Craftsmen and Interior Decoration in England, 1660-1820
- Author(s) Beard, Geoffrey W
- Publication type Monograph
- Year published 1981
- Pages 312pp; illus
- Publisher John Bartholomew & Sons
- Place Published Edinburgh
- Name British Library
- City London
- County Greater London
- Country England
- Postcode NW1 2DB
- Visit British Library's website
Structured in three parts each part dealing with 'the contribution craftsmen made to interior decorations'. Part 1] 'Masters, men and materials' - 'The talented host' / 'Machines and materials' / 'The woodworking craftsmen' / 'Wrought in lime, paint and marble'; Part 2] 'Magnificent buildings' being commissions / projects illustrating the contribution of craftsmen; Part 3] 'Select dictionary of craftsmen' [pp241-92] providing basic biographical details and details of contributions to specific projects with sources - includes plasterers [many], joiners, carvers, engravers, wallpaper suppliers, papier-mâché makers, etc, etc