The Making of Scotch Whisky. A history of the Scotch whisky distilling industry


  • Name Taxation inc customs, excise, stamp duties, etc: imposition & impact




Scholarly account of the whisky distilling industry from the 16th century to the present day but written for a broad readership. In a chronological sequence deals especially with the industrial and technical development of the industry and the important role of taxation in shaping it and, to some extent, the role of marketing. Its sections include: 'Making Scotch whisky'; 'From Usquebaugh to whisky - to 1787'; 'Whisky making in time of strife, 1788-1823'; 'Growth and decline, 1824-57'; 'Victorian heyday, 1858-99'; 'Succeeding in bad times, 1900-45'; 'Scotch triumphant, 1945-80'; 'And the future?'. Contains an extensive listing of distilleries arranged: Lowland malt; Highland malt; Campeltown malt; Islay malt; grain. For each distillery included provides a text giving dates, owners and operators, time spans, etc. Heavily illustrated