Trusts in British Industry, 1914-1921
- Author(s) Rees, John Morgan
- Publication type Monograph
- Year published 1922
- Pages 269pp
- Publisher P S King & Son
- Place Published London
- Name Competition, collusion, monopoly & cartels inc competition policy & regulation
- Name British Library
- City London
- County Greater London
- Country England
- Postcode NW1 2DB
- Visit British Library's website
Reprinted 1997. 'In brief the object here pursued is to trace the trust movement in British industry since the Armistice; to point out the connexion between this new structure of business organisation and the level of prices, and finally to show the influence of its power in politics and over the general well being of the community'. Deals with the effect of the 1914-18 war on the trust movement but mostly comprises accounts of the experiences of a large number of industrial sectors and subsectors based on the published findings of Parliamentary Sub Committees appointed under the Standing Committee on Trusts. The structure is: 1] 'Extractive industries' - coal, motor fuel, structural materials eg bricks; 2] 'Iron and steel industries' - metal bedsteads, light castings, pipes and castings; 3] 'Textile industries' - oils, fats and margarine, salt trade, yeast, dyes and dyestuffs, explosives, quinine sulphate and asprin; 4] 'Foods' - meat, milk, fruit, fish; 5] 'Miscellaneous industries' - tobacco, matches, glass bottles, electric lamps, road transport; 6] 'Banking and finance'. Contains much business specific information