Gregs of Quarry Bank Mill. The rise and decline of a family firm, 1750-1914


  • Name Family & personal capitalism
  • Name Worker / employee management inc control
  • Name Business & politics inc lobbying
  • Name Entrepreneurship inc cultural influences, opportunity, etc
  • Name Business/Industry failure, decline, lack of success, etc: decline of businesses




Scholarly history derived from a doctoral thesis 'Gregs of Styal, 1750-1914. The emergence and development of a family business', Manchester, 1977. Provides an account of the development of the business into a very large one and notably dealing with the factors behind its rise and decline including technological obsolescence and management inertia. Considers in particular the influence in this of family and personality; their paternalism and labour management; and their role in wider politics. Has chapters: 'The cotton industry in the eighteenth century'; 'Samuel Greg and Quarry Bank Mill, 1783-1815'; 'Expansion, 1815-34'; 'The middle years, 1834-70'; 'The later Gregs, 1870-1914'; 'Paternalism and labour management'; 'Politics'. Two short family trees of Greg family