R McGloin
Walton, John R
Walton, Karin M
Walton, M
Walton, Mary
Walton, Penelope
Walton, Peter
Walton, Robin E
Walton, Robin E, & Ivan Walton
Walton, Ronald G
Walton, Steven A (ed)
Walvin, James
Walvin, James (ed)
Walworth, G
Wander, Tim
Wander, Tim, & Tony Crosby
Wang, Jerry L S
Wanklyn, Ben
Wanklyn, Malcolm D G
Wannamethee, P S
Wansell, Geoffrey
Warburg, Fredric J
Warburton, Graham, & Ken Edwards
Warburton, John
Warburton, K
Warburton, L G
Warburton, Nigel
Warburton, R
Warburton, Ray
Warburton, Stephen
Warburton, W H
Ward, A C
Ward, A V
Ward, Arthur
Ward, Arthur J
Ward, Arthur W
Ward, Arthur, & Robin Nicholl
Ward, Bernard
Ward, C A
Ward, Cath
Ward, Colin
Ward, Colin, & Dennis Hardy
Ward, D E
Ward, David
Ward, Donovan M
Ward, E R
Ward, G F
Ward, Garry
Ward, George
Ward, Graham
Ward, Jacob
Ward, John R
Ward, John T
Ward, John T, & Richard G Wilson (eds)
Ward, John, writer on Stoke upon Trent
Ward, John, writer on blacksmiths
Ward, Joseph P
Ward, M F
Ward, Owen
Ward, R A H
Ward, R C
Ward, Robert
Ward, Robin
Ward, Rod
Ward, Rod (ed)
Ward, S
Ward, Steve
Ward, Steven V
Ward, Thomas
Ward, Vernon
Ward, W Jesse
Ward, W R
Ward-Jackson, C H
Wardale, R
Warde, Alan
Warde, Edmund (ed)
Warde, Paul
Wardell, John W
Warden, Alexander J
Wardle, Alan
Wardle, Arthur C
Wardle, D B
Wardle, Patricia
Wardley, Peter
Wardley, Peter, & Philip Ollerenshaw
Wardrop, Ann
Ware, Chris
Ware, Leonard
Ware, Michael E
Ware, Trevor D O
Wareham, James
Wareing, John
Waring, A Bertram
Wark, K R
Warmington, R
Warn, Christopher R
Warner, D W
Warner, Deborah J
Warner, Frank
Warner, Fred
Warner, George T, & T H Marshall
Warner, Guy
Warner, Guy, & Ernie Cromie
Warner, Guy, & Jack Woods
Warner, Henry
Warner, Ian, & Mike Posgay
Warner, Oliver
Warner, Roger
Warner, Tim
Warnicke, Retha M
Warnock, David
Warnock, David, & R G Parsons
Warnock, Linda
Warr, Frances D
Warre, James
Warren, Anthony R
Warren, Arthur
Warren, D W
Warren, Derrick
Warren, Derrick (ed)
Warren, Edward P
Warren, F C
Warren, Henry
Warren, James G H
Warren, Kenneth
Warren, Miles
Warren, P G
Warren, Patricia
Warren, Philip
Warren, R, & Geoffrey Tweedale
Warren, William
Warrillow, Ernest J D
Warriner, David J, & Andy M Gillings
Warrington, Barbara G
Warrington, Bernard
Warrington, G
Warrington, Kevin
Warwick, Alan R
Warwick, Colin M
Warwick, Gordon T
Warwick, Lou
Warwick, Roger M
Warwick, Sam, & Mike Roussel
Warwick, Tosh
Warwick, W C
Washer, Richard
Waskis, Helmut
Waspe, Simon
Wass, William H
Wasson, E A
Wastell, R E P
Watanabe, Toshio
Waterer, John W
Waterhouse, Edwin
Waterhouse, Nicholas E
Waterhouse, Rachel E
Waterhouse, Robert
Waterlow, Chris
Waterman, J J
Waters, Brian (ed)
Waters, Colin
Waters, Ivor
Waters, Jeremy
Waters, Mavis
Waters, Rachel
Waters, Sydney D
Waters, W H
Waterston, George
Waterston, R
Waterstone, Tim
Watkin, Chris, William Harvey & Robert Senft
Watkin, D J, et al
Watkin, David
Watkin, E E
Watkin, Edward W
Watkin, G M
Watkins, Andrew
Watkins, C Malcolm
Watkins, David
Watkins, George, & A P Woolrich
Watkins, Harold M
Watkins, K C
Watkins, Leslie
Watkins, Susan
Watkins, T E
Watkins-Pitchford, Wilfred
Watkinson, Jim
Watkinson, Raymond
Watmough, D C
Watney, Bernard M
Watney, Bernard M, & Robert J Charleston
Watney, John
Watry, Maureen M
Watson, Alan
Watson, Alfred W
Watson, Andrew R
Watson, Angus
Watson, Arnold T
Watson, Arthur J
Watson, Bernard
Watson, Bernard W
Watson, Bruce, Trevor Bingham & Tony Dyson
Watson, D M
Watson, Derek H
Watson, Donald
Watson, E W, & B Gledhill
Watson, Frederick G
Watson, G M
Watson, Graham
Watson, Howard
Watson, Hugh F
Watson, Ian B
Watson, Isobel
Watson, J A
Watson, J D
Watson, J Garth
Watson, J S
Watson, James A S
Watson, Jennifer C
Watson, John
Watson, John A F
Watson, John D
Watson, Joseph
Watson, Joseph Y
Watson, Julian, & Wendy Gregory
Watson, Katherine D
Watson, Katherine E
Watson, Keith L
Watson, Linda
Watson, Malcolm
Watson, Mark
Watson, Nigel
Watson, Nigel, & Frank Turner
Watson, Norman
Watson, Oliver
Watson, P B
Watson, Paula K
Watson, Peter
Watson, Richard C
