Origins of the Loss Adjusting Profession
- Author(s) Carter, Cato E F
- Publication type Monograph
- Year published 1979
- Pages 152pp
- Publisher The author?
- Place Published London
- Name Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
- City London
- County Greater London
- Country England
- Postcode WC1B 5DR
- Visit Institute of Advanced Legal Studies's website
Written by a former loss adjuster. Organised in two parts, viz: 1] 'Fire insurance claims before the advent of independent loss adjusters' [pp1-67], dating from 1666, procedures for settlement of claims, arbitration, claim against the Phoenix Assurance Co in 1789, certification of clams; 2] 'Preliminary outline of the early evolution of independent loss adjusters drawn from sources outside their archives' to 1870 [pp71-152] - failures of the old system, role of local agents, emergence of surveyors and assessors and their recognition, profiles of early adjusters - James Jury, James Toplis, 'Mr Thomas of Manchester', William Hancock, Robert McTear & John Laird, Ferdinand Gozna Eiloart, Charles & Henry White, Brown & Roberts, influence of Select Parliamentary Committee on Fire Protection 1867