History of Coal, Coke, Coalfields, Progress of Coal Mining, the Winning and Working of Collieries ... Iron, its ores and process of manufacture ...





Reprinted 1973. A compendium of information on coal extraction and iron and steel making, sometimes dealing with Britain as a whole - notably in the case of iron production, at other times introducing the industries of other countries, and sometimes - notably in the case of coal - focusing on the North East. Covers in varying detail issues such as extraction and production processes, nature of ores and coal; working of coal mines; property issues; transport including ports; coal and iron trades; tables of statistics; and descriptions of numerous individual North East collieries. For the most part the latter are short, the longer ones being of Wallsend Colliery [pp63-5]; Murton Colliery [pp67-70]; Seaham and Seaton Collieries [pp71-3]; Gosforth Colliery [pp79-81]; Killingworth Colliery [pp83-5]; Mickley Colliery [pp90-1]. The author was a Newcastle businessman engaged in publishing, printing and related trades, notably proprietor of the 'Tyne Mercury'. A prestige, large format publication largely illustrated by detailed engravings of collieries