Watson, Rowland
Watson, S F
Watson, Sophia, & Julian Watson
Watson, Tom, & Martin Hickman
Watson, Val
Watson, Victor
Watson, W C
Watson, William
Watson, William H
Watt, Douglas
Watt, James
Watt, Kathleen A
Watt, Quinton (ed)
Watt, Tessa
Wattam, Y J
Watters, Ann
Watters, Brian
Watton, E B
Watton, W J
Watts, A T
Watts, Chris
Watts, Christopher T, & Michael J Watts
Watts, D C H
Watts, D G
Watts, David C
Watts, Eric
Watts, Gordon W
Watts, Hugh D
Watts, Isaac
Watts, John
Watts, John H
Watts, John I
Watts, John Spencer
Watts, M J,& C T Watts
Watts, Martin
Watts, Peter
Watts, R H
Watts, Stephen
Watts, Sylvia
Watts, Toby
Watts-Russell, Penny
Waud, Lance M
Waugh, Alec
Waugh, Arthur
Waugh, Edwin
Waugh, Eric
Waugh, Eric L
Waugh, Evelyn
Waugh, Mary
Way, Denis M
Way, Reginald P
Wayman, F G
Waymark, Janet
Waymark, Peter
Wayne, Valerie (ed)
Waywell, Robin
Waywell, Robin, & Frank Jux
Wealleans, Anne
Wear, Russell
Wear, Russell, & Eric Lees
Weatherall, M W
Weatherbee, T G
Weatherill, Lorna M
Weatherill, Lorna M, & Rhoda Edwards
Weatherill, Richard
Weatherstone, John
Weaver, C Rodney
Weaver, Carol & Michael Weaver
Weaver, Charles, & Colin Weaver
Weaver, Cora
Weaver, Cynthia
Weaver, Lawrence
Weaver, M E
Weaver, P J
Weaver, Paul
Weaver, Phillip C
Weavers, David
Webb, Adrian J
Webb, Adrian J (ed)
Webb, Alastair
Webb, Alban
Webb, Arthur C M
Webb, Augustus D
Webb, Beatrice
Webb, Brian
Webb, Brian, & David A Gordon
Webb, Brian, & Peyton Skipwith
Webb, C W
Webb, Catherine (ed)
Webb, Cliff
Webb, D J
Webb, Denis Le P
Webb, Geoffrey
Webb, H J
Webb, Henry
Webb, Iain R
Webb, J M
Webb, J S
Webb, John
Webb, Keith
Webb, Lionel
Webb, Martyn
Webb, Michael J T
Webb, Nicholas
Webb, Paul
Webb, Phyl
Webb, R K
Webb, Sidney, & Beatrice Webb
Webb, Sydney, & Arnold Freeman (eds)
Webb, Thomas E
Webb, Tim M A, & Dennis L Bird
Webb, W L, E Geach & John Manley
Webb, W W
Webber, Janet
Webber, Jo
Webber, Mick
Webber, Ronald
Webberley, Peter
Weber, J Lopez-Portilloy
Weber, Max
Weber, Susan (ed)
Weber, William
Webster, Anthony
Webster, Anthony, Linda Shaw, John K Walton et al (eds)
Webster, Christopher
Webster, Dominic, et al
Webster, Eric
Webster, Ian
Webster, Jack
Webster, Norman W
Webster, Sarah A
Wechsberg, Joseph
Wechsler, R
Wedd, Kit
Weddell, Peter J, & K Westcott
Wedgwood, Alexandra P
Wedgwood, Barbara & Hensleigh
Wedgwood, Hensleigh C
Wedgwood, John
Wedgwood, Josiah C
Wedgwood, Julia, & C H Herford (ed)
Weeden, Cyril
Weedon, Alexis
Weedon, Alexis, & Michael Bott
Week, Christine
Weekley, C M
Weeks, Ann
Weeks, Helen
Weeks, Janet
Weeks, M E
Weeks, R
Weetch, Kenneth T
Wegerich, Alexis
Wegg-Prosser, Victoria
Weguelin, David
Weidenfeld, George
Weightman, Gavin
Weightman, Gavin, & John Armstrong
Weightman, Gavin, & Steve Humphries
Weill, Alain
Weinberg, Ruth
Weinbren, Daniel J
Weinbren, Daniel J, & Bob James
Weindling, Paul (ed)
Weinreb, Ben
Weinstein, Rosemary
Weinstock, Maureen B
Weinthal, Leo
Weir, Cecil
Weir, Christopher
Weir, Helen E
Weir, Marie
Weir, Robin, et al
Weir, Ron
Weir, W
Weir, William
Weiss, Claire
Weiss, Ernest
Weiss, Leonard
Welbourn, D B
Welbourne, E
Welby, Douglas, & Joe Harman
Welch, Charles
Welch, Christopher M
Welch, Edwin
Welch, Edwin (ed)
Welch, Harold D
Welch, Jeanie M
Welch, Robert
Welding, J David
Weldon, Duncan
Welford, Judith
Welford, Sam
Wellard, Charlie
Wellen, Christoph
Weller, John B
Weller, Leonardo
Weller, Peter T
Wellings, Fred
Wellings, Fred, & Alistair Gibb
Wellings, Jack
Wells, Andy
Wells, Arthur G
Wells, Charles
Wells, Colin
Wells, F A
Wells, H B
Wells, Henry M
Wells, Henry M, & William Scott Taggart
Wells, James A
Wells, Jeffrey
Wells, John
Wells, Ken
Wells, Percy A
Wells, Peter K
Wells, S A
Wells, Samuel
Wells, W C
Welsford, A E
Welsh, Annabel
Welsh, Charles
Welsh, David
Welsh, Frank
Welsh, John
Welsh, Stephen, & J W Davidson
Welsh, Tom
Welton, J
Wengenroth, Ulrich
Wengenroth, Ulrick
Wenham, Edward
Wenham, Simon
Wennerlind, Carl
Wentworth, O A
Wentworth-Shields, Peter, & Kay Johnson
Werkmeister, L T
Wermiel, Sara
Werner, Alex
