Oakes Diaries. Business, politics and the family in Bury St Edmunds. Volume 1, 1778-1800. Volume 2, 1801-27





Edited diaries of James Oakes, 1741-1829, by Jane Fiske who based her doctoral thesis on the diaries - Jane Fiske, 'Diary of a Country Banker. James Oakes, 1778-1827', PhD, University of East Anglia,1987. He was a leading citizen of Bury St Edmunds much engaged in politics and the community as well as in banking and earlier in yarn making and merchanting. Offers substantial insights into Bury's business life and into private country banking and into the declining East Anglian woollen industry and trade. Extensive family trees of Oakes, Adamson of Wereham and Ray families. Has substantial introductory chapter [pp1-200] with sections: 1] 'James Oakes and the Suffolk yarn industry'; 2] 'The receivership [re tax] and banking'; 'James Oakes - Bury politics and town government'; 'Family and social life'