Werner, Welf
Wertz, Julie
Wesley, Harry
Wesley-Smith, Peter
Wessel, Caroline
Wessel, H A
West, Bill
West, Douglas C
West, Edward G
West, Frederick J
West, Gordon (ed)
West, Graham
West, Harold E G
West, Jack
West, Jenny W
West, Jenny W (ed)
West, Philip R
West, Richard
West-Burnham, Joss
Westall, Gerry, & Ron Butler
Westall, Oliver M
Westall, Oliver M (ed)
Westbury, Robert
Westcott, Nicholas
Westerfield, Ray B
Westgarth, Mark
Westgarth, Mark (ed)
Westhofen, W
Westmacott, P, & J F Spencer
Westman, Annabel
Westnedge, Ted
Weston, D E
Weston, Robert
Weston-Smith, John
Weston-Webb, W F M
Westover, Belinda
Westwood, Arthur H
Westwood, J B
Westwood, John N
Westwood, Vivienne, & Ian Kelly
Westworth, O A
Wethered, Anthony
Wettern, Desmond
Wetton, Jenny
Weymouth, L
Whale, P B
Whaley, D J R
Wharton, Betty
Whates, Harry R G
Whatley, C W
Whatley, Christopher A
Whatley, Christopher A (ed)
Whatley, Christopher A, David Swinfen & Annette M Smith
Whatley, Warren C
Wheat, Geoff
Wheatcroft, Geoffrey
Wheatcroft, Mildred
Wheatley, Dennis
Wheatley, H B
Wheatley, L R
Wheaton, Anthony J
Wheble, Cecil L
Wheelan, Keith
Wheeler, A C
Wheeler, David
Wheeler, Derek
Wheeler, James
Wheeler, John
Wheeler, Megan
Wheeler, Nicholas, & Trevor Clawson
Wheeler, P T
Wheeler, R C
Wheeler, R L
Wheeler, R W
Wheeler, Ron
Wheeler, Ron, & John Edgeler
Wheeler, Stuart
Wheelwright, William
Whelan, Timothy
Wheldon, Frederick W
Wherrett, Duncan
Wherrett, Rosemary
Wherry, Betty
Whetham, Edith H
Whetmath, Charles F D
Whetmath, Charles F D, & Douglas Stuckey
Whetter, James C A
Whidden, H
Whiffen, Marcus
Whiley, G M
Whimperley, Arthur
Whipp, Richard H
Whipple, R S
Whishaw, Francis
Whisler, Timothy R
Whistler, Laurence
Whitaker, Allan
Whitaker, David
Whitaker, E Garth
Whitaker, F
Whitaker, Jan
Whitaker, John
Whitaker, Wilfred B
Whitaker-Wilson, Cecil
Whitbourn, Frank
Whitbread, Sam
Whitburn, Philip
Whitby, J K
Whitby, Stuart, & Alan Earnshaw
Whitcombe, H A
White, A J
White, A J L
White, A W A
White, Adam
White, Alan
White, Albert
White, Allen
White, Andrew
White, Andrew (ed)
White, B J
White, Brenda M
White, Brian D
White, Christine
White, Christopher
White, Colin
White, Cynthia L
White, Deirdre
White, Dorothy
White, Dorothy, & Roger W Suddards (ed)
White, Dudley
White, E M
White, Eva
White, Frank J
White, G, & K Hide
White, George
White, Gus
White, H P
White, Horace
White, Ian
White, J G
White, John W, & Robert Simpson
White, Joseph L
White, Katharine
White, L G W
White, Lawrence H
White, Malcolm
White, Matt
White, Molly O'Loughlin
White, Nicholas J
White, P H
White, Paul
White, Percy J
White, Peter N
White, Peter R
White, R B
White, R I K
White, Roger
White, Roland F
White, S D
White, S D, & P J Davey
White, Sally
White, Shelley
White, W C F
White, William
White, William H
Whitehand, J W R
Whitehand, J W R, & C M H Carr
Whitehead, David
Whitehead, David C
Whitehead, David, & Lawrence Edwards
Whitehead, H C
Whitehead, Harry
Whitehead, Jack
Whitehead, Lance, & Arnold Myers
Whitehead, Lance, & Jenny Nex
Whitehead, M A
Whitehead, Margaret A
Whitehead, Peter J
Whitehead, Phil, & Roy Barsley
Whitehead, R A
Whitehead, R A, & F D Simpson
Whitehead, Robert C
Whitehead, Thomas
Whitehead, Thomas H
Whitehouse, Brian P
Whitehouse, L
Whitehouse, Les
Whitehouse, Michael (ed), with Pat Whitehouse
Whitehouse, Patrick, & David St John Thomas (eds)
Whitelaw, Charles E
Whiteley, John
Whiteley, P J
Whitelock, G C H
Whiteman, Geoffrey
Whiteman, William M
Whiter, Leonard
Whiteside, Noel, & James A Gillespie
Whiteside, Noel, & Robert Salais (eds)
Whiteside, Noelle
Whiteway, Eric V M
Whiteway, Michael
Whiteway, Michael (ed)
Whiteway, Tricia
Whitfield, Jakob
Whitfield, Peter
Whitham, J H
Whiting, David (ed)
Whiting, Frank E
Whiting, R C
Whiting, Richard
Whiting, Tony
Whitlam, Jonathan
Whitley, H Michael
Whitley, Richard
Whitmarsh, David
Whitney, Roger
Whitston, Kevin
Whittaker, C M
Whittaker, Nicholas
Whittam, William
Whittecar, Gregg, & Arron Rimpley
Whittet, T D
Whittet, T D, & Juanita G L Burnby
Whitting, Harriet A
Whittingham, A B, with Barbara Green
Whittingham, Sarah
Whittingslow, Mark, & Paul Smith
Whittington, Betty
Whittington, G
Whittington, Richard (ed)
Whittington, Richard, & Michael Mayer
Whittington, Richard, Michael Mayer & Francesco Curto
Whittle, Eric
Whittle, Eric S
Whittle, Frank
Whittle, George
Whittle, Jane, & Mark Hailwood
Whittle, John
Whittlesey, C R, & J S G Wilson (eds)
Whitton, Blair
Whitwell, Robert J
Whitwood, Charles
Whitworth, Alan
Whitworth, Isabella, & Zvi Koren
Whitworth, Lesley
Wholmsley, Dennis
Whone, Adam
Whorlow, H
Whorwood, Robert (ed)
Whybrow, Douglas
Whybrow, Marion
Whyman, Des
Whyman, John
Whyman, Susan E
Whymper, W N
Whysall, P T
Whyte, A J A
Whyte, Adam Gowans
Whyte, Andrew
Whyte, Andrew, & Jonathan Wood
Whyte, Ann W
Whyte, Donald
Whyte, E, & L Swinburne
Whyte, Frederic
Whyte, Ian D
Whyte, Lewis
Whyte, Vicky
Whyte, William
Wickens, David C
Wicker, E R
Wickes, Michael
Wickham, David E
Wicklam, S I
Wicklen, S I
Wickstead, John
Wickstead, Maurice J
Wicksteed, Hilda M
Wiener, Joel H
Wiener, Joel H (ed)
Wiener, Martin J
Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R
Wiggin, Maurice
Wiggins, Paul
Wiggs, J L
Wigham, Eric L
Wigham, Leslie
Wightman, Clare M P
Wigley, J
Wigmore, Victor S
Wikeley, N
Wilatt, W H
Wilberforce, Wilfred
Wilbourn, A S H, & Roy Ellis
Wilbraham, John F
Wilcock, Don
Wilcox, Claire
Wilcox, Claire (ed)
Wilcox, Malcolm G
Wilcox, Martin
Wilcox, Ronald
Wilcox, Timothy
Wild, A M
Wild, Alison
Wild, Andrew M
Wild, Andrew M, & Andy Lockett
Wild, Antony
Wild, Glennys, & Alan Crawford
Wild, Glennys, et al
Wild, J
Wild, Jonathan
Wild, M T
Wild, M T, & Gareth Shaw
Wild, Paul T
Wild, Ray
Wild, Tessa
Wilde, G
Wilde, Jane H
Wilde, P D
Wilder, David, & Barrie Hedges
Wilder, William C
Wilders, David G
Wilding, Diana W, with C Everett Johnson
Wilding, Roy
Wildman, Richard, & Alan Crawley
Wildridge, Joseph D J
Wiles, R M
Wilhide, Elizabeth
Wiliam, D W
Wiliam, Mary, et al
Wilk, Christopher
Wilkes, Lyall
Wilkes, Lyall, & Gordon Dodds
Wilkes, Peter
Wilkes, Robert E
Wilkes, Sue
Wilkie, George
Wilkin, Felicity S
Wilkin, Flora
Wilkins, Charles
Wilkins, Frances
Wilkins, Henry C
Wilkins, Henry J
Wilkins, Mark
Wilkins, Mira
Wilkins, Mira (ed)
Wilkins, Mira, & Frank E Hill
Wilkins, Mira, & Harm G Schroter (eds)
Wilkins, W G
Wilkinson, Alan
Wilkinson, Anne
Wilkinson, Chris, & Jim Eyre
Wilkinson, Ellen
Wilkinson, Frederick
Wilkinson, G R
Wilkinson, Henry B
Wilkinson, Hugh
Wilkinson, Joan
Wilkinson, Joan, (ed)
Wilkinson, John F
Wilkinson, L P
Wilkinson, Nancy B
Wilkinson, P
Wilkinson, Paul
Wilkinson, Philip
Wilkinson, Reg
Wilkinson, Vega
Wilkinson, Wynyard, with Mary-Louise Hawkins
Wilkinson-Latham, Robert
Wilks, Stephen R M
Willan, Thomas S
Willan, Thomas S (ed)
Willans, Kyrle W
Willard, James F
Willcock, H D (ed), for Mass Observation
Willcock, John
Willcocks, Clive, & Yvonne Willcocks
Willcocks, J
Willcocks, R M
Willcox, Phillip
Willerton, Paul
Willett, Mary
Willett, Peter
Willetts, Arthur
Willetts, Paul
Willey, C P A
Williams, A
Williams, A J
Williams, A M
Williams, Alan
Williams, Alan F
Williams, Alan F, & Leonard G Day
Williams, Alan, & Anthony de Reuck
Williams, Alfred
Williams, Alfred H
Williams, Allan, & Gareth Shaw
Williams, Archibald
Williams, Arthur F B
Williams, B A
Williams, B C J
Williams, B R
Williams, Bertram
Williams, Beryl
Williams, Bill
Williams, Brian C J
Williams, Bridget
Williams, C
Williams, C J
Williams, C R
Williams, Charles
Williams, Chris
Williams, Chris H K
Williams, Christopher
Williams, Christopher J
Williams, Christopher J, & R Alan Williams
Williams, Clifford
Williams, Clive
Williams, D E
Williams, D Trevor
Williams, David
Williams, David E
Williams, David J
Williams, David L
Williams, David L, & Richard P de Kerbrech
Williams, David M
Williams, David M (ed)
Williams, David M, & John Armstrong
Williams, David M, & Jonathan Hutchings
Williams, David, & Maria Laffey (ed)
Williams, Desmond I
Williams, Don
Williams, Donald H
Williams, E H D, J Penoyre, J Penoyre & B C H Hale
Williams, Edmund
Williams, Edward F
Williams, Eric E
Williams, F J
Williams, F R
Williams, Frederick S [with C R Clinker]
Williams, G A
Williams, G D, et al
Williams, Gareth V
Williams, Gerald
Williams, Glanmor (ed)
Williams, Glyn
Williams, Glyndwr
Williams, Glyndwr (ed)
Williams, Gomer
Williams, Gwylmor P, & George T Brake
Williams, Gwyn A
Williams, Gwynfor
Williams, H E
Williams, H V
Williams, Hari
Williams, Harold S
Williams, Harry
Williams, Herbert
Williams, Hilary
Williams, Iolo A
Williams, Isaac J
Williams, J B
Williams, J E
Williams, J L
Williams, J Lloyd
Williams, J Rhys
Williams, J V G
Williams, James
Williams, Janet
Williams, Jeremy H
Williams, Jim
Williams, Joan
Williams, John
Williams, John Price
Williams, John Rees
Williams, John Richard
Williams, John Roger
Williams, John, Colin Haslam & Karel Williams
Williams, Judith B
Williams, K C
Williams, Karel, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal & Andy Adcroft
Williams, Karel, John Williams & Colin Haslam
Williams, Karel, John Williams & Dennis A Thomas
Williams, Keith
Williams, Ken
Williams, Ken, & Colin Haslam
Williams, Kevin
Williams, Kevin J
Williams, L A
Williams, L H
Williams, L J
Williams, L N & M
Williams, M C, & M J T Lewis
Williams, M I
Williams, Margaret Harcourt
Williams, Marguerite
Williams, Mari A
Williams, Mari E W
Williams, Mary
Williams, Merfyn
Williams, Michael
Williams, Michael A
Williams, Mike
Williams, Mike, with D A Farnie (ed)
Williams, N J
Williams, N J (ed)
Williams, Neal H
Williams, Ned
Williams, Nevil
Williams, Neville
Williams, Nick
Williams, Olivia
Williams, P M
Williams, P T
Williams, Pat
Williams, Paul
Williams, Peter H
Williams, Peter N
Williams, Peter O
Williams, Philip H
Williams, Philip M, & David L Williams
Williams, R
Williams, R A
Williams, Rachel, & David Dungworth
Williams, Ray
Williams, Richard
Williams, Richard, & David de Haan
Williams, Robert
Williams, Robin, & Romney Williams
Williams, Roger
Williams, Roger (ed)
Williams, Ronald A
Williams, Roy
Williams, Stephanie
Williams, Stewart
Williams, T L
Williams, Terry J
Williams, Thomas
Williams, Trevor I
Williams, V M
Williams, Vince
Williams, W H
Williams, W Howard
Williams, W I
Williams, W J
Williams, W M
Williams, Wendy
Williams, Wil
Williams, William E
Williams-Ellis, Clough
Williams-Ellis, Elizabeth
Williams-Thomas, R S
Williamson, A Robert
Williamson, Andrew
Williamson, F, & William B Crump
Williamson, Frederick
Williamson, G B
Williamson, G C
Williamson, Geoffrey
Williamson, Harold F
Williamson, J Harold, & Kenneth H Myers II
Williamson, James
Williamson, Jeffrey G
Williamson, John W
Williamson, K
Williamson, Margaret (ed)
Williamson, Philip
Williamson, R M
Williamson, Stanley
Williamson, Tom
Williamson, Tom, & Andrew Macnair
Willies, Lynn M
Willies, Lynn M, & David Cranstone (eds)
Willies, Lynn M, et al
Willingham, Edward P
Willis, Elspeth
Willis, Eric
Willis, Francis L
Willis, G
Willis, John H
Willis, Margaret H
Willis, Peter
Willis, R A
Willis, Tom, & Lillian Willis
Willis, W G
Willis-Fear, Michael J W
Willman, Paul, & Graham Winch
Willmer, Wrayford
Willmoth, F H
Willmott, C
Willmott, Frank G
Willmott, Hugh B
Willmott, Hugh, Ian Miller & Caroline Jackson
Willmott, John E
Willock, J F
Willott, W B
Willoughby, D W, & E R Oakley
Willoughby, Edwin Eliott
Willoughby, Joan
Willox, John
Wills, A W
Wills, Anthony, & Tim Phillips
Wills, Charles
Wills, Geoffrey
Wills, John
Wills, Margaret M
Wills, Norman T
Willson, Beckles
Willson, E J
Willson, Gordon
Wilmore, Albert, & L R Latham
Wilmore, David (ed)
Wilmot, David
Wilmot, J E
Wilmot, Sarah
Wilmott, Mike
Wilshere, Jonathan
Wilson, A D
Wilson, A H
Wilson, A J
Wilson, A S
Wilson, Alec
Wilson, Alyson
Wilson, Andrew
Wilson, Anne
Wilson, Anthony (ed)
Wilson, Arline W
Wilson, Arnold T, & Hermann J Levy
Wilson, Arthur
Wilson, Arthur G
Wilson, Aubrey
Wilson, Avice R
Wilson, B F
Wilson, B F A
Wilson, Beckles
Wilson, C Anne (ed)
Wilson, Charles H
Wilson, Charles H (ed)
Wilson, Charles H, & W J Reader
Wilson, D
Wilson, D A
Wilson, D F
Wilson, D Scott
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, David
Wilson, David F
Wilson, David G
Wilson, David J
Wilson, Derek
Wilson, Douglas
Wilson, E H
Wilson, Edward (ed)
Wilson, Edward A
Wilson, Elena
Wilson, Elizabeth, & Lou Taylor
Wilson, Eric
Wilson, Francis
Wilson, Frank E
Wilson, G
Wilson, G A
Wilson, G B L
Wilson, G H
Wilson, Gary, & Sarah Wilson
Wilson, Geoffrey
Wilson, Geoffrey, & V Stewart Haram
Wilson, George
Wilson, George B
Wilson, George F
Wilson, Gordon A, with Rodney Dale (ed)
Wilson, Harold
Wilson, Helen M
Wilson, Ian
Wilson, J
Wilson, J P
Wilson, James, et al
Wilson, Jeremy, & Jerome Spick
Wilson, Jill
Wilson, Jim
Wilson, John
Wilson, John C
Wilson, John F
Wilson, John F (ed)
Wilson, John F, & Andrew Popp
Wilson, John F, & Andrew Popp (eds)
Wilson, John F, & Andrew W Thomson
Wilson, John F, & John Singleton
Wilson, John F, & Steven Toms
Wilson, John F, & Tamotsu Nishizawa
Wilson, John F, Anthony Webster & Rachael Vorberg-Rugh
Wilson, John H, Emily Buchnea & Anna Tilba
Wilson, John P
Wilson, John P, & Granville P Wilson
Wilson, John, & Alan H Faulkner
Wilson, John, A Webster & R Vorberg-Rugh
Wilson, Judy
Wilson, Karen A
Wilson, Keith
Wilson, Keith M
Wilson, Ken
Wilson, Kevin P
Wilson, Kevin P (ed)
Wilson, Lord, of High Wray
Wilson, M Glen
Wilson, Margaret C
Wilson, Martyn, & Karen Spink
Wilson, Michael I
Wilson, Neil
Wilson, Nicola (ed)
Wilson, Nyra M
Wilson, O N, & J A Wilson
Wilson, Paul N
Wilson, Peter, Adrian Miller & Graeme Wright
Wilson, R
Wilson, R Lubbock
Wilson, R McNair
Wilson, Ray
Wilson, Richard G
Wilson, Richard G, & Alan Mackley
Wilson, Richard G, & Terry R Gourvish
Wilson, Richard G, & Terry R Gourvish (eds)
Wilson, Robbie G
Wilson, Robbie Guerriero
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Rodney
Wilson, Roger B
Wilson, Roger Burdett (ed)
Wilson, Ronald E
Wilson, Ross
Wilson, Sarah
Wilson, Shelagh
Wilson, T Butler
Wilson, Thomas
Wilson, Thomas L
Wilson, Van
Wilson, W
Wilson, W H
Wilson, William
Wilson, William W
Wilson-Hall, John
Wilstead, John O, & Bernard Morris
Wilton, Brian
Wilton, N
Wilton-Ely, John
Wilton-Ely, John (ed)
Wimbush, Steve, & Stuart Wise
Wimpffen, Janos
Winbolt, Samuel E
Winch, Donald
Winch, Donald, & Patrick K O'Brien (eds)
Winchester, Barbara
Winchester, Marquess of
Winckworth, Tony, with Mike Hobbs
Wincote, K W
Winder, Robert
Windle, Lucy-Clare
Windover, Jane
Windruss, M A
Windsor, David B
Winegard, Timothy C
Winfield, J R
Winfield, Joyce
Winfield, R
Winfield, Rif
Winfield, Rif, & Stuart Rankin
Wing, Don & Anne
Wingrave-Newell, P
Winjum, James O
Winklareth, Robert J
Winkler, Eduard F
Winkler, John K
Winks, William E
Winkworth, Thomas
Winn, Allan, et al
Winn, George, and Richard Walsh (ed)
Winnifrith, John
Winsbury, Rex
Winseck, Dwayne R, & Robert M Pike
Winship, Janice
Winslow, Cal
Winsor, D
Winstanley, Derek
Winstanley, Ian
Winstanley, Michael J
Winstanley, Michael J (ed)
Winston, P A
Winstone, Benjamin
Winstone, John
Winter, Gordon
Winter, Jack
Winter, Jackie
Winter, Jay M (ed)
Winter, John
Winter, Michael
Winter, Michael T
Winterbotham, Diana
Winterbottom, Anna
Winterbottom, Derek
Winterbottom, Philip, & Alison Turton
Winterich, John T
Winters, William
Winterton, Jonathan, & Ruth Winterton
Winterton, Ruth, & Alison Barlow
Winterton, Wilfred
Winton, Graham
Winton, J R
Winton, John
Wintour, Charles
Wisdom, James
Wisdom, T H, & N E Riddihough
Wise, Jon
Wise, Michael J
Wise, Sam, & A O Gilchrist (ed)
Wise, Sarah E
Wise, T A
Wiseman, J, & B S Yamey
Wiseman, William A
Wisker, R F
Wiskin, Christine
Wisselink, J
Witherby, Antony
Withers, Charles M J
Withers, Hartley
Withers, Hartley, et al
Withersby, Janet P
Withersby-Lench, K J
Withey, Lynne
Withington, Sidney
Witt, Cleo, Cyril Weeden & Arelene P Schwind
Witzel, Morgen
Wixey, Ken
Wohl, R Richard
Wojtczak, Helena
Wolcott, Susan
Wolf, John B
Wolf, L
Wolf, Wayne
Wolfe, B S
Wolff, Michael
Wolfson, C A
Wollaston, G Woods
Wollett, Mick
Wolley, W A
Wolmar, Christian
Wolmer, Viscount
Wolowski, L F
Wolstenholme, Alan
Wolton, C S
Wolton, Douglas G
Womack, Kenneth
Wonders, William C
Wong, Douglas
Wong, K L
Wong, Lin Ken
Wong, Lin Ken, & C A Gibson-Hill (ed)
Wong, Nicholas D
Wong, Nicholas D, & Andrew Popp
Wong, Shirley S W
Wonger, W
Woo, C S
Wood, Adam
Wood, Alan
Wood, Alfred C
Wood, Andrew
Wood, Andy
Wood, Anthony C
Wood, Audrey
Wood, B S
Wood, Bertha, & Jason Wood (ed)
Wood, Christine
Wood, Cyril J
Wood, Dave
Wood, Emma
Wood, F A S, & S Cressey
Wood, F J
Wood, Fiona
Wood, Frank L
Wood, George H
Wood, H M
Wood, Henry T
Wood, Herbert W
Wood, Ian
Wood, J L
Wood, J Scott
Wood, James L
Wood, Jason
Wood, Jason (ed)
Wood, Jim
Wood, John M
Wood, Jonathan
Wood, Kenneth
Wood, L G
Wood, L Ingleby
Wood, Leonard S, & A Wilmore
Wood, Lucy
Wood, Martin
Wood, Maureen E
Wood, Michael
Wood, Miriam
Wood, N
Wood, Oliver
Wood, Peter A, with A Moyes
Wood, R McKinnon
Wood, Robert
Wood, Robert R
Wood, Robert W
Wood, Rod
Wood, Ron
Wood, S
Woodall, Doris
Woodall, Ray, et al
Woodcock, Chris
Woodcock, D J
Woodcock, G
Woodcock, Lloyd H
Woodcock, Roger
Woodcock, Sally A
Woodcock, Sally A, with Judith Churchman (eds)
Woodcroft, Bennet
Wooder, L G
Woodfield, Ian
Woodfin, Richard J
Woodford, Nial, & Deborah Woodford
Woodforde, John
Woodger, Peter
Woodham, H S
Woodham, Jonathan M
Woodhead, Lindy
Woodhead, T W
Woodhouse, Adrian
Woodhouse, C H
Woodhouse, John, & Henry Briggs
Woodhouse, Thomas, & Alexander Brand
Wooding, Norman
Woodland, John
Woodley, Charles
Woodley, Krista, et al (eds)
Woodley, Roger J
Woodliffe, Owen
Woodman, D E
Woodman, Ellis
Woodman, F A T
Woodman, J F V
Woodman, John, & Ron Phillips
Woodman, Richard
Woodman, T, & J Kinnear
Woodroofe, E G, & G D A Klijnstra
Woodrooffe, Thomas
Woodrow, A
Woodrow, Hugh
Woodrow, James
Woodruff, D Smith
Woodruff, G H
Woodruff, R
Woodruff, William
Woods, Christine (ed)
Woods, E Cuthbert, & P Culverwell Brown
Woods, Eric
Woods, John F
Woods, K S
Woods, Oliver, & James Bishop
Woods, Rebecca J H
Woods, Ronald A
Woods, Susan J, & Peter Tuffrey
Woodward, C Douglas
Woodward, D A
Woodward, Donald M
Woodward, Gordon
Woodward, Guy H, & Grace S Woodward
Woodward, H B
Woodward, Herbert W
Woodward, Joan, et al
Woodward, John
Woodward, Nicholas
Woodward, Philip
Woodworth, Frank
Woof, J
Wooler, Edward, & Alfred C Boyde
Wooler, Neil
Woolf, Arthur H
Woolf, Leonard
Woolf, Maurice
Woolf, Vivienne
Woolfson, N C
Woolgar, Brian, et al
Woollacott, Ron
Woollard, E H
Woolley, Liz
Woolley, Richard
Woolley, Rob
Woolley, Susan E
Woolley, W C
Woolmer, J Howard
Woolner, A H
Woolrich, A P
Woolton, Lord
Wooster, Philip
Wootton, Graham
Worcester, Dean K
Worden, S A
Wordie, J Ross
Wordsell, Wilson
Wordsworth, A
Wordsworth, Diane
Wordsworth, S
Worfolk, Stephen
Workman, Christine
Workman, W J
Worland, H S, & M D Paterson (eds)
Worling, P M
Worman, Ernest J
Worms, Laurence
Worms, Laurence, & Ashley Baynton-Williams
Worpell, J G
Worrall, Geoff
Worrall, Joan
Worsfold, Mary
Worsley, Frank A, & Glyn Griffith
Worsley, Giles
Worsley, Giles (ed)
Worsley, Roger
Worssam, Bernard C, & Tim Tatton-Brown
Worstenholm, Luther
Worswick, A E
Worswick, G D N, & P H Ady
Worswick, G D N, & P H Ady (eds)
Wort, K G, & M G Bennett
Worth, George J
Worth, Rachel
Worth, Richard N
Worth, Syd Graham
Worth, Thomas B
Worthing, K D
Worthington-Williams, Michael
Wotherspoon, Nick
Wottle, M
Wotton, Pam & Peter
Woznica, Barbara
Wragg, David W
Wragg, R Brian
Wragg, R Brian, & Giles Worsley (ed)
Wragg, Richard
Wrangham, Cuthbert E
Wrathmell, Susan
Wray, Disney A
Wray, M B
Wray, Margaret
Wray, Nicola
Wray, Nicola, Bob Hawkins & Colum Giles
Wray, Paul
Wray, Tom
Wreglesworth, Paul, Neil Richardson & Alan Gall
Wren, Harry F T
Wren, Wilfrid J
Wrench, J E
Wretts-Smith, Mildred
Wright, A
Wright, A, & A Fergusson
Wright, Alan
Wright, Alan (ed)
Wright, Alan J
Wright, Andrew B
Wright, Arthur
Wright, Brian
Wright, Catherine
Wright, Charles, & C Ernest Fayle
Wright, D G, & J A Jowitt (eds)
Wright, David
Wright, Dorothy
Wright, E V
Wright, Frazer
Wright, Frederic V
Wright, G Henry
Wright, Geoffrey N
Wright, Graeme
Wright, J H
Wright, J S
Wright, James
Wright, James P
Wright, John
Wright, John F
Wright, John T
Wright, John, & Ian Maclean
Wright, Ken
Wright, L C
Wright, Lance
Wright, Louise
Wright, Lynda
Wright, M
Wright, M D
Wright, Marjorie
Wright, Mark, Ken Robbie, Brian Chiplin & mark Albrighton
Wright, Melvyn
Wright, Michael
Wright, Neil R
Wright, Neil R (ed)
Wright, Neil R, & Beryl Jackson
Wright, Owen
Wright, P E
Wright, Peter D
Wright, Robert E (ed)
Wright, Robert E, et al (eds)
Wright, S J
Wright, Sophy
Wright, Susan P
Wright, T F
Wright, Thomas
Wright, Tony
Wright, W B
Wright, Winthrop R
Wrightman, J D
Wrightson, Thomas, T G Wrightson & L M Ringquist
Wrigley, Chris
Wrigley, Chris (ed)
Wrigley, Chris, & John Shepherd (eds)
Wrigley, E Anthony
Wrigley, Julia
Wrixton, Fay
Wroe, David J
Wroe, Harry
Wroe-Brown, Robin, et al
Wroot, Herbert E
Wroth, Lawrence C
Wroth, Warwick
Wroth, Warwick, & Arthur E Wroth
Wrottesley, A J
Wrottesley, John
Wubs, Ben
Wulcko, Laurance M
Wurm, Clemens V
Wurtzburg, C E
Wusteman, P
Wyatt, Lee T
Wyatt, M D N
Wyatt, M Digby
Wyatt, Matthew (ed)
Wyatt, R J
Wyatt, Victor
Wyke, Terry
Wyke, Terry, & Nigel Rudyard (eds)
Wykes, David L
Wyler, Steve
Wylie, Bob
Wylie, J B
Wylie, W
Wyllie, Bertie
Wyman, Charles W H
Wyman, Colin
Wymer, Norman
Wynn, John
Wynn, John, & Pat Ware
Wynn, Peter
Wynn, Stephen
Wynne, Deborah
Wynne, J N
Wynne, R F
Wynne, Sydney (ed)
Wynne-Griffiths, Huw R
Wynne-Jones, T
Wynne-Tyson, Jon
Wyrill, R H
Xenos, Stefanos
Yacob, Shakila, & Nicholas J White
Yacub, Naheed, & Seema Sharma
Yallop, H J
Yamada, Akihiro
Yamamoto, Koji
Yamazaki, Hiroaki, & Matao Miyamoto (eds)
Yamey, B S
Yamey, B S, H C Edey & H W Thomson
Yamey, B S, et al
Yamie, A H
Yarde, Doris
Yarmie, A H
Yarwood, Doreen
Yasumoto, Minoru
Yate, Bob
Yate, Bob
Yates, B
Yates, Edwin, & Andrew Yates
Yates, Elsie
Yates, John
Yates, M T
Yates, N
Yates, Nigel, & James M Gibson (eds)
Yates, P
Yates, Phil
Yates, Sarah
Yates, Thomas
Yaxley, Philip
Ybanez, Roy C
Yeadell, M H
Yeadon, Harry L
Yeager, Mary A (ed)
Yeandle, Betty
Yeandle, Susan
Yeaney, Frank
Yearsley, Ian, & Philip Groves with John A Senior (ed)
Yearwood, Peter J
Yeates-Langley, Ann
Yelton, Michael
Yen-p'ing, Hao
Yenne, Bill
Yeo, Alfred W
Yeo, L J
Yeo, P
Yeo, Stephen
Yeoman, Peter, & John Lewis (ed)
Yeomans, David
Yeomans, H
Yeomans, Lisa M
Yescombe, Edward
Yip, Christopher L
Yip, Yat Hoong
Yogev, Gedalia
Yokoe, Ryosuke
Yonekawa, Shin-ichi
Yonekawa, Shin-ichi, & Hideki Yoshihara (eds)
Yoneyama, Masaru
York, Clinton
York, Stephen
Yorke, D A
Yorke, Peter
Yorke, Trevor
Youds, Bryn
Youings, Joyce
Young, A F
Young, Alf
Young, Andrew D
Young, Arthur J
Young, Arthur P
Young, Bill, & Bryan D Stamp
Young, Charlotte
Young, Craig
Young, Craig, & Thomas B Spires
Young, Daniel
Young, Dave
Young, David
Young, Desmond
Young, Donald
Young, Dorothy W
Young, Edward P
Young, Fred H
Young, G D
Young, George
Young, George F W
Young, George R
Young, H A
Young, Hilary
Young, Hilary (ed)
Young, James
Young, Jimmy
Young, John
Young, John A
Young, John Ashton
Young, John D
Young, Malcolm M
Young, Mark
Young, Michael
Young, Peter
Young, R D
Young, Rachel M R
Young, Rob
Young, Robert
Young, Sidney
Young, Stephen
Young, Stephen, & A V Lowe
Young, Stephen, Neil Hood & James Hamill
Young, Tom
Young, Tony
Young, W A
Youngson, Alexander J
Yoxall, Harry W
Yui, Tsunehiko, & Keiichiro Nakagawa (eds)
Yunnie, Paul G
Yuzawa, Takeshi
Yuzawa, Takeshi, & Masaru Udagawa (eds)
Zabarinskij, P P
Zacek, Natalie
Zachs, William
Zahedieh, Nuala
Zalduendo, Edwardo A
Zaleski, Stephen
Zarach, Stephanie
Zarach, Stephanie (ed)
Zeepvat, Bob
Zeidman, Carole
Zeitlin, Graham
Zeitlin, Jonathan
Zeitlin, Jonathan, & Gary Herrigel (eds)
Zelker, Raymond
Zell, Michael
Zell, Michael, & Heather Falvey (eds)
Zendejas, Juan Flores
Zhang, Zhongli, et al
Ziegler, Dieter
Ziegler, Philip
Zilliacus, Laurin
Zimmeck, Meta
Zins, Henryk
Zipfel, Alan L
Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Ina M
john finlay
Ó Gráda, Cormac